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      • KCI등재

        신선설화에서 자연의 생명력 체현과 자기 초월의 의지―『列仙傳』, 『神仙傳』의 수련자를 중심으로

        정선경 중국어문학회 2022 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.78

        In this paper looking into the relationship between nature and practitioners in Taoist immortal narratives who pursued immortality and to extend their lives, I tried to figure out that to be a Taoist immortal is the result of the will of self-transcendence with which men wanted to unify themselves and nature. In a life-centered worldview it was analyzed at what point the desires and empirical knowledge of the people of that time intersected and grew into a unique cultural product as the Taoist immortal focusing on the practitioner’s posture and attitude. In the process of discussion, this paper includes the reflection on narrow-minded thinking that considers and criticizes the existence of ‘Taoist immortal’ as a component with anti-natural characteristics of only the outer shell of Taoism. The practitioners of Liexian zhuan(『列仙傳』) and Shenxian zhuan(『神仙傳』) tried to embody the vitality of nature in their body by imitating animal behavior and taking Taoist immortal drug made of plants and minerals. They practiced to recreate the vitality of animals, plants, and minerals in the body of a microcosmic human being and to resemble the eternity contained in nature. For practitioners, nature was an organic principle and method with infinite potential to complete their body and mind wholly. To become a Taoist immortal is not against nature, but a willingness to return to nature through nature, and an attempt to transcend one’s own limits through self-control and regulation. It is not the pursuit of destroying or conquering the order of nature, but the result of efforts to embody the tao of nature in own body. It is not only a pursuit to extend the life of the body, but also a journey to desire the liberation and freedom of the soul. 이 글은 생명을 연장하고 영생을 추구했던 신선설화의 수련자들과 자연의 관계를 살펴봄으로써 신선되기란 인간이 자연의 영원성에 합일하려는 자기 초월 의지의 결과물이었음을 살펴보고자 했다. 생명중심적 세계관 속에서 당시인들의 욕망과 경험적 지식이 어떠한 지점에서 교차하여 신선이라는 독특한 문화적 산물로 성장해 나갔는지 수련자의 자세와 태도를 중심으로 분석했다. 논의의 과정에는 ‘신선’이란 존재를 도가의 외피만 두른 逆자연적 특성의 구성물로 간주하며 비판하는 편협한 사고에 대한 반성을 포함한다. 『列仙傳』과 『神仙傳』의 수련자들은 동물의 행동을 모방하고 식물과 광물질 선약을 복용하여 자연의 생명력을 신체에 체현하고자 했다. 소우주인 인간의 몸에 동물과 식물, 광물의 생명력을 재현시키고 자연에 깃든 영원성을 닮고자 수행했다. 수련자들에게 자연은 신체와 정신을 전일하게 완성시켜 줄 무한한 잠재력을 지닌 유기적 원리이자 방법이었다. 신선이 되고자 함은 자연을 거스르는 것이 아니라 자연을 통해 자연으로 되돌아가려는 의지이며 자기 절제와 통제를 통해 스스로의 한계를 초월하려는 시도이다. 자연의 질서를 파괴하거나 정복하려는 것이 아니라 자연의 도를 내 몸에 체현하려는 노력의 소산이다. 육체의 생명 연장만을 추구한 것이 아니라 영혼의 해방과 자유를 갈망하는 여정이며, 자신의 한계를 극복하고 삶을 완성시키려는 자기 초월의 서사이다.

      • KCI등재

        梁建植의 번역활동과 번역의 의의 ― 중국소설 번역과 평론문을 중심으로

        정선경 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.115

        Yang Kinsik was a novelist and translator of foreign literature. He has affection for Chinese literature and translated a lot of them among which there were translated into Korean for the first time. Considering the circumstances at that time that most of new intellectuals actively accommodated western literature and thoughts through the medium of Japan, Yang Kunsik’s literary activities have special meanings because he strived to translate Chinese literature. In this paper I examined the significance and how translation activities of colonial intellectuals were conducted focusing on the translation of Chinese novels and critical essays. First of all, Yang Kunsik paid attention to the value of commoner literature such as Chinese novels and plays acknowledging the trend of times contained in literature. He convinced that a novel is a record of life because an era has a unique thought of the era and novels reflect the thought. He boosted the value of Chinese novels, actively translated them and put criticism against the reality of colony into them. It was also for the progress of the domestic literature that he translated Chinese literature. He translated Chinese classics which affected Chosun for a long time in order to understand the tradition of Chosun and translated new Chinese literature in order to build the future of Chosun. He actively translated Chinese literature for the purpose of building new literature of Chosun with dreaming the ideal harmony of tradition and revolution.

      • KCI등재

        《每日申報(매일신보)》에 번역된 《三國演義(삼국연의)》에 대한 고찰

        정선경 중국어문학회 2013 中國語文學誌 Vol.43 No.-

        In this paper, I investigated Yang, Kunsik(梁建植) who tried to introduce the status of Chinese literary circles to Korea and also actively published translation works of Chinese literature at the modern times when the intellectuals observing Japan had tried to learn western civilization. He published the historical novel of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”(《三國演義》) serially in Mae-il Daily Newspaper(《每日申報》), from May 5th, 1929 to September 21st, 1931. The following questions are thoroughly investigated in three ways: (1) What is the position of his translation of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”(《三國演義》) in the history of Korean literature? (2) What is its relationship with modern media which played a key role in the production and spread of literary works. At first, considering the Korean literary style and the translator`s style of writing, it can be found that Yang, Kunsik emphasized the importance of our own style of writing reflecting the intellectuals` worries who lived in a transition period. At second, it can be found that he inspired the national consciousness and relied the hope for independence by translating the novel of historical heros. At third and last, it can be looked that the illustrations of the serial novel in a newspaper formed a genre of popular art visualizing the literary work. Yang, Kunsik actively translated not only modern Chinese novels but also classic Chinese novels because he pursued the base of a new era in the traditions. There were traditions that could not be discontinued in the course of advancing towards the modern era and he was trying to find a modernity suitable for Korea by translating Chinese literature.

      • KCI등재

        HLA 동종항체 선별을 위한 ELISA 및 Luminex Panel Reactive Antibody 검사의 비교평가

        정선경1,오은지,양철우,안웅식,김용구,박연준,한경자 대한진단검사의학회 2009 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.29 No.5

        Background : For the detection of HLA antibodies, solid-phase tests using purified HLA antigens are increasingly used. In this study, we analyzed the panel reactive antibody (PRA) test results using ELISA and Luminex methods, and the results were compared with those of crossmatch test. Methods : A total of 111 sera including 90 sera from kidney transplanted patients were tested. ELISA-PRA was performed using Lambda Antigen Tray Class I and II Mixed kits (One Lambda Inc., USA) and additional test was performed to identify HLA specificities. Luminex-PRA tests were performed using LABScreen Mixed kits (One Lambda Inc., USA) and LIFECODES LifeScreen Deluxe kits (Tepnel Co., USA). Results : The positive rates of PRA were higher in Tepnel (P=0.006) and One Lambda Luminex (P<0.001) methods than ELISA, without significant difference between two Luminex methods (P=0.087). The overall concordance rate among the three PRA tests was 62.2% (69/111). The positive and negative predictive values of PRA tests for the flow cytometric crossmatch were 33.3-45.7% and 85.7-89.5%, respectively. Of the two Luminex methods, One Lambda showed higher positive rate than Tepnel for the detection of class I antibodies. The sensitivity of pretransplant PRA for the detection of posttransplant acute rejection episodes was higher in Luminex (P=0.007 for Tepnel, P=0.003 for One lambda) than ELISA method. Conclusions : Different methods used to detect HLA antibodies showed discrepant results. As the Luminex method was more sensitive than ELISA for the detection of HLA antibodies, it can be used as a routine test in the transplantation laboratory. 배경 : HLA 항체 검출을 위한 검사에서 추출한 HLA 항원을 고체상에 부착하여 검사하는 방법의 사용이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 ELISA와 Luminex 방법을 이용한 panel reactive antibody (PRA) 검사를 시행하고 교차시험 결과와 함께 분석 하였다. 방법 : 신이식 환자에서 채취한 90개 혈청을 포함한 총 111개 의 혈청을 대상으로 하였다. ELISA-PRA는 Lambda Antigen Tray Class I and II mixed kit (One Lambda, Inc., USA)를 이용하였고 추가검사를 시행하여 HLA 특이성을 동정하였다. Luminex-PRA 검사는 LABScreen mixed kits (One Lambda, Inc., USA)와 LIFECODES LifeScreen Deluxe kits (Tepnel Lifecodes Co., USA)를 이용하여 수행하였다. PRA 검사의 유세포분석기를 이용한 교차시험(FCXM) 결과에 대한 양성예측 률과 음성예측률을 분석하였고, 아울러 초기급성반응에 대한 민 감도와 특이도를 확인하였다. 결과 : Tepnel (P=0.006)과 One Lambda-Luminex-PRA 방법(P<0.001)의 양성률은 ELISA-PRA 보다 높았으나, 두 가 지 Luminex 방법들 간에 유의한 차이는 없었다(P=0.087). 세 가 지 PRA 검사법의 전체적인 일치율은 62.2% (69/111)였다. FCXM에 대한 PRA 검사의 양성예측률과 음성예측률은 각각 33.3- 45.7%와 85.7-89.5%였다. Class I HLA 항체 검출의 경우, 두 가지 Luminex 방법 중 One Lambda가 Tepnel보다 더 높은 양 성률을 나타내었다. 48명의 신이식 환자에서 이식 후 초기급성 반응 발생에 대한 이식 전 PRA 검사의 민감도는 Tepnel (P= 0.007)과 One Lambda (P=0.003) Luminex 방법이 ELISA 방법보다 더 높았다. 결론 : 본 연구결과, HLA 항체 검출을 위해 사용되는 PRA 방법들 간에 결과의 불일치를 나타낼 수 있음을 보여주었다. Luminex 방법은 ELISA 방법에 비해 HLA 항체검출을 위한 민감도가 높으므로 이식 검사실에서 일상적인 PRA 검사로 사 용될 수 있을 것이다.

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