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      • KCI등재

        Shakespeare and Korean Literature during the Japanese Colonial Rule

        Yongjae Cho(조용재),Boyoung Lee(이보영) 한국셰익스피어학회 2013 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.49 No.2

        수감생활과 결핵으로 인해 28세의 짧은 생을 살았지만 56편의 시, 1편의 장편소설, 15편의 단편소설, 그리고 35편의 수필과 같은 방대한 작품을 남긴 이상(李箱 1910-1937)은 한국의 일제 강점기 작가 중에서 셰익스피어의 영향을 지속적으로 받은 거의 유일한 작가이다. 셰익스피어의 작품들 중에서 특히 왕권의 탈취와 정치적 암살이 핵심적 사건이 되는 『햄릿』과 『맥베스』와, 사극 중에서는 난세의 풍자극인 『트로일러스와 크레시더』와 『줄리어스 시저』가 그에게 많은 영향을 주었다. 그리고 앞의 네 작품 중에서도 그에게 제일 중요한 작품은 두말할 나위 없이 『햄릿』이었다. 셰익스피어의 『햄릿』은 실로 이상의 많은 작품들, 즉 비정치적 경향의 작품들인 장편소설 『12월 12일』, 시집 『오감도』 「시 제5호」, 단편소설 『지주회사』와, 정치적 경향의 작품들인 단편소설 『실화』, 수필 「슬픈 이야기」, 시 「객혈의 아침」, 시 「출판법」, 시 「파첩」, 시 「정식」, 그리고 메타픽션 (극중 극) 경향의 작품들인 단편소설 『휴업과 사정』, 단편소설 『종생기』, 수필 「슬픈 이야기」 등에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 또한 셰익스피어의 『오셀로』는, 이상의 비정치적 경향의 초기 시 「광녀의 고백」에, 『트로일러스와 크레시더』는 비정치적 경향의 단편소설 『동해』에, 『맥베스』는 정치적 경향의 작품들인 시 「파첩」과 단편소설 『날개』에 영향을 주었다. 한국의 일제 강점기의 천재적 작가였던 이상은 그가 직면한 식민지적 허무주의 또는 패배주의를 초극하기 위하여 고뇌하였으며, 셰익스피어의 작품은 그에게 커다란 영향을 주었고 의미심장했다. 그가 필요로 했던 것은 그의 반체제적 정치 소설 『실화』의 주인공인 “불우(不遇)의 천재”의 신화적 원형으로서의 햄릿이었다. 그것은 매사에 회의적이며 과민한 자의식을 소유하고 우유부단한 사색형의 햄릿이 아니라, 소설 『종생기』의 “위풍당당 일세를 풍미할 만한 참신 무비의 햄릿”이었다. 그는 햄릿을 “참신무비”의 지도자, 혁명의 화신과도 같은 “불우의 영웅”으로 변신시키고자 하였던 것이다. 이상은, 그에게 부단한 영감을 안겨준 셰익스피어의 작품들, 특히 『햄릿』과 함께, 일제 강점기의 허무와 좌절을 극복하기 위해 고군분투했던, 식민지 출신의 “불우의 천재”로서 우리 곁에 영원히 함께 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of pH on Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Formation of Linolenic Acid Biohydrogenation by Ruminal Microorganisms

        Yongjae Lee 한국미생물학회 2013 The journal of microbiology Vol.51 No.4

        Conventional beliefs surrounding the linolenic acid (LNA;cis-9 cis-12 cis-15 C18:3) biohydrogenation (BH) pathway propose that it converts to stearic acid (SA) without the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as intermediate isomers. However, an advanced study (Lee and Jenkins,2011) verified that LNA BH yields multiple CLAs. This study utilized the stable isotope tracer to investigate the BH intermediates of 13C-LNA with different pH conditions (5.5 and 6.5). The 13C enrichment was calculated as a 13C/12C ratio of labeled minus unlabeled. After 24 h, eight CLA isomers were significantly enriched on both pH treatment, this result verifies that these CLAs originated from 13C-LNA BH which supports the results of Lee and Jenkins (2011). The enrichment of cis-cis double bond CLAs (cis-9 cis-11 and cis-10 cis-12 CLA) were significantly higher at low pH conditions. Furthermore, the concentration of cis-10 cis-12 CLA at low pH was four times higher than at high pH conditions after a 3 h incubation. These differences support the LNA BH pathways partial switch under different pH conditions,with a strong influence on the cis-cis CLA at low pH. Several mono-, di-, and tri-enoic fatty acid isomers were enriched during 24 h of incubation, but the enrichment was decreased or restricted at low pH treatment. Based on these results, it is proposed that low pH conditions may cause a changed or limited capacity of the isomerization and reduction steps in BH.

      • Role of Cation–Water Disorder during Cation Exchange in Small-Pore Zeolite Sodium Natrolite

        Lee, Yongmoon,Lee, Jun-Sik,Kao, Chi-Chang,Yoon, Ji-Ho,Vogt, Thomas,Lee, Yongjae American Chemical Society 2013 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C - Vol.117 No.31

        <P>By combining X-ray diffraction with oxygen K-edge absorption spectroscopy we track changes occurring during the K<SUP>+</SUP>–Na<SUP>+</SUP> cation exchange of Na-natrolite (Na-NAT) as tightly bonded Na<SUP>+</SUP> cations and H<SUB>2</SUB>O molecules convert into a disordered K<SUP>+</SUP>–H<SUB>2</SUB>O substructure and the unit cell expands by ca. 10% after 50% cation exchange. The coordination of the confined H<SUB>2</SUB>O and nonframework cations change from a tetrahedral configuration, similar in ice <I>I</I><SUB><I>h</I></SUB>, with Na<SUP>+</SUP> near the middle of the channels in Na-NAT to two-bonded configuration, similar in bulk water, and K<SUP>+</SUP> located near the walls of the framework in K-NAT. This is related to the enhanced ion-exchange properties of K-NAT, which, in marked contrast to Na-NAT, permits the exchange of K<SUP>+</SUP> by a variety of uni-, di-, and trivalent cations.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jpccck/2013/jpccck.2013.117.issue-31/jp405360s/production/images/medium/jp-2013-05360s_0005.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/jp405360s'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • High Efficiency Drive of Dual Inverter Driven SPMSM with Parallel Split Stator

        Lee, Yongjae,Ha, Jung-Ik Journal of International Conference on Electrical 2013 Journal of international Conference on Electrical Vol.2 No.2

        This paper describes dual inverter drive for a fractional-slot concentrated winding permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). PMSMs are widely used in many applications from small servo motors to few megawatts generators thanks to its high efficiency and torque density. Especially, fractional-slot concentrated winding PMSM is very popular in the applications where wide operation range is required because it shows very wide constant power speed ratios. High speed operation, however, requires lots of negative daxis current for reducing back-EMF regardless of output torque. Field weakening current does not contribute to the torque generation in surface mounted PMSM case and causes inverter and copper loss. To reduce the losses from field weakening current, this paper proposes PMSM with split stator and parallel dual inverter drive. Proposed parallel dual inverter drive reduces back-EMF and enables efficient drive at high speed and light load situation. Control strategy of proposed dual inverter system is established through loss analysis and simulation. Proposed concept is verified with practical experiment.

      • Systematic Analysis on Transcription Unit Architecture of Streptomyces avermitilis

        Yongjae LEE,Namil LEE,Soonkyu HWANG,Woori KIM,Suhyung CHO,Bernhard O. PALSSON,Byung-Kwan CHO 한국생물공학회 2021 한국생물공학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Streptomyces avermitilis holds industrial importance as the producer of avermectin, a widely used anthelmintic agent. Despite its importance, S. avermitilis’ genome organization and regulation of gene expression remain poorly understood. To understand the genome-scale gene expression landscape, four types of next-generation sequencing techniques, including dRNA-Seq, Term-Seq, RNA-Seq, and Ribo-Seq, were exploited, determining a total of 1,601 transcription units (TUs) in S. avermitilis. Integrative analysis of the TU information with gene expression datasets revealed diverse regulatory elements, including promoters, ribosome binding sites and transcription terminators. The TU architecture also suggests the presence of novel small RNAs and cis-regulatory elements in the genome. Our findings will elevate S. avermitilis’ potential as a production host for a diverse set of secondary metabolites.

      • KCI등재

        Breaking Isolation and Distancing from a Buffer Zone: The U.S.-China High-Level Visits and China’s Policy Toward North Korea

        ( Yongjae Lee ) 이화여자대학교 통일학연구원 2022 Journal of peace and unification Vol.12 No.2

        This research project attempts to explore how diplomatic approach between the United States (U.S.) and China influence China’s policy toward North Korea. This paper argues that when Chinese leaders meet the U.S. national leaders, less likely to help North Korea. High-level meetings between both countries that improve the bilateral relationship and reduce China’s sense of isolation lead China to be difficult to ignore the U.S. pressure for isolating North Korea, thus China is likely to reluctant to support North Korea. Moreover, high-level meetings lead China to makes commitments and agreements that the U.S. likes for the North Korean issue in advance. Empirical analyses verify China’s cooperation toward North Korea decreases when the U.S. and China’s national leaders hold more meetings.

      • Immobilization of Large, Aliovalent Cations in the Small‐Pore Zeolite K‐Natrolite by Means of Pressure

        Lee, Yongjae,Lee, Yongmoon,Seoung, Donghoon,Im, Jun‐,Hyuk,Hwang, Hee‐,Jung,Kim, Tae‐,Hyun,Liu, Dan,Liu, Zhenxian,Lee, Seung Yeop,Kao, Chi‐,Chang,Vogt, Thomas WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2012 Angewandte Chemie Vol.124 No.20

        <P><B>Hochdruck‐Ionenaustausch</B> an dem kleinporigen Zeolith K‐Natrolit ermöglicht die Immobilisierung von nominell nicht austauschbaren aliovalenten Kationen wie dreiwertigem Europium. Eine Probe, an der bei 3.0(1) GPa und 250 °C ein Ionenaustausch vorgenommen wurde, enthält ungefähr 4.7 Eu<SUP>III</SUP>‐Ionen pro Elementarzelle, was einem Austausch von über 90 % der K<SUP>+</SUP>‐Ionen entspricht (siehe Bild).</P>


        Why China Has Supported North Korea: An Asymmetrical Dependent Relationship between China and North Korea from 1995 to 2016

        ( Yongjae Lee ) 한국국방연구원 2021 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.33 No.4

        North Korea has been China’s socialist ally since the Korean War. Although North Korea’s provocations like nuclear tests have damaged Chinese national interests, China has supported North Korea. This research project examines why China has supported North Korea by analyzing event data from the Integrated Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS). After China became integrated in the global economy, it has regarded stability and peace much more than the strategic factors of North Korea and has not viewed North Korea as a balanced ally to help China maintain the balance of power since the 1990s. This work also attempts to examine whether or not a strategic reason still plays a role in China’s approach toward North Korea. The empirical results demonstrate that when North Korea faced physical and nonphysical threats from the United States and its allies (South Korea and Japan) in Northeast Asia, China showed amicable behavior toward North Korea in order to save its buffer zone. However, China did not approach North Korea when it faced strategic disadvantages.

      • USP1 targeting impedes GBM growth by inhibiting stem cell maintenance and radioresistance

        Lee, Jin-Ku,Chang, Nakho,Yoon, Yeup,Yang, Heekyoung,Cho, Heejin,Kim, Eunhee,Shin, Yongjae,Kang, Wonyoung,Oh, Young Taek,Mun, Gyeong In,Joo, Kyeung Min,Nam, Do-Hyun,Lee, Jeongwu Oxford University Press 2016 Neuro-oncology Vol.18 No.1

        <P>USP1-mediated protein stabilization promotes GSC maintenance and treatment resistance, thereby providing a rationale for USP1 inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach against GBM.</P>

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