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      • 미용산업의 프랜차이즈 현황과 공동브랜드 인식에 대한 연구

        김명숙 영산대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247663

        Recently, small business owners of beauty salon are faced with the great flow of transition to franchise beauty salon which is directly connected with the survival of business and seriously consider management performance of these changes. Some of beauty industry researches such as job or customer satisfaction are actively discussed and studied, however, it is are not properly conducted in terms of management performance and strategy of franchise business model on beauty industries. This study is intended to provide the fundamental research foundations from the results of this study to the successful management performance of co-branded beauty businesses. It is an attempt to identify factors determining the success of co-branded beauty industry and understand the strategy for reinforcement of capabilities and competitiveness in the market maintaining cooperative partnership with small business owners of beauty related industries. In this study, questionnaire survey is carried out to accomplish the purpose of this study and collect small business owners’ opinion about co-branding. Questionnaire survey objects were beauty industry workers in Ulsan, Korea. a total of 300 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 243 copies were collected and 212 valid copies were used for the analysis. also for the statistical analysis method, SPSS 18 program was used. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the result of competitiveness analysis of franchise beauty salons founded that highly influential factors are 'style, hairstyling skills, and staff service' as well as brand recognition. In addition, the result of survey showed that the greatest advantage of franchise beauty salons are 'brand recognition,' 'training program and hairstyling skills,' and 'customer services' besides. Non-franchised salons, on the other hand, has the biggest merit in 'training program and hairstyling skills.' Second, the analyzed result of owners' characteristics showed that franchised beauty salons' owners have higher ownership than non-franchised ones. In other words, they not put a lot of effort into management but also have desire of accomplishment and recognition. There are also differences between franchised and non-franchised, that is owners' qualities. The result of survey showed franchised owners are deeply aware of qualities of management. Thirdly, this study founded the necessity of co-branding strategy between small beauty related business owners. there is different views between owners and employed hair stylists. The reasons why they should try to make co-branded beauty salons are to ensure cost competitive through group purchase of any equipment and facilities from business owners' point of view, but, to cope actively with the changing the consumers' preference and the latest skills and trends from hair stylists' view point. Lastly, this study founded that small beauty related business owners have intent to participate co-branded beauty salons as well. At this point, the type of participation preference is not existing beauty salon brands, but newly organizing co-branded one. It is because non-franchised owners have negative cognitions about existing franchised brand images. In conclusion, it is desired that co-branding strategy between small beauty related businesses is oriented towards cooperative system. It is also concurrently needed to develop a marketing strategy strengthening relations with local residents after building up a positive brand image of co-branded beauty salon as a cooperative association. Futhermore, it is needed the multi-pronged efforts maximizing the effect of co-branded franchise. 본 연구는 프랜차이즈 미용업의 현황 분석 및 미용 산업 프랜차이즈 전략 등에 대한 문헌 연구를 기반으로 미용 산업의 공동브랜드화에 대한 영세 미용업체들의 의견을 수렴하는 한편 공동브랜드화를 위한 중요 요인 파악을 통해 헤어미용 관련 영세업체 간 협력적 동반자 관계를 유지하면서 자체 역량 강화 및 시장 경쟁력을 강화할 수 있는 방안을 수립, 공동브랜드 헤어미용업 점포의 성곡적인 경영성과를 달성하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는 그 목적이 있다. 영세 미용업체의 공동브랜드화를 통해 브랜드 미이지를 구축하고, 지역적으로는 협동조합에 가입한 각 미용업체들이 지역민들과 다시 이용조합을 구성하게 함으로써 지역민과의 유대를 강화하는 마케팅 전략이 필요할 것이다. 그리고 각 미용업체들은 협동조합을 통해 미용에 필요한 원자재 및 교육, 기술, 정보 공유 등을 활용함으로써 프랜차이즈의 효과를 활용 할 수 있는 전략이 필요하다.

      • 초등학생이 지각하는 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처행동과의 관계

        김명숙 홍익대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        본 연구는 초등학생 4, 6학년 아동을 대상으로 초등학생의 사회적 지지, 스트레스 대처행동 간의 관계 및 사회적 지지가 스트레스 대처행동에 미치는 영향을 밝혀 아동의 생활 스트레스 적응을 돕는 효과적인 프로그램 개발과 적용을 위한 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구는 서울 강서구 초등학생 4학년 130명, 6학년 140명 학생 총 270명을 대상으로 하였으며, 사용한 검사 도구는 Dubow와 Ulman(1989)의 초등학교 아동의 사회적 지지 척도와 Harter(1985)의 아동용 사회적 지지 척도를 종합하여 개발한 김명숙(1995)의 사회적 지지 척도를 사용하였다. 스트레스 대처행동 척도는 민하영과 유안진(1998)이 개발한 아동의 일상적 스트레스 대처행동 척도를 박진아(2001)가 수정 보완한 척도를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료의 분석을 위해 SPSS 15.0(ver.)를 사용하여 상관분석, t-검증, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생이 지각하는 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처행동의 상관은 대부분 유의미한 결과로 나타났다. 전체적으로 볼 때, 사회적 지지의 하위 변인과 스트레스 대처행동의 하위 변인 중 일부인 가족지지와 공격적 대처행동(r=-0.063, p>.05) 및 교사지지와 소극적·회피적 대처행동(r=-0.105, p>.05)과의 상관은 유의하지 않으나, 그 외 다른 하위변인 및 전체 사회적 지지와 스트레스 대처행동과의 상관은 유의미하게 나타났다(r=-0.166∼0.585, p<.05). 둘째, 초등학생이 지각하는 사회적 지지에 대한 성별 및 학년별 차이검증결과 대부분 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 하지만 성별에서 여학생이 교사로부터 지지를 받고 있다는 인식이 남학생에 비해서 높게 나타났으며(t=-2.094, p<.05), 학년별로는 4학년이 6학년보다 가족지지를 많이 받고 있다고 지각하는 것으로 나타났다(t=2.686, p<.01). 셋째, 초등학생이 지각하는 스트레스 대처행동에 대한 성별 및 학년별 차이 검증 결과 대부분 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 적극적 대처행동, 소극적·회피적 대처행동, 공격적 대처행동, 사회지지 추구적 대처행동, 전체 스트레스 대처행동에 대해서 성별과 학년에 따라 차이가 있는지를 파악한 결과, 공격적 대처행동이 성별에 따라서는 전체 스트레스 대처행동 및 하위변인에서 차이가 나타나지 않았지만, 학년에 따라서는 즉 6학년이 4학년에 비해서 공격적 대처행동을 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났다(t=-3.621, p<.001). 넷째, 사회적 지지는 스트레스 대처행동에 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 전체 사회적 지지가 전체 스트레스 대처행동에 49.6%의 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다(F=243.184, p<.01). 하위영역별로 살펴보면 적극적 대처행동은 친구지지와 가족지지에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 소극적·회피적 대처행동은 친구지지가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 공격적 대처행동은 친구지지와 교사지지에서 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 사회지지 추구적 대처행동에서는 친구지지와 교사지지가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 초등학생의 스트레스 대처행동에 있어서 스트레스 문제 상황에 관련된 지지 제공자의 역할이 중요함을 시사해준다. This study has the purpose to examine the relationship between elementary school students' social support and stress coping behavior. The samples were totally 270 students, 130 in fourth grade and 140 in sixth grade in Gangseo-Gu respectively. The measurement questionnaire was applied and used from the questionnaire developed by Kim Myong-Sook(1995), Min Ha-Yong and Yoo An-Jin(1998). The SPSS 15.0(ver.) was used for statistical analysis. In details, the reliability analysis with Cronbach's ,α, t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were applied to examine the relationship between variables. The main results of this study were as follows; First, the correlation between social support and stress coping behavior was statistically significant. Though the correlation 'family support and aggressive coping behavior' and 'teacher support and passive coping behavior' was not significant, correlation among the other variables and between total social support and stress coping behavior were statistically significant. Second, the most result of the difference of social supports according to elementary school students' sex and grades was not statistically significant. Except that girls perceived they took more teacher's support than boys, all the sub-factors were not different. Third, the most result of the difference of stress coping behaviors according to elementary school students' sex and grades was not statistically significant. Although aggressive coping behavior was different significantly according to the grade, the other coping behaviors-passive·avoidance, social support-pursuing, and total coping behavior- were not different according to student's sex. Fourth, according to the result of regression analysis, social support gave significant effect on the stress coping behavior. In details, the more friend-support, family-support students take, the more positive coping behavior they can gain. And the more friend-support, the less passive·avoidance coping behavior; the more friend-support and teacher-support, the less aggressive coping behavior, while the more social support-pursuing coping behavior. This results of the study suggest that family-support is important for stress coping behavior, and the roles of support-offers is critical for elementary school students' stress coping behavior.

      • 초등학교 방과후 강사들이 겪는 갈등의 양상 및 대응방식에 대한 연구

        김명숙 경상대학교 교육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is to identify the causes of conflicts experienced by after-school instructors and its aspects and to investigate and understand how instructors respond to these conflicts. The study problems to achieve the purpose of study are as follows. First, what causes the conflicts experienced by after-school instructors of elementary school? Second, what are the aspects of conflicts experienced by after-school instructors of elementary school? Third, how do instructors respond to conflicts? The theoretical background is based on the after-school and theory of conflict to investigate the causes, its aspects and ways of responds of conflicts of after-school instructors. We selected 6 after-school instructors who were working in elementary school in J city for more than 5 years as study participants. For data collection, we conducted one group interview and one individual interview, and qualitative research was conducted by analyzing the data and categorizing with comprehensive analysis procedure of Kim Yeong-cheon. As a result, conflicts were largely categorized into four, which are relation, environment, compensation and practices. And the results showed that these conflicts are caused by employment issues, environmental problems, problems of compensation system, lack of communication and lack of perception for differences in positions. We confirmed that the conflicts of after-school instructors are appeared in various aspects due to the contractual relations, environment, compensation and practices. In the contractual relationship, instructors experienced anxiety in a situation where they had to contract every year, and they perceived the relationship with contractor as byeong-jung relationship In addition, we confirmed that they had a distrust in the evaluation affecting the contract renewal and confusion about the unclear contract criteria. For instructors who should borrow the classrooms, they should read countenance of teacher who is the owner of classroom, they are not free to use school equipment and facilities, and have difficulty in changing the lesson place according to the school circumstances without consulting with the instructors in advance. Among the compensation systems, after-school instructors were in conflicts with the school due to the problems such as negotiating tuition fees or failing to compensation properly when managing payment by proxy or nonpayment. In the conventions, the instructors expressed the iniquity for the school works other than the lessons and the unilateral notification of the school when closing the lessons. These conflicts which are made conventionally with the school can be attributed to the differences of positions. Although there are differences in the ways of respond to conflicts, after-school instructors mainly respond in three ways which are adaptation, avoidance and compromise. In particular, they said that they just follow what school wants and don’t speak or even can’t speak even if there is a conflict. And the attitude to just give up and to adopt it internally was appeared in all areas. The avoidance and compromise were partially identified. The results of this study found mainly three conclusions as follows. First, various causes of conflicts were found to require efforts to understand each other through communication and consideration to solve conflicts arising due to the characteristics of school organization. Second, there is a need to standardize the contractual condition and improve the quality of after-school lessons by providing a space where instructors can teach properly. In addition, it is necessary to establish the criteria of payment method and tuition fee to set the payment of instructors, and school and instructors should understand the difference of each other and have an opportunity of communication to provide better education to the students. Third, after-school instructors need to understand the proper functional aspect of conflict as the subject of conflict and to have point of view to see the conflict differently and to respond.

      • 중년기 부부의 자아분화수준과 성역할태도가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향

        김명숙 수원대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The object of this study is in order to investigate how do the level of self-differentiation and gender role attitude affect to the marital satisfaction in middle-aged couples, and to raise the level of their self-differentiation and offer the basic materials for educating equal gender role attitude. This study surveyed 185 couples(370 members) of 40s and 50s in their ages living in Seoul and its suburbs, and analysed the data by using Cronbach's ⍺, frequencies, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe-test, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis and SPSS 10.0 Program. The result shows as follows; (1) The level of self-differentiation is slightly higher than the medium level regardless of men and women. Men's level of self-differentiation varies according to with the education level and marital period. And women's varies according to with marital period. (2) Men and women's gender role attitude is both on the medium level. But men shows more traditional attitude than women. Men's gender role attitude varies according to with the religion and the birth order. And women's varies according to with jobs and the marital period. (3) The marital satisfaction of men and also women is on the upper medium level, and men have more satisfaction about it than women. It varies according to with the jobs, education level and family income, in men's case as well as women's. (4) Analysing correlations of variables, the level of self -differentiation, spouse's level of self-differentiation, and family income show positive correlations. On the other hand, gender role attitude show negative ones. In other words, the higher the level of self-differentiation including spouse's is, and the more family income is, the higher the marital satisfaction goes. But, just in men's case only, more modern gender role attitude is, the higher the marital satisfaction goes. (5) Men are affected mainly according to gender role attitude ,self-differentiation, spouse's self-differentiation, family income in sequence. And in women's case, marital satisfaction depends upon family income, self-differentiation, spouse's self-differentiation. Namely, the more family income is, the higher the level of self differentiation is, and the higher spouses self-differentiation is, the higher the level of marital satisfaction goes, but in men's case only, the more modern his gender role attitude is and the more traditional women's gender role attitude is, the higher the level of marital satisfaction goes.

      • 입원 환자의 간호 요구에 대한 차이에 관한 연구 : 뇌졸중 환자와 간호사의 지각 차이를 중심으로

        金明淑 대전대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라에서 질병발생과사망율이 빠르게 증가하면서 뇌혈관 질환은 중요한 건강문제로 대두되었고 1993년도에는 우리나라 사망률의 2위가 되기도 하였다. 뇌졸중은 병변 부위에 따라 신경학적 증상이 다양하게 나타나고 갑작스러운 장애는 신체적·정신적으로 고통을 경험하게 된다. 이러한 질병의 특성상 장기적인 입원 치료를 하게되며 증상의 호전을 위해서 재활치료도 함께 병행하게 된다. 따라서 장애를 가진 환자가 빠르게 사회와 가정으로 복귀하여 일상생활을 할 수 있도록 도와주기 위한 과정에서 간호사의 질적인 간호제공과 재활치료는 중요한 부분을 차지하게 된다. 그러므로 뇌졸중 환자가 지각하는 간호요구와 간호사가 지각하는 간호요구를 동시에 파악하고 불일치의 부분을 분석함으로써 환자가 일상적인 사회와 가정으로의 복귀하는데 간호사의 역할이 크다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 뇌졸중으로 입원한 환자의 간호요구에 대한 간호사의 지각을 비교하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. 연구대상은 대전시내 위치한 대학병원 4개와 준 종합병원 2개의 입원환자 106명과 이들을 간호하는 간호사 102명을 대상을 하였으며 자료수집기간은 2001년 8월20일부터 9월20일 까지 30일간 시행하였다. 자료수집은 본 연구자와 대상 병원의 간호사에 의해 이루어졌으며 자가보고식 질문지를 사용하였다. 연구도구는 문헌고찰에 의하여 수정 보완 된 다섯 영역의 41개 문항으로 Likert 5점 척도로 간호요구 정도를 표시하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS·PCT프로그램을 이용하여 평균과 표준편자 T-SCORE, Spearman rank Correlation Coefficient를 구하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째 간호요구 41개 항목에 대한 지각 정도의 총 평점은 뇌졸중 환자가 3.82이며 간호사가 4.26으로(t=4.575,p=0.001) 간호사의 지각정도가 높게 나타났다. 영역별로는 환경적 영역(t=5.876,p=0.001), 사회·심리적 영역(t=6.449,p=0.001), 신체적 영역(t=5.635,p=0.001) 에서 유의하게 높은 차이를 보였다. 둘째 뇌졸중 환자와 간호사에서 영역별 우선 순위를 보면 뇌졸중 환자는 교육적 영역이 우선이고, 환경적 영역을 마지막 순으로 나타나는 것에 비하여 간호사는 환경적 영역을 우선으로 하고 교육적 영역을 낮게 나타내어 여기에서 환자와 간호사의 간호요구에 대해 큰 이견을 보이고 있다. 셋째 신체적 영역에서 뇌졸중 환자가 우선으로 지각하는 항목은 "배뇨상태가 정상이 아닐 때 도와주기 원함"과 간호사가 지각하는 우선 순위 항목은 "충분한 수면 유지"로 나타났다. 넷째 사회 심리적 영역에서는 뇌졸중 환자와 간호사 모두 "항상 관심과 미소의 친절한 태도"를 우선으로 나타났다. 다섯째 치료적 영역에서 뇌졸중 환자가 가장 우선 지각하는 항목은 "처치 시 철저한 소독법"과 간호사는 "주사나 상처 간호사의 아프지 않게 해줌"으로 우선 순위에 차이를 보였다. 여섯째 교육적 영역에서 뇌졸중 환자가 우선으로 지각하는 항목은 "퇴원 후 투약법과 추후 병원 방문 정보"를 우선 순위로 나타내고 간호사는 "검사나 치료의 목적에 대해 설명"으로 나타났다. 일곱째 환경적 영역에서 뇌졸중환자와 간호사가 지각하는 항목은 "병실과 주의복도의 조용함"으로 동일하게 나타났다. 이상과 같은 연구결과 간호사는 뇌졸중환자의 간호요구를 대체로 잘 파악하였으나 일부영역에서는 순위 차가 큰 항목도 있었다. 그러므로 간호사는 환자를 간호하기에 앞서 미리 간호사정을 통하여, 간호요구의 우선순위를 고려하여 환자가 지각하는 간호요구에 대한 간호사의 지각차이를 줄임으로서, 위기에 처한 뇌졸중환자에게 효과적이고 질적인 간호를 제공 함으로 뇌졸중환자가 정상적인 가정과 사회로 복귀하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 연구자는 뇌졸중환자가 중요하게 지각하는 간호요구를 규명함으로써 임상에서 보다 효과적인 간호중재의 방향을 제시해 줄수 있다고 생각한다. Cerebrovascular disease in Korea is an important health problem since mortality and morbidity have been increased rapidly. It marked the 2nd cause of specific death rates in 1993. As the disease area Neurosurgical symptoms, stroke is appeared varial and rapid morbidity is experienced by physical and psychological stress. It is important to initially offer a qualitative nursing service and treatment for the normal rehabilitation as well as to minimize the level of trouble in the stroke patients. This study is a description investigation to compare the perception of patient and nurse on nursing need of stroke patients. Based on the distribution and self-reporting questionnaires from 102 nurses and 106 patient who had been diagnosed stroke at 4 university hospitals and 2 middle general Hospitals in Dae-jeon Metropolitan City from August 20 to October 20, 2001. Data was collected by nurses. This study showed level of nursing need by 5 points of Likert as 41 items of 5 areas. Data was analyzed with SPSS PCT program by using t-score, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The result were as follows: (1) In total grade of perceptional level on 41 items of nursing need, stroke patient showed 4.26. So the perceptional level of nurses appeared to be higher. There was a significant difference among environmental area(t=5.876, p=0.001), psychological area (t=6.449, p=0.001), physical area(t=5.635, p=0.001) (2) Of the areas in which the nursing need was perceived most by stroke patients was educational area. the lowest rank of perception was environmental area which showed the great difference in the order of priority. (3) The item that stroke patients perceived first on the physical area was "to help patients when the university condition was abnormal", but "help him to have optimal rest and sleep" showed the difference in the order of priority. (4) The item that stroke patients and nurses perceived first on the psychological area was "kind attitude", which showed same in the order of priority. (5) The item that stroke patient perceived first on therapeutic area was "use strict disinfection skills", while the item that nurses perceived first was "to inject and care without pain", which showed the difference in the order priority. (6) The item that both groups perceived first was "when the patient is discharged from hospital give him information about health care, medication and data for visiting the clinic later". But "explain the purpose and procedures of diagnostic test and treatment shower the difference in the order of priority. (7) The item that both groups perceived first on the environmental area was "cleaners of hospital ward", which showed no difference in the rate of priority. in conclusion that, our study showed that although the nurses had a sufficient grasp of nursing need of stroke patients in general, there were also items which showed a great difference in the priority order in some areas and all the items of nursing need. It will be, therefore, desirable for the nurse grasp the nursing need of stroke patients after they leave hospital so as to minimize difference in view point, render more effective nursing care and help rehabilitate patient into normal social life, taking a matter of importance of nursing care confirmed through assessment into consideration. And I suggest that the various kinds of studies about the more objects be done for the generalization of the results of this study in the fututure.

      • 경기도 초등학교 보건교사의 부장교사 임명제도와 운영 실태에 관한 연구

        김명숙 경기대학교 교육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Appointing a teacher as a department manager is very important at the elementary school, because the group of manager teachers carry out a lot of principal decisions and have authorities and influences as a main field. As the role of a nursing teacher being expanded, the number of manager nursing teacher is increasing gradually. All the studies on the appointment of a manager teacher, however, are for general school teachers, not for a nursing teachers. This thesis is the study on the system for appointing school teachers and nursing teachers as a department manager, which is studied for the purpose of providing the basic data for improving the health education and the students’ health management . For the study, reference materials, survey, statistical data and depth interviews are used. 190 general teachers and 110 nursing teachers (total 300 teachers) working at the elementary school in Kyunggi province were participated in the survey for 5 days from August 25, 2018 to September 30, 2018. The subject of the survey was about the cognition of manager nursing teacher system and its management. The statistical data was about the status of appointing the manager teacher at the elementary school. And the conclusion of the case on the appointment of manager nursing teacher was derived by classifying the reference data of each school and depth interview data. The conclusion of this study is as follows. The system of appointing the manager teachers started from 1970 by Education Dept., and it was devolved to provincial and municipal Office of Education in 1998. And now it is managed after being named the title and its official authority by school principals. Kyunggi Provincial Office of Education presents the qualification standard with affairs and human elements. But most of schools define the qualification as a teacher who has the first-level certificate and it has caused a structural inequality and restriction for nonsubject teachers. The appointment are proceeded by making a list by self-respect or recommendation, and appointing by the school principal. According to the survey, however, three quarters of manager teachers were appointed by the principal’s designation. Based on the conclusion, it is checked out that, for the criteria and procedure for appointing the manager teacher at the elementary school, there are some structural differences between the general teachers and the nursing teachers. According to the survey about the cognition for the manager teacher system and its management which was categorized by three areas, there were statistically meaningful differences in 14 answers among total 20 questions between the general teachers and the nursing teachers. Especially, the appointment ratio between all woman-teachers versus manager nursing teachers in Kyunggi province was 20.4 : 1. Among 300 teachers distributed by the position, the rate gap of the manager teachers between the general teacher and the nursing teacher is 24.8 times. As a result of interviewing the nursing teachers who were a manager teacher, only four nursing teachers have participated in the school planning meeting, school steering committee, etc which are the organizations making main decisions on school affairs, had authorities to carry forward the business, and taken professional leadership with cooperation of the school managers and colleagues. This result shows that appointing the manager nursing teachers can make the health and business promotion activities more effective and easier. In addition, it suggests that this is a useful case to enhance teacher’s sense of efficacy and personal sense of accomplishment. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Kyunggi Provincial Office of Education should guarantee the reasonable position of the public educational staffs by innovating the realistic and effective personnel affairs. And the personnel policy of each school should be corrected the promotion system and performance-based bonus system for nonsubject teachers as instructed. And the authorities have to compensate the system and make a legal instrument to resolve the structural unfair and social discrimination. In the end, before fully implementing the 2015 revision school curriculum which will be started from March 2019, the achievement standard should be led from ‘based on teacher’ to ‘based to learner’. I want to suggest that the affairs be set up : notification of ‘Elementary school Health education curriculum’, the continuous studies for installing the Exclusive Health Care Department at school and granting qualification for the regular licensed teacher through the earlier law revision. Keyword : Health Education, Student Health Care, Nursing Teacher, Manager Teacher 초등학교에서 부장교사의 임명은 의사결정과정의 중요한 통로이며, 권한과 영향력 행사의 주요한 장(場)으로 여겨지기도 한다. 보건교사의 역할변화에 따라 학교조직에서 보건교사의 부장교사 임명이 점차 확대되고 있다. 하지만 부장교사 임명에 관한 연구 대상은 모두 일반교사이고, 보건교사를 대상으로 한 연구는 전혀 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이 논문은 보건교육과 학생건강관리의 제도개선을 위한 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 초등학교 부장교사 제도와 보건교사의 부장교사 임명에 관한 내용을 다루었다. 연구도구는 문헌자료와 설문조사, 통계자료, 심층인터뷰를 활용하였다. 설문조사는 경기도 초등학교 일반교사 190명과 보건교사 110명, 총 300명을 대상으로 2018년 8월 7일부터 9월 3일까지 26일간, 부장교사 제도와 운영에 관한 인식을 조사하였다. 통계자료는 경기도 초등학교 부장교사의 임명실태 분석에 활용하였고, 보건교사의 부장교사 임명에 관한 사례는 단위학교의 문헌자료와 심층인터뷰 자료를 유목화 하여 결과를 도출하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 부장교사 임명은 1970년 문교부령으로 시작되었고, 1998년 교육부의 권한이 각급 시․도 교육청으로 이양(移讓)되었다. 현재는 학교별로 학교장이 명칭과 권한을 정하여 운영하고 있다. 경기도교육청은 부장교사 임명기준을 직무와 인적요소로 제시하고 있다. 하지만 대부분의 단위학교는 1급 정교사로 규정하여 비교과 교사들의 부장교사 임명에 제한과 구조적 불평등이 초래되고 있다. 부장교사의 임명절차는 본인의 희망과 추천에 의한 명부작성을 거쳐 학교장이 최종 임명한다. 하지만 연구에 참여한 부장교사 경험이 있는 보건교사들의 경우는 4명 중 1명은 본인 희망, 3명은 학교장 지명에 의해 임명되었다. 이러한 결과를 통해 초등학교 부장교사 임명기준과 절차는 일반교사와 보건교사 사이에 구조적 차이가 있음이 확인되었다. 3개 영역으로 범주화(範疇化)된 부장교사 제도와 운영에 관한 인식조사 결과, 총 20문항 중 14문항에서 일반교사와 보건교사 사이에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 특히, 경기도 전체 여자교사 대(對) 보건교사의 부장교사 임명비율은 20.4배, 연구 대상자 300명의 직위별 분포에서 일반교사와 보건교사의 부장 임명비율은 24.8배 차이가 있었다. 보건교사 중 부장교사 임명 경험이 있는 4명의 대상자를 심층인터뷰한 결과는 학교 내 의사결정 기관인 기획회의와 학교운영위원회 등을 통해 의사결정 과정에 참여함으로써 업무추진에 대한 결정 권한을 부여받고, 지원적인 관리자와 협조적인 동료들 속에서 전문가 리더십을 발휘하고 있었다. 이와 같은 결과는 보건교사의 부장교사 임명이 보건교육을 포함한 다양한 건강증진활동과 효율적인 업무추진에 용이하고, 교사효능감 증진과 개인적 성취감을 획득하는 등 학교의 인적자원관리에 유용한 사례임을 시사한다. 그러므로 교육부와 경기도교육청은 실효성 있는 인사제도 혁신을 통해 교육공무원의 직무수행에 합당한 지위를 보장하여야 한다. 또한 지침에 따라 단위학교의 인사내규를 정정(正定)하는 등 비교과 교사에 대한 승진체계와 성과급제도 등에서 구조적 불공평함과 신분적 차별 해소를 위한 제도적 보완과 법적 장치를 마련해야 한다. 끝으로 국가교육과정을 운영하는 우리나라는 2019년 3월을 기점으로 2015 개정교육과정의 전면시행을 앞두고 있는 바, ‘교사중심 교육’으로부터 ‘학습자중심 교육’으로 이동하고 성취기준을 통해 구체화되는 보건교육의 연계성을 확보해야한다. 이에 ‘초등보건교육과정’의 고시, 정교사 자격과 표시과목의 부여, 조속한 법(法) 개정을 통한 보건교사의 직무 정립, 단위학교의 보건전담 부서 설치를 위한 후속연구를 제언한다.

      • 여성의 피부관리가 자아존중감에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김명숙 한성대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In modern society, as taking care of appearance is acknowledged much important skin care comes to the fore either as a part of it. So, it is thought so important for the moderns living socially that clean and bright skin gives a good first impression to others. Also, satisfaction to oneself lets have a confidence and acknowledge one's own ability and value. Furthermore, it influences satisfaction to whole life. Thus, skin care which is necessary for a good first impression enhances self-respects and lets have a qualified and affirmative life. So, this study aims at investigating how women recognizes skin care and what attitude they have with comprehending the effect skin care gives self-respects, providing basic data for an affirmative life and suggesting a necessity for the differential skin care system. Research has been conducted basing on a theoretical background with viewing technical books, research thesis and academic treatise. After preliminary examination, total 500 sheets of self-answering questionnaires were provided to 20s~50s women residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi-province and among them, 454 persons answered to use for final analysis. The result of research is 1. Most of answerers are 40s, and they are primarily high school graduates, working mother, married, monthly income is below ₩2,000,000, and they are sleeping average 7-8 hours a day which considers sufficient comparing to the recommended sleeping hours. 2. In the aspect of recognition and attitude toward skin care, the higher their age is, the more they are concerned with skin and willingly burdening on expenditure for skin care. The highly they are educated and the much they gains as a professional, the much they are paying expenses for skin care, and in modern times which management of appearance and skin care is much important as well call it "appearance for appearance principle", there is a necessity of skin care, and as the status of skin care influences first impression according to women's advance into society and necessity of social relationship, women have been understanding differently that it needs to manage skin care, depending on their social situation, earned income and educational degree. It appears that insufficient sleep and spiritual inconvenience gives much stress. As a method of diminishing such stress, even though it was different according to vocation and age, most of them seemed to ease stress by means of activities of interests and by virtue of religion. It appears that they feel skin status not bad and skin type compound-property. It was examined that washing face is conducted, in general, with a form cleansing after cleansing, and they are aware that fresh cleansing after make-up is important in skin care with a double washing. As one of skin trouble, most of women are concerned with liver spot and freckles, and they are perceiving it caused by insufficient skin care in an ordinary days. Also, they understood what is most necessary for improvement of skin condition is continual skin care and physical relax. Accordingly, in order to do skin care well, it is necessary, of course, not to be less stressed but it will be greatly helpful in maintaining more fresh skin than outlook from real age to manage skin steadily with comprehending the method of washing face or the reason of skin trouble, 3. It is found that skin care (knowledge, conduct and method of managing skin) is well understood and managed as it goes older. Also, the higher their academic background is, the more information and common sense for skin care is abundant. The group of clerical workers or specialists are active in skin care by dint of their knowledge of it. 3. The older they are, the higher self-respects appears and the highly they are educated engaging in special vocation and the much earnings they are gaining. They have many experiences and high attainments under socially stable situation, and it is same result that as they are richer in economical life, self-respects will be higher. 4. It will give a meaningful effect to the hypothesis that, when common sense, information, conduct and method for skin care become abundant, it will enhance self-respects. Accordingly, as it makes elevate the sense of competence if information and method of women's skin care become abundant, and if knowledge and information is higher, the feeling of value and belongings are increased, common sense, information, conduct and method for skin care are important factors in enhancing the sense of competence, the feeling of belongings, the sense of value and the degree of satisfaction, and the result of investigation is that the better we acknowledge the method of skin care and put it into practice, the higher we have self-respects and the higher self-respects is, the better we put skins care into practice. Also, it is thought that this conduct enhances the level of a daily life and will become a foundation for an affirmative thought. In conducting sample survey, as women in the territory of Gyeonggi province are its subject, there is a limitation in generalizing the result of research. Accordingly, the problem ahead for this research makes men as the subject and it requires to investigate, compare and study the relationship among self-respects, skin care and behavior for management of appearance depending on each territory.

      • 인기아와 비인기아의 갈등해결전략의 비교

        김명숙 한국교원대학교 교육대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 인기아와 비인기아의 갈등상황을 탐색 해 봄으로써 인기아와 비인기아의 갈등해결전략을 비교해 보고 갈등전략의 사용 빈도수를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 또래 간의 갈등과 유아들의 사회적 관계의 어려움을 심층적으로 이해하고 이들을 지도하는 데 있어 기초자료를 제공하는 데 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 목적에 따라 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 1. 인기아와 비인기아의 갈등 해결전략의 빈도와 유형은 어떠한가? 본 연구의 연구 참여자는 서울특별시 S 구에 위치한 S 유치원의 만 5세 단일연령 학급 P반의 유아들로서 또래 지명법에 따라 선정된 인기아 7명, 비인기아 3명을 2017년 4월 5일부터 2017년 7월 25일까지 (유치원 행사프로그램과 연휴 기간 제외) 4개월간 주 5회 기준으로 71회 관찰하였다. 또래의 갈등을 자연스러운 상황에서 관찰할 수 있도록 자유 선택 활동 시간을 관찰하였다. 연구 참여자와 또래 관계에 관한 자료를 관찰, 일화 기록, 현장 노트, 동영상, 면담 등의 방법을 이용하여 수집하였고 수집한 자료를 갈등해결전략의 유형별로 분류하여 정리하고 전사하였다. 그리고 전사한 자료를 해석하고 분석하여 범주화하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인기아에게서 높게 나타난 갈등 해결전략은 절충전략과 회피전략, 양보전략이며, 지배전략과 협력전략은 낮은 분포로 나타났다. 둘째, 비인기아에게 높게 나타난 해결전략은 지배전략과 회피전략이며, 낮게 나타난 해결전략은 절충전략과 양보전략이다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인기아와 비인기아의 갈등해결전략의 차이를 보면 인기아의 긍정적 전략은 절충전략이 회피전략을 상호보완 해주는 역할로 부정적인 전략을 감소시켜주었으며, 비인기아의 부정적 전략은 회피전략과 지배전략이 서로 상승작용을 일으켜 유아들에게 부정적 인식을 하게 하였다. 둘째, 회피전략은 인기아와 비인기아에게 모두 높게 나타난 전략이다. 인기아는 갈등상황일 때 놀이에서 이탈하지 않고 놀이를 통해 해결하는 반면, 비인기아는 놀이 시 갈등의 상황에서 이탈하여 해결하는 것으로 나타난다. 셋째, 갈등해결전략의 중요한 중재자는 교사이다. 갈등상황에 대한 교사의 개입과 처리방법은 또래 갈등 상황 안에 있는 유아들에게 큰 영향을 미친다. 그러므로 교사는 유아의 주변 요인이 되는 또래들의 특성, 교실상황, 부모 등을 세심하게 관찰하여 유아의 갈등상황에 대해 적절하게 개입하고 처리 할 수 있도록 심층적인 이해가 필요하다.

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