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      • Effect of Oriental & Western Anti-Stress Agents on the Changes of the Salivary Gland of Rats under Restraint Stress

        Hong, Jung-Pyo 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Jung-Pyo Hong. Department of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. Effect of Oriental & Western Anti-Stress Agents on the Changes of the Salivary Gland of Rats under Restraint Stress. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 162-171, 1999.-Stress caused the changes in the neural, vascular and immune system of the body. If stress is mild so as not to exceed the adaptability of the body to it, the homeostasis of the body is maintained. Otherwise psychological and physical disturbances of the body may occur, ample evidence suggests that stress causes apoptosis of the cells, inducing morphological and functional changes of the tissue as the result of tissue destruction. These disorders are also frequently observed in the orofacial region(dentistry), including not only such paychological oral lesions as Iichen planus and geographic tongue but stress-related diseases like temporomandibular disorder and xerostomia. It is, Therefore, possible that anti-stress medicines and stress-reliving activities may prevent and treat the psychosomatic disorders. In the study, we intended to check whether anti-depressant and anti-stress drugs such as Fluoxetine, Bunsimkium and Bohyulanshintang(oriental herbal medicine) can prevent pathologic changes of the salivary gland under the restraint condition. Seven-week old sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 5 groups.: Group Ⅰ, normal control;GroupⅡ,rats were under the restraint stress placed in the stress cages; GroupⅢ, rats were administrated Fluoxetine (5mg/kg/day), p.o., under the restraint stress; GroupⅣ,rats were administrated Bunsimkium, p.o., for 10 days before applying the restraint stress also.; Group Ⅴ,rats were administrated Bohyulanshintang, p.o., for 10 days before they were placed under the restraint stress. The rats were sacrificed at day 0,1,3,5,7 of the experiment. The submandibular glands of the rats were sampled immediately. The levels of clusterin protein and mRNA in the tissues were measured by immunohistochemistry and Northen blot analysis respectively. Our results were as follows. 1. Restraint stress induced apoptosis of the submandibular gland. 2. Restraint stress induced the expression of clusterin. The expression of clusterin reached the maximum level when the cellular apoptosis apparent and decreased after then. 3. Apoptosis was occurred on the acinar cells earlier than ductal cells by restraint stress. 4. In the Northern blot and immunohistochemistry, noremarkable difference of clusterin was found in between the normal control group and the Fluoxetine administrated-restraint stress group. 5. In Bunsimkium administrated-restraint stress group, apoposis was delayed. 6. In the Bohyulanshintang administered-restraint stress group, expression of clusterin increased with time and reached the maximum level at day 5 of the experiment and decreased after then. But apoptosis did not occurthrough all days of the experiment. The overall results suggenst that stress can induce pathologic changes in the salivary glands. By an early response to stress, clusterin is expressed in the glands to protect the glandular cells form the stress. But if stress is so strong and prolonged as to exceed the stress adaptability of the cells, then the cells may undergo apoptosis instead of producing clusterin. Administration of stress-relieving drugs such as Fluoxeting, BunsimKium and Bohyulanshintang may be useful in preventing and treating stress-related salivary glands diseases. Our results are thought to be useful to identify the mechanism of stress-related salivary gland diseases such as xerostomia. Hereafter, among the anti-stress medicines such as western medicine and traditional herb medicine, Bohyulanshintang with minimal side effect could be applied to effectively prevent and treat psychosomatic disease.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        Pyo, Jae-Hong The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 2013 한국수학논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        The stabilized Gauge-Uzawa method (SGUM), which is a second order projection type algorithm to solve the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations, has been newly constructed in 2013 Pyo's paper. The accuracy of SGUM has been proved only for time discrete scheme in the same paper, but it is crucial to study for fully discrete scheme, because the numerical errors depend on discretizations for both space and time, and because discrete spaces between velocity and pressure can not be chosen arbitrary. In this paper, we find out properties of the fully discrete SGUM and estimate its errors and stability to solve the evolution Navier-Stokes equations. The main difficulty in this estimation arises from losing some cancellation laws due to failing divergence free condition of the discrete velocity function. This result will be extended to Boussinesq equations in the continuous research (part II) and is essential in the study of part II.

      • KCI등재

        '한국회화사' 재구축의 과제

        홍선표(Hong Sun-pyo) 한국미술사학회 2004 美術史學硏究 Vol.- No.241

        The present paper purposes to discuss tasks in reestablishing Korean painting history through the issue of 'meta art history' from the viewpoint of science history and theory history. Currently research and perception on Korean painting history is being developed focused on the subject and the object or nation and anti-nation based on the theory of internal development as the anti-colonial view of history. Taking typical landscape paintings and real landscape paintings as examples, the two were understood as opposite to each other in a way that former was non-subjective. imitative, ideological and foreign while the latter was national independent. original, realistic and modernistic, produced from the native color of Chosun. However, such a perception is hardly explainable considering that Jeong Seon, Kim Hong-do and other literary and professional artists in the late Chosun Dynasty created works of both tendencies without conflict. Like real landscape paintings, genre paintings and folk paintings developed as pan-East Asian genres and perception on them must also be reconstructed in the context of the circulation of East Asian practice and culture not in the view of modernism or nationalism. In modern paintings as well, Choi Woo-seok's <portrait of Admiral Lee> and other historical portraits are in fact military divines for the construction of the Great East Asia that borrowed the image of Toyotomi Hedeyoshi,and the fact that it was a symbol of 'Japan-Chosun Integration' combined with Shinto arts, which was the national polity of 'Empire' is a good example showing that it is urgent to overcome the existing frame of perception, which has been established as a discourse of resistance through reconstructing the frame of perception. To reconstruct Korean painting history. which has been defined and represented in Western modern ideologies and languages, in a form coincident with the realities, it is essential to reconsider the paradigm of art culture in the world system of East Asia, in which national boundaries have been drawn unilaterally and the others were excluded or reduced. Therefore, it is urgent above all to reconstruct Korean painting history in the structure of the paradigm of East Asian art culture and historical context, comprehending all similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese painting histories and going beyond unilateralistic self-sufficiency and closeness or the narrowness of nationalism based on unilateralism. An East Asian standpoint to examine the reality of Korean painting history is to look the whole picture of East Asian art culture including elements jointly promoted through mutual relationship under the objective conditions of geography and system and others and to identify similarities and differences among the countries. Similarities and differences among the countries must be identified not by the relationship of universality and peculiarity established from the existing dichotomic view of the center and the surroundings but by structural elements that form the paradigm of East Asia art culture. To establish a diachronic system as 'Korean painting history' as well as synchronic perception as East Asian art history. it is required to reconstruct Korea art history as a continuing serial, breaking off the discontinuing or separated systems before and after the modern ages. Current texts of art history survey, which stop its description at the end of the Chosun Dynasty, are limited to traditional art history or ancient art history, so they are characteristically 'Korean Ancient Art History' or 'Korean Traditional Painting History.' In addition, although it is a part of Korean art history, Korean modern & contemporary art history is studied separately with little structural understanding of connection and evolution in the whole context. Such a research trend also caused dichotomic perception and discontinuity of traditional arts and creative arts, making it difficult to

      • KCI등재

        음식물류폐기물 공공 자원화시설 운영에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ)

        홍용표ㆍ김혜선ㆍ김웅용ㆍ신현곤(Yong Pyo HongㆍHye Sun KimㆍUng Yong KimㆍHyun Gon Shin) 유기성자원학회 2016 유기물자원화 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 음식물류 폐기물 공공 자원화 시설 운영의 문제점과 제도 개선방안을 위하여 실시하였다. 기존 음식물류 폐기물 공공자원화 시설에 대한 실태조사를 통해 운영에 따른 문제를 분석하였으며, 이를 위하여 음식물류 폐기물의 발생량 및 자원화 현황, 공공 및 민간 자원화시설 현황, 전국의 주요 음식물류 폐기물 공공자원화 시설의 실제 운영과정에서 나타난 문제점을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다: 현재 국내 음식물류 폐기물의 분리 수거량은 약 97%인 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 대부분의 공공 자원화시설은 음식물류 폐기물의 자원화가 아닌 단순처리에 급급한 것으로 나타났으며 경제성도 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 특히, 바이오가스시설 대부분은 실시설계와는 달리 가스 생산량 및 수요량이 전혀 맞지 않는 것으로 나타났다. This study is conducted to find out problems of the public food waste recycling facility and its improvement. Through a research on the actual condition, it is possible to analyze the problem of operation. Moreover, for this improvement, with analysis of the current state of recycling rate including its generation and the problem that can be shown from the real operation of the public/private food waste recycling facility, the results are as follows: It can be shown that the current amount of domestic food waste resource recycling is about 97 %. Almost every public recycling facility is analyzed to be economically infeasible and is not for recovery but to simple disposal. Especially, most of Biogas facilities appeared that amount of production and demand is not appropriate differed from enforcement design.

      • KCI등재

        음식물류폐기물 공공 자원화시설 운영에 관한 연구 (Ⅱ)

        홍용표ㆍ김웅용ㆍ신현곤(Yong Pyo HongㆍUng Yong KimㆍHyun Gon Shin) 유기성자원학회 2016 유기물자원화 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 음식물류폐기물 공공 자원화 시설 운영의 문제점과 제도 개선방안을 위하여 실시하였다. 현재 운영중인 음식물류 폐기물의 가동율 현황과 자원화 시설의 확충 계획에 대한 분석을 통해 시설의 무분별한 신규건설로 인한 국가의 예산이 낭비되지 않도록 그 대안을 제시하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 공공 자원화시설 신규 확충보다는 기존 민간 자원화시설을 활용하여 예산을 절약하고 음식물류 폐기물의 안정적인 처리는 물론 자원순환을 촉진시킬 수 있는 정책전환이 필요하다. 음식물류 폐기물을 친환경적인 방법으로 안정적으로 처리하기 위해서는 제도개선이 필요하며, 이를 위해 민간 자원화시설 가동률 저하를 줄일 수 있는 준공영제 도입이 필요하다. 또한, 공공 자원화시설의 검증된 기술과 경제성 확보 방안 마련이 필요하다. This study is conducted to find out the problems of the public food waste recycling facility operation and its improvement. In order to save the national budget by analyzing plans to expand including operation rate for the food waste recycling facility, the alternative ways are suggested. The result can be as follows: Policy switch is required not only to save budget and stable disposal of food waste but also to promote resource recycling rather than expanding public facilities. In order to change the policy for stable and eco-friendly disposal of food waste, it is necessary to adopt semipublic system that prevent the decline of the rate of operation of private resource recycling facility. Furthermore, it is required to prepare both qualified technologies of public resource recycling and the ways of profitability secure.

      • KCI등재

        붉은자루동충하초의 자실체 증식 특성

        홍인표 외 한국버섯학회 2005 한국버섯학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        경제적 부가 가치가 높은 붉은자루동충하초의 안정적 대량생산 기틀을 마련하고자 자실체 증식 특성 및 자실체 성분 분석을 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 붉은자루동충하초의 감염률은 관행인 누에 5령 기잠시분무 접종하는 방법보다 번데기 시기에 주사접종 하는 방법이 높았다. 2. 붉은자루동충하초의 자실체 발생은 온도 21~25℃, 습도 91% 이상, 광 1500 lx 이상에서 양호하였다. 3. 붉은자루동충하초의 유리당 함량은 Glucose가 7.9 mg으로 가장 많았으며, 다음이 Sucrose 이었으며 Glycerol과 Mannitol은 미량 검출되었다 4. 붉은자루동충하초의 누에 자실체에 함유된 아미노산의 총 함량은 34.6 μmole/g이며, 16종의 구성 아미노산중 Arginine이 15.6%로 가장 높았으며, Lysine이 3.4%로 가장 낮게 분포하였다. 5. 붉은자루동충하초의 누에 자실체 유리 지방산 조성은 Oleic acid 함량이 가장 많았으며, Palmitoeic acid는 소량 함유되어 있었다. 6. 붉은자루동충하초의 누에 자실체 유기산 조성은 Citric acid가 가장 많았으며, Malic acid와 Propionic acid는 미량 존재하였다. Fruiting bodies of Cordyceps have been regarded as popular folk and effective medicines to treat human diseases such as asthma, bronchial and lung inflammation, and kidney disease. Cordyceps pruinosa (Clavicipitaceae; Hypocreales; Ascomycotina) has received special attention for medicinal purpose due to its various physiological activites. The nucleoside derivative N^(6)-(2-hydroxyethyl) adenosine (HEA) isolated from it showed a Ca^(2+) antagonistic effect and negative inotropic response. The artificial production of fruiting body of C. pruinosa has not been tried successfully yet by using living silkworm substrate. To develop techniques for the production of C. pruinosa stromata on a large scale, the infection of Bombyx mori with C. pruinosa and the growth characteristics of stroma of C. pruinosa were investigated. Also, studied about biological activities of fruiting body formed on silkworm. Infection rate of the silkworm pupae with C. pruinosa was the highest in injection inoculation. The formation of the fruiting body of C. pruinosa was quite good in the room controlled at 21~25℃, over 91% of relative humidity and over 1500 lx. Glucose concentration was high in the fruiting bodies of the silkworm pupae infected with C. pruinosa on a dry weight basis. The most abundant amino acid in the fruiting bodies was arginine and phenylalanine. The fruiting bodies of silkworm pupae infected with C. pruinosa was rich in oleic acid. The high amount of citric acid was found in the fruiting bodies of silkworm pupae infected with C. pruinosa.

      • KCI등재

        동충하초속균의 균사생장최적화

        홍인표 외 한국버섯학회 2004 한국버섯학회지 Vol.2 No.3

        This study was carried out to obtain basic data on physiological characteristics for an artificial cultivation of fruiting body of Cordyceps. Specimens such as Cordyceps longissima, C. militaris and C. prvinosa were collected at Mt. Halla of Cheju island in July, 2003. Among four different culture media which have been used for culture of mushrooms, MCM medium was selected for the favorable culture medium of the Cordyceps tested. The initial pH of solid medium for mycelial growth of Cordyceps was good in the range of pH 5.0~7.0 lower than 8.0. The mycelial growth of C. longissima was most favorable on culture media supplemented with glucose, one of monosaccharides. In C. militaris, nine carbon sources were favorable to the mycelial growth as compared with control among 11 carbon sources. Six nitrogen sources were favorable to the mycelial growth of C. longissima as compared with control among 9 carbon sources; namely, the mycelial growth of C. longissima was most favorable on culture media contained potassium nitrate, and followed in order by ammonium citrate and sodium nitrate in 4 weeks incubation. 본 연구는 동충하초속균의 자실체 인공 재배를 위한 기초 자료를 얻고자 제주도 한라산에서 채집한 Cordyceps longissima, C. militaris, C. pruinosa 등 야생 동충하초의 형태적, 생리적 특성조사를 수행하였다. Cordyceps longissima : 지좌는 숙주에서 1~2개 발생하며 곤봉형 또는 불규칙형으로 표면이 다소 거칠고 적갈색을 띤다. 두부는 23~59×6~8 mm이며, 병부는 원통형으로 37~151×2.5~4.0 mm이다. 자낭각은 묻힌형으로 553~600×215~270 ㎛. 자낭은 가는 원통형으로 330~510×5~6㎛이며, 자낭포자는 11~13×1.4~1.8 ㎛이다. 자실체는 매미목 매미과의 곤충에서 발생하였다. 균사 생장은 MCM 배지에서 25℃, 4주 배양시 73 mm이며, 균사의 색택은 진황색을 나타내었다. 탄소원으로는 단당류인 glucose, 질소원으로는 potassium nitrate를 가장 잘 이용하였다. C. militaris : 지좌는 숙주에서 1~3개 발생하며 곤봉형으로 주황색을 띤다. 두부는 9~23×6~8mm이며, 병부는 원통형으로 27~30×6~7 mm이다. 자낭각은 반묻힌형으로 465~510×260~310 ㎛. 자낭은 가는 원통형으로 320~385×4.2~4.8 ㎛이며, 자낭포자는 2.2~4.5×1.2~1.4 ㎛이다. 자실체는 나비목 곤충의 번데기에서 발생하였다. 균사 생장은 PDA 배지에서 25℃, 4주 배양시 71 mm이며, 균사의 색택은 연노랑색을 나타내었다. 탄소원으로는 단당류인 frucose, 질소원으로는 potassium nitrate를 가장 잘 이용하였다. C. pruinosa : 지좌는 숙주에서 1개 발생하며 곤봉형으로 주홍색을 띤다. 두부는 7~9×3~4이며, 병부는 원통형으로 13~22× 2~3 mm이다. 자낭각은 반묻힌형으로 350~520×130~310 ㎛. 자낭은 원통형으로 256~270×5~6㎛이며, 자낭포자는 3.2~5.1×0.8~1.3 ㎛이다. 자실체는 나비목 곤충의 번데기에서 발생하였다. 균사 생장은 PDA 배지에서 25℃, 4주 배양시 60 mm이며, 균사의 색택은 연붉은색을 나타내었다. 탄소원으로는 단당류인 arabinose와 mannose, 질소원으로는 sodium nitrite를 가장 잘 이용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        정신보건법의 주요 쟁점 조항에 대한 선진국과의 사례 비교

        홍진표,황순찬,박수빈,서동우,정은기,김진학,박종익,안주연,김수정,장홍석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2009 신경정신의학 Vol.48 No.2

        Objectives The Mental Health Act is an initiative aimed at changing and shaping mental health services and protecting human rights of persons with mental disorders. Since the Mental Health Act was legislated in 1995, four amendments have been made according to the issues that arose from public concerns. However, there are still many debates about the human rights protection of the mentally iII. This study aimed to provide information regarding major aspects of the Mental Health Act by comparing them among several developed countries. Methods Current Mental Health Acts of the state of Michigan in the United States, Scotland in England, the state of Victoria in Australia, and Japan were reviewed. Issues regarding the Korean Mental Health Act were collected from seminar materials, news media contents, and mental health professionals Results The definition of subjects in Korean Mental Health Act was more inclusive than other countries and was derived from a medical classification of mental illness. Family members or guardians were granted important responsibilities for deciding the involuntary admission of mentally ill patients in Korea and Japan. In Western countries, Mental Health Review Tribunals or courts have the primary responsibility for important decisions about mentally ill patients. The regulation of immediate dis- charge after request by voluntarily admitted patients was not enacted in all countries except Korea. The mandatory procedure for involuntary admission in Western countries includes an individual case review with personal interview by a Mental Health Review Tribunal or court. Conclusion The Korean Mental Health Act appears to meet the basic standards of Guidelines from international organizations. Our traditional culture and inherent health systems seem to influence the legal regulation of mental health service and might be related to the problems of human rights protection of mentally ill patients in Korea.

      • 大學生 身體特性과 心肺機能 適性 比較分析 : Focused on Vo₂max & % Fat Vo₂max 와 % Fat를 中心으로

        洪進杓,蔡鴻遠 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1987 연구논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze a physical condition of the college students through the comparison of a general college students and a physical education students cardiorespiratory fitness-H.R., B.P., Vo₂max, and % fat. I esamined total 238 person as the subject of this investigation; 112 male student of Kyeung Buk University(the general students 59 and the physical education students 53) and the 126 of Hyosung Women's University students(the general student 61 and the physical deucation students 65) I mesured Margaria's bench stepping. Vo₂maxis calculated by Margaria's way and % fat is calculated by Nagemine way. Like this, the results of this study is to be compared to the cross sectional analysis of the general student group and the physical education student groupl The results were as follo wa:\; 1. In the general student group and the physical education student group, when heart rate is steady at rest, each male group is 74.03±bts/min, 69.38±12.88bts/min, the average difference is 4.65bbts/min and it has no statistical significance(p>.05). the femal group is 83.31±12.02bts/min, 71.69±8.56 bts/min. the average difference is 11.62 bts/min and significance(p<.001). As heart rate in submaximal exercise, is male students 130.71 ± 13.67 bts/min, and 124.74 ± 13.90 bts/min. The average difference is 5.97 bts/min and it has statistical significance (p<.05). Each female group is 161.49 ± 16.065 bts/min, 142.40 ± 14.15 bts/min. the average difference is 19109 bts/min and it has great statistical significance (p<.001). 2. The systoltic pressure(BP) under steady state at rest; Ie general student group and physical education student group, Each male group is 122.42 ± 14.71 mm·Hg, 123.76 ± 19.62 mm·Hg and the averge difference is 1.34 mm·Hg. The female group is 115.34 ± 14.36 mm·Hg, 112.08 ± 12.95 mm·Hg, and the ave rage difference is 3.26 mm·Hg. According to the results, both men adn women group has no statistical significance (p>.05). The Diastolic pressure under steady state at rest: In the general student group and physical education student group, the men group is 59.14 ± 13.85 mm·Hg, 64.19 ± 17.65 mm·Hg, and the average difference is 5.05 mm·Hg. The women group is 69.72 ± 10.03 mm·Hg, 67.96 ± 10.43 mm·Hg, and the average difference is 1.76 mm·Hg. According to the results, both men and women has no statistical significance (p>.05). The systoltic pressure under submaximal exercise: In the men group is 142.42 ± 19.34 mm·Hg, 134.89 ± 12.92 mm·Hg. The averge difference is 7.53 mm·Hg, and it has some in the statistical significance (p<.05). The women group is 145.92 ± 21.43 mm·Hg, 145.68 ± 22.97 mm·Hg. The average difference is 0.24 mm·Hg, and it has no statistical significance (p>.05). The diastolic pressure under submaximal exercise: In the general student group and the physical education student group. The men group is 52.86 ± 16.85 mm·Hg, 53.26 ± 12.92 mm·Hg, and the average diference is 0.40 mm·Hg. Each female group is 61.62 ± 13.65 mm·Hg, and 63.55 ± 14.10 mm·Hg, and the average difference is 1.93± 14.71 mm·Hg. According to the results, both male group and female group has no statistical significance (p>.05). 3. The Vo₂max under submaximal exercise: In the general student group and Physical education student group the male group is 48.18 ± 20.04 ml/kg·min, and 66.18 ± 49.17 ml/kg·min. The average difference is 18.00 ml/kg·min, and it has no statistical significance (p>.05). The female group is 39.53 ± 32.52 ml/kg·min, and 40.20 ± 12.89 ml/kg·min. The average difference is 0.67 ml/kg·min, and it has no statistical significance (p>.05). 4. The % Fat: In a general student group and physical education student group. The male group is ±%, and ±%, the average difference is %/ The female group is 23.04±4.89%, and 22.42±5.32%. The average difference is 1.62%. according to the results, both men group and female group has no statistical significance (p>.05).

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