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        김성수와 한국민주당 연구

        강정인(Jung In Kang),서희경(Hee Kyung Suh) 한국정치학회 2013 한국정치학회보 Vol.47 No.1

        이 연구는 일제시기 김성수 등 동아일보 계열 우익 인사들의 정치이념과 해방 후 한국민주당의 정치이념을 연속적 관점에서 살펴봄으로써 한국 보수주의 정치이념의 역사적 뿌리를 검토한 것이다. 이 연구의 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일제시기 동안 김성수, 송진우, 장덕수 등은 앞선 세대의 계몽주의적 문명개화론의 연장선에서 민족자강의 방향을 인식하고, 이에 기반하여 적극적인 투쟁보다는 점진적으로 실력을 배양하기 위한 문화민족주의를 실천하였다. 이들이 지향한 정치이념은 사유재산제를 근간으로 하여 개인의 의식발전, 자유경쟁 등을 통해 한국사회를 자본주의 사회로 발전시키고자 하는 것이었다. 이러한 이들의 자유민주주의는 한말의 서구로부터 수용된 자유민권 의식에서 싹트기 시작했지만, 그것은 전제군주제나 일제의 식민통치에 적극적으로 대항하기 위한 것이라기보다는 급진 민족주의와 사회주의 도전에 대항하는 과정에서 보다 확고해졌다. 그리고 이들 동아일보 진영의 정치이념은 사회주의자는 물론 비타협적 민족주의자들의 이념에 의해 보수주의로 규정되었다. 둘째, 한민당의 창당은 현대한국정치사에서 보수주의와 급진주의 정치이념의 대결을 본격적으로 여는 계기가 되었다. 해방 후 정치에서 전개된 보수주의는 민족주의와 반공주의 성격이 보다 강화되어 나타났다. 조선총독부 행정권 이양 요청에 대한 송진우와 여운형의 대응은 1919년 3.1운동의 민족정신을 계승하여 출범한 대한민국임시정부를 한국역사에서의‘정통성 있는 국가’로 승인할 것인가 하는 문제와 깊게 연관되어 있었으며, 동시에 해방직후 격돌하는 이념의 정치대결을 함축하고 있었다. 셋째, 한민당의 주요 강령과 정책에서의 정치이념은 반공의 정치질서에 기반한 자유민주주의와 국가에 의한 경제 관리를 수용한 자본주의가 수렴한 이념이었다. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the origin of contemporary Korean conservatism by examining the political ideas of moderate right-wing intellectuals of Donga Daily during the Japanese colonial rule and those of the Korean Democratic Party(KDP) founded in the aftermath of the Liberation in 1945 in tandem. To do this, first, the paper shows that leading intellectuals of Donga Daily such as Seong su Kim, Jinwoo Song, and Duck Soo Chang engaged the strategy of moderate and gradual cultual nationalism to strengthen nation’s capacity in the long run rather than militant and confrontational struggle against the Japanese colonial rule. Their political ideas included the development of the Korean economy for modern capitalist society based on private property, free competition and individual selfawakening, and the evolution of Korean political system for liberal democracy which would counter the challenge of radical nationalism and socialism among Korean independence activists rather than resist the remnants of the traditional monarchy and the harsh Japanese colonial rule. Thus their political ideas were considered “conservative” by uncompromising nationalists as well as socialists. Second, it suggests that the foundation of the KDP in the postliberation politics of Korea provided the opportunity by which conservatism and radicalism confronted each other in party politics for the first time in Korean history. In that process, Korean conservatism gained more nationalist and anti-communist orientation in the controversy over whether the Provisional Government which had been long engaged in independence struggle in China should be recognized as the legitimate government which would take over the Japanese colonial regime. Third, the paper examines the main commitment and manifesto of the KDP and finds that its political ideas consist of liberal democracy based on anti-Communism and the revised capitalism accommodating wide intervention of the government in order to purge the colonial remnants in the economy and rebuild the Korean economy.

      • KCI등재

        루소의 정치사상에 나타난 정치참여에 대한 고찰

        강정인(KANG Jung In) 한국정치학회 2009 한국정치학회보 Vol.43 No.2

        이 글의 목적은 루소의 정치사상에 나타난 정치참여를 검토하는 것이다. 루소는 직접민주주의의 옹호자로 알려져 있지만『사회계약론』의 본문에는 시민들의 정치참여와 관련하여 적극적인 토론이나 논쟁을 부정하는 듯한 구절들이 적지 않기 때문에, 루소의 시민들에게 공적인 토론이나 논쟁 등 적극적인 정치참여가 허용되는가에 대해서 대다수의 학자들은 부정적으로 해석해 왔다. 그러나 필자는 루소적 민주주의에서 시민들 상호 간에 공적인 토론이나 논쟁이 허용된다는 긍정적 해석론을 취한다. 이 글에서 필자는, 이런 주장을 전개하기 위해 먼저『사회계약론』제4권 1장에 서술된 국가의 유형을 그 부패 정도와 정치참여의 양상을 중심으로 유형화하여 검토하고, 이어서 루소적 시민의 정치참여에 공적인 토론이나 논쟁이 허용되는지에 대한 다양한 해석론을 부정론과 긍정론으로 나누어 소개한 후, 『사회계약론』, 『폴란드 정부에 관한 고찰』등 루소의 주요 저작에 대한 분석을 통해 부정적 해석에 비판을 제기하는 동시에 기존의 긍정적 해석의 미비한 점을 보완하면서 긍정론을 강화시키고자 했다. The purpose of this paper is to reexamine political participation in Rousseau’s political thought. Although Rousseau has been widely known as the strong advocate of direct democracy, there are many passages in his Social Contract which seem to deny citizens’active discussions and debates in citizens’ assembly. Thus many commentators have interpreted negatively that Rousseau excludes them from citizens’proper political participation and that citizens are allowed only to express their pros and cons about a given legislative proposal. However, the author takes a positive position that Rousseau’s citizens are allowed to engage in active discussions and debates in public assembly. In order to develop such argument and demonstrate its validity, first of all, he classifies and examines the types of the states presented in the Social Contract in terms of their degree of corruption and various manifestations of political participation, then introduces various negative and positive interpretations on this subject, and finally, presents his critique of negative interpretations and his own defense of positive interpretation with some logical inferences and textual evidences.

      • KCI등재

        민주화 이전 한국 자유주의의 이념적 특성과 발현양상에 대한 고찰

        강정인(Kang Jung In) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2008 亞細亞硏究 Vol.51 No.4

        This essay sought to explore the distinct characteristics and configuration of Korean liberalism before democratization from the perspective of the "simultaneity of the non-simultaneous" which late-comers in the periphery like Korea had to experience in the process of accommodating to new political ideologies imported from advanced countries in the center such as the United Sates and England. From this general perspective, the author examined the "poverty" of Korean liberalism and its cause in comparison with that in the West. And the author investigated the cause of the atrophy of individualism in Korea, for many scholars who have engaged in the research on Korean liberalism seem to diagnose that individualism as the core element of liberalism is still at an immature stage even after democratization and to draw the conclusion that individualism should be cultivated as soon as possible to reach the full realization of liberal democracy. Finally, he concluded the essay by examining the variables which have caused the diffusion of individualism in democratized Korea and prospects for the future of individualism.

      • KCI등재

        유교적 국제질서의 이념과 그 현대적 함의

        강정인(주저자) ( Jung In Kang (sogang University) ),이상익(교신저자) ( Sang Ik Lee (busan National University Of Education) ) 한국철학사연구회 2015 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.47

        유교의 사대자소론과 분봉-조공 체제는 바로 주대(周代)의 봉건제와 문덕(文德)의 정치를 이상으로 삼는 것이었다. ‘주대의 봉건제’는 ‘종법적(宗法的) 위계질서’를 내포하는 것인바 이로부터 천자국과 제후국 사이의 위계관계가 형성되는 것이요, ‘문덕의 정치’는 그 위계질서를 유지하는 방식으로 무력이 아닌 문덕을 내세운 것인바 이로부터 사대자소론이 성립하는 것이다. 이러한 배경에서 성립한 주대의 ‘분봉-조공’ 체제는 본래중국 내부에서 ‘천자국과 제후국’ 사이의 국제질서를 규율하는 것이었다. 그런데 세월이 흐르면서 중국 내부적으로는 봉건제가 붕괴하고, 외부적으로는 천하가 전통적인 중국의 영역 밖으로까지 확대됨에 따라, ‘분봉-조공’ 체제는 ‘책봉 . 조공’ 체제로 변모하게 된 것이다. 사대자소론에서 ‘대국과 소국’은 글자 그대로 해석하면 ‘강대국과 약소국’이다. 전통 유교에서는 강대국을 대일통적 질서의 중심으로 설정하여 그 지도력을 인정함으로써 대일통의 실현가능성을 강화하면서도, 강대국에 문덕이라는 이념적 굴레를 가함으로써 강대국의 약소국에 대한 횡포를 예방하고자 했던 것이다. 문명사적 관점에서 역사적으로 출현한 제국의 긍정적 역할에 주목하는 서구의 최근 이론에 비추어 유교적 국제질서를 로마제국, 대영제국, 현대 미국의 국제질서와 이념 및 현실의 차원에서 비교하여 볼 때, 우리는 유교적 국제질서가 문물의 전파와 교류, 평화와 번영의 유지 등에 있어서 뛰어난 성과를 거두었다고 평가할 수 있다. 이렇게 본다면 전통시대 동아시아 국제질서에 평화를 정착시키는 데 기여한 유교의 공헌을 결코 무시해서는 안 될 것이다. Confucian idea of “serving the great and caring for the little” and system of enfeoffment-and-tribute originated from the ideal of the feudal system of Zhou kingdom and politics of civilized virtues in ancient China. The feudal system of Zhou represented hierarchical order of ancient clan rules which set the hierarchical relationship between the state of the Son of Heaven and surrounding states of feudal lords. The politics of civilized virtues cherished civilized virtues instead of military force, to maintain the hierarchical order, from which the idea of “serving the great and caring for the little” was derived. In this way the system of enfeoffment-and-tribute originally intended to regulate international order between the state of the Son of Heaven and those of feudal lords in the central plain of China. As the ancient feudal system collapsed in China and the all-under-heaven expanded to incorporate areas beyond the traditional boundary of China, the system of enfeoffment-and-tribute transformed into that of investiture and tribute. The great and the little in the idea of “serving the great and caring for the little” literally referred to the strong and weak states. Traditional Confucianism set the strong power as the center in the order of great unity, recognized its leadership to enhance the great unity, and, at the same time, imposed ideological bondage of civilized virtues upon the strong power to prevent its tyranny over neighboring states. Therefore, when we compare Confucian international order with that of the Roman, British and the US empires in terms of their ideal and reality, we may well reach the plausible conclusion that the former accomplished outstanding records in the diffusion and exchange of cultures and goods and the maintenance of peace and prosperity. Seen from this perspective, we have to acknowledge the valuable Confucian contribution to the peace prevalent in traditional East Asian international order, which was rare in other civilizations.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신성 융모성 질환에서 혈청 β-hCG 의 소실기간과 양상에 관한 연구

        강정권(Jung Kweon Kang),구인상(In Sang Ku),차진영(Jin Young Cha),김현희(Hyun Hee Kim),김영재(Young Jae Kim),이유석(Yoo Seock Ree),배은경(Eun Kyung Bae),나영정(Young Jeong Na),김경태(Kyung Tai Kim),조수현(Soo Hyun Cho),조삼현(Sam Hyun 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.4

        Objectives : It is now conventional practice to use human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as the marker of tumor activity in gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD). The interpretation of serial serum β-hCG regression patterns is important in monitoring the course of the disease. The purpose of this study was to establish a regression time and pattern of the serum β-hCG in which GTD is divided into hydatidiform mole and malignant trophoblastic disease. Materials & Methods : During the period from January 1990 through December 2000, 46 patients with GTD were histopathologically diagnosed and treated at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Hanyang University Hospital. For the purpose of analysis and comparison, patients were divided into 19 cases of hydatidiform mole and 27 cases of malignant trophoblastic disease which was subdivided into nonmetastatic (17) and metastatic (10). Patients were followed clinically and by weekly estimations of quantitative serum β-hCG until negative (<3 mIU/ml). After three consecutive negative β-hCG, serum β-hCG were drawn monthly in all patients for one year. The level of serum β-hCG was detected by two-site sandwich immunoassay (Chiron Diagnostics Automated Chemiluminescence System 180). The obtained data were analyzed using t test and ANOVA test by SPSS. Results : The incidence of the GTD compared with delivery was one per 182.7 deliveries. The mean value of serum β-hCG regression time in hydatidiform mole was 12.8±1.1 (SEM) weeks (7.0-26.0 weeks) and 17.9±1.4 (SEM) weeks (8.0-34.0 weeks) in malignant trophoblastic disease. The regression time was significantly shorter in hydatidiform mole than that of malignant trophoblastic disease (P<0.01). The differences of mean value of serum β-hCG regression time between the groups with nonmetastatic (18.0 weeks) and metastatic (17.8 weeks) were not statistically significant(P =0.946). The mean values of serum β-hCG in both hydatidiform mole and malignant trophoblastic disease declined following a log-normal distribution. Conclusions : The regression pattern of serum β-hCG in present study was similar to that of which in Western and also similar to that of which in Korea in 1980s. The present study supports the continued use of individual patients serum β-hCG regression curve to make treatment decision and to recognize malignant trophoblastic disease promptly.

      • KCI등재

        Pair Fed 흰쥐에 있어서 녹차의 항증체, 지질개선 및 항산화 효과

        강정애(Kang Jung Ae),채인숙(Chae In Sook),송영보(Song Yong Bo),강정숙(Kang Jung Sook) 韓國營養學會 2008 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.41 No.7

        본 연구에서 pair feeding함으로서 사료 섭취량이 체중이나 지단백 대사에 미칠 요인을 제거한 상태에서 녹차분말이나 녹차추출물이 갖는 항 비만효과나 지질 강하효과를 비교조사하였다. 녹차분말이나 추출물에서 증체 억제효과를 보였는데 이는 녹차성분이 소장에서의 지방흡수를 억제하거나 지방산화를 촉진하고 대사율을 올려 열량소비를 증가시킨다는 기존 연구결과와 이해를 같이 하는데, 예비실험에서 사료섭취량 자체가 억제됨을 감안 할 때 녹차 추출물이나 분말의 항비만 효과에 대해서 긍정적이다. 본 연구에서 녹차 추출물의 높은 콜레스테롤 흡수 억제력에도 불구하고 녹차의 콜레스테롤 강하효과는 나타나지 않았는데 이는 체 콜레스테롤 pool size에 강한 homeostasis 기질이 작용한 것이라고 생각할 수 있다. 식이 콜레스테롤과 지방의 흡수억제에 있어서 녹차분말과 녹차 추출물의 장내 유용성과 체 콜레스테롤의 합성과 담즙 생성에 있어서 EGCG를 포함한 차 카테킨 작용기전을 이해하기 위해서 보다 많은 연구가 필요하리라 생각된다. 녹차 분말과 추출물은 항산화 지표에도 정도에 다소 차이가 있으나 긍정적인 효과를 보였는데 녹차 카테킨은 수용성으로 bioavailability가 비교적 높은 polyphenol계 항산화 물질로서 녹차 잎의 건조중량 50% 이상이 카테킨이고 이중 80% 이상이 catechin gallate 형태로 강한 항산화 효력을 지닌 것으로 나타나 있다. 노화를 활성산소에 의한 세포의 손상과정이라 볼 때 식품으로서 녹차는 매우 중요한 입지에 있다. 차로 마시는 녹차의 섭취방법에서 분말이나 추출물로 섭취방법을 다양화하고 있는데 분말과 추출물의 영양적 효과를 비교해 볼 때 유리 (free)된 카테킨 형태로 추출물이 유리할 수 있지만 녹차분말이 식품으로서의 높은 선호도와 함께 HDL-콜레스테롤을 증가시키는 효과가 있다면 분말차의 섭취도 좋은 방법이다. 음료로서 따져 볼 때 일회 분량 2 g의 녹차를 3회 우려 마시는 경우 이로부터 섭취할 수 있는 항산화물질은 EGCG기준으로 109~147 ㎎정도이고 이를 비타민 C로 환산하는 경우 142~168 ㎎이다.31) 천연의 항산화 물질을 자연스럽게 섭취하는 방법으로서 차의 음용을 생활화하는 것은 비만이나 퇴행성 또는 노화관련 질환의 예방차원에서 바람직하리라 본다. We compared antiobese, hypocholesterolemic, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect of 10% green tea powder and 3% green tea extract in rats pair fed 5% cholesterol diets. The final body weight was decreased significantly compared with the control (p < 0.05). Plasma and liver total cholesterol were lower in group of green tea powder or extract, but not statistically different. HDL cholesterol was increased significantly in group of green tea powder compared with the control or green tea extract (p << 0.05). Plasma triglyceride was significantly decreased in group of green tea extract compared with green tea powder, and green tea powder compared with the control respectively (p < 0.05). Liver triglyceride was significantly decreased in group of green tea powder or green tea extract compared with the control (p < 0.01). Platelet aggregations in the maximum and initial slope were not different among groups. Hemolysis was significantly lower in group of green tea powder compared with the control (p < 0.05). Plasma TBARS production was decreased in group of green tea extract compared with the control (p < 0.05). Na passive leak in intact cells was not different, but Na leak in AAPH treated cell was significantly decreased in group of green tea powder than the control (p < 0.05). The leak increase (△Na Leak) after AAPH treatment was significantly decreased in groups of green tea powder and extract compared with the control (p < 0.05). Isotope excretion after ¹⁴C-cholesterol ingestion was significantly increased in group of green tea extract compared with the control or the green tea powder (p < 0.05). Consumption of green tea in powder or extract may give beneficial effects in weight control and plasma lipid profiles, impeding metabolic syndrome. More studies are needed to clarify what component of green tea and what mechanism are involved in antiobese and hypolipedemic actions of green tea.

      • KCI등재후보

        韓國 保守主義의 딜레마

        강정인(Kang Jung-In),이지윤(Lee Ji Yun) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2003 신아세아 Vol.10 No.3

        Since the December 2002 presidential election in Korea and continuing to date the conservative forces have held a series of demonstrations, called for a head-on struggle against the rival progressive forces, and harnessed the cyberspace to propagate their ideas. They all constitute unprecedented events that are aimed at articulating their own identity. On the other hand, the two recent discourses - "reformational conservatism"(with a focus on the reaffirmation of anticommunism) and "liberalist conservatism" - appear to reinforce its theoretical and practical retrogression and its existing immorality rather than acknowledging its past mistakes and renewing itself with forming the modus vivendi with the progressive forces. In brief, they all are symptoms of a long-held truism which scholars on conservatism in Korean politics have pointed out: "In Korean politics there are conservative forces, but no conservative ideology." This essay intends to offer the future direction of Korean conservatism by delving into the root causes of its ideological poverty. The genealogical sources of Korean conservatism's ideological poverty are multi-fold but can be grouped into the following three. First of all, since the Korean liberation in 1945 and the subsequent division of the Korean peninsula the political sphere (i.e., both the ruling and opposition parties) has been monopolized by the conservative forces. Even after the so-called "democratization" of Korean politics the conservative political structure has lingered on, thereby laying no grounds for competition and balancing between the conservative and progressive forces from which conservative philosophy would have emerged. Second, Korea's modernization process, which was essentially nonvoluntary and exogenous, has generated a set of fundamental contradictions between political conservatism and philosophical conservatism. Third, due largely to the dependence on foreign sources in the process of its formation and development, even the traditional thoughts and ideas have played little role in the formation of conservative philosophy. Taken together, it seems that there are two alternative paths from which philosophical conservatism in Korea could emerge. One path is to reinforce its existing connections with "sound" liberal democracy and the free-market economy. The other is to utilize the untapped sources of traditional thoughts.

      • KCI등재

        민주주의와 법치주의 ; 민주화 이후 한국정치에서 자유민주주의와 법치주의의 충돌

        강정인 ( Jung In Kang ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.3

        The purpose of this essay is to examine the clash of liberal democracy and the rule of law in the context of Korean politics after democratization. The essay consists of three parts. First of all, the author made the argument that the distinction between liberal democracy and social democracy is not of much relevance, as both have converged in terms of their ideology and policy-orientation in Western and non-Western democracies, although both have different historical origins. In order to confirm such convergence in Korea as well, he briefly reviewed clauses related to the basic economic order in the Korean Constitution. Then, although he agrees to the general interpretation that the liberal democratic order and the democratic order both of which appear in the Constitution are almost the same in their meanings, he attempted to show that the former has strong anti-communist element than the latter and that this legacy still remains strong, considering the origin of their insertion into the Constitution and the current legal and political practices. Second, the author examined whether the two consitutional cases related to President Roh Moo Hyun`s impeachment and moving the administrative capital from Seoul to Gongju area can be considered the clash of democracy and the rule of law and, then, came to the conclusion that these cases should not be considered the serious example of such clash. Finally, he suggested the argument that an impending clash of democracy and the rule of law is more likely to appear in the form of the clash between democracy and (neo-) liberalism.

      • KCI등재

        德治와 法治

        강정인(Kang Jung In) 한국정치사상학회 2002 정치사상연구 Vol.6 No.-

        성문법의 외형적 준수를 강조하는 법치와 도덕규범의 내면적 준수를 역설하는 덕치는 이론과 현실 양면에서 상호 대립되는 원칙이면서도 상호 보완적으로 사용되어야 하는 원칙이다. 이 점에서 법치와 덕치의 장점과 한계를 학문적으로 비교ㆍ검토하는 작업은 양자의 상호 보완적 兼全을 위해 실천적으로도 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 덕치와 법치의 보완적 겸전을 위해 이 논문은 무엇보다도 (유가중심의) 동양은 덕치, 서양은 법치를 통치원리로 삼아 왔다는 동서양 정치사상사에 대한 종래의 경직된 이분법적인 대립구도를 해체하고자 했다. 그래야만 비로소 우리는 법치와 덕치의 겸전을 위한 개방된 지평을 확보할 수 있기 때문이다. 이러한 문제의식을 염두에 두고 이 글은 동서양 정치사상에서 덕치사상과 대비하면서 법치 사상의 전개과정을 개괄적으로 제시한 후 현대 민주국가에서도 덕치이념이 법치이념을 보완하기 위해 필수적으로 요청된다는 점을 강조하고자 했다. 이를 위해 먼저 2장 ‘예비적 고찰’에서는 비유럽세계에 ‘법치’가 결여되어 있다는 근대 서구학자들의 견해를 요약하고, 이러한 학문적 배경을 바탕에 깔고 전개되는 국내학계의 법치와 덕치에 대한 논의를 간략히 제시하며, 논의의 전개를 위해 이 논문의 기본 개념인 덕치, 예치, 법치 및 입헌주의 개념에 대한 간략한 정의를 시도하였다. 3장인 ‘서양 정치사상사에서 법치사장의 전개와 덕치사상의 겸전’에서는 서양에서 법치시장의 전개과정을 주요 사상가들을 중심으로 살펴본 후, 그들의 법치사상에 덕치사상이 결합되어 있음을 밝히고자 했다. 4장 ‘동양 정치사상사에서 법치사상의 전개와 덕치ㆍ법치의 겸전’에서는 중국의 선진사상을 중심으로 법치의 전통적 위상을 서술하고 공자와 맹자를 중심으로 덕치와 법치 사상의 겸전을 살펴본 후, 유가의 예치사상을 서양의 입헌주의와 관련지어 논했다. 마지막으로 5장 ‘맺는 말’에서는 법치국가가 필요로 하는 준법정신 역시 근본적으로는 법치의 산물이 아니라 덕치와 관련되어 있음을 주장함으로써 현대 법치주의가 덕치를 필요로 할 수밖에 없다는 점을 강조하였다. The rule of law, which requires external obedience to laws, and the rule of virtue, which stresses inward adherence to moral norms, are principles that not only conflict with one another but also reinforce and complement each other. Thus, the academic comparison of these principles in terms of their strengths and limitations have significant practical implications for combining them into an integrated whole. The author seeks to deconstruct the conventionally rigid dichotomy between the ruling principle based on virtue in the Confucian tradition in East Asia, and that of the rule of law in the Western political tradition. For only then can one widen the horizon for integrating the two complementary principles. With this in mind, the author advocates that the rule of virtue is necessary to complement the rule of law in contemporary democracies, after examining the overall development of the rule of law in contrast to the rule of virtue in the history of both Western and East Asian political thought. To accomplish the latter, in chapter 2, he summarizes the views of modern Western thinkers who have asserted that the rule of law is absent in non-Western world; reviews the debate among Korean scholars over the rule of law and virtue as framed by the Western thinkers; and defines briefly the key concepts such as the rule of virtue, the rule of li(commonly translated as propriety in English), the rule of law and constitutionalism. In chapters 3 and 4, he then examines the development of the idea of the rule of law, focusing on major political theorists of West and East Asia, insofar as the rule of law is the dominant of the two principles in the contemporary world, while, at the same time, showing that civilized societies have pursued the integration of the two principles. Thus, in chapter 3, he examines the development of the idea of the rule of law primarily focusing on Plato, Aristotle, and Gcero, and then tries to show that the idea of the rule of virtue was integrated with the idea of the rule of law in their legal philosophy. In chapter 4, he examines the conventional status of the rule of law in the history of Chinese political thought with special focus on the pre-Chin era; examines the integration of the two principles in the political thought of Confucius and Mencius; and discusses the Confucian idea of the rule of li in relation to the Western idea of constitutionalism. In the concluding chapter, the author argues that the respect for law, which is indispensable to the modern ideal of the rule of law, is actually the outcome of the rule of virtue rather than that of the rule of law, thereby stressing that the modern rule of law should be complemented by the rule of virtue.

      • KCI등재

        조선의 과거사 정리담론: 4대 사화를 중심으로

        강정인 ( Jung In Kang ),장원윤 ( Won Yoon Jang ) 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2014 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        이 글의 목적은 조선 중기에 4대 사화(무오·갑자·기묘·을사 사화)에 대한 피해자의 신원·추증 문제를 둘러싸고 치열하게 전개된 정치적 논쟁을 현대의 과거사 정리와 관련된 이론을 적용함으로써 전통시대의 정치와 현대 정치에 대한 비교 사상적 분석을 시도하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 먼저 조선 정치사 연구에 현대의 정치이론인 ‘과거사 정리’라는 개념을 적용할 수 있는지 검토하였다. 검토를 통하여 현대의 과거사 정리와 비교할 때, 이념적 기반, 논의 주체 및 참여자의 범위 그리고 정책결정과정 등에서 의미심장한 차이가 있지만, 전통시대인 조선시대에서도 그 나름의 원칙과 절차 및 정치사회적 합의에 기반하여 과거사 정리를 추진했다는 사실을 확인하였다. 특히 조선시대의 과거사 정리를 이끈 유교 정치이념의 헌정적 원칙이나 규범으로 도통 개념에 입각한 정의 개념에 주목하였다. 조선시대 주자학자인 사림은 왕통과 도통의 분리를 전제로 정치의 올바른 방향을 실질적으로 담지하고 있는 주체는 왕통을 물려받은 국왕이 아니라 도통을 전수받은 자신들이란 신념을 가지고 있었다. 그리하여 과거사 정리를 통하여 사림파는 왕통을 세습한 국왕이 도통을 계승한 주자학자들을 국정의 동반자로 삼아 공론에 의거하여 정치를 해야 한다는 군신공치(君臣共治) 사상을 헌정적 원칙으로 확립하는 데 성공하였다. The purpose of this essay is to conduct an analysis of comparative political theory by applying contemporary theory regarding “coping with past evils” to intense debates over four major purges of literati in Joseon Dynasty, theMuo, Kapcha, Kimyo and Eulsa Literati Purges, in which a number of Neo-Confucian literati were purged. To do this, it was examined whether the contemporary political theory regarding coping with past evils could be applied to premodern Joseon history. Through examination, it was confirmed that Joseon Dynasty carried out the task of coping with past evils in accordance with its own principles and procedures and consensus of political society, although there were significant differences between the Joseon era and modern times in normative standard, the scope of subjects and participants in political discourses, and decision-making process. Then discourses on coping with past evils in Joseon were analyzed in terms of the three following questions. First, when issues of “coping with past evils” were brought up, what kinds of positions were taken by kings and various factions of ministers and literati; how did they express their viewpoints; and why did they take and sustain theirs? Second, how were issues of coping with past evils set up as critical agenda? Third, what were the constitutional principles and norms in Confucianism that led to discourses on coping with past evils in Joseon?

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