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      • 신고리 지역 기상관측을 통한 계절별 대기안정도 특성분석

        송상근,김유근,오인보,정주희,조윤미,우경은,강태훈 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 環境硏究報 Vol.21 No.-

        In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of atmospheric stability to investigate local environment change at an atomic power plant in Gori region. The used data was obtained from field observation of major meteorological variables such as wind direction and speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation using AWS (Automatic Weather System) in Gori region from February to September in 2003. As a result, when strong northerly winds (more than 4~6 m/s) and weak northwesterly winds (2~3m/s) blow, atmospheric stability was neutral and stable from winter to spring, respectively. Atmospheric stability (neutral) in summer was similar to that in two other seasons (winter and spring), but it was stable for weak southwesterly winds (2~3 m/s). Finally, atmospheric stability was neutral for strong winds (over 4~6 m/s) in fall without respect to wind direction, while that was stable for very weak winds (less than 2 m/s).


        Gold nanoparticles assisted sensitivity improvement of interdigitated microelectrodes biosensor for amyloid-β detection in plasma sample

        Yoo, Yong Kyoung,Kim, Gangeun,Park, Dongsung,Kim, Jinsik,Kim, YoungSoo,Yun Kim, Hye,Yang, Seung Hoon,Lee, Jeong Hoon,Hwang, Kyo Seon Elsevier 2020 Sensors and actuators. B Chemical Vol.308 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Amyloid-β (Aβ) is a peptide that is produced in the brain and carried across the blood brain barrier to the blood. It is an important biomarker for the blood-based diagnosis of early stage Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the challenges of using blood Aβ are that there are several isoforms of the peptide and that the difference in concentration of the peptide in the blood between AD patient and normal individual is extremely low. Here, we developed interdigitated microelectrodes (IMEs) as an impedance biosensor for the blood-based Aβ detection using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) sandwich assay. It provided logarithmically linear sensitivity and enhancements in the detection limits of approximately 2.87-fold and 74.84 %, respectively. We prepared mouse plasma sample from the blood of double-mutated APP/PS1 transgenic (TG) and wild-type (WT) mouse group, and AD diagnostic ability was tested by Aβ detection in the plasma samples. Our results showed that AuNPs sandwich assay assisted Aβ detection successfully discriminated TG and WT mouse groups. Thus, with this sensing system, we detected Aβ with high sensitivity and selectivity. This Aβ sensing system with AuNPs sandwich assay could lead to a significant advance in human blood sample based clinical diagnosis.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Blood based Amyloid-β (Aβ), is a protein as known as a biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease, detection, is important for the diagnosis of early stage. </LI> <LI> We developed interdigitated microelectrodes biosensor for the blood based Aβ detection using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) sandwich assay. </LI> <LI> This Aβ sensing system with AuNPs sandwich assay could lead to a significant advance in human blood sample based clinical diagnosis. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        The Over-coming of Modernity through Aesthetics: Adorno"s Aesthetic Critique

        Kyoung-Hoon Yoo(유경훈) 한국비평이론학회 2006 비평과이론 Vol.11 No.1

          계몽과 함께 시작된 현대성은 합리적이고 과학적인 지식, 보편적 윤리, 자율적 예술에 대한 진정한 믿음에서 출발하여 그 이전 사회를 특징짓던 무지, 억압, 적대를 넘어서 진리, 해방, 행복, 비강압적 화해를 달성하려는 목적을 지닌다. 그러나 아도르노는 작금의 사회에 구현된 현대성의 결과가 상기한 이상을 실현하기보단 오히려 자연과 인간의 통제와 지배를 더 확고히 하는 고차원의 지식과 무의미한 도덕과 예술로 나타났다는 점을 통렬히 비판한다. 현대의 과학기술, 관료적 기관과 조직, 시장체계 등은 삶의 질을 증진시키려는 현대성의 이상을 망각하고, 억압의 지배 망을 더욱더 공고히 하는 결과를 가져왔다는 것이다. 현대성의 핵심인 이성이 역사의 흐름 속에서 도구적 이성으로 변질되어 외부와 내부의 자연을 지배한 결과 현대는 완전한 관리사회가 되었고, 이 사회의 거대한 체계는 기존 상태를 유지하기위해 인간과 물질을 동일성의 법칙아래 감금·재생산한다는 것이 아도르노의 현대성 비판의 주 내용이다.<BR>  현대의 예술 또한 자가당착의 운명에 처해있다. 과학과 도덕이 서로의 독립된 영역을 형성하여 상호간의 긍정적인 중재와 비판을 배제한 것처럼 예술 또한 이들 비미학적 영역과 유리되어 그 자신만의 독특한 영역을 구축하게 되었다. 지식과 도덕의 영역이 쉽게 다룰 수 없는 인간의 욕망, 쾌락, 감정, 행복, 미 등을 주요 대상으로 삼는 예술은 따라서 비예술적 영역과는 독립되어 있는 자율성을 강조하게 되었다. 그러나 이 주장을 액면 그대로 받아들이면 예술은 사회와의 접합점을 상실하게 되고, 그 스스로를 유폐한 가운데 고도로 조직화된 후기자본주의 사회가 거부하는 행복의 가상만을 전달하는 보상대체물로 전락하게 된다.<BR>  본고는 아도르노의 미학이론에 제시된 미학적 비판을 토대로 현대성이 남긴 사회의 제문제점을 극복하기위한 하나의 시도이다. 아도르노의 미학적 비판이 시사하는 것은 도구적 이성의 증폭을 벗어날 수 있는 길이 예술에 형상화된 미학적 합리성을 정확하게 파악하고 실천하는 길에 달려 있다는 것이다. 아도르노의 미학은 예술이 진리, 자유, 행복을 구체화한 표현으로 외부 사회와 부정변증법적으로 연결되어 있음을 강조한다. 고정된 개념을 적용하여 동일한 것의 영원한 순환을 생산하는 현 사회의 지배담론이 억압하고 파편화 시킨 비동일성의 흔적은 예술의 비개념적 인식 속에서 찾을 수 있다. 아도르노의 미학적 비판을 통해 조망할 수 있는 것은 현대의 모순 속에서 망각으로의 도피를 도모하기보단 정확한 모순인식속에서 타자에 대한 배려와 상호협조를 통해 더 나은 세계를 위한 한걸음을 내딛는 것이다, 이를 통해 본고는 아직도 계속되는 폭력과 억압의 세계 역사 속에서 살아가야만 하는 현대인이 취할 비판의식과 실천의 장을 마련하려한다. 미학이론은 더 이상 아름다운 예술만을 다루는 협소한 영역이 아니다. 오히려 미학은 사회의 제 갈등과 첨예의 관계를 가지고 있으며, 이 관계에 끊임없이 주의하라고 우리의 시선을 인도한다. 사회모순에 대한 관심을 통해서, 지식의 비정상적 비대화로 인한 현대성의 비인간적 소외를 넘어 볼 조건을 형성해본다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Transition or Subversion? : Politics of Containment in Kant's Aesthetics

        Kyoung-Hoon Yoo 한국영미어문학회 2004 영미어문학 Vol.- No.73

        Kant's purpose of the third Critique is to achieve a transition from the domain of the concept of nature to that of the concept of freedom through the power of aesthetic judgment so as to make a harmonious system of his philosophy. His transition thesis hinges on the aesthetic judgment's analogous and distinct relation with the nonaesthetic domains of knowledge and morality. The analogous relation is most prominent in his discussion of a common sense through which he shows that the constitutive and the regulative principles are intricately interconnected to form a whole subject who can reconcile and interchange three modes of philosophical and experiencial faculties (understanding, judgment, and reason) The distinct relation points to the aesthetic autonomy. The aesthetic presentation of subjectively necessary feeling has nothing to do with the objective cognition of the object, moral determination of our will, or sensual gratification, since any heteronomous interest should not contaminate the aesthetic judgment. The aesthetic judgment must be pure, that is, purely cut from the domains of the determinative judgments. Kant's emphasis on the pureness of the judgment, however, reveals his strategy of containment that represses the seed of aesthetic subversion. The strategy makes futile the aesthetic intervention to correct the limitedness of knowledge and morality Kant's politics residing in the containment is to block the aesthetic critique that might subvert his three-part structure of philosophy. The political ramification of the containment is to keep the two fixed realms intact so that the aesthetic becomes powerless against ever-growing problems of modernity. This paper suggests a way to overcome the politics of containment.

      • KCI등재

        Constructing Dialogic Resistance against Monologic Power Structures in The House of Mirth

        ( Kyoung-hoon Yoo ) 대한영어영문학회 2004 영어영문학연구 Vol.30 No.3

        Since the publication in 1905, Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth has attracted diverse readings from many critics. The dominant trend of the interpretations, however, is to emphasize the stark determinism of the text extended to literary naturalism. According to the trend, the protagonist Lily cannot devise an alternative against a naturalistic world in which she eventually becomes a totally determined product of social and economic environment. In other words, incarcerated in the social network of power structures, Lily does not produce any convincing possibility of resistance that might change the structures. It is true that the socioeconomic base and the patriarchal culture are dominant in the text, but the deterministic readings cannot do justice to the multiplicity of the text. Here lies the prime purpose of this paper: how can we salvage the seed of resistance against the power structures? For this purpose this paper makes use of Bakhtin's theory of monologism and dialogism. As well known, while monologism unifies all ideas and voices into a static and objective oneness, dialogism allows a multiple interaction between the characters and points of view so as to show contradiction-ridden and tension-filled reality that denies the domination of an authoritative center. This paradigm of monologism and dialogism gives us a useful vocabulary for and a new way of thinking about the text. When we use this paradigm, Lily's final death can be interpreted as an attempt to overcome the merciless logic of society that discards the rebellious spirit into a dustbin. Lily's ambivalent confrontation with the dominant ideologies of America at the turn of the century suggests both an act of subversion and an effort at appropriation and redefinition of them. The ambiguity of the ending revitalizes the seemingly one-dimensional world of the naturalistic novel with its tension-revealing inconclusiveness that invites the reader's volutary participation in the ongoing praxis for a better society. < Sookmyung Women’s University >

      • KCI등재후보

        구조물의 해체 공정별 오염농도 변화 및 비점오염원 관리 방안

        주경훈 ( Kyoung Hoon Chu ),유성수 ( Sung Soo Yoo ),김효진 ( Hyo Jin Kim ),이경희 ( Kyoung Hee Lee ),고광백 ( Kwang Baik Ko ) 대한화약발파공학회 2011 화약발파 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 실제 발파해체가 진행된 현장을 대상으로, 해체공정 중 천공과 발파작업시 발생하는 수질 및 토양오염의 농도변화를 통해 환경오염 정도를 조사하였고, 시간 경과에 따른 오염물질의 거동특성을 파악하여 해체현장에서의 비점오염원 관리방안의 필요성을 제시하였다. 그 결과 천공과 발파작업 이후 수질 및 토양의 pH는 콘크리트의 수산화칼슘에 의해 8.5~9.3으로 기준치를 초과하였다. 천공과 발파작업으로 인한 중금속의 농도는 대부분이 기준치 이내였으며, 수질과 토양오염에 크게 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 판단되었다. 하지만 천공과 발파작업 전후의 오염물에 대한 증감률을 통해, 중금속 중 Cr, Cu, Zn 및 Hg의 농도가 증가된 것을 확인하였으며, 발생된 오염물의 처리방안이 필요하다고 판단되었다. 해체현장에서 시간의 경과와 우기에 따른 오염물질의 농도는 대부분 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 이는 발생된 오염물질이 비점오염원으로 주변 환경에 영향을 줄 것으로 보인다. In this study, the pollutants contained in water and soil samples taken from the explosive demolition site were examined to investigate the effects on environment, and management plan of non-point source pollution in the demolition site was suggested through characterizing the movement of the pollutant with time. As results, pH value of the water and soil samples after the demolition work was 8.5~9.3 which exceeds the Korean environmental criterion of water and soil range due to calcium hydroxide compounds in the concrete. The concentration level of heavy metals caused by the explosive demolition doesn`t exceed the environmental criterion of water and soil doesn`t exceed the environmental criterion of water and soil quality, and the influence of water and soil pollution on the environment was not considered. The concentration of the heavy metals was analyzed and that of Cr, Cu, Zn and Hg among the heavy metals increased after the drilling and explosive demolition. This says that concentration of the heavy metals during explosive demolition works needs to be monitored. The most pollutants with time or rain dilution into the demolition site decreased and this means that the pollutants caused by the explosive demolition might have influenced to vicinity of the demolition sites as non-point pollution.

      • KCI등재

        에드먼드 버크의 미학과 정치

        유경훈 ( Kyoung Hoon Yoo ) 21세기영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학21 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper explores the intricate interrelationships of aesthetics and politics that are represented in the works of Edmund Burke. Burke, in Reflections on the Revolution in France, expressed his strong aversion and fear against the French Revolution. What interests us about this negative criticism is his conspicuous modifications of the aesthetics of the beautiful and the sublime constructed in A Philosophical Inquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful. What made him change his perspectives? In order to find the answer to this question this paper reconstructs Burke`s aesthetics with its political implications. In doing so, this paper also excavates Burke`s hidden desire to be cultural capital as a way to share the political prerogatives with the upper classes. Burke`s discussion of taste left a trace of his inner fragmentation that would be vanished when he criticized the Revolution.

      • KCI등재

        울스턴크래프트의 미학과 자율주체

        유경훈(Yoo, Kyoung Hoon) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2013 아시아여성연구 Vol.52 No.2

        길버트 임레이와의 좌절된 사랑으로 인한 자살기도는 울스턴크래프트의 삶과 사상에 대한 전면적인 재해석을 촉구한다. 격정적인 그녀의 삶은 『인권옹호』와 『여권옹호』를 통해 나타난 감성의 폐해에 대한 비판과 여성의 이성과 자율의 강조와는 모순되기 때문이다. 울스턴크래프트의 삶과 사상에 나타난 분열의 문제는 그녀의 평가에 부정적인 결과를 가져왔고, 현재에 이르기까지 많은 비평가들로 하여금 의견의 합치를 쉽게 허용하지 않는 논점을 제공하고 있다. 본고는 울스턴크래프트의 이성과 감성의 관계를 면밀히 조사하여 모순을 포용하는 얼개를 발명하려하며, 이 발명은 이성과 감성의 복잡한 관계를 본령으로 삼는 미학의 문제 틀과 연관을 갖는다. 그녀가 활동하던 18세기말은 그 어떤 시기보다도 강력한 정치사건의 발생과 함께 상상력의 폭발 그리고 미와 숭고 미학의 비약적인 발전과 확장을 가져왔다. 그녀의 저작 여러 곳에 산발적으로 흩어져 있는 미학적 사유는 당대의 정치와 미학과 소통하고 있음을 보여줄 뿐만 아니라 그녀 특유의 삶과 사상의 모순 문제를 해결할 수 있는 단초를 제공한다. 그녀의 편지와 저서에서 발견하는 감성과 이성의 좌표는 칸트가 반성적 판단력을 통해 감성, 오성, 이성의 분리와 상충을 연대하고 융합하려한 시도와 동일한 방향을 가리키고 있다. 울스턴크래프트가 자신의 미학 사유를 통해 추구하는 것은 단독성의 자율 주체, 그 무엇으로도 대체가능하지 않은 특이한 삶과 사상의 주체라는 점이 제기된 문제에 대한 해결로 제시될 것이다. Wollstonecraft’s attempt at suicide, which happened as a consequence of a failed love affair with Gilbert Imlay, demands a full-scale re-interpretation of her life and thought. A passionate life of Wollstonecraft seems to be inconsistent with her emphatic assertion on women’s use of reason and autonomous subjectivity. The problem of the split represented in her life and thought has brought forth negative responses from diverse layers of people so that it has become a controversial issue that resists consensual agreement of many critics. This paper tries to invent a framework that embraces a contradiction between sensibility and reason, the framework that is interrelated with aesthetics. Historic political events happened and the corresponding expansion of imagination and the aesthetics of the beautiful and the sublime upsurged in the late eighteenth century when Wollstonecraft was in full activities. Her aesthetic thought sporadically presented throughout her oeuvre was in communion with the contemporary politics and aesthetics, and indicates a direction that can solve the contradictory problem. The coordinates of sensibility and reason represented in her letters and works form a parallel with Kant who tried to unite understanding, reason, sensibility and imagination by way of reflective judgement. What Wollstonecraft pursued is a singular and autonomous subjectivity, a subject with non-replaceable and peculiar life and thought, which could solve the above-mentioned problem.

      • KCI등재

        영어영문학21제26권 2호 : 울스턴크래프트와 버크-프랑스대혁명과 계몽 논쟁

        유경훈 ( Kyoung Hoon Yoo ) 21세기영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학21 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper explores the debates between Mary Wollstonecraft and Edmund Burke on the French Revolution and the Enlightenment. Shocked by Richard Price`s sermon that applauded the French Revolution, Burke, in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), criticized the horrible effects of the Revolution. Wollstonecraft, in A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) took her cue against Burke in that she considered the Revolution as a timely opportunity to establish human rights, equality between men and women, liberty, and philanthropy on English soil. The disagreements of Wollstonecraft and Burke hinge on the different interpretations of the Enlightenment philosophy. Burke, the forerunner of conservatism, founds his aesthetics and politics on “common sense” and “natural feelings”: that is, on nature. This maneuver of Burke secures an unchangeable origin that is designed to rationalize the questionable hierarchy among people. Burke proposes “prescription” as an antidote against the Revolution whose base is the enlightenment philosophy. Wollstonecraft, on the contrary, foregrounds Burke`s ideologies of anti-feminism, power-politics, and violence. Wollstonecraft as a radical Enlightenment thinker constructs a progressive relation of reason and feeling, moral virtue, educational system, and a new relation between men and women based on friendship. In this way, Wollstonecraft cultivates the grounds for feminism and democracy, which are anathemas to Burke.

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