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      • 소아에서 남성화를 보인 부신 피질 종양 1예

        김성용,김태윤,백무준,이문수,김형철,민용식,김대중,김창호,Kim, Sung-Yong,Kim, Tae-Yoon,Baek, Moo-Jun,Lee, Moon-Soo,Kim, Hyung-Chul,Min, Yong-Sik,Kim, Dae-Joong,Kim, Chang-Ho 대한소아외과학회 1999 소아외과 Vol.5 No.2

        Adrenal cortical tumors are rare in adults and children. Most are malignant and functional. The principal clinical features are virilization, Cushing's syndrome, hyperaldosteronism and feminization. Recently, we treated a case of virilizing adrenal cortical tumor in a 26 month-old boy. The diagnosis was made by hormone assay, abdominal CT and tissue pathology. Right adrenalectomy was successful performed. Pathologic examination revealed an adrenal cortical adenoma with vascular invasion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지질자원 세부기술별 성과특성 분석 - 한국지질자원연구원 기본사업 성과분석을 중심으로 -

        김성용,안은영,이재욱,이옥선,김유정,Kim, Seong-Yong,Ahn, Eun-Young,Lee, Jae-Wook,Lee, Ok-Sun,Kim, Yu-Jeong 대한자원환경지질학회 2008 자원환경지질 Vol.41 No.1

        본 연구는 한국지질자원연구원에서 3년간(2004-2006) 수행된 기본사업 성과를 투입연구비 및 투입인력 둥의 변수로 분석하였다. 세부분야 기술별 성과의 특성을 기술통계적으로 분석한 결과, 실험 및 개발 분야가 상대적으로 논문 및 특허가 많이 생산되는 것을 보여주고 있다. SPSS을 이용하여 회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 투입 연구인력 수가 많아지면 연구비 규모가 커지고, 연구 성과량도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다 다만, 연구비가 증가한다고 연구 성과량이 증가하지는 않는 것으로 나타났다. The outputs from the fundamental research program of the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) were analyzed using the research budget and manpower as input variables. The analysis was performed based on the research outputs of the past 3 years (FY2004 to 2006). More articles and patents came out in applied and development research areas among the geosciences fields. The statistical analysis indicates that each sub-field has different characteristics in research outputs. Research articles, patents, and research budget increase as the manpower increase. But research articles and patents do not always show positive relations to research budget.

      • KCI등재

        자원 효율성 및 지속 가능성 증진을 위한 선진국 물질흐름분석 관련활동에 대한 평가

        김성용,Kim, Seong-Yong 대한자원환경지질학회 2006 자원환경지질 Vol.39 No.5

        천연자원 및 물질순환은 자원채광, 운반, 처리, 활용, 회수 및 폐기 등과 관련된 모든 인간의 활동을 포함한다. 지속가능한 물질 관리는 물질순환을 통해 경제적 매개체에 맞추어진 통합된 정책수단이며 경제적으로 효율적이고 환경적으로 효과적인 물질의 사용을 위한 것이다. 산업광물, 금속광물 및 화석연료의 물질흐름은 회수, 처리, 소비 및 최종 폐기와 관련된 환경적 압력 때문에 지금껏 환경정책의 주된 영역이었다. OECD의 물질흐름분석연구는 회원국의 경제운용에서 물질자원의 중요성에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓혀 국가별국가간 천연자원 및 물질흐름에 대한 정량적이고 분석적인 지식기반을 증진하는 것이다. 현재 EU에서는 물질흐름계정이 몇몇 회원국에서 공식통계로 활용되고 있다. 주로 물질흐름분석은 물질흐름계정으로부터 정보를 활용하여 물질사용의 효율성을 평가하는 가치화기법으로서 기존의 경제모니터링시스템에서 파악되지 않는 천연자원 등의 폐기를 인지하는데 활용된다. 물질흐름분석에서 자원사용과 효율성은 장기간의 지속가능성 및 환경정책을 위한 중요한 주제로 떠오르고 있는 것이다. The natural resources and material life-cycle include all human activities related to resources and material extraction, transportation, processing, use, recovery and disposal. Sustainable material management (SMM) is an integrated set of policy approaches targeted on economic agents throughout the material life-cycles and designed to result in economically efficient and environmentally effective material use. The material flows of industrial mineral, ores and fossil fuels have also long been a focal area for environmental policies because of the high environmental pressures associated with extraction, processing, consumption, and final disposal of these materials. OECD work on material flow is to improve the quantitative and analytical knowledge bases about natural resource and material flows within and among countries, so as to better understand the importance of material resources in member countries' economies. In several EU Member States, material flow accounts are part of official statistics. Material flow analysis (MFA) is a valuation method which assesses the efficiency of use of materials using information from material flow accounting. Material flow analysis helps to identify waste of natural resources and other materials in the economy which would otherwise go unnoticed in conventional economic monitoring systems. Resource use and resource efficiency has emerged as a major issue for long-term sustainability and environmental policy.

      • KCI등재

        영남대학교 의과대학 의예과 교육과정 개발과 편성 사례

        김성용,Kim, Seong Yong 연세대학교 의과대학 2017 의학교육논단 Vol.19 No.3

        After Yeungnam University's College of Medicine was established in 1979, the curriculum for a preclinical medical education course was developed and implemented. Several modifications have since been made to the curriculum which was driven by changes in national policies and in the medical education environment. In recent years, it has become necessary to complement the weaknesses or shortcomings in the curriculum that were discovered during the basic medical education assessment process of the medical college. Since 2009, Yeungnam University has run two medical courses: a 6-year college of medicine course and a 4-year medical school course. However, as a result of changes in national policy, Yeungnam University decided to offer only the 6-year college of medicine course with an entirely new curriculum which will be implemented in 2017. The new curriculum for the preclinical medical education course consists of 36 credits of cultural essentials courses, 44 credits of major required courses, and 2 credits of major elective courses. The curriculum development requires the support of the university and/or college, the ensured independence of the curriculum development organization, and the cooperation and attention of fellow professors. Continuous efforts are needed to check, evaluate, and improve the curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        지질자원 전문연구기관의 연구과제 추이 분석 연구: 1976년 이후

        김성용,안은영,이재욱,Kim, Seong-Yong,Ahn, Eun-Young,Lee, Jae-Wook 대한자원환경지질학회 2013 자원환경지질 Vol.46 No.3

        전 세계적으로 연구개발의 중요성에 대한 인식이 높아지고 있으며, 우리나라의 경우 연구개발 투자액이 비약적으로 증가하여 왔다. 이에 따라 전략화된 연구개발 투자에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이 분석연구는 KIGAM의 연구과제 추이를 파악하고자 수행하였다. KIGAM은 1976년부터 2011년까지 총 36년간 5,228과제에 약 1조 1,933억원을 집행하였다. 이를 할인율 5%를 적용한 2011년 현재가로 환산할 때 투입한 총 연구비는 약 1조 7,958억원이었다. 연구개발비는 1976년 8.85억원에서 2011년 1,176.0억원으로 약 132.9배 증가하였고, 2011년 현재가로 환산할 때, 1976년 48.82억원에서 약 24.1배 증가하였다. 1976년 28과제에서 2011년 189과제로 6.75배만 증가하였다. 지난 36년간 연구 추이 분석결과, 연구과제수에서는 5,228과제 중에서 광물자원(39.5%) > 지구환경(28.8%) > 국토지질(15.6%) > 석유해저(12.1%) > 정책분야(3.1%) 순이었고, 예산에서는 광물자원(33.1%) > 지구환경(25.6%) 석유해저(22.8%) > 국토지질(15.9%) > 정책분야(2.1%) 순이었다. 연구비 배분은 해당 분야의 정부 우선지원 분야 및 향후 유망 연구 분야를 반영하여 이루어지게 된다. KIGAM은 그간 KIGAM이 수행해온 연구과제 추이에 대한 충분한 이해와 함께 체계적인 분석결과를 활용한 미래 연구수행 포트폴리오를 마련하여야만 한다. The importance of R&D has been recognized around the world and Korean research funding has rapidly increased in recent years. As a results, interest in strategic R&D Investment is growing in both the public and private sectors. This study was carried out to find trends in the research projects of the KIGAM since the fiscal year of 1976. The KIGAM expended 1,193.3 billion won during the 36 years from the fiscal years of 1976 to 2011, which is 1,795.8 billion won calculated using the present value in 2011 at discount rate of 5%. R&D expenditure of KIGAM increased approximately 132.9 times from 885 million won in 1976 to 117,600 million won in 2011, and about 24.1 times from 4,882 million won in 1976, as calculated using the present value in 2011. The number of research projects increased about 6.75 times, from 28 projects in 1976 to 189 projects in 2011. Based on research trend analysis over the last 36 years, the percentage of research projects by research fields were as follows: mineral resources research, 39.5%; geologic environmental research, 28.8%; geological research, 15.6%; petroleum and marine research, 12.1%; and policy research, 3.1%. The percentage of the R&D budget dedicated to each type of research were as follows: mineral resources research, 33.1%; geologic environmental research, 25.6%; geological research, 22.8%; petroleum and marine research, 15.9%; and policy research, 2.1%. Allocation of R&D investment was determined by considering the governmental priority of such research, as well as which area were most promising. Based on the research projects trends within KIGAM and analyses of its R&D, we should build our R&D portfolio in the areas of geosciences and mineral resources.

      • KCI등재

        앵커간격 및 하중방향에 따른 앵커의 전단내력

        김성용,Kim, Sung-Yong 한국방재학회 2003 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.3 No.3

        본 연구는 비균열 무근콘크리트에 매입된 앵커의 앵커간격 및 하중방향에 따른 전단내력 평가를 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위하여 앵커의 전단내력 설계식을 비교 평가하였으며, 실험값과 기존의 설계식의 예측값을 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, 앵커간격 및 하중방향에 따른 CCD 방법 및 EOTA 설계식은 합리적인 설계방법임을 알 수 있었다. This study concerns the prediction of shear capacity, as governed by concrete breakout failure of the anchors under load applied angle and an group anchors at an edge and installed in uncracked, unreinforced concrete. For this purpose, the methods to evaluate the shear capacity of the anchors in concrete are summarized and the experimental data are compared with capacities by the two present methods: the method of ACI 349-90 and concrete capacity design (CCD) method.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis on Research Funding of Geosciences in Korea

        김성용,허철호,민태선,Kim, Seong-Yong,Heo, Chul-Ho,Min, Tae-Sun The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 2007 자원환경지질 Vol.40 No.6

        This study analyzed trends in geoscientific research funding provided by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) and examined strategies to promote geoscientific research. The strengths of geoscientific research in South Korea include the excellent academic quality of researchers, established research infrastructure, and inter-disciplinary research. Weaknesses include insufficient leadership in related societies and institutes, insufficient research productivity, and the exclusion of the field from nationally supported large-scale research projects. Opportunities for expanded research include environmental issues, the sustainable use of natural resources, the promotion of international research cooperation, and the initiation of national efforts to find solutions for regional problems. However, growth in the geosciences is threatened by prioritized investment in fields such as biotechnology, nanoscience, and information technology, a dismissive attitude toward the growth of basic sciences, and an increased demand for projects with visible economic and societal impacts. In terms of funding, group-based programs receive more support than individual-based programs. Between 1978 and 2006, KOSEF invested 1,744 billion won ($1.873 billion US) in a total of 46,748 basic research projects. Of this amount, 62.1 billion won ($66.7 million US) was allocated to 1,901 projects in the geosciences, which was roughly 2.6-10.6% of the money available in a given year. These funds were used to support research and development, the development and maintenance of necessary infrastructure, and the education and training of geoscientists.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 일본인 지질학자 다테이와 이와오의 한반도 지질연구 성과고찰

        김성용,이재욱,박정규,Kim, Seong-Yong,Lee, Jae-Wook,Park, Jung-Kyu 대한자원환경지질학회 2015 자원환경지질 Vol.48 No.5

        지질학자 다테이와 이와오의 한반도에서의 공적은 다음과 같이 평가할 수 있다. 첫째, 한반도 층서 정립에 기여하였고, 1:5만 지질 도폭 21매를 완성하였다. 둘째, 지질 조사 결과를 보문, 요보 및 논문으로 발표하였다. 셋째, 제3대 조선 지질조사소 소장으로서 일본 패망에 따른 인수인계를 충실히 수행하였다. 넷째, 일본 복귀 이후에 그간 수집한 한반도 시료 등을 기초로 "조선-일본열도지대 지질구조논고 - 조선 지질조사연구사"를 저술하였다. 그러나 다테이와는 일본이 지속적으로 강점기를 이어갈 것으로 여기고, 한반도 지질 조사 탐사 전문 인력 양성에 소홀했다고 평가할 수 있다. The achievements of Tateiwa Iwao's work in Korea are assessed as follows. Firstly, he pioneered the practice of stratigraphy in the Korean peninsula and completed geological maps of 21 sheets at 1:50,000 scale. Secondly, he published the results of a geological survey as bulletins, technical reports, and papers. Thirdly, he faithfully carried out the handover of assets and research outputs to Korea. Finally, after returning to Japan, Tateiwa wrote a book entitled The Korea-Japanese Tectonic Zone: History of a Geological Survey in Korea. However, he neglected to educate and train the next geologists for conducting geological surveys and exploration in Korea.

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