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      • KCI등재

        GIS를 이용한 상수관망 소블록 최적설계기법 개발

        김경필,박용균,구자용 대한상하수도학회 2015 상하수도학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        District Metered Area (DMA) construction is one of the most cost effective alternatives for management of water loss (i.e., water leakage) and energy consumption (i.e., water pressure) in water distribution systems. Therefore, it’s being implemented to numerous new and existing water distribution systems worldwide. However, due to the complexity of water distribution systems, especially large-scale and highly looped systems, it is still very difficult to define the optimal boundary of DMAs considering all the aspects of water distribution system management requirements. In this study, a DMA design methodology (or a DMA design model) was developed with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and hydraulic distribution system model to determine the optimal DMA boundary.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국의 경제민주화: 열망과 실망의 반복

        김경필 비판사회학회 2019 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.121

        This article explains why the desire and disappointment of economic democratization are repeated in Korea. Based on the argument that the desire for economic democratization is basically caused by problems arising from the capital accumulation of chaebols such as owner domination, unrelated diversification and concentration of economic power, and labor control, I analyzed the cases of Roh Tae-woo and Park Geun-hye government. Both governments institutionalized the desire for economic democratization and set its direction to liberalize, to restrain concentration of economic power, and coexistence and fair economy, respectively. Even if these proposals were implemented according to the original bill, it was difficult to solve the chaebol problem. However, even these proposals were not implemented due to the opposition of the chaebols and lack of will, and the desire turned to disappointment. So far, the goal of economic democratization was to reorganize the chaebol into industrial capital, which occupies only the mainstream industries, in which the owner/shareholders govern transparently. This approach, however, can make it difficult to cope with labor flexibilization and lead to the sacrifice of stakeholders excluding the owner/shareholders. In addition, economic democratization has not been linked organically with economic growth and innovation policies and has been seen as impeding growth and innovation. This should be taken into account when developing policy alternatives, and when implementing policies, we must consider how to impose democratic disciplines on chaebols. 이 글은 왜 한국에서 경제민주화의 열망과 실망이 반복되는지를 설명한다. 경제민주화 열망은 기본적으로 총수지배, 다각화와 경제력 집중, 노동통제와 같은 재벌 자본축적에서 발생하는 문제가 누적되면서 발생하는 것이라는 논점을 바탕으로, 여기서는 열망이 가장 포괄적으로 분출했던 노태우, 박근혜 정부에 주목했다. 두 정부는 경제민주화 열망을 제도화하며 그것의 방향을 각각 자유화와 경제력 집중해소, 상생과 공정 및경제력 남용 억제로 설정했다. 이들의 안은 원안대로 시행되더라도 재벌문제를 해결하기 어려운 것이었는데, 그마저도 재벌의 반발이나 의지부족으로 인해 제대로 시행되지못했다. 경제민주화는 결국 자유화와 공정거래의 부분적 확립으로 마무리되었고, 열망은 실망으로 바뀌었다. 그간의 재벌개혁이나 경제민주화는 재벌을 총수/주주가 투명하게 지배하는 주력업종에만 종사하는 산업자본으로 재편하고 사회보호를 확장하는 것을 골자로 했는데, 이러한 방식은 노동유연화에의 대처를 어렵게 하고, 총수/주주를 제외한 기업 이해당사자의 희생을 야기할 수 있다. 또한 기존 안은 경제성장 및 혁신정책과 유기적으로 연결되지 못했고, 성장 및 혁신을 저해하는 것으로 여겨지기도 했다. 향후의 경제민주화는 정책대안을 마련하는 데 있어 이 점을 고려해야 하고, 실행에서는어떻게 재벌에 민주적 규율을 부과할지를 고민해야 한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        노태우 정부 시기 국가-기업 관계의 재검토 - 시소게임 접근을 넘어서

        김경필 비판사회학회 2022 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.135

        노태우 정부 시기의 국가-기업 관계에 주목했던 연구들은 국가중심적 접근의 영향을받아 국가를 분석의 중심에 두고, 이들의 관계를 국가와 기업이 시소게임을 벌이는 것처럼 보았다. 이 글은 이러한 접근을 다시 생각해 보아야 한다고 주장한다. 기존의 설명은국가에만 주목한 나머지 기업에는 큰 관심을 보이지 않았고, 국가와 기업의 힘을 강함이나 약함, 중간으로 측정할 수 있다고 여겼다. 노태우 정부 5년을 하나의 단일한 시간대로 묶어서 보거나, 국가와 기업이 하나의 단일한 장에서만 관계를 맺는 것으로 설정하기도 했다. 게다가 과거에 존재하지 않았던 경쟁, 긴장, 갈등이 이 시기부터 발생한 것처럼묘사하기도 했다. 이 글은 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 국가와 재벌 모두에 관심을 기울이고, 해당 시기의 역사적 조건과 시간의 흐름도 함께 검토한다. 그래서 이 시기의 선거나 정치지형 변화, 경기변동을 고려해 기업지배구조 및 사업영역, 금융, 노동관리, 사업공간과 기술혁신 부문에서 국가와 재벌의 전략이 상호작용하며 만들어내는 다채로운협력, 갈등, 타협을 설명하려고 한다. Studies explaining the state-business relationship during the Roh Tae-Woo presidency regarded the state-business relationship as a seesaw game, influenced by the state-centered approach. This paper argues that such an approach cannot accurately grasp reality and asserted that the state-business relationship should be reconsidered. Existing explanations focused only on the state and did not show much interest in chaebols, and also believed that the power of states and business could be measured as strong, weak, or medium. And it was thought that no change had occurred in five years, or that the state and the business had a relationship in only one sector. Existing literature also described tensions and conflicts as newly arising, as if this were the main aspect of the relationship during this period. To solve these problems, this paper focuses on the historical conditions, while putting the chaebols in their right place along with the state. Considering factors such as elections, changes in the political landscape, and economic fluctuations during this period, this paper attempts to explain various relationships such as cooperation, conflict, and compromise created by the interaction of the strategies of the state and chaebols in five areas of the economy.

      • KCI등재

        한국 군 사법제도 재생산의 정치학: 노무현, 박근혜 정부를 중심으로

        김경필,이수진 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2020 사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.4

        This article attempts to explain why the Korean military judicial system is reproducing, despite many claiming to be non-democratic. Based on insights of historical institutionalism, this article considers the reproduction of the military judicial system as a process of conflict and struggle in certain historical conjunctures, focuses on the characteristics of the issue and social coalitions. It also explains how the coalition's strategy to sustain or change the system collided and maintained the system. During the Roh Moo-hyun administration, reforms led by the government and the ruling party faced opposition coalitions consisting of the military, the Ministry of National Defense, and opposition parties. Reform was not legislated in conjunction with other political issues. Attempts to reform during the Park Geun-hye administration were led by both ruling and opposition lawmakers. The Ministry of National Defense represented the military and opposed the reform, and lawmakers were unable to legislate their claims. While the Ministry of National Defense and the military have united to prevent institutional change, lawmakers have not put the issue on the priority list. Although the Moon Jae-in government proposed a reform plan for the military judicial system, and the ruling party won a huge victory in the election of the National Assembly, it cannot be easily said that this will be implemented.

      • KCI등재

        Reduction of Residual Thermal Stress on Anodesupported SOFCs Using Porous Aid Layers

        김경필,심준형,배기호,김권희 한국정밀공학회 2012 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.13 No.12

        After the fabrication of anode-supported planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), the mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) between the anode and the electrolyte introduces residual thermal stress in the cells. This residual stress on the electrolyte limits reliable cell operation in practice, and it often results in the failure of the cells. To alleviate the residual thermal stress of the cell, especially on the surface of the electrolyte, we propose to use an additional stress relieving porous layer between the electrolyte and the cathode. To analyze the stress reducing effect of the additional layer, several numerical calculations were carried out using various designs of the aid layer. In our simulation, the residual stress in the electrolyte was significantly reduced in the aided cell structures.

      • KCI등재

        유방 실질 조직 Z-성형술을 이용한 유방 하수 교정술

        김경필,김지훈,황재하,김광석,이삼용 대한성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose: To correct breast ptosis, reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy have been developed in a way that minimizes complications. Recently, as the mean age of breast cancer occurrence is decreasing, the need for breast reconstruction in patients with breast cancer is rising. If mastopexy is performed with breast reconstruction at the same time, the size of the normal breast and the new one is not quite different. We decided to apply Zplasty,which is a widely-used technique in plastic surgery to lengthen or change the direction of tension of the tissue. Methods: From March 2008 to December 2009, we performed breast reconstruction in 6 patients with breast cancer and scar contracture. After breast reconstruction, mastopexy with Z-plasty was applied to correct the asymmetry. The new nipple-areolar complex is placed on the line connecting the midclavicle and the current nipple. The inferior border of the new areola corresponds with the inferior border of the original areola, and the superior border about 2 cm upward the original superior border. We drew two oblique lines connecting the medial end of the incision line lower to the nipple-areola complex and the lateral end of the inframammary fold for Z-plasty. The excess tissue between these two lines was removed and the new triangular flaps were put together. Results: The average age of patients was 42.6 years, aged from 36.1 to 48.1 The weight of removed tissue was between 54g and 95 g, with the mean of 74 g. The average distance from the midclavicle to the nipple was 24 cm before surgery, and 21 cm after the surgery. The average operation time per patient (1 mastopexy) was 45 minutes, and the patients were satisfied with the size and shape. Conclusion: Applying Z-plasty for the mastopexy on the normal breast ptosis is a relatively simple way to achieve symmetry in patients who need breast reconstruction.

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