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      • KCI등재

        인버터 아크 용접기의 열유동 해석

        정원훈,김나용,김동건,배강열,김봉환 한국기계가공학회 2022 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.21 No.11

        To effectively dissipate the heat generated by an inverter-type arc welding machine, we propose the design of a heat dissipation mechanism that can efficiently dissipate the heat inside the arc welding machine through a heat sink. To this end, the effect of heat dissipation on the shape change of the heat sink was confirmed through thermal fluid analyses. In addition, the heat dissipation effect, according to the distance between the coils, was identified and reflected in the internal design of the arc-welding machine. Results of the thermal flow analyses confirmed that the all-in-one type heat sink achieved a superior heat dissipation effect, as compared with the wing-type heat sink. Furthermore, as the distance between the coils increased, the effect of the center and lower cooling fan on the concentrated heat dissipation effect decreased; therefore, a distance of 40 mm between the coils is deemed suitable.

      • KCI등재

        결식에 따른 피로도와 뇨성분 변화에 관한 연구

        정원훈,신미경 대한보건협회 1998 대한보건연구 Vol.24 No.1

        아침식사를 거르는 결식학생과 정상적으로 3식을 하는 남녀 대학생 310명을 대상으로 부하를 가한 후에 자각적 피로증상 검사와 Flicker test, 뇨검사를 실시하여 피로의 정도와 생리적 반응을 알아 보았다. 1. 자각적 피로증상 부분에서 여학생 결식집단이 정상식 집단보다 신체적 증상에서 높은 피로증가를 보였고, 또한 운동 전과 운동 후 비교에서도 운동 후에 32%의 높은 피로도를 보였다. 2. Flicker test의 집단간 비교는 정상식 집단이 결식집단에 비하여 남학생은 운동 후에, 여학생은 휴식 후에 각각 유의하였고, 운동 전과 운동 후 휴식 후 비교에서는 남학생은 정상식과 결식집단에서 공히 운동 후와 휴식 후 비교에서 유의하게 차이가 났으며, 여학생은 결식집단에서 운동 전과 휴식 후, 운동 후와 휴식 후에 유의있게 차이가 났다(P<0.05). 3. 뇨검사에서 glucose는 negative를 기록하여 변화가 없었으며, Protein은 여학생 집단간 비교에서 결식집단이 정상식 집단에 비하여 운동 후와 휴식 후에서 차이를 보였으며, 운동 전과 운동 후 휴식 후 비교에서는 남녀 결식집단에서 공히 운동 전에 비하여 휴식 후에 유의있는 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). pH는 집단간 비교에서 남녀 모두 정상식 집단보다 결식집단에서 유의있게 낮았으며, 운동 전과 운동 후 휴식 후 비교에서는 특히 남녀 모두 결식집단에서 운동 전과 후, 운동 후와 휴식 후에 유의있게 낮았다(P<005). Urobilinogen은 집단간 유의는 없었으며, 운동 전과 운동 후 휴식 후 비교에서는 남녀 모두 정상식 집단과 결식집단에서 운동 전에 비하여 운동 후에, 그리고 운동 전에 비하여 휴식 후에 유의있는 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). Specific gravity에서는 집단간 유의는 없었으며, 운동 전과 운동 후 휴식 후 비교에서는 남녀 모두 정상식 집단과 결식집단에서 운동 전에 비하여 운동 후에, 운동 전에 비하여 휴식 후에 유의있는 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 4. 측정과 검사결과에서 보듯이 여학생 결식집단이 피로의 증상과 뇨의 성분변화가 유의있게 더 많이 나타나 정상적인 식사형태가 요망된다. Studied the degree of fatigue and physiologic response through a subjective fatigue symptom test, a flicker test, a urine test after loading to the 310 male and female collegians both who skip their breakfasts and who take regular three meals a day. 1. In a subjective fatigue symptoms, a female group of skipping meals showed a high degree of fatigue as a physical symptom than a group of taking meals regularly and, in a comparison of the case before exercise with the case after exercise, showed the 32% high degree of fatigue in the case after exercise. 2. In a comparison of a flicker test between the groups, a group of taking regular meals, males and females showed considerable differences ofter exercise and after taking a rest respectively. In a comparison of the case before and the one after exercise, and the case after taking a rest, males of both a group of taking regular meals and a group of skipping meals showed the same considerable differences in the case after exercise and the one after taking a rest, and females of a group of skipping meals showed considerable differences the case before exercise and the case after taking a rest, and the case after exercise and the case after taking a rest.(P<0.05) 3. In a urine test, there was not any change, showing negative in glucose and In a comparison of female groups, a group of skipping meals showed considerable differences in protein than a group of taking meals, and in a comparison of the case before exercise and the one after exercise and the case after taking a rest, both male and female of skipping meals showed the same considerable differences after taking a rest than before exercise.(P<0.05) In a comparison between the groups, both male and female groups of skipping meals showed low in pH than the ones of taking regular meals, and in a comparison of the case before exercise and the one after exercise, and the one after taking a rest, especially both male and female groups of skipping meals showed considerably low before and after exercise and after exercise and after taking a rest.(P<0.05) There was not any differences in Urobilinogen between the groups. In a comparison of the case before exercise and the one after exercise, and the one after taking a rest, both male and female groups of taking regular meals and of skipping meals showed considerable differences after exercise than before exercise, and after taking a rest than before exercise.(P<0.05) (4) There was not any differences in specific gravity. In a comparison of the case before exercise and the one after exercise, and the one after taking a rest, both male and female groups of taking regular meals and of skipping meals showed considerable differences after exercise than before exercise, and after taking a rest than before exercise.(P<0.05) 4. As showed from its characters and test results, female group of skipping meals showed considerable changes in fatigue symptom and the elements of urine, so it is required to take regular meals.

      • KCI등재

        SNS 사용특성, 대출특성, 개인특성이 신용대출 상환에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        정원훈,이재순 한국벤처창업학회 2023 벤처창업연구 Vol.18 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 SNS 사용특성과 대출상품의 특성, 개인특성이 신용대출 상환에 미치는 영향력을 확인하여 SNS를 활용하는 대안신용평가가 기존 대출심사를 보완할 수 있는지를 검증하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 SNS를 활용하여 실제 대출심사에 반영하고 있는 T사 A 신용대출 프로그램 데이터를 이용하여 SNS 사용특성, 대출특성, 개인특성이 신용대출 상환에 미치는 영향력을 이항로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 분석하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 사용자의 성격 및 개별 특성을 나타내는 프로필 사진의 경우 본인을 드러내지 않으려고 프로필 사진을 등록하지 않은 사람들과 달리 외향적인 경향의 사람이 선택할 가능성이 큰 본인 사진, 가족, 친구 등의 사적그룹 사진, 성실성의 경향이 강한 사람이 선택할 확률이 높은 취미 등 사회활동 사진, 개방성과 신경성이 높은 경향의 사람이 많이 선택하는 캐릭터·유머 사진, 개인의 사생활과 직결되는 가족·친구 등 사진을 SNS에 사용하는 사람들일수록 신용대출 상환에 적극적인 것으로 나타났다. 본인을 감추는 풍경 등의 사진 사용과 신용대출 상환과의 인과관계는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 또한, SNS 사용량이 많을수록 신용대출 상환가능성이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 SNS 소통량은 신용대출 상환가능성에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 소통량이라는 변수가 사용자가 직접 작성한 글보다는 타인의 댓글에 대한 공감을 나타내는 수동적 측면이 강하기 때문에 나타난 결과라 판단된다. 대출채권이 가진 특성을 나타내는 대출기간과 대출횟수도 신용대출 상환에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 대출기간과 대출횟수가 소액대출 상품에서도 중요한 영향요소로 고려되어야 함을 의미한다. 개인 특성 변수 중에서는 성별만 유의하게 나타났다. 이는 분석에 사용한 대출프로그램이 은행 등의 금융기관에서 대출이 불가능한 저신용 점수를 가진 20~30대 고객이 대부분인 상품으로 이용자의 나이와 신용점수에 있어서 차별성이 크지 않다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구는 SNS사용량과 프로필 사진 등 기존 신용평가 연구에서 다루지 않은 변수를 사용하여 신용대출 상환과의 영향관계를 실증분석하였다는 점에서 기존 연구와 차별성을 갖는다. SNS와 같은 주관적 비정형정보를 서민지원 대출심사에 활용한다면, 신용거래가 없어서 신용등급이 낮거나 단기적 유동성 함정에 빠진 차입자 즉 금융이력부족자(Thin filer)들이 신용거래 등의 금융 이력이 축적될 때까지의 신용비용에 대한 불이익을 감소시킬 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This study aims to investigate the potential of alternative credit assessment through Social Networking Sites (SNS) as a complementary tool to conventional loan review processes. It seeks to discern the impact of SNS usage characteristics and loan product attributes on credit loan repayment. To achieve this objective, we conducted a binomial logistic regression analysis examining the influence of SNS usage patterns, loan characteristics, and personal attributes on credit loan conditions, utilizing data from Company A's credit loan program, which integrates SNS data into its actual loan review processes. Our findings reveal several noteworthy insights. Firstly, with respect to profile photos that reflect users' personalities and individual characteristics, individuals who choose to upload photos directly connected to their personal lives, such as images of themselves, their private circles (e.g., family and friends), and photos depicting social activities like hobbies, which tend to be favored by individuals with extroverted tendencies, as well as character and humor-themed photos, which are typically favored by individuals with conscientious traits, demonstrate a higher propensity for diligently repaying credit loans. Conversely, the utilization of photos like landscapes or images concealing one's identity did not exhibit a statistically significant causal relationship with loan repayment. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between the extent of SNS usage and the likelihood of loan repayment. However, the level of SNS interaction did not exert a significant effect on the probability of loan repayment. This observation may be attributed to the passive nature of the interaction variable, which primarily involves expressing sympathy for other users' comments rather than generating original content. The study also unveiled the statistical significance of loan duration and the number of loans, representing key characteristics of loan portfolios, in influencing credit loan repayment. This underscores the importance of considering loan duration and the quantity of loans as crucial determinants in the design of microcredit products. Among the personal characteristic variables examined, only gender emerged as a significant factor. This implies that the loan program scrutinized in this analysis does not exhibit substantial discrimination based on age and credit scores, as its customer base predominantly consists of individuals in their twenties and thirties with low credit scores, who encounter challenges in securing loans from traditional financial institutions. This research stands out from prior studies by empirically exploring the relationship between SNS usage and credit loan repayment while incorporating variables not typically addressed in existing credit rating research, such as profile pictures. It underscores the significance of harnessing subjective, unstructured information from SNS for loan screening, offering the potential to mitigate the financial disadvantages faced by borrowers with low credit scores or those ensnared in short-term liquidity constraints due to limited credit history a group often referred to as "thin filers." By utilizing such information, these individuals can potentially reduce their credit costs, whereas they are supposed to accrue a more substantial financial history through credit transactions under conventional credit assessment system.

      • 運動感覺把持能力과 知能指數와의 關聯에 關하여

        鄭源勳 圓光大學校大學院 1981 學位論叢 Vol.6-2 No.-

        For the study on the relation between movement sensory grasp ability and I.Q. I devided the subjects, 226 middle schoolboys, between higher and lower I.Q. groups. And then I measured the following movement sensory grasp abilities before and after motion burden of twice 400 meters : 1. Skin Sense of Pressure Point 2. Space Sense 3. Position Sense 4. Sense of Sustained Hour of Movement 5. Pressure-resistance Sense 6. Weight-holding Sense 7. Direction Sense 8. Distance Sense The comparative analysis of the statistics between groups Showed a general tendency that the higher I.Q. group has more sensory grasp abilities than the lower I.Q. group. Only a deviation from the general tendency was recorded for direction sense. 1. Especially outstanding superiority of the higher I.Q. group was recorded before motion burden for the senses of position, pressure-resistance, weigh-holding and of distance. The respective error distance between the groups was 0.66° from 45° angle, 20.8g,II g, and 14.1㎝. 2. The higher I.Q. group after motion burden shortened the error distances of skin sense of pressure-point, space sense, position sense, pressure-resistance sense, respectively by 0.15㎝. O.21㎝ O.2° from 135° angle, 15.1g, 12.3g and 10.3㎝. 3. Some superiority of the higher I.Q. group before motion burden was shown for the senses of pressure-point, space, position, and for sustained hour of movement. The error distance for the senses was O.03㎝. O.l4㎝, 0.160° from 135° angle, and O.16 seconds, respectively. 4. Some superiority of the higher I.Q. group also after motin burden was recorded for position sense by 0.36° from 45° angle and for sense of sustained hour of movement by 0.19 seconds.

      • 대학생들의 패스트푸드 이용과 기치관에 대한 조사연구

        정원훈,한성희,신미경 원광대학교 생활자원개발연구소 1999 생활자원개발연구 Vol.1 No.-

        910 college students were studied in research in regards of use of fast food and value system of college students. In BMI, it seemed to be normal in male students, in the meantime, the female students seemed to be relatively weaker, most of them seemed to be healthy themselves, the dining habit showed that it was irregular and passing meals, especially, the passing of breakfast was required to be improved. 'No Time' took the most part out of the reasons, snacks and crackers occupied 68.7% out of students, which showed a tendency that the passing meals was replaced by the snacks and crackers. The use of fast food shop show that the time of use was irregular, simple, convenient', it was about 2,000-4,000 Won for each use. The types of food showed that meat was the most preferred one for the feeling of fat saturation, in the meantime, the use of local brand fast food shop was a positive object to them.

      • KCI등재

        하천 측량용 헥사콥터의 단일로터에 대한 제자리 비행 성능 연구

        정원훈,김봉환,민경무,차엘리,박근우 한국기계가공학회 2022 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.21 No.8

        In this study, an experimental device was fabricated to evaluate the hovering flight performance of a single rotor on a hexacopter used for river surveillance, and a thrust performance test was conducted. In addition, the 3D profile of the propeller was extracted by 3D scanning and CFD analysis was performed using ANSYS CFD 14.5 based on the extracted 3D model of the propeller. The aerodynamic characteristics were compared with the results of the performance tests and CFD analysis, and the vortex structure corresponding to each motor rotational speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) was identified. In the future, we plan to provide valuable data for multicopter propeller design and performance verification.

      • KCI등재

        헥사콥터의 제자리 비행 시 후류 특성에 관한 수치해석

        정원훈,김나용,김동건,김봉환 한국기계기술학회 2022 한국기계기술학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        In this study, a numerical analysis was performed as steady-state analysis to investigate the effect of interference between the propellers of the hexa-copter. As the distance increases, there is little change in thrust, but when a propeller close to the reference propeller rotates, it was confirmed that the thrust decreased due to the interference effect. Unsteady state analysis was performed to confirm the influence of the hexa-copter fuselage. If there is a fuselage, the thrust was predicted to increase by about 4.97% due to the ground effect. If the design parameters are established considering the effect of the fuselage of the hexa-copter, it is expected to be used for basic design and application design in the future.

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