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      • KCI등재

        ‘타자’의 눈을 통해 본 자신의 모습 : 양푸동(楊福東)과 아이작 줄리앙(Isaac Julien)의 작업에서 보이는 타자의 시선

        김백균 한국미술이론학회 2011 미술이론과 현장 Vol.12 No.-

        The technique of using the perspective of the "The Others" has been used continuously after modernity, in order to draw a more in depth image of one self. The other cannot be positioned without positioning the self and our own subjectivity because the self is more well defined through the other. Like the unquestionable 'Cogito' of Decartes, without a foundation of the self, 'other' cannot be established. The unquestionable 'Cogito' of Decartes, and problems of the subjectivity or problems of 'other' in East Asian society have close relations westernization and sharing western ideas of modernity. Image of ourselves after modernity cannot escape from 'orientalism' which divide the world into the occident and the orient. Modernity of the west was a process of developing a paradigm of life different from the medieval period, and also discovering properties of themselves through "otherising" the East. Therefore for the West, modernity becomes a continuous arena for overcoming paradoxes of their own. However for many North East Asian countries, modernity is a rupture. The text examines how different methods of two different backgrounds tackle the issues regarding "The Others"- works of Eastern and Western contemporary artists, Yang Fudong and Isaac Julien.

      • KCI등재

        한국화, 추상 담론의 가능성 탐색

        김백균 미술사학연구회 2010 美術史學報 Vol.- No.35

        Korean painting lies within a strangely distorted landscape within modern and contemporary history. This is mainly because the concept of Korean painting came into being amid general historical contradictions, so all activities under this concept are distorted. But if we practice in the name of Korean painting itself, this practice is an attempt to face and solve present pending issues. In Korean-style painting, abstraction is one of such problems. The vague concept and distorted understanding of ‘Korean painting’ today is associated with the problem of modernity. There is much confusion about abstraction, sustaining two confronting attitudes: one avoids abstraction in Korean painting altogether. Those who maintain this position say discourse on abstraction derives from our misunderstanding of the concept and evolvement of modern abstraction. “It is obvious abstract painting offers experience different to the world of modern Korean painting. -- Abstraction in Korean painting refers to embracing an external element, and is a problem of Korean painting as a result of this embracement. Therefore, abstraction is insubstantial in Korean painting.” The second attitude is understanding the tradition of ‘xieyi(寫意)’ - emphasizing meaning of a painting, and expressing the spirit of the painter, rather than accurate representation of form - in Oriental painting, in connection with abstraction. This attitude accepts ‘xieyi’ as stemming from literati painting as the departure point for modernity in art. The first attitude erases all possibility of Korean painting as contemporary art, while the second presents an advanced art style, aligned with Western art, and underlines its own superiority. One embraces the history of clashes among civilization, but the other show an attitude to address historical, structural problems as the matter of analogy. The problem of abstraction in Korean painting is thus complex and subtle. This essay will address possibilities of a new discourse on ‘Korean painting’ and ‘abstraction’ that has been so far discussed in an abnormal manner.

      • KCI등재

        미술비평 위기론의 위기

        김백균 한국미술이론학회 2014 미술이론과 현장 Vol.0 No.18

        본 논문은 미술비평계가 2000년대 이후 끊임없이 반성과 성찰을 요구하는 ‘미술비평의 위기’의 실상을 알아보고자 하는 시도이다. 우리 사회 일각에서도 미술비평 무용론이 60년대 이후 간간히 있어왔지만, 미술비평의 위기가 문제의식으로 전면적으로 부각된 것은 2005년 한국미술평론가협회가 『미술평단』에서 비평의 위기를 그 해의 특집으로 다루면서 부터이다. 『미술평단』의 많은 논문들은 미술비평 위기의 원인을 큐레이터의 영역확장에서 찾았다. 본 논문은 『미술평단』의 바로 이러한 문제의식으로부터 출발하여 미술비평이 무엇이며, 미술비평의 위기가 무엇인지 과연 그러한 현상이란 있는 것인지 되물어 보고자 하는 시도이다. 기실 미술비평 위기에 관한 이러한 논의의 대부분은 미술비평 자체의 위기에 관한 것이라기보다는 ‘미술비평가’의 위기에 관한 것들이라는 것을 밝히고자 한다. 따라서 본 논문은 우리사회가 비평의 위기를 이해하는 방식을 비평해 봄으로써 비평의 영역과 역할 그리고 비평 본연의 가치를 재고해 보고자 한다. The crisis in art criticism surfaced in the early 21st Century. Athough we have heard occasionally of the obsolescence of art criticism since the 60’s it is not until 2005 in Korean Art Criticism Association’s journal “Mi-sul-pyong-dan” that the crisis of art criticism has been the main topic of discussion. Most writers of “Mi-sul-pyong-dan” found expansion of curator’s role as the core of problem of the crisis in art criticism. This paper attempts to re-direct the questions of art criticism and crisis in art criticism from the viewpoint of “Mi-sul-pyong-dan”; to ask if such crisis actually exists? I want to illuminate on the fact that the crisis talked about in most cases is the crisis of art critics, rather that art criticism itself. I want to ask the fundamental question of method and role of art criticism.

      • KCI등재

        “골법용필(骨法用筆)”의 재인식

        김백균 한국중국문화학회 2012 中國學論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        본문의 시도는 ‘골법용필’이 어떻게 사혁이 제시한 다른 기준들과 상호작용하며, 다른 재해석의 힘을 빌리지 않고 독자적 예술비평 용어로써 작품을 평가하는 기준으로 성립하는지 그 과정을 살펴보고자 하는 것에 그 의의가 있다. 궁극적으로는 오늘날까지 사용되고 있는 이들 개념의 수사적 언급과 신화적 믿음을 제거하여 보편적 예술비평 용어로써 이들 개념이 어떻게 작동하는지 그 근원을 이해하고자 하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        뇌졸중 환자에 적용한 핫라인 전화상담 프로그램의 효과

        김백균,강동완,김도연,박정현,우지석,김영희,김현숙,문민주,이정윤,국형석,김낙훈,최상원,안하규,양성규,김준엽,강지훈,한문구,배희준,김범준 한국보건행정학회 2023 보건행정학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Background: This study focuses on the establishment and operation of a stroke patient hotline program to help patients and theircaregivers determine when acute neurological changes require emergency attention. Method: The stroke hotline was established at the Gyeonggi Regional Cerebrovascular Center, Seoul National University BundangHospital, in June 2016. Patients diagnosed with stroke during admission or in outpatient clinics were registered and provided withstroke education. Consulting nurses managed hotline calls and made decisions about outpatient schedules or emergency roomreferrals, consulting physicians when necessary. The study analyzed consultation records from June 2016 to December 2020,assessing consultation volumes and types. Outcomes and hotline satisfaction were also evaluated. Results: Over this period, 6,851 patients were registered, with 1,173 patients (18%) undergoing 3,356 hotline consultations. Theaverage monthly consultation volume increased from 29.2 cases in 2016 to 92.3 cases in 2020. Common consultation types includedstroke symptoms (22.3%), blood pressure/glucose inquiries (12.8%), and surgery/procedure questions (12.6%). Unexpectedoutpatient visits decreased from 103 cases before the hotline to 81 cases after. Among the 2,244 consultations between January2019 and December 2020, 9.6% were recommended hospital visits, with two cases requiring intra-arterial thrombectomy. Patientsatisfaction ratings of 9–10 points increased from 64% in 2019 to 69% in 2020. Conclusion: The stroke hotline program effectively reduced unexpected outpatient visits and achieved high patient satisfaction. Expanding the program could enhance the management of stroke-related neurological symptoms and minimize unnecessaryhealthcare resource utilization

      • “태극”의 세계관 안에서 필력에 대한 이해 : 동양회화의 선을 중심으로

        김백균 동아시아문화학회 2004 동아시아 문화와 예술 Vol.1 No.-

        전통적 동양의 사유체계에서 선을 표현하는 필은 단지 대상의 외형을 묘사해내는 도구로 여길 뿐만이 아니라, 동시에 필을 통해 자신의 세계관을 반영하는 것이기도 했다. 동양의 수많은 화가들은 선의 표현에 자신의 철학적 의미를 부여하고, 또 이러한 철학적 의미로부터 새로운 필의 법칙들을 창조했다. 이 과정에서 원용된 것이 바로 우주만물의 법칙으로 이해되었던 태극의 사상이었다. 본 논문은 필력을 『주역』의 태극음양학설을 통하여 이해하고자 하는 시도이다.

      • KCI등재

        『書學心法問答』과 淸初의 회화사상

        김백균 한국미학회 2003 美學 Vol.35 No.-

        China, which had been recognized as the cultural center at least until just before modern times, ha d significant influences on the formation of Korean culture regardless of t ime although the influences might be somewhat different over time. It is hardly deni able that the development of painting in the Chosun Dynasty was also in an insepar able connection with the development of Qing's circle of fine arts. Nevertheless , for several reasons, there have been few researches on the influence of Qing on paintings of the late Chosun period and modern times. The culture of the Qing D ynasty is integrative and comprehensive. Regardless whether such a cultural nature came from the political situation of aliens' ruling or from reaction to Neo-Conf ucian metaphysical academic approaches, Qing's culture persistently took the aca demic attitude of Shishiqiushi('seek truth from facts'). Consequently, biblio graphical studies on old writings such as exegetics and epigraphy achieved unpre cedented development, and all academic thoughts were compiled and inte grated. Painting theories were not exceptional. The present study attempted to fin d the general trend of painting theories in the early Qing dynasty by examining th e viewpoint of Zijueqizhenshi(自????????) based on three topics that deal with p rinciples of functions and expression, which are the understanding of "Yizaibixian(????????)", the explanation of "Qiyunshengdong(氣??生動)" and the theory of "Waishizaohua, Zhongdexinyuan(外????化, 中??心??)", centering on Puyantu' s 『Huaxuexinfawenda』. In particular, the mention of the relationship of pen and i nk with "Qiyunshengdong" or the reinterpretation of "Jingjie" in paintings in associat ion with the heavenly secret, namely, intuition came from Puyantu's experience s of practicing, having a strong persuasive power. In addition, the interpretati on of theories of brush and ink focused on literary artists' paintings or "Qiyunshen gdong" theory, and the mention of Qing(sentiment) and Jing (scenery)are c ombined organically and keep a consistent internal trend. What makes the intern al trend consistent is his experiences of practicing. It is thought that the practica l science of Shishiqiushi, which applies existing painting theories to his own p ractice of artistic creation and emphasizes positive aspects of the theories, is th e center of Puyantu's painting theory.

      • KCI등재후보

        단토의 ‘철학하는 예술’ 개념에 대한 비판적 고찰

        김백균 한국미술이론학회 2010 미술이론과 현장 Vol.10 No.-

        The term “philosophizing art” was coined by Arthur Danto, who tried to define new forms of art, especially Andy Warhol’s pop art appeared in New York after 1960’s, which could not be explained by traditional concept of “representation”. As Danto said “the term 'philosophizing art' is unclear, whether art discusses philosophical issues or art is the object of philosophic discussions,” it does not seem like Danto himself had a specific idea when he used this term. The background for Danto coining this term derives from the fact that the old art concept such as denotation and connotation could not fully explain phenomenalistic aspects of concept art which appeared frequently at that time. Many articles in his book “philosophizing art," in which many of his criticism are included, mainly say that art begins philosophizing by dealing with not mimesis or representation but concepts. According to his argument, the history of western art, which has been consisted of mimesis and representation, has come to end when art is about physically embodied with meaning. Of course, as Danto say so, what goes to end is not art itself, but the narrative of art. It means master narrative saying art should be shown different from nature or artificial daily product is over. Danto could not find principals of mimesis and representation which had been main logic in the western art history, when he saw Andy Warhol’s Brillo Boxes at Stable Gallery, New York in 1964. Danto questioned “if we can not distinguish Brillo box’s artistic aspects visually from other factory-made products, how can we distinguish art from non-art,” By answering those questions, he discovered two facts which made him realize the end of Art: One is there is no special way in which works of art have to be shown or has to exist. Therefore, art history has proven that commercial boxes, trashes and files of underwear can be a work of art. The other is we have fully recognized it at the end of 20thcentury. Danto confessed that through Brillo Boxes, he realized the works of art are decided by something can not be seen by eyes, not by distinguished differences by looking at it. This thesis is trying to show personal understanding about art, philosophy and discourses surrounding them and to figure out how Dante opened a new world to art criticism by using new definitions such as ‘end of art’ and ‘philosophizing art’ which Danto used to explain inner aspects of art.

      • KCI등재

        윤두서의 <채애도(採艾圖)>와 문인정신 : 풍속화 논의를 중심으로

        김백균 한국초등미술교육학회 2022 미술교육연구논총 Vol.71 No.-

        윤두서의 <채애도>는 그동안 조선후기 풍속화의 범주 안에서 이해되어 왔다. 풍속과 관련된 소재를 다룬 <채애도>를 비롯한 단 네 점의 그림으로 인해 윤두서는 조영석과 더불어 조선후기 풍속화의 발전을 이끈 선구적 역할을 견인한 것으로 평가되었다. 따라서 그동안 풍속화에 관한 연구는 주로 조선후기에 어떠한 요인으로 인해 풍속화가 탄생하고 유행하게 되었는지, 그 시대정신을 밝히는데 주력하여 왔다. 풍속화란 역사화의 위대한 장르에 대비된 일반인의 작은 삶을 중시한 근대 서구의 유산이다. 그러므로 일반인의 작은 삶의 소중함에 미적 의미를 부여하고, 일상의 삶을 묘사하려는 근대적 시각 없이 출현하기는 어렵다. 따라서 조선 풍속화의 연원을 선사시대의 암각화나 고구려 벽화로 추산하거나, 조선 전기 무일도나 빈풍도와 연결하여 이해하는 것 또한 조심해서 접근해야 할 관점이라고 여겨진다. 본문은 <채애도>의 분석을 통하여 문인화풍의 특징으로 알려진 사의(寫意)적 표현을 따르기보다, 절파(浙派)의 표현방법을 적극 수용한 윤두서가 어떻게 문인 정신을 그림에 구현하는지 살펴보고, 이를 통해 조선시대 문인화가의 삶의 태도를 규명해보고자 한다.

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