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        분지각이 작고 일시 개화성이 우수한 숙근 안개초 ‘드림송’ 육성

        정동춘(Dong-Chun Cheong),최창학(Chang-Hak Choi),송영주(Young-Ju Song),김정만(Jeong-Man Kim),이진재(Jin-Je Lee) 한국원예학회 2014 원예과학기술지 Vol.32 No.4

        ‘Bristol Fairy’ 유래의 결실되는 아조변이체인 ‘Gyp99’의 실생계통으로 밝은 백색 겹꽃에 소화가 큰 ‘Gyp06-11’로부터 2008년 특성이 우수한 ‘Gyp08-2’ 계통을 선발하여 2009-2010년 2년 동안 특성평가 및 특성검정을 통해 ‘Dream Song’을 육성하였다. ‘Dream Song’의 초형은 직립형이고, 잎 모양은 피침형, 소화는 꽃잎수가 많고 암술이 2개인 백색겹꽃으로 꽃잎은 도란형, 꽃잎 끝 모양은 약간 둥근형, 꽃받침 모양은 컵형인 ‘Dream Song’ 고유의 특성을 가진다. 또한 소화의 일시개화성이 우수하고 절화수명이 매우 길며, 분지각이 작고 흰가루병에 강하고 총체벌레와 잎굴파리 등 충해에도 강해 재배적 가치가 높은 특성을 가진다. 준고냉지 여름절화 작형에서 ‘Dream Song’ 개화는 ‘Bristol Fairy’보다 17일 늦고 절간장과 화경장이 길었으며, 측지 분화가 많고 줄기가 굵었다. 또한 소화가 크고 야간 기온 22℃, 7일 이상의 고온조건에서도 기형화 발생이 없었다. ‘Dream Song’ is a cultivar of Gypsophila paniculata developed by the Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services in 2010 for cut-flower production. This hybrid was bred from 121 seedlings collected from an open-pollinated population of ‘Gyp06-11’. It has novel morphological characteristics of upright plant type, lanceolate leaves, double florets with a few bright white-colored petals of obovate shape, truncate petal tips, and cup-shaped calyces. Furthermore ‘Dream Song’ has desirable cultivation characteristics including narrow branching angle, and moderate resistance to powdery mildew, thrips and leaf miners. Moreover it produces more primary branches, and longer internodes and flower stalks than reference cultivar ‘Bristol Fairy’ during summer cultivation in a subalpine area (500 m over the sea level). Flowering in ‘Dream Song’ is delayed by about 17 days as compared to ‘Bristol Fairy’. ‘Dream Song’ produces normal flowers with 2 pistils and an average of 10.4 stamens, with fewer malformed flowers than ‘Bristol Fairy’.

      • 야생 설치류의 한타바이러스 감염에 대한 연구

        백락주,송진원,송기준,박광숙,최영주,강주일,이용주 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.6

        목적:국내 야서중에 한타바이러스의 숙주는 등줄쥐와 집쥐로 알려져 있으나, 한국에 서식하고 있는 다양한 야생 설치류를 채집하여 한타바이러스에 대한 항체검사를 실시하여 새로운 혈청형의 한타바이러스가 있는지를 혈청학적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 방법:국내에 서식하고 있는 야생 설치류를 1995년 10월부터 1996년 10월까지 7종 551수의 야시와 4종 97수의 소형동물을 채집하여 한타바이러스에 대한 항체검사를 간접형광항체법으로 실시하였다. 결과: 1) 야서 7종 551수와 소형동물 4종 97수를 대상으로 한탄바이러스의 감염율은 등줄쥐 17.2%(29/162), 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 8.7%(2/23), 대륙밭쥐는 25%(2/8), 그리고 땃쥐는 7.1%(1/14)이었다. 그리고 야생토끼는 8.8%(7/80)가 서울바이러스에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었다. 등줄쥐의 양성혈청중 대부분은 서울바이러스와 일부는 푸말라바이러스, 프로스펙트힐바이러스, 뉴욕바이러스와도 교차반응이 있었다. 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 2수와 대륙밭쥐 2수는 5가지 한타바이러스 모두에 교차 반응이 있었다. 2) 다람쥐는 9.5%(28/283)가 채집지역에 관계없이 한탄바이러스에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었고 항체기는 1:16 내지 1:256으로 비교적 낮았으며 서울바이러스, 푸말라바이러스, 프로스켁트힐바이러스와 뉴욕바이러스에 각각 반응하는 것도 일부는 교차반응을 보이는것도 있다. 청설모는 10.3%(7/68)가 한탄바이서르에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었으며 항체가는 1:16 내지 1:1,024이었으며 일부는 교차반응이 있었다. 3) 야생토끼의 서울바이러스에대한 항체양성율은 8.8%(7/80)이었으며 이중에 2수는 한탄바이러스와 교차반응이 있었고, 푸말라바이러스, 프로스켁트힐바이러스, 뉴욕바이러스와는 교차반응이 없었다. 항체가는 1:16 내지 1:64로 비교적 낮았다. 결론:등줄쥐는 한탄바이러스에 의한 감염이지만 흰넓적다리붉은쥐, 대륙밭쥐, 다람쥐 그리고 청설모의 일부는 한탄바이러스가 보다 다른 한타바이러스에 대한 항체가가 높았고 특히 일부 다람쥐 혈청은 푸말라바이러스 혹은 프로스켁트힐바이러스에만 반응하였다. 그리고 야생토끼는 서울바이러스에 대한 감염율이 높은 것으로 보아 국내에 한탄바이러스와 서울 바이러스 이외에 새로운 혈청형의 한타바이러스가 있는 것을 사료된다. Background: Hantavirus are widley distributed in rodents populations even in geographical areas where hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) has not been reported. Multiple species of Murid and Arvicolid rodents serve as the natural reserviors of hantaviruses. Serologic diagnosis using hantaviral antigens indicates that hantaviruses are widley distibuted in wild rodents. This study were designed to find the distribution of hantaviruses among wild rodents and small mammals in Korea, 1995-1996. Methods: Rodents were trapped alive in selected areas. A total of 551 wild rodents from 7 species and 97 small mammals from 4 species were captured in Korea. Serologic evidence for hantavirus infection were tested using five hantavirus antigens by indirect immunofluorescent antibody technique(IFA). Among 162 Apodemus agrarius, 23 Apodemus peninsulae, 8 Clethrionomys regulus, 6 Microtus fortis, 1 Mus musculus, 283 Tamias sibiricus, 68 Sciurus vulgaris, 14 Crocidura laciura, 80 Lepus sinensis, 2 Capereolus capereolus and 1 Nyctereutes procyonoides. Results: 29 A. agrarius, 2 A. peninsulae, 1 C. laciura, 2 C. regulus, 27 T. sibiricus and 7 S. vulgaris were sero positive agaist hantaan virus and 7 L. sinensis were IF antibody positive against Seoul virus. Some of Tamias sibiricus were only seropositive against puumala virus or prospect hill virus. Conclusion: This data suggests that new serotypes of hantavirus might distribute among rodents in Korea.

      • 수종 탄성의치상 이장재의 물리적 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        송윤관,박주미,송광엽,박찬운 全北大學校 齒醫學硏究所 1991 전북치대논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of storage time and condition on the weight change, dimensional stability and softness of six commercially available soft lining materials. Ten specimens each 1.8㎜ in thickness of soft lining materials were bonded to poly(methylmethacrylate) made in the form of circular disk 50㎜ in diameter and 1.5㎜ in thickness using steel molds, then stored in simulated mouth condition(artificial saliva, pH 7.4, 37±1℃). The specimens were tested after 0, 1, 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56days. The data were analyzed by one way analysis of variance with Duncan's multiple range test. The results of this study were obtained as follows : 1. For permanent soft lining material Mollosil showed a significant decrease in weight after 42days, for provisional soft lining material Coe Comfort showed a significant increase in weight after 28days(p<0.05) between the aging times. 2. For permanent soft lining material Coe Soft showed a significant increase in dimensional change after 42days(p<0.05), but the other gorups showed no significant difference between the aging times(p>0.05). 3. For Molloplast-B material a significant difference in softness was not found between the aging times(p>0.05), Coe Super-Soft showed a significant decrease in softness after 7days, and Coe soft, Mollosil, Visco-gel and Coe Comfort showed a significant decrease in softness after 28days(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        후기구조주의적 관점에서 본 유아교실의 언어

        송주연,임부연,황해익 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2007 교사교육연구 Vol.46 No.2

        본 연구는 널리 알려져 있으면서도 한편으로는 제대로 인식되지 않은 삶의 한 가지 방식으로서 구조주의적 가정의 관점으로 현재 유아교육현장에서 발생하는 언어현상의 문제들을 해석해 보고 이러한 문제들에 대한 개선방안을 구조주의의 한계를 비판하면서 출현한 후기구조주의적 접근을 통해 논의해 보았다. 연구의 결과 구조주의적인 관점에서 유아 교실의 언어현상은 초월적 기의의 존재, 개체의 존엄과 본질의 외면, 언어와 사고의 경직성이라는 문제점을 가지고 있었고 이에 대한 후기구조주의적 관점에서의 해결 방향은 초월적 기의의 해체, 개체와 본질의 존엄성 찾아가기, 언어의 시적 기능 회복하기라는 세 가지로 제시되었다. The purpose of this study expolres the language phenomena of early childhood classroom from Post-Structualistic perspectives. In order to achieve this purpose, the characteristics of language to generate in early childhood classroom was firstly discussed from structualistic perspectives. The result was that currently language to generate in early childhood classroom is very structualistic and can't reflect children's real life context. Therefore, In this study, to solve the ploblems of currently language to generate in early childhood classroom, researcher suggest that from post-structualistic perspectives the language to generate in early childhood classroom should be rethinked. On post-structualistic perspectives the early children's language should be reflect children's real life context and recover poetic function of language.

      • KCI등재

        QLF를 이용한 항우식 제품의 인공우식 재광화 효과에 대한 연구

        송주현,김영재,김정욱,장기택,김종철,한세현,이상훈 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 항우식 제품인 저농도의 불소 양치액(500 ppm NaF)과 Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate(CPP-ACP)를 포함하는 치아 연고,그리고 이 두 제품을 같이 사용했을 경우,인공 우식 병소의 재광화 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 제3대구치 협면에 인공우식을 유발하였고,시편을 16개씩 4군으로 나누어,28일 동안 매일 2회 다음과 같은 항우식 제품을 시편에 처리하였고,pH 순환 시스템을 적용하였다. 1군: 대조군(무처치) 2군: Tooth Mousse^(ⓡ) (GC Co. Japan) 3군: 치카치카^(ⓡ)(삼일제약. 한국) 4군: 치카치카^(ⓡ)+ Tooth Mousse^(ⓡ) 무기질 소실량(ΔQ)의 장기적인 변화를 Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF)를 이용하여 관찰하여 다음과 같은결과를 얻었다. 1. ΔQ는 1군에서는 28일동안 유의성 있는 차이를 보이지 않았고,2군과 3군에서는 처치전에 비해 14일부터 유의성 있는 증가를 보였으며,4군에서는 7일부터 유의성 있는 증가를 보였다. 2. ΔQ는 1군 < 2군,3군 < 4군 순이었다. 3. ΔQ는 1군과 비교시 2군은 7일,3군과 4군은 3일부터 유의성 있는 증가를 보였고,2군은 3군과 전 기간 동안 유의차가 없었다. 4군은 2군과 3군에 비해 28일에 유의성 있는 증가를 보였다. 4. 모든 군에서 재광화 속도는 점차 감소하였다. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the remineralization effect of commercially available anticariogenic products, exactly low level fluoride mouthrinse(500 ppm NaF), tooth cream with Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) and fluoride mouthhnse plus tooth cream on artificial caries lesion. Artificial caries lesion was induced at the buccal surface of permanent third molar and the specimens were then divided (16 specimens/group) into four group. Twice a day during 28 days specimens of each group were treated with a commercially anticari.ogen.ic product as follows and applied to the pH cycling system. Group 1: control group (No treatment) Group 2: Tooth Mousse^(ⓡ) (GC Co. Japan) Group 3: chikachika^(ⓡ) (Samil Co. Korea) Group 4: chikachika^(ⓡ) + Tooth Mousse^(ⓡ) The long-term change of mineral loss(ΔQ) was evaluated by quantitative 1ight-induced fluorescence(QLF) and the following results were obtained: 1. ΔQ of Group 1 was not noticed statistically significant during 28 days comparing that prior to treatment. There was a statistically significant increase in ΔQ of Group 2 and 3 since 14 days. So was in ΔQ of Group 4 since 7 days. 2. ΔQ was increased as follows: Group 1< Group 2, 3< Group 4. 3. Comparing with Group 1, Group 2 was a statistically significant increase since 7 days and Group 3 and 4 were since 3 days. Comparing Group 2 with 3, there was not noticed statistically significant during whole duration. Group 4 was significantly higher than Group 2 and 3 after 28 days. 4. All groups demonstrated a decrease in the rate of remineraUzation as time goes on.

      • KCI등재

        자연채광 시스템의 성능 평가를 위한 실내 조도 예측 및 조명제어 컴퓨터 모델 개발

        송규동,이주윤,유기형 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.3

        It is necessary to provide sufficient daylighting for the high quality lighting in interior space. In these days various kinds of daylighting systems are developed and applied to buildings, however the difference of the purpose of an object room and a physical environment makes the Daylighting system to be unuseful. Therefore it is necessary to estimate the performances of the Daylighting system using the Computer program to apply the Daylighting system usefully. The purpose of this study is to develop the computer program using the Monte Calro Method and Ray-tracing technique to estimate the performances of the Daylighting system in interior space and the consumption of electric energy by dimming control of electric lighting. The accuracy of the computer model was validated through measurements with physical scale models under real clear sky conditions.

      • KCI등재

        와동 세척제가 상아질 결합제의 결합에 미치는 영향

        송승호,박호원,,이주현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2005 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        와동 형성시 박테리아에 감염된 상아질이나 법랑질을 완전히 제거하지 않는 것은 수복학적 측면에서 볼 때 잠재적 문제점이 된다. 수복물 하방에서의 박테리아의 활동에 의해 술후 과민반응, 치수의 염증, 이차 우식 등이 진행될 수 있다. 와동 세척제는 와동 형성 후 잔존 박테리아의 제거를 위해 효과적으로 사용될 수 있지만 상아세관에 잔유물을 남겨 상아질 결합제와 치질간의 긴밀한 결합을 방해하여 미세누출을 증가시키고 결합강도를 약화시킬 가능성이 있다. 본 연구는 2% 클로르헥시딘을 함유하는 와동 세척제인 Consepsis(Ultradent. USA)가 Adper Scotchbond MultiPurpose(3M ESPE, USA), Adper Single Bond(3M ESPE, USA), Adper prompt L-Pop (3M ESPE, USA)의 결합에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위하여 발거된 제 3대구치 120개를 이용하여 Consepsis 와동 세척제를 사용한 군과 사용하지 않은 군으로 나누어 전단결합강도 측정과 수복물 변연에 나타나는 미세누출 정도를 색소 침투 평가 방법으로 분석함으로써 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1.Comsepsis 와동 세척제의 사용 유무는 Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose, Adper, Single Bond, Adper Prompt L-Pop 의 미세누출 양상에 있어 통계학적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다.(p>0.05). Incomplete removal of bacteria contaminated dentin or enamel associated with caries is a potential problem in restorative dentistry. Secondary or residual caries, pulpal inflammation and hypersensitivity may result from bacteria left after the initial preparation, especially if an adequate seal against microleakage is not obtained. A possible solution to eliminate residual bacteria left in a cavity preparation would be to treat the cavity with cavity disinfectant wash. But a potential problem with using a cavity disinfectant with dentin bonding agents could be their interference with the ability of the resin to bond to the tooth micromechanically. The purpose of this study was to ecaluate the effect of 2% chlorhexidine containing cavity disinfectant(consepsis) on shear bond strength and microleakage of dentin bonding agents, Adper Scotchbond MultiPurpose. Adper Single Bond and Adper Prompt L-Pop. Sixty and sixty sound human third molar teeth, respectively, were used for shear bond strength and microleakage test. For experimental group, cavity disnfectant was applied before dentin bonding agents, and was not applied for the control group. The result from the this study can be summarized as follows; 1. Use of 2% chlorhexidine containing cavity disinfectant(Consepsis) does not significantly affect the shear bond strength of dentin bonding agents. 2. Use of 2% chlorhexidine containing cavity disinfectant(Consepsis) dese significantly affect the microleakage of dentin bonding agents.

      • 진단결장내시경술과 내시경 폴립절제술 비교에 의한 대장용종의 간과율

        송주한 외 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 2008 中央醫大誌 Vol.33 No.1,2

        Colonoscopy is an effective method for discovery of adenomas and for colon cancer screening and prevention. However, it has been difficult to assess its accuracy. We retrospectively estimated the colonoscopic miss-rate of colorectal polyp and adenoma. We studied the data from patients who had colonoscopic polypectomy within 60 days after the initial examination. From 78 patients, a total of 235 polyps were found, 37 (15.7%) of polyps and 27 (14.2%) of adenomas were missed. As the size of polyps and adenomas decreased, the miss-rate increased significantly. Pathologic findings of missed polyps revealed adenoma (73.0%), hyperplasia (24.3%), inflammation (2.7%). Adenomas with high grade dysplasia were detected in 10.8% of missed polyps. The most frequent location was cecum and transverse colon. There was no difference of missing rate according to the shape of polyp, colonopist and number of polyps detected on the initial examination. There is a significant colonoscopic missing rate for colorectal polyps in routine clinical practice, especially in patients with small colorectal polyps and at the site of the cecum and transverse colon.

      • 경직성 사지마비와 양하지마비 아동의 요추부 골밀도

        송주영,김진상 한국전문물리치료학회 2001 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        In children with cerebral palsy, bone density is decreased by disturbance of bone remodelling due to lack of normal weight bearing and muscle contraction through physical activity, Loss of bone density cause fracture, delays treatment with immobilization, and leads to functional limitation. The purpose of this study was to investigate bone mineral density of lumbar spine in children with spastic quadriplegia and diplegia. Six spastic quadriplegia and 14 spastic diplegia were evaluated in this study. Six 4500 X-ray densitometer was used to measure bone density at lumbar spine (L1 ∼ L4). Children with cerebral palsy showed lower bone density than that of normal children. Bone density in children with spastic Quadriplegia and diplegia was -1.812±.962, -1.519±.935, respectively. However, there was no significant differences in bone density between children with spastic quadriplegia and diplegia. There was no significant difference in bone density relation to motor development level, height, and weight. Further study is needed to find the appropriate interventions for preventing loss of bone density in children with cerebral palsy.

      • 대전시 주택의 내부공간 관계에 관한 소고

        송용호,박주환,신현아 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1988 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        The aim of this study is to analyze the internal space relationship and the organization of houses that has built in Taejon since 1970. In this study, the selected factors for analysis are interlocking spaces, adjacent spaces, and spaces linked by a common space. The result of analysis shows that personal spaces are enlavged by occupant's convenience. This study is to be a basic data for detached houses design.

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