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      • KCI등재

        The OSCE Peace‐building Process and its Implications for Regional Security Cooperation in East Asia

        Yoon. Sung&#8208,Won,Kim. Jangho,Han. Sukhee 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2011 동서연구 Vol.23 No.1

        While the European states successfully utilized détente between the United States and the Soviet Union for the improvement of European peace and security, as well as consolidating and enlarging the European Union and NATO, East Asian countries made a much more conservative response to the rapidly changing global order. This paper attempts to find out the reasons that caused such differences in the evolution of regional security arrangements in Europe and East Asia and to elaborate on the possibilities of applying the European approaches to the peace‐building process in East Asia. A chronological approach is applied in analyzing the success of the OSCE – the creation of the CSCE and its development to the OSCE. By investigating how the détente and post‐Cold War periods have affected the creation of the CSCE and the subsequent institutionalization, the paper draws some implications to discuss their applicability to the East Asian region. In the end the paper calls for the Six‐Party Talks to play the key role as a permanent channel of talk, whilst the member states maintain their existing bilateral relations with neighbouring states.

      • KCI등재

        교정복지분야 연구동향에 따른 교정복지 교재분석

        도광조(Do, Gwang&#8208,jo),김금자(Kim, Geum ja),임서현(Lim, Seoh&#8208,hyeon),전명주(Jeon, Myeong&#8208,ju),유영희(Yoo, Yeong&#8208,hee),조희원(Cho, Hee&#8208,won) 한국교정복지학회 2015 교정복지연구 Vol.- No.38

        The purposes of this study were to analyze correction welfare textbooks in Korea including 29 general textbooks and 11 advanced ones, focusing on the trend of research in the area of correction welfare, and to suggest the direction of development of guideline for correction welfare textbooks and courses. First, most of the correction welfare textbooks covered the concept of correction welfare, correction welfare theories, special areas of correction welfare, correction welfare and social treatment, practice and techniques of correction welfare, etc. Studies in the area of correction welfare during the last five years tended to converge on six semantic categories: ① restorative justice; ② classification of criminals; ③ correction welfare and social treatment; ④ social welfare approaches; ⑤ practice and techniques of correction welfare; and ⑥ correctional social workers. In addition, most of current correction welfare textbooks reflected the authors’ intention of writing rather than the guideline of the social welfare curriculum. Furthermore, none of the textbooks included all of the 6 categories found in the recent trend of research. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions are made as follows with regard to the contents and directions of correction welfare courses in the guideline of the social welfare curriculum to be published in the future. First, it is necessary to help students acquire ‘an eye to see the large framework of correction’ through the correction welfare curriculum. Second, it is necessary to present the meanings and necessities of correction welfare clearly. For this, field‐oriented contents should be supplemented for students’ understanding of correctional institutions and their in‐depth understanding of organizations in charge of treatment in community. Third, it is necessary to clarify the characteristics and scope of specific groups of subjects for clearer understanding of correction welfare subjects. Fourth, contents need to be reinforced about the introduction and necessities of the correctional ocial worker system. Fifth, textbooks should reflect recent issues of research such as treatment in community, restorative justice, social rehabilitation, school violence, juvenile crimes, and rehabilitation protection. Sixth, the prospect and vision of correction welfare science need to be supplemented. Seventh, sciences in the area of correction involve various disciplines. Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce the study of criminal law and the study of correction that are learnable together with the correction welfare curriculum, and contents should be added about the necessities and effectiveness of synthetic thinking in the practice of correction welfare. In particular, it is necessary to suggest compulsory and elective courses to be completed in each year to students interested in correction welfare by presenting a roadmap for taking courses related to basic subjects in each semester. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 교정복지 전체교재 29권, 중점교재 11권, 최근 5년간 교정복지분야 연구동향을 중심으로 분석하여 교정복지 교재 및 교정복지교과목 지침내용의 발전방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 우선, 교정복지 교재 전체를 살펴보 면 대부분의 교재들은 교정복지의 개념 이해, 교정복지이론, 교정복지의 특별영역, 교정복지와 사회적 처우, 교정복지 실천 및 기술론 등을 다루고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 최근 5년간의 교정복지분야 연구동향을 살펴본 결과 6개의 의미범주단위로 수렴되는 경향이었다. ① 회복적 사법 ② 범죄인의 분류 ③ 교정복지와 사회처우 ④ 사회복지적 접근 ⑤ 교정복지실천 및 기술 ⑥ 교정사회복지사 등이었다. 또한 현재 교정복지 교재는 사회복지학 교과목지침서의 기준보다는 저자의 집필의도를 중심으로 교재를 구성한 경우가 대부분이었다. 아울러 최근연구동향에서 나타난 6개의 범주를 모두 포함하고 있는 경우는 없었다. 본 연구 결과를 중심으로 앞으로 발간될 사회복지학 교과목지침서에서 교정복지 교과목의 내용과 방향성에 대하여 다음과 같이 제언 하고자 한다. 첫째, 교정복지 교과목을 통해 ‘교정의 큰 테두리를 볼 수 있는 안목’을 갖도록 하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 교정복지의 의미와 필요성을 명확히 제시 할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서 교정기관에 대한 이해, 사회 내 처우를 담당하는 기관에 대한 심층 이해를 돕기 위한 현장중심의 내용을 보완할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 교정복지 대상자에 대한 이해를 명확히 하기 위한 구체적인 대상자의 특징과 범위를 제시할 필요성이 있다. 넷째, 교정사회복지사 제도의 도입과 필요성에 대한 내용의 강화이다. 다섯째, 최근 연구동향에서 관심을 기울이고 있는 사회 내 처우, 회복적 사법, 사회복귀, 학교폭력, 소년범죄, 갱생보호 등 변화를 고려한 집필이 이루어 져야 할 것이다. 여섯째, 교정복지학의 전망과 비전에 대한 보완이 필요하다. 일곱째, 矯正(교정)분야 학문은 다양한 학문들이 연동된 종합학문분야이다. 따라서 교정복지 교과목과 함께 학습 할 수 있는 형법학, 교정학에 대한 소개가 필요하고 교정복지분야 실천에 있어서 종합적사고의 필요성과 효과성에 대한 내용이 추가되어야 할 것이다. 특히, 다른 기초과목과 연관된 과목을 학기별로 이수할 수 있도록 로드맵을 제시하여 교정복지에 관심 있는 학생들에게 학년별로 이수해야 할 필수・선택과목의 교육과정을 제시하는 것이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        교정(Correction)자원봉사 체험에 관한 연구 - 출소자 고용 및 생활지도 경험을 중심으로 -

        조희원(Cho, Hee&#8208,won),도광조(Do, Gwang&#8208,jo) 한국교정복지학회 2019 교정복지연구 Vol.0 No.60

        This study used van Manen s hermeneutical methodology, which is characterized by analysis of various materials such as in-depth exploration of experience of participants, and exploration of literature, artworks, and etymology among phenomenological research methods, and investigated the significance of correction volunteers experience of employment and life guidance to support the complete social return of released prisoners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of the experience of correction volunteering, which is a volunteer activity of the members in society for the successful independence of criminals, to suggest changes in the perception of our society on released prisoners, and further to make suggestions on correction volunteering system and criminal policy. To achieve the purpose, the research question was posited as What is the experience (employment and life guidance of released prisoners) of correction volunteers? In the results of analyzing the participants interviews using van Manen s data analysis method, six essential themes and 19 subthemes were derived. The six essential themes were derived from referring to the participants statements, literary works, and etymology, and the contents were the first button of together but thought differently , the struggle and the hedgehog s love , the beautiful accompaniment , the rich autumn , my backwardness that I discovered unexpectedly , and my change is the seed of change of others . Based on the results of this study, the following practical suggestions are made. First, there is a need to run a self-help group that can share information and communicate information to employers who have experienced hiring released prisoners. Second, it is necessary to establish an integrated case management system for employment support and employment promotion of released prisoners. Third, it is necessary to analyze released prisoners employment environment and their needs, focusing on those with experience of employing released prisoners. Fourth, to increase the reflection experience of employers of released prisoners, customized education is needed to strengthen competencies. Fifth, it will be necessary to establish a situation-specific response strategy based on released prisoners employment by establishing working procedures (standards) for the employment and life guidance of released prisoners between employers of released prisoners. Sixth, it is necessary to add personality education and interpersonal programs in released prisoners employment program. Seventh, it is necessary to have a support system (law) for the employment promotion of released prisoners. Eighth, it is necessary to promote storytelling techniques to improve public awareness of the need for released prisoners employment and life guidance. 본 연구에서는 현상학적 연구방법 중 참여자의 체험에 대한 심층적 탐구와 문학, 예술 작품 및 어원의 탐구 등 다양한 자료를 함께 분석하는 것을 특징으로 하는 밴 매넌(van Manen)의 해석학적 현상학 방법을 사용하여 범죄전력자들의 온전한 사회복귀를 지원하는 교정자원봉사자들의 출소자 채용 및 생활지도 체험의 의미를 탐색하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 범죄자의 성공적 자립을 위한 사회 구성원의 자원 봉사활동인 교정 자원봉사체험의 본질이 어떠한지를 탐구하여 출소자에 대한 우리사회의 인식 변화, 나아가 교정자원봉사제도, 형사정책에 대한 제언을 하고자 하는 것이 다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 연구 질문은 “교정자원봉사자의 체험(출소자 고용 및 생활지도)은 어떠한가?” 로 상정하였다. 참여자의 면담내용을 밴 매넌의 자료 분석 방법을 이용하여 분석한 결과 6개의 본질적 주제와 19개의 하위 주제가 도출되었다. 6개의 본질적 주제는 참여자의 진술과 문학작품, 어원 등을 참고하여 도출하였으며, 그 내용은 ‘동상이몽의 첫 단추’, ‘몸부림과 고슴도치 사랑’, ‘아름다운 동행’, ‘풍성한 가을’, ‘뜻밖에 발견한 나의 뒷모습 ’, ‘나의 변화가 타인 변화의 씨앗’ 이었다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같이 실천적 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 범죄전력자(출소자)를 고용한 경험이 있는 고용주들 상호 경험을 공유하고 정보전달을 할 수 있는 자조집단을 운영할 필요성이 있다. 둘째, 범죄전력자(출소자)들의 취 업지원 고용 촉진을 위한 통합 사례관리 체계를 구축해야 한다. 셋째, 출소자 고용주들의 경험을 중심으로 출소자 고용환경 및 요구에 대한 분석이 필요하다. 넷째, 출소자 고용주들의 ‘성찰’ 경험을 증가시키기 위하여 역량 강화를 위한 맞춤 형 교육이 필요하다. 다섯째, 출소자 고용주들 간에 출소자 채용 및 생활지도 업무 절차(기준)를 마련하여 출소자 채용에 따른 상황별 대응 전략을 수립해야 할 것이다. 여섯째, 출소자의 취업프로그램 과정에서 인성교육 및 대인관계프로그램 을 추가하는 것이 필요하다. 일곱째, 범죄 전력자에 고용촉진을 위한 지원 제도(법령)가 필요하다. 여덟째, 출소자 채용 및 생활지도의 필요성에 대한 대국민 인식개선을 위한 스토리텔링기법의 홍보가 필요하다.

      • KACA와 AHAM 실내용 공기청정기 입자 청정화 능력 시험 방법간 비교 평가

        김학준(Hak‐Joon Kim)⋅송동근(Dong‐Keun Song)⋅홍원석(Won‐;Seok Hong)⋅한방우(Bang‐Woo Han)⋅김용진(Yong‐jin Kim) 한국실내환경학회 2008 한국실내환경학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        Test methods of Korea Air Cleaning Association (KACA) and Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) for particle cleaning capacity performance of an indoor air cleaner were compared in terms of the conditions of the test particle generation, the range of particle measurement and the calculation methods for particle cleaning capacity, and types of the test particles. The performance test was conducted in a 30 ㎥ chamber with the same test specimen and the test particles of each test were generated until the number concentration of 0.3 ㎛ particles reached 2.2 × 108 #/㎥. The performance test results showed that the cleaning capacity with the particles of higher surface area and volume density, regardless of the type of test particles, was higher than with those of lower and the capacity from calculation with 0.3~1 ㎛ particles was higher than with 0.3 ㎛ particles. Moreover, the cleaning capacity with the calculation of KACA method was lower than with that of AHAM method in spite of using the same test specimen.

      • Development of Rehabilitative and Assistive Systems

        Jongbae Kim,Won‐,Kyung Song,Seong Pil Kim,Kyung&#8208,Bae Jang,Dae&#8208,Sung Park,Kwang&#8208,Ok An,Myung&#8208,Joon Lim,Bum&#8208,Suk Lee 동국대학교 정보융합기술원 2010 International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Sy Vol.11 No.1

        Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare established the Research Institute (NRCRI) within National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, Korea one and half years ago in order to perform rehabilitation research and development projects which can improve the quality of life of Korean with disabilities. NRCRI is engaged in several efforts to develop rehabilitative and assistive devices and systems based on the needs of Korean with disabilities. As we began to plan the research tasks, we investigated what kinds of difficulties they suffer and what Assistive Technologies are needed by conducting a comprehensive survey study and having meetings with persons with diverse disabilities as the first research project. Based on the results of this needs survey, we planned and executed several research and development projects. Whereas some of them are performed with low or middle technologies, others required high technologies which are used in developing robots, automobile, and airplane. In this article our research and development works in the NRCRI will be introduced briefly.

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