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      • Studies on Soybean Lipoxygenase 2

        김길현,변시명,Kim, Kil-Hyun,Byun, Si-Myung 생화학분자생물학회 1981 한국생화학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Lipoxygenase 2 (E.C. 1. 13. 11. 12)를 대두로부터 친화성 크로마토그라피 방법과 DEAE-cellulose chromatography 방법으로 분리, 정제하였다. 친화성 크로마토그라파에서는 흡착제로서 linoleate-aminohexyl Sepharose 4B 를 사용하였으며, pH 6.8 에서 시행한 결과 lipoxygenase 2는 6배 정제되었고 수율은 91%였으나 lipoxygenase 1은 정제도가 오히려 떨어졌으며 수율은 15%이었다. 최종 lipoxygenase 2는 32.4 배 정제되었으며 수율은 28.5%이었다. 여기서 얻은 효소는 전기 영동법에 의해 거의 단일 단백질로 되어있음을 알 수 있었다. 여기서 얻은 lipoxygenase 2를 arachidonic acid와 반응 시킨후 sodium dithionite 로 환원시킨 다음 에테르로 추출한 물질중에 prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$로 보이는 소량의 물질이 포함되어 있음을 TLC 방법에 의해 확인하였다. Soybean lipoxygenase 2 was purified by the combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, affinity chromatography on linoleate-aminohexyl Sepharose 4B and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Purification of lipoxygenase 2 through affinity chromatography resulted in 6-fold purification and the yield of 91%, while lipoxygenase 1 was retrogressed and recovery was only 15%. Overall purification of lipoxygenase 2 was 32.4 folds and the yield was 28.5%, respectively. The purified enzyme preparation was almost homogeneous electrophoretically. When the lipoxygenase 2 preparation was incubated with arachidonic acid, and subsequently reduced with sodium dithionite, a material from ether extract of the reaction mixture seemed to have some of prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$, which was identified through thin layer chromatography.

      • Antigen Dosage Governs the Shaping of Repertoire of CTL Expanded in Vitro

        김길현 가톨릭 의과학연구원 2001 가톨릭 의과학연구원 국제학술대회 Vol.5 No.-

        Thus, our findings have an important implications that impact of antigen dose to in vitro manipulation for CTL expansion should be taken into consideration in developing adoptive immunotherapy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Marker-Assisted Foreground and Background Selection of Near Isogenic Lines for Bacterial Leaf Pustule Resistant Gene in Soybean

        김길현,김문영,반규정,김동현,Jung-Kyung Moon,Suk-Ha Lee 한국작물학회 2008 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.11 No.4

        Bacterial leaf pustule (BLP) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines is a serious disease to make pustule and chlorotichaloes in soybean [Glycine max (L). Merr.]. While inheritance mode and map positions of the BLP resistance gene, rxp are known,no sequence information of the gene was reported. In this study, we made five near isogenic lines (NILs) from separate backcrosses(BCs) of BLP-susceptible Hwangkeumkong x BLP-resistant SS2-2 (HS) and BLP-susceptible Taekwangkong x SS2-2 (TS) throughforeground and background selection based on the four-stage selection strategy. First, 15 BC individuals were selected through foregroundselection using the simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers Satt486 and Satt372 flanking the rxp gene. Among them, 11 BCplants showed the BLP-resistant response. The HS and TS lines chosen in foreground selection were again screened by backgroundselection using 118 and 90 SSR markers across all chromosomes, respectively. Eventually, five individuals showing greater than90% recurrent parent genome content were selected in both HS and TS lines. These NILs will be a unique biological material tocharacterize the rxp gene.

      • T lymphocyte에 관한 연구동향

        김길현 한국미생물학회 1991 微生物과 産業 Vol.17 No.1

        이 글에서는 다음의 내용을 다루었다. 1. T세포에 있어서 피아식별의 기본 메카니즘 2. T세포의 활성화와 그에 관련된 세포 표면 분자들 3. T세포가 분비하는 lymphokine

      • KCI등재후보

        자동차전문서적 구매의사 결정과정에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김길현,하규수,Kim, Kil-Hyun,Ha, Kyu-Soo 한국벤처창업학회 2011 벤처창업연구 Vol.6 No.3

        Publication Industry of scientific technology is showing tendency of decreasing in sales, which clearly draws down curve since 2000. The printing culture is declining whether it is because of trend avoiding pure science or technological science and engineering, advancement of mass media or increasing frequency of using internet. Nevertheless, researcher considered car industry in publication industry as a life-long purpose for study. For this reason, the researcher tried to find the variables of the marketing which give impact on the customers such as student group and consumer who buys cars, when buying professional books. The found variables are expected to have a huge impact on the publication industry of professional books. As a result of research, in the area of the vision and motive, most said that they have "chosen a major in car because they liked car in usual base." In the stage of recognizing the problem, they buy the books when it is inevitably necessary. In the stage of searching for the information, they get information from advertisements, friends, professors, internet or sales clerk in book stores. In the stage of evaluation, they look for the title and the publication date of the books. In addition, in the stage of deciding purchase, "buy immediately" was the most frequent answer while impulsive purchase is the least frequent answer. In the stage of evaluating after purchase, many of them mostly are satisfied with their purchase. 본 과학기술 출판 산업은 전반적으로 판매 감소 추세를 보이는 것이 2000년대부터 확연히 하향 곡선을 긋고 있다. 원인은 순수과학이든 기술과학이든 간에 이공계 기피현상, 매스 미디어 발달, 인터넷 접속 빈도수가 잦아짐에 따라 활자 인쇄문화는 쇠퇴일로에 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 본 연구자는 과학기술 도서 중 자동차분야만큼은 필생의 목적사업으로서 이 연구를 하게 된 근원적 발상에서 출발하였다. 이를 위해 마케팅만이 기업의 생사여탈을 쥐고 있는 만큼 최종 소비자인 자동차 현장인들과 관련 학생 집단에서 전문서적 구매의사 결정시에 미치는 요인들은 무엇일까를 논제로 잡았다. 이것들은 전문출판사의 사활에 커다란 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료되기 때문이다. 본 연구는 이론적 측면에서 본 과학기술도서, 한국과 일본의 과학기술출판 현황 그리고 실제 전문도서 구매자들의 심리와 행동결과를 5단계 리커트 척도법으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과 자동차를 전공하게 된 동기와 비전에서는 '평소에 차를 좋아했기 때문'이며 이 분야가 앞으로 '비전' 있다고 나타났다. 문제인식단계에서는 '반드시 필요할 때'이고 정보탐색단계로는 '광고, 친구, 교수, 인터넷 등'에서 정보를 얻는다는 것이다. 대안평가단계에서도 '발행일자와 제목'을 중시 여기고 구매결정단계로는 '즉시 구매한다' 는 것이다. 또한 개인의 특성인 연령과 근무 경력에 따라 정보탐색이나 대안평가 그리고 구매 후 평가과정 등은 나이가 많을수록 신중한 선택을 한다고 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        결핵성 담관염과 림프절염에 의한 진행성 담관협착을 수술로 치료한 1예

        김길현,구양서,김건국,김현옥,김금하,고광일,정낙소,유상균,박동균,권광안,김연석,김유경,김주현 대한소화기내시경학회 2007 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.35 No.4

        Obstructive jaundice is most commonly attributed to a malignancy or stones affecting the common bile duct. Biliary tuberculosis and lymphadenitis around the periportal area have also been implicated but cases are quite rare. A 24 year old man presented with jaundice and abdominal pain for 3 days. Abdominal CT and ERCP revealed a stricture of the extrahepatic bile duct with multiple enlarged lymph nodes showing necrotic foci located at the periportal area. The colonoscopic biopsy showed evidence of M. tuberculosis. The patient was treated with ERBD insertion and oral anti-tuberculosis therapy. However, the abdominal pain recurred and there was progressive stenosis of the common bile duct. A bile duct resection with choledochojejunostomy was subsequently performed. Frozen sections revealed granulomatous inflammation with caseation necrosis, which was consistent with tuberculosis. We report a case of tuberculous cholangitis and lymphadenitis with obstructive jaundice that was managed surgically due to the progressive stricture of the bile duct. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2007;35:287-291) 폐쇄성 황달을 일으키는 흔한 원인은 담도결석과 췌담도 종양이나, 간담도 결핵 또는 간문맥의 결핵성 림프절염에 의한 경우는 매우 드물다. 최근 3일 전부터 발생한 황달을 주소로 내원한 24세 남자 환자에서, 복부 전산화 단층촬영과 내시경 역행성 담췌관조영술(ERCP) 검사에서 총담관의 협착과 간문맥 부위에 다수의 림프절 종대 소견을 보이고, 대장 내시경검사에서 동반된 장결핵이 있어, 결핵성 림프절염으로 진단하고 내시경 역행성 담즙배액술 및 항결핵제 복용 등 내과적 치료를 시행하였다. 그러나 내과적 치료에도 불구하고 담관협착이 진행되어 담관 절제 및 총담관공장문합술을 시행하였다. 수술검체의 조직검사는 담관염 및 주위 림프절에 건락괴사를 동반한 만성육아종성 염증소견을 보여 결핵성 담관염 및 림프절염으로 확진하였다. 이에 결핵성 담관염 및 림프절염에 의해 담관협착이 진행되어 수술로 치료한 1예를 보고하는 바이다.


        대두 Lipoxygenase 2 에 관한 연구

        김길현,변시명 ( Kil - Hyun Kim,Si Myung Byun ) 생화학분자생물학회 1981 BMB Reports Vol.14 No.2

        Soybean lipoxygenase 2 was purified by the combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, affinity chromatography on linoleate-aminohexyl Sepharose 4 B and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Purification of lipoxygenase 2 through affinity chromatography resulted in 6-fold purification and the yield of 91%, while lipoxygenase 1 was retrogressed and recovery was only 15%. Overall purification of lipoxygenase 2 was 32.4 folds and the yield was 28.5%, respectively. The purified enzyme preparation was almost homogeneous electrophoretically. When the lipoxygenase 2 preparation was incubated with arachidonic acid, and subsequently reduced with sodium dithionite, a material from ether extract of the reaction mixture seemed to have some of prostaglandin F_(2α), which was identified through thin layer chromatography.

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