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        캐나다에서 한국인 부모로 살아가기: 한 한국계 이민가정 어머니의 부모이야기 탐구

        홍영숙 한국내러티브교육학회 2019 내러티브와 교육연구 Vol.7 No.2

        This study explores a Korean-immigrant mother’s parent stories living in Canada with aim for understanding experiences of individual human-being by using narrative inquiry methodology. Research puzzles are two-folds: First, how does the participant compose her parent-stories associated with her English deficiency? Second, how is Korean familial narrative related to construction of her parent’s stories to live by? As a result of the study, a comprehensive meaning of her parent-stories is ‘Realization of the conceptual meanings in FAMILY’. More detailed meanings of that are as follows. Firstly, a parent like a friend–conversation is centered. Secondly, the parent is a Korean language expert : the children are English language experts. Thirdly, the parent is a children’s career guide in Canada. I hope that this study could present readers extended-understanding for Korean-immigrant parents and chances for reliving their own stories through the resonance from the participant’s stories with her children. 본 연구는 캐나다에 살고 있는 한국계 이민가정 어머니가 살아내는 부모이야기를 개별인간 경험의 이해를 목적으로, Clandinin과 Connelly(2000)의 내러티브 연구방법에 의하여 수행되었다. 본 연구자 자신의 경험에서 비롯된 연구의 퍼즐은 첫째, 참여자는 영어능력부족과 관련하여 어떠한 부모이야기를 형성하는가? 둘째, 한국적 가정문화환경은 참여자가 부모이야기를 살아낼 때 어떻게 관련되어지는가?로 구성되어 연구를 이끌어가는 기준이 되었다. 탐구 결과, 참여자가 살아낸 부모이야기의 의미는 크게 ‘가족이 내포하고 있는 의미의 실현’으로 드러났으며, 이에 대한 세부적인 의미 주제는 다음과 같이 형성되었다: 하나, 친구 같은 부모-대화가 중요해; 둘, 나는 한국어 전문가, 너희는 영어 전문가; 셋, 부모는 캐나다에서의 자녀 진로 가이드. 본 연구가 전체 이민가정 부모에 대한 확장된 이해로의 울림이 되고, 나아가 독자로 하여금 자기가 처한 환경 속에서 자신이 삶을 이끌어 가는 방법과 자기가 다른 사람들과 관계되는 모습을 다시 생각해 보고 다시 상상하도록 이끌어 줌(홍영숙, 2015b)으로써 다시 사는 이야기(reliving stories)를 구성하는 계기가 되기를 희망한다.

      • Cytochrome P450과 암

        홍영숙 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2004 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.27 No.1

        Cytochrome(P450)은 구성성분으로 커다란 군을 이루며 헴을 갖고 유도될 수 있는 효소이다. 이 효소는 다양한 생체이물질의 산화적 대사과정에서 중요한 역할을 한다. P450 효소의 기질들로 많은 것이 발암물질이고 그 외 다른 기질은 항암 약물들이다. 그러므로 P450들은 종양 생물학에서 다양한 잠재력을 가지면서 중요한 역할을 한다. 여러 가지의 P450 유전자는 다형성을 가지며, 특정조직에서 암으로 발전될 위험도를 증가시키는 것과 관련이 있다. 각각의 P450들은, 특히 CYP1B1은 서로 다른형의 종양에서 과발현 되고 있다. 종양에서 P450들의 발현 증가는 고도의 유의성을 가지며 종양으로의 발전과 진행과정을 이해하는 데 중요한 것이다. 종양에 따른 특이적 P450의 발현은 새로운 종양의 진단과 치료 전략으로 발전하는 데 기초가 되는 것이다. The cytochrome P450(P450) are a large group of constitutive and inducible heme-containing enzymes, which have a central role in the oxidative metabolism of a diverse range of xenobiotics. The majority of chemical carcinogens require metabolic activation before they interact with cellular macromolecules and can cause cancer initiation. The xenobiotic-metabolizing machinery contains two main types of enzymes : the phase ⅠP450 mediating oxidative metabolism, and phase Ⅱ containing enzymes. Activity of some enzymes implicated in the metabolism of carcinogens presents a great variability between individuals due to the existence of a polymorphism in gene coding for P450. Individual P450s, especially CYP1B1, are overexpressed in different types of tumors. The increased expressons of P450s in tumors is highly significant and is important for understanding rumor development and progression. The tumor- specific expression of P450s provides the basis for the development of movel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Teacher’s Stories to Live by: Life Stories of a Korean-American NEST Teaching at a University in Korea

        홍영숙 한국영어어문교육학회 2016 영어어문교육 Vol.22 No.1

        This study explored how a Korean-American NEST composes her stories to live by in the context of Korean university in which ‘nativeness’ and ‘whiteness’ of English teachers are valued. The stories of a Korean-American NEST were interpreted and understood with narrative inquiry method (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). As a result of the study, four implications from the participant’s narrative emerged: Firstly, she constructed valuable meanings about being a teacher. Secondly, she did not feel any type of inequality or discrimination as an ESOL teacher of color in the Korean school context. Thirdly, she shaped very positive meanings in ‘being viewed as Korean’ as living in the Korean university context as a NEST. Lastly, she negotiated her NEST identities with cultural characteristics, not with color of face. The study expects positive resonance in all teachers’ minds, thus leading them to think about ‘who I am,’ and ‘who I am becoming.’

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 관념의 유동성과 교사정체성의 다중성 : 한 초등영어교과전담교사의 삶에 대한 내러티브 탐구

        홍영숙 한국언어연구학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Hong, Young-Suk. 2014. Multiplicity of a Teacher Identities and Fluidity of Her English Concepts: A Narrative Inquiry into an Elementary EFL Teacher's Life Stories. Journal of Linguistic Studies 19(2), 183-206. This paper explores how a Korean elementary EFL teacher composes her teacher stories, who is situated in the social atmosphere of prevailing perception of English as an absolute value. As a result of this narrative inquiry, emerged implications and understandings are as follows: Firstly, the elementary EFL teacher is vulnerable to forming English teacher identities; however, she is located in psychologically higher position in the school landscapes because of her 'assumed English competence'. Secondly, fluidity of her English concepts forms so different teacher identities and her teacher identities are composed so differently according to different places and situations. Thirdly, the participant teacher was able to overcome the linguistic inferiority of English to native English assistant teachers by establishing the essential meaning of English teaching as a foreign language in the Korean context. Lastly, the elementary EFL teacher lives totally different stories depending on looking at English as ends or as means in terms of being an EFL teacher. It is hoped that this paper will offer insights into composing life stories as a Korean elementary EFL teacher and expanding the understanding of their storied lives as phenomenon in the Korean society. (Jungwon University)


        여지 전기영동법에 의한 난백 단백질의 분리

        홍영숙,이춘영 ( Young Sook Hong,Chun Young Lee ) 생화학분자생물학회 1972 BMB Reports Vol.5 No.1

        A detailed separation of egg white protein into fractions was performed by paper-electrophoretic techniques. Four to six fractions in terms of general protein were obtained by virtue of this method employ ing barbiturate buffer (pH=8. 6 u=0. 1) with 150 V and 22 hours operation. The glycoproteins and lipoproteins of egg white were fractionated paper electrophoretically with the use of Schiff`s reagent and Sudan Black B, respectively. Quantitative estimation of each fraction was carried out with the egg whites laid by hens differing in age with each other. The egg whites of duck and uroloncha were subjected to the paper electrophoresis likewise and compared to that of hen.

      • Butylated Hydroxyanisole과 Butylated Hydroxytoluene 투여가 흰쥐 간조직 UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 활성 증가

        홍영숙 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1990 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Butylated hydroxyanisole(BHA) has been shown to decrease the toxicological and carcinogenic potential of a variety of chemicals. One possible mechanism for chemoprotection is that BHA increases in testinal UDP-glucronosyltransferase activity and thereby enhances the elimination of the toxicants. Given that I.P injection is a major route of xenobioctic exposure, we have investigated the action of BHA and BHT on glucuronidation capacity in the liver of rats. Simple injection of BHA(100mg/kg or 200mg/kg) and BHT(100mg/kg or 200mg/kg)porduced a significant increase in microsomal glucuronidation. Futhermore, the concetration of UDP-glucuronic acid, the co-substrate required for glucuronidation reaction was increased almost 2-fold. Administration of BHT also increased UDP-glucose concentration and UDP-glucose dehydrogenase activities approximately 2-fold. These finding show that BHA and BHT administration increase hepatic glucuronidation capacity and suggest that BHA and BHT may enhance the biotransformation of xenobiotics, and hence excretion, of a variety of carcinogen and or toxins is potentially very important.

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