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      • KCI등재

        <요한시집>에서의 경계 양상과 인물간의 관계 연구

        곽도연(Do Yeon Kwak) 한국현대소설학회 2014 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.56

        This study was focused on analyzing The Anthology of John, one of Yong-hak Jang`s major works, and through the analysis it purposed to explain the world implemented in the novel and the author`s consciousness connoted by the story. First of all, we need to examine the general background of the novel and the examination should include ``the border`` appearing occasionally in the work. Particularly considering that Nuhye`s suicide was committed in the border, the meaning of the border must be clarified. Only then, we can see the world implemented in the novel and, going further, the reality perceived by the writer. The border is a starting point from which the world is created but, on the other hand, it is described as a place for escaping from the reality restraining the character, namely, a place where freedom is achieved. That is, the border has a double face. The border is a place of freedom that cannot be won in the reality and a place totally distinguished from the reality. Accordingly, it gives something indescribable to those who were made to live in the reality (this becomes the symbol of trauma ex post facto). For this reason, this nature of the border becomes a motive for creating the reality as a buffer zone against traumas. Like the border, Nuhye`s attitude toward Dongho has also a double face. This context is helpful to understanding Dongho`s split ego outside the concentration camp. Next, this study examined the relation between Dongho and Nuhye, the main characters of this novel. In his essay The Reality and the Anthology of John, Yong-hak Jang mentioned that the relation between the two is comparable to ``the relation between John and Jesus.`` That is, Nuhye is destined to die after paving a road for Dongho. The author added that the look of Nuhye and John is similar to freedom. Freedom also requires death for something that follows after. Let`s go back to what was mentioned earlier, namely, that Nuhye is similar to the border. Like the border creates the reality, Nuhye creates Dongho. That is, Nuhye, becoming a criterion for evaluating Dongho`s deeds, plays the role of a pivot that binds split Dongho. Furthermore, given the fact that Nuhye is a past figure existing only in Dongho`s memory, it is possible that the look of Nuhye is only Dongho`s imagination. This possibility again leads to the possibility that Dongho called in Nuhye purposely. How can we prove the possibility that Dongho called in Nuhye? Here the object ``eye`` may provide a clue to the answer. Nuhye`s eye as a body part and an illusory image restrains Dongho`s behavior powerfully. This is directly linked to Dongho`s guilty feeling, which Dongho did not arouse actively but he was given passively. That is, Dongho did not have an opportunity to commit a sin and therefore there is no reason for him to have a guilty feeling. From the beginning, Dongho was not given any chance for a sinful act. Nevertheless, Dongho assumed the burden of guilty feeling by himself, and by doing so, paradoxically he called in Nuhye`s eye. In this way, he put on Nuhye`s ``silk dress.`` As a result, what followed the death of freedom Nuhye was restraint forbidding splitting or (re)incorporation into the reality. Desire for (re)incorporation into the reality runs contrary to the proposition in the novel, namely, ``One should escape from the eye (the reality) in order to attain true freedom.`` In fact, it is impossible for humans to get out of the reality. If one escapes from the reality, though impossible, he will encounter perplexity and instinctively return to the reality. Isn`t what the author, who failed to adjust himself to the Republic of Korea in the 1950s, desired in his heart, rather incorporation into the reality than escape from that?

      • KCI등재

        배유특성이 다른 수수가루 첨가가 건면의 품질특성 및 항산화활성에 미치는 영향

        고지연(Jee Yeon Ko),우관식(Koan Sik Woo),김정인(Jung In Kim),송석보(Seuk Bo Song),이재생(Jae Saeng Lee),김현영(Hyun Young Kim),정태욱(Tae Wook Jung),김기영(Ki Young Kim),곽도연(Do Yeon Kwak),오인석(In Seok Oh) 한국식품영양과학회 2013 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.42 No.8

        항산화성 높은 수수의 식품으로서의 이용기술을 개발하고 기능성 국수 소재로서의 가능성을 평가하고자, 배유특성과 항산화활성이 서로 다른 수수 ‘황금찰’과 ‘동안메’를 5%, 10% 첨가한 밀가루 복합분으로 만들어진 건면을 대상으로 이화학적 특징, 조리 특성 등의 품질과 항산화활성 등의 생리활성을 평가하였다. 조리 시 국물의 탁도는 대조구에 비하여 수수가루가 첨가된 건면의 조리국물에서 수수 첨가 농도에 따라 증가하였으며, 품종별로는 찰수수인 ‘황금찰’이 첨가된 국수에서 메수수인 ‘동안메’ 첨가국수에 비하여 조리국물의 탁도 및 손실율이 높게 나타났다. 처리별 폴리페놀, 탄닌, 플라보노이드 함량은 대조구에 비하여 수수가루를 첨가한 수수에서 첨가비율이 높을수록 증가하였으며, 탄닌의 함량은 대조구에 비하여 7~23배 증가하였다. 수수 품종에 따라서는 ‘황금찰’에 비하여 ‘동안메’ 수수 첨가 시 폴리페놀, 탄닌, 플라보노이드 함량이 각각 3.7~4.1, 67.6~72.3 및 33.5~101.6% 증가하였고 DPPH 및 ABTS radical 소거활성도 처리별 페놀성 물질 함량과 동일한 경향을 나타내어 ‘동안메’ 수수 10% 첨가 시 DPPH 및 ABTS radical 소거활성은 각각 10.189 및 17.950 mg TE/100 g으로 가장 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 수수가루 첨가 건면의 DPPH 및 ABTS radical 소거활성은 조리 전에 비하여 조리 후에는 10.9~11.2% 더 증가하였으며, 처리별로는 조리전과 동일한 경향으로 수수 분말내 항산화활성이 조리 후에도 유지될 뿐 아니라 가열반응에 의하여 오히려 증가되는 것으로 나타났다. 관능평가에서는 색과 외관이 ‘황금찰’ 첨가 시 높은 값을 나타내었으나, 맛과 전체적인 기호도는 처리 간에 차이가 없었고 모든 처리에서 대조군인 밀가루 100%로 제조한 국수보다 기호성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted in order to investigate the quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of dry noodles with addition of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) flour from glutinous and non-glutinous varieties. The sorghum varieties used in this study were glutinous ‘Hwaggumchal’ and non-glutinous ‘Donganme’, and the contents added to noodles were ‘Hwaggumchal’ 5%, ‘Hwaggumchal’ 10%, ‘Donganme’ 5%, and ‘Donganme’ 10%. The turbidity of soup of cooked noodles was increased by addition of sorghum flour. The cooking loss of ‘Hwaggumchal’ flour added noodles (HFN) was greater than that of ‘Donganme’ flour added noodles (DFN), reflecting endosperm characteristics. Phenolic compounds such as polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin contents and antioxidant activity of sorghum flour added noodles were increased in proportion to the amounts of added sorghum flour. In the added varieties, DFN showed greater amounts of phenolic compounds and higher levels of DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities than HFN. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of 5~10% DFN were increased by 4.6~6.2 fold and 10.5~13.4 fold, respectively, compared to non-added noodles. Regarding cooking effects, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of sorghum flour added noodles were increased by 10.9~11.2% after cooking. In sensory evaluation, color and appearance value were highest in HFN, and no differences in taste and overall acceptability were observed among treatments.

      • KCI등재

        도정도와 볶음시간에 따른 수수차의 이화학적 특성

        고지연(Jee Yeon Ko),우관식(Koan Sik Woo),송석보(Seuk Bo Song),서혜인(Hye In Seo),김현영(Hyun Young Kim),김정인(Jung In Kim),이재생(Jae Saeng Lee),정태욱(Tae Wook Jung),김기영(Ki Young Kim),곽도연(Do Yeon Kwak),오인석(In Seok Oh) 한국식품영양과학회 2012 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.41 No.11

        항산화성 높은 수수의 식품으로서의 이용기술을 개발하여 새로운 소비수요를 창출하고자 도정도가 다른 수수를 이용하여 볶음차를 제조하고 이러한 수수차 제조과정이 수수의 항산화성분 및 항산화활성에 미치는 변화를 살펴보았다. 미도정(0%), 최소 도정(5%), 도정(20%)으로 도정 정도가 다른 수수를 1~10분간 볶음처리하여 항산화성분 및 활성 변화를 살펴본 결과 수수 볶음차의 총 폴리페놀, 플라보노이드 및 탄닌 함량과 DPPH 및 ABTS radical 소거활성은 볶음시간이 길어질수록 증가하다가 7~9분 사이 가장 높은 값을 나타내고 이후 약간 감소하는 경향이었다. 수수의 도정도별로는 미도정 수수를 볶음처리한 수수차에서 페놀성 화합물 및 항산화활성이 총 폴리페놀 12.95 mg GAE/g, 플라보노이드 7.43 ㎎ CE/g 및 DPPH 및 ABTS radical 소거활성 19.97 및 33.11 ㎎ TE/g으로 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 최소 도정 수수 볶음차, 도정 수수 볶음차의 순이었다. 이와는 다르게 도정도별 수수 볶음차의 열수 침출물의 항산화활성은 도정 수수 볶음차에서 가장 높았고, 다음으로 최소 도정 수수 볶음차, 미도정 수수 볶음차의 순이었으며, 이는 수수 볶음차 열수 침출액의 색도 및 탁도와 같은 경향으로 도정 수수 볶음차의 경우 종피의 손상에 의해 오히려 열수에 의한 색소 및 항산화성 물질의 용출이 증가한 것으로 생각되었다. In this study, sorghum teas were prepared from Sorghum bicolor L. Moench subjected to different types of milling (no milling (0%), minimum milling (5%), and milling (20%)) and pan-firing times (1 to 10 minutes), and its quality characteristics were investigated. With regards to milling type, total polyphenolic, flavonoid, tannin contents, and antioxidant activities of ethanol extracts from both no milling sorghum and its tea were highest, followed by minimum milling and milling in decreasing order. Crude nitrogen content was highest in milling sorghum and its tea regardless of pan-firing time. With regards to pan-firing time, total polyphenolic, flavonoid, tannin contents, and antioxidant activities of sorghum teas increased with increasing pan-firing time regardless of milling type. The highest DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities were observed at a pan-firing time between 7 to 9 minutes. In contrast to ethanol extracts of pan-fried sorghum tea, antioxidant activities, chromaticity, and turbidity of hot water leaching liqueur of sorghum tea were highest in milling sorghum tea, followed by minimum milling and no milling sorghum tea.

      • KCI등재

        발아에 따른 조, 기장, 수수의 화학적 성분 변화

        고지연(Jee Yeon Ko),송석보(Seuk Bo Song),이재생(Jae Saeng Lee),강종래(Jong Rae Kang),서명철(Myung Chul Seo),오병근(Byeong Geun Oh),곽도연(Do Yeon Kwak),남민희(Min Hee Nam),정헌상(Heon Sang Jeong),우관식(Koan Sik Woo) 한국식품영양과학회 2011 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.40 No.8

        발아시간에 따른 잡곡류의 싹 길이, 단백질, 식이섬유, GABA, 항산화성분 및 항산화활성을 검토한 결과 싹 길이는 수수가 가장 빠르게 크는 것으로 나타났고 기장, 조 순으로 나타났다. 단백질 및 총 식이섬유 함량은 발아시간이 경과함에 따라 단백질 함량은 거의 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 무발아 황금조, 청차조, 붉은기장, 노란찰기장, 황금찰수수 및 흰찰수수의 총 식이섬유 함량은 각각 6.3, 7.3, 6.2, 5.2, 7.0 및 9.0 g/100 g으로 나타났으며, 96시간 발아시킨 시료는 각각 16.3, 13.9, 9.4, 6.5, 15.9 및 12.5 g/100 g으로 증가하였다. 발아시간이 증가함에 따라 GABA 함량은 일정시간 동안은 증가한 후 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 가장 높은 함량을 보인 발아시간은 조는 24시간(각각 347.4 및 336.5 ㎍/g), 붉은기장은 84시간(347.4 ㎍/g), 노란찰기장은 36시간(344.9 ㎍/g), 황금찰수수는 48시간(410.4 ㎍/g), 흰찰수수는 72시간(444.0 ㎍/g)으로 나타났다. 메탄올 추출물의 총 폴리페놀, 플라보노이드, 탄닌 등 항산화성분 함량은 전반적으로 조와 기장 각각 두 품종과 흰찰수수는 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 황금찰수수는 초반에 급격히 감소하다가 발아가 진행되면서 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 황금찰수수는 무발아 시료 및 96시간 발아시킨 시료에서 각각 201.00 및 137.17 ㎎/g을 보였으며, 흰찰수수는 각각 54.23 및 97.90 ㎎/g으로 나타났다. 황금조 및 붉은기장 무발아 시료의 DPPH radical 소거활성은 각각 40.29 및 19.81 ㎎ TE/g의 활성을 보였으며, 96시간 발아시료에서 각각 51.96 및 26.17 ㎎ TE/g의 활성을 보였다. 황금찰수수 무발아 시료는 176.03 ㎎ TE/g의 활성을 보였으며, 발아시료는 대체적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 황금찰수수를 이용한 발아잡곡의 제조는 살수를 하는 공정이 없는 방법을 이용하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 생각되고 조, 기장 등의 잡곡은 발아기를 이용하여 제조하는 것이 양호할 것으로 판단된다. Changes in the chemical components of three cereals, foxtail millet, proso millet, and sorghum, during germination were determined. The crude protein contents of the three cereals did not significantly change during germination, whereas the contents of total dietary fiber of the three cereals increased during germination. The contents of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) of Whanggeum-cho (347.4 ㎍/g), Chongcha-cho (336.5 ㎍/g), Bulgeun-gijang (347.4 ㎍/g), Noranchal-gijang (344.9 ㎍/g), Whanggeumchal-susu (410.4 ㎍/g), and Whinchal-susu (444.0 ㎍/g) increased after 24, 24, 84, 36, 48, and 72 hr of germination, respectively, and then sharply decreased. The contents of total polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannin in foxtail millet, proso millet, and Whinchal-susu tended to increase during germination. However, the total phenolic content of Whanggeumchal-susu greatly decreased by 48 hr of germination and then considerably increased, whereas the total flavonoid content of Whanggeumchalsusu greatly decreased during germination. Total tannin content of Whanggeumchal-susu greatly decreased by 36 hr of germination and then slowly increased. DPPH radical scavenging activity of Whanggeumchal-susu greatly decreased by 36 hr of germination and then remained constant, whereas those of other cereals did not greatly change during germination. These results indicate that there are some differences in the chemical components of three cereals during germination.

      • KCI등재

        벼 등숙기 벼멸구 피해가 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향

        이종희,여운상,곽도연,김준환,송유천,김춘송,신문식,Lee, Jong-Hee,Yeo, Un-Sang,Kwak, Do-Yeon,Kim, Joon-Hwan,Song, Yu-Cheon,Kim, Choon-Song,Shin, Moon-Sik 한국작물학회 2006 Korean journal of crop science Vol.51 No.suppl1

        화영벼와 일품벼를 이용하여 벼멸구에 피해에 따른 농업적 특성, 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 벼멸구 피해지에서 간장 수장 및 수당립수는 차이가 없었으나, 등숙율 및 쌀수량은 무피해구에 비해 감소되어 출수기 이후의 피해가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 2. 현미의 외관품질 분석 결과 벼멸구 피해지의 정상립 비율은 감소하였고, 미숙립, 피해립 및 사미의 발생은 증가되었다. 3. 벼멸구 피해지의 쌀의 이화학적 특성 분석 결과 아밀로스 함량은 차이가 없었으나, 단백질 함량은 높았다. 최고 점도는 낮고 치반점도는 높았으며 취반시 호화특성이 불량한 것으로 나타났으며, 식미치는 낮아졌다. This study was carried out to investigate the change yield and grain quality in rice caused by damages of brown planthopper (Bph) on major agronomic traits at the ripening stage. A major agronomic traits such as culm length, panicle length, number of panicle and number of grain per panicles was no-significant difference compared hopperburn area (HBA) and moderately damaged area (MDA) by brown planthopper with non-damaged area (NDA). but, the ripeing ratio and yield in HBA and MDA was significantly decreased. The perfect rice of brown rice in HBA and MDA was also lowered than the NDA and the immatured grain among imperfect rice in damaged area by BPH was significantly increased than in the NDA. Among the traits related with palatability of cooked rice, the amylose content was not affected by damage of brown planthopper, whereas, the protein content was significantly increased in the HBA and MDA. additionally, Peak viscosity in HBA and MDA is lower than the NDA, and setback was increased. In most cases, there was negative on yield and grain quality by the damage of brown planthopper at the ripening stage. Thus, the rice product harvested in damaged area should be separated with that in non damaged area for grain market quality of milled rice.

      • KCI등재

        직립 초형 중생 찰기장 “금실찰”

        고지연(Ko Jee Yeon),송석보(Song Seok Bo),최명은(Choe Meyong Eun),곽도연(Kwak Do Yeon),최지명(Choi Ji Myeong),우관식(Woo Koan Sik),윤건식(Yoon Gun Sik),최규환(Choi Gyu Hwan),김용순(Kim Yong Soon) 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        ‘Geumsilchal’ is a Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) variety developed and registered by the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, RDA, in 2014. This variety was developed through pure line selection from K131247. ‘Geumsilchal’ was an erect type medium-maturing variety. Its growing period was 104 days when it was seeded on May 15, and 94 days when it was seeded on July 15 in Milyang, Korea. The culm length of ‘Geumsilchal’ was about 123 cm, which was 13 cm longer than that of the standard variety ‘Hwanggeumgijang’. ‘Geumsilchal’ was tolerant to lodging in the field because of its wide column width and erect plant type. The panicle type was droopy and its length was about 23 cm. Seed grain and dehusked grains were yellow, and the endosperm characteristic was glutinous. The yield potential of ‘Geumsilchal’ was about 2.41 ton ha⁻¹ in regional yield trials from 2013 to 2014 and was 27% higher than that of the standard variety ‘Hwanggeumgijang’ (Variety registration No. 6247).

      • KCI등재

        비수리(Lespedeza cuneata G. Don) 메탄올 추출물로부터 분획된 용매분획물의 항산화활성과 α-Glucosidase 저해활성

        김현영(Hyun Young Kim),고지연(Jee Yeon Ko),송석보(Seuk Bo Song),김정인(Jung In Kim),서혜인(Hye In Seo),이재생(Jae Saeng Lee),곽도연(Do Yeon Kwak),정태욱(Tae Wook Jung),김기영(Ki Young Kim),오인석(In Seok Oh),정헌상(Heon Sang Jeong), 한국식품영양과학회 2012 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.41 No.11

        비수리의 식품학적 이용가능성을 확인해 보고자 항산화성분 및 항산화활성, superoxide dismutase 유사활성, α-glucosidase 저해활성 등에 대해 검토하였다. 비수리 메탄올 추출물과 hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol 및 물 분획 등 순차적 용매분획물의 총 폴리페놀 함량은 각각 12.44, 3.61, 6.39, 27.11, 20.00 및 9.32 ㎎ GAE/g extract residue(ER)로 나타났으며, 총 플라보노이드 함량은 각각 2.94, 9.92, 7.77, 9.27, 5.11 및 2.66 ㎎ CE/g ER, 총 탄닌 함량은 각각 8.75, 10.04, 7.42, 17.32, 11.65 및 7.61 ㎎ TAE/g ER, 총 프로안토시아니딘의 함량은 346.09, 63.50, 103.76, 288.62, 231.99 및 358.48 ㎍ CE/g ER로 나타났다. 비수리 메탄올 추출물과 hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol 및 물 분획물의 DPPH radical 소거활성은 각각 20.62, 5.16, 9.29, 20.80, 20.00 및 20.79 ㎎ TE/g ER, ABTS radical 소거활성은 각각 33.86, 9.24, 17.36, 33.76, 33.49 및 33.86 ㎎ TE/g ER로 나타났다. SOD 유사활성은 각각 4.12, 0.61, 2.01, 9.89, 13.47 및 11.82 unit/mL의 활성을 보여 butanol 분획과 물 분획에서 유의적으로 높은 활성을 나타내었고 α-glucosidase 저해활성은 물 분획 50 및 25 ㎍/mL에서 각각 93.85 및 61.64%로 높은 저해활성을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과에서 비수리 추출물은 항산화성분 및 항산화활성, SOD 유사활성, α-glucosidase 저해활성을 가지는 물질을 함유한 것으로 보이며, 체내 및 식품에서 활성산소 종 제거에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant contents and antioxidant activities of solvent fractions from methanolic extract of sericea lespedeza. To determine the antioxidant compounds in solvent fractions from methanolic extract, total polyphenolic, flavonoid, tannin, and proanthocyanidin contents were measured by spectrophotometric methods. Solvent fractions were evaluated for antioxidative capacity according to DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities. Total polyphenolic contents were 12.44, 3.61, 6.39, 27.11, 20.00, and 9.32 ㎎ gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g extract residue (ER), respectively. Total flavonoid contents were 2.94, 9.92, 7.77, 9.27, 5.11, and 2.66 ㎎ catechin equivalent (CE)/g ER, respectively. Total tannin contents were 8.75, 10.04, 7.42, 17.32, 11.65, and 7.61 ㎎ tannic acid equivalent (TAE)/g ER, respectively. Total proanthocyanidin contents were 346.09, 63.50, 103.76, 288.62, 231.99, and 358.48 ㎍ CE/g ER, respectively. DPPH radical scavenging activities of solvent fractions from methanolic extract of sericea lespedeza were 20.62, 5.16, 9.29, 20.80, 20.00 and 20.79 ㎎ Trolox equivalent (TE)/g ER, and ABTS radical scavenging activities were 33.86, 9.24, 17.36, 33.76, 33.49, and 33.86 ㎎ TE/g ER, respectively. SOD-like activities were 4.12, 0.61, 2.01, 9.89, 13.47, and 11.82 units/mL, and α-glucosidase inhibition activities were 93.85 and 61.64% at concentrations of 50 and 25 ㎍/mL in the water fraction, respectively. The results of this study show that notable antioxidant activities in sericea lespedeza have significant health benefits.

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