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        형광 나노입자: 합성 및 응용

        김영국,송병관,이정구,백연경,Kim, Y.K.,Song, B.K.,Lee, J.G.,Baek, Y.K. 한국분말야금학회 2020 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.27 No.2

        Fluorescent nanoparticles are characterized by their unique properties such as luminescence, optical transparency, and sensitivity to various chemical environments. For example, semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots), which are nanophosphors doped with transition metal or rare earth ions, can be classified as fluorescent nanoparticles. Tuning their optical and physico-chemical properties can be carried out by considering and taking advantage of nanoscale effects. For instance, quantum confinement causes a much higher fluorescence with nanoparticles than with their bulk counterparts. Recently, various types of fluorescent nanoparticles have been synthesized to extend their applications to other fields. In this study, State-of-the-art fluorescent nanoparticles are reviewed with emphasis on their analytical and anti-counterfeiting applications and synthesis processes. Moreover, the fundamental principles behind the exceptional properties of fluorescent nanoparticles are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Legislation Trend and Task for Legal Status of Insurance Solicitor in Korea

        김영국 국민대학교 법학연구소 2014 법학논총 Vol.27 No.2

        Since liberation of 1945, passing through social confused stages of Korean War, the insurance business has laid foundation for its growth of Korea. It was really hard to find consumers who lived from hand to hand and identify the need to buy insurance policy. In these poor environments, the organizations of insurance solicitors(“ISs”) have made enormous contribution to the development and growth of life insurance market in Korea. ISs, through inducement and invitation to offer as intermediary, make insurance contracts concluded and this has been a cause of legal disputes for the reason that their right to represent insurance companies is not recognized in reality. In particular, legal stability of intermediary action of ISs is not secured and the problem of damages on policyholder therefrom is seriously arisen. Due to the nature of insurance, people engaging in insurance solicitation ask consumers to buy insurance policy and fulfill the duties to conclude contracts in practice, there are many cases where policyholders consider ISs as insurance companies themselves. For instance, there are many instances where material facts are not delivered to insurance companies, even though the policyholder clearly informed those facts. This is because the IS has no right to receive notices. In March of 2014, limited right to receive premium and right to issue insurance policy certificate of IS were newly added to the Korean Commercial Act, insurance contract law. However, it is doubtful that those newly added provisions are effective because: the provisions of IS state in the manner that rights of insurance agencies are limited; term of ‘IS’ is not to be expressly used; no provision grants ISs the right to receive notices. Considering their important role in insurance solicitation practices, it is necessary to recognize ISs' rights to receive notice to the extent that the insurance contract has less room for contract parties to intervene that contract on their discretion. In addition, it is also necessary to impose obligations to provide information or explain to insurance consumers so that they can clearly identify the authorities and rights of IS. On the other hand, an IS enters into a commission contract with the insurance company to which he or she belongs and there are many cases where the IS takes unfair treatment from that insurance company in the course of fulfilling his or her duties. Currently, the Insurance Business Act prohibits unfair conduct of insurance companies such as non issuance of commission contract or violation of provisions of that contract and makes those companies comply with those provisions through voluntary rules of their associations. However, there is a limitation on the effectiveness when: the types of unfair conduct against IS are described in each subparagraph of Article 29-3 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Insurance Business Act (Act); and the unfair conduct of those companies are to be prevented through the autonomous rules of the associations. Accordingly, in July of 2014, proposed partial revision bills of the Act prepared by the National Policy Committee of the National Assembly prescribes those unfair conduct in subparagraph 1 through 3 of Article 85-3 (1) of the Act. However, in order to secure effectiveness of those provisions, it is necessary to explore the plan to punishment such as imposition of fines in case of violations of those provisions prohibiting unfair conduct. Likewise, any matter related to unfair conduct of insurance companies is related to the contractual relationship between those companies and ISs and the existence of direction or orders of those companies for ISs to be recognized as employees. At present, a proposed bill requiring to expressly describe people working in special types including IS as employees in the statutes including the Labor Standards Act is been discussed. Its essential content is to recognize people working in special types as employees in...

      • KCI등재

        인터넷전문은행법을 둘러싼 최근의 몇 가지 쟁점과 과제 - 대주주 적격성 심사를 중심으로 -

        김영국 한국법정책학회 2019 법과 정책연구 Vol.19 No.2

        인터넷전문은행법(이하 “특례법”)이 2019년 1월 17일 발효되면서 인터넷전문은행 대주주의 한도초과보유 승인 심사가 쟁점이다. ㈜케이뱅크은행(이하 “케이뱅크”)의 KT, 한국카카오은행(주)(이하 “카카오뱅크”)의 카카오가 지분율을 34%까지 올리기 위한 한도초과보유 승인 심사가 진행 중에 있으나, 공정거래법 위반 문제로 심사가 지연되고 있다. 심사기간이 60일로 정해져 있어 금융당국은 공정거래법 위반에 대한 최종 확정판결이 내려질 때까지 심사를 중단할 것으로 보인다. 최근에 내려진 인터넷전문은행 예비인가 불허 결정에 기존 인터넷전문은행의 문제점과 관련 쟁점들이 직․간접적으로 영향을 주고 있다. 특히 케이뱅크는 복잡한 주주구성으로 유상증자를 위한 결정에 차질이 생기면서 적기에 자본증자가 이루어지지 않아 영업상 어려움이 발생하였다. 이로 인해 신규 인터넷전문은행 예비인가 심사에서 향후 자본조달 능력에 대한 평가가 중요해졌다. 예비인가가 유력했던 키움뱅크 컨소시엄(이하 “키움뱅크”)은 대주주의 수가 지나치게 많은 점, 토스뱅크 컨소시엄(이하 “토스뱅크”)은 최대주주 비바리퍼블리카(이하 “토스”)의 수익성에 약점이 있는데다 신한금융 등이 참여하지 않으면서 자본확충 문제가 부각되었다. 이 밖에도 토스뱅크는 토스가 금융주력자 지위를 인정받을 수 있을지 여부, 키움뱅크는 사업의 혁신성 부분에서 어떤 평가를 받을지가 심사의 관건이었다. 결국 토스뱅크는 지배주주의 적합성, 출자능력, 자금조달능력의 측면에서 미흡하다는 평가를 받았고, 키움뱅크는 사업계획의 혁신성과 실현가능성 측면에 문제가 있는 것으로 평가되면서 한 곳도 예비인가를 받지 못하였다. 이 글에서는 현재 진행 중인 대주주 적격성 심사의 쟁점을 분석하고 신규 인터넷전문은행 인가 심사의 방향에 대하여 검토하였다. 물론 금융당국이 입법정잭적 관점에서 인터넷전문은행을 도입한 측면이 있으므로 정치․경제적 문제 등 다양한 요인이 작용함을 배제할 수 없다. 그러나 한도초과보유주주(이하 “대주주”) 승인을 위한 관련 절차를 충실히 거치고 쟁점에 대한 명확한 법률해석을 기초로 공정하고 타당한 결정이 내려져야 할 것이다. 그런데 승인 결정은 공정위 등 행정기관의 조사 및 사법절차의 종결과 연계되기 때문에 기간이 많이 걸리는 문제가 있다. 특히 이 글에서는 대주주 적격성 심사대상에 특수관계인을 포함시키는 것이 법 취지에 맞는 것으로 판단하고 관련 논의를 전개하였다. 먼저 대주주의 법규 위반이 경미할 경우에 금융당국이 재량으로 예외를 인정할 것인지 판단하게 되는데 이에 대한 명확한 법적 기준이 필요하다. 그러나 공정거래법 위반을 대주주 한도초과보유 승인 심사의 기준으로 적용하는 것에 대해서는 축소 적용 등 재론이 이루어져야 한다고 보았다. 궁극적으로는 은행업 등 금융업의 선진화를 위해 금융당국이 심사나 감독 과정에서 원칙과 기준을 명확히 적용 할 수 있도록 법제도를 지속적으로 정비하고, 아울러 금융기관 등이 금융정책의 방향을 인지하면서 적극적으로 사업을 추진할 수 있도록 지원하거나 지도하는 금융감독 시스템을 갖춰 나가야 한다. 또한 수익 구조 개선에 어려움이 예상되는 상황에서 공동결제시스템(“오픈뱅킹” 병기)을 2019년 12월 도입하기로 하여 인터넷전문은행은 새로운 도전과 기회에 직면해 있다.... Ever since the enforcement of the Internet Banking Act on January 17, 2019, the evaluation of an excessive retention approval for major shareholders of internet banks has become a central issue. The KT of the K Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter as “K Bank”) and the KAKAO of the Korea KAKAO Bank Co., Ltd. are currently in the process of the evaluation of an excessive retention approval for raising their shares to the limit of 34%, but the evaluation has been delayed due to the violation of the Fair Trade Act. Since a period of the evaluation is set to be within 60 days, the financial authority seems to suspend the evaluation until a final decision on the violation of the Fair Trade Act is made. A recent decision on the denial of preliminary license for the internet-only bank had been directly and indirectly influenced by issues of the existing internet-only bank. Especially, due to the K Bank’s complicated structure of shareholders, it had an issue with its recapitalization, in turn failing to increase its capital on time and experiencing a business difficulty. Therefore, for the preliminary license evaluation for new internet-only banks, the capacity for capital financing becomes more important. In the case of the Kiwoom Bank Consortium (hereinafter as “Kiwoom Bank”) and the Toss Bank Consortium (hereinafter as “Toss Bank”), which were strong candidates for the preliminary license, the former had an issue with its too large number of major shareholders and the later had an issue with capital expansion due to the weak profitability of its largest shareholder, Viva Republica (hereinafter as “Toss”) and the decision of Shinhan Financial for not participating in the Toss Bank. In addition, the Toss Bank had an issue of whether the Toss was able to be recognized as a financial stakeholder and the Kiwoom Bank had an issue of how its business innovation would be evaluated. Resultingly, both the Toss Bank and the Kiwoom Bank failed to receive the preliminary license since the former was considered to have an issue of capital financing due to its structure of shareholders and the later was considered to have an issue of business innovation. In this study, recent issues of the major shareholder eligibility assessment are analyzed along with the direction of a new internet-only bank license evaluation. Of course, since the financial authorities introduced the internet-only bank from the perspective of legislation and policy, various factors including political and economical factors are in effect. Still, as for the major shareholder eligibility assessment (hereinafter as Major Shareholder), fair and reasonable decisions should be made on the basis of clear interpretation of the corresponding Acts. However, the problem is that this evaluation is closely related with investigations of various administrative agencies and judicial processes, so it takes a lot of time. Especially, in this study, a discussion is made based on the author’s decision that the inclusion of affiliate persons in the major shareholder eligibility assessment is beyond its scope. First, if the major shareholder’s violation of the Fair Trade Act is minor, the financial authorities will decide whether to admit the exception, with discretion, so it requires clear legal standards. However, it is suggested that it would be rather important to argue once again whether it would be proper to have the violation of the Fair Trade Act to influence the major shareholder eligibility assessment. Ultimately, for the advancement of the financial industry, such as banking, the financial authorities should consistently improve the corresponding legal system so that its principles and standards can be clearly applied in the audit and supervision processes. In addition, they should prepare the financial supervision system that either supports or guides the implementation of financial policies. While internet-only banks are expecting to face a difficulty of improving t...

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