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        한국무용 기본동작의 교수학습방법 : 한국무용 기본동작 수행시 운동강도 측정을 중심으로

        공미애,심경미,김서영,강희성 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2008 교과교육학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 한국무용 기본동작 수행 시 운동강도를 생리학적 지표인 심박수와 최대산소섭취량을 직접 측정하여 한국무용학습에 정보를 제공하는데 있다. 특별한 심폐혈관계 질환이 없고, 본 논문의 목적 및 실험절차에 대한 설명을 듣고 실험참여에 동의한 10년 이상의 경력을 가진 한국모용수를 6명을 대상으로 NASA가 개발한 소형 포터블 대사측정장비(Aero Sport KB1-C)를 부착하고, 총 14분 동안 한국무용 기본동작을 실시하여 심박수와 최대산소섭취량, 에너지 소모량 등을 직접 측정한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 한국무용 기본동작 수행 시 최대 심박수는 평균 183±7.14 beat/min 이었으며, 평균 심박수는 141.4±12.27 beat/min으로 최대심박수의 72.5%에 해당하는 것이다. 한국무용 기본동작 수행 시 산소섭취량은 1.46±0.11ℓ/min(30± 1.43㎖/㎏/min)으로 58.6±3.28%VO₂max에 해당하는 것이다. 한국무용 기본동작 수행 시 평균 에너지 소모량은 7.73±1.22 Kcal/min이며, 총에너지 소모량(14분동안)은 108.17±17.05Kcal로 나타났다. 또한 평균 에너지 소모량 중에서 지방의 소모량은88.7±5.97%, 탄수화물의 소모량은 4.87±4.88%로 나타났다. 본 실험에서 한국무용 기본동작은 유산소적 운동으로써, 개인의 신체적성을 고려한 운동프로그램으로 조절하여 활용한다면 충분한 운동효과를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 앞으로 본 연구의 결과를 활용하여 에어로빅 동작과의 운동강도 수준을 비교하는 후속연구와 함께 피검자수를 늘린 연구가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to directly measure the maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, calory consumption and METs during Korean dance exercise as an exercise intensity. Six women Korean dancers who have the career more than 6 years were recruited as subjects. All subjects wore the NASA's potable metabolic measurement instrument(Aero Sport KB!-C) and underwent the 14 minute's korean dance exercise program twice. All data were recorded in Aero Sport KB1-C automatically. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Maximal Heart Rates(HRmax) during basic korean dance exercise were 187.0±7.14beats/min, and mean HR was 141.4±12.27 beats/min. This mean HR corresponded to 72.5%HRmax. 2. Oxygen Uptake(VO2) was 1.46 l/min(30ml/kg/min) and correspond to 58.6±3.28% VO2max. 3. Mean calory consumption was 7.73±1.22 Kcal/min and total Kcal consumption during 14minute's korean dance exercise movement was 108.2±17.05 Kcal. Fat consumed 88.7+5.97%,carbohydrate 4.87±4.88% consumed in mean energy consumption. From the discussion above results, The intensity of Korean dance exercise basic movements was sufficient to increase cardiovascular endurance. Further researches which contained more subjects were needed in the future.

      • 한국무용 춤동작의 실기능력과 인지적 지식획득 및 인성특성과의 관계연구 : 무용교수법개선을 중심으로

        孔美愛 서원대학교 교육연구소 1990 敎育發展 Vol.9 No.1

        This study was to investigate some relationships among perceived knowledge, performance levels, and personality traits for the development of instructional methods of teaching Korean dancing called CHOOM. In order to solve the above problematic relations, nineteen college students majored in dancing were taught to learn prototypically-known Korean dancing performance skills and relevant knowledge, such as fundamental concepts and corresponding behaviors. Behavioral checklists were constructed to measure their perceived knowledge and their performance skills, and standardized inventory types of personality test were managed to measure personality traits. To find out the relations among perceived knowledge variables, performance skills, and personality traits, correlation coefficients, regression equations were measured and MeNemar's tests were performed. The results showed that perceived conceptions of dancing were positively higher than before learning, that performance skills of dancing were higher than before learning, that total scores of perceived knowledge were significantly related to scores of summative and formative tests, that total scores of performance skills were significantly related to scores of summative and formative tests and other category-level scores of performance skills, and finally that dominance trait of personality was significantly related to scores of summative and formative tests and to low-level-of-body movements, and reflectiveness trait was significantly related to scores of summative test. To the regression analysis results showed that total scores of summative test were significantly accounted for by total scores of formative test and scores of middle-part-of-body movements and that total scores of formative test were significantly accounted for by perceived knowledge of lower-part-of-body movements. However, to McNemar's test there were no significant relations among two variables conjunctively combined in every stepwise procedure. In sum there could be significant teaching of protoypically-known Korean dancing knowledge and performance skills, if learner's background knowledge was understood and designed into instruction procedure.

      • KCI등재

        안정시, 운동중 및 회복기의 단련자와 비단련자의 자율신경 활동 비교

        공미애,김종식,강희성 한국운동생리학 2004 운동과학 Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 안정시, 운동중 및 그리고 회복기간 동안의 자율신경 활동를 직접 측정하고 이를 단련자와 비단련자 사이에 비교하는 데 있다. 피검자는 대학 여자 육상경기 중.장거리 선수 5명과 일반 여자대학생 5명이다. 자율신경계 활성도 측정을 위하여 Nerve Express 2.2.(HEART RHYTHM INSTRUMENTS, INC. USA)를 사용하여 Nerve-Monitor Test를 실시하였다. ECG의 192 R-R intervals로부터 파워스펙트럼 분석(power spectral analysis)하여, 자율신경계 활성도를 측정하였다. 그리고 720kpm(2kp×6m×60rpm)의 자전거 erogmeter 운동중 1단계에서 5단계까지, 회복기 1단계에서 6단계까지 자율신경계 활성도를 측정하였다. ECG의 192 R-R intervals 측정에 걸리는 시간은 사람에 따라 다르며, 2-4분에 이루어 졌다. 얻어진 결과는 1. 안정시 교감신경계 활성도는 NA 집단이 1.0±0.60, A 집단이 -0.4±1.20으로 NA 집단이 높게 나타났으며, 부교감신경계의 활성도는 반대로 A 집단이 1.6±1.50, NA 집단이 0.4±1.20으로 A 집단이 높게 나타났다. 2. 운동을 시작하면 1단계부터 교감신경은 두 집단 모두 +4까지지 높아지고, 그 경향이 운동 종료시까지 지속되었다. 부교감신경계는 NA 집단은 운동 1단계에서 큰 변화가 없었지만(0.4±1.2→0.4±1.30), A 집단에서는 빠르게 감소되었(1.6±1.50→0.6±1.02). 그 이후에는 두집단 모두 -4를 유지하였다. 3. 운동이 끝나면 A 집단은 교감신경의 활성도가 빠르게 낮아져 회복기 3단계에서는 0.64±0.43으로 안정시와 차이가 없다. 이에 대하여 NA 집단은 회복속도가 느리고 높게 유지되었다(1.8 이상). 부교감신경은 반대로 A 집단에서는 회복기 1단계에서 이미 빠르게 회복된 반면, NA 집단에서는 회복기간 내내 회복되지 못하고 낮은 수준을 유지하였다(-2.0). 결론적으로 단련자는 안정시 부교감신경의 활성도가 우위를 차지하고 운동중 및 회복기에 회복이 비단련자에 비하여 빠르다. 이것이 단련자의 안정시 서맥 및 운동중 심박수 감소 및 회복기에 빠른 회복을 설명할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison of autonomic nerve activity between trained and untrained at rest, during exercise, and recovery period. Five middle and long distance runners and five general female students were selected as subjects. Autonomic nerve activities were measured with ECG 192 R-R intervals by using "NERVE EXPRESS 2.2.)Heart Rhythm Instruments, Inc. USA)" at rest, during exercise, and recovery period. Results obtained were as follows: 1. At rest, the level of parasymapthetic nerve activity of trained were higher than that of untrained. But sympathetic nerve activity level were higher in untrained. 2. During exercise, the level of sympathetic nerve activity increased highly in both groups. On the contrary parasympathetic nerve activity indicated rapid withdrawal. The speed of parasympathetic withdrawal was more faster in trained. 3. During recovery period, the recovery speed of parasympathetic nerve activity was more higher in trained. But the recovery speed of sympathetic nerve activity was more slower in untrained. It is concluded that trained indicated dominant parasympathetic nerve activity at rest and more faster withdrawal during exercise and more rapid recovery after cessation of exercise. This mechanism can explain the bradycardia in trained at rest, during exercise. and during recover period.

      • KCI등재

        사회인구론적 변인에 따른 현대도시인의 여가의식에 관한 연구

        공미애(Mi Ae Gong) 한국사회체육학회 1995 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was designed to establish new consciousness and image of sound leisure life plan to solve unsoundness leisure life problem about mordern city man of our nation. Therefore,, this study analyzed leisure consciousness acknowledge according to three category (evaluation dimension, ability dimension, activity dimension) of social population theoretical trait. On the basis of the result analyzed in this study, the conclusion could be drawn as follows. 1. The anknowledge level about leisure of modern city man of our nation showed positive and soundness recognition. 2. The analyzed results about leisure obstacle factor appeared to deficiency of extra time, extra mind and extra expenses. 3. In the leisure consciousness of modern city man, the leisure life of twenty ages level appeared to act leisure life with friend. The leisure life of thirty ages level appeared to act leisure life with family. cf. The leisure life level of modem city man of our nation showed generally soundness level.

      • KCI등재

        壬辰倭亂 前後의 明의 武藝書들과 朝鮮의 武藝書들과의 記述方法에 대한 비교연구

        김산,공미애 한국체육사학회 2003 체육사학회지 Vol.12 No.-

        It is during the Japanese Invasion of 1592 that the martial art exchange was lively among three countries: Korea, China and Japan. Kihyoshinsee of China played the major role in the trend and it laid the foundation to establish a new stream of martial art in Korea at 16th~18th centuries. However, the description of Kihyoshinseo is different from these of it's references :Muyejebo(武藝諸譜), Nluyejebobeunyealcsolrjap(武藝諸譜飜譯續集) and Muyedobotongji(武藝圖譜通志). The martial art books of Ming danasty, including Kihyoshinseo mainly focused on 'Se', the individual movement or technique, while Korean martial art baolcs concentrated on 'Bo', the sequence of the individual movement. This is the primary way of the describing Korean martial- art books which was maintained from Muyejebo to Muyedobotongji. And the major goal of the militarymartial art, training soldiers in a short-period, could be achieved in this way. Korea creatively inherited and described martial art in the time of peril.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유산소 운동이 중년여성의 혈중지질과 스트레스 및 성장 호르몬에 미치는 영향 -나비골프 운동을 중심으로-

        성지만 ( J. M Sung ),방기호 ( G. H Bang ),공미애 ( M. A Kong ),김종식 ( J. S Kim ),강희성 ( H. S Kang ) 한국운동생리학회(구 한국운동과학회) 2012 운동과학 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구에서는 12주간의 나비골프 운동 프로그램이 중년여성의 혈중지질과 스트레스 및 성장 호르몬에 영향을 미치는 효과를 규명하는데 있다. 본 연구의 대상은 실험집단 7명과 통제집단 7명으로 구성하였다. 나비골프 프로그램은 주 5회, 1~4주는 RPE 9~11, 5~8주는 RPE 11~13, 9~12주는 RPE 13~15의 운동 강도로 12주 동안 실시하였다. 혈중지질과 스트레스 및 성장 호르몬 농도를 측정하고 분석하였다. 혈중지질 중 TC 의 변화에서는 실험집단에서는 사전-사후 차이를 분석한 결과 유의하게 감소하였고(p <.01), TG의 경우에도 실험집단의 경우 유의하게 감소하였다(p <.05). HDL-C의 변화에서는 실험집단의 경우 유의하게 증가하였고(p <.01), LDL-C의 경우 실험집단에서 사전-사후 차이를 분석한 결과 유의하게 감소하였다(p <.01). 호르몬의 변화에 있어서 스트레스 호르몬의 경우 유의한 수준의 감소를 보였으나(p <.05), 성장호르몬의 경우는 특별한 변화가 나타나지 않았다. 이상에서 살펴본 바와 같이, 나비골프 운동 프로그램이 TC와 TG, HDL-C, LDL-C 및 스트레스 호르몬에서 긍정적인 변화를 가져왔으며 이는 규칙적인 나비골프 운동 프로그램이 중년여성의 혈중지질과 스트레스 호르몬에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 생각된다. The study aims to identify the effects of a 12-week NaB golf t raining p rogram on b lood l ipids, s tress and g rowth hormones o f middle-aged female. The experiment consists of an experimental group of seven subjects and a control group of seven subjects. The program was conducted 5 days per week for 12 weeks, where Weeks 1-4 were carried out on RPE 9~11, weeks 5~8 on RPE 11~13, weeks 9~12 on RPE 13~15. The concentration of blood lipids as well as stress and growth hormones were measured and analyzed. By analyzing pre-to-post changes in blood lipids, a significant reduction in TC in the experimental group (p <.01) was found and the same result was obtained for changes in TG in the e xp erimental g roup(p <.01). The experimental group showed a high increase in HDL-C (p <.01). Based on the analysis of pre-to-post changes in LDL-C, the experimental group showed a significant drop (p <.05). In terms of hormone changes, a significant reduction in the level of stress hormones has been found (p <.05), but as for growth hormones no signigicant change has been found. As indicated above, NaB golf training program brought positive changes in TC and TG, HDL-C, LDL-C as well as stress hormones. Engaging in the program on a regular basis is considered to show positive effects on blood lipids and stress hormones of middle-aged women.

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