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        InGaAs-based Tunneling Field-effect Transistor with Stacked Dual-metal Gate with PNPN Structure for High Performance

        Ra Hee Kwon,Sang Hyuk Lee,Young Jun Yoon,Jae Hwa Seo,Young In Jang,Min Su Cho,Bo Gyeong Kim,Jung-Hee Lee,In Man Kang 대한전자공학회 2017 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.17 No.2

        We have proposed an InGaAs-based gateall-around (GAA) tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) with a stacked dual-metal gate (DMG). The electrical performances of the proposed TFET are evaluated through technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed TFET demonstrates improved DC performances including high on-state current (Ion) and steep subthreshold swing (S), in comparison with a single-metal gate (SMG) TFET with higher gate metal workfunction, as it has a thinner sourcechannel tunneling barrier width by low workfunction of source-side channel gate. The effects of the gate workfunction on Ion, the off-state current (Ioff), and S in the DMG-TFETs are examined. The DMG-TFETs with PNPN structure demonstrate outstanding DC performances and RF characteristics with a higher n-type doping concentration in the In0.8Ga0.2As source-side channel region.

      • 식이를 통한 농약섭취량에 관한 연구 : 두류, 서류, 견과류, 종실류, 채소류, 과실류 및 그 가공품에 대하여 legumes,potatoes,nuts,seeds,vegetables,fruits and their products

        원경풍,홍무기,최동미,오창환,박건상,최윤주,안장혁,황인균,정지윤,정선미,박일경,이정복,장선영,홍주연,최영내 식품의약품안전청 1998 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.2 No.-

        우리가 섭취하는 식품을 수세 , 탈피, 가열 등으로 섭취직전의 상태로 조리하여 잔류농약을 분석하였다. 그 결과 식품 섭처를 통한 농약의 1일 춘정 섭취량(EDI : estimated daily intake)을 파악하고 이를 농약의 1일섭취허용량(ADI : acceptabte daily intake) 및 이론적 최대섭취량(TffDt : theoretical maxiraum daily in늘he)과 비교하여 우리나라 국민이 식품으로부터 섭취하는 농약의 양에 대한 안전성을 평71하였다. 보편성있는 식품수거를 위채 수거대상 지역은 인구가 밀집되어 있는 대도시인 서울, 부산, 대구』 인천 , 대전, 광주, 수원, 전주, 마산과 춘천의 10곳을 선정하였다. 대상식품으로는 두류 및 가공품 11종, 서류 및 가공품 3종.견과류 및 가공품 8종, 기호식물류 1종, 종실류 2총, 과실류 및 가공품 20종, 채소류 21종의 총 50종of었다. 분석대상농약은 동시다셩분 분석채 가능한 농약으로 HPD대상농약 11종 및 ECD대상농약 48종으로 총 59졸이었다. 1995년부터 5개년 계획으로 수행되어 온 본 딴구는 큼년이 4차년도였으며,종전보다 대상식품 및 대상농약을 크게 늘리고 시료 전처리에 있어석 자동화된 고상추출 정제법을 사용하여 시료 처리속도를 창상시켰다. 분쇄된 시료들은 acetonitrile로 추출한 후 정제하여 GC/BCD 및 GC/HPD로 분석하고 검출된 성분들은 GC/MSD로 재확인차였다. 분석 결과 총 660 식품중 9식품(딸기, 복숭아, 풋고추, 고춧가루, 파, 피망, 상추, 시금치 , 깻잎 )에서 4종의 농약(procymidone, EPN, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos)이 검출피었으며, 이들 식품 십취를 통한 농약의 추정 섭취량()801)은 0.01 ~ 1.28rg/person/day 수준으로 극히 미팡이었다. 대상농약중에서 가장 많이 섭취되고 있는 농약은 on(losulfan으로 그 EDI를 ADI와 ㅂ1교한 결과 0.39%에 불과 하였으며, 이론적 최대섭취량(TMDI)과 비교한 결과도 0.49% 수준으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구의 대상식품을 섭치할 경우 분석대상 농약으로 인한 안전성에는 문제가 얼는 것으로 려가되었다. In order to rstimate the intake of pesticide residues through foods which is prepared ready to eat, total diet study(TDS) was carried. The foods(legumes, potatees, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegeta-bles a8d their products) were purchased at the retail stores in 10 large cities of Korea, respectively. Thecollected 660 samples(66 foods x10 regions) were pr,etreated in a manBer similar to that used at home(washing, trimming, peeling. boiling and etc ) and followed Uy the automated solid phase extraction.Frem the extracted samples, total 59 pesticides were determined by capillary gas chromatography withECD, NPD and MSD. The levels of pesticide residues were resulted in not detected or orders of magni-tude lower than maximum residve limits for most of samples. However, in 9 samples(strawberrf, peach,green pepper, red pepper powder, scallion, bell pepper, lettuce korean, spinach, wild sesame leaf),4 pesti-cides(procymidone, chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, EPN) were detected with the estimated daily intake(EDE)values of fftl ~l.28rg/person/day. These EBI values were corresponded to <0.01 ~ 1.82% of ADT(for55kg person) and <0.01 ~O.49% of TMDI.

      • 커뮤니티 槪念을 導入한 都市整備事業 推進方案에 관한 硏究 : 도시 및 마을만들기 手法을 中心으로

        장준호,이인혁 안양대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 自然科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        시민의식의 성숙과 행정 측의 새로운 패러다임의 변화 요청으로 1990년대 들어서 도시 및 마을만들기의 사고방식이 급속히 보급되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 상황에서 현재 도시만들기의 사례가 급격히 늘어나고 있으며 지방자치의 본격화와 시민들의 적극적인 활동으로 도시만들기의 증가 추세는 앞으로도 더욱 지속되고 강화될 전망이다. 그러나 일부 주민의 이해부족과 동참 거부, 행정과 주민의 이해 상충, 주민 참여의 적극성 결여, 홍보 및 지원 부족, 정보 부족 등의 문제들이 속출되고 있다. 이것은 도시만들기의 주체인 행정, 기업, 주민, 전문가 사이의 계획적인 연계체계가 부족해서 발생되었다고 본다. 이러한 문제들을 극복하기 위해 도시만들기는 인간 정주공간을 보다 윤택하고 살기 좋은 공간으로 변화시키는데 주력해야 한다. 인간이 살기 좋은 공간의 구성을 위해서는 지구 기반시설 정비, 건축물 정비, 거리미 보전, 상점가 활성화, 기존 구 시가지 개선, 지역 종합개발 등의 활동이 이루어져야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to make a new community planning paradigm by means of citizen participation. As a result of this study the following conclusions have been drawn. In order to make a successful redevelopment and district environment revitalization projects we must induce citizen participation, informing of district situation, supporting of monetary fund, enhancing of public & private partnership, revising of urban planning law and so on.


        Consumption of Water-Soluble Egg Yolk Extract on Growth Rate, Changes in Blood Cholesterol Levels, and Immune Modulation in BALB/c Mice

        Lee, Won-Young,Lee, Ran,Kim, Hee-Chan,Lee, Kyung-Hoon,Noh, Kyung Sook,Kim, Hyoun Wook,Kim, Ji-Hyuk,Ahn, Dong-Uk,Jang, In-Surk,Jang, Aera,Lee, Hoon-Taek,Song, Hyuk Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resource 2013 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.33 No.5

        Egg consumption has been limited to avoid cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia, because the yolk contains high levels of cholesterol. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the water-soluble component of egg-yolk on the growth efficiency, immune modulation, and changes in serum lipid levels in BALB/c mice. A total 5 wk old 120 BALB/c male mice were divided into 4 groups and were fed 0, 2, 10, and 20 mg/d water-soluble egg yolk extract (WSEYE) for 5 wk. Water-soluble egg yolk extract (WSEYE) uptake resulted in a significant reduction in daily weight gain and feed efficiency rate (FER). The mouse groups treated with 2 and 20 mg/d WSEYE showed a significant increase in populations of monocytes at the third wk and B-lymphocyte activity at the fifth wk. In addition, WSEYE uptake did not influence serum immunoglobulin E levels. In serum lipid-profile studies, treatment of WSEYE did not alter total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels; however, blood triglyceride levels were significantly diminished in mice treated with 2 mg/d at the third wk (p<0.05), and the level of high-density lipoprotein was significantly increased in the mice group treated with 2 and 10 mg/d WSEYE after 5 wk (p<0.05). Taken together, the data demonstrate the beneficial effects of WSEYE in the diet on immune modulation and serum lipid profiles in mouse models; therefore, this study suggests that ingestion of water-soluble fraction of egg yolk might not be related to the increased risk of heart disease, but can be an excellent candidate for maintaining health.

      • A Study on the Properties of 36,000lb Porcelain Insulators by Contained Alumina of Raw Materials

        Choi In-Hyuk,Choi Jang-Hyun,Jung Yoon-Hwan,Lee Dong-Il The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2005 KIEE International Transactions on Electrophysics Vol.5C No.1

        In order to analyze the properties of domestically produced 36,000lb porcelain insulators by change of the alumina addition to raw materials, 36000lb ball socket type suspension insulators that were manufactured in 1989, 1995 and 2001 were removed from transmission lines and an experiment was performed. The results indicated that 8 [wt.%] alumina, which influences the mechanical properties and arc resistance properties in the case of insulators that were manufactured in 1989 was contained, and the relative density and the fracture toughness of insulators appeared by 94.2% and 1.4 [MpaㆍM/sup 1/2/], respectively. However, 12 [wt.%] alumina was contained in the case of insulators that were manufactured in 1995, and the relative density and the fracture toughness of insulators appeared preferably lower by 92% and 1.3 [MpaㆍM/sup 1/2/], respectively. The greatest amount of alumina was contained by 17 [wt.%] in the case of insulators that were manufactured in 2001. It was confirmed that the electrical and mechanical characteristics such as the relative density and the fracture toughness appeared remarkably by 96% and 1.7 [Mpaㆍm/sup 1/2/], respectively.


        A novel IL-10-producing innate lymphoid cells (ILC10) in a contact hypersensitivity mouse model

        ( Hyuk Soon Kim ),( Jong-hwa Jang ),( Min Bum Lee ),( In Duk Jung ),( Yeong-min Park ),( Young Mi Kim ),( Wahn Soo Choi ) 생화학분자생물학회(구 한국생화학분자생물학회) 2016 BMB Reports Vol.49 No.5

        The immunoregulatory cytokine Interleukin 10 (IL-10) protein is produced by various cells during the course of inflammatory disorders. Mainly, it downregulates pro-inflammatory cytokines, antigen presentation, and helper T cell activation. In this study, we show that the ratio of IL-10-producing cells was significantly increased in lineage negative (i.e., not T, B, or leukocyte cell lineages) cells than in lineage positive cells in lymphoid and peripheral tissues. We further observed that IL-10-producing innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), here called firstly ILC10, were increased in number in oxazolone-induced contact hypersensitivity (CHS) mice. In detail, IL-10-producing lineage negative cells were elevated in the axillary, inguinal lymph node, and ear tissues of CHS mice. Notably, the cells expressed classical ILC marker proteins such as CD45, CD127, and Sca-1. Altogether, our findings suggest for the first time that ILC10s are present in various physiological settings and could be involved in numerous immune responses as regulatory cells. [BMB Reports 2016; 49(5): 293-296]


        A novel IL-10-producing innate lymphoid cells (ILC10) in a contact hypersensitivity mouse model

        ( Hyuk Soon Kim ),( Jong-hwa Jang ),( Min Bum Lee ),( In Duk Jung ),( Yeong-min Park ),( Young Mi Kim ),( Wahn Soo Choi ) 생화학분자생물학회(구 한국생화학분자생물학회) 2016 BMB Reports Vol.49 No.6

        The immunoregulatory cytokine Interleukin 10 (IL-10) protein is produced by various cells during the course of inflammatory disorders. Mainly, it downregulates pro-inflammatory cytokines, antigen presentation, and helper T cell activation. In this study, we show that the ratio of IL-10-producing cells was significantly increased in lineage negative (i.e., not T, B, or leukocyte cell lineages) cells than in lineage positive cells in lymphoid and peripheral tissues. We further observed that IL-10-producing innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), here called firstly ILC10, were increased in number in oxazolone-induced contact hypersensitivity (CHS) mice. In detail, IL-10-producing lineage negative cells were elevated in the axillary, inguinal lymph node, and ear tissues of CHS mice. Notably, the cells expressed classical ILC marker proteins such as CD45, CD127, and Sca-1. Altogether, our findings suggest for the first time that ILC10s are present in various physiological settings and could be involved in numerous immune responses as regulatory cells. [BMB Reports 2016; 49(5): 293-296]

      • A fixed-dose combination tablet of gemigliptin and metformin sustained release has comparable pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and tolerability profiles to separate tablets in healthy subjects

        Park, Sang-In,Lee, Howard,Oh, Jaeseong,Lim, Kyoung Soo,Jang, In-Jin,Kim, Jeong-Ae,Jung, Jong Hyuk,Yu, Kyung-Sang Dove Medical Press 2015 Drug design, development and therapy Vol.9 No.-

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>In type 2 diabetes mellitus, fixed-dose combination (FDC) can provide the complementary benefits of correction of multiple pathophysiologic defects such as dysfunctions in glycemic or metabolic control while improving compliance compared with separate tablets taken together. The objective of the study reported here was to compare the pharmacodynamic (PD), pharmacokinetic (PK), and tolerability profiles of gemigliptin and extended-release metformin (metformin XR) between FDC and separate tablets.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>A randomized, open-label, single-dose, two-way, two-period, crossover study was conducted in 28 healthy male volunteers. Two FDC tablets of gemigliptin/metformin 25/500 mg or separate tablets of gemigliptin (50 mg ×1) and metformin XR (500 mg ×2) were orally administered in each period. Serial blood samples were collected up to 48 hours post-dose to determine dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) activity using spectrophotometric assay and concentrations of gemigliptin and metformin using tandem mass spectrometry. Geometric mean ratios (GMRs) of FDC to separate tablet formulations and their 90% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to compare the PD and PK parameters between the two formulations. Tolerability was assessed throughout the study.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>The plasma DPP-4 activity–time curves of the FDC and the separate tablets almost overlapped, leading to a GMR (90% CI) of the FDC to separate tablets for the plasma DPP-4 activity and its maximum inhibition of 1.00 (0.97–1.04) and 0.92 (0.82–1.05), respectively. Likewise, all of the GMRs (90% CIs) of FDC to separate tablets for the area under the plasma concentration–time curve and maximum plasma concentration of gemigliptin and metformin fell entirely within the conventional bioequivalence range of 0.80–1.25. Both the FDC and separate tablets were well tolerated.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>The PD, PK, and tolerability profiles of gemigliptin and metformin XR in FDC and separate tablets were found to be comparable. The FDC tablet of gemigliptin and metformin sustained release can be a convenient therapeutic option in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus requiring a combination approach.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Status and prospect of workforce requirement for surgery in republic of Korea

        Joo Hyun Kim,Sang Seol Jung,In Kyu Lee,Byung Joo Song,Jae Hwan Moon,Yong-Seog Jang,Hyuk-Joon Lee,Eun Sook Lee,Wang Jun Lee,Kil Yeon Lee 대한외과학회 2011 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.81 No.6

        Purpose: In order to prepare long-term alternatives to surgical residency training and workforce policies in Korea, objective data are needed; in addition, determination of the status of surgical procedures being performed is also needed. Methods: Cases of surgeries performed by board-certified Korean surgeons for 1 year, from July 2009 to June 2010 were reviewed and analyzed. Variation of the last five years was also investigated against the number of surgery cases of the same item and for data on status of population, medical institutions, and surgeons. Results: Difficulty in distribution of a given surgery varied according to the classification of medical institution types, and performance of highly difficult surgeries occurred more in tertiary hospitals. The number of surgeries has increased over the last 5 years (28.1%). The number of surgeries among elderly patients (41.5%), high difficulty (41.8%), and tertiary hospitals (34.9%) has especially increased. There has been no increase in the number of diagnosis related group claim cases for the last 5 years (-0.8%). 43.3% of surgeons working at private clinics in Korea did not present surgery as an indicating item of their clinics. Conclusion: While the demand for surgeons in high risk and highly difficult surgeries is continuously increasing, stagnation is expected in the traditional area. Considering the proportion and current status of surgeons working at private clinics, the need for a realistic reduction in the quota of surgical residents and reconsideration of personnel policies is raised.


        Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Common Carotid Artery in Takayasu's Arteritis Using Velocity Vector Imaging

        Cho, In Jeong,Shim, Chi Young,Yang, Woo-In,Kim, Sung-Ai,Chang, Hyuk-Jae,Jang, Yangsoo,Chung, Namsik,Ha, Jong-Won Japanese Circulation Society. 2010 CIRCULATION JOURNAL Vol.74 No.7

        <P><B><I>Background:</I></B> Alteration of arterial elastic properties is known to occur in patients with arteritis. Velocity vector imaging (VVI) is a new technology to assess multi-dimensional regional mechanics in terms of velocity, strain, strain rate and displacement. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanical properties of the common carotid artery using VVI in patients with Takayasu's arteritis (TA). <B><I>Methods and Results:</I></B> Vascular properties of the carotid artery were assessed in 12 patients with TA (11 female, age 38±10 years) and 12 healthy age- and sex-matched controls. Velocity, strain, strain rate and displacement were decreased significantly in TA compared with controls. Standard deviations, however, of time to peak velocity (Tv), strain (Ts), strain rate (Tsr), and displacement (Td) of multiple arterial wall segments were significantly higher in TA (P<0.0001), suggesting disturbance of symmetric arterial expansion during systole. The severity of carotid stenosis was also positively correlated with standard deviations of Tv, Ts, Tsr and Td. <B><I>Conclusions:</I></B> Arterial assessment using VVI may represent a new noninvasive method for quantifying vascular alteration associated with arteritis.  (<I>Circ J</I> 2010; <B>74:</B> 1465 - 1470)</P>

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