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      • KCI우수등재

        박정희 이후 새마을운동의 정치적 재구성과 사회적 재생산

        윤충로(Yoon, Chung Ro) 비판사회학회 2017 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.113

        1970년대 새마을운동과 그 이후의 새마을운동은 이름은 같지만 같은 운동이라고 하기 어렵다. 대부분의 사람들은 1970년대 새마을운동을 기억하지만 그 이후 새마을운동에 대해서는 큰 관심을 기울이지 않는다. 박정희 정권 이후 새마을운동은 정치적·사회적 격변과 부침(浮沈)을 겪었고, 대중의 관심으로부터 멀어져갔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 새마을운동은 여전히 현실 운동으로 존재하고 전국적인 거대 조직으로 성장했다. 이 글은 박정희 이후 새마을운동을 후기 새마을운동으로 구분하고, 운동의 변화와 재생산 과정을 살펴봤다. 이를 위해 첫째, 박정희 정권 이후 각 정권과 새마을운동의 관계를 운동에 대한 호명(呼名)과 동원이라는 기준으로 분류했다. 둘째, 새마을운동의 사회적 재생산을 지역말단 단위의 새마을 조직과 지역정치의 특성을 통해 설명했다. 새마을운동의 현재는 체계적이고 일관된 기획하에 만들어진 것이 아니다. 그렇다고 정치적 상황에 수동적으로 끌려온 결과도, 탈정치적 순수 민간운동의 결과도 아니다. 새마을운동의 현재는 새마을 조직의 형성, 정치적 여건의 변화에 대한 새마을 조직의 대응, 중앙 조직과 구분되는 회원 조직의 일상적 활동과 운동의 재생산, 지역·지방정치와 운동의 접합 등, 위와 아래에서의 운동의 변화와 재생산을 포괄하는 복합적 과정의 산물이다. The Saemaeul Movement of the 1970s and that of since then have the same name, but are different character. Most people remember the Movement of the 1970s, but do not have much interest in that of since then. The Movement after Park Chung-he have experienced the indifference of the general public, radical changes in its character, and up and downs in its political and social status, However, the Saemaeul Movement has grown into a big national organization and is a current social movement as before. This article studies the process of its change and reproduction and classifies the Movement after Park Chung-he as a ‘Post Movement’ different form that of the 1970s. For this study, the article classifies the relationship between the Movement and each government after park Chung-he with the criteria of the government’s recalling and mobilization of the Movement. And the article explains the social reproduction of the Movement through the characteristics of its local organizations and the local politics of Korea. The current Movement is not produced by a consistent systemic planning. Also, the Movement is not a result that has been passively dragged by the political situation, or that has been nonpolitical pure civil movement. The Movement is produced by the complex processes including the changes and reproduction by the national and local levels, such as the combination of the local movements and politics, the reproduction of the daily activities and movements in the provinces different from the central organization, correspondence by the organization of movement against the political changes, the formation of the organization in the movement.

      • KCI등재

        관주도 기념의 정치와 새마을운동기념관 ― 경상북도 사례를 중심으로

        윤충로 ( Yoon Chung Ro ) 한국사회사학회 2020 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.126

        대중의 통념 속 새마을운동은 가난과 배고픔을 해결한 ‘잘 살기운동’이며, 박정희 대통령은 이를 이끌었던 지도자로 기억된다. 이러한 신화는 최근 기념관 건립을 통해 기억의 터를 마련했다. 경상북도 청도와 포항의 새마을운동발상지기념관과 구미시의 새마을운동테마공원전시관이 바로 그것이다. 청도 신도리와 포항 문성리의 기념관은 새마을운동발상지를 둘러싼 주민들의 인정투쟁과 관주도 기념의 정치의 산물이었다. 기념관을 중심으로 한 ‘새마을운동의 성역화’는 박정희에 대한 신화화였다. 구미시는 ‘종주도시’라는 추상적 개념으로 자신의 지역적 정체성을 세우고자 했다. 이는 박정희 이후에도 경상북도에서 지속되는 새마을운동의 전통과 현재성을 강조함으로써 박정희를 기념한다. 새마을운동테마공원전시관은 박정희 대통령 생가에서 새마을운동테마공원으로 이어지는 박정희 기념공간의 일부다. 이의 건립 과정은 지역 권력을 중심으로 한 기억의 상업화, 보수적 기념의 정치의 특징을 잘 드러낸다. 기념관이 보여주는 선별된 기억은 박정희, 새마을운동, 경제발전을 등치시킨다. 이는 1970년대 농촌의 몰락, 유신체제를 정당화했던 새마을운동, 박정희 독재에 대해서는 침묵한다. 경북의 세 새마을운동기념관이 재현한 새마을 운동은 일종의 ‘상상적 노스탤지어’다. Memorialized as a ‘Wellbeing Movement’, Saemaul Undong aimed at alleviating poverty and hunger with President Park Chung-hee recognized as its leader. The myth presides in the realm of memory, framed through memorials and buildings commemorating the events of that day: Saemaul Undong Memorial in Cheongdo, Pohang, and the Saemaul Undong Theme Park at Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. The memorials in Chungdo, Sindo-ri and Pohang, Moonsung-ri are products of two villages struggle and the politics of commemoration driven by the local governments’ fight for recognition as the movement’s birthplace. The two memorials redefined their cities while also shaping perceptions of Park Chung-hee’s legacy. Gumi established itself with the abstract concept of a ‘Leading City of Saemaul Undong’. After Park Chung-hee's death, Gyeongsangbuk-do province has been commemorating the concept which emphasized the tradition and nowness of sustained Saemaul undong. The Exhibition Hall within the Saemaul Undong Theme Park has memorialized Park Chung-hee extending his influence and legacy from his birthplace to the park itself. In addition, local authority’s efforts in the construction process of these memorials also expose the commercialization of memory and the conservative politics of commemoration. The selected memory related to the memorials has been identified with Park Chung-hee, Saemaul undong and economic development. There is little mention of the collapse of farming areas in the 1970s, the role the movement played in justifying the Yushin Regime, and Park’s dictatorial and heavy-handed policies. Instead, the Saemaul Undong Memorials of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province reproduce an ‘imagined nostalgia’ for a movement.


        Chung,Young-Ki,Jung,Jong-Wook,Kim,Jae-Chul,Kwak,Hee-Ro,Lee,Su-Kyung 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        This paper investigates and analyzes the installation and failure status of mold transformer being used in domestic subways and describes the extinguishing process by time through the combustion test of winding part of mold transformer. Condition of installed mold transformers and classes of fire were surveyed and the mold transformer was burned in a horizontal heating furnace. It was confirmed that the mold transformer is self extinguishing and nonflammability. According to this results, the suitable standard of fire protection for the mold transformer was demanded after review of domestic and abroad law. It is expected that the cost of fire protection equipment can be reduced by using the status and combustion test result of mold transformer.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 한국의 대 베트남 관계와 인식

        윤충로 ( Chung Ro Yoon ) 한국사회사학회 2013 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.97

        이 논문에서는 현대 한국의 대(對) 베트남 관계와 인식의 변화를 해방~이승만정권, 박정희 정권, 1992년 수교~현재로 나누어 살펴보았다. 각 시기 한국이 놓여있었던 세계사적 시간, 역사적 경험, 시간상의 문제와 연관된 시차효과는 한국의 베트남에 대한 관계와 인식을 형성하는데 주요 배경이 되었다. 이승만 정권 시기는 한·베 관계가 국가 간 관계로 출발한 첫 시기였다. 세계사적 차원의 냉전이 양국관계를 기본적으로 규정하였고, 이승만 정권은 한국을 중심으로 한 반공·안보연대의 강화를 모색했다. 박정희 정권 시기 양국 관계는 한·미·월 삼각 군사동맹속에서 규정되었다. 한국은 베트남전쟁 참전을 통해 반공연대 강화와 근대화를 동시에 추구하였다. 이 시기를 통해 양국의 국가 간 관계는 사회적 관계로까지 확장되었다. 당시 파병을 통해 형성된 베트남에 대한 한국의 우월감은 베트남인들에 대한 아류오리엔탈리즘으로 연결되었고, 월남붐으로 집약되는 경제적 성장 경험은 전쟁과 물질주의의 결합을 촉진했다. 마지막으로 1992년 이후~현재에 이르는 시기는 탈이념과 경제적 실리가 양국관계를 지배했다. 하지만 국가와 사회적 수준에서 나타난 탈냉전의 시차(時差), 이로 인한 한국 시민사회 내의 시차(視差)는 한국사회 내의 갈등을 유발하였다. 또한 한국의 아류오리엔탈리즘과 하위제국 의식은 한·베 간의 갈등을 초래하는 요인으로 작용하고 있다. This study examined the change of Korean understanding of and relations with Vietnam dividing the history into three periods: from liberation in 1945 to Rhee Syngman regime, the period of Park Chung-hee regime, and from the opening of diplomatic relations between Korea and Vietnam to the present. In each period, the world historical time, Korean historical experience, and the parallax effect which is related to problems of this timing has been the background of forming the Korean understanding of and relations with Vietnam. During the Rhee regime, the Korea-Vietnam relations at the national level just started. The cold war in the world historical dimension basically regulated the Korea-Vietnam relations. And Rhee regime tried to strengthen the solidarity between the two countries basing on anti communism and national security ideology under his leadership. During Park regime, Korea-Vietnam relations were regulated by a triple military alliance among USA, Korea, and Vietnam. Korea pursued to strengthen anti communism solidarity among the three countries and to modernize Korean economy at the same time. Through the period of Park regime, the Korea-Vietnam relations at the national level expanded into those at the social level. Korean sense of superiority formed by Korean army``s participation in the Vietnam war was related to the imitative orientalism of Koreans. Korean experience of "Vietnam Boom" or a rapid economic growth because of Vietnam war promoted a combination between war and worship of money. At the end, during the period from 1992 to the present, the relations between the two countries were regulated not by an ideology, but by national economic interests. However, the national and social level parallax generated from the end of cold war, and the parallax within the Korean civil society caused by the former, produced conflicts within Korean society. And Korean imitative orientalism and sub-imperial thinking are working as the originator of conflicts between Korea and Vietnam.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁 시기 한국의 전쟁 동원과 일상

        윤충로 ( Chung Ro Yoon ) 한국사회사학회 2012 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.95

        최근까지 한국의 베트남 파병에 대한 연구는 정치·경제, 국제관계 등 주로 거시적인 영역에 관심을 기울였다. 하지만 이 연구는 베트남전쟁 시기 한국의 전쟁동원체제의 형성과 일상의 변화에 주목하였다. 국가의 전쟁 동원은 공적 영역인 전쟁과 개인의 사생활을 접합시키고, 일상은 전장이 재현되는 공간으로 재구축된다. 전쟁은 거시적인 사회변화뿐만 아니라 미시적 생활세계의 변화를 동반하는 것이다. 이러한 과정을 살펴보기 위해 이 연구는 첫째, 박정희 정권 당시 전쟁 동원을 위한 역사·사회적 조건과 동원기제의 형성, 둘째, 전장과 일상의 접합을 통해 전쟁 동원을 원활히 하고자 했던 국가의 노력, 셋째, 전쟁 동원의 효과와 한계를 살펴보았다. 박정희 정권은 전쟁 비용은 미국에, 후방 지원사업은 대내적 자원 동원에 의지하는 ``이중의 무임승차``를 통해 전쟁을 수행했다. 파병은 내부적으로 큰 저항없이 이루어졌고, 국가는 전장과 일상을 연결함으로써 전쟁 동원의 효율성을 추구했다. 하지만 대내적인 전쟁 동원은 그리 쉽지만은 않았다. ``전쟁 미담``을 통해 홍보되는 것과는 다르게 국가의 전쟁 동원에 대한 대중의 참여와 협조는 그것이 대중들의 이해와 부합하는 한에서 효율적이었던 것이다. The studies on Korean Army in Vietnam War have usually focused on the macro fields such as politics, economics, or international relations until now. However, this study centered on the formation of the state``s war mobilization and the changes in the people``s daily lives in Korea during the Vietnam War. The state``s war mobilization connected the public affairs, the war, to the private affairs, the people``s daily lives. As a result, the people``s daily lives became the places where the battlefields were reproduced. The war produced not only macro social changes, but also micro people``s daily lives. To examine these processes this article studies: 1. The historical and social conditions and the formation of the mechanisms for the state``s war mobilization under Park Chung-Hee regime. 2. The state``s efforts to connect the battlefields to the people``s daily lives for its war mobilization. 3. The effects and limits of the state``s war mobilization. The Park regime depended on the USA for the cost of battlefields, and the Korean people for the cost of civilian suports by its war mobilization. In other word, the Park regime paid nothing for or had a "free ride" on the cost of battlefields and civilian supports. The Korean state could sent Korean Army without a strong opposition of the Korean people and pursued an effective war mobilization by connecting the battlefields to the people``s daily lives. However, the state``s war mobilization were not so easy. Although the state``s propaganda through "praiseworthy anecdotes" about the Korean Army in Vietnam War, the people``s participation and cooperation to the state``s war mobilization depended on that the mobilization were for or against to the people``s interests.

      • 日帝韓國行政改革에 關한 硏究 : 甲午更張에서 統監府時代를 中心으로

        盧貞鉉 연세대학교 대학원 1966 延世論叢 Vol.4 No.1

        It is attempted in this article to study on Japanese role on administrative reorganization in Korea, 1894∼1910. Yi-Dynasty, founded in 1392, was under strong confucian influence and had been conservative and static for about 5 centuries until early 20th century. It was this last period of Yi-Dynasty that the administration was reformed under the Japanese interference, not by the initiative of Yi-Dynasty. This writer has examined socio-political situations and administrative system of last period of Yi-Dynasty in order to see why and how the Yi-Dynasty, which had preserved herself as an independent Kingdom for 500 years, had to allow Japan to reform the Government of Yi-Dynasty, Gab-O political reform was carried out not with self consciousness but Japanese influence. This is so called administrative reform by the first Japanese intervention in Chosen government. After their failing of the attempt, they concentrate all the effort to reform the second Chosen political revision, and thus administrative system of Yi-Dynasty was inclined to be distorted. Government structure of Yi-Dynasty was established the strong central government until it was composed of U Jung Bu (cabinet), and Kung Ne Bu (Royal office) under the King. The other government machines were seven department under the supervision of prime minister which were ministry of interior, foreign affairs, finance, agriculture, commercial and industry, defense, law and education. Each department had its own department head, that is minister (Dae Sin). There after again these administrative organizations were reshaped by the positive Japanese aggression to Chosen (Korea). As inspector-general office was set up in the name protective policy, Japan took direct control on diplomacy, police, military affairs and judicial power. The period of the inspector-general policy that began with the establishment of the inspector-general office in the centre, and a commissioner office in a locality was a preparatory stage to colonize Korea. Korean administration of those days was depended on entirely in the hands of Japan. (1) Administrative Organization There were the cabinet and Kung Ne Bu (Royal office) in the centre. The Kung Ne Bu managed all businesses of the royal house. The cabinet that renamed the former Eu Jung Bu was composed of the prime minister and ministers. The departments were divided the interior, finance, education, and agriculture, commercial and industry. In each department there were a minister (Dae Sin) and a vice-minister. The affairs of the previous foreign affairs, law and defense department were transferred to each administrative organization but as explained before the inspector-general office administered those affairs. From then on Japanese held the Chosen administrative power and therefore the above mentioned administrative organizations were very unsubstantial. (2) Personnel Administration There was no unified civil service law. The Kwa Ko system as the method of appointment of a governmental official which existed for several hundred years was abolished arid newly the appointment law of public servant was enacted. In accordance with this lair the public officials were recruited. This prompted Korean administration to have a modern appearance and was realized through the examination system. The examination system fixed the qualification of examines impartially. The applicant also had to go through the first and second examination. The subjects of examination related to the administrative affairs were given to Haminees. Though these innovation of personnel administration were attained heteronomously, it is said to make a contribution for the development of Korean administration. (3) Financial Administration Since the end of Yi-Dynasty, the confused financial situation was rearranged and the more unified financial administration was attempted to perform. As the result of that, the finance ministry as an organization of financial administration was established and the accounting act as a legal basis of financial administration was laid down. These reforms imitated Japanese system and were the significant part that Chosen administration was became to have a modern phases. The unifying of the organization of financial administration was originated is synthesizing the plural organizational system of Yi-Dynasty. And the enactment of accounting act accelerated the financial administration of Chosen to develop toward the modernized institution. (4) Local administration In the beginning (1894) nothing was innovated but in 1859 the former eight provinces was abolished. That is, the whole country was reorganized in twenty three Bu(district) and the former Mok, Bu, Kun and Hyun were called Kun. After that, in the period of the inspector-general policy, the whole country was divided in the thirteen provinces, 329 Bu and Kun, and 4,332 Myun. There was governor (Kwan Chal Sa) in province, Bu Yun in Bu and Kun Su in Kun. As mentioned above, according to the confused political circumstances in the end of Yi-Dynasty and the infiltration of Japanese imperialism, the native administration of :Korea was disappeared gradually and transferred to the system that imitate Japan. Because the administrative power was seized in the hand of Japan, the administration of Korea was not expected to manacle by Korean own natives voluntarily. There after as the Chosen governor-general once was established, Chosen had the administration of Japanese colony.

      • 小腦 Purkinje細胞에 關한 組織學的 및 組織化學的 硏究

        盧永福,梁南吉,文正錫,鄭柱炫 순천향의과대학 1979 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.2 No.1

        THe Purkinje cell is certainly one of the most spectacular nerve cells known. For many years all of Purkinje cell have been recongnized by the numerous authors. Yet unanimity on many doubtful points has not been reached, and our studies were carried out in an attempt to obtain the Knowledge of the neuro-anatomical research. We have studies on the Purkinje cellof various animal cerebellum by the his tological and histochemical method, and the results obtained are as follows; 1) The Purkinje cell bodies are arranged in a sheet on cell thick at the interface between the molecular and the granular layers in the vertebrates and birds. 2) The number of Purinje cells are local variations on the folium in each animals. 3) The size of the Purkinje cell in the cats are among the largest cellin the vertebrates. 4) All of the structural characteristics of the Purkinje cells can not found the variations between the vertebrates and birds.

      • SPORTS 外傷에 關한 調査硏究 : Centering around 88 Olympic with representative player '88서울올림픽男子代表選手를 中心으로

        盧日煥,姜忠植,金達永,金興植,朴贊弘,元忠熙,姜信一,金正洙,朴晶來,李哲遠,林鎬根 公州大學校스포츠科學硏究所 1988 스포츠科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.2

        According to the investigation made by analyzing cause of the detail about sports injury. We make this things an object of all the male representative players 254 out of 286 (88.81%) that took part in the whole event from April 15, 1988 to September 16, 1988 in Seoul Olympic Games. The results are as follows. 1. The representative players in Korea started in the athlete life at age 13.1 on the average. Gymnast early started at age 8.4 and yachtist was later at age 18 in the athlete life. 2. There are about 5.7 cases on the outbreak of the sports trauma per person of player a year. This came into existence near the ankle at the high rate of damage formed 11.90%. 3. A sort of sports injury in analysis muscular bruise broke out at the highest rate of occurrence formed 15.70%. 4. The greater part of representative players themselves the injury of trauma by massage (12.53%). Some of them undergo medical treatment to the specialist hospital once a year on the average. Most of hockey players have had experience in this kind of injury treatment three times one year to per person of players. A few of them showed 0.15 times per person a year. 5. Most of representative players have been periodically to the orthopedist formed 27.59 (732) out of all 2653 cases at the high rate of fact. Especially a sort of injury in analysis, the injury of ankle region showed the percentage 11.86 (704) out of all 5,937 cases at the highest rate. 6. The period of medical treatment of the representative players in Korea came out about 14.7 days. Besides period of the other player's treatment came out mostly from one to five days formed 44.82%(935 cases) 7. Manyof them have been roughly treated with muscular bruise in analysis of sports injury. They were taking pains with muscular bruise formed 15.65% (1003) out of all 6408 case. 8. In major cause of sports injury came into existence during the training with waste of physical stamina formed 35.89% and were beyond their power with practicing the game formed 48.09%. Also, a sort of those were brought about the cause of sports injury with desire of outcome too much during in the game formed 44.20%

      • 釜山廣域市 共同住宅의 住居改造 類型에 關한 硏究

        김로사,정지영 新羅大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.47 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine into residential alteration with residents' characteristics and investigate into actual conditions of residential alteration. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The frequent pattern of alteration in the apartment dwelling unit were the alteration of widen a space (includes set op or remove a window or door, a wall or papartition, remove a doorsill), storage(includes set upa built in furniture, a storage, a shelf), equipments(includes electric wiring, install a water system, shift a work party of kitchen, shift equipments of bathroom), and decorative installation(includesmodificate size of window or koor, modificate a ceiling or floor, set up a interior garden, a pechka, homebar). The probability patterns of alteration by apartment dwellers were composed of households'characteristecs which included the family type, income, age of househofds, schoof of households, length of dwelling, size of house. 2. There were significane differences in pattern of widen a space by family type, pattern of decorative installation by income and size of house, pattern of storage by schoof of households, widen a space by length of dwelling. 3. There were significant differences in family type by pattern of widen space, school of households and size of house by storage, age of households and size of house by equirmints. 4. Among these characteristics, family type was influential to the widen a space pattern, income and size of house were influential to the decorative installation.

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