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        구약성서에덴신화와󰡔징심록󰡕마고신화의 신⋅인론 비교 연구

        김윤숙 국제뇌교육종합대학원대학교 국학연구원 2015 선도문화 Vol.19 No.-

        한국선도에서 전해지는 선도서들 중 신라시대 박제상(362∼418)이저술한 󰡔징심록󰡕제1지 「부도지」에는 ‘마고신화’라 불리는, 세상과 인류의 시작에 대해 얘기하고 있는 흥미로운 창세신화가 있다. 인류의시조들이 근원과 합일되어 살다가 포도를 먹음으로써 근원에서 분리되어 나온다는 마고신화의 이야기는 󰡔구약성서󰡕 「창세기」에 나오는 에덴신화와 유사한 구성을 가지고 있다. 그러나 그 두 이야기의 바탕을 이루는 사유체계는 판이하여, 연구자는 이 두 창세신화를 비교 연구해보게 되었다. 이 두 신화의 차이점은 한 마디로 ‘신인분리’와 ‘신인합일’일 것이다. 유사한 구성을 가지고 있는 두 신화가 이렇게 다른 이야기가 된것은 신과 인간을 합일의 관계로 보느냐, 분리의 관계로 보느냐에 기인한다고 본다. 우리 고유의 것임에도 불구하고 거의 알려져 있지 않은 마고신화이야기는 서로가 적이 되어 싸우고 이겨야만 하는 삶을 어쩔 수 없는 불편한 진실처럼 받아들이고 있는 대부분의 우리들에게 전혀 다른 삶의 방식을 보여주고 있다. 마고신화를 통하여 모두를 ‘하나에서나온 하나’로 인식하며 ‘함께 더불어’ 살았던 우리 선조들의 사유체계를 접하고, 선조들의 그 정신이 바로 지금 우리 안에 잠재해 있음도한 번쯤 생각해보게 되기를 희망한다. 더 이상의 지속이 불가능해진 현대문명을 향해 한국선도는 인간세상도, 지구도, 그리고 지구상의 모든 생명도 평화롭게 공존할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 한국선도야말로 ‘오래된 미래’이다. 주제어 : 한국선도, 징심록, 부도지, 마고신화, 구약성서, 창세기,에덴신화, 신인합일, 신인분리,

      • 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 이용한 환자안전전담자의 환자 및 보호자 대상 환자 안전 교육 경험 분석

        김윤숙,김문숙,황지인,김혜란,김현아,김효선,천자혜,곽미정,Kim, Yoon-Sook,Kim, Moon-Sook,Hwang, Jee-In,Kim, Hye-Ran,Kim, Hyun-Ah,Kim, Hyuo-Sun,Chun, Ja-Hae,Kwak, Mi-Jeong 한국의료질향상학회 2019 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the development of the most appropriate and effective educational materials for patients and their caregivers through the educational experiences of patient safety officer. Methods: This study is a qualitative analysis that involves using the focus group interview to understand the patient safety education experience of the patient safety officer. Results: The patient safety education experience of the patient safety officer is divided into four topics: (1) patient safety education content (2) patient safety education method (3) patient safety education status (4) activation and improvement of patient safety education. Additionally, the study incorporated twelve subtopics: (a) falls (b) speak up (c) patient safety campaign (d) patient safety rounding and a one on one training (e) education through medical staff (f) education using broadcast, video, post, among others (g) a lot of education in patient (h) patients not interested in patient safety education (i) patient safety education is less effective (j) human and medical expenses support (k) provision of standardized educational materials (l) patient safety culture for patient participation. Conclusions: This study indicate that education for patients and the caregivers should be inclusive and protective of stakeholders from the risks involved in patient safety events. The experience of patient safety officer is necessary for patient safety education for both patients and the caregivers since it is the source of basic data for the future development of patient safety education.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Medical Concerns of Induced Abortion and Contraception

        김윤숙 대한의학회 2019 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.34 No.17

        After the introduction of the abortion prohibition law in 1953 in Korea, the Constitutional Court ruled a constitutional inconsistency with respect to the abortion prohibition law on April 11, 2019. This decision was made after 66 years. If the abortion prohibition law provisions are not amended before December 31, 2020, the abortion law is automatically abolished. Based on the problem of abortion prohibition law, which was regarded as almost indefinite law, the “Pro-Life Physicians” who were opposed to abortion accused four- obstetrics and gynecology doctors who performed abortion surgery in 2009. Eventually the accused obstetricians were sentenced guilty and punished in 2010. After that event, hospitals that provide abortion surgery have been rapidly reduced and the surgery costs increased significantly. Therefore in the 2010s, some women went to overseas for abortion surgery. In the meantime, a teenager died of excessive bleeding during the abortion procedure in November 2012. On September 22, 2016, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) prescribed that abortion surgery was defined as ‘immoral medical practice’ and foretold the amendments to the “Enforcement Decree of the Medical Law and the Enforcement Regulations” to disqualify doctors for up to 12 months for infractions. In response to the MOHW prescription, women's organizations and other civil groups rebelled strongly. On September 30, 2017, a petition for abolishment of the abortion prohibition law was issued to the Blue House; 230,000 people agreed within one month.

      • KCI등재

        간내담관결석의 초음파 소견

        김윤숙 대한영상의학회 1989 대한영상의학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        The intrahepatic duct stones are prevalent in east Asia and pose serious health problem because of the frequent recurrence and often associated suppurative cholangitis. Accurate diagnosis and localization of intrahepatic duct stones are essential to good prog-nosis and selection of adequate therapeutic methods. We studied 112 cases of intrahepatic duct stones diagnosed with ultrasound and confirmed by operation or other radiologic studies for recent 3 years from May 1986 to May 1989 at Department of Radiology National Medical Center and analysed ultrasonographic findings. The results were as follows:1. Among 112 cases 73(65%) were female 39(35%) were male with predominacy in 5th decade. 2. The most common location of intrahepatic duct stones was left intrahepatic duct in 48 cases (43%) followed by right intrahepatic duct in 42 cases (37.5%) and both intrahepatic ducts in 22 cases (19.5%) In respect of segmental distribution left lateral segment is the most common location (53 cases 34% followed by right posterior segment(43 cases 27%). 3. Ultrasonographic findings were as follows: nodular pattern is the most common (59 cases 53%) followed by tubular or linear impac-ted pattern (23 cases 20%) irregular heterogenous conglomerated mass (13 cases 12%) smooth homogenous single mass(10 cases 9%) and mixed (7cases 6%) in orders. Ductal dilatations were classified by diffuse dilatation (16 cases 14%) localized dilatation (50 cases 45%) and no dilatation (46 cases 41%) Many of the tubular impacted stones showed no ductal dilatation and single mass showed ductal dilatations in all cases. 4. In 53 cases (47%) combined extrahepatic duct stones were present. 5. As associated findings liver cirrhosis in 11 cases (10%) cholangitis in 9 case (8%) cholecystitis in 7 cases (6%) hepatic and pericholangitic abscess in 3 cases (3%) and CBD cancer GB cancer acute pancreatitis in 2 cases (2%) respectively.

      • KCI등재

        로욜라의 성 이냐시오의 자발적 가난 이해: ‘이냐시오 순례길’을 중심으로

        김윤숙,김영훈 서강대학교 서강대학교 신학연구소 2024 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.47

        본고는 성 이냐시오의 자발적 가난을 탐구하기 위해 회심 후 첫 순례길인 로욜라부터 만레사까지의 여정을 따라 가면서 예수 그리스도의 자기 비움 영성이 그의 영적 성장과 방향성에 끼친 영향을 고찰한다. 선행연구들은 성 이냐시오의 이 순례길과 자발적 가난의 삶에 관하여 자세히 다루지 않고 있다. 순례길에 관해서는 성지에 관한 지형적 설명이나 성 이냐시오에 관한 외적 사건들을 중심으로 나열하였고, 성 이냐시오의 생애에 관해서는자서전에만 의지하여 사건 중심의 접근 방법으로 분석하였다. 본고는 예수회의 역사적 사료들을 일차적으로 읽고 해석하며 역사맥락적 방법으로 성 이냐시오의 순례를 독해한다. 한편으로는 후안 알폰소 데 폴랑코의 자서전과 페드로 데 리바데네이라의 이냐시오 생애를 통해 그의 생애를 먼저 맥락적으로 조망한다. 다른 한편으로는 예수회 스페인 관구에서 출판한 ‘이냐시오 순례길’이라는 문헌을 참고하여 성 이냐시오의 자발적 가난의 영성의 원천을 강생으로 자기를 비우신 예수 그리스도를 향한 그의 사랑에서 찾는다. This paper examines the spiritual journey of Saint Ignatius, from his pilgrimage to Loyola to Manresa, as a means of exploring his voluntary poverty and reflecting on the influence of Jesus Christ’s self-emptying spirituality on his spiritual growth and horizon. Previous studies have not extensively covered Saint Ignatius’s pilgrimage and voluntary life of poverty. Regarding the pilgrimage, they focused on geographical descriptions related to the holy sites or external events related to Saint Ignatius, and in examining Saint Ignatius’s life, they relied solely on his autobiography, using an event-centric approach. This paper engages in a historical analysis of Saint Ignatius’s pilgrimage by reading and interpreting primary resources in Jesuit history employing a historical-contextual approach. On the one hand, this study contextualizes his life through the autobiographies of Juan Alfonso de Polanco and Pedro de Ribadeneyra, and on the other hand, it references the document ‘The Ignatian Pilgrimage,’ published by the Jesuits in Spain, to explore the source of Saint Ignatius’s voluntary poverty in the self-emptying of Jesus Christ.

      • 국외 환자대상의 환자안전 교육 사례

        김윤숙,곽미정,김문숙,김현아,김효선,천자혜,황지인,Kim, Yoon-Sook,Kwak, Mi-Jeong,Kim, Moon-Sook,Kim, Hyun-Ah,Kim, Hyuo-Sun,Chun, Ja-Hae,Hwang, Jee-In 한국의료질향상학회 2019 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to share program and/or resource on patient safety education for patients and families conducted overseas agency. This study will help the patient safety officer establish and implement an educational plan for patients and families. Methods: We searched the Internet for patient safety related organizations. We chose an institution that provided education for patients and families. Results: Most of the program and/or resource was about patient and family involvement; Taking Care of Myself, My Questions for This Visit, Patient Prep Card, 20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors, Ask Me 3(R), Health and Safety Passport, My Medication log etc. Conclusions: It is necessary to distribute educational materials for patients and families in the country through the results of this study. For patient safety, education and publicity are needed so that developed educational materials can be actively used.

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