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        프로골프선수와 일반인의 신체조성, 기초체력 차이

        김상홍(Sang Hong Kim),손기수(Ki Su Son) 한국사회체육학회 2002 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Since most of the studies on golf have focused on the psychological, social, and biomechanical aspects of golf, the relationship between body composition and fitness level of golfer and golf performance is well known. The purpose of this study was to identify the differences of body composition and physical fitness between professional and amateur golfers. To provide background knowledge about the effect in golf participation on the physical fitness level, physique, body composition, and fitness level of 10 professional and 10 amateur golfers were measured and analyzed by t-test. Results of the study were as the following: 1. BMI, RI, WHR indices determined by anthropometric measurements were not different between professional and amateur golfers. 2. The subcutaneous fat tend to be thicker in professional golfers than amateur golfers, although the difference was not statistically significant. 3. In terms of physical fitness tests, professional golfers tend to get higher scores in back strength, stork stand with eyes closed, vertical jump, sit-up, sit-and-reach, and fitness index than amateur golfers, although the difference was not statistically different. In grip strength, side step, and trunk-and-neck extension, however, professional golfers received significantly(p<0.05) higher scores than amateur golfers.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 학생의 체형 및 신체구성의 특성

        김상홍(Sang Hong Kim),김범희(Bum Hee Kim) 한국발육발달학회 1997 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        This study adopted Health-Carter`s method and measured ten body composition in 638 children at B Elementary School in Cheju City in order to classify their somatotype and to analyze their physical characteristics. The study analyzed changes of somatotype and body composition depending on age and sex. The results are summarized like the followings. 1. Structural Difference Between Sexes Although the structural difference between male and female children was not so great, the boys` values are higher in almost every body composition than the girls`. Only in girls in higher grades are found higher values of height, weight, and biceps girth than in boys. 2. Difference of Body Composition Between Sexes In the lower grades, the mean values of calf skinfold and FFM mass are higher in boys than in girls, whereas the mean values of triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, fat weight, and percent fat are higher in girls than in boys. In the middle grades, the mean values of triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, calf skinfold, fat weight, and FFM mass are higher in boys han in girls, whereas the mean values of percent fat are higher in girls than in boys. In the higher grades, the mean values of triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, and calf skinfold are higher in boys than in girls, whereas the mean values of percent fat, fat weight, and FFM mass are higher in girls than in boys. 3. Difference of Somatotype 1) Difference of Somatotype Between Sexes In the lower grades, the boys` somatotype is 2.96-4.83-1.84, whereas the girls` is 3.50-4.41-2.78. In the middle grades, the boys` somatotype is 3.71-4.77-1.97, whereas the girls` is 3.61-4.1902.16. In the higher grades, the boys` somatotype is 4.10-4.9101.97, whereas the girls` is 4.02-4.32-2.22. 2) Distribation of Body Types. Mesomorph is the most dominant type is every grade, endomorph the second, and ectomorph the third. Endomorph increases as the grade goes up, which is more evident in girls than in boys. 3) Correlation of Thirteen Somatotype Elements with Body types A and B are relatively high in endomorph. So are C, D, E, F, G, and M in mesomorph. However, there is a difference between sexes in ectomorph. H and I are high in boys, whereas H, I, J, and K are high in girls. 4) Distribution of Somatotype Elements The main types in lower grades are E and D in boys, and E, D, and C in girls; in middle grades E, D, and C in boys, and E, C, D, B in girls; in higher grades E, D, C, and B in boys, and B, C, E, and M in girls. 4. Correlation of Body Composition with Body types There is no statistically significant difference in correlation of body composition with body types between sexes. Weight, height, percent fat, fat weight, FFM mass normally correlate with endomorph and mesomorph, but there is counter-correlation between those body composition and ectomorph.

      • KCI등재

        투고논문 : 조선(朝鮮) 사대부(士大夫)의 공자(孔子) 후예(後裔)와 교유(交遊) -동악(東岳) 이안눌(李安訥)의 『공제독수창록(孔提督酬唱錄)』을 중심으로-

        김상홍 ( Sang Hong Kim ) 한국한문교육학회 2011 한문교육논집 Vol.36 No.-

        공자는 고금을 막론하고 중국이 자랑하는 최대의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘이다. 東岳 李安訥(1571-1637)은 使臣으로 두 번 明나라에 가서 공자의 宗孫 및 후손들과 交遊하며 酬唱했다. 동악의 『孔提督酬唱錄』은 2차 사행 때의 기록이다. 동악이 공자의 후손들과 문화교류를 한 아름다운 기록인 酬唱錄에는 공자의 62대손인 孔聞표와 주고받은 詩文과, 공자 65대 종손 衍聖公 孔胤植에게 보낸 서간과 공윤식의 시가 수록되어 있다. 동악이 1차 使行(1601년) 때에 공자의 64세 종손 衍聖公 孔尙賢과, 顔子의 66세 종손 顔伯貞과, 曾子의 62대 종손 曾承業과, 孟子의 60대 종손 孟承光을 만났다. 동악은 이들과의 만남을 자랑스럽게 여겨 누차 언급했다. 한편 동악은 1차사행 때에 琉球國 사신인 蔡奎와도 교유했다. 동악은 明나라 인사들과 유구국 사신과 교유한 글로벌(Global)한 사대부였다. 동악은 2차 사행(1632년) 때 공자의 62대손인 孔聞표를 만나 교류했고, 공자의 65대 종손 연성공 孔胤植과도 교유했다. 이안눌은 이들과 酬唱하며 교류한 것을 千載一遇의 큰 행운으로 여기고 자랑스러워한 것은, 공자가 한중일 동아시아 3국은 물론 한문문화권의 최고의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘이었기 때문이다. B.C 479년에 세상을 떠난 공자가, 17세기 살아 있는 자신의 64대 종손 孔尙賢과, 65대 종손 孔胤植과, 62대 후손 孔聞표와 조선의 사대부 이안눌이 국경을 넘어 交遊하게 하고 소통하도록 架橋 역할을 한 것이다. 이처럼 "孔子文化"의 힘은 시공을 초월하여 무한하다. 한편 이안눌은 공자 後裔들과 교유하면서 자신을 "썩은선비"(腐儒)라고 卑下하고, 공자도 아닌 그 후예들을 極尊한 것은 지나친 감이 없지 않다. 비록 외교적 修辭라고 하더라도 자기 卑下와 공자 후예를 極尊한 것은 문제가 있다. 17세기 조선 사대부가 명나라에 使行하여 중국 최대의 문화 브랜드이자 아이콘인 공자의 宗孫및 후예들과 교유한 것은 당시로서는 문화계의 큰 사건이었다. 동악이 공자의 종손 및 후예와 酬唱하고 琉球國 사신과 교류하고 소통한 것은 조선조 사대부들의 문화교류사의 한 면을 채우고도 남음이 있다. Confucius is one of the greatest icons of all the time and remains as China`s pride and glory. Dongak(東岳) Yiannul(李安訥, 1571-1637) went to the Ming Dynasty twice as a member of the envoys and formed friendships with the succeeding Grandson and offsprings of Confucius. 『Gong-je-dok-su-chang-rok』(孔提督酬唱錄) by Yiannul was recorded during his second visit to Ming Dynasty. Suchangrok(酬唱錄) contains a poetry that Yiannul correspondenced with Gongmunpyo(孔聞표) who was the Confucius` sixty-two generations. The letter that Yiannul sent to Yeonseonggong(衍聖公) Gongyunsik(孔胤植) and the poem of Gongyunsik. Suchangrok(酬唱錄) is a beautiful record of cultural exchanges between Yiannul and offsprings of Confucius. When he visited Ming Dynasty for the first time, Yiannul met Yeonseonggong ``Gongsanghyeon(孔尙賢)`` was the succeeding grandson of the 64th generation of Confucius. Anbaekjeong(顔伯貞) was the succeeding grandson of the 62th generation of Anza(顔子) and Maengseunggwang(孟承光) was the succeeding grandson of the 60th generation of Mencius(孟子). He often talked about the meeting with them since Yiannul was proud of the meetings. Furthermore, he(李安訥) had a friendship with Chaegyu(蔡奎) who was an envoy of Yugyu-country (琉球國). At that time, Yiannul was a global Korean scholar-official who formed a friendship with the envoys of Yugyu-country. During his second visit to Ming Dynasty, Yiannul became a friend with Gongmunpyo(孔聞표) who was the 62th generation descendant of Confuius, and Gongyunsik(孔胤植), the succeeding grandson of the 64th generation descendant of Confucius. Yiannul regarded having friendships and exchanging poetry with them as golden opportunity. Confucius was an icon of the three east Asian countries(Korea, China, Japan) including the cultural areas using Chinese character. Confucius who died in BC 479 played a role as a bridge between Gongsanghyeon(孔尙賢, the 64th succeeding grandson of Confucius), Gongyunsik(孔胤植, the 65th generation descendant of Confucius), and Gongmunpyo(孔聞표, the 62th grandson of Confucius) and Yiannul who was the Korean scholar-official. They communicated theirs ideas to one another and built a fellowship over the border. The power of Confucianism has infiniteness that transcends time and space. On the other hand, Yiannul glorified the descendants of Confucius while he condescended to speak to himself as "a rotten scholar". Even though it was rhetorical expression for diplomatic relations, the excessive self-deprecation damagedthe dignity of Korean scholar-officials. At that time, in the 17th century, the exchange between the Korean scholar officials and the descendants of Confucius who was the greatest brand and icon of China created one of the biggest events in Korean history. To this day, the communication and the exchange of letters between Yiannul(李安訥) and Confucius`s decendent is still recorded as a historical event in the history of Korean scholar-officials.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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