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        언론 보도 방식에 따른 수용자 인식과 의견 형성에 관한 연구

        반현(Ban Hyun),김수정(Kim Soo-Jung) 한국정치정보학회 2006 정치정보연구 Vol.9 No.1

        이 연구는 ‘X파일ㆍ도청’ 사건을 보도하는 언론사가 각각 다른 이슈를 중요하게 전달함으로써 뉴스 미디어에서 공중으로 전이된 이슈와 속성 현저성이 이슈에 대한 공중의 의견을 형성하는데 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 2차 의제설정 효과를 입증하고자 했다. 2차 의제설정 효과를 입증하는 데 있어 이 사건을 보도하는 언론사의 입장은 국민의 알 권리를 위해 ‘X파일 내용’을 밝히는데 중점을 둔 보도와 ‘안기부의 불법 도청’으로 인한 국민의 사생활 침해라는 부분에 중점을 둔 보도로 나뉘어졌다. 따라서 어떤 보도를 보느냐에 따라 수용자의 판단에도 중요한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 사안이었으며 정치적으로 주요한 쟁점이었다. 특히 ‘X파일ㆍ도청’ 사건의 언론사별 보도는 언론이 ‘무엇을’ 보도하는지의 문제를 넘어서서 언론이 ‘어떻게’ 보도하는지에 대한 모든 단면을 포함하고 있는 사건이었다. 결론적으로 2차 의제설정 효과에서 전제하고 있는 인지적인 측면과 정서적인 측면의 속성의 전이를 실험한 결과 유의미한 결과가 나타나지 않았지만 개별적인 스키마를 형성하는 요인에 의해 인지적인 측면과 정서적인 측면의 속성이 부차적 효과를 통해 의견을 형성할 수 있다는 가능성을 발견할 수 있었다. This study attempted to answer the questions by confirming a second-level agenda setting effects and attribute-transfer to audience. To analyze the issue-and attribute-salience, 'X-FileㆍWiretap' case was selected for the study. Since 'X-fileㆍWiretap' divided 'open to the public' and 'illegal wiretap as a violation of human rights', the case was expected to form public opinion and attribute transfer. According to the results of the contents analysis, the differences among the newspapers are statistically significant. But according to experiment, the effects of second-level agenda-setting and attribute transfer were not found. That is, the salience of the issue and of the attributes did not transmit from media to the public opinion. However, public opinion could be formed when a couple of personal schemata involved, such as 'interest in the issue,' or 'political orientation'.

      • KCI등재

        제주 제2공항 ‘릴레이 광고’와 저널리즘 함의

        이서현,최낙진 한국정치커뮤니케이션학회 2022 정치커뮤니케이션 연구 Vol.- No.64

        본 연구에서는 제주 제2공항과 관련하여 일간지에 게재되었던 ‘릴레이 광고’ 내용을 분석하고 찬성과 반대 측 광고주, 신문사 광고 담당자, 기자 등을 심층인 터뷰 했다. 이를 통해 이 광고가 갖는 저널리즘적 함의를 포착해보고자 하였다. 여론조사를 앞두고 제2공항 찬반 단체는 각자의 주장을 도민들에게 알리고, 유리한 여론을 조성하기 위해 릴레이 광고 공방(攻防)을 펼쳤다. 그 광고 메시지 는 호소형이 주를 이루었다. 특히 반대 측 광고에서 호소형이 압도적으로 많았 으며, 찬성 측은 상대적으로 논리제시형이 다소 높게 확인되었다. 광고 메시지 로는 찬반 단체에서 그간 주장해온 핵심 키워드들이 주로 사용되었으며, 설명이 나 논리보다는 시각적 이미지가 비중 있게 다루어졌다. 또한 릴레이 광고 효과 에 대해서는 찬반 투표 결정에 일정 부분 영향력을 미쳤다고 판단하고 있었다. 한편 찬성과 반대 측 광고주들 모두 그간의 언론보도가 자기들에게는 불리했고 상대방에게는 유리했다고 느끼는 ‘적대적 매체지각’ 성향을 보여주었다. 이번 제2공항 릴레이 의견광고는 광고 그 자체의 효과보다는 어떠한 저널리 즘적 함의를 갖는가를 밝히는 게 더욱 중요할 수 있다. 지역 내 언론들이 제 역 할을 제대로 수행하지 못함에 따라 찬반 광고주들은 릴레이 의견광고를 통해서 라도 공론화를 이끌어내고자 한 것은 아닌지, 신문사들은 기사내용과 광고가 별 개의 독립적인 영역이라는 빌미로 그간의 보도태도나 ‘저널리즘 책무’보다는 ‘상 업적 영업행위’로 릴레이 광고를 유치한 것은 아닌지 살펴보아야 한다. In this study, the contents of ‘relay advertisements’ published in daily newspapers in relation to the 2nd J e ju Airport were analyzed: intensive interviews were conducted on advertisers, newspaper advertisement managers, and reporters for and against the advertisement. Through which, the journalistic implications of the airport were ascertained. Ahead of the poll, the groups for and against the second airport conducted a relay advertisement workshop to inform the citizens of their respective opinions, and to create favorable public opinion. The advertisement messages were mainly for the aim of pleading one’s position. There were overwhelmingly more pleading forms of advertisements on the opposing side, and there were slightly higher messages that provided logical presentations on the supporting side. As advertisement messages, core keywords that had been claimed so far by the supporting and opposing groups were generally used, and a greater ratio of visual images was seen over explanation or logic. Furthermore, with regard to the e ffect of relay advertisement, it was determined that it had an influence on deciding to vote for or against to a certain degree. Meanwhile, both supporting and opposing advertisers showed a ‘hostile media perception’ in which they feel that media reports were unfavorable to them but advantageous to the other party. It may be more important for the relay opinion advertisements of the 2nd airport to r e ve al t he journalistic implications than t he effect o f adve rtiseme nts themselves. It should be examined as to whether the supporting and opposing advertisers intended to draw public opinions even through relay opinion advertisements due to the inability of the local media performing their roles properly, and whether newspapers had been attracting relay advertisements with their recent reporting attitude for ‘commercial sales’ rather than ‘journalistic obligations’ considering that the contents of the articles and advertisements are independent areas separate from one another.

      • KCI등재

        루만의 자기생산적 체계이론에서 본 공공성

        노진철 ( Jin Chul Rho ) 고려대학교 한국사회연구소 2013 한국사회 Vol.14 No.2

        공공성은 신문, 라디오, 텔레비전, 인터넷 등의 확산매체에 힘입어 대중매체에 귀속되는 현상이 일어난다. 대중매체는 사회적 현실의 구성에 기여할 뿐 아니라 확산매체로서 공중의 소통에의 접근가능성을 확장하면서 공공성을 대변한다. 이러한 맥락에서 하버마스가 공공성을 정치 영역으로 협소하게 규정했던 것과 달리, 루만은 사회 내부의 일반화된 성찰매체로서 파악한다. 이 연구는 루만의 자기생산적 체계이론을 가지고 기능적으로 분화된 현대사회에서는 공공성이 정치, 경제에서 뿐만 아니라 법, 교육, 과학, 예술 등의 기능체계들에서도 일반화된 성찰매체로서 작동하는 맥락을 밝혀 공공성 개념을 사회학적 일반 개념으로 확장하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Niklas Luhmann(1926~1997) defined a concept of the ``public`` which differs clearly enough from the system of the mass media as well as from the concept of public opinion. It seems that there has been an element of mass media built into the concept of the public. The term ``mass media`` includes all those institutions of society which make use of copying technologies to disseminate communication. This means principally newspapers, radio, television and internet, which can be contributed to the system`s own construction of social reality. In a classical juridical discourse, ``public`` is defined by accessibility for everyone, that is, by the inadmissibility of control over access. In this sense, Habermas defined a concept of the public in a limited sphere of politic. In contrast, Luhmann redefine the public as a general social medium of reflection of every system boundary internal to society.

      • 이차 의견과 닥터 쇼핑

        신동욱(Dong Wook Shin) 한국보건의료연구원 2016 근거와 가치 Vol.2 No.3

        Second opinion seeking and doctor shopping are common, but understudied medical phenomena. The prevalence of second opinion seeking and doctor shopping varied widely according to medical conditions, and are reported to be around 6.5%~36% and 6.3%~56%, respectively. Dissatisfaction with or distrust of first opinion doctor is the most important reasons for such phenomena, but other factors related to patients’ own condition or characteristics also contribute. Second opinions frequently discord with first opinions, and often change the diagnosis or treatment recommendation, although the degrees of the discrepancy widely vary with specialty. Most patients reported high satisfaction with the second opinion process, and became more confident with their diagnosis or treatment options. Second opinion can sometimes induce duplicate tests, but also have potential to reduce unnecessary procedures. There is no good evidence on whether second opinion actually improves the quality of care or patient outcomes. With increasing demand for second opinion as well as the trend for patient autonomy and consumerism, there is a need to establish a well-designed second opinion program. However, there are many practical, legal, and ethical issues which need to be discussed. In addition, it should be emphasized that a health care system which can ensure first opinion based on evidence-based clinical guideline and also enhance enough communication between the physician and the patients in order to prevent patients’ dissatisfaction and subsequent unnecessary second opinion seeking or doctor shopping.

      • 세포 병리 자문 재판독의 진단 불일치에 관한 연구: 서울아산병원의 경험

        박소형,노재윤,조경자,공경엽,조영미,강신광,Park, So-Hyung,Ro, Jae-Y.,Cho, Kyung-Ja,Gong, Gyung-Yub,Cho, Yong-Mee,Khang, Shin-Kwang 대한세포병리학회 2008 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Background : Second opinion diagnosis of outside pathology slides is a common practice for efficient and proper patient management. We analyzed cytology slides from outside hospitals submitted for a second opinion diagnosis to determine whether the second opinion diagnosis had any influence on patient care. Methods : We reviewed 1,153 outside cytology slides referred to Asan Medical Center for second opinions from January, 2007, to December, 2007. All cases were categorized into three groups; no diagnostic discrepancy, minor diagnostic discrepancies (no impact on the management), and major diagnostic discrepancies (significant impact on the management and subsequent follow-up). Results : The thyroid was the most common organ system (933 cases, 80.9%), Forty cases (3.6%) belonged to the major diagnostic discrepancy group and 149 cases (12.8%) to the minor discrepancy group. For validation of second opinion diagnoses in major discrepancy cases, subsequent biopsy or surgical resection specimens and clinical information were reviewed, which were available in 29 cases. The second opinion diagnoses resulted in alteration of clinical management in 21 of 29 cases. Conclusion : For all referred patients, second opinion diagnosis is important and mandatory for appropriate patient care.

      • KCI등재후보

        여론과 정치: 니클라스 루만의 여론 이론

        서영조 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2019 공공정책연구 Vol.36 No.1

        Luhmann's research question is clear. It is whether there is a theory of public opinion appropriate for a functionally differentiated society. His answer is also clear. No, there is not. Luhmann finds the reason in the uncritical acceptance of the traditional notion of public opinion, "the old liberal idea". Luhmann argues that "a radical performed reconstruction" of the concept of opinion is required. As an attempt of this reconstruction, the key of Luhmann's system-theoretical concept of public opinion lies in the understanding public opinion as 1) communication and 2) media. Public opinion as a communication means viewing public opinion as an independent communication system that enables communication as a result of communication itself, rather than aggregation of the results of conscious information processing of individuals. Public opinion as a medium means to grasp public opinion as a medium as the identification of the distinction between the media background(loose coupling) and the form(fixed coupling). The nature of public opinion that emerges, appears, disappears and re-emerges can be well explained by this.

      • 외국어로서의 한국어 교육에서 오류란 무엇인가? : 학자들의 견해를 중심으로

        金永根,梁健阾 강남대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인문과학논집 Vol.23 No.-

        언어 교육에서 오류 분석은 언어를 배우는 학습자들의 언어를 연구하거나, 효과적인 교수-학습 방안을 고안하는 데 있어 아주 중요한 방법론의 하나이다. 하기에 많은 학자들이 학습자들의 작문이나 발화에서 오류문을 추출하여 연구를 시도하고 있으며 또한 많은 연구 성과들이 나오고 있다.그럼에도 불구하고 학자들마다 오류에 대한 견해에서 서로 다른 의견들을 제기하고 있으며 그 판정에서 어려움을 시사하고 있다.본고에서는 학자들의 견해를 기초로 하여 한국어 교육에서 오류의 판정, 오류와 실수, 중간언어와의 관계에 관한 학자들의 견해를 종합해 보고 필자의 견해도 밝히고자 하였다. 그 견해를 요약하면 다음과 같다.1. 오류는 외국어 학습자 자신에게 있어서 필요 불가결이며 교사는 오류 분석과 오류 교정에 주목해야 한다.2. 오류 판정에서 문법성, 체계성, 반복성을 고려해야 할 뿐만 아니라 원인을 밝힐 수 있으면 오류로 보아야 한다.3. 오류는 학습자가 스스로 판단할 수 없고 교정할 수 없지만 실수는 학습자 스스로가 인식할 수 있고 교정할 수 있다.4. 오류는 중간언어에 포함되어 있으며 그 기원을 찾을 수 있고 원인을 밝힐 수 있다. In language education, error analysis is one of the most important methods for studying the language production of language learners, or to propose an effective approach to teaching Korean as a second language. Therefore, many scholars have been analyzing language production errors through the writings and dialogues of the Korean learners. Great achievements have been made in such error analysis.However, scholars are raising different opinions on language production errors, which results in the difficulty of defining an error.On the basis of scholars' opinions, this study intends primarily to synthesize scholars' opinions and propose the author's own opinion on the definition of an error,the relation between errors and mistakes, as well as errors and interlanguages in Korean language education. The author's opinion can be summarized as follows: 1. Errors are seen as necessary to second foreign language learners. Teachers must pay attention to error analysis and error corrections. 2. When defining an error, you must not only consider the grammaticality, the systematicness, and the repeatability of the error, but also take into account the reasons of how the error was made. 3. Errors can not be defined or corrected by a learner himself, while mistakes can be discovered and corrected by the learner. 4. There are reasons for each error which can be categorized into interlanguage.

      • KCI등재

        한국 L2 학습자의 영어 찬반논술 글쓰기에 나타난 ‘부사+동사’ 연어 사용 분석

        정효진(Hyojin Chung),오명기(Myung-ki Oh) 현대문법학회 2019 현대문법연구 Vol.102 No.-

        This study has focused on the two factors. The first things has investigated the way the Korean L2 learners apply the pattern of ‘adverb+ verb collocation’ in English to their ‘opinion paragraph writing’ on the topic sentences, with the focus on two factors: meta-discourse perspective on the genre of paragraphs and the writers’ strategies for selecting particular collocation types. Second element with the findings of the first step has suggested the effective writing methods for the Korean L2 learners. From 15th October to 2nd November, 2018, the researchers had examined the L2 learners’ topic sentences shown as in the their first drafts, to identify the attitude (I agree), engagement (consider) markers or self-mentions (I, We) and boosters (completely, fully, strongly, etc.) in meta-discourse resources which were founded on the types of essays. We had proposed that the learners would produce proper English ‘adverb+verb’ collocations based on the semantic features for verbs and adverbs in English and Korean with the feedback comments. Secondly, the researchers had reanalyzed the learners’ final products which have been focused on the learners’ self-correction for the deviant English-Korean collocations or non-collocation in English. The researchers had found out some pedagogical implications which had suggested for learning the suitable English collocation usage based on the findings of the study. The major thing has shown that the learners would depend on the meta-discourse resources in the process of accepting the academic writing styles or genre. Another implication of the findings is that the new insights into the development of L2 ‘adverb+verb’ collocational competence should be based on the nature of teaching methods that stress input-based or refrain from explicit vocabulary teaching.

      • KCI등재

        ICJ의 영토분쟁사건 판례에 나타난 국제법상 시제법의 확장적용 가능성 연구

        정동은(CHUNG, Dong-Eun) 대한국제법학회 2021 國際法學會論叢 Vol.66 No.3

        법의 적용은 공간적 적용과 시간적 적용으로 구분되어진다. 시제법은 법규범의 시간적 적용에 그 초점을 두고 있다. 국제법상 시제법이 적용되는 주된 영역은 조약의 해석과 영토분쟁의 분야이지만 이 논문에서는 영토분쟁에 그 초점을 맞추었다. 시제법규칙은 1928년 상설중재재판소에 회부된 Island of Palmas case의 Huber 재판관 판시에서 최초로 명확하게 밝혀진 바, 이 중재판정에서 Huber 재판관은 권리의 창설과 권리의 존속을 명확하게 구분하였다. 법적인 사실은 그 당시의 법에 의해 판단되어야 한다는 시제법 제1규칙(이른 바, 동시대성의 원칙)은 그 이후 대다수의 국제법학자 및 국제사법재판소 등의 판례를 통해 적극적인 지지입장을 확보하여 원칙처럼 수용되어 왔다. 반면, 권리의 지속적인 발현이 법의 진화에 의해 요구되는 조건에 따라야 한다는 시제법 제2규칙(이른 바, 시제법원칙의 확장적용)은 기존의 법적권원을 위협함으로써 국제사회의 안정성을 침해한다는 이유로 거센 비판과 논란을 야기하였다. 하지만 최근 시제법의 확장적용을 시도하는 판례가 출현하고 있고, 이러한 국가실행과 국제 판례가 축적된다면 향후 시제법 제2규칙이 원칙으로 진화할 가능성도 배제할 수 없을 것이다. 국제사법재판소를 비롯한 대다수의 국제사법기관은 탈식민이라는 현대국제법 원칙에도 불구하고, 지금까지 대다수의 판결에서 시제법을 기계적이고 무비판적으로 적용하여 식민경영국의 결정에 압도적인 가치를 부여하여 왔다. 즉, 19세기의 유럽 중심적 국제법의 기준을 일률적으로 고수함으로써 분쟁 당사국의 여타 복합적 쟁점사안들에 대한 균형적인 고려를 도외시하였다고 볼 수 있다. ICJ 재판관의 개별의견은 동 의견을 판시하는 재판관의 일반적인 평판이나 논리의 설득력에 따라 추후에 보다 개선된 법을 표현하는 계몽적이고 식견이 높은 의견으로 진화할 가능성을 내포한다는 점에서 그 중요성이 있다. 그러한 관점에서 볼 때, 앞의 두 판례(카타르와 바레인 간 해양경계 및 영토문제 사건 및 카메룬과 나이지리아 간 육지 및 해양경계 사건)에서 제시된 ICJ 재판관의 개별의견은 본안 판결에서의 시제법의 기계적 적용을 비판하면서, 시제법의 확장 적용 가능성을 모색하고 있어, 탈식민과 형평적 국제법질서를 지향하는 현대 국제법적 측면에서 그 시사하는 바가 크다고 본다. The application of law can be divided into spatial and temporal sphere. Intertemporal law deals with temporal applicability of a norm. There are two major areas in which intertemporal law is applicable in the field of international law. First pertains to the principle of treaty interpretation into which considerations of time and change are woven. The second is territorial disputes on which this paper brings to a focus. States’ relevant acts over time may lead to creation or extinction of territorial claims even though time itself neither create or extinguish them. The principle of intertemporal law was initially clarified in the Island of Palmas case of 1928 where Judge Huber distinguished the creation and the existence of rights. The first rule of intertemporal law (principle of contemporaneity), later widely accepted among scholars and international tribunals, follows from the general principle that a juridical fact must be appreciated in light of the law contemporaneous with it. It has been accepted as a principle in international society. On the other hand, the second rule, which might be called as the extension of intertemporal law, refers to the necessity to take into account change and evolution in the existence of these rights. The latter approach has been criticized as threatening existing legal titles and causing instability as well as chaos of international society. It remains as a rule up till now. International Court of Justice has almost blindly adhered to the concept of legal stability and consistently upheld the legal effect of intertemporal law in various contending cases with a very few of rare exceptions glimpsed through individual opinions of ICJ judges. Depending on the author’s general reputation and the cogency of his or her reasoning, the individual opinion may in the course of time come to be seen as expressive of better law. The individual opinions on the jurisprudence regarding territorial disputes in two cases between Quatar and Bahrain in 2001 and Cameroon and Nigeria in 2002 share a similarity in criticizing a mechanical application of intertemporal law as significant weight was given to the decisions of colonial powers ruling at that time in the final judgement. In conclusion, afore-mentioned individual opinions of the ICJ Judges might indicate possibilities for the second rule of intertemporal law to evolve into a principle in the future with further accumulation of state practices and judicial cases applying the extension of intertemporal law.

      • KCI등재후보

        임상시험 피험자에게 발생하는 이상반응 관리 절차의 문제점과 개선방안

        이미성 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2010 생명윤리정책연구 Vol.4 No.2

        Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee to protect clinical research subjects’ human rights and health and to guarantee the ethicality and scientificity of research. However, the adverse event report system of domestic IRBs is not playing its role adequately as a subject protection against adverse events in clinical trials. According to the SOPs of the IRBs of five hospitals surveyed, convened IRB review is judged relying on reports submitted by the investigator, and adverse events not included in the convened IRB review are reviewed in the Expedite Review or not reviewed. This report system can be a problem in three aspects. First, the investigator may submit a wrong report because of financial or non-financial conflict of interest. Second, the investigator may misdiagnose adverse events occurring in the subjects. Third, there is no system for detecting errors even if the investigator has made an incorrect report on adverse events. In order to solve these problems, this study made a number of suggestions. First, in order to manage investigators’ conflict of interest, the IRB needs to establish SOPs related to conflict of interest and KGCP should also introduce provisions on conflict of interest. Second, in consideration of the investigator’s misdiagnosis, it is proposed to use the peer review system. It is introducing ‘second opinions on adverse events’ from medical specialists in the same major. Lastly, in order to detect errors in the investigator’s report, it is suggested to utilize a committee specializing in the review of adverse events (adverse event committee). The Special Committee on Adverse Events is a subcommittee mainly on adverse events. Such a committee may provide a more professional and intensive review for adverse events. Subject protection in the true sense cannot be attained by simple documentary works or by following a procedure. Thus, it is now necessary to see adverse event reviews are made meaningfully to individual subjects.

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