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      • KCI등재

        경찰의 법원에의 직접 영장청구권 부여 방안에 관한 연구

        김기갑,상운 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.3

        The prosecution-only warrant claim system causes corruption of prosecutors with unrelenting power and hinders the neutrality and fairness of the prosecution investigation. The prosecution is dismissing various warrants filed by the police for specific forces without reasonable reason, which hinders the discovery of substantive truth. As a way to check the prosecution and find out the substantive truth, the author sought to recognize police’s right to request a direct warrant for the court. The author investigated various literatures, statistics, and media contents such as various papers published from the 1990s to the present. The prosecutor-only warrant claim system is not valid, it does not guarantee the effectiveness of human rights protection, and the essence of warrantism in the Constitution is control by the court, not by the prosecution. And, the theory for the independence of the police’s warrant claim was examined. The most desirable way to grant a warrant to a police officer is to amend the Constitution or, if there is a real difficulty, to grant a direct warrant to the court by inserting relevant provisions into the Criminal Procedure Act by referring to the Special Inspection Act or the Military Court Act. The possibility of legislative technology does not lead to the necessity of institutionalization immediately, so if the following three conditions are met, the introduction should be seriously considered. First, national approval or delegation. Second, the establishment of a federal police system. Third, the reduction of the case jurisdiction of the National Investigation Headquarters and the securing of political independence and neutrality.

      • KCI등재후보

        관상 절개법을 통한 비유피동낭종 치험례

        김기갑,허찬영 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.7 No.1

        비유피동낭종은 안면 정중선 상에 생기는 매우 드문 선천성 질환으로 외과적 절제가 최적의 치료이다. 외과적 절제를 위한 접근법은 정중 수직 절개법, 외비성형술 접근법, 관상 절개법, 내시경적 접근법 등이 있으며 본 증례에서는 미간부의 비유피동낭종을 관상 절개법으로 완전히 절제해 내었다. Nasal dermoid sinus cyst is a rare congenital lesion. It may present extracranially as a swelling or a mass on the nose, a skin pit or a sinus. Intracranial complications can be fatal including meningitis, abscess, osteomyelitis, seizures. The treatment of choice is complete surgical excision of the cyst. There are some approaches to this goal such as vertical midline incision, external rhinoplasty approach, bicoronal approach, and endoscopic approach. In this case, we could completely excise the nasal dermoid sinus cyst on the glabella without intracranial extension only with bicoronal incision.

      • KCI등재

        문재인 정부의 자치경찰제에 관한 발전적 고찰

        김기갑 한국지방자치법학회 2019 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.19 No.1

        In spite of the demand on the democratic decentralization of police power in accordance with the huge currents of autonomy and decentralization, Korean police have been maintaining a strong centralized national police system so far, it is a well-known fact that there is a political mechanical relationship among interest groups surrounding the redesign of the police organization. Rather than focusing on the effects of the autonomous police system on their vested interests, the heads of the local governments, the prosecutors, the police, and the political parties should be now more interested in raising the level of participation of the local residents in the public security. The autonomous police system should be recognized as a democratic and efficient institution that can provide close security services. In order to find out the autonomous police system suitable for our situation, this study first examined the autonomous police system which was discussed by the previous governments and the autonomous police system which is currently being implemented only in the Jeju region and then the proposal which was published on November 13, 2018. The self-governing police have the limited investigation right for the crime of sexual violence, domestic violence, school violence and other crimes by the proposal of the current government, which is a step forward compared to the Jeju autonomous police system. However, the accepted scope of crimes is so narrow that the police can’t conduct perfectly the role for the local residents. In addition to the range of appropriate investigation rights that autonomous police should have, it also provided opinions on how to secure the political neutrality of autonomous police and how to secure realistic finances on the assumption that no system can root properly without securing the related budget. Finally, it mentioned the importance of education and publicity to bring about the cooperation and support of the people and the police organization, which is the most important requirement for a successful soft landing in Korea. 자치와 분권이라는 거대한 시대적 흐름에 따른 경찰권의 민주적 분산요청에도 불구하고 한국경찰은 지금까지 강력한 중앙집권적인 국가경찰체제를 유지해오고 있는데 그 배경에는 경찰조직의 재설계를 둘러싼 이해집단간의 정치역학적 관계가 작용하고 있음은 주지의 사실이다. 지방자치단체의 장, 검찰과 경찰, 정치권 등은 이제 더 이상 자치경찰제가 자신들의 기득권에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가에 관심을 두기 보다는 자치경찰제를 진정 지역주민들의 치안에의 참여도를 높이고 지역실정에 맞는 주민밀착형 치안서비스를 제공할 수 있는 민주적이고 효율적인 제도로 인식해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 우리 실정에 적합한 자치경찰제를 찾아내기 위해 먼저 역대 정부별로 논의되었던 자치경찰제와 현재 제주지역에 한해 실시되고 있는 자치경찰제를 살펴본후 2018년 11월 13일 문재인 정부의 ‘자치경찰제 특별위원회’가 발표한 자치경찰제안을 검토하였다. 문재인 정부안은 성폭력․가정폭력․학교폭력 등 일정범위의 범죄에 대해 자치경찰에 제한된 수사권을 부여함으로써 제주 자치경찰제에 비해 진일보한 안이라 평가할 수 있으나 지역주민을 위한 온전한 경찰이라 하기엔 아직 그 업무의 범위가 많이 협소하다. 자치경찰이 가져야 할 적정한 수사권의 범위와 더불어 자치경찰의 정치적 중립성을 확보하기 위한 방안, 어떠한 제도이건 관련 예산의 확보 없이는 제대로 뿌리를 내릴 수 없다는 전제하에 현실적인 재정확보방안에 대해서도 나름의 의견을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 자치경찰제가 우리나라에 성공적으로 연착륙하기 위해 가장 중요한 요건이라 할 수 있는 국민들과 경찰조직 구성원들의 협력과 지지를 이끌어내기 위한 교육과 홍보의 중요성에 대해 언급하였다.

      • KCI등재

        일원화 자치경찰제에 대한 현장 경찰관들의 인식 조사

        김기갑 한국경찰연구학회 2020 한국경찰연구 Vol.19 No.4

        지난 7월 당정청은 권력기관 개혁의 일환으로 광역단위의 자치경찰제를 발표하였는 데 지난 20대 국회때의 이원화 모델이 아닌 국가경찰조직을 그대로 두고 사무만 국가 경찰사무와 자치경찰사무로 구분하는 일원화 모델이었다. 갑작스러운 제도의 변경에 일선경찰관들과 학계는 당혹감을 감추지 못하였다. 그 내용을 보니 자치분권성이나 민 주성보다도 효율성을 중시하고 있다는 생각을 떨칠 수 없었다. 미증유의 코로나19 사태 로 인한 예산문제가 제도 변경의 주요 이유였다고는 하지만 이원화 모델하에서도 신규 채용이 아니라, 국가경찰관 4만여명이 그대로 자치경찰조직으로 편입되고, 건물이나 장 비 등도 국가경찰과 공동으로 사용하는 것이 예정되었었다. 상세하고 구체적인 변경의 이유야 알 수 없지만 일원화 모델이 국회에 상정되어 논의되고 있는 이상, 일원화 모델 의 바탕 위에서 자치성과 효율성을 조화시켜 나아가야 한다. 개혁의 주 대상인 현장 경 찰관들의 일원화 모델에 대한 인식을 분석해 봄으로써 좀 더 나은 자치경찰제가 탄생 하는 데에 조금이라도 기여할 수 있기를 기대해 본다. On July 30, 2020, the party, government and Blue House announced that it would implement a wide-area self-governing police system as part of the reform of power institutions. As a result, on August 4, 2020, the bill to amend the police law was initiated by Kim Young-bae. A 'uniform model', which is far from the 'difference model' that has been discussed and known for many years, has been presented. The Hong Ik-pyo (dualization model), which was submitted to the 20th National Assembly, has been constantly raised in the issue of inefficiency due to the separate organization and operation of autonomous police in addition to the existing national police, confusion in business, security vacancies, and the increase in high-ranking positions of autonomous police. In addition, the government explained that large-scale financial input due to the unexplained Corona 19 is a realistic obstacle. The reason for the proposal is that the decentralization of police authority, provision of security services suitable for local characteristics, and maintenance of the current national security total amount are the main purpose of the amendment. However, if we look at the contents of the revised law, it can be seen that the centralized efficiency is emphasized rather than the democratic and decentralization which is the reason and ideal of the self-governing police. Some explain that the unification model is a transitional model to a true self-governing police system, but the unification model without independent organization and operating rights of local governments is considered to be a model that retreated more than Jeju autonomous police, where self-governing rights are projected. It is thought that the prosecution reform is the main goal, not the introduction of the autonomous police system for true grassroots democracy, and the autonomous police system was an incidental policy goal to avoid opposition to the prosecution reform.. Anyway, the amendment is proposed to the National Assembly and various voices are being poured out by academia, political circles, civic groups, and police. At this point, it is natural to listen to the opinions of the police officers who are the subject of police reform and most directly affected. Therefore, this study analyzed the contents of the survey of the National Police Agency, which was conducted by 255 police stations among 278 police stations nationwide, and hopes that a more reasonable plan will be drawn out in the legislative process to be developed in the future.

      • KCI등재

        2020 검·경 수사권 조정 관련 대통령령에 대한 비판적 검토

        김기갑 한국경찰연구학회 2021 한국경찰연구 Vol.20 No.1

        2020년 2월 4일 공포된 개정 형사소송법과 검찰청법에 의해 검사의 수사지휘권이 폐 지되고 검찰과 경찰은 수사 등에 있어서 상호 협력관계가 되었다. 경찰에게 불송치 결 정의 권한이 부여됨으로써 경찰이 1차적 수사종결권자가 되었고 검사가 직접 수사할 수 있는 범죄의 범위가 과거 모든 범죄에서 부패범죄, 경제범죄, 선거범죄 등 몇몇 특정 한 범죄로 축소되었다. 형사절차상 검사에게 지나치게 집중된 권한으로 인한 여러 폐해 를 시정하고 민주적인 수사구조를 만들기 위한 법 개정의 취지와는 달리 대통령령은 영의 해석 및 개정을 법무부 단독으로 지정하고, 검사의 경찰에 대한 지나친 통제를 규 정함으로써 검찰과 경찰간의 상호견제와 균형의 원리가 형해화 되어버렸다. 이에 본 연 구에서는 개정 법 취지에 반하는 대통령령상의 조항들을 비판적으로 분석하고 대안을 제시하였다. The prosecutor's right to conduct investigations was abolished by the revised Criminal Procedure Act and the Prosecutors' Office Act promulgated on February 4, 2020, and the prosecution and the police became mutually cooperative in the investigation. The empowerment of the police to decide to dismiss the police became the primary right to terminate the investigation and the scope of crimes that the prosecutor could investigate directly was reduced from all past crimes to some specific crimes, including corruption, economic crimes, and election crimes. Unlike the purpose of revising the law to correct various harms caused by excessively concentrated authority to the prosecutor in criminal procedures and to create a democratic investigation structure, the Presidential Decree designated the interpretation and amendment of the spirit as the Justice Department alone and stipulated excessive control of the prosecutor's police, thereby eliminating the principle of mutual check and balance between the prosecution and the police. Therefore, this study critically analyzed the provisions of the Presidential Decree against the purpose of the revised law and presented alternatives.

      • KCI등재

        4차 산업혁명과 경찰의 조직역량 강화방안에 관한 연구

        김기갑 한국치안행정학회 2020 한국치안행정논집 Vol.17 No.4

        Our lives are clearly different from those of 10 or 20 years ago. We live in a time when each person's knowledge level becomes the same with a smartphone, and there is no need for encyclopedias, cash or credit cards. Every time the author encounters a variety of high-tech devices, he gets embarrassed because he doesn't know how to use them, and it's a little annoying, but he is living up to the fast-changing world. Sometimes we get into trouble whenever we think about the ultimate reason, purpose and direction for developing civilization so quickly. The Industrial Revolution of the past was called Industrial Revolution decades after it was completed, but we are already calling the changes seen in various sectors of society and the life around it a fourth industrial revolution as a whole. Like birds who leave somewhere and come back when the seasons change, sometimes it seems human instinct to try to adapt to it, whether or not they are clearly aware of the changes. In the midst of the rapid changes in the social environment of the fourth industrial revolution, the organization has sought its own methods to enhance competitiveness and provide high-quality security services to the people. It has presented five different strategies: a member of an organization and leadership, organizational structure and culture, cooperation with the private sector, education, harmonization of information and human rights and police activities. Just as changing one part of the body cannot improve the overall health of the body, tissue is a kind of organism, so it is only natural to enhance the overall competitiveness of the organization when it unfolds strategies for the five segments together. 현재 우리들의 생활은 분명 10년, 20년 전과는 다르다. 스마트폰만 있으면 개인의 지식수준은 동일해지고 백과사전도 현금도 신용카드도 모두 필요없는 시대에 살고 있다. 갖가지 첨단 디바이스를접할 때마다 사용법을 몰라 당황하기도 하고 조금은 귀찮지만 그런대로 배워가며 빠르게 변해가는세상에 적응하며 살아가고 있다. 가끔씩 우리 인류가 이렇게도 빠르게 문명을 발전시켜 나가는 궁극적인 이유와 목적 그리고 방향을 생각할 때마다 고민에 빠지기도 한다. 과거의 산업혁명은 그것이완료된지 수십년이 흘러서야 비로소 산업혁명이라 불렸지만 우리는 벌써 사회 각 분야와 주위의 삶가운데에서 볼 수 있는 변화들을 총체적으로 4차 산업혁명이라 일컫고 있다. 본고에서는 4차 산업혁명이라는 급격한 사회환경의 변화 속에서 다른 분야의 조직들과 마찬가지로 경찰조직이 경쟁력을제고해 국민들에게 고품질의 치안서비스를 제공할 수 있는 나름대로의 방법을 모색해 보았는데 조직을 구성하고 있는 유·무형의 요소들인 조직원과 리더십, 조직구조와 문화, 민간영역과의 협치, 교육, 정보인권과 경찰활동의 조화, 이렇게 다섯 부문으로 나누어 각기 대응전략을 제시하였다. 사람에있어서 신체의 어느 한 부위만 변화해서는 전체 몸의 건강을 증진시킬 수 없는 것처럼 조직도 일종의 유기체인지라 다섯 부문에 대한 전략들을 함께 펼쳐 나갈때 조직 전체의 경쟁력을 제고할 수 있을 것이다

      • KCI등재

        유방 증대술 후 후기 혈종 발생례

        김기갑,민경원,장성수,허찬영 대한성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.32 No.6

        Late capsular hematoma is one of the rare complication of augmentation mammoplasty. Although the cause has not unfolded yet, the possible damage of capsular vessels chafed against the textured prostheses is questioned. Reviewing the literatures, we present a 23-year-old female subjects to incidental swelling of the right breast a year later after augmentation mammaplasty with saline-filled textured prostheses. An MRI study confirmed intracapsular fluid collection sparing the prostheses. The exploration was followed and serosanguinous fluids was drained out of the intracapsular space, and then the existing prostheses were replaced with the smooth surface ones. In the 9 months since the last surgery the patient remained well without any further problem. Intensive massage of the breasts might be accounted to the probable cause of late hematoma in this case.

      • KCI등재

        유리횡복직근피판에서 거상 전후의 피하정맥압의 변화

        김기갑,장학,민경원 대한성형외과학회 2007 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.34 No.1

        Purpose: Free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous(TRAM) flap is one of the most popular methods of breast reconstruction. But if fat necrosis and fatty induration occur at the reconstructed breast, they can make the breast harder and make it difficult to differentiate a tumor recurrence from them. To expect and prevent these complications, we measured the pressure change of the superficial venous system whose congestion can be the cause of them.Methods: An intraoperative clinical study was done to compare venous pressure of superficial inferior epigastric vein(SIEV) before and after the elevation of free TRAM flap. Fourteen TRAM flaps were included and the pressures of SIEV were measured two times at the beginning of the elevation and just before the division of the inferior pedicle.Results: The venous pressure in free TRAM flap was significantly higher after the flap elevation at both contralateral side and ipsilateral(p=0.005 and p=0.026 respectively). The four cases with vertical scar shower significantly greater increase at contralateral side than ipsilateral side(p=0.020).Conclusion: Intraoperative venous pressure recording can be an objective data for evaluating the congestion of TRAM flap and can help to prevent the complications of fat necrosis and fatty induration with venous superdrainage.

      • KCI등재

        국내 스키학교 이용 현황 및 이용 만족

        김기갑,이승규,주재용 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2002 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of the study is to provide basic data, search as commercial ski camp participants` satisfaction measure and their expectancy, to the persons concerned. The subject of the study selected from participants who participated commercial ski camp in 01-02 season in korea. Analysis of frequency, and ANOVA(analysis of variance) were examined for the statistical analysis for the study. The results of the study are as follows. First of all, there are significant deference between academic career and participants` satisfaction. Secondly, there are significant deference between participant satisfaction(facility, instructor and program), and each ski resort. D, B, S resort showed the highst late of satisfaction. Third, there are significant deference depends on kind of lesson program. Participant in Specialized program and personal program showed higher late of satisfaction than participant in normal program. Fourth, the level of program affected on participant satisfaction. Export level program showed higher late of participant satisfaction than intermediate and beginners level program. Fifth, the duration of lesson program affected on participant satisfaction. 3-day lesson program showed the highest late of participant satisfaction followed by 2-day, 1-day and half-day lesson program.

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