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      • KCI등재

        망지 특성에 따른 방추형 어류의 크기 선택성에 대한 실험적 연구

        백세나,김형석,류경진,김성훈 한국수산해양기술학회 2023 수산해양기술연구 Vol.59 No.3

        This study quantitatively evaluated size selectivity for three netting shapes (T0; regular, T45, T90) and hanging ratio (35%, 70%) of T0 netting used for trawl codend. The size selectivity experiment was performed in a tank using a cube experimental model with a length of 50 cm on one side and 389 experimental individuals, jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus). In the selectivity analysis, a selectivity curve was created based on the selection ratio using a logistic function, and the 25%, 50%, and 70% selection length and selection range    were obtained. The T0 netting was 19.54 cm when the 50% selective length, which is a selectivity evaluation index, had a hanging ratio of 35%, a selection range of 0.51 cm, and 22.70 cm and 3.08 cm for the hanging ratio of 70%. The T45 netting was 24.34 cm and 2.13 cm, and the T90 netting was 23.51 cm and 2.84 cm. The results of the T45 netting and the T90 netting are similar, and the 50% selection length and selection range were relatively larger than the T0 netting. There was a significant difference in the correlation between the circumference of the inner circle of the mesh by the shape of the netting and the body girth of the experimental individual (Pearson test,       ). There was no significant difference in the correlation between the selection ratio by the T0 netting, T45 netting, and T90 netting with a 70% hanging ratio (one-way ANOVA,    ). The results of this study showed that selectivity such as T45 netting and T90 netting appeared when the hanging ratio, which maximizes the area of T0 netting, was maintained at 70%. 본 연구는 트롤 끝자루에 사용하는 3가지 망지 형상(T0; regular, T45, T90)과 T0 망지의 2가지 성형률(35%, 70%)에 대해 크기 선택성을 정량적으로 평가하였다. 크기 선택성 실험은 한 변의 길이 50 cm의 정육면체 모형 어구와 실험 개체 전갱이 389 마리를 사용하여 수조에서 수행하였다. 선택성 분석은 로지스틱 함수를 사용하여 선택비를 기준으로 선택성 곡선을 작성하였으며, 25%, 50%, 70% 선택체장과 선택범위를 구하였다. T0 망지는 성형률 35%인 경우, 선택성 평가 지표인 19.54 cm, 0.51 cm로 나타났다. 성형률 70%인 경우, 22.70 cm, 3.08 cm로 나타났다. T45 망지는 24.34 cm, 2.13 cm로 나타났다. T90 망지는 23.51 cm, 2.84 cm로 나타났다. T45 망지와 T90 망지의 50% 선택체장과 선택범위는 T0 망지에 비해 상대적으로 크게 나타났으며, T45 망지와 T90 망지의 결과는 유사하게 나타났다. 망지 형상별 망목 내접원의 둘레와 실험 개체의 체동주의 관계에서는 상관관계에 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 70% 성형률의 T0 망지와 T45 망지, T90 망지에 따른 선택비의 상관관계는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 일반적인 마름모꼴 망지인 T0 망지의 면적이 최대가 되는 성형률을 70%로 유지하면 T45 망지, T90 망지와 같은 선택성이 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        공업지역 도시관리를 위한 산업시설 관련 법·제도 개선방안 연구: 서울시 준공업지역을 중심으로

        백세나,이희정 국토연구원 2023 국토연구 Vol.117 No.-

        The Special Act on the Management and Promotion of Urban Industrial Areas was enacted in 2021 to lay the legal basis for systematic urban management of industrial areas. This study derived problems that may arise in the urban management of industrial areas due to differences in industrial facility regulations under industrial laws and urban management laws, and proposed measures to improve these laws and ordinances. If the method of calculating the industrial land area ratio applied to urban management in industrial areas is not clear, it is difficult to reach a consensus among residents in reconstruction projects. Regulations related to industrial facilities may not control functional conflicts between uses or may become excessively regulatory. Therefore, when presenting an urban management plan for industrial areas based on industrial facilities, it is necessary to define them as industries based on the standard industrial classification system rather than the use of buildings 2021년 「도시공업지역법」 제정으로 법정계획인 공업지역기본계획을 수립하여 공업지역에 대한 체계적인 도시관리의 법적 기반이 마련되었다. 서울시는 대규모 공장 이전과 이전적지의 공동주택 전환으로 준공업지역의 산업기반이 약화되는 것을 제어하기 위하여 1990년대 중반부터 조례와 심의기준, 행정계획인 준공업지역 종합발전계획으로 준공업지역을 관리해왔다. 이 연구는 산업정책과 도시관리 관련 법·제도 간 산업시설 규정에 대한 간극과 연계성 미흡으로인해 서울시 준공업지역 도시관리에서 발생하는 문제점과 향후 도시공업지역법에 따른 공업지역 도시관리 시 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 도출하고 법·제도개선방안을 제안하였다. 산업 진흥을 위한 관련 법· 제도에서 정의하는 산업시설과 도시관리 관련 법·제도에서 주로 활용하는 건축법의 건축물 용도 간 연계성이 명확하지 않고 시설 정의 간 차이가 있다. 이에도시관리를 위한 법·제도이나 산업시설 정의는 산업관련 법·제도를 준용하는 도시공업지역법 시행규칙과 서울시 도시계획 조례에서는 각각 종전산업비율과 공장비율 산정 시 산정방식에 대한 해석 차이로결과에 대한 타당성 논란이 발생할 수 있다. 준공업지역 지구단위계획에서는 지역 특성에 따라 용도·기능상 충돌을 제어하지 못하거나 과도한 규제가 될 수도 있다. 따라서 공업지역 도시관리에서 산업시설을기준으로 관리 방안을 제시할 때 건축물 용도보다 표준산업분류에 의한 업종을 중심으로 규정하며, 건축물 용도를 적용 시 표준산업분류에 의한 업종을 병기하는 방안이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        치료 가능한 사망으로 측정한 우리나라 지역 간 건강수준의 격차

        백세종 ( Sei-jong Baek ),김희년 ( Heenyun Kim ),이다호 ( Da-ho Lee ),정형선 ( Hyoung-sun Jeong ) 한국보건행정학회 2021 보건행정학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Background: This study aims to figure out the gaps in health status by estimating amenable mortality rate by region, reflecting the characteristics of Korea, and estimating the years of life lost (YLL) per capita by disease. Methods: People who died from amenable diseases between 2008 and 2018 were extracted from the cause of death statistics provided by Statistics Korea. The age-standardized amenable mortality rates were estimated to compare the health status of 229 regions. YLL per capita was calculated to compute the burden of diseases caused by treatable deaths by region. The YLL per capita by region was calculated to identify the burden of disease caused by amenable deaths. Results: First, while the annual amenable mortality rate in Korea is on a steady decline, but there is still a considerable gap between urban and rural areas when comparing the mortality rates of 229 areas. Second, YLL per capita due to the amenable deaths is approximately 14 person-years during the analysis period (2008-2018). Conclusion: Although the health status of Koreans has continuously improved, there is still a gap in health status region by region in terms of amenable mortality rates. Amenable death accounts for a loss of life equivalent to 14 person-years per year. Since the amenable mortality rate is an indicator that can measure the performance of the health care system, efforts at each local area are required to lower it.

      • KCI등재

        Developmental Models of Functional Maps in Cortex

        백세 대한의용생체공학회 2013 Biomedical Engineering Letters (BMEL) Vol.3 No.4

        Functional maps are observed in various areas in the brain ofmany species and are considered as key features that revealthe working mechanism of neural circuits. One particularexample is the orientation preference map in the primaryvisual cortex (V1) in higher mammals, in which neuronsrespond selectively to the orientations of spatial componentsin visual stimuli. This cortical map has been studiedextensively for years because it is thought important tounderstand how sensory information is encoded and decodedin the cortical neural network. An important question raisedis how this map structure is created during early development,which has not been clearly answered for the past decades. Here I introduce the latest model views on this issue todiscuss the developmental mechanism of the orientationpreference maps, and more generally, how the developmentof the functional structure in the nervous system can beunderstood in mathematical model.

      • I발표장 : 촉매 및 반응공학2 ; I-55 : Adsorption and catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds on silver loaded hydrophobic zeolites

        백세,김정랑,임선기 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.1

        To design a good combined adsorbent/catalyst dual functional system for the control of the lowconcentration VOC, both adsorption and catalytic activity test over metal loaded zeolite HY were carried out. Hydrophobic HY zeolite was selected as a good adsorbent candidate among the tested zeolite adsorbents and extended to the catalyst support material by adding various transition metals. The temperature programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of toluene and methylethylketone (MEK) suggested the silver as the best candidate among the tested transition metals. Temperature programmed reductions (TPR) and O2-temperature programmed desorption (O2-TPD) on Ag/HY catalysts were carried out to explain the nature of active centre of Ag catalyst for the toluene oxidation. Silver oxide species or partially oxidized metallic silver on to the surface of metallic silver phase was proposed as an active redox site during the oxidation reaction.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between the Severity of Diversion Colitis and the Composition of Colonic Bacteria: A Prospective Study

        백세,김선한,이창규,노경호,금보라,김철환,김진 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2014 Gut and Liver Vol.8 No.2

        Background/Aims: Diversion colitis is the inflammation ofthe excluded segment of the colon in patients undergoingostomy. It has been suggested that a change in colonic floramay lead to colitis; however, direct evidence for this diseaseprogression is lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluatethe relationship between the severity of diversion colitis andthe composition of colonic bacteria. Methsods: We used culturemethods and polymerase chain reaction to analyze thecolonic microflora of patients who underwent rectal cancerresection with or without diversion ileostomy. In the diversiongroup, we also evaluated the severity of colonoscopic andpathologic colitis before reversal. Results: This study enrolled48 patients: 26 in the diversion group and 22 in the controlgroup. Significant differences were observed between thetwo groups in the levels of Staphylococcus (p=0.038), Enterococcus(p<0.001), Klebsiella (p<0.001), Pseudomonas(p=0.015), Lactobacillus (p=0.038), presence of anaerobes(p=0.019), and Bifidobacterium (p<0.001). A significantcorrelation between the severity of colitis and bacterial compositionwas only observed for Bifidobacterium (p=0.005,correlation coefficient=-0.531). Conclusions: The colonicmicroflora differed significantly between the diversion andcontrol groups. Bifidobacterium was negatively correlatedwith the severity of diversion colitis.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈소판기능 측정기 Multiplate 지표의 한국인 참고치에 대한 기초 자료

        백세,홍지민,임영애 대한진단검사의학회 2013 Laboratory Medicine Online Vol.3 No.4

        Background: The Multiplate analyzer (Dynabyte GmbH) has been recently introduced as a platelet function test for patients taking antiplatelet drugs. The study aimed at providing basic data for determining the reference interval of parameters produced by Multiplate in Koreans and to study the factors that influence those parameters. Methods: Blood was collected from 35 healthy volunteers (female 18, male 17) into tubes containing hirudin or 3.2% sodium citrate. Whole blood platelet aggregations triggered by adenosine-5’-diphosphate (ADP), ADP-high sensitive (ADP+PGE1 only in hirudin samples), arachidonic acid (AA), collagen or thrombin receptor activator peptide (TRAP) were investigated using Multiplate according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Data from healthy volunteers for the area under the curve (AUC) were determined from the central 95th percentile of the results. Results: The values of AUC in hirudin samples for all agonists were significantly higher than those in sodium citrate samples. The AUC values in hirudin (sodium citrate) samples were as follows: ADP 38-107 (18-119) U; ADP+PGE1 16-91 U; AA 64-156 (32-117) U; collagen 53-112 (26-108) U;and TRAP 81-163 (49-149) U. The parameters from Multiplate were significantly correlated with leukocyte counts, but not with hematocrit levels. Conclusions: Although our data were derived from only 35 subjects, the results are expected to be helpful in determining the reference interval at a single institute and may serve as basic data for future cumulative data of reference intervals from multiple institutes in Korea.

      • 박리-재부착 이후의 재발달 난류경계층 II -난류 모델들에 관한 고찰-

        백세,유정열 대한기계학회 1989 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 재발달 경계층에서의 난류에서지 및 난류전단응력에 대한 전달방정식들의 각 항의 측정자료들을 보다 정확히 제시하고 항들간의 균형을 비교 평가함으로써 비평형 유동으로부터 평형유동으로 회복되는 과정을 검토하고, 둘째, 대표적인 난류 모델들로써 표존 k-.epsilon.모델 및 레이놀즈 응력 모델을 사용한 수치계산을 수행함으로써 이와같은 모델들이 비평형 유동을 서술함에 있어 발생될 수 있는 문제점들을 고찰하는데 있다. A consideration on the trubulence models for describing the redeveloping turbulent boundary layer beyond separation-reattachment in the flow over a backward-facing step is given through experimental and numerical studies. By considering the blance among the measured values of respective terms in the transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent shear stress, the recovering process of the redeveloping boundary layer from non-equilibrium to equilibrium has been investigated, which takes place slowly over a substantial distance in the downstream direction. In the numerical study, the standard K-.epsilon. model and the Reynolds stress model have been applied to two kinds of flow regions, one for the entire downstream region after the backward-facing step and another for the downstream region after reattachment. Then the results are compared to a meaningful extent, with the experimental values of the turbulent kinetic energy k, the turbulent energy production term P, the dissipation term K-.epsilon. model, a necessity for a new modelling has been brought forward, which can be also applied to the case of the nonequlibrium turbulent flow.

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