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      • 백일해 예방약의 백혈구 증가 인자에 관한 연구

        최성배 대한미생물학회 1985 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        It was well known that B. pertussis cells possess protective antigen, histamine sensitizing factor, he- atstable and labile toxin, hemagglutinin, agglutinogen and the others. Previous reports involving above antigenic properties of B. pertussis have been carried out fnr several years. However, leucocyte promo- ting property was not yet investigated. In this report, the resu1ts of studies on the leucocytosis, particulary the lymphocytosis, produced in mice by injecting pertussis vaccine were presented. Especially leueocyte promoting property and histamine sensitizing property of B. pertussis vaccine treated at various temperatures were compared. The relationship between the leucocyte prornoting property and histamine sensitizing property was investigated. Results were as follows; 1. Although leucocytosis was significantly rised in both 0.5ml injection and D.lml injection of pertus- sis vaccine than in control, at the higher dose (0.5ml injection) an elevation in white cell count was more significant. The leucocyte response to pertussis vaccine was greater following 0.5 ml injection than following O.lml injection. 2. Lymphocytosis was significantly rised in both 0.5ml injection and O.lm! Injection of pertussis vac- cine than in control. At higher dose (0.5ml injection), an elevation in lymphocyte count was more significanl. 3. Order of elevation in differential leucocyte counts was lymphocyte, polymorphonuclear leucocyte and monocyte. 4. The leucocyte response to pertussis vaccine was 2 fold greater following intravenous injection than follawing subcutaneous injection. 5. Decrease leucocyte promoting activity and histarnine sensitizing activity resulted from exposure to temperature above 56C. Histamine sensitizing activity of pertussis vaccine treated at various temperatures paralleled leucocyte promoting activity.

      • 대장균의 다가예방액 접종이 장내 병원균에 대한 면역반응에 미치는 영향

        崔成培 서울대학교 1974 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        It was well known that the antigenic structure of the enteric bacteria forms a complex mosaic which often results in antigenic inter-relationship between different genera and species. Disease caused by one of the enteric bacteria may influence host immunity to the other enteric infection. To investigate the immunological aspects to the enteric infections, polyvalent vaccine of Es. coli was prepared from 4 strains of Es. coli. Following immunization of polyvalent vaccine of Es. coli in rabbit, agglutinin titers of serum, bactericidal activities of serum and phagocytosis of immune macrophages to enteric bacteria (Es. coli, Sh. dysenteriae and S. typhi) were followed. Results were as follows. 1) Agglutinin titers to Es. coli antigen were significantly higher in immune sera of polyvalent Es. coli vaccine than in control sera. 2) Agglutinin titers to both Sh. dysenteriae antigen and S. typhi antigen were higher in immune sera than in control sera. 3) The enhancements of antibacterial activities to Es. coli were more noticeable in immune sera than in control sera. 4) The enhancements of antibacterial activities to both S. typhi and Sh. dysenteriae were increased slightly in immune sera over that of control sera.

      • 寫眞의 被寫體와 背景의 露出測定 比較

        崔聖培 Natural Science Research Institute JEONJU UNIVERSI 1986 전주대학교 자연과학연구소 학술논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        The relation between photo Subject and background is a full Compromise condition in exposure determination. It is necessary to consider the circumstances of photo subjects and backgrounds with variations of brightness, darkness, texture of surface and color for good result. This study was planned to analyze the results of pictures by a series of work, exposuring, developing and printing. A doll as a photo subject and four different backgrounds were set under the same lighting of a flood -lamp at a fixed distance for following comparison of influenced subject by contrast backgrounds. White Kent paper was the most bright background and black textile was extreme dark background. The medium grey textile and reflecting surface aluminium foil were used too. By measuring with light meter, the contrasts of brightness and darkness were checked up on the backgrounds. The white background was 16 times as bright a s black one, 4 times as bright as grey one and twice as bright as aluminium foil. The brightness of grey back was intermediate between whtie one and black one the former the most bright one and the latter the most dark one. The subject in white background was twice as bright as that in the other backgrounds because brightness of subject was influenced by brilliant background. In reflecting background, diffused reflection influenced upon subject partially. Under-exposed situation could result from extreme bright background or subject when they are exposed by average light metering without modification. On the other hand, over -exposed circumstances could come out of extreme dark background or subject by direct applications of measured light value without modification. It was difficult to measure the light under the condition of reflecting background, because diffused reflection interferes with light metering. We could check up the circumstances of over--exposure and under-exposure partially on the photographed subject caused by diffused reflection. The grey-tone background offers proper condition for subject on the whole. Following conaiderations are available for good result of photos A, Exposure of extreme bright or white subject and background has to be increased to prevent under-exposure. B, Exposure of extreme dark or black subject and background has to be reduced to prevent over -exposure. C, Partial light metering is superior to average light metering for correct exposure on the average. D, Background ought to be regarded as a photo subject to determine correct exposure.

      • 장티프스균의 항원성에 관한 연구

        최성배 대한감염학회 1984 감염 Vol.16 No.2

        The antigenic structure of Salmonella typhi has been reported by many investigators. However, the location in the cell of active material is not known with certainty. Thus, the present experiment was carried out to determine the antigenic structure of Salmonella typhi. In this study, the method of the preparation of cell wall, protoplasm and whole cell of Salmonella typhi was described and protective antigenicity and toxicity of these preparations of Salmonella typhi were presented. Results were as follows: 1) The protective antigen of Salmonella typhi investigated by mouse protection test was mainly located in cell wall preparation. The order of protective antigen of the preparations of Salmonella typhi was cell wall, whole cell and protoplasm. 2) The toxicity of Salmonella typhi was mainly present in the cell wall preparation. The order of toxicity of the preparation was cell wall, whole cell and protoplasm.

      • 말뭉치를 利用한 단어 의미 중의성 해결

        최성배,김태완 인제대학교 2004 仁濟論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        의미 중의성 해결은 문맥 내에 출현하는 단어가 둘 이상의 의미를 지닐 때, 의미들 중 문맥상 옳은 하나의 의미를 분별하는 것으로, 자연 언어 처리의 가장 힘든 문제 중의 하나이다. 본 논문에서는 품사 부착된 영어 말뭉치를 이용하여 단어 의미 중의성을 해결한다. 한국어 말뭉치만을 이용할 경우 중의성을 가지는 명사와 공기(共起)하는 동사가 여러 개 있을 수 있으며, 각각의 동사는 말뭉치 전체로 보아도 공기 출현 빈도가 낮아 충분히 활용하기가 어렵다. 이러한 한국어 자원의 부족을 영어 자원들을 이용하여 해결하고자 한다. 또한 동사가 갖는 격정보, 즉 어떤 동사가 취할 수 있는 명사들은 그 의미가 유사하다는 점을 이용하였다. 한국어 명사, 동사를 영어 대역어로 변환하고 대역어로 변환된 동사와 다른 단어사이의 공기 정보를 이용함으로써 중의성을 해결하고자 하였다. 말뭉치를 이용한 단어 의미 중의성 해결 시스템은 품사 추출기, 공기 빈도 추출기 및 분류기로 구성된다. 품사 추출기에서는 말뭉치에 존재하는 품사를 추출하는데, 본 논문에서는 명사(/N)와 동사(/V)로 태깅된 단어들을 모두 추출한다. 공기 빈도 추출기에서는 품사 추출기로부터 추출된 명사와 동사에 대하여 각각의 단어와 공기하는 횟수를 구한다. 분류기에서는 입력 문맥의 명사와 동사들을 추출하고, 영어 대역어로 변환한 후 공기 빈도 추출기로부터 구해진 정보를 이용하여 중의성의 의미를 결정한다. 비교적 중의성이 자주 발생하는 7개의 동형이의어 명사에 대하여 각각 30문장씩 실험하였다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방법으로 실험한 결과, 평균 79.9%의 비교적 높은 정확률을 보였다. 또한 본 논문에서 제시한 단어 의미 중의성 해결 방법은 정보검색에 이용되는 자연어 처리 기술의 한 분야로써 정보 검색 시스템에서 사용자의 요구에 부합하는 정확한 정보를 제공할 수 있다.

      • 귀납학습 알고리즘을 이용한 문서 자동 분류 시스템 설계

        최성배,김태완 인제대학교 2003 仁濟論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        새로운 문서를 기존에 존재하는 클래스들에 할당하는 방법을 문서의 자동 분류라고 한다. 문서의 자동 분류는 뉴스 그룹의 기사분류, 웹 문서의 범주화, 전자 메일의 순서화, 사용자의 관심을 학습하여 보다 정확한 정보 검색 결과를 제시하는데 사용될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문서를 자동으로 분류하기 위해서 다음과 같은 방법을 제안한다. 첫째, TF*IDF 알고리즘을 이용하여 각 문서를 대표할 수 있는 단어들을 찾아낸다. TF*IDF 알고리즘에 의해서 찾아진 대표 단어들을 이용하여 기계학습 방법 중의 하나인 귀납학습 알고리즘을 이용하여 보다 정확한 클래스에 할당 할 수 있는 모델을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        태권도철학함의 한계 규정

        최성배,정재훈,김수정 세계태권도문화학회 2019 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore academic directions for taekwondo studies by applying dialectical reasoning to them based on earlier studies that examined the identity of taekwondo and taekwondo studies. The dialectical method selected in this study is suitable to identify contradictions in research theories or antinomic logic, and the following results were obtained. First, earlier studies examined what taekwondo is by critically reflecting on discussions on the identity of taekwondo based on the concept of “art and extension,” which seemed to be a reasonable approach. However, they were not developed as an academic study, but led to arguments without any demonstration. They developed arguments only with the one-sided opinions of researchers, without prerequisites for academic studies - demonstrations and discussions on the identity of taekwondo. Second, earlier studies criticized, without any demonstration, the philosophy of taekwondo that researches and provides education on matters of existence, perception and value, and the metaphysical discussions of taekwondo that ignore voices from the field. In addition, both ontology and metaphysical philosophy that are discussed in most studies are used to define the root of studies, but the earlier studies reviewed in this study developed arguments ignoring the embracement of study fields that show no difference. They emphasized and highlighted the diversity of taekwondo philosophy, but their arguments were developed only in a unilateral way instead of embracing the diversity. In conclusion, ‘philosophizing taekwondo philosophy’ was viewed in earlier studies as a study that reflects discussions on the identity of taekwondo from a critical point of view and as an in-depth act of seeking the metaphysical root of taekwondo, but they were filled with superficial, unfocused and empty arguments on sociological understanding, instead of the arguments and demonstrations that were attained based on profound reasoning.

      • KCI등재

        금형주조법에 의한 구상흑연주철의 제조 및 직접 템퍼링에 의한 충격인성 향상

        최성배,이원식,홍영환 ( Sung Bae Choi,Won Sik Lee,Young Hwan Hong ) 한국열처리공학회 1997 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.10 No.3

        Non-alloyed and 1.0%Ni alloyed ductile cast iron were cast into the sand mold and metal mold, and finer graphite size was obtained in case of metal mold casting. Direct tempering after casting showed the slight increase of absorbed energy, which is largely due to the relieving of residual stress that is developed during casting. After austempering heat treatment, higher impact energy was obtained in case of metal mold casting than sand mold casting, which is due to the finer graphite size.

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