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      • 비대칭 주시 안구진탕에 의한 사경에 대한 수술 효과

        박영규,안상로,민병무,박우찬 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        We performed the surgery for correction of ocular torticollis in 20 patients with asymmetric gaze nystagmus. Modified kestenbaum procedure was performed for 30 degrees of ocular torticollis, 40% augmented modified Kestenbaum procedure for 45 degrees, and 60% augmented modified Kestenbaum procedure for 60 degrees. At the final follow up visit (averaging 9.9 months), 12 patients showed complete corrections of previous head turn, five patients showed a small residual head turn of less than 10 degrees, and three patients show residual head turn of 15 degrees to the same side of the preoperative head turn. The success rate was 85%. After the first operation three patients were received the addiitonal operation due to residual head turn, but the results were satisfactory. Three were few significant complications and no overcorrected cases. Among the 14 patients who were able to measure the visual acuity, seven patients showed no internal change in visual acuity and the other seven patients showed increased visual acuity over one Snellen line. From above results, we obtained good results with modified Kestenbaum procedure and augmented modified Kestenbaum for correction of ocular torticollis with asymmetric gaze nystagmus.

      • 飼料作物 Alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.)品種別 生育狀에 대하여

        김무성,노영덕,김세영,백남인,정우진 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1996 硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        서로 특성이 다양한 32개의 도입한 Alfalfa품종을 우리나라 중부지역인 충청남도에 재배하여 초장과 건물중 등의 생육상태를 비교, 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 평균초장이 큰 상위 10개 품종들은 Dekalb brand 135 > Diamond > Pioneer brand 581 > Raidor > Pioneer brand532 > Pierce> Nitro > Sparta ) Florida 77 > Sapphire의 품종순 이 며, 초장이 작은 10개 품종을 최하위 순으로 열거하여 보면 Salute < Spredor 2 < LS-1920 < Arrow < Challenger < Milkmaker < Armor < Pioneer brand 545 < Pioneer brand 5262 < Saranac의 품종 순이였다. 2. 총건물 수량이 많은 상위 10개 품종들은 Diamond > Nitro > Dekalb brand 120 > Dekalb brand 135 > Drummer > Saranac > Sapphire > Raider > Magnum > Dekalb brand 167의 품종 순이며, 건물수량이 적은 최하위 순으로 10개 품종은 Milkmaker < Pioneer brand 526 < Pioneer brand 5262 < Salute < Pioneer brand 555 < Decathlon < Pioneer brand 5929 < LS-1920 < Pioneer brand 581 < Husky의 품종들이였다. 3 평균초장과 총건물 수량의 결과를 비교하여 보면 대체로 초장이 우세하였거나, 열세하였던 품 종들이 다소간 건물수량이 우세하거나 열세하였으며, 정비례한 결과는 보이지 아니하였다. 4. 생육상태 및 건물수량이 모두 좋은 품종들은 Diamond, Nitro, Dekalb brand 135, Sapphire, Raidor품종들이며, 우리나라 중서부지역의 재배환경에 적합한 품종으로 사료된다 This study was conducted to select the best adapted alfalfa cultivars among the 32 introduced alfalfa cultivars with different characteristics in Chung-Chong Nam Do, Korea, environmental condition. Mean of plant height and total dry matter yields per cultivar from May to August in 1996 were determined. On the point of mean of plant height, ten high ranked cultivars among the 32 alfalfa cultivars in high order were Dekalb brand 135>Diamond>Pioneer brand 581>Raidor>Pioneer brand 532>Pierce>Nitro>Sparta>Florida 77>Sapphire and ten low ranked cultivars in low order were Salute<Spredor 2<LS-1920<Arrow<Challenger<Milkmaker<Armor<Pioneer brand 545<Pioneer brand 5262<Saranac. Ten high ranked cultivars from 32 alfalfa cultivars on the total dry matter yields in high order were Diamond>Nitro>Dekalb brand 120>Dekalb brand 135>Drummor>Saranac>Sapphire>Raidor>Magnum>Dekalb brand 167 and ten low ranked cultivars in low order were Milkmaker<Pioneer brand 526<Pioneer brand 5262<Salute<Pioneer brand 555<Decathlon<Pioneer brand 5929<LS-1920<Pioneer brand 581<Husky. Total dry matter yields of per cultivar was also slightly greater but It was not appeared direct proportion when alfalfa cultivar was appeared higher mean of plant height compared with those which were lower mean of plant height. Leading alfalfa cultivars for plant growth and dry matter yields were Diamond, Nitro, Dekalb brand 135, Sapphire, Raidor cultivar which can be well grown under moderate temperatures zone of midwest in Korea.

      • 국제 스포츠 정보 시스템의 동향 분석

        육조영,임정일,윤찬호,이무연,노덕선,배진희,이승훈 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        As Follow suggested : The purpose of this study was to consider tendency of modern sports information. today Modernst information system had four areas such as collection, clearance, communication and application So, most literuture of America and Europe was collected, cleared, communicated and apilcated in international sports data base. If we utillited communication circuit properly, we could use sports information beneficently at the laboratory and office. In the future and now, one was that special sports institution needed to obtain Education about sports imformation such as information of specialization, and information of knowledge on both soft phase and hard phase of new media. Although korea used date base of foriegn country efficiently, korea had to make effort to create its own information system and wish to avoid friction of economy and fiction of information.

      • 국제스포츠 정보 시스템의 현황 분석

        육조영,윤찬호,김범수,노덕선,이무연,배진희,이승훈 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        Information has become a strategic tool with progress of sports science and sports technology. Demand on sports information is spreading to leisure, recreation, sociology, science of nutrition, psychology, sports medicine, sports therapy, prophylactic medicine, alternative medicine, sports industry and sports nature etc. if on line data base can be manipulated freely then acceleration and quality improvement of the study in this field can be effected and it is possible to gain new insight for receiving latest information But next problem is cost for use. For this reason this author summarized quick and effective on lline search points as follows: 1. Data base should be chosen with clear purpose for its use. Conduct prior investigation on contents and fee system of data base. With the same data base fee system may be differed depending on distributor therefore it is necessary to try different distributors at first as much as possible. 2. Prior to starting on line search prepare search method. If on line is started and then search method is checked than quickly telephone charge will go up. Search method should be prepared in advance by thinking sufficiently of what theme is to be searched. 3. Look for good advisor: lf there is no advisor nearby then the best thing is counselling with the person in charge for the distributor. If the result of search is stored at floppy disk by "downloading" then even after communication line is cut off it will be possible to print out anytime. 4. In this study the author explained about on-line search of lterature data line but recently it is possible to search overseas sports news or information on rate of victory or defeat of prfessional footbali etc. in real time. In Japan it is possible to search feature articles of Nihon Kesai or Asahi (except culture and sports column) by on-line. However in our country there are not many data bases in the field of sports and physical education which can be on-line searched. Our country belongs to up per level in the world in terms of study of sports science and technology and we are attracting attention from countries in Asia and from different parts of the world and the task facing us now is developing independent and unique data base for our country.

      • 독가시치류의 일종 Siganus canaliculatus(PARK)의 산란기 생식소와 난발생

        박무억,이영돈,노섬 제주대학교 해양연구소 1992 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.16 No.-

        Mature adults of Rabbit fish, Siganus canaliculatus. which is generally known to be distributed up to the southern costal waters of Korean peninsula, were captured in Ham-duck, northeast of Cheju on August 2. 1992. Gonad of the Rabbit fish was investigated histologically on the view point of gonadal development. Pale yellow ovaries are consisted of the mature oocyte groups and early growing oocyte groups, while Yellowish red ovaries consisted of the ripe oocyte groups and early oocyte group. Milky white testis is mostly filled with spermatozoa in the lobular cavity. The eggs and sperm were stripped and fertilized by the wet method on the laboratory. The fertilized egg diameter varied from 0. 57mm to 0.61mm. The water temperature throughout incubation ranged from 26℃ to 27℃. The hatching took place in 32 hour after fertilization. The newly hatched larvae are averagely 1.94mm in TL, possessing yolk sac.

      • 더덕의 효율적인 재분화 및 뿌리발달

        심주선,조숙녀,손화,김무성,노영덕,김세영,양덕춘 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        더덕은 식용, 관상용, 생약재료로 쓰이는 방향성 식물이다. 본 연구는, 종자의 기내배양을 통하여 식물체 재분화와 뿌리발달을 실험했다. 종자의 발아는 GA_(3) 100 mg·L(-1)처리와 저온처리 시 매우 양호하였다. 더덕의 기내에서 shoot의 형성은 2 mg·L^(-1) BA, 2 mg·L(-1) NAA가 첨가된 MS 기본배지에서 가장 양호하였으며, 줄기의 절편체와 비교하여 잎 절편체에서 재분화가 잘되었다. 또한 뿌리의 발육은 계속적인 계대배양에 의해서 양호하였는데 shoot의 길이를 1 cm 정도 남긴 뿌리를 연속적으로 4회 계대배양에서 뿌리가 주근으로 발육하였으며 길이는 약 3 cm 및 직경은 0.5 cm의 정상적인 뿌리를 얻을 수 있었다. Codonopsis lanceolata is widely used as edibles, ornamental plant and crude drug material. This study was carried out to confirm the ratio of germination and efficient differentiation of shoot and root in vitro. The germination of Codonopsis lanceolata seed was excellent in the medium with GA_(3) 100 mg·L(-1) and chilling treatment. The shoot formation of Codonopsis lanceolata was good at the MS medium with 2 mg·L(-1) BA and 2 mg·L(-1) NAA. According to inoculum part, ratio of re-differentiation was higher from the leaf explant compared with the stem explant. For root development, successive subculture with 1 cm shoot of upper part from root was efficient. Roots of Codonopsis lanceolata cultured in vitro system was grown like normal root with length of 3 cm and thickness of 0.5 cm at the 4 successive subcultures.

      • 인삼 Peroxidase(PgPrx3) 유전자의 분리 및 연초의 형질전환

        손화,심주선,김세영,노영덕,김무성,양덕춘 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Peroxidase는 항산화에 관련된 효소이며 식물의 환경스트레스와 성장에 관련되는 중요한 유전자이다. 본 실험에서 사용된 Peroxidase Ⅲ의 cDNA는 Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer 잎에서 추출하였으며 PgPrx3라 명명하였다. 이 gene의 ORF영역은 1,065 bP이고 355개의 아미노산을 가지고 있다. BioEdit 프로그램을 이용하여 PgPrx3와 다른 식물의 peroxidase gene과 비교한 결과 상동성을 가지고 있었으며, Spinacia oleracea(70%), Vigna angulais(71%), Nicotiana tabacum(69%) and Linum usitatissimum(65%). 그중 Vigna angularis의 상동성이 가장 높았다. 담배에 본 유전자를 형질전환시켜 유전자의 특성을 검정하기 위하여 35S/35S/AMV/peroxidas/Tnos를 벡터 pRD400에 재조합 후 아그로박테리아를 이용하여 담배에 도입시켰다. 그리고 PCR를 이용하여 유전자 PgPrx3가 담배에 도입된 것을 확인하였으며, RT-PCR로 정상적으로 PgPrx3 유전자가 전사되어 RNA를 생성하고 있음을 확인하였다. A peroxidase (E.C. is very important enzyme as antioxidants. The function of this gene is connected with growth and environmental stress of plant. A class Ⅲ peroxidase cDNA was isolated from the leaf of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer and named as PgPrx3 which is consisted of an ORF (open reading frame) of 1,065 bp and an amino acid of 355 residues. BioEdit software was used to compare the PgPrx3 amino acid sequence with other plants that showed homologies with Spinacia oleracea (70%), Vigna angularis (71%), Nicotiana tabacum (69%) and Linum usitatissimum (65%). The peroxidase of Vigna angulatis was the most homologous with ginseng. The chimeric PgPrx3 gene, 35S/35S/AMV/peroxidas/ Tnos, was constructed in the binary vector pRD400. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring disarmed Ti-plasmid was used to transform Nicotiana tabacum L. using the leaf disc. Incorporation of the chimeric gene PgPrx3 into plants were confirmed by PCR analysis of genomic DNA and RT-PCR analysis of mRNA from transgenic tobacco. The PgPrx3 gene from ginseng was stably expressed in transgenic tobacco plants.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        은 나노입자 전극과 패러데이 모트를 이용한 미세유체 피코리터 주입기의 전압효율 상승

        노영무 ( Young Moo Noh ),진시형 ( Si Hyung Jin ),정성근 ( Seong Geun Jeong ),김남영 ( Nam Young Kim ),노창현 ( Chang Hyun Rho ),이창수 ( Chang Soo Lee ) 한국화학공학회 2015 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.53 No.4

        This study presents modified microfluidic picoinjector combined Faraday moat with silver nanoparticle electrode to increase electrical efficiency and fabrication yield. We perform simple dropping procedure of silver nanoparticles near the picoinjection channel, which solve complicate fabrication process of electrode deposition onto the microfluidic picoinjector. Based on this approach, the microfluidic picoinjector can be reliably operated at 180 V while conventional Faraday moat usually have performed above 260 V. Thus, we can reduce the operation voltage and increase safety. Furthermore, the microfluidic picoinjector is able to precisely control injection volume from 7.5 pL to 27.5 pL. We believe that the microfluidic picoinjector will be useful platform for microchemical reaction, biological assay, drug screening, cell culture device, and toxicology.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Inhibition of Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Gene Expression Profiles by Cirsii Japonici Herba Extract Treatment in HepG2 Cells

        Rho, Sam-Woong,Chung, Hwan-Suck,Kang, Moon-Kyu,Na, Young-In,Cho, Chong-Woon,Kim, Hyung-Min,Jung, Hyuk-Sang,Park, Hi-Joon,Kim, Hong-Yeoul,Hong, Moo-Chang,Shin, Min-Kyu,Kim, Sung-Soo,Bae, Hyun-Su The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicopro 2005 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.1 No.4

        Cirsii Japonici Herba (CJH) extract has been used for hundreds of years in Asian countries as a treatment for pollutant, radiation, and alcohol-induced liver damage. The reducing effect of CJH on hydrogen peroxide-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, the main cause of cell damage or death, was evaluated using the HepG2 cell line. Cell survival was determined using MTS assay. The viability of cells treated with CJH was not significantly different from oxidative-stressed HepG2 cells. A dose-dependent inhibitory effect by CJH on ROS production was shown in oxidative-stressed cells using the $H_{2}DCFDA$ assay. To identify candidate genes responsible for the anti-oxidative effects of CJH on HepG2 cells, an oligonucleotide microarray analysis was performed. The expressions of five genes were decreased, whereas nineteen genes were up-regulated in CJH plus hydrogen peroxide treated cells, compared to only hydrogen peroxide treated cells. Among them, the expression of 5 genes was decreased in hydrogen peroxide treatment when compared to control. These genes are known to regulate cell survival and progression. On the other hand, it was shown that its main compounds were not a sylimarin or its analogs. The list of differentially expressed genes may provide further insight on the action and mechanism behind the anti-oxidative effects of Cirsii Japonici Herba.

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