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        최현식(Choi, Hyun?sik) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.46

        이 글은 이육사의 시를 ‘예외상태’에 처한 호모 사케르, 곧 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 개념과 의미를 빌려 해석하고자 한다. ‘예외상태’는 파시즘과 나치즘이 구체적 실례로 거론되는 것에서 보듯이 문민적 영역 속에 군사적 전시 권한이 확장되는 사태, 나아가 헌법의 효력이 정지되어 시민들을 권력의 자의적 처분에 따라 말살시킬 수 있는 폭력적 상황을 뜻한다. ‘벌거벗은 생명’은 그런 상황에서 ‘살해는 할 수 있으나 희생물로는 가치화될 수 없는 생명’을 뜻한다. 일제 천황이 지배하는 식민지 조선은 ‘예외상태’가 상시화된 공간이었으며, 특히 일제에 대한 비판과 저항에 종사하는 식민지인은 ‘호모 사케르’로 간주되어 마땅한 위험 분자들이었다. 본고는 이를 중심으로, 첫째, ‘한 개의 별’, 곧 새로운 지구의 건설을 염원하는 방랑자의 ‘노정’, 둘째, 실향과 탈향의 ‘고향’ 담론을 통한 살해의 회피, 그리고 동아시아의 현실 인식과 문학에의 의지를 새롭게 배우는 또 다른 고향으로서 중국, 문학운동의 모범으로서 루쉰의 영향과 수렴의 의미, 셋째, 이육사의 타자 지향성을 대표하는 ‘손님’과 ‘초인’의 발견과 호명, 그를 통한 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 본원적 고향으로의 귀환과 도래의 의미, 궁극적인 사태로서 ‘살해’의 회피와 미학적 구원의 가능성, 넷째, 1946년 육당의 사후 발간된 유고 시집 『육사시집』의 진정한 가치, 즉 ‘저항’을 넘어서는 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 기록과 기억의 위대성과 같은 주제들을 살펴보았다. The purpose of this study is to analyze Lee, Yuk-sa’s poems in terms of Homo Sacer positioned in ‘State of Exception’, that is, the concept and meaning of ‘nuda vita’. As fascism and Nazism are discussed with concrete cases, ‘exception status’ implies the situation in which the military authority of war is extended within the civilian sector and even the status of violence in which the effect of the Constitution stops and citizens can be annihilated according to the arbitrary disposal of authority. ‘Nuda vita’ means ‘life that can be killed but never becomes devalued as a sacrifice’ in such situation. In Chosun, the colony ruled by the Japanese Emperor, was the space where ‘exception status’ was ordinarily found. Especially, the colonized people engaged in criticism or resistance to Japan were those regarded dangerous as ‘Homo Sacer’. Mainly about that, this study has examined, first, ‘The One Star’, the ‘journey’ of a wanderer wishing to build new Earth, second, the avoidance of killing based on the discourse of the ‘hometown’ related to displacement or deprivation, China as another hometown to recognize the reality of East Asia and learn will for literature newly, and also the influence of Lu, Hsun as a model of the literary movement and the meaning of convergence, third, the discovery and calling of ‘The Guest’ and ‘The Superhuman’ representing Lee, Yuk-sa’s orientation to others, the meaning of return and coming to the original hometown of ‘nuda vita’ through that, and also the avoidance of ‘killing’ as the event of ultimacy and the value of possibility of aesthetic salvation, and fourth, the authentic value of Yuk-sa’s poetry, the collection of his poems published after Yukdang’s death in 1946, that is, the records of ‘nuda vita’ beyond ‘resistance’ and themes such as the greatness of memory.

      • KCI등재

        ‘모던 만주’, 이상과 파국의 임계지대-김남천의 『사랑의 수족관』을 가로질러-

        최현식 ( Choi Hyun-sik ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2017 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        글은 김남천은 『사랑의 수족관』을 중심으로, 연애의 기차, 만주의 문제성을 다룬다. 보통 이 작품은 경성에 초점을 맞춰 주인공들의 사랑과 성공의 욕망을 서사화한 것으로 평가 한다. 또한 직업과 생활을 문제를 회사 경영, 기술자, 자선사업, 양재사, 바(bar)의 여급 등을 등장시켜 관찰, 묘사한 것에 주목한다. 이를 통해 ‘사실의 세기’로 흔히 평가되는 1940년을 전후한 식민지 조선의 현실과, 그를 바라보는 소설가 김남천의 내면과 전향의 논리를 다시 살펴보고자 한다. 본고는 이 작품에서 오히려 미지와 공백의 지표로 남겨진 것으로 평가되는 만주, 특히 길림-사가방 연선의 서사화 및 상상적 접근에 중심을 두고자 한다. 그럼으로써 ‘만주 모던’의 의미와 가치, 그곳으로 이주한 조선인의 현실과 삶의 저변을 짚어나갈 것이다. 하여 경성이 대흥콘체른의 이신국과 그 영양(令孃) 경희, 토목기사 광호의 공간이라면, 만주는 직업과 생활을 앞세운 현순과 양자의 공간임을 전제한다. 물론 『사랑의 수족관』에서 만주의 풍경과 내면은 주로 광호와 경희의 기차와 여행, 길림 방문을 통해 제시된다. 그러나 개척의 식민도시 신경과 길림, 사가방은 경성의 또 다른 재현이자 연장의 공간이다. 이를 비판적으로 조감하고 당대 만주의 현실을 드러내기 위해 현순과 양자를 화자로 설정한다. 그를 통해 조선인·일본인·만주인의 기묘한 갈등과 싸움, 결속이 이뤄졌던 농토개척단 및‘춤추는 여자’와 ‘팔려온 여자’로 대표되는 만주 유흥공간의 문제성을 분석한다. 결국 이를 통해 만주에서 생활과 직업을 구했던 조선이주민 현순과 양자, 개척농민들이 이중으로 소외되고 있음을 밝히고자 한다. This paper deals with the train of romance and the issue of Manchuria focusing on Love Aquarium by Kim Nam-Cheon. Usually, this work is considered to be a narrative on the main characters’ desire about love and success, focusing on Kyungseong(an old name for Seoul). It also noted that the problems of occupation and life are observed and depicted with the appearance of company management, an engineer, charity business, a costume maker, and a bar waitress. Through this, this paper tries to review the reality of the colonial Joseon around 1940, the period often regarded as the ‘century of facts’, and the inside of novelist Kim Nam-Cheon who looks at it and his logic of conversion. This paper focuses on the narrative and imaginative approach of Manchuria, especially Gillim-Sagabang railroad, which is regarded as an indicator of the unknown and empty in this work. By doing so, it will examine the meaning and value of ‘Modern Manchuria’, the reality of the Korean people who migrated there and their bases of life. If Kyungseong is the space of Lee Shin-Kook of Daeheung Konzern, his daughter Kyung-Hee, and civil engineer Gwang-Ho, it is presumed that Manchuria is the space of Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja, those who focus on occupation and life. Of course, in Love Aquarium, the scenery and inside of Manchuria are mainly presented through the train and trips of Gwang-Ho and Kyung-Hee, their visit to Gillim. However, the colonial cities of pioneering, Sinkyung, JGillim, and Sagabang is another recreation of Kyungseong and a space of extension. In order to examine this critically and to reveal the reality of Manchuria of the time, Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja are set as narrators. Through this, this paper analyzes the problems of the farm pioneering group which had conflicts, fights, and unity among the people of Joseon, Japan, and Manchuria and the space of entertainment represented by ‘dancing women’ and ‘women who were sold’. In the end, this paper tries to reveal that Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja, Korean immigrants who searched for life and occupation in Manchuria, and pioneer farmers were doubly alienated there.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Development of a Reduction Algorithm of GEO Satellite Optical Observation Data for Optical Wide Field Patrol (OWL)

        Sun-youp Park,Jin Choi1,Jung Hyun Jo,Ju Young Son,Yung-Sik Park,Hong-Suh Yim,Hong-Suh Yim,Hong-Kyu Moon,Young-Ho Bae,Jang-Hyun Park 한국우주과학회 2015 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.32 No.3

        An algorithm to automatically extract coordinate and time information from optical observation data of geostationary orbit satellites (GEO satellites) or geosynchronous orbit satellites (GOS satellites) is developed. The optical wide-field patrol system is capable of automatic observation using a pre-arranged schedule. Therefore, if this type of automatic analysis algorithm is available, daily unmanned monitoring of GEO satellites can be possible. For data acquisition for development, the COMS1 satellite was observed with 1-s exposure time and 1-m interval. The images were grouped and processed in terms of “action”, and each action was composed of six or nine successive images. First, a reference image with the best quality in one action was selected. Next, the rest of the images in the action were geometrically transformed to fit in the horizontal coordinate system (expressed in azimuthal angle and elevation) of the reference image. Then, these images were median-combined to retain only the possible non-moving GEO candidates. By reverting the coordinate transformation of the positions of these GEO satellite candidates, the final coordinates could be calculated.

      • 인터넷여행사 웹사이트 컨텐츠 개선방안에 관한 연구

        최영민,최현식 한국문화관광학회 2004 문화관광연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Recent global environmental changes by Internet network affect people's source of information. According to the internet, internet travel agencies also have been affected, and changed to promote their contents or their ways of business since 1990'. They usually make their website in the internet, and supply much information of tourism. There are many internet travel agencies in the internet network, and anyone can touch and use the information. So, people can find beneficial things and products from good tourism website. However, there are only some good internet travel agencies in Korea. Because they have some problems of their contents at their website. Empirical analysis was performed on the basis of these document research. Targets of empirical analysis are travel agencies that are located in Seoul or have homepage on the Internet. Therefore, this study aim presenting the best way of the successful operating with improving the content of the internet travel agency.

      • 초중고등학교 행정관리 시스템 설계 및 구축 사례 Easy_SRP System v1.0의 기능

        최성,최장의,김승찬,김호성,이종욱,최현식,오영갑 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2001 반도체장비학술심포지움 Vol.2001 No.-

        현재 초· 중 · 고등학교(이하 ' 학교기관' )에서 산이고 있는 기존의 수작업 방식의 회계관리와 DOS 방식의 행정전산관리 프로그램의 한계점을 벗어나 새로운 GUI 원도우 체계의 프로그램의 개발 필요성이 대두되어 본 시스템을 개발 하게 되었다.또한 학교기관에 납입해야 할 모든 납부금, 급식비, 장부관리에서부터 수입, 지출 등 학교에서 쓰이는 회계부분의 수작업을 모듈화 및 집약화 하고 누구나 쉽게 운영할 수 있는 행정관리 시스템, 일괄처리로 구성하도록 하였으며, DB를 이중모드(사용자 모드와 관리자모드)로 분리, 보안문제를 보충하고, 문서의 표준화로 정보교류의 용이하다.전국 학교기관의 회계운영방식을 표준화하여 구축 설계하고, 초보자 입장을 지향한 순차적 처리방식과 회계관리의 중복처리를 집약화 하여 구축하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        자연관광지 가로환경물의 색채조화방법에 관한 고찰 : 경기북부지역을 중심으로

        최명식,박현철 경희대학교 디자인연구원 2005 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This research aims to lay a course for the reformation of the increasingly disorderly and unoriginal designs of environmental objects on the streets of tourist resort and to develop an environmentally friendly color scheme that has a unique identity. In order to do this, the street environments and color schemes of two of northern Gyeonggi-do's most popular tourist spots, the Sanjeong Lake in Pocheon and the Morning Arboretum & Plant Art Center at Kapyeong were sampled and analyzed. Color scheme gauging was done by first taking pictures with a digital camera (Canon EOS D60). Then, using Adobe Photoshop 8.0, the image was taken through a process of Filter/Pixelate/Mosaic (cell size: 10 squares) in order to find the standard color and RGB values of the sampled area, and then composed a 20mm×40mm color scheme pallete based on values. Through this palette it was clear where the color characteristics originated from. The RGB value of the entire palette was Munsell converted in the program CMC Macbeth (Munsell Conversion Version 6.5.1). Through the converted color chart the colors, clarity and brightness could be compared, and the range of colors that would go well with the intended color scheme could be analyzed. A color scheme plan, converted into a NCS Color triangle and color ring according to the principles of color harmony for aesthetic function, was then proposed. Finally the color characteristics of street furniture in environmental areas were analyzed based on this data. The principles of color harmony in street furniture were found and standards were given with this data as a foundation. Additionally, a regional identity based on this color harmony through this kind of color analysis must be established, along with research regarding the materials and styles of street furniture when phasing in these color schemes.

      • KCI등재

        하시모토 갑상선염을 동반한 갑상선 이형성증 1예

        정현주,김예나,최영식,박요한 고신대학교 의과대학 2009 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.24 No.1

        Thyroid hemiagenesis is a rare congenital anomaly, in which one thyroid lobe fails to develop. It is reported that thyroid hemiagenesis associated with thyroid diseases such as Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, colloidal goiter and thyroid follicular and papillary cancer. However, Thyroid hemiagenesis associated Hashimoto's thyroiditis haven't reported in Korea. A 31-year-old female patient was clinically hypothyroid with a left-sided goiter. Hemiagenesis of right thyroid lobe indicated on 99mTc pertechnete scan and later confirmed on ultrasonography. The authors report this case with literature review.

      • KCI등재

        관개수질을 고려한 시비가 벼의 생산성과 농업환경에 미치는 영향

        엄미정,박현철,김갑철,류정,최정식 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        관개수 수질을 고려한 감비가 벼의 생산성과 농업환경에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과는 다음 과 같다. 시험에 사용된 관개수의 질소, 인, 칼륨의 평균함량은 각각 6.16, 0.26, 9.37 ㎎/L 이 었고, 유입된 영양염류가 논을 통과하면서 농도가 감소되어 유출수의 성분은 유입된 관개수 보다는 낮은 농도를 보였으며, 논 표면수와 침출수의 농도는 시비량과 시비시기에 따라 변 화하였다. 토양검정 50% 시비구에서는 질소의 공급량과 소비량간의 차이가 0.14㎏/ha으로 나타나 양분수지면에서 균형을 이룬 반면, 농가관행시비구에서는 그 차이가 95.3㎏/ha로 나 타났다. 농가관행시비구에 비해 토양검정시비구와 토양검정50% 시비구는 등숙률, 천립중, 도정특성, 등이 우수하여 완전미수량에서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 시비량이 적을수록 단 백질 함량이 또한 적어 기계적인 식미치가 높게 나타나 품질에서 우수하였다. 시비효율에서 는 토양검정50% 처리에서 시비된 성분이 수량에 기여하는 비율이 높아서 시비이용과 효율 면에서 우수한 결과를 보였다. 이상과 같이, 관개수에 포함된 영양물질을 작물의 생육에 이 용함으로서, 농업용수의 수자원 이용효율을 높이는 동시에, 비료 절감효과와 생산량 증대의 가능성을 검토할 수 있었다. Table 11.Physicochemical properities and paratability of milled rice in the different fertilization ▷표삽입◁ (원문을 참조하세요) This study was conducted to investigate the effect on agricultural environment and crop productivity by different amount of applied fertilizer in consideration of irrigation water quality. N, P and K contents of irrigation water used in this eqdment were 6.16, 0.26 and 9.37 ㎎/L, reqecthly. N, P and K Concentrations of runoff water were lower than those of inflow water during rice cultivation. N, P and K Concentrations of ponded and percolated water were changed according to the amount and time of applied fertilization. During rice cultivation in paddy soil, nitrogen balance was closed to 0 in STF 50% (50% level of sail testing fertilizaton), 0.14 ㎏/ha, but it was 95.3 ㎏/ha in CF (conventional fertilization) treatment in STF 50% and STF (sail testing fertilization) treatment, yield of perfect rice was not greatly different as compared with CF treatment, due to the superiority of ripening rate, 1,000 grains weight and milling characteristics. Mechanical paratability of rice was excellent in NF (non fertilization) treatment, STF 50% treatment showed higher in nutrient availabiilty and fertilizers use efficiency than other treatments.

      • 상처치유시 Antisense TGF-β1 Oligodeoxynucleotides가 Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase발현 조절에 미치는 영향

        최병민,곽현정,전창덕,임정식,박석돈,정헌택 大韓免疫學會 1996 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.18 No.4

        Wound healing in the skin may be complicated by both microbial invasion and inflammation. Following injury, platelet degranulation releases a number of chemotactic factors including transforming growth factor (TGF-fl) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). TGF-19 is a cytokines that modulates many cellular function and gene expression. However, it is not known whether TGF-P could regulate inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene expression during wound healing. Here we report that down regulation of TGF-Q gene expression by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides increase iNOS during wound healing. Our reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) result has shown that antisense TGF-fil oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) targeting the TGF-J11 translation initiation region markedly reduced TGF-(il mRNA levels in wounded skin. Also, marked reduction in TGF-fl1 mRNA after antisense treatment invited that the increment of iNOS mRNA in wounded skin. Therefore, our irnmunohistochemical studies revealed a "pattern of iNOS product in wounded skin treated antisense TGF-fl1 ODN that was similar to the pattern of RNA synthesis detected by RT-PCR. In conclusion, our results indicated that the regulatory actions of TGF fl1 on iNOS. might be involved in the initiation and faciliates the resolution of inflammation following wounding.

      • 형판정합기반 영상 정규화를 통한 고유얼굴(Eigenface)알고리즘 성능개선 방법

        최영규,신현금,장경식 한국기술교육대학교 2003 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        A new approach for face recognition is proposed. Our method adopts the Eigenface algorithm as the main classifier, but improves performance by normalizing input images based on template matching technique. Firstly, the two eye regions are evaluated by template matching with a set of ordinary eye templates. The scale and rotation factors are estimated based on the distance and angle between left and right eyes, and we generate a normalized face of the input image, and finally, it is provided as the input of the Eigenface algorithm. Since, Eigenface is a good recognition method but is vulnerable to image variations such as rotation and illumination conditions, our face normalization approach could be very effective.

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