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        한국에서 도래하는 황금새(Ficedula narcissina)의 형태적 특징과 이동 양상에 관한 연구

        박종길(Jong-Gi1 Park),홍길표(Gil-Pyo Hong),채희영(Hee-Young Chae) 한국조류학회II 2008 한국조류학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 황금새(Ficedula narcissina)의 여러 아종 중 한국에 도래하는 아종의 형태학적 특징과 봄·가을 이동 양상을 파악하기 위해 2005년 4월부터 2008년 5월까지 전남 신안군 홍도와 대흑산도, 일본 이리오모테섬에서 각각 실시하였다. 형태학적 분류 결과 한국에 규칙적으로 도래하는 아종은 F. n. narcissina이었으며, 한국 미기록 아종인 F. n. elisae와 F. n. owstoni의 기록을 확인하였다. 황금새 성조 수컷은 아종간 형태적인 차이가 명확하였지만 미성숙한 개체와 암컷 형태를 띠는 개체는 아종간 매우 비슷한 특징을 보였다. 1회 여름깃 수컷의 경우 아종 F. n. narcissina는 월동지에서 부분 깃털갈이를 하여 성조 수컷과 비슷한 반면, 아종 F. n. elisae는 태어난 이듬해 여름까지 깃털갈이를 하지 않아 성조 수컷과 형태적으로 뚜렷이 다르며, 오히려 성조 암컷과 비슷한 특징을 보였다. 이같은 형태적 다양성과 깃털같이 전략의 차이 때문에 한국을 통과하는 개체군의 아종 분류가 매우 어려운 것으로 보인다. 조사기간 중 황금새의 가장 빠른 도래일은 4월 13일, 가장 늦은 도래일은 5월 17일로 나타났으며, 가장 많은 개체수가 통과하는 시기는 4월 하순으로서 2008년 4월 24일에는 14개체가 관찰되었다. 그러나 황금새는 봄철과 달리 가을 남하 시기에는 전혀 관찰되지 않아 봄·가을 이동경로를 달리할 가능성이 있음을 보였다. From April 2005 to May 2008, morphological traits and migratory patterns among the subspecies of the Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina) were studied at Hong Island and Heuksan Island in Korea, and at Iriomote Island in Japan. The regular migrants was F. n. narcissina in Korea, but two unreported subspecies, F. n. elisae and F. n. owstoni were also recorded in Heuksan Island, Korea. In our study, Narcissus Flycatchers were spring migrants observed from 13 April to 17 May, and a total of 14 individuals was recorded as a peak day count on 14 April 2008. However, there was no record in the autumn migratory seasons in Korea. This result suggests that the Narcissus Flycatcher is probably an elliptical migratory species which uses different routes in spring northward and autumn southward migrations. In morphology, adult males had distinct morphological differences, but immature and female-typed individuals had very similar plumages among subspecies. First summer F. n. narcissina underwent partial moults in wintering places and became very similar in appearance to adult males. In 'contrast, because F. n. elisae does not undergo partial moults until the summer of the 2nd calendar year, immature males of F. n. elisae were very resemble not adult males but adult females in appearance. Such morphological variances and differences in moulting strategies among subspecies often prevented the identification of Narcissus Flycatchers to the subspecies level.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution of the Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha) in the South Korea: A focus on protected areas

        Gil-Pyo Hong(홍길표),Jae-Hoon Kim(김재훈),Seul-Gi Seo(서슬기),So-Yeon Cho(조소연),Bo-Yeon Hwang(황보연),Jong-Hyun Park(박종현),Seung-Yeon Lee(이승연),Ga-Young Kim(김가영),Wan-Hee Nam(남완희),Ha-Cheol Sung(성하철) 한국조류학회 2021 한국조류학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        국내 팔색조(Pitta nympha) 분포 현황을 알아보고자 전국 국립공원 등 보호지역 중심으로 총 19개 지역을 조사하였고, 전문가 네트워크를 통해 자료를 보강하였다. 전국 19개 지역을 조사한 결과 북한산, 지리산 등 내륙지역 7개 국립공원에서는 팔색조가 확인되지 않았고, 경남 거제, 남해, 해남, 장흥 고흥 등 남해안과 인접한 12개 지역에서 팔색조 서식이 확인되었다. 또한 전문가 네트워크를 통해 수집한 팔색조 출현 위치 정보 82건을 분석한 결과, 전국 8개 광역지자체 모두 팔색조 서식이 확인되었고, 내륙지역(26.8%)보다 해안지역(73.2%)에서 더 많이 출현하였다. 연구 결과를 종합해보면, 우리나라의 팔색조는 주로 제주도와 남해안 지역을 중심으로 많이 분포하며, 그 보다 적은 개체수가 내륙 지역에 넓게 분포하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. The present study investigated the current distribution of Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha) in South Korea. A total of 19 study areas, including protected areas such as national and provincial parks in South Korea were surveyed, and additional data obtained from an expert network. According to the results, Fairy Pitta was absent in seven inland national parks, including Mt. Bukhan and Chiri parks. Fairy Pitta inhabited 12 areas near the southern coast of South Korea, including Geoje, Namhae, Haenam, Jangheung, Goheung, and Gyeongnam Province. The analysis results of 82 datasets obtained from experts with regard to the locations where Fairy Pitta have been spotted showed that the bird inhabits all the eight metropolitan regions in South Korea, and is more frequently spotted in coastal areas (73.2%) than in inland areas (26.8%). The findings demonstrate that Fairy Pitta is mainly distributed in Jeju Island and the southern coast of South Korea, and is distributed in inland areas at relatively lower numbers.

      • 국립공원 내 철새중간기착지에서 철새 도래현황 비교 : 흑산도와 소매물도를 중심으로

        홍길표(Gil-Pyo Hong),빙기창(Gi-Chang Bing),조숙영(Sook-Young Cho),박세영(Se-Young Park),김양모,권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2013 국립공원연구지 Vol.4 No.1

        국립공원 내 주요 철새중간기착지의 철새이동 현황을 비교하기 위해 동시 조사를 실시하였다. 조사 지역은 다도해해상국립공원의 흑산도와 한려해상국립공원의 소매물도 지역이며, 조사 기간은 2013년 4월 29일~5월 2일까지 4일간 실시하였다. 조사결과 2개 지역에서 총 109종 2,537개체가 기록되었으며, 지역별로는 흑산도에서 96종 1,615개체, 소매물도에서 45종 922개체가 조사되었다. 흑산도에서는 제비 Hirundo rustica가 최우점종이었으며, 소매물도에서는 괭이갈매기 Larus crassirostris가 최우점종으로 조사되어, 지역별로 우점종의 구성이 다른 것으로 나타났다. 국립공원내에 위치한 철새중간기착지에서의 동시 조사는 본 조사가 처음이다. We performed simultaneous survey in order to compare the status of migratory birds at stopover sites in National Park. The study areas were Heuksan-do in Dadohaehaesang National Park and Somaemul-do in Hallyeohaesang National Park from 29 April to 2 May in 2013. We observed total 109 species, 2,537 individual. In two regions, 96 species, 1,615 individuals were observed in Heuksan-do and 45 species, 922 individuals observed in Somaemul-do. The dominant species was the Barn Swollow Hirundo rustica in Heukan-do and the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris in Somaemul-do. Domiant species differed between two regions. This study is the first time to monitor stopover sites simultaneously in Korea National Park.

      • 동기지향성에 따른 직무태도의 이원성

        박영석,박홍기 가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 개인의 동기지향성 유형에 따라 자신의 직무에 대한 태도가 어떻게 달라지는가를 알아 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 개인의 동기지향성 유형을 미동기화, 내재적 동기화, 외재적 동기화 그리고 이중동기화 집단으로 구분하였다. 이들에게 연구 1에서는 가설적인 직무상황을 제시하고 연구 2에서는 그들이 경험한 직무상황을 회상하게 하여 그 상황에서의 동기요인과 위생요인에 대한 태도를 측정하였다. 본 연구의 가설은 다음과 같다. 가설: 개인이 미동기화되어 있거나, 내재적으로 동기화되어 있거나, 또는 외재적으로 동기화되어 있으면 동기요인과 위생요인을 양극적으로 판단할 것이지만, 개인이 이중동기화되어 있으면 동기요인과 위생요인을 이원적으로 판단할 것이다. 위의 가설을 검증하기 위하여 두개의 연구를 계획하였다. 연구 1은 위생요인과 동기요인이 충실 또는 불충실한 4가지 가설적 직무생활을 피험자에게 제시하고, 각 상황에서 위생요인과 동기요인에 대한 태도를 측정하였다. 연구 2는 피험자들에게 실제 업무를 수행하는 과정에서 경험한 만족스러운 상황과 불만족스러운 상황을 회상하도록 하고, 그 상황에서의 동기요인과 위생요인에 대한 직무태도를 보고하도록 하였다. 연구 결과, 이중 동기회집단은 다른 집단들에 비해 위생요인과 동기요인을 더 이원적으로 판단하는 경향이 있었다. 끝으로 Herzberg 등(1959)의 2요인 이론이 개인의 동기지향성이라는 개인차에 의해 관찰될 수도 있고 관찰되지 않을 수도 있다고 논의하였다.

      • 보호관찰대상자의 NEO-PI-R 성격 특성과 심리적 성장환경에 관한 연구

        박지홍,차타순 부경대학교 학생생활연구소 2001 學生生活硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The purposed of the study were to investigate the personality traits of the NEO-PI-R and the Psychological Growth Environment for the probationers through the analysis of the personality traits, the psychological growth environment and the personality traits according to the parents images of the probationers groups. One hundred twenty probationers and one hundred twenty one high school students in Pusan were thested by the NEO-PI-R in Korean version and the Psychological Growth Environment. Major findings from this study are summarized as follows; 1)The probationers show lower scores in self-consciousness, fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, idears, valus, altruism, competence, dutifulness, deliberation of the NEO-PI-R than the normal groups. 2)The probationers show lower scores in achievements, mutual role expectations, mutual intimacy, love, receptivity of Psychological Growth Environment than the normal groups. 3)The probationers felt their parents democratically show higher scores in warmth, gregariousness, positive emotions, trust of NEO-PI-R than those felt their parents autocratically or noninterventionall

      • In situ hybridization과 염색체 미세해부에 의한 특정 염색체 띠에 대한 유전자 발굴

        홍기정,김현수,전용혁,김현,박선화 고려대학교 의과대학 1996 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.33 No.1

        Recently surmountable amounts of genes are being cloned but it is hard to define the chromosomal location and functions of these genes. In this study, a new technique was developed for cloning genes expressed in the developing human brain with confirmed chromosomal location. The mRNAs were extracted from 18 week old human fetal brain, cDNAs were made by reverse transcription from these mRNAs and Uni-amp cDNAs having Uni-amp adapters a t both ends were made for subsequent PCR. To observe the distribution of the Uni-amp cDNAs on the chromosome, fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed with biotin labeled Uni-amp cDNAs. Among the chromosome bands showing strong hybridization with the cDNAs, lq21, lq25, lq32 and lq42 were microdissected from the chromosome hybridized with unlabeled Uni-amp cDNAs and amplified by PCR with Uni-amp primers. These amplified cDNA fragments were subcloned to plasmid vectors and the nucleic acid sequences were analysed. As a result 18 different clones were confirmed the chromosomal localization. They were categorized as 4 clones of well characterized genes, 3 clones showing low homology with known genes, 5 clones of simply registered uncharacterized human cDNAs, and 6 clones of unknown genes. The evidence suggests that the technique is very useful to clone the genes that express in the developing human brain, with confirmed chromosomal location. In addition, this cloning technique can be used to discover the new genes related with neuronal development in combination with functional screening method.

      • 생활폐기물의 배출원별 발생량 및 질적 특성

        박종웅,권기홍,박상철,유호원,이학영 경산대학교(대구한의과대학) 1998 環境硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        This study aims to investigate generation and physicochemical characteristics of Municipal Solid Wastes(MSW) generated from different sources in Kyungju. The source are apartments(low, high-rise), single family houses(centra1, outer), traditional market, office(city hall), factory, school, Park. The unit waste discharge rate of residential MSW excluding recyclable solid wastes was 0.47 kg/(capita . day). The maximum coefficients of variation for month and season were 1.23, 1.17, respectively. The bulk density of solid wastes was largely different for each sampling site, and the bulk densities of apartment district, single family house district and public area were 232㎏/m, 247kg/m, 170kg/m, respectively. The load factory of vehicle was 457kg/m. The percentage of combustible material to solid wastes was 86.5%. The physical compositions of solid wastes were food of 36.2%, Paper of 32.3%, plastic of 11.9%, glass of 6.5%, metal of 4.6%, textile of 3.0%, rubber of 1.8% and wood of 1.3%. The proximate analysis results of solid wastes showed moisture of 45.7%, volatile solids of 45.2%, and ash of 9.1%. In case of moisture content, the maximum value showed 66.7% in high-rise apartment district and the minimum value 14.0% in school district. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine contents of combustible solid wastes were 48.4%, 7.0%, 25.9%, 1.3%, 0.2% and 0.4%, respectively. The low heating values of combustible solid wastes were 1,365 ~ 2,896kca1/kg (average 1,892kca1/kg) in residential area and 1,200∼3,878kca1/kg (average 2,178kca1/kg) in public area. Especially, the generation rate and the moisture content of residential MSW separating food wastes decreased 2.7 and 1.7 times and the low heating increased 2.1 times in apartment district.


        Effect of Graphene on Growth of Neuroblastoma Cells

        ( Park,Hye Bin ),( Hyo Geun Nam ),( Hong Gi Oh ),( Jung Hyun Kim ),( Chang Man Kim ),( Kwang Soup Song ),( Kwang Hwan Jhee ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2013 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.23 No.2

        The unique properties of graphene have earned much interest in the fields of materials science and condensedmatter physics in recent years. However, the biological applications of graphene remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the conditions and viability of a cell culture exposed to graphene onto glass and SiO2/Si, using a human nerve cell line, SH-SY5Y. Cell viability was 84% when cultured on glass and SiO2/Si coated with graphene as compared with culturing on polystyrene surface. Fluorescence data showed that the presence of graphene did not influence cell morphology. These findings suggest that graphene may be used for biological applications.

      • 분산체계 구현전략에 관한 연구

        朴棋鴻,李羊遠 群山大學校自然科學硏究所 1986 自然科學硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Recently, Distributed system has become the main issue in the Data Processing World. Accordingly many papers dealing with the subject are presented. This paper analyzed the general situation of University focused on Kunsan National University in order to realize Distributed System suitable for the surroundings of University. For the purpose of realizing Distributed System the hexagon method is composed and presented in consequence of the analysis.

      • KCI등재

        인공 치아우식 발생 모델에서 디지털 방사선 공제술을 이용한 인접면 치아우식증의 진단

        박정훈,최용석,황의환,이기자,최삼진,박영호,김경숙,진현석,홍경원,오범석,박헌국 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2009 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.39 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of the experiment was to evaluating the diagnostic ability of dental caries detection using digital subtraction in the artificial caries activity model. Materials and Methods : Digital radiographies of five teeth with 8 proximal surfaces were obtained by CCD sensor (Kodak RVG 6100 using a size #2). The digital radiographic images and subtraction images from artificial proximal caries were examined and interpreted. In this study, we proposed novel caries detection method which could diagnose the dental proximal caries from single digital radiographic image. Results : In artificial caries activity model, the range of lesional depth was 572-1,374 μm and the range of lesional area was 36.95-138.52mm². The lesional depth and the area were significantly increased with demineralization time (p<0.001). Furthermore, the proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography showed high detection rate compared to the proximal caries examination using simple digital radiograph. Conclusion : The results demonstrated that the digital subtraction radiography from single radiographic image of artificial caries was highly efficient in the detection of dental caries compared to the data from simple digital radiograph.

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