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        외국인 노동자의 임금결정 요인 분석

        성효용 ( Hyo Yong Sung ),강동관 ( Dong Kwan Kang ),강병구 ( Byung Goo Kang ) 한국여성경제학회 2015 여성경제연구 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 이민정책연구원의 자료를 이용하여 국내에 거주하는 외국인 노동자의 임금결정요인에 대해 분석하였다. 외국인 노동자의 임금결정 요인에 대한 국외의 실증연구는 많지만, 국내 실증연구는 거의 없는 상태이다. 법무부의 『2010 체류외국인 실태조사』의 원자료를 이용하여 국내에 거주하는 비숙련외국인근로자[E-9사증소지자]의 임금결정 요인을 임금결정이론에 근거하여 4가지 가설을 설정하고, 임금함수(earnings function)를 통해 검증하였다. 실증분석결과에 따르면 업무의 숙달에 소요되는 되는 기간과 근속년수(경력)가 길고, 한국어능력이 양호하며, 자격증을 소지한 외국인 근로자의 임금이 상대적으로 높고, 기업규모가 클수록 외국인 노동자의 임금수준도 높았다. 성별차이는 모든 모형에서 통계적으로 유의하여 남자 근로자가 여자 근로자에 비해 임금수준이 다소 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 추정결과는 부분적으로 임금결정에 있어서 인적자본이론, 보상임금이론, 효율임금이론, 사회자본이론 등을 지지하지만, 교육연수는 외국인 노동자의 임금수준에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. This study examines the wage determinants of foreign workers in Korea. The data for the empirical analysis are drawn from A Survey on Foreigners Residing in Korea 2010 conducted by the Ministry of Justice. We assume four hypotheses in order to explain determinants based on various theories of wage determination and test them with earnings function. According to the empirical results, weekly working hours, possession of relevant certificates, necessary time period to become skilled, those who are in technical post, and the firm size have positive effects on wages, which are statistically significant. In conclusion, if other things remain equal, the payment of foreign worker is comparatively high when the worker works at a relatively larger company or a job that demands longer period of time to be skilled, or the worker who has high level of Korean language skills, certificates related to the job. Gender wage differential is statistically significant in all models, and the level of men`s earnings is somewhat higher than the women`s. Education years are negatively and statistically significant in all models except model 4. Therefore, the labor market in which the wage is determined by productivity not a discriminating factor against immigrants should be settled down, and then the level of investment in human capital can be induced.

      • 호흡기 감염증과 발열성 과립구 감소증 환자를 대상으로 한 치료적 항생제 사용의 적정성 평가

        송영구,장경희,김효열,홍성관,박윤수,조정호,김창호,허애정,박은숙,김영숙,최영화,김준명 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        목적 : 국내에서 항생제 과다사용의 문제는 이미 위험수위에 도달하였다. 항생제의 오ㆍ남용은 내성균의 증가와 병원감염의 위험을 높히는 의학적인 부작용 뿐만 아니라 더 비싼 새로운 약을 개발하여야 하는 고비용의 문제 등 매우 심각한 사회, 경제적인 문제를 야기시키고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내에서 일부 내과적 질환을 대상으로 치료적 항생제 사용 양상을 파악하고 이의 적정성 평가를 통한 항생제 사용지침 수립의 기초자료를 구축하고자 하였다. 방법 : 내과계 영역에서 항생제 사용이 가장 많은 호흡기 질환과 중증으로서의 발열성 과립구 감소증 환자를 대상으로 조사하였다. 호흡기 질환 중에서는 감기, 급성 인두염, 폐렴을 대상으로 하였다. 호흡기 질환의 경우 전국 123개 병ㆍ의원에서 3699명의 환자들의 실제 처방내용을 조사하여 분석하였으며, 발열성 과립구감소증 환자에 대해서는 전국 15개 대학 병원을 대상으로 설문을 통한 항생제 사용지침을 조사하였다. 호흡기 질환에 대해서는 설문을 통해 회수된 62개 병ㆍ의원 자료들을 같이 비교 분석하였다. 각 대상 질환에 대하여 조사 지역을 서울, 부산, 중부(경기, 충청, 강원 포함), 호남(제주 포함), 영남 등 5개 지역으로 나누어 분석하였으며, 병원규모별, 진료과별, 성별 등에 따른 항생제 사용 양상도 비교 분석하였다. 결과 : 폐렴과 급성 인두염의 경우 99.8%에서 항생제를 사용하고 있었으며, 감기의 경우대부분 항생제를 사용할 필요가 없는데도 불구하고 97.2%에서 항생제를 처방하고 있었다. 그러나 설문조사를 통한 분석에서는 감기의 경우 통상적으로 항생제를 사용한다고 대답한 경우가 37.1%, 급성 인두염의 경우 61.3% 정도로, 실제 처방 내용을 조사한 결과보다 낮게 나타났다. 주사제 처방은 서울지역의 처방률이 가장 낮았으며, 병원규모가 클수록 낮았다. 항생제 처방의 적절성 평가에 대한 분석 결과 전체적으로 9.9%만이 적절한 처방으로 분석되었다. 부적절한 처방의 내용으로는 항생제 처방이 불필요했던 경우, 불필요하게 병합 사용한 경우, 투여기간이 길었던 경우 등이 가장 많은 부분을 차지하였다. 발열성 과립구 감소증 환자에 대한 조사에서는 전국 15개 대학병원 중 명문화된 지침이 있는 병원은 4곳 이었으며 대부분 외국 문헌에서 제시하는 지침을 따르고 있었다. 결론 : 본 조사의 결과 이전에 보고되었던 설문조사를 통한 자료보다 항생제의 오ㆍ남용이 훨씬 심각하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이와같은 문제점은 의사들이 항생제를 처방하는데 있어서 아무런 규제조치나 적절한 항생제 사용에 대한 동기부여가 없으며, 항생제 사용에 대한 적절한 지침이 없고, 병ㆍ의원의 항생제 관리를 위한 제도적 방안이 부재한 결과라고 생각된다. Background : Abuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics result in many serious medical and socioeconomical problems, such as emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria, increase of nosocomial infection, and high health care costs for developing new drugs against resistant bacteria. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the appropriateness of therapeutic use of antibiotics in patients with respiratory tract infections and in patients with febrile neutropenia in Korea. Methods : Patients with respiratory tract infection and febrile neutropenic patients were investigated. Nationwide, 3699 patients of 123 private clinics and general hospitals were included for respiratory tract infection and their prescriptions were investigated. We also investigated the guidelines of antibiotic use for neutropenic febrile patients of 15 university hospitals. We analyzed the data according to the districts (Seoul, Pusan, Middle districts including Kyungki. Choongchung, and Kangwon, Honam district including Cheju, and Youngnam district), hospital size, and department. Current status and appropriateness of therapeutic use of antibiotics were evaluated. Results : Antibiotics were used in 99.8% of patients with pneumonia or acute pharyngitis. In patients with common cold. although most of them did not need antibiotics, antibiotics were used in 97.2% of them. But in questionnaire survey, physicians answered that they used antibiotics in only 37.1% of patients with common cold and 61.3% of patients with acute pharyngitis. The rate of use of parenteral antibiotics was lowest in Seoul, and larger hospitals used fewer parenteral antibiotics. Evaluation for appropriateness of therapeutic use of antibiotics showed that only 9.9% was appropriate. Unnecessary use, unnecessary combination, and prolonged duration of therapy were included in inappropriate use of antibiotcis. For febrile neutropenic patients. 4 out of 15 university hospitals had protocol for use of antibiotics and most of them were following the guidelines recommended by many articles. Conclusions : These results show that the problems of abuse or inappropriate use of antibiotics are more serious than reported before. Therefore, the appropriate guidelines and control programs for therapeutic use of antibiotics are needed.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 근로자 송금요인 분석

        강동관 ( Dong Kwan Kang ),강병구 ( Byung Goo Kang ),성효용 ( Hyo Yong Sung ) 한국재정정책학회 2015 財政政策論集 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구에서는 2010「 체류외국인 실태조사」를 이용하여 외국인노동자의 송금관련 문항을 심층적으로 분석하고 송금에 미치는 요인들을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 일반적으로 외국인노동자의 송금에 영향을 미치는 요인은 다양할 수 있지만, 송금의 원천이 되는 임금, 송금인이 가계를 책임지고 있는 정도, 송금인의 미래소득을 위한 투자나 저축 등이 송금에 영향을 미치는 주된 변수들이다. 실증분석 결과에 따르면, 성별, 나이, 교육년수, 직종과 국가 더미변수 등은 송금액에 거의 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 임금 변수, 체류기간 종료 후 귀국 여부, 모국의 가족생계 책임정도, 한국에 취업하기 위해 소요된 비용 등의 추정계수는 통계적으로 유의하게 나타남으로써 송금액 결정요인에 대한 가설을 지지하고 있다. This study conducts empirical analysis on the determinants of foreign workers` remittance in Korea. It analyzes in depth questionnaire regarding remittance by foreign workers presented in A Research Survey on Foreign Workers in Korea 2010. There would be major factors affecting foreign workers` remittance: wage level, the responsibility to remitter`s family livelihood, and remitter`s investment or savings for future income etc. According to the empirical results, variables such as sex, age, education, job and country dummy have no impacts on remittance. On the other hand, the coefficients of wage, ``intention to return to a home country,`` ``the responsibility level of remitter`s family livelihood`` and ``costs for job search`` have statistically significant and positive impacts on remittance. We might conclude that the empirical results support the hypothesis on determinants of foreign workers` remittances.

      • V2G 시스템 관련 기술 개발 현황

        이현구(Hyun-Goo Lee),손홍관(Hong-Kwan Sohn),하태현(Tae-Hyun Ha),배정효(Jeong-Hyo Bae),김대경(Dae-Kyeong Kim),이성준(Sung-Joon Lee),김성철(Sung-Cheol Kim) 대한전기학회 2011 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.10

        The increase in oil prices and the rising environmental concerns are boost the electric vehicle supply. Vehicle manufactures understand this trend quite well and plan to increase the production of electric vehicle(EV) such as Nissan LEAF and GM VOLT etc.. The growth of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power requires utilities to find additional grid coupled energy storage and regulation capacity. EVs have a battery pack and a charger. The charger can be able to deliver power back to the grid from the vehicle's battery as well as charge the battery. The concept of deploying EVs to stabilize the electric power grid is generally referred to as Vehicle-to-Grid(V2G). We present the development status of V2G system.

      • KCI등재후보

        Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) 감염자에 있어서 3제 병용요법의 치료효과 및 안전성

        홍성관(Sung Kwan Hong),박윤수(Yoon Soo Park),조정호(Jeong Ho Cho),노현정(Hyun Jung Roh),김효열(Hyo Yeol Kim),장경희(Kyung Hee Chang),송영구(Young Goo Song),김준명(June Myung Kim) 대한내과학회 2000 대한내과학회지 Vol.58 No.5

        N/A Background : Antiretroviral combination therapy with one protease inhibitor and two reverse transcriptase inhibitors is profoundly suppressive of HIV replication. To determine the efficacy and safety of the triple combination therapy in persons with HIV infection in Korea, we analyzed the response of therapy in terms of immunity and viral load. Methods : Ten persons with HIV infection, who were treated with triple combination therapy at least 12 months at Yonsei University College of Medicine from 1997 to 1999 were studied. The triple combination therapy regimen consisted of two reverse transcriptase inhibitors (zidovudine or didanosine, lamivudine) and one protease inhibitor (indinavir). We analyzed the levels of HIV RNA, CD4+ cell counts, β2MG, and p24Ag before and after treatment. Adverse drug reactions during therapy were described. Results : The mean age of patients at treatment was 38.7 years. Nine patients were male, and 1 patient was female. Six patients received triple combination therapy as initial treatment, while 4 patients received it as re-treatment. The mean level of HIV RNA was 129,222 copies/mm3 before treatment. RNA level decreased to less than 500 copies/mm3 (non-detectable range) at 1 month in 7 of 10 patients, at 12 months in 9 of 10 patients. The mean CD4+ cell counts was 206/mm3 before treatment, and 376/mm3 after 12 months treatment. The β2MG decreased to 2.7 mg/L from 2.8 mg/L after 12 months of treatment. The p24Ag was positive in 3 of 10 patients and negative in all of the patients at 3 months treatment. Mild hyperbilirubinemia (5 cases) was the most frequent adverse reaction followed by flank pain (3 cases), skin rash (2 cases), abdominal discomfort (2 cases), and mild elevation of AST/ALT (1 case). Conclusion : The triple combination therapy in HIV infection appeared to be generally well tolerated, and was able to profoundly sustain suppression of HIV replication.(Korean J Med 58:582-589, 2000)


        Systemic Inflammation Is Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease

        Hwang, In-Chang,Park, Hyo Eun,Kim, Hack-Lyoung,Kim, Hyue Mee,Park, Jun-Bean,Yoon, Yeonyee E.,Lee, Seung-Pyo,Kim, Hyung-Kwan,Cho, Goo-Yeong,Sohn, Dae-Won UNKNOWN 2016 CIRCULATION JOURNAL Vol.80 No.7

        <P>Background: Presence of systemic inflammation in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with advanced coronary artery calcification (CAC). The prognostic significance of this association, however, is unknown. We evaluated the associations between CAC, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and all-cause mortality, to determine whether the associations differ according to the presence of systemic inflammation. Methods and Results: We followed 30,703 consecutive individuals who underwent CAC measurement for a median of 79 months (IQR, 65-96 months). Patients were categorized according to baseline CAC score (0, 1-99, 100-399 and >= 400), eGFR (<45, 45-59, 60-74, 75-89, 90-104, and >= 105 ml/min/1.73 m(2)) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP; <2.0, and >= 2.0 mg/L). Prevalence and extent of CAC were greater in those with lower eGFR and higher hsCRP accordingly, even after adjustment. Lower eGFR was strongly associated with higher CAC score (>= 400), and the association was more significant in patients with higher hsCRP. The greater CAC burden was associated with worse outcome in the CKD patients (eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m(2)) only in those with higher hsCRP. Conclusions: Patients with low eGFR and more extensive CAC had greater risk of mortality, and associations differed according to the presence of systemic inflammation. Among the CKD patients, coronary evaluation may be considered for those with elevated hsCRP.</P>

      • Selection of Sancho (Zanthoxylum schinifolium S.et Z.) Cultivar for Production of Essential Oils

        Shin, Hyun-Tak,Lim, Joug-Trak,Goo, Kwan-Hyo national science museum of korea 2008 Journal of Korean nature Vol.1 No.2

        In this study, a comparative study was made on seed weight and fruiting season in order to improve species of Chinese pepper tree (Zanthoxylum schinifolium S. et Z.) recently used for various purposes and intended to develop a new species. In a test group of Chinese pepper trees, 200 seeds were collected by fruiting seasons and cluster sizes of seeds and their major axis and minor axis and seed weight were measured. Dispersion analysis on difference by cluster size of seeds found that the major and the minor axis and the weight of seeds by cluster had significant differences at 95% of significance level. It was suggested that there were differences in the major and the minor and the weight of a seed by cluster size. It appears that it is more advantageous to develop the species of Chinese pepper tree having smaller cluster of seeds continuously, because a seed of smaller cluster has larger weight. In addition, a dispersion study by precocious, normal, and late ripening species found that there were significant differences in the major and the minor axis and the weight of seeds at 95% of significance level. It found that there were differences in the major and the minor axis and the weight of seeds by precocious, normal, and late ripening species and the weight of a seed and the precocious species had the largest seed weight, so it seems that it is more advantageous to develop the species focused on the precocious species. In conclusion, in order to develop a species of Zanthoxylum schinifolium S. et Z for production of an essential oil, it will be useful to develop species with smaller cluster size and more seeds based on the precocious species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Aspergillus fumigatus에 대한 단핵구의 항진균 작용에서 Interleukin-15의 역할

        조정호,장경희,김효열,송영구,김창오,박윤수,홍성관,허애정,염준섭,김준명 대한의진균학회 2001 대한의진균학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Background : Despite recent advances in antifungal chemotherapy, invasive aspergillosis remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a cytokine that is known to enhance antifungal activities of monocytes against Candida albicans. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the potentials of IL-15 to enhance antifungal activities of monocytes against Aspergillus fumigatus. Methods: Peripheral blood monocytes from healthy adults were incubated with 0,1,10,100 ng/ml of IL-15 for 1, 2, and 4 days. Then, the ability of IL-15 to elicit the production of superoxide anion, the damage of hyphae by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyletrazolium bromide assay, and the killing ability of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia was investigated. Results: Incubation of peripheral blood monocytes with 100 ng/ml of IL-15 enhanced hyphal damage after 2 days (p<0.05), condicidal activity from the first day (p<0.05), and increased the production of superoxide anion (O2-) in response to phorbol myristate acetate. Conclusion: Our results indicate that IL-15 augments the microbicidal activity of human monocytes against Aspergillus fumigatus .[Kor J Med Mycol 6(2): 64-69]

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