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        Groth 분류유형에 의한 소아기호증 원인에 관한 연구

        최용성,곽대훈 한국교정학회 2017 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.74

        본 연구는 2000년대 이후 사춘기 이전의 아동(일반적으로 13세 이하)을 상대로 성적행위를 실행한 10명의 성범죄자 판결자료를 바탕으로, Groth의 소아기호증 ‘분류’유형과 Finkelhor and Araji가 제시한 소아기호증 ‘원인’유형을 적용하여, “Groth 분류유형에 의한 소아기호증 원인에 관한 연구”를 진행하였다. 즉, Groth의 분류유형을 적용한 결과, ‘정신성적장애’를 가진 소아기호증자는 DSM-5에서 정의한 소아기호증의 세 가지 진단기준 여부와 기존 임상적 연구에 의해 ‘성적압력 소아기호증자’와 ‘성적폭력 소아기호증자’의 유형으로 분류되었으며, 또한 Finkelhor an d Araji가 제시한 소아기호증의 네 가지 심리적 원인유형(‘정서적 일치’, ‘성적흥분’, ‘차단’, ‘탈 억제’)에 의해, Groth의 소아기호증자 심리적 분류유형이 달라지는 차이점이 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 Groth의 소아기호증 분류유형인 ‘성적압력 소아기호증자’, ‘성적폭력-착취적 소아기호증자’, ‘성적폭력-가학적 소아기호증자’의 세 가지 ‘심리적 분류’를 기준으로 김해선 외 9인의 각 사례를 비교·분석한 뒤, Finkelhor and Araji가 제시한 ‘정서적 일치’, ‘성적흥분’, ‘차단’, ‘탈 억제’의 네 가지 소아기호증 원인유형을 적용하여, Gr oth의 분류유형에 각각 해당하는 소아기호증자의 ‘ 심리적 원인’을 분석하였다. 본 연구결과, Groth의 DSM-5에서 정의한 소아기호증의 세 가지 진단기준에 ‘일부’ 포함되어 아동에게 ‘물리적 강제력’을 수반하는 ‘단순한’ 유형인 ‘성적폭력-가학적 소아기호증자’ 유형(빈도5)이 가장 많은 것으로 분석되었으며, 그리고 이 유형은 Finkelhor and Araji가 제시한 소아기호증의 심리적 원인 중 ‘차단’ 유형(빈도4)과 연관성이 가장 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 또한, 성적폭력-가학적-차단유형의 소아기호증자인 ‘김해선’, ‘이명철’, ‘김수철’, ‘고종석’은 ‘성인 여성과의 정상적인 성적·정서적 차단’의 영향으로 인하여 일시적인 정서불안정, 충동성, 공격성 등의 ‘물리적’ 성향이 나타났으며, 그리고 Pridmore(2005: 856-8 65)의 FMRI연구자료 조사결과 측두엽의 용적저하, 물질대사 및 혈류량이 감소하는 뇌손상 장애를 보였다. 따라서 이 장애를 가진 김해선 외 3인에게는 ‘물리적 성적욕구’을 낮춰주는 LHRH(Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone: 황체 형성 호르몬 방출 호르몬) 작용제 약물의 정기적인 사용과 동시에 심리치료가 필요할 것으로 사료된다(Brik en, et. al., 2001: 45-55). "A study on a cause of pedophilia based on Groth classification type" was progressed by applying Broth's classification type and 'cause' type of pedophilia suggested by Finkelhor and Araji based on judgment data of 10 sexual offenders who committed sexual violence by targeting children below puberty since 2000s (generally children below 13 years old). In other words, as a result of applying Groth's classification type, persons with pedophilia having 'psychosexual disorder' were classified as a type of 'a person with pedophilia by sexual pressure' and ' that by sexual violence based on three diagnoses standard status of pedophilia defined by DSM-5 and existing clinical research and by 4 psychological cause types ('emotional coincidence', 'sexual arousal', 'blocking', 'disinhibition') of pedophilia suggested by Finkelhor and Araji, Groth's psychological classification type of a person with pedophilia was represented to be different. Therefore, 'psychological cause' of a person with pedophilia relevant to Groth's classification type was analyzed by applying 4 causes of pedophilia suggested by Finkelhor and Araji ('emotional coincidence', 'sexual arousal', 'blocking', 'disinhibition') after comparatively analyzing each case of Kim, Hae, Seon and 9 others based on 3 'psychological classifications' including 'a person with pedophilia by sexual pressure', 'a person with pedophilia by sexual violence-exploitation' and 'sexual violence-sadistic person with pedophilia' that are Groth's classification type. As a result of this study, it was surveyed that 'sexual violence-sadistic person with pedophilia' type (frequency 5) that is 'simple' type accompanying 'physical forced power' to children as a part of 3 diagnosis standards of pedophilia defined by DSM-5 was analyzed to be most dominant and this type was surveyed to have most close relevance with 'blocking' type (frequency 4) among psychological causes of pedophilia suggested by Finkelhor and Araji. In addition, 'Kim, Hae-Seon', 'Lee, Myeong-Chul', 'Kim, Soo-Chul' and 'Go, Jong-seok' who were persons with pedophilia of sexual violence-sadistic-blocki ng type showed temporary 'physical tendency' like emotional instability, impulsiveness, aggression by 'normal sexual, emotional blocking with adult female' and they also showed cerebral damage disorder including volume decrease of temporal lobe, metabolism and reduced blood flow as a result of surveying FMRI research data. Therefore, 3 persons including Kim, Hae-Seon are required to take LHRH(Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone) medicine that lowers 'physical sexual desire' regularly and receive psychotherapy at the same time (Bri ken, et. al., 2001:45-55).

      • KCI등재

        소아기호증자의 심리적 특성에 관한 사례분석 -일명 ‘어금니 아빠’ 살인사건을 중심으로-

        최용성,곽대훈 한국범죄심리학회 2019 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 사춘기 이전의 아동(일반적으로 13세 이하)을 상대로 성적행위를 실행한 일명 ‘어금니 아빠’ 이영학의 판결자료를 기반으로, MTC: CM3의 (Ⅰ)축인 아동에 대한 심리적 고착화 정도 여부와 (Ⅱ)축인 아동과의 심리적 접촉빈도 여부에 따른 분류유형을 적용하여, “소아기호증자의 심리적 특성에 관한 사례분석-일명 ‘어금니 아빠’ 살인사건을 중심으로-”을 진행하였다. 이 유형을 적용한 결과, 그 정신장애를 가진 일반적 소아기호증자는 DSM-5에서 정의한 소아기호증의 세 가지 진단기준과 기존 MTC 분류유형의 세 가지 변경사항에 의해 높은 고착(Ⅰ축)-높은 접촉(Ⅱ축) 소아기호증자와 낮은 고착(Ⅰ축)-낮은 접촉(Ⅱ축) 소아기호증자 유형으로 분류되었으며, 또한 (Ⅱ)축인 소아기호증자의 심리적 접촉빈도유형에 의해 (Ⅰ)축인 소아기호증자의 심리적 고착화 정도유형이 달라지는 차이점이 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 MTC: CM3분류유형의 (Ⅰ)축인 높은 고착-낮은 사회적 능력(유형1), 높은 고착-높은 사회적 능력(유형2), 낮은 고착-낮은 사회적 능력(유형3), 낮은 고착-높은 사회적 능력(유형4) 소아기호증자의 네 가지 심리적 고착화 정도를 기준으로 ‘이영학’의 판결자료를 비교·분석한 뒤, (Ⅱ)축인 높은 접촉-대인적 접촉(유형1), 높은 접촉-자기애 접촉(유형2), 낮은 접촉-낮은 신체적 손상-착취적인 비가학적(유형3), 낮은 접촉-낮은 신체적 손상-억제적인 가학적(유형4), 낮은 접촉-높은 신체적 손상-공격적인 비가학적(유형5), 낮은 접촉-높은 신체적 손상-공격적인 가학적(유형6)의 여섯 가지 소아기호증자 접촉빈도 유형을 적용하여, 그 (Ⅰ)축에 각각 해당하는 소아기호증자의 심리적 접촉빈도를 분석하였다. 그 결과, DSM-5에서 정의한 소아기호증의 진단기준에 ‘일부’ 포함하는 MTC: CM3의 (Ⅰ)축인 낮은 고착-높은 사회적 능력(유형4)-(Ⅱ)축인 낮은 접촉-높은 신체적 손상-공격적인 가학적(유형6)의 소아기호증자 유형에는 ‘이영학’이 해당하는 것으로 나타났으며, 또한 아동에 대해 강한 성적폭행과 성적협박 또는 성적약취가 반복적으로 동반되는 등의 ‘단순한’ 유형의 소아기호증자에 해당이 되었다. 특히, ‘이영학’은 반사회적 성격으로 인한 일탈적 행위발생이 원인이 되어 자신의 잠재된 성적 충동을 외부에 표출하는 Sexual Psychopath Addiction(성적 사이코패스 중독) 소아기호증자에 해당되었다. 따라서 이영학은 아동에 대해 ‘약한’ 성적관심(아동에 대한 ‘성적고착화’ 정도)을 가지는 반사회성 성적장애자로 책임능력이 ‘인정’되 형벌의 효과를 기대할 수 있는 자에 해당하므로, 그 범죄적 억제를 제거할 수 있는 물리적 예방조치정책을 실시하는 것이 타당하다고 본다. This study examined psychological characteristics of people with pedophilia by applying classification types depending on the level of psychological fixation to children representing (I) axis of MTC: CM3 and frequency of psychological contact with children representing (II) axis of MTC: CM3 based on court ruling on so called ‘molar teeth father’ murder case who raped a minor (aged thirteen or fewer). When applying above mentioned type, it was found that people with pedophilia were classified into people with high fixation (I axis)-high contact (II axis) and people with low fixation (I axis)-low contact (II axis) based on three diagnosis criteria for pedophilia as defined in DSM-5 and three changed in existing MTC classification types and there is a difference in the level of psychological fixation of people with pedophilia representing I axis depending on psychological contact frequency of people with pedophilia representing II axis. Accordingly, this study analyzed psychological contact frequency of people with pedophilia representing I axis by applying six contact frequency types ; high contact-personal contact (type 1), high contact-self love contact (type 2), low contact-low physical damage – exploitative non sadistic (type 3), low contact- low physical damage –repressive sadistic (type 4), low contact- high physical damage –aggressive non sadistic (type 5), and low contact- high physical damage –aggressive sadistic (type 5) representing II axis after making analysis of a ruling on Lee Yeonghak based on four psychological fixation levels ; high fixation – low social competence (type 1), high fixation – high social competence (type 2), low fixation – low social competence (type 3) and low fixation – high social competence (type 4) representing (I) axis of MTC: CM3 classification types. This study found that Lee Yeonghak falls under low fixation-high social competence (type 4) representing (I) axis of MTC: CM3 as defined in DSM-5 and low contact- high physical damage- aggressive sadistic (type 6) representing (Ⅱ) axis and ‘simple’ type of pedophilia with strong sexual violence, threat or capture towards children. In particular, it was found that ‘Lee Yeonghak’ comes under ‘Sexual Psychopath Addiction’ that expresses potential sexual drive caused by antisocial personality. Therefore, it is desirable to enforce physical preventive actions towards ‘Lee Yeonghak’ because he falls under a person with antisocial sexual disorder having ‘weak’ sexual interest towards children(level of ‘sexual fixation’ towards children) and effect of punishment is expected and criminal responsibility is recognized.

      • KCI등재

        성범죄를 저지른 소아성애자의 임상적 특징

        문지용(Ji-Yong Moon),임경옥(Kyung-Ok Lim),조성남(Seongnam Cho),장소영(Soyeong Jang),차승민(Seung-Min Cha),한송이(Songyi Han) 대한신경정신의학회 2021 신경정신의학 Vol.60 No.2

        본 연구는 성범죄를 저지른 변태성욕장애 환자들의 임상적 특징을 알아보고 소아성애장애의 혈중 테스토스테론 농도와 지적장애 동반 유무에 대해 알아본 국내 첫 연구로 치료감호 3호 판결을 받은 변태성욕장애 환자들 중에서 소아성애장애가 제일 많았고, 소아성애장애 환자들은 혈중 테스토스테론 농도가 낮았으며 지적장애가 많이 동반되었다. 본 연구 결과는 몇몇 제한점으로, 보다 많은 대상자를 포함하는 전향적 추적연구와 같은 추가 연구와 반복 검증이 필요할 것으로 생각되지만, 소아성애장애 환자의 특징을 이해하는 기초자료로 활용을 기대한다. 소아성범죄의 예방과 치료에 대한 적절한 임상적 활용을 위해 다양한 후속연구를 통해 소아성애장애의 병태생리를 밝히려는 노력이 지속되어야 한다. Objectives This study compared the demographic and clinical characteristics, including blood testosterone level and intellectual capacity, between pedophilia and other types of paraphilia. Methods The medical records of 115 subjects with paraphilia who committed sex crimes and were admitted to National Forensic Hospital from January 2009 to December 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. The subjects were divided into two groups: the pedophilia group (n=59) and other paraphilia group (n=56). The demographic and clinical parameters, including intelligence quotient and blood testosterone level, were compared between the two groups. The characteristics of the sexual offenders were compared according to the age of the victims. Results Among the 115 subjects, 54 (46.9%) were diagnosed with pedophilia. The pedophilia group showed a significantly lower level of testosterone in their blood (t=-2.409, p=0.018), and higher comorbidity of intellectual disability than the paraphilia group (χ2=6.962, p=0.008). In addition, paraphilia subjects who had sexually offended victims under 18 years of age showed a higher frequency of pedophilia (67.2%, p=0.001), and a higher frequency of intellectual disability than those with adult victims (χ2=3.893, p=0.048). Conclusion In this study, pedophilia subjects showed lower blood testosterone levels and higher comorbidity of intellectual disability than those with other types of paraphilia. Further study will be needed to prevent sexual offending based on these findings.

      • KCI등재

        소아기호증을 가진 일란성 쌍둥이 사례를 통한 소아기호증의 발병 원인 탐구

        심금숙,이재우,이태준,이윤경,이장규 대한신경정신의학회 2014 신경정신의학 Vol.53 No.3

        Recent studies have suggested an association of genetic and neurodevelopmental factors withdevelopment of paraphilia. In this case report on monozygotic twins with pedophilia, we aim tooffer additional evidence indicating that genetic vulnerability may be a significant risk factor alongwith environmental influences on development of pedophilia. These twin pairs, who have beenarrested for sexual offenses against boys, had experienced emotional and physical abuse duringtheir childhood, and the older twin brother is reported to have a history of sexual abuse. Bothshowed homosexual tendencies, and the younger twin brother was also diagnosed as exhibitionism. This case implies greater involvement of genetic factors and associated vulnerabilities in theetiology of paraphilia, including pedophilia, than environmental factors such as childhood abuse. In the future, conduct of research will be needed in order to determine the biological markers relatedto the etiology of pedophilia.

      • KCI등재

        『하드리아누스의 회상록』에 나타난 운명의 파이도필리아

        박선아 ( Park Sun Ah ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2017 比較文化硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        『하드리아누스의 회상록』은 고대 로마 하드리아누스 황제의 개인사와 그의 내면에 초점을 맞춘 유르스나르의 대표적 역사소설이다. 특히 본 연구는 하드리아누스와 안티노우스의 사랑 이야기에 주목하고, 이들의 사랑이 지닌 특이성을 고대 그리스의 동성애 문화, 특히 파이도필리아와 관련하여 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 나이 어린 소년(에로메노스)이 성장하여 자기 차례가 되어 에라스테스라는 성인 남성의 자리에 오르는 순환적 파이도필리아가 진행되는 점을 포착하여 안티노우스의 비극적 죽음의 원인을 분석해 보았다. 나아가 본 연구는 사랑의 실패를 경험한 후 안티노우스를 자기 방식으로 복원하려는 황제의 노력을 전체성을 향한 사랑으로 정의하였다. 그리하여 두 인물이 비극적 운명의 파이도필리아에서 한 몸이 되어 양성동체 신화로 옮겨가는 신화화의 과정으로 보았다. 우리는 이 고대신화를, 사랑과 쾌락을 자의적으로 구분하고, 냉정함과 무관심으로 계산된 애정을 조화라고 믿었던 황제의 파이도필리아와 대조되는 개념으로 보았다. 본 연구는 유르스나르가 작품에 담고자 하는 의도가 동성이든 이성이든 인간들의 관능적 사랑에 담겨야 할 공감적 사랑, 특히 성스러움과 숭고함의 가치임을 이해할 수 있었다. 아울러 신에 가까운 권력자가 인생에서 가장 행복하고 사랑받는 순간에 간직해야 할 예지의 중요성도 이해해 보았다. Memoirs of Hadrian is a representative historical novel of Yourcenar which focuses on the personal history of the Emperor Hadrian of Rome and on his inner side. This study focuses on the love story of Hadrian and Antinous, and examines the specificity of their love in relation to the homosexual culture of ancient Greece, especially pedophilia. Through this topic, we have analyzed the causes of the tragic death of Antinous by capturing the progression of a cycle of pedophilia, a young boy (Eromenos), that grows into manhood as Erastes. This study defines the emperor`s efforts to restore Antinous in his own way after a failed love, as a passion toward totality. Therefore, we see the two figures as a process of mythology in which the pie of tragic destiny is transferred to the myth of androgyny that becomes one body and one unity in pedophilia. We see this ancient myth as a concept contrasting with the sense of pedophilia of the emperor, who arbitrarily distinguished between love and pleasure, and believed that the affection calculated with calmness and indifference was a harmony of love. This study explains the intention of Yourcenar in her work to present the value of empathic love, especially sacredness and sublime, which should be a part of sensual love. It also reminds us of the importance of sagacity that a person with power must hold in the happiest and most loving moments of life.

      • KCI등재

        독일 68 교육혁명의 상징 오덴발트 학교의 소아성애 사태 - 독일 녹색당의 소아성애 운동의 근거로서의 성적 자기결정권을 중심으로 -

        정일권 한국교회법학회 2023 교회와 법 Vol.9 No.2

        German Green Party has to apologize for having supported pedophilia. The German “pedosexual movement” advocated the legalization of “consensual” sex between adults and children. Sexual self-determination war the theoretical ground for the pedosexual movement in German Green Party. Pedosexual movement was German romnatic movement and return to the sexual revolution of 1960s and 1970s and its antiauthoritarian education movements. Pedophilia scandal of German green party and Odenwald school is closed related to German romantic reform edagogy, critical theory of education and comprehensive sexual education. These specifically German romantic pedosexual movements(Kindersex) are grounded on the Kindersexualtät of Sigmund Freud and can be traced back to the Kinderphilosophie of German Romanticism. The Odenwaldschule was a German school located in Heppenheimin theOdenwald. Founded in 1910, it was Germany's oldest Landerziehungsheim, aprivate boarding schoollocated in a rural setting. The school went bankrupt and was closed in 2015, following the revelation of numerous cases of sexual abuse of students. Teachers and management Odenwald school were dismissed because of child pornography. For many, the Odenwaldschule was an educational Eden. For others, especially for students, it was more like a living hell. There was sexual abuse from the beginning of Odenwald school. As a academic project leader, I have invited Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oelkers, an expert on odenwald pedophial scandal and German romantic reform pedagogy to 2020 special lectures series in Korea. German 68 revolution of education in the name of antiauthoritarian educaton is a failed project.

      • KCI등재

        아동 대상 성범죄자, 친족 성범죄자 그리고 강간범 간의 특성 비교: 인구통계적 변인과 범죄 관련 변인을 중심으로

        고려진,이수정 한국심리학회 2008 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.27 No.1

        Recently, sex offences against children are sharply increasing in Korea. This study reviewed the various concepts related to this matter, specifically pedophilia. Based on empirical data, comparisons were made between pedophiliac sex offenders and incest sex offenders and rapists general sex offenders. Pedophiliac sex offenders were defined by victims' age under 13. Demographic and criminogenic variables presented pedophiliac sex offenders and incest sex offenders were older than rapists and more members got marriage experiences. Pedophiliac sex offenders' age when they start crime was higher than that of rapists and they commit crime by themselves and they use weapon during crime. Incest sex offenders acquired lower score on Static-99, a sex offender risk assessment tool followed by Pedophiliac sex offenders and rapists. 아동을 대상으로 한 성범죄는 매우 흉악한 범죄로 인식되는 바, 최근의 발생율 증가는 우리 사회에서 심각한 우려를 불러내고 있다. 본 논문에서는 아동 대상 성범죄자와 친족 성범죄자, 그리고 강간범 사이의 인구통계적 변인과 범죄관련 변인 등의 특성에 있어 차이 있음을 검증함으로써, 이들 범죄의 발생기제를 조금이라도 설명하고자 노력하였다. 이를 위하여 우선 소아기호증과 아동치한범을 중심으로 아동을 대상으로 한 성범죄자의 유형을 고찰해 보고 그 개념을 정리하였다. 또한 친족 성범죄자와 강간범의 유형과 특성을 정리하였다. 통계분석의 결과를 살펴보면, 아동 대상 성범죄자와 친족 성범죄자는 강간범에 비해 연령이 높았으며, 결혼 경험이 더 많았다. 범죄관련 변인 중에서는 아동 대상 성범죄자와 친족 성범죄자가 강간범에 비해 최초 경찰 입건 연령이 더 높았으며, 단독 범행이 더 많았고, 흉기를 사용한 경우가 더 많았다. Static-99를 이용한 재범위험성 평가에서는 친족 성범죄자가 가장 낮은 재범위험성을 가지는 것으로 평가되었다. 마지막으로 제한점과 추후 연구를 위한 과제를 토의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 성폭력 가해자의 정신의학적, 심리학적 특성

        신경백,이영준,김경란,김현정,송동호 대한신경정신의학회 2012 신경정신의학 Vol.51 No.4

        Objectives In an effort to increase understanding of the relationship between sexual violence and mental illness, we conducted an investigation of the prevalence of psychiatric illness and associated psychological features of sexual offenders. Methods Twenty-two male sex offenders were referred for psychiatric diagnosis from the prosecutor’s office and admitted to the hospital between August 2010 and May 2011. In order to identify Axis I and II disorders, including sexual disorders, we conducted the Korean version of the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fourth Edition. All participants completed psychological assessment batteries, including the Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and self-report scales, including the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, and the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. Information on participants’ legal, personal, and psychiatric family histories was also gathered. Results Many of the participants received diagnosis of Axis I disorders : Eight subjects (36.4%) had paraphilia, and five (22.7%) had pedophilia. Two subjects (9.1%) had schizophrenia, five (22.7%) had depressive disorder, and three (13.6%) had alcohol dependence. Participants also showed high rates of Axis II disorders : four of them (18.2%) had mental retardation or borderline intellectual functioning and seven (31.8%) had cluster B personality disorders. Participants’ serum free testosterone level showed statistically significant correlation with motor impulsiveness (p<0.05). Conclusion Sex offenders included in this study displayed high rates of mental illness, including paraphilia and intellectual disability. On the basis of our findings, we asserted that sex offenders should undergo careful evaluation for mental illness, and that management programs for sex offenders should include psychiatric evaluation and intervention. 본 연구는 성폭력 가해자의 정신의학적 및 심리학적 특성에 관한 첫 번째 국내 연구 결과라는 점에서 의의가 있다. 성범죄는 법적, 사회적, 보건의료적으로 심각한 위협이기 때문에, 성폭력 가해자의 정신 병리에 대한 이해가 중요하다. 향후 추가적인 조사를 통해 성폭력 가해자의 정신 병리에 대한 충분한 자료와 치료 효과에 대한 근거에 바탕을 둔 전향적 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        험버트를 위한 변호 : 도착적 에로스의 정화와 승화

        정진농 새한영어영문학회 2008 새한영어영문학 Vol.50 No.2

        There have been unaccountable defenses for the book Lolita and its author Vladimir Nabokov since it was published in 1955, but any other defense has not been made for the protagonist Humbert. In this paper, I attempt to make a defense for him. The sins that Humbert committed are immoral, hateful, and horrifying. A 37-year-old man Humbert violated a 12-year-old girl Lolita, taking her numerous hotels and motels in various parts of the states. As a legal father of Lolita, he committed incest as well as pedophilia. He also committed homicide as he killed Clare Quilty who had kidnapped Lolita. Humbert's sin results from the destructive power of the perverted erus. Eros is the sensual and instinctual love which enchants and bewitches a man with irresistible force. It leads a man to the quicksand of destruction. On the other hand, it leads to the dialectic of the tremendous lift beyond the sensual and instinctual level. For Humbert, he becomes the abhorrent sinner who is caught with the destructive power of the perverted eros. At the close of the novel, however, his eros goes through purification and sublimation. He recovers the truth of love toward Lolita and feels the pang of conscience for his sins. The way he murders Clare Quilty, who is his double and shadow, is a symbolic ritual for cleaning his sins. Humbert writes his confession just before his death in the prison. This is the culmination of his love for Lolita as art, which Nabokov calls "aesthetic bliss." He achieves the immortality of his love for Lolita through this. Bringing my defense to a conclusion, I insist that Humbert is not innocent but guilty. However, concerning the application of punishment, let me leave it to the dccision of readers.

      • KCI등재

        아동대상성범죄의 근본원인과 그에 따른 대책

        정혜욱(Choung, Hyeuk) 한국피해자학회 2012 被害者學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        Child sexual abuse is a form of very brutal and nasty crime where a vulnerable and defenceless children are targeted. Statistically, child sexual abuse accounts for about 5.9% of all sexual abuses where 1,175 cases had occurred in 2010. Since only about 16% of the total population are children, number of occurrences is not a big problem. However, second conviction rate for child sexual abuse is 59.2%, that is, 20% higher than the general sexual abuses. In other words, child sexual abuse is one of the high second conviction crimes. all things, child sexual abuse is problematic in a sense that it poses great harm on abused child's life and body. Also, because child sexual abuse leaves psychological trauma that is difficult to cure even after the child matures, it must be rooted out.common characteristic of the child sexual abuse offenders can be described as pedophilia. This condition is usually the result of inferiority complex arising from failed interpersonal relationships. In look out for sexual partner after the loss of confidence by failed relationships with adult female, they end up selecting the easy, defenceless children as their targets.sexual abuse offenders can be categorized into 3 types: regression, permanent, sadism. Regression type is where one has not yet entirely given up on relationships with adult female but has, in large portion, regressed to pedophile. Permanent type is someone who entirely gave up on normal sexual relationships and became a complete pedophile. The most serious and dangerous type is sadism where one does no longer satisfy from oppressive intercourses and discovers his superiority and satisfies through inflicting pain on others.of what type they are, they all have inferiority complex which they have gained from failed interpersonal relationships. It is this inferiority complex why they strategically choose children for their crimes. Because of their inferiority complex, they possess a danger of becoming outrageous when children intensely resist and end up killing or seriously injuring them. Such physical damage along with psychological trauma is the common characteristics of child sexual abuse cases.because children have difficulty resisting against sexual abuses due to their physical inferiority, they require high level protection. In the same manner, people who lack defence ability due to mental retardation also requires the same kind of protection. Therefore, the concept of child should include not only physical age but mental age as well. Therefore, a person under the physical or mental age of 13 should be considered as at-risk child.children, including those mentally retarded, become the targets of child sexual abuse because they can easily be oppressed. In order to turn this table around, the condition has to change so that the children are no longer considered an easy-target. The solution can be summed up to 4 ways in which prevent the approach of potential offenders toward the children: ① electronic monitoring system, ② publication of identities, ③ loss of parental rights, and ④ restriction on employment.the other hand, children should also be prevented from being left alone with no protection. In order to do this, ① legislating the prohibition of guardian's act of leaving children alone, ② making guardian accompaniment of children when returning home a legal obligation, and ③ system for outside monitoring on the facilities for handicapped are necessary. Furthermore, there is a high chance of child sexual abuse victims receiving additional damages from the society even after the actual crime. The most important thing to do to prevent such secondary damage is to ① keep the case confidential. Also, ② child sexual abuse special investigation unit should be formed so as to avoid intrusion from investigation agency. Likewise, because children have difficulty responding during the investigation or the trial, ③ victim's attorney system should be incorporated. Lastly, ④

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