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        팥 가공용 담적색 대립 신품종 ‘새길’

        한상익,한원영,백인열,신상욱,김현태,고종민,하태정,오기원,박금룡,서득용,송석보 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        새로운 팥 품종 새길 Vigna angularis은 년 밀양 국립식량과학원에서 개발하였다 새길 은 충주재래 를 모본으로 하고 충주팥전남재래 호 을 부본으로 교배하여 품종을 개발하였다 조숙 대립 내재해성 계통으로 선발된 품종으로 밀양 로 명명하였으며 년간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 고품질의 내재해 다수성 품종으로 선발하여 이후 새길 로 명명하였다 새길 은 개화기 및 성숙기가 대조군인 충주팥에 비해 일 빠르고 개화기간은 일 짧다 생산력검정시험 결과 립중은 으로 충주팥보다 무거웠으며 당 평균수량은 으로 나타났다 A new azuki bean variety ‘Saegil’ (Vigna angularis Ohwi & Ohashi) was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang in 2007. It was developed from the cross between ‘IT189400’ and ‘SA8412’. In 2004, a promising line, which has the characteristics of early ripening, large grain, and disease and stress resistance, was selected and designated as the name of ‘Milyang 1’. ‘Milyang 1’ showed high yielding and good grain quality at the regional adaption yield trials for three years. ‘Milyang 1’ was released to new azuki-bean variety as the name of ‘Saegil’. ‘Saegil’ showed 3 to 6 days early ripening than that of ‘Choungjoo’. Its 100 grain weight is about 18.1 g showing 1.2 g heavier than that of ‘Choungjoo’. The yield potential of this variety was 141 kg per 10a at the nationwide regions.

      • KCI등재

        알코올의존 환자에서 알코올이 뇌파, 사건관련전위 P300 및 인지기능에 미치는 영향

        한상익,전양환,이창욱 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.5

        연구목적: 저자들은 알코올의존 환자들을 대상으로 뇌파, 청각사건관련전위 P300등 신경생리학적 검사와 신경 인지기능 검사를 실시하여 알코올이 뇌기능에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 본 연구를 시도하였다. 방법: 알코올의존 환자군 33명과 정상 대조군 67명을 대상으로 하였다. P300의 잠복기를 고전적 방법, Glo-bal Field Power 방법, 그리고 기존의 방법을 변형시킨 수정된 방법 등 세 가지로 결정하였으며 다른 검사값들과의 비교는 Global Field Power방법으로 측정한 결과를 사용하였다. 지능검사는 한국판 웩슬러 지능검사를 사용하였고 웩슬러 기억검사와 Trail Making B검사를 이용하여 신경인지기능을 평가하였다. 뇌파분석은 주파수 영역별로 델타파(δ, 1-3.5Hz), 세타파(θ,4-7.5Hz), 알파파(α,8-13Hz),베타파(β,13.5-18Hz)의 4개 구역으로 나눈 후 상대적 Power로 분석하였다. 결과: P300 은 환자군에서 작고 늦게 나타났으며 측정 방법에 의한 차이도 없었다. 환자군에서 낮은 지능을 보였으나, P300은 지능에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다. 환자군에서 Trail Making B 검사 수행시간이 오래걸렸으나 웩슬러 기억검사에서는 차이가 없었다. 뇌파분석 결과 두 군간의 차이는 없었다. 결론: 알코올의존 환자들은 신경생리학적인 측면에서 뇌기능의 저하를 보이고 있었고 이는 지능에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다. 신경인지기능검사는 이들이 측두엽보다는 전두엽의 기능이 더욱 더 저하하고 있다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 중심단어:알코올 의존·정량적 뇌파·사건관련전위 P300·인지기능. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine whether patients with alcohol dependence do have brain dysfunction by auditory event related potential P300, EEG, and neuro-cognitive function test or not. Method: Subjects were composed of patients with alcohol dependence(N=33) and normal controls(N=67). P300 was determined by conventional method, Global Field Power method,and modified method. Also Korea Wechsler Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Memory Scale, and Trail Making B were tested. Spectral EEG was analyzed by the ranges of Hz, delta(δ,1-3.5Hz), theta (θ, 4-7.5Hz), alpha(α,8-13Hz), and beta(β,13.5-18Hz), and compared by relative power. Results: In patients with alcohol dependence, P300 was smaller and later, and there was no difference between the measurement methods of P300. Lower IQ score was shown in patients with alcohol dependence, but it did not affect the P300 results. It took more time to perform Trail Making B test in patients with alcohol dependence, but there was no difference between groups in Wechsler Memory Scale. Spectrum EEG was shown as similar patterns. Conclusion: It suggests that patients with alcohol dependence have brain dysfunction in so-me neurophysiological aspects, regrdless of intelligence. And frontal lobe dysfunction might be more severe than temporal one in patients with alcohol dependence. KEY WORDS:Alcohol dependence·EEG·P300·Neurocognitive function.

      • KCI등재

        눈큰흑찰’의 가바(GABA) 함량 증진을 위한 이화학적 처리 효과

        한상익,나지은,서경혜,박지영,서우덕,박동수,조준현,이종희,심은영,남민희 한국작물학회 2014 한국작물학회지 Vol.59 No.4

        We assessed the GABA accumulation and othercomponents after the ‘Nunkeunhukchal (BGE)’, ‘Josanghukchal(BR)’, and ‘Ilmibyeo (IB)’ grain was soaked in water for24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and 96 hr. The results showed a continuousaccumulation of GABA in soaking treated brown rice ofBGE and IB. Among the treated hours, 72 hours of soakinghad the maximal accumulation of GABA (51.4 mg/100 g),amino acid, polyphenol and other components. The activitiesof glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in brown rice and rice-branwere the same in BGE rice. However, the formation of GABAtreated with L-glutamate as substrate showed dramatic increaseof 354.6 (fourteen times higher than normal extraction) and726.4 mg/100 g in BGE rice and rice-bran, respectively. These results suggested that the soaking and extraction withL-glutamate buffer could be better methods for the harvestof increased GABA.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열증 환자에서 시각유발전위 P100의 지표학적 뇌영상

        한상익,박무현,백인호 대한신경정신의학회 1993 신경정신의학 Vol.32 No.5

        PI00 is one of the most stable and consistent visual evoked potentials. This is closely linked with visual information processing which has been thought to be generated in the cortical area (calcarine area). It has been extensively evaluated in psychiatric reseach, and many investigators have been trying to seek the relation between visual information processing and psychopathology, and it’ s clinical significance. It is now possible to map the spatiotemporal evaluation and statistical results of VEP PI00 wave form using the topographic brain mapping system developed by computer graphics and electronic engineering. Recently, the topographic brain m apping of VEP PI00 has been applied to evaluate the disturbance of visual information process, particularly with regard to the topographic distribution of P100 in schizophrenics. However, the results have been inconsistent With these aspects in mind, this study was designed to evaluate not only the amplitude but also the topographic distribution of VEP P100 in schizophrenics, and to examine the availability of the characteristic findings of VEP PI00 mapping as one of the biological markers. The subjects were consisted of 40 Schizophrenics who had been admitted to Our Lady of Mercy Hospital and Catholic University Medical College from September, 1989 to A ugust 1992. They did not take any psychotrophic medications for more than 4 weeks. 42 normal controls also did not take any psychotrophic medications for more than 4 weeks. The results were as follows : 1) In schizophrenics the latency of V EP P100 was 102msec. Positive and negative m ax im um amplitudes of P100 was 4.65士 3.44|iV in O 2 and ᅳ 2.4 8士 2.02|iV in F 3, respectively. The amplitude of P100 showed negativity in frontal area and positivity in occiptial area, and showed symmetrical topographic distribution. 2) In normal controls, the latency of V E P P100 was 104msec. Positive and negative m ax im um amplitudes of P100 was 3.95± 2.42|iV in O 2 , and ᅳ 2.55± 2.03|iV in F 3 , repectively. The amplitude of P100 showed negativity in frontal area and positivity in occipital area showed symmetrical topographic distibution. 3) At th latency point VEP PI00 showed no differences of amplitude in entire cortex, and showed no differences of topographic distribution between the groups. 4) Spatiotemporal analysis of VEP PI00 showed similiar beginning and ending point in time, and showed simliar topographic distribution during entire PI00 process in both groups. In light of our findings, it seems likely that the visual information processing shown in schzophrenics’ optic pathway, visual cortex and other association area is not different from that shown in normal control

      • KCI등재

        벼 부산물을 함유한 생분해성 필름의 기계적 성질 및 분해 특성

        한상익,강항원,변대우,장기창,서우덕,나지은,김준영,최경진 한국작물학회 2011 한국작물학회지 Vol.56 No.2

        작물의 멀칭재배에 활용이 가능한 생분해성 필름의 개발과 이용가능성을 검토하고자 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 천연고분자를 이용한 생분해가 가능한 필름의 제조를 위해 벼 부산물인 왕겨와 쌀겨를 이용하여 생분해성 필름을 제조하였다. 2. 천연고분자를 이용하여 개발된 생분해성 필름의 기계적인 특성은 기존 멀칭필름과 비교해서 신장율은 낮으나 인장강도는 2배 이상 강함을 보였다. 그리고 파열점 비교에서도 멸칭필름은 뚜렷한 파열점이 존재하고 그 이후에는 같은 힘을 주어도 계속 늘어난 반면, 생분해성 필름은 서서히 늘어나며 점차 힘을 증가시켜야 늘어나는 특성을 보였다. 3. 생분해성 필름에 대한 유해성분 용출시험에서 중금속 들이 검출되지 않았고, 국내 친환경 인증 기준이 정하는 생분해성 수지의 함량기준에 충족하였다. 4. 작물을 이용한 토양 분해력 시험에서도 3 개월 이후에 서 대부분 분해됨을 보여 일반 농업 현장에 적용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다. This study was aimed to develop blend films by rice by-product (rice-hull and rice-bran) and bio-degradable materials. The rice by-product was firstly prepared from the pulverizing for making fine powder. Bio-degradable materials could be prepared by melting at high temperature. The mixture of the fine powder of rice by-product and melted bio-degradable materials was then blended and cast into films. The obtained films were investigated on their morphology, secondary structures and properties by using SEM, ICP and ASTM, respectively. Mechanical properties and degradability of these films were measured and compared to those of the PE films. Mechanical strength of bio-films was higher than that of PE films, however elongation ratio showed lower percent than that of PE film. In addition, bio-film could be degraded into fragments within 3 months under the field condition of normal upland crop cultivation. Bio-degradable mulching film indicated great potential for agronomic use as a new source of bio-degradable material.

      • KCI등재

        벼 부산물을 함유한 생분해성 육모폿트의 기계적 성질 및 분해 특성

        한상익,강항원,변대우,장기창,서우덕,나지은,김준영,최경진 한국작물학회 2011 한국작물학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        작물의 이식재배에 활용이 가능한 생분해성 육묘용 폿트의 개발과 이용가능성을 검토하고자 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 천연물을 이용한 생분해가 가능한 폿트의 제조를 위해 벼 부산물인 왕겨와 쌀겨를 이용하여 생분해성 농자재로 육묘용 폿트를 제조하였다. 2. 생분해성 육묘용 폿트의 기계적인 특성은 기존 생분해성 폿트로 활용되고 있는 지피폿트와 비교해서 제품의 초기 강도는 강하고 토양중에 처리하였을 경우 시간이 지남에 따라 제품의 강도가 급속히 감소하는 특성을 보였다. 3. 토양중 분해율을 간접 측정한 방법에서 거의 분해가 일어나지 않은 지피폿트에 비해 생분해성 폿트의 경우 작은 조각으로 떨어져 나가서 6주가 경과하였을 경우 45% 이상이 10 mesh 이하의 작은 조각으로 분해됨을 관찰하였다. 4. 생분해성 필름에 대한 유해성분 용출시험에서 중금속들이 검출되지 않았고, 국내 친환경 인증 기준이 정하는 생분해성 수지의 함량기준에 충족하였다. 5. 작물을 이용한 토양중 작물생육과 더불어 판단한 실질 분해력 시험에서도 지피폿트에 비해 왕성한 분해력을 보여 일반 농업 현장에 적용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다. The bio-degradable transplanting pot containing rice by-product (rice-hull and rice-bran) were developed, and tested their ability for agronomic use. Rice by-products were crosslinked with biodegradable aliphatic ally aromatic copolyesters or urea resin for making transplanting pot. Mechanical properties and degradability of these pots were measured and compared to those of the Jiffy pot (commercially used bio-degradable pot). Mechanical strength was higher than that of Jippy pot, and bio-degradability was excellent under the actual field condition. In addition, the pot could be degraded within 3 months under the ground. Our result indicated bio-degradable pot containing rice by-products has a great potential for such agronomic use.

      • 茶山의 牧民論 : 民本을 넘어 民主로 Beyond Confucian Democracy to Modern Democracy

        한상익 국제문화학회 2002 역사와 사회 Vol.28 No.-

        A close examination on the issues, policies and the key variables of the mayor clection of Seoul on the June 13th reveals that the Six Articles of Yul-gi(律己; self-control) and 'Six Doctrines of love towards people' - both of them were proposed by a realist in Choso˘n Dynasty, Jung Yag Yong in his theory of governing the people - are the main theme of them. The fact that his theory can be applied to the local autonomy system, the base of modern democracy, suggests that his theory contains basic elements of modern democracy. He opposed the nature theory of Sung Confucianism, arguing that every man is equal as they all share common universal nature. And he went further to insist that every moral and social inequality should be abolished. He suggested basic principles of democracy when he saw the people as the subject of social contract and beings with the right and duty to participate in the politics. Thus, his theory is a way of organizing political communities under democratic principles rather than a way of ruling the subjects in feudal society, and it is a principle that should be kept in democratic society.

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