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        사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 백제석탑(百濟石塔)의 조형미(造形美)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        유복모,강인준,정창식,송인성,Yeu, Bock Mo,Kang, In Joon,Jong, Chang Sik,Song, In Seong 대한토목학회 1985 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 현존(現存)하는 백제시대(百濟時代)의 두 석탑(石塔)인 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)과 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)의 조형(造形)에 관한 기하학적(幾何學的) 해석(解析)이다. 두 석탑(石塔)을 지상측정용(地上測定用) Camera P31과 정밀입체도화(情密立體圖化)에 A-10을 이용하여 현존(現存) 복발(覆鉢)부분까지 남아있는 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)과 손상부분이 많은 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)을 비교고찰(比較考察)한 결과 같은 조형원리(造形原理) 즉, 기준면(基準面)(module)으로부터 정삼각형을 작도하고 그 정삼각형의 정점(頂點) 윗부분에 있는 옥개석폭(屋蓋石幅)의 비(比)가 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5)로 체감(遞減)되어 나가는 것을 알 수 있었고, 손상되기전의 복발(覆鉢)부분까지의 높이를 추정(推定)할 수 있었다. This paper is a study on a analysis of geometrical composition about two Back-Jae stone pagodas-stone pagoda at the site of Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa Temple in Iksan and five storied stone pagoda at the site of Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa Temple in Puy$\check{o}$, existing stone pagodas which Were built in Back-Jae Dynasty. By using P31 terrestrial metric camera and A-10 for precision stereo plot, Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa stone pagoda which has Bock-bal and Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa stone pagoda which has many broken area are analyzed comparatively. From this result same geometric composition principle; orthotrigon is drawn in respect to module and the length ratio of the widths of Okgesuks which exist at the end-point of the orthotrigon, is found to be decrease as 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5) also the height up to Bock-bal before broken, is able to estimate.

      • KCI등재

        로트카 법칙과 학술정보의 생산성 연구

        한복희 한국문헌정보학회 1993 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.24 No.-

        In 1926, Alfred Lotka examined the frequency distribution of scientific productivity of chemists and physicists. He observed that the number of persons making n contributions is about 1/n²of those making one and the proportion of all contributions that make a single contribution is about 60%. Investigator studing the applicability of "Lotka's Law" to Mathematics and to Mechanical engineers have fitted Lotka's Law and concluded that the law applied to these subject fields

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구기자를 첨가한 쿠키의 품질특성과 항산화효과

        박복희,조희숙,박선영 한국조리과학회 2005 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidative effect and quality characteristics of cookies made with Lvcii fructus powder(LFP). The cookies were stored at 50 ℃ for 40 days. The LFP additive increased the moisture, ash, crude protein and volume of the cookies. When LFP was added at 5% into the cookies, the spread ratio was higher than for the control, the 10% and the 20% LFP cookies. As more LFP was added, the L-value decreased, and the a--values and b-values increased for thecolor values. For the textural characteristics, springiness and cohesiveness of the control cookies were the highest among the samples, the other side, brittleness and gwemwness were higher in cookies made with LFP than in the control cookies. Overall, the cookies made with 5% LFP were preferred more than the other cookies, as tested forby sensory evaluation. The cookies made with LFP contained mostly palmitic acid (C16:0) followed by oleic acid (C18:1) and stearic acid (CI8:0). The acid value, peroxide value, and thiobarhituric acid value were lower in cookies made with 5% and 10% LFP than in those cookies made with 20% LFP and the control cookies.

      • Robert Schumann 피아노 作品과 浪漫性에 對한 硏究 : Faschingsschwank aus Wien op.26과 Drei Romanzen fur das Pianoforte op.28을 中心으로 mit Nachdruck auf Faschingsschwank aus Wien op.26 und Drei Romanzen fur das Pianoforte op.28

        卞福順 群山大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Der Begriff der 'Romanze' oder 'Romanc' war ambivalent : assoziiert mit kantilener, gefalligpoetisierender Musik sowie Simplixitat und Naivitat des Gefuhlsaucks, konnte er sich auf franzosische oder spanische Vorbilder bezidhen. Nur selten machtem die Meister der Wiener Klassik von der Romanzengattung Gebrauch. Es hat den Anschein, als sei mit dem Bedeutungsschwund der hofischem Kurtur zu Beginn des 19. Jhs. der galanten Instrumentalromanze die Daseinsberechtigung entzogen worden. Schumanns Klavierromazen sind Charakterstucke, mit den Merkmalen des Verweilens im Stimmungshaften, der sanglichen Melodiefuhrung und des espisch-lyrischen Zuschnitts. Vollig verswchieden von dieser modelhaften Romanze ist die Romanzeaus dem 1839 geschaffenem Faschingsschwank aus Wien op. 26 Wie der gesamte funfteilige Zyklus, ist auch die Romanze unkonventionell, mit der standigen Wiederholung des zweitaktigen Themas unter wechselnde kanglicher Beleuchtung. Allein der Gestus des versonnenen Themas, die durch harthackiges Verweilen bedingte Stimmungseinheit und Positionierung des Stuckes als Ruhezone zwischen zwei lebhaften Satzen spricht fur die Berechtigung der Bezeichnung als Romanze. In dem fur Schumanns Leben sehr wichigen Jahr 1839-mit dem Schreitern seines Planes der Veregung der NZFM nach Wien, der Zuspizung der Auseinandersetzung mit F.Wieck, dem Jod seines Bruders Edward-entstanden, nach Uberwindung tiefer Depressionen, die drei Romanzen fur Klavier op.28. Diese sind echte Chaakterstucke, deren poetische Aussagekraft stark ist, so dass Uverschriften mit semantischnen Assoziationen entbehrlich sind. Mit diesen drie Romanzen bezieht Schumann Stellung gegen die in seiner Zeitschrift so heftig befehdeten Salon-Romanzen nach franzosischer Art und beweist, dass die Kunstromanze fur Klavier als Gattung Gefuhlsstarke ohne verlogenes Pathos. Innigkeit ohne sentimentales Abgleiten und leidenschaftliches Engagement besitzt kann, ohne dass die Grenze zum Dramatisch-Tragischen uberschritten und die der Gattung 'Romanze' vorbehalten lyrische Form gesprengt wird. In diesem Text werden 2 Romanze von Schumanns Klavierwerken, Faschingsswank aus Wien op 26, und Drei Romanzen fur Klavier op. 28, ausfuhrlich dargestellt.

      • 토하젓에 의한 생쥐 중의 방사성수은(Hg-203)의 흡착과 배출에 관한 연구

        박복희,김광윤 목포대학교 생활과학연구소 1998 생활과학논집 Vol.1 No.-

        생쥐에 1%와 10%의 토하식이를 일정기간 공급하여 위장관 튜브를 통해 체내로 유입시킨 방사성 수은을 흡착하여 체외로 배출시킬 수 있는가를 확인하였다. Hg-203가 5시간대에 변과 뇨로 다량 배출되는 것이 확인되었다. 그리고, 10% 토하 식이를 49일간 공급하였을 때, 변과 뇨에서 상당한 배출이 있었다. 조직중 Hg-203의 축적율을 관찰한 결과, liver, kidney, spleen에서는 적게 축적된 반면, stomach, small and large intestine에서는 다량 축적됨이 확인되었다. 토하가 체내에서 G-I 기 경로로 홉수되지 않고 토하와 결합된 Hg 이온이 장과 위에 존재하는 것으로 생각된다. 실험기간 중 먹이섭취량, 체중의 변화 둥의 별다른 변화는 없었으나 혈구세포수의 경우 10% 공급군에서 40일째에 헤모글로빈과 헤마토크리트의 급격한 감소현상을 보였다. 이는 chitin과 chitin oligosaccharide가 금속이온과 chlelate됨에 따라 토하가 Hg-203 뿐만 아니라 혈액 속의 Fe와도 결합한 것에 기인된 것으로 사료되었다. The aim of the present study was to determine whether To-Ha influences the adsorption and/or excretion of Hg-203 in mice. Our preliminary test revealed that To-Ha can join in complexes with Hg ions in vitro. This present research was planned to extend this application to an animal body, At 5 hours after dosing Hg-203, there was a high excretion. Under normal laboratory feeding conditions, it was found that To-Ha powder (1% diet and 10% diet) significantly reduced Hg-203 adsorption into the bodies of mice. At forty-nine feeding days with 10% To-Ha diet, there was a noticeable excretion in urine and feces. Tissue retention of Hg-203 was significantly low compared with control, however there was no significant differences among the experimental groups. Only low levels of Hg-203 accumulated in the liver, spleen and kidney, but high levels of accumulation were found in the small and large intestine and the stomach. As To-Ha is not easily adsorbed into the body from G-I tract, the Hg ion binded with To-Ha seems to exist in the intestine and stomach. There were no specific variations in the amount of dieted food provided, body weight or other physiological changes during the experimental period. At 10% To-Ha group after forty days, there was a linear decrease in blood cell numbers. Maybe chitin and chitinoligosaccharide can be chlelated with metallic ions. It is thought that To-Ha binded not only Hg-203 but also essential elements in blood.

      • 사진측정에 의한 성곽의 위치해석에 관한 연구

        유복모,박홍기,정용식 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1982 논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        This study is on the analysis of the site for the fortress by means of photogrammetry. Analysis of the historical site No.57, Nam Han Mt. fortress, was done by means of aerial photogrammetry which has high accuracy in plane coordinate system and terrestrial photogrammetry which has high accuracy in height coordinate system. The size and degree of slope of the fortress was analysed with reference to the topographic map which had been plotted by aerial photogrammetry. Terrestrial camera P 32 was used to survey and plot the Southern gate region which made it possible to acquire the quantitative data for fortress analysis.

      • 高精密 高速 스핀들의 設計

        韓福洙,朴性煥 한밭대학교 산업과학기술연구소 2001 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The high speed precision spindle, which is an important element part of industrial machinery such as micro drilling, high speed machine tools and the atomizer. In this study, the aero-static spindle was designed and a stiffness analysis of air bearing was carried out to investigate the optimal design parameter for the high speed spindle.

      • 화장과 인간의 에로티시즘

        정복희 한국패션뷰티학회 2008 한국패션뷰티학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this to study was to find out relationships between the Make-up and the Humanbeing's Eroticism. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The Make-up is the sexual display for the tribes propagation and maintain and is derived from the eroticism to seduce the opposite sex. 2. The red color of Yeonji make-up makes a great contribution to sexual sensibility and is effective to attain the solemn and original desire.

      • 광주지역 초등학교 영양사의 급식관련 업무 및 초등학생의 식습관조사

        박복희,정경일 목포대학교 생활과학연구소 2000 생활과학논집 Vol.3 No.-

        This study was carried out with 342 elementary school children to investigate their dietary habits and flood preferences in Gwangju. Seventy-six elementary school dietitians took part in the survey to answer the business-related school lunch programs questions. The results were summarized as follows : 1. A dietitian's career was mostly from three to five years and the medium used in nutritional education was only printed matters. The difficult aspects in meal management were mostly a dietitian's position in the school (55.1%), followed by a lack of cooperation from staff members to the dietitians (25.0%). 2. In the survey, 94.7% of dietitians requested retraining, as a necessary supplement to their special education. 3. 85.5% of the school lunch program was single cooking style and food was served in the dining room (53.3%). The number of students served were 500~1.000 (38.2%). Years of service of meals are 3~6 years (40.8%) and the lunch fee is 1,000~1,500 won (86.8%) and provided by government funds, parents and aid associations. 4. The menu planning period was made out each month and the use of standardized recipes was extremely low compared with other cities. 55.3% of schools used free collecting by contract to handle leftover food. Due to the high percentage of leftover flood, there was a need for education on reducing leftover food (57.9%). 5. In the research of children's food habits, most children ate breakfast, consisting of mainly boiled rice and soup. Eating time spended 10~20 minutes and the time of meals was sometimes irregular. Between lunch and dinner, they usually ate a snack. The most popular fast flood was ice-cream which they ate 1~2 times per week. The main reasons for consuming fast flood were taste (40.6%) and snacking (40.9%). After eating the fast food, children prefered the sweet food (41.8%). 6. The most favored flood were ssal bab, chajangmyon, fermented soy-bean paste soup, jangzorim, sweet and sour pork, pork cutlet, korean cabbage, squid jod and sweet radish. In consideration of these results, dietitians must make an effort to supply children with various nutrients, and increase sanitation in the cafeterias as well as persons engaged in cooking. Most importantly, I thought it should be supported by establishing a position for a dietitian in the school. Recently, the Importance of Kimchi is widely publicized to children and is regarded as health food, but actually not many children ate Kimchi. Therefore, the development of Kimchi which they prefered is necessary.

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