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      • KCI등재

        하빈 신후담의 『주역』 해석 일고찰

        최영진(Choi, Young-jin),이선경(Yi, Suhn-gyohng) 한국학중앙연구원 2014 한국학 Vol.37 No.2

        이 글은 조선 후기 실학자이자 역학자인 하빈(河濱) 신후담(愼後聃, 1702?1761)의 역학사상을 그의 주저 『주역상사신편(周易象辭新編)』을 통하여 고찰한 것이다. 이 글은 신후담 역학사상연구의 첫걸음으로 건괘(乾卦)를 중심으로 그의 『주역』해석의 특징을 살펴보았다. 『주역상사신편』은 신후담의 중기역학사상을 담고 있는 저작이다. 27세에 집필에 착수하여 33세에 완료한 이 저작에서 신후담은 정주(程朱)역학을 기반으로 하면서 이미 자신만의『주역』해석방법을 제시하고 있다. 먼저 『주역』의 편제에 대하여 신후담은『주역전의(周易傳義)』와 같이 전체를 12편으로 나누지만, 곤괘(坤卦) 이하의 배열구조는 옳지 않다고 보고, 경(經)은 경(經)대로, 전(傳)은 전(傳)대로 분류하는 건괘의 괘사?효사?단전?상전의 체제로 『주역』전체를 다시 편집한다. 이는『주역』의 ‘경’ 부분과 ‘전’ 부분에는 일정한 사상적 차이가 있다고 보는 것이라 할 수 있다. 신후담은 괘효사를 해석할 때 각 효의 자리(位)와 그에 따른 상(象)을 면밀히 분석한다. 상을 통하여 ‘의리’를 도출하며 점(占)을 언급하지는 않는다. 특히 효변(爻變)을 효사 해석의 구체적 방법으로 명시하여 각 효를 모두 효변에 입각해 풀이한다. 상과 효변에 입각한 『주역』 해석은 신후담에게 하나의 방법론이라 할 수 있을 정도로 구체화된 것이다. 이는 정주(程朱)의 역학과는 확연히 구별되는 특징이다. 조선 역학사에서 신후담 이전에 효변을 활용한 괘효사 해석의 사례는 간간이 있었지만,『주역』 효사 전체를 효변에 입각하여 해석하는 사례는 아직 찾을 수 없다. 또한 한 세대 뒤 인물인 정약용(1762?1836)이 효변을『주역』 해석의 방법론으로 체계화하였음을 볼 때, 양자의 효변론에 대한 비교연구, 더 나아가 성호(이익)학파 역학사상의 특징을 전체적으로 조감하는 연구가 필요할 것이다. 신후담의 역학은 ‘의리’를 추구한다는 점에서 정주의 역학을 계승하고 있으며, 효의 자리와 상의 관계를 철저하게 분석·종합하고, 효변을 괘효사 해석의 중심방법론으로 체계화하였다는 점에서『주역』 해석에 새로운 지평을 연 것으로 생각된다. This paper investigates the theory of Yi(易) held by Shin Hudam(愼後聃, 1702?1761) by examining his Zhouyixiangcixinbian(『周易象辭新編』). In particular, I focus on his interpretation of Qian Gua(乾卦) as it is the steppingstone of studying his theory of Yi. Shin starts to write Zhouyixiangcixinbian when he is 27 and finishes it at the age of 33. So, it represents his thoughts of Yi in the middle period of his academic career. In this book, Shin develops his own interpretation of Zhouyi (『周易』), drawing upon Cheng Yi’s and Zhu Xi’s theories. He divides Zhouyi with 12 sections as in Zhouyizhuanyi (『周易傳義』). However, unlike the existing way, he rearranged Zhouyi separating the Scriptures (經) from the Interpretations(傳). This reorganization reflects his view that there is a theoretical difference between the two different kinds of portions in Zhouyi. In interpreting the meaning of hexagram and the line, Shin fully analyzes the place of each line(爻) and its corresponding image(象). He draws out the implications of hexagram and the line without mentioning divination(占). Especially, he explicates each line based on the principle of lines’ change(爻變). Shin’s theory of Yi(易) is distinguished from Cheng Yi’s or Zhu Xi’s in that it is built upon the images and the principle of lines’ change in interpreting the lines. It also precedes one of the four interpretations of Zhouyi known as xiaobian(爻變) given by Jung Yakyoung(丁若鏞, 1762?1836). In conclusion, Shin’s theory succeeds Chen Yi’s and Zhu Xi’s in that it employs the implications (義理), whereas it differs from them in that it highlights the place of each line and its corresponding image and takes the principle of the lines’ change as the principal method of interpreting Zhouyi.

      • Slide Session : OS-IFD-07 ; Infectious Disease : In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus

        ( Myung Jin Lee ),( Kye Hyung Kim ),( Jong Youn Yi ),( Su Jin Choi ),( Chung Jong Kim ),( Nak Hyun Kim ),( Kyoung Ho Song ),( Pyoeng Gyun Choi ),( Ji Hwan Bang ),( Wan Beom Park ),( Eu Suk Kim ),( San 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.1

        In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Myung Jin LEE1, Kye-Hyung KIM1, Jongyoun YI2, SuJin CHOI1, Chung-Jong KIM1, Nak- Hyun KIM1, Kyoung-Ho SONG1, Pyoeng Gyun CHOI1, Ji-Hwan BANG1, Wan Beom PARK1, Eu Suk KIM1, Sang-Won PARK1, Hong Bin KIM1, Nam Joong KIM1, Myoung- Don OH1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea1, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea2 Background: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a novel Bunyavirus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). No effective antiviral therapy is proven yet, but clinical use of ribavirin (RBV) has been tried. We investigated the antiviral effect of RBV against SFTSV in vitro. Methods: To test for cytotoxicity of RBV, Vero cells were treated with different concentrations of RBV (3.90 to 500 μg/mL, two-fold dilution) and analyzed by cell viability MTS assay 48h post-infection. To determine antiviral activity of RBV against SFTSV, Vero cells were infected with SFTSV strain Gangwon/Korea/2012 at 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) per well in a 96-well plate, and RBV was added at the concentrations showing no or minimal cytotoxicity. Viral RNAs were extracted from the culture supernatants and quantifi ed using one-step real-time reverse transcription- PCR to amplify the partial large segment of SFTSV. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA with Tukey`s post hoc test. Results: Cytotoxicity due to RBV was not observed at RBV concentration =31.3 μg/ mL. Viral RNAs at 24h post-RBV treatment were reduced with increasing RBV concentrations (1-32 μg/mL), compared with those of mock-treated cells (P <0.01, Figure). Half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of RBV was 3.69 μg/mL at 24h post-RBV treatment. Conclusions: Our study shows that RBV has antiviral effect against SFTSV in a dose-dependent manner. Further studies are required to evaluate the effi cacy of RBV in SFTS.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 발발기의 관군(官軍)과 의병(義兵)- 당파적 인식의 청산을 위하여 -

        이태진 ( Tae Jin Yi ) 경상대학교 남명학연구소 2014 남명학연구 Vol.41 No.-

        임진왜란에 대한 인식에는 당파적 성향이 강하다. 전란이 일어나기 9년 전(1583)에 栗谷 李珥가 10만 양병을 주장한 것, 1590-91년 通信使 일행의 보고가 正使, 副使 간에 서로 달랐던 것에 대한 논란이 대표적이다. 두 가지는 이 시대 역사 인식에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있는 것인데도 객관적 분석, 판단보다도 분쟁적 측면이 필요이상으로 강조되는 경향이 있다. 당시 사대부들은 心性 도야를 중시하는 性理學者들이었다. 따라서 공과 사를 분명히 가리고, 강한 是非之心을 가졌다. 조정에 나아와서는 聖聰, 곧 군주의 옳은 판단을 이끄는 데 기여하는 것을 사명으로 삼아, 정사를 논할 때 자신의 견해를 엄정하게 표현하는 한편, 동료의 진언에 잘못이 보이면 지위 고하를 막론하고 논척하였다. 그러나 상대의 논변이 설득력이 있거나 실제의 사세에서 자신의 견해가 잘못된 것을 발견하면 이를 인정하기를 미덕으로 삼았다. 10만 양병설이나 통신사 보고 건에 관한 오늘날의 대척적 인식은 사실은 당대 관련자들 사이의 인식보다도 더 과장된 면이 없지 않다. 이 글은 당대의 관련 기록에 근거하여 후대의 부정적 윤색을 걷어내어 바른 지식과 인식을 확보하는 데 기여하고자 한다. 栗谷 李珥의 10만 양병제안, 鶴峰 金誠一의 의병 招諭의 역할, 西厓 柳成龍의 관군 재건의 공로를 주요 논제로 한다. The factional recognition is particularly strong on two facts below relating to the Toyotomi`s invasion to Korea in 1592. First, Yi-I (李珥), Minister of Military Affairs, suggested to raise 100,000 soldiers for the security of national defense in 1583, 9 years before the invasion, Second, Hwang Yun-kil(黃允吉), the Senior Envoy and Kim Seong-Il(金誠一), the Deputy Envoy of the Embassy to Japan in 1590, who were belong to different faction, presented different prospect on the possibility of invasion in each return report. Bothe cases`s disputable aspects which could affect the right recognition of the history at that time were improperly emphasized more than objective analysis or judgement by the factional bias in the later period. The literati including the high-ranking government officials at that time were Neo-Confucians who considered the cultivation of mind for the right judgement important in order to support the royal rule pursuing the equity. Therefore, official and private matters were distinguished cleary in their mental world and they had strong intend to judge right and wrong(是非之心). In government, focusing on following the right judgements of the king when discussed government affairs, subjects had to express their own opinions strictly. On the other hands, when they found wrongs from their colleagues` advises, they argued regardless of their titles or positions. However, when subjects considered it a merit to accept other`s persuasive opinion or their advises` defaults. The opposite recognitions shown from cases of raising 100,000 soldiers and reports from the senior and deputy envoys of the Embassy to Japan in 1590 were rather exaggerated somehow than the actual state in the later periods. This paper talks about the two topics to recover the correct history.

      • KCI등재

        Four new compounds from the bulbs of Lycoris aurea with neuroprotective effects against CoCl2 and H2O2-induced SH-SY5Y cell injuries

        An Jin,Xuelian Xiang,Yun-Yun Zhu,Heng-Yi Yu,Hui-Fang Pi,Peng Zhang,Han-Li Ruan 대한약학회 2014 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.37 No.3

        Three new alkaloids, 2a-hydroxy-6-O-n-butyloduline,O-n-butyllycorenine, (-)-N-(chloromethyl)lycoramine(1–3), and a new phenolic compound, ((7S)-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-7-hydroxypropyl)-20-methylbenzene-30,60-diol (14), along with ten known alkaloids (4–13), wereisolated from the bulbs of Lycoris aurea collected fromHuaihua County of Hunan Province, China. Their structureswere elucidated by spectroscopic methods includingHRESIMS, UV, IR, and NMR. All the isolated compoundswere tested for their neuroprotective effects against CoCl2and H2O2-induced SH-SY5Y cell death. Compounds 1–7and 10 exhibited significant neuroprotective effects againstCoCl2-induced SH-SY5Y cell injury, while compounds1–5, 7, 10 and 12 showed obvious neuroprotective effectsagainst H2O2-induced SH-SY5Y cell death.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Activities and Working Conditions on Fire Accidents on Construction Sites

        ( Yi¸ Kyoo-jin ) 한국건축시공학회 2020 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Accidents on construction sites involving fires do not occur as often as accidents involving falls from height or collapses. However, once a fire accident occurs, there is a high risk of a large number of casualties. Fire on construction sites is affected by working conditions and the types of activities the construction workers are engaged in at the sites. This study aims to identify activities and working conditions at construction sites that are vulnerable to fire, and analyse how they correlate with each other and how they affect the causes and consequences of fire accidents at construction sties. I analysed 40 fire accident reports and listed the situations vulnerable to fire at construction sites considering direct causes, activities, and working conditions. The most dangerous combination of fire hazards can be the heating devices used during rest/sleep in the office/cabin/storage during cold weather. The next most hazardous combination can be sparks arising from painting, waterproofing, insulation, plumbing, or welding/melting work in an underground or confined space.

      • Re-examination of Analytical Models for Microwave Scattering from Deciduous Leaves

        Oh, Yi-Sok,Hong, Jin-Young 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        본 논문은 활엽수의 잎에 대한 전파 산란 모델들의 정확성을 수치 해석적 방법인 method of moment(mom)로 비교, 검증하였다. 나뭇잎에 대한 전파 산란 모델로는 Rayleigh모델, GRG모델, PO모델이 있으며, PO모델은 나뭇잎을 resistive sheet으로 근사화하여 계산했다. 잎에 대한 전파 산란 모델들의 유효영역을 method of moment의 수치적 결과와 비교하였으며 두께가 얇은 유전율 디스크에 대해서는 전파 산란 모델들의 유효영역을 확장할 수 있음을 알아냈다. 나뭇잎의 두께(0.2∼0.4mm)가 매우 얇기 때문에 GRG모델과 PO모델 둘다 나뭇잎에 대한 마이크로파 해석에 사용할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Localization of Antigenic Sites at the Amino-terminus of Rinderpest Virus N Protein Using Deleted N Mutants and Monoclonal Antibody

        Kang-seuk Choi,Jin-ju Nah,Young-joon Ko,Shien-young Kang,Yi-seol Joo 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        of Antigenic Sites at the Amino-terminus of Rinderpest Virus N Protein Using Deleted N Mutants and Monoclonal AntibodyKang-seuk Choi*, Jin-ju Nah, Young-joon Ko, Shien-young Kang1 and Yi-seok JooNational Veterinary Research and Quarantine service, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 480 Anyang, Gyounggi 430-824, Korea1Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, 48 Gaeshin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, KoreaReceived April 2, 2003 / Accept July 10, 2003J. Vet. Sci. (2003), 4(2), 167-173JOURNAL OFVeterinaryScience*Corresponding author: Kang-seuk Choi National Veterinary Research and Quarantine service, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 480 Anyang, Gyounggi 430-824, Korea Tel: +82-31-467-1860, Fax: +82-31-449-5882 E-mail: choiks@nvrqs.go.kr

      • 정상보행시 체중심의 수직 가속도 특성

        이진복,강성재,김영호 한국전문물리치료학회 2002 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        In this study, vertical acceleration of center of mass was observed along normal gait phases in 9 healthy male volunteers (aged 25.7±2.18). The developed wireless accelerometric device was attached on the intervertebral space between L3 and L4 using a semi-elastic waist belt. A three-dimensional motion analysis system, synchronized with the accelerometry, was used for detecting gait phases. There was no significant correlation between the body weight and the acceleration. The first peak curve covered loading response phase. The second downward peak point was matched accurately with the opposite toe-off. In mid-stance and terminal stance, the acceleration curve highly resembled the vertical ground reaction force curve. There was no significant difference in timing between the final upward peak point and the initial contact. Therefore, the developed accelerometry system would be helpful in determining determine temporal gait patterns in patients with gait disorders.

      • KCI등재후보

        버블 전과 버블 후의 인터넷기업 평가의 비교·분석

        이준섭,김진백 한국정보사회진흥원 2004 정보화정책 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구에서는 2000년 발생하였던 인터넷 버블의 붕괴 전과 붕괴 후 국내 순수 인터넷기업을 평가하는데 중요한 요인들을 탐색하고자 한다. 인터넷기업 평가를 위해 다양한 형태의 재무 요인과 웹트래픽 요인이 사용되었고, 재무요인만을 고려한 재무 모형, 웹트래픽만을 고려한 웹트래픽 모형, 그리고 재무 요인과 웹트래픽 요인 모두를 포함한 결합 모형 형태의 분석이 행해졌으며, 특히 웹트래픽 요인에서 제공되는 추가적인 역할에 초점을 맞추었다. 웹트래픽은 인터넷기업을 평가함에 있어서 매우 중요한 변수로 가정되고 있다. 그 이유는 인터넷상에서의 방문자 없이는 미래의 매출로 이어지는 고객관계가 형성될 수 없기 때문이다. 본 연구에서 사용된 웹트래픽 측정치는 순방문자 수, 방문자 수, 도달률, 페이지뷰, 방문자당 페이지뷰, 방문자당 체제시간 등을 포함한다. 회귀분석결과 버블 붕괴 전과 붕괴 있어서 투자자들의 인터넷기업 평가내용이 변화되었다 버블 붕괴 전에는 웹트래픽 정보가 더 중요한 변수로 나타났으나, 버블 붕괴 후에는 웹트래픽과 재무정보 모두 중요한 역할을 하였다. 결과적으로 인터넷기업 평가에 있어서 재무정보도 중요하지만 웹트래픽 정보가 더 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 인체에서 방사되는 생물광자(生物光子)에 대한 소고

        이승호,김진수,박하준,양준모,소광섭,임사비나 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2006 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2006 No.-

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to review research papers published by Korean research groups on biophoton of human beings based on experiment subject and methodology. Methods : In order to review human biophoton research executed in Korea, all the papers published in Korean and international journals by Korean research groups were selected. Several key foreign papers were also reviewed for clarification of this study. Based on experiment subjects, experiment methodology, and interpretation of experiment results were analyzed. On each experiment, its original interpretation was directly quoted. Issues on the experiment methodology and interpretation were expressed at the end of each subject. Results and Conclusions : We found that experiments on human biophoton were compelling. However it seemed that mom experiments, especially on their sample sizes, ate needed to demonstrate its clinical application. Interpretations based on Korean traditional medicine also need to be elaborated more. In order to do accomplish clinical application of biophoton, interdisciplinary works are required. Some suggestions on biophoton experiments were made.

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