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        구강 편평세포암종에서 $P16^{ink4}$ 유전자의 Methylation에 대한 연구

        강진원,김경욱,류진우,김창진,Kang, Gin-Won,Kim, Kyung-Wook,Lyu, Jin-Woo,Kim, Chang-Jin 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.2

        The p16 protein is a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor that inhibits cell cycle progression from $G_1$ phase to S phase in cell cycle. Many p16 gene mutations have been noted in many cancer-cell lines and in some primary cancers, and alterations of p16 gene function by DNA methylation have been noticed in various kinds of cancer tissues and cell-lines. There have been a large body of literature has accumulated indicating that abnormal patterns of DNA methylation (both hypomethylation and hypermethylation) occur in a wide variety of human neoplasma and that these aberrations of DNA methylation may play an important epigenetic role in the development and progression of neoplasia. DNA methylation is a part of the inheritable epigenetic system that influences expression or silencing of genes necessary for normal differentiation and proliferation. Gene activity may be silenced by methylation of up steream regulatory regions. Reactivation is associated with demethylation. Although evidence or a high incidence of p16 alterations in a variety of cell lines and primary tumors has been reported, that has been contested by other investigators. The precise mechanisms by which abnormal methylation might contribute to carcinogenesis are still not fully elucidated, but conceivably could involve the modulation of oncogene and other important regulatory gene expression, in addition to creating areas of genetic instability, thus predisposing to mutational events causing neoplasia. There have been many variable results of studies of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma(HNSCC). This investigation was studied on 13 primary HNSCC for p16 gene status by protein expression in immunohistochemistry, and DNA genetic/epigenetic analyzed to determine the incidence, the mechanisms, and the potential biological significance of its Inactivation. As methylation detection method of p16 gene, the methylation specific PCR(MSP) is sensitive and specific for methylation of any block of CpG sites in a CpG islands using bisulfite-modified DNA. The genomic DNA is modified by treatment with sodium bisulfate, which converts all unmethylated cytosines to uracil(thymidine). The primers designed for MSP were chosen for regions containing frequent cytosines (to distinguish unmodified from modified DNA), and CpG pairs near the 5' end of the primers (to provide maximal discrimination in the PCR between methylated and unmethylated DNA). The two strands of DNA are no longer complementary after bisulfite treatment, primers can be designed for either modified strand. In this study, 13 paraffin embedded block tissues were used, so the fragment of DNA to be amplified was intentionally small, to allow the assessment of methylation pattern in a limited region and to facilitate the application of this technique to samlples. In this 13 primary HNSCC tissues, there was no methylation of p16 promoter gene (detected by MSP and automatic sequencing). The p16 protein-specific immunohistochemical staining was performed on 13 paraffin embedded primary HNSCC tissue samples. Twelve cases among the 13 showed altered expression of p16 proteins (negative expression). In this study, The author suggested that low expression of p16 protein may play an important role in human HNSCC, and this study suggested that many kinds of genetic mechanisms including DNA methylation may play the role in carcinogenesis.

      • KCI등재

        『역사와담론』의 한국고대사 연구 50년

        강진원(Kang, Jin-won) 호서사학회 2021 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.100

        1971년 湖西史學會가 설립되었고, 이듬해 『역사와 담론』이 창간되어 오늘날에 이르렀다. 게재 논문을 시간의 흐름에 따라 살펴보면, 1기(1972~1998)에는 연구사적으로 의미가 있으며, 오늘날까지도 여러 논문에서 인용되는 성과가 적지 않아 해당 학술지가 초기부터 굳건히 뿌리내렸음을 알 수 있다. 2기(1999~2011)에는 백제사 연구가 심화하였고 그간 성과가 미진하였던 부분으로 연구가 확대되거나 역사고고학을 활용하는 등, 이 무렵 학계의 전반적인 연구 풍토와 결을 같이하였다. 3기(2012~현재)에는 통합적 논의가 진전되었고 이론적 측면으로도 관심이 두어졌으며, 사료 자체에 대한 이해가 깊어져 시대를 선도하는 공론의 장으로 기능하고 있다. 앞으로의 귀추가 주목되는 바이다. In 1971 The Hosuh Historical Association was established. After publishing the first issue of the journal entitled History and Discourse in 1972, it has published articles every year until now. In the first period of its publication history (1972~1998), a number of significant and influential articles were published; some of them are still being quoted. This shows that History and Discourse has settled down firmly in academia from beginning. In the second period (1999~2011), studies in the field of Baekje’s history were particularly remarkable, while some articles spotlighted relatively unnoticed areas or drew on the methods of historical archeology. This corresponds to the general trend in the historical studies of the time. In the third period (2012~the present), there were advancements in the integrative studies as well as the theoretical approaches. Many works published during this period also demonstrated deeper understanding of primary sources of history. At present, History and Discourse is playing a leading role in academia, serving as the site for open-ended discussions. It is worth paying attention to the future development of this journal.

      • KCI등재

        신발견 〈集安高句麗碑〉의 판독과 연구 현황

        강진원(Kang, Jin-won) 한국목간학회 2013 목간과 문자 Vol.11 No.-

        2012년 7월 29일 고구려의 옛 도읍인 集安麻線河우측 연안 강바닥에서 集安高句麗碑가 발견되었다. 고구려인들이 남긴 비문으로는 廣開土王碑와 中原高句麗碑에 이어 세 번째다. 화강암을 다듬어 만든 이 석비는 후한에서 유행하던 圭形碑의 모습을 하고 있다. 비문의 앞면은 모두 10행으로 매 행마다 22자씩 새겼고, 마지막 행은 20자로 도합 218자이다. 단 우측 상단부가 깨어져 나가 손실된 글자들이 있고, 마모가 심하게 되어 알아볼 수 없는 글자들도 있다. 내용을 보면 서두에서 고구려의 건국과 왕위계승을 기술한 뒤, 다음 부분에서 수묘제의 연혁을 말하고, 끝으로 왕의 敎言을 통해 수묘제의 확고한 운영을 도모하고 있다. 현재 한중학계에서 활발한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 비의 건립 시기와 성격, 왕권전승, 墓祭, 守墓制, 율령, 서체, 碑形의 기원 등에 대해 다양한 견해들이 제기되었는데, 연구가 축적된다면 4~5세기 고구려의 실상에 보다 가까이 다가갈 수 있으리라 생각한다. On July 29th, 2012, JianGoguryeo Bi was discovered from the East bed of the Maxianhe River at Jian - the old capital of Goguryeo. This is the third time that the epigraph made in Goguryeo was ever found; the first one was King Gwanggaeto"s memorial stone and the second one was Jungwon- Goguryeo Bi. This granite memorial stone represents the style of Gui which had been in fashion in the Later Han. The front side of the stone has 10 lines of letters inscribed on it. Each line includes 22 letters except the last one including 20. The total number of the letters inscribed on this stone is 218. Since its upper right corner got damaged, some letters are out of recognition. Also, some letters are incomprehensible because of wear-out. The initial part of the epigraph explains about the establishment of Goguryeo and the succession to the throne. Next, the history of the tomb preservation system is described. Finally, the royal command to continue and solidify the tomb preservation system is presented. The discovery of Jian-Goguryeo Bi is tremendously attracting academic interest both in Korea and China. The previous researches address the production time and the use of JianGoguryeo Bi, as well as the various perspectives towards the historical issues such as the succession of royal right, the memorial service held before the grave, the tomb preservation system, ordinance, typeface, and the origin of the memorial stone styles. I hope that JianGoguryeo Bi helps to better understand the history of the 4th and the 5thcentury Goguryeo as more and more scholars engage in the research.

      • KCI등재

        「집안고구려비문(集安高句麗碑文)」건국신화의 성립과 변천

        강진원 ( Kang Jin-won ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.61

        The birth myth of Goguryeo dynasty appears in the preface of JianGoguryeo Bi. Although it generally overlaps what is inscribed on King Gwang`gaeto`s memorial stone, it accepts the Confucian idea of Han period such as Dong Zhongshu`s theory. This type of myth was established in the late fourth century. It was possible because Goguryeo people didn`t feel repulsion toward adoption of the culture of Han period. However, this change was not essential but rather superficial. Since Goguryeo people had different concept about heaven from Chinese, it was soon excluded from their birth myth. This is why we can`t find the trace of the Confucian idea of Han period from the birth myth inscribed on King Gwang`gaeto`s memorial stone.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 守墓碑 건립의 연혁과 배경

        강진원(Kang, Jin-won) 한국고대사학회 2016 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.83

        4세기 중엽 전연의 침공으로 고구려의 수묘제는 이완되기 시작하였고, 그 결과 수묘비가 건립되었다. 그러나 당시의 대책은 실효성이 떨어졌다. 그렇기에 문제가 지속되었고, 결국 4세기 말 몇몇 왕의 신주가 위험에 처하는 상황까지 발생한다. 이때는 무덤 중시 풍조가 약화된 반면, 종묘가 부상하던 시기였다. 이에 왕권은 종묘 개편과 아울러 각 왕릉에는 烟戶頭를 새긴 묘상비를, 왕릉 밀집 구역에는 수묘인을 대상으로 한 권역비를 세워 수묘제를 정비하였다. 집안고구려비는 권역비의 하나이다. 장수왕 집권 초에는 다시 한 번 수묘제가 개편되었는데, 관련 사항은 광개토왕비에 새겨졌다. 묘상비와 권역비가 하던 역할을 광개토왕비의 수묘인연호조가 대신하게 된 것이다. 그 배경에는 광개토왕비가 지니는 공시적 효과와 함께 무덤 중시 풍조의 쇠퇴가 자리하고 있었다. In the early fourth century Qian Yan’s invasion caused damage to the tombguarding system of Goguryeo, which led to the erection of the tomb-guarding monument. Since this countermeasure was inefficient, in the late fourth century some kings’ spirit tablets were in danger of damage. By that time the culture of tomb worship got weakened with the emergence of royal ancestor’s shrine. As a result, the ancestor’s shrine ritual was reformed, tomb monuments were built near royal tombs, with the names of the heads of dwelling units inscribed on them, and monuments-in-area were built in royal tomb density areas for the tomb guards. Jian Goguryeo Bi is one of the monuments-in-area. The tomb-gurading system was reformed for the second time in King Jangsu’s early reign ; details were inscribed on King Gwanggaeto’s memorial stone. King Gwanggaeto’s memorial stone came to replace both tomb monuments and monuments-in-area. This is because the message of King Gwanggaeto’s memorial stone addressed to the public and because the culture of tomb worship got weakened.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 평양도읍기 王城의 추이와 왕권

        강진원(Kang, Jin-Won) 한국고대사학회 2021 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.101

        평양 천도 이후 상당 기간 왕성은 존재하지 않았다. 대성산성이 있었으나, 실제적인 왕성으로 기능하였다고 보기 힘들다. 이전의 왕성이 외부로부터의 위협에 대응하고자 조성되었기에, 그 부재는 군사적 우위를 확보한 고구려 왕권의 자존감을 보여주는 현상이다. 즉 이 무렵 도읍의 경관은 강고해진 왕권을 반영한다. 이후 장안성이 축조되었고, 성곽이 대대적으로 증축되며 왕성으로 거듭났다. 이는 정세 변동으로 왕권이 일정한 자기 영역을 확보하고자 하였기 때문이다. 이로써 고구려에서는 왕성과 중심지가 분리되었다. 그러한 공간적 변화로 왕의 사적 영역이 지닌 독립성이 강화되어 중리계 관등이 대두하였다. 인간과 공간은 역사 이해의 중요한 화두이다. 이상의 논의를 통하여 고구려에서 양자가 유기적인 관계에 있었음을 확인할 수 있다. After Goguryeo’s capital moved to Pyeongyang, Goguryeo had no royal castle for a while. Although there was a walled mountain fortress named Daeseong in Pyeongyang, it did not serve as a royal castle. In the past, Goguryeo’s royal castle was built to guard against threats from outside. Thus, the absence of royal castle demonstrates Goguryeo’s regal authority, which was strengthened by its military power. That is, the landscape of Pyeongyang at this time reflects the reinforcement of regal power. After that, the Castle of Jangan was built, and through the large-scale expansion of the rampart, it emerged as a royal castle. This is because the king tried to secure his domain to some extent due to various political changes. It led to the separation of the royal castle and the central area of the capital. And due to such spatial changes, the independence of the king’s private realm was established, resulting in the appearance of the official ranks of the Joongli line. People and space are important topics in understanding history. Through the above discussion, we can see that the two were closely interrelated in Goguryeo.

      • KCI등재

        중국 문헌 소재 백제 건국 전승의 실체와 배경 - 仇台의 사적과 國號 기원을 중심으로 -

        강진원(Kang, Jin-Won) 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.58

        중국 문헌에 전하는 백제 건국 전승 가운데 仇台의 선대를 부여 시조 東明이고 그가 요동의 公孫度과 통혼하였으며, ‘百家濟海’하여 건국하였던 까닭에 백제라 불렀다는 부분은 7세기 초 · 중반 이후 편찬된 사서에서 새롭게 등장하고 있다. 이들은 백제에서 통용되었던 전승이 아니고, 중국 측 찬자가 백제 왕실이 부여에서 출원하였다는 인식 아래 빚어낸 부회의 결과이다. 즉 부여와의 혈연적 연관성을 구하여 왕실의 조상을 동명으로 보았고, 부여왕 尉仇台를 구태로 오인하였다. 아울러 지배 집단이 부여에서 나왔다고 전해짐에도 불구하고, 실제 백제가 한반도 서남부에 위치하였다는 점을 설명하기 위하여 대규모 세력의 해상 이주를 상정하였다. 중국 문헌에 전하는 한국 고대 관련 기록은 타자의 손에서 작성되었기 때문에, 사실에 부합하지 않는 경우가 존재한다. 백제 건국 전승 역시 다르지 않다. 따라서 사료 활용에 있어 신중을 기할 필요가 있다. The birth-tale of Baekje dynasty is recorded in ancient Chinese documents. Some birth-tales are newly stated in the Chinese history books written after the early and mid 7th century; for example, it is recorded that Gutae’s ancestor is Dongmyong the progenitor of Buyeo dynasty, that Gutae was married to Kongsun Du’s daughter, and that the name of county was called Baekje because many people sailed across the sea and found a state. Yet these tales were not told in Beakje, but in fact they were produced by the Chinese writer who added and distortded the stories under the notion that Byyeo was the origin-place of Baekje’s royal family. That is to say, because Chinese people considered that Baekje’s royal family had blood relationship with Buyeo’s royal family, they regarded Dongmyong as the ancestor of Baekje’s royal family and mistook Gutae for Wi Gutae, the king of Buyeo. Also, they presumed that many people migrated across the sea in order to explain the reason why Baekje was located in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula even though their royal family originated from Buyeo. The hisrorical records of ancient Korea are often incorrect for they were written by foreigners. Some part of Baekje Dynasty’ birth-tale is an example. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and level-headed when interpreting foreign records.

      • KCI등재

        고령 운전자의 안전운전행동과 인지 능력 간의 상관 연구: 시공간적 작업기억 능력과 운동 제어 능력을 중심으로

        강진원(Jin-Won Kang),김상엽(Sang-Yub Kim),김준우(Joon-Woo Kim),이솔빈(Sol-Bin Lee),남기춘(Ki-Chun Nam) 대한고령친화산업학회 2023 대한고령친화산업학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        연구목적 본 연구의 목적은 고령 운전자의 안전한 운전을 위해 필요한 시공간적 작업기억 능력 및 운동 제어능력에 대한 주관적 평가와 객관적 평가 사이의 상관관계를 밝히는 것이다. 연구방법 본 연구는 만 60세 이상의 고령 운전자를 대상으로 한국형 자기보고식 노인 안전운전행동 측정도구(Korean Safe Driving Behavior Measure, K-SDBM), 시공간폭 검사(Spatial Span Test, SST) 및 손가락 두드리기 검사(Finger Tapping Test, FTT)를 실시하고, 피어슨 상관관계 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 연구결과에서는 시공간 작업기억의 폭이 한국형 자기보고식 노인 안전운전행동 측정도구의 세부 항목 중 ‘집중이 요구되는 운전 상황’ 요인의 점수와 부적 상관관계를 보였다. 한편, 손가락 두드리기 검사는 오른손 두드리기 총횟수와 한국형 자기보고식 노인 안전운전행동 측정도구의 세부 항목 중, ‘일반적 운전 기술’과 정적 상관관계를 보였다. 이는 고령 운전자가 생각하는 주관적 인지 능력과 객관적인 인지 능력의 차이가 있음을 보여준다. 결론 본 연구는 고령 운전자의 안전 운전 가능 여부 판단 시 주관적 운전행동 측정 뿐만 아니라 객관적 인지 검사도 함께 병행되어야 함을 시사한다. Objective : This study aimed to investigate the correlation between subjective and objective evaluations of visuo-spatial working memory and motor control abilities for safe driving among elderly drivers. Methods : This study evaluated safe driving behavior among Korean elderly drivers aged 60 and above using the Korean safe driving behavior measure (K-SDBM), Spatial Span Test(SST), and Finger Tapping Test(FTT), and conducted a pearson correlation analysis. Results : The results showed that visuo-spatial working memory span in spatial span test was negatively correlated with the score of the ‘driving situations that require concentration’ factor in the K-SDBM. In addition, the finger tapping test showed a positive correlation between the total number of right hand taps and the ‘general driving skills’ factor in the K-SDBM. This indicates a discrepancy between the subjective cognitive abilities perceived by elder drivers and their objective cognitive abilities. Conclusion : This study suggests that both subjective driving behavior measures and objective cognitive tests should be used together to assess the safety of elder drivers.

      • KCI등재

        경영효율성 분석을 위한 메타-프론티어법 이용에 관한 실증적 연구

        강진원(Jin-Won Kang),한욱상(Uk-Sang Han) 한국무역연구원 2018 무역연구 Vol.14 No.3

        This study evaluates efficiency from the viewpoint of the short-term and long-term of general construction companies. In general, people think that the higher the rating, the higher the efficiency. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to analyze the significance of these hypotheses, and the meta-frontier was used to evaluate the hypotheses. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is non-parametric analysis method which is commonly used in efficiency analysis. DEA is a methodology for identifying the relative efficiency of DMUs. It is introduced by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR). As a result of the analysis, the overall construction industry showed very high operating efficiency, and most of the inefficiency of the technical efficiency is the result of low scale efficiency. Only 2 out of 2,595 firms with an increase in size (IRS) in economies of scale were found to have 47, and the rest were downsized. The same results were obtained when applied to individual groups. The lower the rating, the lower the efficiency, which is also the cause of economies of scale. And there is no difference in efficiency between regions.

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