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      • 스키장 의무실에서 골절 진단을 위한 응급 초음파 검사의 유용성

        이성실 강원대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        배경 외상환자의 진단적 검사에서 초음파는 흉 · 복부의 해부학적 구조의 변화와 출혈성 병변을 조기에 감별하는데 유용하며 이를 통해 외상환자의 치료방침을 결정하는데 도움이 된다는 것은 널리 알려진 사실이다. 또한 응급 초음파 검사는 재해, 전쟁 등으로 인한 대량 환자 발생 시나 항공기 내 등의 제한된 특수 상황에서 방사선 촬영을 대체하여 중요한 임상적 결정 수단으로 쓰일 수 있다. 또한 최근에는 응급실에서 초음파를 이용하여 사지 및 흉곽의 골절을 확인하여 초음파가 골절의 진단적 도구로 유용하다는 보고가 있다. 이에 저자들은 방사선 검사가 제한된 스키장에서 외상이 발생한 환자들의 진단과 치료방침을 결정하기 위하여 응급 초음파를 시행하였고 이들 환자의 추적 관찰을 통하여 응급 초음파 검사의 유용성을 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 본 연구는 2007년 12월 31일 ~ 2008년 1월 12일, 2008년 1월 19일 ~ 2008월 2월 2일 6주 동안, 외상에 의한 손상 환자가 내실시 이학적 검사를 시행한 후 검사상 골절, 인대 · 건의 손상 및 근육 손상이 의심되는 환자에게 준비된 양식의 스키장 외상환자 초음파 검사를 시행하였다. 초음파 검사는 5-10 MHz 탐촉자와 2-5 MHz 탐촉자를 이용하여 진행하였고 초음파 시행자는 본원 응급의학과의 골절 초음파 교육을 이수하고 2년 이상 초음파 검사 경력이 있는 전공의 2인으로 구성하였다. 검사 시행 2주후에 추적 관찰을 하여 환자의 최종 진단을 확인하고 이를 스키장 외상환자 초음파 검사의 결과와 비교하여 일치율을 분석하였다. 결과 연구의 대상은 총 168명으로 전체 평균 연령은 27.1±8.2세 였다. 대상 환자의 손상 부위는 손목 관절 103명, 손 17명, 발목 관절 13명, 무릎 관절 11명, 정강뼈 9명, 갈비뼈 6명, 팔꿈치 5명, 기타 4명 순이었다. 추적 관찰 결과를 기준으로 스키장 외상환자 초음파 검사의 민감도는 94.2%, 특이도 89.9%로 나타났고, 양성 예측도 86.7%, 음성 예측도 95.7%, 정확도 91.7% 로 나타났다. 추적 관찰 결과와의 일치율은 K값 0.830 (P = 0.000) 였다. 결론 방사선 검사가 제한된 특수한 상황에서 응급의학과 전공의에 의하여 시행된 초음파검사는 빠르고 정확하게 이루어졌으며 방사선 촬영의 결과와 일치하였다. 따라서 재해 및 전쟁 등의 대량 환자 발생시, 항공기내, 스키장 등의 특수한 상황에서 응급 초음파 검사가 방사선 검사를 대체하여 유용한 의사결정 수단으로 쓰일 수 있다고 제언하는 바이다. Background: Ultrasound has the proven accuracy in abdominal and thoracic trauma. But for the fractures of the extrimities, the diagnosis has been suggested by history and physical examination and typically confirmed with radiography. The ultrasond might be useful for diagnosing extremity injury in the situations where radiography is not available such as disasters, military and aerospace applications, and field-sports ground. We prospectively evaluated the value of ultrasound performed by trained emergency physician (EP) for the diagnosis of traumatic injuries in the skiing ground`s without the radiography. Method: After EP's physical examinations for fractures, the emergency ultrasound (EM US) was performed by trained EP using a portable ultrasound device with a 10- to 5-MHz linear and a 5- to 2- MHz curved transducer, on the suspected patients. After 2 weeks, the final diagnoses confirmed by simple radiolography, CT, or MRI were checked by mobile communication. The agreement between two diagnoses were analyzed using the Kappa statistics Result: One hundred sixty-eight patients were enrolled in our study. The average age was 27.1±8.2 years. Two thirds of the all the injuries had occurred on the wrist and hands (103, 17 patients respectively). We found the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of EM US was 94.2%, 89.9%, 86.7%, 95.7%, and 91.7% respectively. Kappa`s value between the EM US and final diagnoses was 0.830 (P = 0.000). Conclusion: EM US performed by trained EP without radiography had a excellent agreement with the final diagnoses for the fractures of the extremities. We think that EM US could be used effectively for the fractures in the remote locations such as in disaster areas, military and aerospace applications, and field-sports ground and should be added to FAST (focused abdominal sonography trauma) examination.

      • 포스트모던 시대 기독교교육과 영화의 상관관계에 대한 연구

        이성실 장로회신학대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        포스트모던 시대 영화가 미치는 영향에 대해서 정리하고, 그것을 기독교교육에 어떻게 적용할 것인가를 연구하였다

      • 편광 변화를 이용한 초고해상도 공간 분해능 및 이중극자 방향 측정 : Polarization-controlled Photo-switching Resolves Dipole Directions with Super-spatial resolution

        이성실 포항공과대학교 일반대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        We demonstrate an imaging method that can resolve two fluorophores within a diffraction limited spot and simultaneously determine their dipole orientations. The intensity of the fluorophore emission can be modulated by the angle between the molecular transition dipole and the excitation polarization. The rotation of the linearly polarized incident light alternately switches the two fluorophores on and off, which offers another distinct photo-switching way and the molecular orientation as well. The polarization-rotating total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy was successfully applied for the 2D structure of DNA Holliday junction that is revealed by measuring the distance between Cy3 dyes stacked to its two ends with a ~10 nm spatial resolution and determining their in-plain dipole orientations. There are several advantages on this photo-switching super resolution microscopy utilizing the rotating polarization: 1) The imaging process is fast and simple since this technique is based on a non-stochastic control and the imaging by wide-field TIRF microscopy. 2) A super spatial resolution and a molecular orientation can be achieved simultaneously without the combination of two techniques. 3) The instruments in this technique are inexpensive compared to other super resolution microscopy (STED, PALM, STORM etc) that requires complicated and expensive instruments.

      • 「一夕話」의 人物形象과 創作意識

        이성실 경북대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        这篇论文是把推想十九世纪创造损害气节的野谈系列的汉文小说;「一夕话」里出现的叙述状态和人物形象下进行研究。作家的创作精神以小说史的系统为理念。笔者要把失传的汉文小说简略的介绍对「一夕话」为了发展进一步研究。 首先,通过把「一夕话」里出现的叙述状态,野谈的受容,对白话文进行积极地运用,作者对过去的回想,进行陈述。「一夕话」是接到野谈型奴婢谈状态的故事。忠石是奴婢忠心地奉主人的故事。而,以白话文为主叙述可以让读者集中这篇故事,通过过去回想发生的叙述的缺点回头以前事件情况补充缺点。 第二,「一夕话」的人物分为损害气节对象形象,弱化男主人公形象,损害气节的阴险人,媒介考察了登场人物的性格和责任。损害气节的人金妇人是坚强气节,损害气节者和阴险者子怪先生,还有老奴婢,郑妇人。登场人物中子怪,老奴婢,郑妇人要把主人公损害气节。李生是对金妇人弱化男主人公形象,忠石是金妇人和李生见面时帮助的媒介者。 第三,「一夕话」的叙述状态和人物形象中心是;把「一夕话」中作家的创作意识分为通俗意识和热的表达。作品介入通俗意识让大家有意思,当时统治者和社会的要求思想,想法让大众没有负担的感觉下接受。作家找为什么时代变质的理由;是有些人有悖伦理,为了克服文体形式,小说变得有意思和有教育意义。这种想法下创作了「一夕话」。 终,十九世纪破坏男性气节为代表的作品;「钟玉传」和「乌有兰传」。破坏气节的相同点和不同点来进行比较;十九世纪汉文小说史中,「一夕话」表达了小说史的意义。十九世纪社会现象里热女中心一些作品中热状态看出各种各样的样子,「一夕话」跟另外的汉文小说不一样,作品意义就是对热的新鲜感。 综上所述,「一夕话」里出现的叙述状态和人物形象;作家的创作意识;小说史的系统表达清楚了。笔者不知道「一夕话」的作者名字,只是揣测作品,所以更应该深入研究,才能初步了解 「一夕话」的特点。

      • 韓國 流通業의 對中國進出 方案에 관한 硏究

        이성실 東亞大學校 東北亞國際大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        중국은 광활한 국토, 풍부한 노동력, 넘쳐나는 농수산물, 13억이 넘는 인구, 개발 가능성의 무한대성 등의 조건을 갖추고 1979년 이래 경제체제의 개혁과 개방을 성공적으로 추진하여 지금까지의 고도성장을 지속하여 왔다. 중국의 경제성장과 더불어 우리나라와 중국간의 국제교류도 급신장하게 되어 양국 사이의 교역량도 증가하여 제 1의 교역대상국으로 부상하게 되었다. 수출과 투자면에서 중국은 미국, 일본과 함께 3대 교역파트너로 부상, 중국시장을 고려하지 않은 한국기업의 상품생산과 판매전략수립은 불가능 해졌다. 그러나 중국의 내수시장은 가격, 유통, 무역, 외환 등에 걸치는 광범위한 경제체제 개혁조치에도 불구하고 아직도 다양하고 관료적이며 여러 시장으로 갈라져 있다는 구조적 특성을 탈피하지 못하고 있으며 정책적, 법·제도적 진입 및 유통 장벽도 두터운 편이다. 중국 내수시장 진입을 서두르는 외자기업들은 이 같은 진입 유통장벽을 극복하기 위해 로비, 시장세분화 전략, 지주회사의 설립, 합자기업의 설립 등 여러 수단을 강구하고 있으나 부분적 성공밖에 거두지 못하고 있다. 중국은 이밖에도 가격 및 유통체계가 복잡하고 사회간접시설이 낙후되어 있어 물류비용 부담률도 높은 수준인데 이 같은 사회경제적 환경이 외국기업들에게는 사실상의 시장 진입장벽으로 작용하고 있다. 이러한 제약 속의 중국 유통시장 진출을 위해서 한국기업은 중·단기적으로는 소규모 지역시장을 대상으로 하되 그 중에서도 장차 형성될 핵심이 될 주요성(target province)을 공략하는 것이 유리하다. 이러한 진출전략이 성공을 거둘 경우, 중·장기적으로는 전국적 네트웍을 통한 전국 시장을 겨냥해야 할 것이다. 대중투자를 효율적으로 추진하기 위해서는 최우선적으로 안정적인 내수시장 기반 확보를 위한 중국내 판매망 구축이 내수시장 진출에 앞서 선결되어야 할 필수적인 과제이다. 이에 본 연구는 중국의 WTO가입 및 외국자본의 유치 등 문호개방에 따른 국민의 생활수준 개선으로 충분한 소비잠재력을 내재하고 있으므로 한국유통업의 중국진출 확대방안을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 중국시장에 진출하기위해서는 중국시장특성에 맞는 마케팅전략이 필요하며 우리기업이 보다 효율적으로 중국에 진입하기 위해서는 현지인들과의 인맥을 강화하고, 현지 문화를 이해하며 기업의 현지화 및 유럽 등의 선진국들과 연계한 공동진출 및 적극적인 전시회 및 판촉활동을 통하여 한국상품의 이미지를 심어주고 변화하는 중국의 각종제도나 투자환경 등의 시장환경에 대한 정보에 항시 관심을 가져야하겠다. The China has the condition of a vast expense of land, an abundant labor force, overflowed agricultural and marine products, over 1.3 billion population, unlimited development possibility then since 1979, makes dived forward the open door policy of economic system with success so until now kept high-development. By those reasons, Korean enterprises are interested in starting business in Chinese markets. With China's economic development, international exchange between China and Korea grow rapidly so it makes the growth of trade volume between them and then the China is raised as the first trade countries. On the side of export and investment, the China becomes raised as the third trade partner with U.S. and Japan and it is impossible that marketing strategies establishment of the Korean's enterprises includes the china market. China had continually opened its circulation markets to foreign focused business enterprises. We think it is easy to enter into Chinese circulation markets, but China still has inefficiency in its internal circulation markets and entrance barriers to advance into by foreign capital enterprises. In result, China's internal markets and circulation markets have matters of policies, many systematic traps and structural problems in spite of continuous the open door policies. That is why complete preparations have to be. As expended China's entrance to WTO(World Trade Organization) regime, the struggle between the related countries will be fierce to take the first step. Because of that, our enterprises need to prepare for a few prior ways to join with. Sufficient and advanced surveys are needed to make an investment in China and to plan strategies. Re-estimations for development possibility, structural reforms on business in China, building up experiences through case analysis, and careful selections with investing area through an analysis about development possibility have to be conducted before entrance into Chinese markets. To advance into a circulation market under this condition, it is profitable that Korean's enterprises attacks target province which will be the core made among small-scaled market in such a middle and short term. In case of the succession of this advance-strategy they must attack the whole country market through national network. First of all, it is essential that they establish a sales network to occupy the basis of stable domestic market before advance of internal markets to propel public investment efficiently.

      • 통찰을 적용한 가창수업모형개발에 관한 연구

        이성실 공주대학교 교육대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Insight is an essential capability for future generations because it solves problems facing future societies and provides opportunities to lead the era one step ahead. Insight can also be enhanced through music classes because music is a subject of insight that allows people to recognize the beauty and artistic meaning of a work by feeling and intuition. But the problem is that music classes in schools are already applied with the principle of insight, but without being aware of it, they have little effect on improving students' insight. Thus the purpose of this study is to establish the relation between insight and music education and to develop a teaching model that takes into account the characteristics of insight learning and music teaching, thereby contributing to the revitalization of insight music education. The method for this study first considered the meaning of insight from the psychological aspect through various literature and found out the meaning and relevance of insight in music based on Langue's symbolic artistic philosophy. Secondly, the basic elements of singing education were explored through analysis and literature review of the contents of singing education in 2015 music curriculum, and the meaning and importance of singing education were summarized to lay the foundation for the development of class models. Third, the final framework was prepared by comparing and analyzing various singing class models, and based on this, the final framework was developed, and the developed singing class model was applied to teaching and learning, suggesting the teaching and learning course plan of the singing field. The expected effects of this study are, first, make easier to design insight learning by clarifying the process of insight learning in singing and presenting specific class guidance. Second, by recognizing that insight learning was already deeply rooted in existing music classes, even the same activities could lead to insight learning. Third, the learner's insight is enhanced and fourth, furthermore, the quality of life improves by reflecting on one's own life. Fifth, interest in singing activities and internal motivation can be induced to create a positive desire to enjoy music in life. Through research so far, I wanted to suggest ways to apply insight learning to music education. However, there have been difficulties and limitations in research as there have been very few cases of applying insight learning to music education. Therefore, it is hoped that this study will serve as a cornerstone of follow-up research that applies insight learning to music subjects, complements and develops.

      • 지방은행의 점포확장이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 : 수도권을 중심으로

        이성실 명지대학교 부동산대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 지방은행의 수도권 지역 내 점포확장이 지방은행의 경영성과에 영향을 주는지를 연구하고자 한다. 이를 위한 연구 방법으로는 기존의 문헌들을 검토하고, 2011년부터 2018년까지 제주은행을 제외한 5개 지방은행의 수도권에 소재하는 점포를 대상으로 수신금액, 여신 금액과 점포 손익의 상관관계를 분석하여 종속변수를 도출하였으며, 점포의 위치적 요인과 내부적 투입요인을 통한 수신금액과 여신 금액과의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 수신금액과 여신 금액에 영향을 주는 위치적 요인과 내부적 투입요인을 도출하였다. 변수의 개괄사항을 알기 위해 기술통계분석을 하였으며, 선정한 변수들의 일관성 측정을 위한 신뢰도 분석(Cronbach 알파)을 실시하였다. 그리고 종속변수와 독립변수 간 증감에 대한 상호 척도를 분석하기 위해 상관분석, 종속변수에 영향을 미치는 다수의 독립변수를 분석하기 위해 다중 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 또한 독립변수의 평균 차이의 검정을 위해 ANOVA 분석과 t-test 분석 등의 방법으로 실증분석하였다. 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수도권으로 점포 신규 개설을 통해 지속해서 은행 전체의 여·수신 평균잔액을 증가시켰고, 그 결과로 지방은행 점포의 손익도 증가하였다. 또한 여·수신 평균잔액의 증가를 통해 수도권 점포 손익의 증대가 이루어지며, 특히 수신 증대 위주의 성장을 통해 점포 손익 증대가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 통해 지방은행의 수도권 점포 확장이 지속해서 경영성과에 영향을 미치기 위해서는 수도권 지역에서는 전통적인 여신 위주의 영업활동이 아닌 수신평균잔액의 증대를 통한 영업활동이 필요하다는 결론을 도출하였다. 둘째, 수도권 점포의 위치적 요인을 고려 시 주민등록 수, 은행수와 신설 및 폐업법인 수, 금융기관 예금금액과 대출금액은 영향 정도가 낮다. 또한 산업단지 내 입주업체 수와 종업원 수에 대해서만 수신 평균잔액에 상관 정도가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 업종별 상관관계에서는 부동산업에 대한 사업체와 종사자의 경우 기업 대출을 통한 여신거래 증대가 점포 순익 증가에 유의미한 결과를 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로 지방은행은 전통적으로 지방에 생산거점을 둔 전통 중화학공업 위주의 산업에 집중했던 영업활동에서 4차 산업혁명 관련 지식산업으로의 산업구조 변화 추세를 감안하여 수도권 점포 확장 전략 수립이 필요하다는 결론을 도출하였다. 셋째, 아파트 분양에 대한 중도금대출을 취급하는 가계대출과 상관관계는 유의하지 않았고, 기업 대출과 유의수준은 매우 낮은 상관관계로 나타났으며, 주택담보대출과의 상관 정도 역시 낮아 행정구역별 주택담보대출금을 고려한 출점 전략은 재고할 필요가 있다. 이를 통해 지방은행은 소매금융 확대 전략을 제외한 수도권 공략법을 수립할 필요가 있다는 결론을 도출하였다. 넷째, 지방은행은 은행 수익성을 고려하여 일정 수준 이내에서 수도권 점포 확장을 통한 이자이익에 편중된 포트폴리오를 개선하여야 한다. 편중된 이자이익 비중은 은행 수익성이 경기동행적이 되어 경기변동에 취약해진다. 따라서 신디케이트론 주관 수수료, 유동화 관련 수수료, 비은행 금융사들과의 제휴를 통한 중위험 여신시장 진출 등 다양한 수수료 수익 확보 및 금융기관들과의 제휴를 통한 신규 비즈니스 창출이 필요하다. This study attempted to investigate the effect of branch expansion of local banks in the Seoul metropolitan area on their management performance. For this purpose, this study examined existing literatures as the research method. It elicited the dependent variable by analyzing the correlation between deposit amount, credit amount and net profit of the branches located in the Seoul metropolitan area of five local banks except Jeju Bank over the period between 2011 and 2018. And it analyzed the correlation between deposit amount and credit amount through the location factor of the bank branch and the internal input factor. As a result, the location factor and the internal input factor were elicited that had an effect on deposit amount and credit amount. Descriptive statistic analysis was conducted to find out the overall matter of the variable, and Cronbach's alpha was conducted to determine the consistency of selected variables. And correlation analysis was conducted to analyze the mutual scale of increase and decrease between dependent variable and independent variable, and multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the multiple independent variables having an effect on the dependent variable. And empirical analysis was conducted by using ANOVA and t-test to test the difference in the mean of independent variables. As a result the following conclusion was drawn: First, the new opening of bank branches in the Seoul metropolitan area continually increased the average balance of the whole deposit and credit amount of banks, which resulted in the increase in net profit of the branches of local banks. And the increase in average balance of deposit and credit amount led to the increase in net profit of branches located in the Seoul metropolitan area of local banks. In particular, growth focusing on the increase in deposit business led to the increase in net profit of branches of local banks. The elicited conclusion is that for the branch expansion of branches of local banks in the Seoul metropolitan area to continue exerting an effect on management performance, they are required to engage in business activity through the increase of the average balance of deposit amount, not the traditional business activity focusing on deposit business in the Seoul metropolitan area. Second, it was found that in considering the location factor of the branches of local banks in the Seoul metropolitan area, the number of residents registered, the number of newly opened and closed banks, and the deposit amount and loan amount of the financial institution had an insignificant effect on management performance. And it was found that the number of occupant firms within the industrial estate and the number of employees had a correlation with the average balance of deposit amount. In correlation by business category, the increase of credit transaction through business loan to real estate businesses and itheir employees had a significant effect on the increase in net profits of bank branches. The conclusion is that local banks are required to formulate the strategy for branch expansion in the Seoul metropolitan area by focusing on traditional heavy and chemical industries with production bases in localities and considering the trend of changes in the industrial structure into the knowledge industry related to the fourth industrial revolution. Third, correlation with the household loan dealing with loan for intermediate payment to purchase the apartment was not significant, and very low correlation with business loan was found within the significance level. There is a need to reconsider the outlet strategy taking into consideration the home mortgage loan by administrative district because of a low correlation with the mortgage loan. The conclusion is that local banks are required to formulate the strategy for penetration into the Seoul metropolitan area except the retail finance extension strategy. Fourth, local banks are required to improve the portfolio concentrated on interest profit through the expansion of their branches in the Seoul metropolitan area within the given level in consideration of bank profitability. The weight of interest profit becomes vulnerable to business fluctuation as bank profitability is sync with business conditions. Accordingly, local banks are required to secure the diverse source of commission income such as commission over the syndicate loan, liquidity-related commission, entry into the medium-risk loan market through partnership with non-bank financial companies and the like and to create new business through partnership with other financial institutions.

      • 쌀 커스터드크림 재료 배합비율의 최적화

        이성실 원광대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was conducted to optimization the ingredient mixing ratio rice custard cream using the response surface methodology. For the experimental design methodology, a total of 16 samples mixing ratios selected using central composite design, level of rice flour (180g, 220g, 260g), sugar(220g, 270g, 320g) and sorbitol(0g, 45g, 90g) selected including the replicate point of central composite. According to the results of measuring the quality characteristics of rice custard cream, in moisture (Liner, R2=0.7634, p-value 0.0006), sweetness (2FI, R2=0.9000, p-value <0.0001), pH (Quadratic, R2=0.8444, p-value 0.0049), viscosity (Liner, R2=0.5695, p-value 0.0148), and L value (Liner, R2=0.8249, p<0.0001), the goodness-of-fit of model was accepted. According to the results of measuring the sensory characteristics of rice custard cream, except color preference, in taste (Quadratic, R2=0.9467, p<0.0001), flavor (Quadratic, R2=8444, p<0.0099), hardness (Quadratic, R2=0.8061, p-value 0.0007), and overall acceptability (Quadratic, R2=0.9233, p<0.0028), the goodness-of-fit of model was accepted. The optimal point of rice custard cream, which was predicted so, was determined to be the rice flour of 218.4g, the sugar of 275.3g, and the sorbitol of 44.7g as the optimal production condition. This study set up the optimized rice custard cream as the experimental group and the cream produced with the custard sold on the market as the control group, and so tested quality characteristics and sensory characteristics. In sensory characteristics near center point, color(4.75~6.53), egg flavor(5.13~7.10), vanilla flavor(4.08~5.35) and after taste(4.50~4.55) was felt to be near the strength of 'weak'. The strength of sweetness was 7.48~7.83, the strength of hardness was 7.38~7.53, and the strength of greasiness was 7.68~8.70, which was shown within the range of 'ordinary'. According to the results of analyzing the relationship between sensory characteristics and preferences, overall preference had color preference (r=0.41, p<0.01), taste preference (r=0.70, p<0.001), and flavor preference (r=0.85, p<0.001) significantly correlations. According to the results of comparing rice custard cream and custard cream sold on the market, in overall preference, rice custard cream tended to be slightly higher. In color, taste, flavor, and viscosity, rather the optimized rice custard cream was significantly higher. This study purpose is to develop new rice processing foods. The new rice processing foods is rice custard cream. So rice custard cream material rice, sugar and sorbitol content were different. According to such results, such custard cream had its sufficient competitiveness in the aspects of quality and acceptance and had the possibility of new rice processing food. 주재료인 쌀가루, 설탕과 솔비톨의 함량을 달리하여 측정한 품질특성과 관능특성 결과를 토대로 반응표면분석법을 이용하여 쌀 커스터드크림의 최적 재료 배합조건을 도출하여 새로운 쌀 가공식품으로서의 상품가능성을 확인해 보고자 하였다. 품질특성으로 수분, 당도, pH, 점도 및 색도를 측정하였고, 관능특성은 훈련된 패널에 의한 기호도검사와 관능특성의 강도를 측정하고자 정량적 묘사분석을 실시하였다 주재료인 쌀가루의 함량을 180g , 220g, 260g, 설탕의 함량 220g, 270g, 320g, 솔비톨을 0g, 45g 90g 로 조절하여 배합한 제품 16개에 대한 기호도검사와 품질특성을 측정하여 최적점을 설정하고 최적점에서의 관능특성 강도와 품질특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 쌀가루는 신동진 품종을 10분도로 도정하여, ACM mill로 입자크기 38μm이하로 건식제분하여 사용하였다. 쌀 커스터드크림의 품질특성인 수분(Linear, R2=0.7634, p<0.0006), 당도(2FI, R2=0.9000, p<0.0001), pH(Quadratic, R2=0.8444, p<0.0049), 점도(Linear, R2=0.5695, p<0.0148), L값은 (Linear, R2=0.8249, p<0.0001)은 쌀가루, 설탕, 솔비톨 함량을 독립변수로 하는 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. 기호도에 대한 회귀식은 색에 대한 기호도를 제외한 맛(Quadratic, R2=0.9467, p<0.0001), 향(Quadratic, R2=0.8444, p<0.0099), 된 정도(Quadratic, R2=0.8061, p<0.0007), 및 전체적 기호도(Quadratic, R2=0.9233, p<0.0028)는 쌀가루, 설탕, 솔비톨 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. 쌀 커스터드크림의 재료배합비율의 최적점은 쌀가루 218.3g, 설탕 275.3g, 솔비톨 44.7g으로 결정되었다. 최적점의 관능특성은 15점 만점의 강도척도에서 색, 달걀 비린대, 바닐라향, 후미는 ‘보통이다’ 보다 낮은 강도를 수준으로 평가되었으며, 단맛, 된정도, 기름진맛의 강도는 ‘보통이다’ 수준의 강도로 느끼고 있었다. 관능특성과 전체적 기호도와의 상관관계를 결과, 후미(r=-0.32, p<0.01)의 강도가 약할수록, 전체적 기호도는 증가하였으며, 향(r=0.85, p<0.001), 맛(r=0.70, p<0.001), 색(r=0.41, p<0.01)에 대한 기호도가 높을수록 전체적 기호도가 높아짐을 알 수 있었다. 본 실험에서 최적화한 쌀 커스터드크림과 시판되는 밀가루로 만든 커스터드크림의 기호도 평가를 한 결과 전체적 기호도(4.92 ±0.52 vs 5.69±0.26)에서는 쌀 커스터드크림이 유의적으로 차이는 없지만 색, 맛, 향에 대한 기호도와기호도가 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 따라서, 쌀의 사용 용도를 확대하기 위하여 쌀가루, 설탕, 솔비톨 함량을 조절하여 개발한 쌀 커스터드크림이 품질과 기호도 측면에서 충분히 경쟁력이 있다고 판단되어 새로운 쌀 가공식품으로서 가능성을 확인하였다.

      • 경북지역 고등학생의 학교급식에서 제공되는 시절식에 대한 인식도 조사 : 포항지역을 중심으로

        이성실 대구대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The study aims at analyzing the perception of male and female high school students residing in Pohang area towards festive and traditional foods served in school meal service, therefore, exploring its degrees of satisfaction and demand. It is the purpose of the study to provide basic scholarly data of how to offer traditional festive food in food service at school and organize educational programs regarding those foods. The research outcome is shown as follows. First, the respondents of the survey were aware of new year's day, initial day of spring, the first full moon day, Dano festival, the hottest period of summer, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the harvest moon day, and the winter solstice, and chose rice dumpling on new year's day, boiled rice with five grains on the first full moon day, chicken broth with ginseng on the hottest period of summer, acorn jelly on the July 15th all souls' day, a half-moon-shaped rice cake on the harvest moon day, rice and red-bean porridge on the winter solstice as items with high level of awareness in the survey questionnaire. Second, satisfactions of traditional festive foods offered at school food service were shown to significantly differ according to schools, food service operations, grade years, and household monthly income of the respondents. According to the survey responses, festive food was answered to be satisfactory because 'the taste is good', 'such food is not easy to eat at home but offered at school food service', and other two more reasons answered. Otherwise, the food was shown to be unsatisfactory because 'the feeling, smell, and taste are not good' and other three more reasons chosen. And they answered, regarding the merit of festive foods, that the food helps to have balanced ways and behavior of eating. The answer had the highest rate of response choices. Third, among traditional food at food service roasted foods, steamed foods, rice cakes, and traditional drinks are chosen as those with relatively high rate of choices, and 39 percent of respondents wished to be offered the above foods regularly once a month. Responses of high rates showed that taste and nutrition are requested to be improved at food services, and they needed to be informed regarding the foods by school correspondence to parents. And recipe and meaning of the food were of their interest as well. Fourth, the comparison of Korean traditional food and foreign food and the awareness of its effects on health are, in average, scored respectively about 3.5 and 4.0 or above, and the preferred traditional foods were chosen to be rice, stew soup, roasted and broiled, and rice cakes. In addition, 85.9 percent of respondents required that traditional food is more or less improved and developed. Based upon the research results, the following conclusions and suggestions are derived, regarding the perception of traditional festive food offered at school food service. In summary, though high school students have positive opinion towards traditional foods, their awareness about Korean holidays, its culture, and eating culture is shown to be dramatically degraded. Offering traditional festive food at school food service motivated them to experience the taste of food and raise its awareness. And it is an effective method of introducing about excellence and value of festival foods to provide related information and operate educational programs. This is thus expected to contribute to forming rightly, well-balanced eating habit and reasonable dietary life in the times of profound and imprudent inflow of foreign foods.

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