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      • KCI등재

        연안개량안강망 어업의 어획성능 및 어획능력 추정

        김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ),이경훈 ( Kyounghoon Lee ),김도훈 ( Dohoon Kim ),이건호 ( Geonho Lee ),안희춘 ( Heui Chun An ),김성훈 ( Seonghun Kim ),양용수 ( Yongsu Yang ) 한국어업기술학회 2015 수산해양기술연구 Vol.51 No.4

        The coastal stow net (stow net hereafter) in Korea is one of the major fishing methods for yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis), ribbon fish (Trichiurus lepturus), and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus). In terms of energy efficiency, the stow net fishery is more competitive than towing fishing gears such as trawl gears. The fishing vessels in stow net fishery have consumed less fossil fuel and also have had less carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. however, the stow net fishery is necessary to be regulated due to its increased output of the fleet. Therefore, it is required for fisheries authorities to manage the fishing capacity or fishing power for the assurance of fishery’s sustainability. For fisheries management authorities, it is necessary to quantify data related to fishing capacity and fishing power to deploy fishery policy in a sustainable way. In terms of data for decision-making, Data envelopment analysis (DEA) method was conducted to estimate fishing capacity. Fishing power index (FPI) was also applied to calculate relative fishing power to approach the problem in a quantitative way.

      • KCI등재

        트롤 끝자루에 대한 보구치(Argyrosomus argentatus)의 망목 선택성

        김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ),박창두 ( Chang-doo Park ),이춘우 ( Chun-woo Lee ),김형석 ( Hyung-seok Kim ) 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 2019 수산해양기술연구 Vol.55 No.1

        The annual production of silver croaker (Argyrosomus argentatus) in Korean towed fishing gears has been increased in recent five years. In 2017, the annual production of silver croaker in metric ton was increased 99.2% compared to 2013. However, the research for silver croaker has been focused on ecology in Korea. There has not been enough research in terms of fishing gears. Therefore, the research for retention probability for towed gears was conducted on covered codend method from June, 2016 to July, 2018. During the experiments, the total catch of silver croaker was 1,563. The geometry of the experimental trawl gear was controlled by trawl monitoring system; net height was 3.3 m, distance of trawldoors was 59.8 m and distance of wing net was 17.3 m. The selection curve for silver croaker was estimated by a logit model. The analysis was applied with the confidence interval to reduce uncertainty of the estimation. The l<sub>50</sub> was 13.87 cm and its selection range was 2.71 cm. P-value was estimated at 0.99. The mesh size for silver croaker in towed gears needs to be adjusted by considering its minimum maturity length, stakeholder’s interests and fisheries regulations.

      • KCI등재

        SELECT 모델을 이용한 트롤 비교 시험조업법에 의한 망목 선택성에 관한 연구

        김성훈,김형석,백세나,김재형,김병관,Seonghun KIM,Hyungseok KIM,Sena BAEK,Jaehyung KIM,Pyungkwan KIM 한국수산해양기술학회 2023 수산해양기술연구 Vol.59 No.2

        In this study, a comparative test operation was conducted through the alternate haul method to examine the selectivity of the four mesh sizes (60 mm, 90 mm, 110 mm, and 130 mm) of the trawl codend. The selectivity was analyzed using the SELECT model considering the fishing efficiency (split parameter) of each fishing gear in the comparative test fishing operation in the trawl and the maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation. A selectivity master curve was estimated for several mesh sizes using the extended-SELECT model. As a result of analyzing the selectivity for silver croaker based on the results of three times hauls for each experimental gear, it was found that the size of the fish caught increased as the size of the mesh size increased. When the selectivity for each mesh size analyzed by the SELECT model considering the split ratio was evaluated based on the size of the AIC value, the estimated split model was superior to the equal split model. Based on the master curve, the 50% selection length value was 2.893, which was estimated to be 136 mm based on the mesh size of 60 mm. In some selectivity models, there was a large deviance between observed and theoretical values due to the non-uniformity of the distribution of fished length classes. As a result, it is considered that appropriate sea trials and selectivity evaluation methods with high reliability should be applied to present trawl fishery resource management methods.

      • KCI등재

        여성 성인학습자의 다중역할갈등 대처방법에 대한 합의적 질적 분석

        김영빈(Youngbin Kim),전용오(Yong O Jun),김병관(Pyungkwan Kim),이자명(Jamyoung Yi) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.21

        목적 여성 성인학습자들은 어떤 역할들을 수행하며 다중역할갈등에 어떻게 대처하는지를 분석하고자 하였다. 방법 이를 위해 원격대학에 재학 중인 여성 성인학습자 183명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하여 합의적 질적 분석-수정본(CQR-M)의 절차에 따라 결과를 도출하였다. 구체적으로는 자료수집, 합의팀 구성, 범주 구성, 코딩 및 빈도표시가 절차에 따라 진행되었으며, 이렇게 도출된 결과에 대한 연구팀의 분석과 해석 과정이 있었다. 결과 여성 성인학습자들은 가족관련 역할, 학교관련 역할, 사회에서의 역할 등 여러 역할을 수행하였다. 동시 수행하는 역할의 개수는 3~16개로 다양했으며, 5~8개라는 응답이 전체의 73.8%를 차지하였다. 여성 성인학습자의 다중역할갈등 대처행동은 문제에 직접 대처, 수용과 성장, 자기관리, 사회적 지지 추구, 회피의 5개 범주로 도출되었다. 가장 많은 빈도를 차지한 것은 ‘문제에 직접 대처’(47.7%)로 가족과 가사 분담하기, 가족 외 사람에게 도움 구하기, 시간배분과 우선순위 결정하기, 갈등상대와 대화로 문제 해결하기, 직장업무 조정하기, 더 노력하거나 최선을 다하기 등의 하위 범주가 포함되었다. 다음 순위는 ‘수용과 성장’(20.0%)으로 다 잘하려고 하지 않기, 공부를 통한 긍정적 해석과 미래 준비, 경험을 통한 성장, 종교를 통한 수용 등이 포함되었다. 그 다음은 명상, 스트레스 해소, 건강관리 등의 ‘자기관리’(18.2%), 위로, 격려, 조언 등 ‘사회적 지지 추구’(10.8%), 참음, 상황회피, 포기 등의 ‘회피’(3.3%) 방법이었다. 결론 여성 성인학습자들은 동시에 다양한 역할을 수행하고 있고, 다중역할갈등에 다양한 방법으로 대처하였다. 특히 ‘공부’를 통한 대처가 특징적으로 도출되었다. 여성 성인학습자들의 다중역할 수행을 지원하는 진로교육 및 상담, 사회인식 변화의 필요성과 방향을 논의하였다. Objectives This study was conducted to analyze female adult learners’ role performances and coping strategies with multiple role conflicts. Methods For the purpose, data were collected from 183 female adult learners attending open universities, and the results were derived according to the procedures of the Consensus Qualitative Analysis-Corrected Version (CQR-M). Specifically, data collection, consensus team composition, category composition, coding and frequency indication were conducted according to the procedure. Then, researchers analyzed and interpreted the results derived in the previous procedure. Results Female adult learners played several kinds of roles: family-related, school-related and social roles. The number of simultaneously performed roles varied from 3 to 16, and 73.8% of the total respondents performed 5 to 8. Female adult learners multiple role conflict coping behaviors were derived into five categories: active coping, acceptance and growth, self-management, seeking social support, and avoidance. The most frequent were “active coping” (47.7%), which included subcategories such as sharing housework with family members, seeking help from non-family members, time allocation and prioritization, resolving problems through conversation with conflict partners, coordination of work tasks, and trying harder or doing their best. The next ranking was “acceptance and growth” (20.0%), which included not trying to do everything well, positive interpretation and preparation for the future through study, growth through experience, and acceptance through religion. The following were “self-management” (18.2%), such as meditation, stress relief, and health care, “seeking social support” (10.8%), such as consolation, encouragement, and advice, and “avoidance” (3.3%), such as patience, evasion of situations, and abandonment. Conclusions The various ways of coping with role conflicts of female adult learners were analyzed, and in particular, coping through “study” was derived characteristically. Suggestions and limitations of the study were discussed as well.

      • KCI등재

        친환경 생분해성 그물실의 재질에 따른 연안 유자망의 어획성능 특성

        김성훈 ( Seonghun Kim ),김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ),정성재 ( Seongjae Jeong ),배재현 ( Jaehyun Bae ),임지현 ( Jihyun Lim ),오우석 ( Wooseok Oh ) 한국어업기술학회 2018 수산해양기술연구 Vol.54 No.2

        The objective of this study was to estimate physical properties and fishing performances of net twine with improved PBS copolymer resin (Bio-new), the existing PBS/PBAT blending resin (Bio-old) and commercial Nylon (Nylon). The tensile strength of Bio-new monofilament was equal to Bio-old and the elongation of Bio-new was about 6 % higher than that of Bio-old in wet condition. The physical properties tests were carried out to estimate breaking load and stiffness in dry and wet conditions, respectively. In the results, the breaking load of Nylon netting was the highest whereas the elongation of Bio-new was 1.4 times higher than that of Nylon netting in wet condition. The breaking load of Bio-old netting was about 9.2 % higher than that of Bio-new netting. However, the elongation of the Bio-new netting was about 3% higher than that of Bio-old. The stiffness of the Bio-new compared to Bio-old was improved about 34 % in dry condition and about 32 % in wet condition. The filed experiments of the fishing performance were conducted with three kinds of drift nets with different netting materials in the coastal sea of Jeju. The each experimental drift net made of different materials showed the similar fishing performance. Bio-old drift net yielded less catches of small sized yellow croaker than other drift nets. The netting materials affected the fishing performance and length distribution of catches in the drift nets.

      • KCI등재

        열전발전 장치의 연안어선 활용에 관한 연구

        이동길 ( Donggil Lee ),양용수 ( Yongsu Yang ),김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ),김성훈 ( Seonghun Kim ),김현영 ( Hyunyoung Kim ) 한국어업기술학회 2017 수산해양기술연구 Vol.53 No.2

        The renewable energy sources can be thought of one of the major measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industries. However, the utilization technology for those sources is approaching in the different matters. One of them, thermoelectric generation might be applicable to fishing industry. A various of internal combustion engines are used in a wide range of fisheries. After the ignition process, the heat passed out from the exhaust outlet. Recycling the heat could be not only an energy source but also reduction of green gas emission. Therefore, this study was designed to verify the feasibility of generation from wasted exhaust gas and analyze the performance. The designed experiment devices were connected with a data logger and an electric loader to quantify the currency and voltage. The devices were installed in a coastal fishing vessel for a gillnet fishery. During the whole fishing trips, the amount of generation was measured by engine rpm and the fishing operation procedures including vessel operations. At the maximum 1,500 rpm in the practical range, the generation amount was 113.6 W. The amount difference in relation to connection method was within 5 W: serial connection was 111.4 W and parallel connection was 115.8 W.

      • KCI등재

        ‘생애진로무지개’를 활용한 진로교육에서 여성 성인학습자의 학습경험 탐색: CQR-M을 중심으로

        전용오 ( Yong O Jun ),김영빈 ( Youngbin Kim ),이자명 ( Jamyoung Yi ),김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2021 교육문화연구 Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구는 여성 성인학습자들을 대상으로 Super가 제안한 생애진로무지개 활동을 실행하고 그 교육적 경험을 살펴봄으로써 그 삶을 이해하고, 생애발달의 관점에서 그들에게 필요한 심리·사회적 지원에 대한 시사점을 얻고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 원격대학에 재학 중인 여성 성인학습자들에게 설문자료를 배부하여 수거된 184부의 자료를 CQR-M을 활용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 여성 성인학습자들은 생애역할의 수행과정에서 다양한 어려움을 겪고 있었으며, 이 활동을 통해 여러 종류의 학습경험을 한 것으로 파악되었다. 여성 성인학습자들이 인식하고 있는 역할 수행과정에서의 곤란으로는 7개 범주가 도출되었다. 특정 역할 수행의 어려움(25.0%)이 가장 높은 빈도를 차지했으며, 한계상황 경험(18.6%), 부정적 사고와 감정(16.8%), 역할 우선순위(15.3%), 시간 관리(12.1%), 대인관계의 어려움(10.7%), 경제적 어려움(1.5%) 순으로 나타났다. 그리고 여성 성인학습자가 생애진로무지개 활동을 통해 경험한 것은 8개 범주로 구분되었다. 긍정적 자기인식(27.7%)이 가장 많았으며, 자기 객관화(24.3%), 역할 점검(18.1%), 부족한 부분 인식(10.3%), 미래계획(9.5%), 도움 지각 및 감사(6.1%), 부정적 감정(2.5%), 수업참여에 의미부여(1.5%) 순이었다. 이를 통해 여성 성인학습자가 생애발달과정에서 독특하게 경험하는 가정에서의 역할 부담을 완화하고 일-가족 다중역할 갈등에 대처할 수 있도록 교육적, 사회적 지원체제의 필요성을 논의하였으며, 생애진로무지개 활동을 통한 학습경험의 의미를 ‘성찰과 반성’으로 정리하고 성인학습자에게 다양한 방법의 진로교육 프로그램이 제공될 필요가 있음을 논하였다. This study was conducted to identify the learning experience of female adult learners through life-career rainbow activities. Correspondingly, 184 copies of survey data responded by female adult learners attending an open university were analyzed by the CQR-M method. As a result, female adult learners recognized conflicts in the process of performing their current life roles through life-career rainbow activities, and reported various learning experiences based on them. Role conflicts recognized by female adult learners have been categorized into seven topics. Difficulties in performing certain roles (25.0%) accounted for the largest frequency, followed by marginal situation experiences (18.6%), negative thinking and emotions (16.8%), role priorities (15.3%), time management (12.1%), interpersonal difficulties (10.7%), and economic difficulties (1.5%). Through these process, the learning experience of adult female learners has been derived in eight categories. Positive self-awareness (27.7%) was the most common, followed by self-objectification (24.3%), role inspection (18.1%), deficiency recognition (10.3%), future planning (9.5%), help perception and audit (6.1%), negative emotions (2.5%) and meaningful educational activities (1.5%). Accordingly, the study identified the meaning of learning experiences through life-career rainbow activities of female adult learners, and discussed the needs and directions of career education from the perspectives of lifelong development and life roles.

      • KCI등재

        태양광 발전장치 도입에 따른 소형어선 출어경비 절감 연구

        이동길(Donggil LEE),정성재(Seongjae JEONG),김성훈(Seonghun KIM),김병관(Pyungkwan KIM),양용수(Yongsu YANG) 한국수산해양교육학회 2017 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.29 No.5

        In fisheries, studies on development of technologies for reducing fuel consumption of fishing boat to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions have been extensively conducted. In particular, technologies for minimizing hull Resistance and electric ship propulsion with an electric motor have been being studied. Recently, a leisure boat propelled by electric power which is generated by solar power system has been developed. In this study, we investigate maximum daily energy and consumption energy of normal load and surplus power for a test fishing vessel equipped with 200-wattage photovoltaic power generation system. We suggest that maximum dump energy method based on result analysis of surplus energy by test fishing vessel and way of working should be used to reduce the cost of fishing trip effectively.

      • KCI등재

        동해안 울진해역 원통형 고둥 통발의 재질별 어획 성능

        안희춘 ( Heui-chun An ),배재현 ( Jae-hyun Bae ),박창두 ( Chang-doo Park ),박종명 ( Jong-myung Park ),홍성익 ( Sung-eic Hong ),윤병선 ( Byung-sun Yoon ),김병관 ( Pyungkwan Kim ),김성훈 ( Seong-hun Kim ) 한국어업기술학회 2017 수산해양기술연구 Vol.53 No.1

        Fishing pots are one of the important fishing gears in our coastal and offshore fisheries. In terms of a sustainable use of marine resources, there are concerns about the ghost fishing by lost pots. It is reported that 10 to 70% of the pots are abandoned or lost annually. This study is to compare the catching efficiency of drum type whelk pots that are made of biodegradable nets to those made of the ordinary nets, in the eastern coast of Korea. Five types of drum pots were used with combination of biodegradable nets and ordinary (PA, PE) nets applied to the main and funnel parts of the pots: pots with biodegradable nets (Bio+Bio); pots with PE net (PE+PE); pots with body and funnel made of biodegradable nets and PE nets respectively (Bio+PE); pots with body and funnel made of PE nets and PA nets respectively (PE+PA); pots with body and funnel made of PE nets and biodegradable net respectively (PE+Bio). Field experiments were conducted from June 18<sup>th</sup>, 2015 to August 7<sup>th</sup>, 2015 using a commercial fishing vessel in the Uljin waters on the eastern coast of Korea. Two fleets of pots with one hundred in each, 20 pots of each type, were casted for 8 to 15 days to analyze their catching efficiency. The catch of target species, whelks, was 202,563.0 g with catch rate of 38.7% of the total catch, while the bycatch was 320,709.7 g with the rate of 61.3% of the total catch. The catch of whelks was the highest in the Bio+PE pots (46,020.3 g), followed by the Bio+Bio pots (42,027.5 g), the PE+Bio pots (41,849.9 g) and the lowest being PE+PE pots (38,054.2 g). Compared to the conventional pots, the pots with biodegradable nets on the body or entrance part had slightly higher catch rate for both the target species and the bycatch. The PE+PE had the lowest catch rate. There is no significant difference in catch between the pots with biodegradable nets and the ordinary nets for the target species such as Buccinum opisthoplectum, Neptunea eulimata, Buccinum striatissimum. Consequently, using biodegradable nets for the conventional whelk pots can reduce ghost fishing by lost gears while keeping the performance of the pots.

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