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      • KCI등재

        Differences in Clinical Features and Disability according to the Frequency of Medication Use in Patients with Chronic Migraine

        서경임,박정욱,신혜은 대한신경과학회 2012 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.8 No.3

        Background and Purpose Chronic migraine (CM) has a significant impact on daily activities,and analgesic overuse is a major contributing factor to migraine transformation. Limited information is available on the functional consequences of CM stemming from analgesic overuse. This study evaluated the impact of the frequency of analgesic medication use on headacherelated disability and clinical features in patients with CM. Methods Patients with CM were enrolled consecutively and classified into two groups according to their frequency of medication use: <15 days/month (CM-ML, n=52) and =15 days/month (CM-MH, n=68). All patients completed a structured questionnaire concerning the clinical features of their migraine, a validated version of the Migraine Disability Assessment questionnaire (MIDAS), and the Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6). Results The pain intensity, as measured by a visual analog scale, was greater in the CM-MH group than in the CM-ML group (8.5±0.2 vs. 7.7±0.3, mean±SD; p<0.05). In the disability domain,the MIDAS scores were significantly higher for CM-MH patients than for CM-ML patients (47.6±4.8 vs. 26.8±4.5, p<0.01). The impact from migraine, as measured by the HIT-6,was greater for CM-MH patients than for CM-ML patients (65.6±1.0 vs. 62.1±1.0, p<0.05). Conclusions Our results indicate that the headache pain intensity and disability are greater in patients with CM who use medication frequently.

      • 개념 습득 주제에서 귀납적 발견을 위한 과학 교과서 개선 방안 연구

        서경임,한영욱 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2006 科學敎育硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        subject in most cases for both classes. ·Both classes have precisely summarized the result after the experiment. ·In describing "what is learned" based on the experiment result, 50.0% of the Experiment Class have found the concept of the subject for themselves while only 8.3% have in the Comparison Class. It is not reasonable, therefore, to apply the hypothesis verification method in performing the experiment for the subject. A preliminary inquiry showed that teachers majoring in science think it is required to reevaluate the method described in the textbook. I also performed a post-inquiry for the 4th grade teachers for the suitability of the method outlined in the textbook. The analysis result showed that the teachers think as follows. ·Students experience difficulties in learning relevant scientific concepts for themselves when using the hypothesis verification method described in the textbook. ·The presentation form of the subject to be learned in the textbook is not appropriate. ·Either of discovery or cyclic learning is an appropriate learning model. I have come to a following conclusion based on the study result summarized above. 1. Learning by hypothesis verification, which is suitable for applying already learned concepts, is not appropriate for this subject for learning scientific concepts. 2. The procedure outlined in the textbook, therefore, should be changed, as it suggests learning by hypothesis verification. 3. The analysis of this study result showed that it is recommended to reorganize the textbook so that the experimental subject can be learned by discovery.

      • 개념 습득 주제의 귀납적 발견을 위한 과학 교과서 개선 방안 연구

        서경임,한영욱 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2004 科學敎育硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        based an the dy result summarized aboveare as follows . 1. Learning by hypothesis verification, which is suitable for applying already learned concepts, is not appropriate for this subject for learning scientific concepts. 2. The procedure outlined in the textbook, therefore, should be changed, as it suggests learning by hypothesis verification. 3. The analysis of this study result showed that it is recommended to reorganize the textbook so that the experimental subject can be learned by discovery.

      • 濟州大學校 卒業生의 就業問題와 그 對策

        徐庚林,金斗和,朴泰秀,姜東植 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 1989 學生生活硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        오늘날에 있어서의 職業의 意味는 생계유지의 수단이 됨과 동시에 자아를 실현하고, 심리적인 만족을 느끼며 능력을 발휘하는 터전으로 본다. 이런 의미에서 濟州大學生의 職業觀은 비교적 건전하다고 할 수 있다. 직업을 갖는 목적으로 경제적 안전(36.8%), 일을 통한 자아실현(33.2%) 에 상당한 비중을 두고 있다. 특히 여학생들의 경우에는 자아실현의 의지가 남학생보다 더 강하게 나타나고 있다. 더구나 자립할 수 있는 직업을 이상적인 직업으로 보고 있는 점, 직업선택 기준을 재학생과 졸업생 모두가 적성 및 흥미에 두고 있는 점에서 제주대학생들의 직업관은 현실과 이상을 적절히 조화하려는 의지가 담겨 있다고 말 할 수 있겠다. 卒業生들의 就業實態를 보면, 공개모집을 통해 취업하는 경우가 많고(43.8%), 직업도 전공과 거의 일치하고 있다(71.5%). 전적경험도 적고(80.6%), 직무의 만족도도 비교적 높다. 다만 轉職을 희망하는 경우(25.6%) 가 많은데, 이것은 在學時에 취업준비가 미흡했었다는 사실을 가리킨다. 在學生들의 就業準備 常態를 보면, 거의 다수가 취업준비를 하지 않고 있으(75.2%), 3학년이 되어서야 비로소 시작하고 있다(41.5%). 제주도의 특수성을 감안할 때, 제주대학생들은 타대학 학생들보다 한 발 앞서 취업준비를 서둘러야 하는 상황인데, 그렇지 못하고 있다. 在學生들의 就業選擇 要件을 보면, 전공하과 선택동기로 적성 및 흥미검사 결과와 취업 전망을 들고 있으며(66.6%), 직업과 전공학과와는 관련이 있어야 하고(84.4%), 기업체의 직원 채용은 공개모집을 희망하고 있다. 이러한 결과는 제주대학생들의 직업데 대한 의식이 매우 건전함을 말해주고 있다. 在學生들의 就業 相談 對象을 보면, 친구·선배, 가족, 등에서 주로 의지하고 있으며, 취업정보도 선배나 홍보매체를 통하여 얻고 있다. 이것은 앞에서도 살펴본 바와 같이 대학이 그 기능을 충분히 수행하지 못하고 있음을 나타내고 있는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 在學生들의 學敎에 바라는 事項을 보면, 학교 당국의 취업대책 마련을 최우선으로 들고 있으며, 그 다음으로 취업정보 자료 제공, 직업관 확립 오리엔테이션, 지도교수의 취업지도를 바라고 있다. 이러한 결과는 학생들이 재학중에 취업준비상 많은 어려움을 겪고 있음을 말해 준다. 결론적으로, 濟州大學生들의 就業觀은 소박하고 건전하지만, 평상시에 진로교육이 없고, 취업준비도 모자란 상태라고 할 수 있다. 학교 당국도 이러한 현상에 대하여 적절히 대처하지 못하고 있는 것이다. The purpose of this study is to devise a comprehensive and systematic plan of employment by investigating the sense of occupation of the undergraduates and the state of employment of the graduates of Cheju National University. The subject of investigation includes 624 undergraduates and 242 graduates, and the contents of investigation are the sense of value of occupation, the state of employment, readiness for employment, requisites for the selection of occupation, information and consultation on employment, relation to this university after graduation, relation to alumni in the work place, and the matters that they expect of this university. The results of investigation are as follows. In terms of the sense of value of occupation, the purposes of jobs are economic stability(36.8%) and self-realization through work(33.2%), and the tendency to commence work for self-realization is more apparent among girl students than among boy students, the criteria of selecting occupation are aptitude and interest in work. In terms of the state of employment of the graduates, many graduates are employed through public invitation(43.8), and their jobs agree with their majors(71.5%). They don'ts change occupation (80.6%), and they are comparatively content with their jobs. In terms of the readiness for employment of the undergraduates many students are not ready to be engaged(75.2%), and they start preparing for employment in the junior year(41.5%). In terms of the criteria of selecting occupation, the motives for choosing majors are aptitude, interest and the prospect for employment(66.6%). The students hope that occupation will be related to majors(84.4%), and that they will be employed by public collection. Then generally depend on friends, seniors and family members for the consultation on employ ment. They also gather information of employment from friend, seniors and mass media. This shows that the university authorities are not active in finding jobs. In terms of the matters that the students expect of the university, they desire the school authorities to devise a plan for employment, to provide information on employment, to orient themselves to the establishment of their views of occupation and to have academic advisors guide in finding occupation. The planes for employment based on the results of investigation are as follows, First, the activities of employment guidance of this university should be unified The Financial Aid Office in the Office of Student Affairs and Section of employment Guidance in the Student Guidance Center, which are concerned with finding jobs, should have organic correlation with each with each other, yet they should be merged into the Employment Guidance Section of the Student Guidance Center for the publication of employment information, for the operation, for the operation of employment materials, and for the relation with the consulting room. Second the operation of employment morgue should be activated. At the present time, the Student Guidance Center of this university has no employment morgue. However, an employment morgue should be set up and operated to provide students with information of rapidly changing occupation such as the structure of jobs, the tendency of employment, new kinds of jobs and the condition of work. Third, early education of the readiness of employment is needed. Most students of this university start preparing for employment in the junior year, which gives difficulty in finding jobs, considering the regional condition. According, early education of occupation should be carried out through the activities of aptitude tests, educating the sense of occupation, seminars on part-time jobs and occupation, special lectures on finding jobs, and the study by inspection. Fourth, strong ties with the institutes concerned should be established. Close relation should be preserved with the related section of government and the various social bodies and companies as well as with the relation of this university to facilitate employment through continuous exchange of information. Fifth, relations with the employed alumni should be reinforced. Advices can be obtained on the understanding of occupation, attitude toward jobs and employment guidance by close relations with the employed alumni, and seminars or social meetings should be held for these advices.

      • KCI등재

        Association between Cerebrospinal Fluid S100B Protein and Neuronal Damage in Patients with Central Nervous System Infections

        박정욱,서경임,신해은 연세대학교의과대학 2013 Yonsei medical journal Vol.54 No.3

        Purpose: S100B protein is widely used as a measure of glial activity or damage in several brain conditions. Central nervous system (CNS) infections can cause neurological sequelae because of parenchyma invasion. It is difficult to predict further neuronal damage in the CNS infection. The present study is aimed to evaluate the role of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) S100B protein as an indicator of neuronal damage in CNS infection. Materials and Methods: We measured the concentration of CSF S100B protein in 62 patients with a CNS infection using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. The patients with CNS infections were classified as having no neuronal damage (CNS-N) or as having neuronal damage (CNS+N) according to the presence of neurological change or structural lesions on brain MRI. Results: The CSF S100B protein level of the CNS+N group (n=22, 0.235 μg/L, 0.10-2.18) was significantly higher than that of the CNS-N group (n=40, 0.087 μg/L, 0.06-0.12) and control group (n=40, 0.109 μg/L, 0.07-0.14, p<0.01). Using an arbitrary cut off value, S100B-positive CSF was detected in 2.5% of the CNS-N group and in 50% of the CNS+N group (p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest that increased S100B protein levels in the CSF may be associated with the neuronal damage following CNS infections.

      • KCI등재

        뇌혈관조영술에서 연질막 곁순환이 관찰된 급성 중간대뇌동맥경색 환자의 액체감쇠반전회복 뇌자기공명영상에서 보이는 고신호강도 혈관

        송태진,서경임,서상현,이경열 대한신경과학회 2010 대한신경과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Hyperintense vessels are frequently observed on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging in acute ischemic stroke patients. Some investigators suggest that a hyperintense vessel sign in patients with middle cerebral arterial occlusion results from collateral blood flow originating in neighboring arterial territories, especially via pial collaterals. We report two cases of acute proximal middle cerebral arterial infarction that exhibited hyperintense vessels signs on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging accompanying pial collaterals as confirmed by cerebral angiography.

      • KCI등재

        침대돌기위 내경 동맥류로 인한 단안 고도의 상방 시야결손

        김선정,송태진,서경임,최영철,김원주 대한신경과학회 2009 대한신경과학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        An altitudinal visual-field defect is confined to the upper or lower half of the visual field but crosses the vertical median. Slight arteritis usually causes ischemic optic neuropathy, with a compressive lesion causing optic neuropathy in rare cases. We report a 46-year-old woman with a monocular superior altitudinal visual defect due to an aneurysm in the supraclinoid portion of the internal carotid artery. It appeared that the ipsilateral cerebral aneurysm compressed the optic nerve and secondarily caused posterior ischemic optic neuropathy. An altitudinal visual-field defect is confined to the upper or lower half of the visual field but crosses the vertical median. Slight arteritis usually causes ischemic optic neuropathy, with a compressive lesion causing optic neuropathy in rare cases. We report a 46-year-old woman with a monocular superior altitudinal visual defect due to an aneurysm in the supraclinoid portion of the internal carotid artery. It appeared that the ipsilateral cerebral aneurysm compressed the optic nerve and secondarily caused posterior ischemic optic neuropathy.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of GNE Myopathy Presenting a Rapid Deterioration during Pregnancy

        심재은,홍지만,서경임,조한나,박경석,손은희,최영철 대한신경과학회 2013 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.9 No.4

        Background GNE myopathy is characterized by early-adult-onset distal myopathy sparing quadriceps caused by mutations in the GNE gene encoding UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase, an enzyme in the sialic-acid synthesis pathway. Case Report A 27-year-old Korean woman presented a rapid deterioration in strength of the distal lower limbs during her first pregnancy. She was diagnosed with GNE myopathy and carrying the compound heterozygous mutations of the GNE gene (D208N/M29T). Conclusions This is a representative case implying that an increased requirement of sialic acid during pregnancy might trigger a clinical worsening of GNE myopathy.

      • KCI등재

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