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        『오행정기(五行精氣)』복원의 후래적(後來的) 영향

        황금옥(Hwang keum-ok) 한국민속학회 2018 韓國民俗學 Vol.67 No.-

        廖中의『오행정기』는 송나라 때 간행되어 한국으로 전해지고, 그후 중국에서는 유실되었지만 한국에서 보존된 명리서(命理書)이다.『오행정기』는 최근 중국에서 복원되었는데, 간행연도가 분명하고, 인용문헌의 저자와 출처가 분명하며, 수많은 명리서를 참조하여 당시의 명리사상을 엿볼 수 있어 학술적 가치가 높은 저작이다. 이 글에서는『오행정기』가 복원된 후 명리사(命理史)에 미친 후래적(後來的) 영향, 특히 서자평이 창시자로 알려진 신법명리학의 태동시기에 대한 학술적 논쟁을 검토하였다. 그간의 논쟁을 살펴보면 대다수의 학자들은 徐子平이라는 인물이 오대말(五代末) 송초(宋初)의 인물이라는 것을 통설로 인정하고 있으며, 반론으로 남송대의 인물로 보는 소수의 학자들도 있었다. 이 두 가지 논점의 차이는 시차상으로 약 300년의 간격이 있으며, 사상적으로는 송학(宋學)이라는 사상적 변혁의 영향을 받았는지가 관건이 되어 명리학사에서는 중요한 문제이다. 徐子平을 오대의 인물로 보는 학자들은 萬民英의『삼명통회(三命通會)』「자평설변(子平說辯)」을 근거로 삼고 있으나, 송대의 인물로 보는 학자들은『삼명통회』「자평설변」는 저자거리의 변설(辨說)을 정리한 戴冠의『탁영정필기(濯纓亭筆記)』의 내용을 그대로 표절하여 학술적 가치가 없음을 지적하고 있다. 이 두 가지 학설의 논쟁점인 서자평의 활동시기는 『오행정기』가 복원되면서 명확하게 알 수 있게 되었다. 이는『오행정기』가 이 논쟁의 중간시기에 간행되었고, 또 인용문헌을 정확하게 밝혔기 때문이다.『오행정기』는 1196년 간행되었음에도 徐子平과 그의 저서는 언급되지 않았고,『오행정기』내용 중에 徐子平이 주창한 신법명리학의 내용이 전혀 보이지 않은 점들로 보아 徐子平은『오행정기』간행 이후 활동한 사람이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 그러므로『오행정기』의 복원은 그동안 논란이 되었던 신법명리학의 태동시기를 명확하게 밝혀주었고, 이로써 명리학사(命理學史)를 재정립하는 계기가 되었다. 『Wuxingjingji』(by Ryo-Jung(廖中))was published in southern Sung dynasty, after that the book preserved in Korea although it was lost in China. The『Wuxingjingji』has recently been restored in China. It is clear that the year of publication, the author and source of the cited documents, we can see the philosophy of that time by referring to a lot of books. In this paper, we reviewed the academic debate on the beginning period of Zi-ping Ming-li(子平命理學), especially the impact of the『Wuxingjingji』’s restoration. As for the controversy, many scholars say that Xu zi-ping(徐子平) is the person of the Wudai(五代)dynasty, and there were a few scholars who regard him as a person of the southern Sung dynasty. The difference between these two points is a very important issue in the Ming-li ideology. In other words, there is an interval of about 300 years in terms of time, and it is the key to whether it is influenced by the ideological transformation of Sung dynasty. The former scholars who see Xu zi-ping as the person of the Wudai dynasty are insisted the basis of the『Sânmiingtônghui(三命通會)』, but the latter scholars pointed out that there is no scholarly value by plagiarizing the contents of “TakyungjeongPilki(濯纓亭筆記)”. The restoration of the『Wuxingjingji』clearly solved this controversy. The fact that Xu zi-ping and his book are not mentioned in 『Wuxingjingji』and in this period Zi-ping Ming-li was not exist, that means Xu zi-ping is a person after southern Sung. Therefore, the restoration of『Wuxingjingji』serves as an opportunity to restablish the history of Ming-Li.

      • KCI등재
      • 만삭아에서 증상이 있는 자발성 기흉의 임상적 연구

        김옥란,금승운,황민우,유승택,이창우,최두영,김종덕,오연균 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.1

        Background: Symptomatic spontaneous pneumothorax is estimated to occur in 0.05-1% of all term newborn infants. This study was performed to analyze the clinical characteristics of symptomatic spontaneous pneumothorax by distinguishing primary and secondary pneumothorax and the differences between primary and secondary pneumothorax. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of term newborn infants who were born at Wonkwang University Hospital From January 2000 to June 2007, having respiratory difficulty, being shown pneumothorax in the chest X-ray. The subjects were divided into two groups according to preceding diseases; primary pneumothorax and secondary pneumothorax group, then each clinical characteristics were assessed. Results: The incidence of symptomatic spontaneous pneumothorax was 0.66%. There were no differences in sex, maternal age, gestational age, delivery mode, Apgar scores, oligohydramios, and renal and cardiac anomaly between primary and secondary pneumothorax. The onset of symptoms was within 6hours after birth in the majority, and there was no difference between primary and secondary pneumothorax. The pneumothorax was more frequent in right side. The most common preceding disease of secondary pneumothorax was respiratory distress syndrome. The treatment performed most commonly was oxygen therapy with chest tube insertion. The mean duration of oxygen therapy was 5.6±3.8 days, and it was longer in secondary pneumothorax than in primary pneumothorax. Conclusion: In this study, the incidence of symptomatic pneumothorax in term neonate infants was 0.66%, and most of them occurred in 6hours after birth. It occurred more frequently to right side. The major preceding disease of secondary pneumothorax was respiratory distress syndrome. Chest tube insertion and ventilator therapy was needed in most patients, and oxygen therapy was ceased rapidly in primary than secondary pneumothorax. 배경: 만삭아에서 증상이 있는 자발성 기흉의 빈도는 0.05-1% 정도로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구는 선행 질환 유무에 따라 일차성과 이차성으로 구분하고 임상적 양상을 비교하여 차이점을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2000년 1월부터 2007년 6월까지 원광대학교 병원에서 출생한 만삭아 중 호흡곤란으로 입원하여 흉부 방사선 소견에서 기흉으로 진단되어 신생아 중환자실에서 치료한 환아를 대상으로 선행 질환 유무에 따라 일차성과 이차성으로 구분하고 임상적 차이점을 비교하였다. 결과: 전체 4.821명의 만삭아 중 증상이 있는 자발성 기흉의 빈도는 0.66%였다. 일차성과 이차성 두 군 간의 성별, 산모 연령, 재태 주령, 분만 형태, Apgar 점수, 양수과소증, 콩팥과 심기형의 차이는 없었다. 증상 발생시간은 1시간 이내 15례(46.8%), 1-6시간 9례(28.1%)로 6시간 이내가 대부분을 차지하였으나, 일차성과 이차성 두 군간의 차이는 없었다. 기흉의 발생 부위는 우측이 20례(62.5%)로 가장 많았고, 일차성에서 이차성에 비해 더 의의 있게 우측에 발생하였다. 이차성 기흉의 선행 질환은 신생아 호흡곤란 증후군이 7례(21.9%)로 가장 많았다. 치료는 흉관 삽입과 함께 호흡기 치료를 받은 경우가 17례(53.1%)로 가장 많았으며, 이차성에서 일차성에 비해 더 많았다. 산소 투여 기간은 일차성은 7일 이내가 11례(64.8%), 이차성은 7일 이상이 8례(53.3%)로 가장 많아 의의를 보였으며, 평균 산소 투여 기간은 5.6±3.8일이고 일차성(4.1±3.2일)에 비해 이차 성(7.3±3.9일)에서 더 오래 산소가 필요하였다. 결론: 만삭아에서 증상을 보이는 기흉의 빈도는 0.66%였으며, 증상 발생 시기는 대부분 출생 후 6시간 이내였고, 발생 부위는 우측이었으며, 이차성의 주 선행 질환은 신생아 호흡곤란 증후군이었다. 대부분 흉관 삽입과 함께 호흡기 치료를 필요로 하였으며, 일차성에서 더 빨리 산소를 제 거할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        음악치료가 Paclitaxel 항암화학요법을 받는 부인암 환자의 말초 신경병성 통증 및 불안에 미치는 효과

        노기옥 ( Gie Ok Noh ),황문숙 ( Moon Sook Hwang ),조금숙 ( Keum Sook Cho ),임정아 ( Joung Ah Lim ),강미경 ( Mi Kyung Kang ),김효진 ( Hyo Jin Kim ),김지연 ( Ji Youn Kim ) 여성건강간호학회 2011 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of music therapy as intervention on peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety of gynecologic cancer patients who were undergoing paclitaxel chemotherapy. Methods: Hospitalized 62 patients were assigned to an experimental group (n=30) and a control group (n=33) in this quasi-experimental study. The experimental group participated in music therapy that includes listening, singing and song writing during 1 hour. The peripheral neuropathic pain, anxiety and depression were examined as pre-intervention evaluation by using pain scale, anxiety scale (20 questions) and depression scale (20 questions) in both groups. There were no further treatments for the control group while the experimental group involved in music therapy. The peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety were evaluated in both groups as post-intervention evaluation. Results: Outcomes were verified through hypothesis testing. The level of peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety in the experimental group was decreased, compared to the control group. Conclusion: According to the study, music therapy is a beneficial intervention that reduces peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety in gynecologic cancer patients. These findings are ncouraging and suggest that music therapy can be applied as an effective intervention for minimizing chemotherapy related symptoms.


        Construction and Characterization of a Recombinant Bioluminescence Streptomycetes for Potential Environmental Monitoring

        ( Hyun Joo Park ),( Keum Ok Hwang ),( Eung Soo Kim ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2002 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.12 No.4

        Bacterial bioluminescence has been known to be a highly valuable reporter system for its potential application as an effective and simple environmental monitoring method for toxic compounds. In this short report, we constructed a streptomycetes-Escherichia coli shuttle vector-containing bioluminescence system and evaluated its potential application for toxic compounds monitoring. The luxAB bioluminescence genes from Vibrio harveyi were cloned into a streptomycetes-E. coli shuttle vector (named pESK004) and functionally expressed in Streptomyces lividans. The recombinant S. lividans containing pESK004 exhibited an optimal bioluminescence at the optical density (OD600nm) of 0.4-0.5 and aldehyde concentration of 0.005%. When the recombinant bioluminescence streptomycetes was exposed to a toxic compound such as heavy metals, chlorinated phenols, or pesticides, the bioluminescence was decreased proportionally to the concentration of toxic compound in the assay mixture. The EC50 (effective concentration to decrease 50% of the bioluminescence prior to exposure) values in the recombinant bioluminescence streptomycetes for mercury, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and malathion were measured at 2.2 ppm, 144.0 ppm, and 82.4 ppm, respectively. The degree of sensitivity and specificity pattern toward these toxic compounds characterized in this recombinant bioluminescence streptomycetes were unique when compared with previously reported bacterial bioluminescence systems, and this revealed that a recombinant bioluminescence streptomycetes might provide an alternative or complementary system for potential environmental monitoring.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        녹용과 명태 중의 핵산 대사물질의 함량

        한용남(Yong Nam Han),황금희(Keum Hee Hwang),김경옥(Kyeong Ok Kim) 한국생약학회 1994 생약학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Contents of nucleic acid metabolites, such as uracil, uridine and hypoxanthine in the unossified pilose antler of Cervus nippon Temminck var. mantchuricus Swinhoe and the frozen and dried meat of Theragra chalcogramma (Thallas) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The amount of hypoxanthine in the water extract of the meat (39.2 ㎎ %) was higher than that of the antler (24.6 ㎎ % ).


        녹용 물추출액이 흰쥐 혈액증의 급성기 반응 단백질에 미치는 영향

        한용남(Yong Nam Han),김경옥(Kyeong Ok Kim),황금희(Keum Hee Hwang) 한국응용약물학회 1994 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.2 No.1

        The water extract of pilose antler of Cervus nippon var. mantchuricus (WEC) was investigated in respect of its effect on ceruloplasmin and α₁-cysteine protease inhibitor (CPI), which are acute-phase proteins showing increased synthesis following inflammatory stimulus in rat. Ceruloplasmin and CPI were spectrophotometrically determined by the oxidase activity and the inhibitory activity on papain, respectively, and their changes in the concentrations in plasma or serum were examined after oral administration of 0.04% WEC to rats during 7 days following inflammation by subcutaneous injection of turpentine oil or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). WEC suppressed the maximum increases in ceruloplasmin and CPI on the 4th day after injection of turpentine oil, but the suppression in ceruloplasmin was more potent than that in CPI. On inflammation by LPS the suppression of the maximum increase in ceruloplasmin by WEC was found on the 2nd day, but the result was less significant from that obtained by the treatment with turpentine oil. Administration of WEC for at least 4 days was required to suppress the maximum increase in ceruloplasmin due to inflammation by turpentine oil. When WEC was administered to rats after injection of turpentine oil, a high dosage (0.36% of WEC) was requisite for the suppression on the maximum increase in ceruloplasmin.

      • KCI등재

        Microbacterium sp. AL-210이 생산하는 levan fructotransferase의 효소활성에 중요한 아미노산의 동정

        성희경,문금옥,최기원,최경화,황경주,김묘정,차재호,Sung, Hee-Kyung,Moon, Keum-Ok,Choi, Ki-Won,Choi, Kyung-Hwa,Hwang, Kyung-Ju,Kim, Myo-Jung,Cha, Jae-Ho Korean Society of Life Science 2007 생명과학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        [ $\beta$ ]-Fructofuranosidases, a family 32 of glycoside hydrolases (GH32), share three conserved domains including the W(L/M)(C/N)DP(Q/N), FRDPK, and ECP(D/G) motifs. The functional role of the conserved acidic residues within three domains of levan fructotransferase, one of the $\beta-fructofuranosidases$, from Microbacterium sp. AL-210 was studied by site-directed mutagenesis. Each mutant was overexpressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) and purified by using Hi-Trap chelating affinity chromatography and fast performance liquid chromatography. Substitution of Asp-63 by Ala, Asp-195 by Asn, and Glu-245 by Ala and Asp decreased the enzyme activity by approximately 100-fold compared to the wild-type enzyme. This result indicates that three acidic residues Asp-63, Asp-195, and Glu-245 play a major role in catalysis. Since the three acidic residues are present in a conserved position in inulinase, levanase, levanfructotransferase, and invertase, they are likely to have a common functional role as nucleophile, transition state stabilizer, and general acid in $\beta-fructofuranosidases$. 당 분해효소의 family 32 (GH32)에 속하는 $\beta-fructofuranosidase$는 3차구조를 근거로 볼 때 W(L/M)(C/N)DP(Q/N), FRDPK, 그리고 ECP(D/G) 부위를 포함하는 세 군데의 보전적인 영역을 가지고 있다. 이러한 $\beta-fructofuranosidase$ family에 속하는 Microbacterium sp. AL-210 유래 levan fructotransferase (LFTase)의 보전적인 산성 아미노산들의 역할이 특정위치 돌연변이법으로 검사되었다. 각각의 돌연변이체는 대장균인 E. coli BL21 (DE3)균주에서 발현되어 대량 생산되었고, 금속 친화 크로마토그래피법과 FPLC법으로 순수 정제되었다. wild-type LFTase의 효소의 활성은 0.74 unit 인 반면 네 개의 돌연변이체인 D63A, D195N, E245A, E245D 각각은 specific activity를 측정해 본 결과 원 균주와 비교해서 약 100배 정도 감소한 효소활성을 보여 주었다. 이로써 아미노산 변형의 target이 되었던 Asp-63, Aps-195, 그리고 Glu-245가 모두 효소 활성 및 기질과의 결합에 상당히 중요한 역할을 하고 있음이 판명되었다. 이러한 세 부위의 산성 아미노산들은 inulinase, levan fructotransferase와 invertase에 모두 보전적으로 위치 하므로 이들은 $\beta-fructofuranosidase$ family내 에서 공통된 역할을 할 것으로 사료된다.

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