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        김경동의 사회학(II): 선생가외 불역락호(先生可畏 不亦樂乎)

        김성국 동양사회사상학회 2022 사회사상과 문화 Vol.25 No.4

        Kim Kyong-Dong is a world-famous Sociologist, establishing the foundation of academic sociology in the development of Korean sociology. This review extends the existing discussions on his sociology and appreciates his recent achievements in terms of his quest for building an East Asian theory of civilizational shift from Western modernity. In contrast to recent theories of multiple modernities, he continues to further develop modernization theory in broad terms of civilizational change from Western materialist culture to culturally matured advanced society. This review introduces and evaluates recent sociological studies provided by him in the following six chapters: (1) reconsideration of Kim’s acdemicism, (2) Kim’s humanist sociology in the era of post-humanism, (3) unfinished modernity and his theory of New Modernization, (4) foundation for East Asian theory of new civilization, and (5) succession of Kim’s theory of civilization. Kim Kyong-Dong’s quest for completing his theory of modernization in terms of new modernization has been fruitfully matured by his renewal of classic East Asian wisdoms such as the Book of Change, Buddhism, Taosim, and Confucianism and finally accomplished with his recent book, [Bright and Dark side of Seonbi Culture: Sociology of Intellectual Power Elite] as a model for new civilization based on Confucian moral values 김경동은 한국사회학사에서 아카데믹 사회학을 완성한 세계적 사회학자이다. 이 글은 김경동의 사회학에 관한 기존 논의를 보완하면서 그의최근 업적을 동아시아 문명론의 개척이라는 차원에서 그 의의를 논의한다. 이 과정에서 김경동의 주장을 뒷받침하기 위하여 필자의 관점인 하나논리를 틈틈이 활용한다. 제 1장 “김경동 아카데미즘의 재평가”는 아카데미즘을 상아탑에 안주하면서 현실 참여와 비판을 외면하는 학문이라고규정하는 통상적 고정관념을 비판한다. 김경동의 학문 활동에 나타난 비판적 현실 참여의 사례(1985년 “한국 발전과 종속문제” 국제학술대회와1989년 “80년대 한국사회와 비판적 인식의 전개‘라는 학술대회 조직)을 소개한다. 제 2장 “탈인간주의 시대의 인간주의 사회학”은 김경동의 사회학적 기축 이론인 인간주의 사회학이 오늘날 탈인간주의 시대에서 더욱 유용하다는 사실을 지적한다. 인간에 의한 인간의 비인간화, 인간중심주의에 의한 천지자연의 파괴, 인간의 폭력화와 같은 반인간적 세태를 인간주의 사회학은 교정할 수 있다. 제 3장 “미완의 근대화와 신근대화론”은 탈근대 문명의 도래와 함께 서구적 근대의 한계가 두드러지자 동아시아 정신문명을 활용하면서 미완의 근대를 완성시키고자 하는 김경동의 노력을부각시킨다. 제 4장 “동아시아 문명론 연구의 초석”은 김경동이 서구적근대나 근대화론에 머무르는 것이 아니라 본인 나름의 독창적인 “문화적교양으로 정화한 성숙한 선진사회”라는 개념과 함께 음양변증법에 기반한새로운 동아시아 문명론을 제시하고 있음을 검토한다. 김경동의 동아시아문명론을 위한 구체적 대안이라고 볼 수 있는 [선비문화의 빛과 그림자: 지식인 파워 엘리트의 사회학]을 북 콘서트에 참가한 여러 학자들의 토론내용을 소개하면서 집중적으로 고찰한다. 현대의 오도된 물질문명을 바로잡기 위해서는 선비문화의 재활성화가 매우 필요하다는 사실에 모두가 공감한다. 제 5장 “김경동 문명론 연구의 계승”에서는 김문조의 융합문명론, 김상준의 내장/팽창문명론 그리고 김성국의 하나논리가 앞으로 김경동의 문명론을 계승하고 발전시킬 수 있는 작업으로 평가한다.

      • 유전자 조작에 의한 Lactobacillus acidophilus 의 항생제 저항성균주의 개선에 관한 연구

        김성국,박상교,이삼빈,김동신 한국낙농학회 1994 韓國酪農學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        A new strain of L. acidophilus which had been electroporated with an antibiotic resistant plasmid, pGKV259, was to tolerate much higher concentrations of antibiotics with decrease in the ability of acid production and reproduction function than the intact cells in MRS broth medium at 37℃. Freeze-dried concentrates of both transformants and intact cells of L. acidophilus were prepared in lyophilization media which containing six cryoprotecive agents and examined for their ability to afford protection to cultures against freezing, freeze drying and storage. The organisms lost considerable viability during storage. Monosodium glutamate afforded greatest protection to both transformants and intact cells during the period of storage at room temperature. The lyophilized transformants even after 12weeks of storage still showed much the same antibiotic tolerance as non freeze-dried cells. 항생물질 저항성 plasmid pGKV259가 electroporation기법에 의하여 숙주균 Lactobacillus acidophilus에 전이되었음이 plasmid분리 및 항생배지 성장에서 확인되었다. 변형된 Lactobacillus acidophilus는 숙주균주보다 훨씬 높은 항생물질 농도의 MRS배지에서 성장하였으나 산생성 능력과 생장기능이 저하하였다. 숙주균 Lactobacillus acidophilus 및 변형균의 냉동건조는 여섯 종류의 냉동보호제를 첨가한 냉동건조배지에서 시행하여 냉동, 냉동건조, 그리고 저장에 따라 각 냉동보호제의 능력을 조사하였다. 균들은 저장하는 동안 상당히 생존력을 상실하였으며, 숙주균 및 변형균을 상온에 저장하는 동안 monosodium glutamate가 가장 좋은 보호제로 나타났다. 냉동건조된 변형균 역시 냉동건조 하기 전과 마찬가지로 항생제에 대한 내성을 보였다.

      • 우리나라 해외지사 인력개발에 관한 실증적 연구 : 독일지사를 중심으로

        金聲國 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1991 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.59 No.2

        This study deals with problems concerning the Human Resources Development (HRD) of overseas expatriates of Korean firms, especially in Germany. It focused on the HRD problems of expatriate managers and employees and furthermore to find appropriate solution strategies for such problems. As in many transfer cases to foreign countries, expatriates to Germany are confronted with different environmental requirements and challenges as they operate. In this regard, the human resource management for overseas assignment should be conducted differently from that of parent country. This study assumes that an effective human resources development for expatriates will result in successful overseas operation. Considering such views, this study concentrated on developing effective HRD for the overseas expatriates. Thus, the purposes of this study can be summarized in this manner: (1) to analyze the status quo of human resource development activities of Korean firms in Germany. Through this analysis, problems can be detected. (2) to derive appropriate solutions or proposals for existing problems. These proposals are aimed in setting desirable orientation for the overseas expatriates sent from the headquarter of Korean firms. With a view to fulfilling the goals of this research, overseas human resource development were classified into four major categories: (1) training and education activities which include, preparing training programs of expatriates before transferring to an overseas branch (2) promotion and career development programs (3) repatriation of expatriates to headquarters after their mission in Germany (4) expatriates opportunities for their personal and occupational development and intention to leave A questionnaire was developed to study the selected HRD activities of Korean firms for overseas expatriates. Respondents were mainly expatriate managers of Korean firms in Germany. Along with the questionnaire, interviews were conducted in order to gather detailed information regarding the theme of this study. Respondents indicated that the overall existing programs prepared by headquarters were weak. Especifically preparing program for effective adaptation of those transferred to a branch in Germany, was not sufficient enough. Also the training program during the operation in German branches were not sufficient enough. Also the training program during the operation in German branches were not being systematically conducted. Furthermore, re-adjustment programs for the repatriates were not effective. There was a definite negative association between the degree of satisfaction with the opportunities for personal and occupational development and expatriates intention to leave in Germany. This study shows the importance of assessing comprehensive HRD programs for expatriates of an international firm. This includes not only the intense preparation for personnel about to go abroad, but also on-site support for them, once they are there and then dealing with any reentry problems when the officials return.

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