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      • KCI등재

        요통과 비만과의 상관성에 관한 연구

        상동,이아람,황종순,손성철,송인광,김경호,Park, Sang-dong,Lee, A-ram,Hwang, Jong-soon,Son, Seong-cheol,Song, In-kwang,Kim, Kyung-ho 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the Obesity and the prevalence of LBP. Methods: From February 2001 to April 2001 we studied body composition, Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate, Obesity Degree, Waist Hip Ratio, percent body fat and muscular form of 40 patients with LBP and 40 patients with Internal disease, who visited Dong-Guk University Bundang Hospital by using Inbody 3.0. Results: 1. Sexual ratio in this study is 1:4(male:female). 2. Fluid, protein, mineral mass and BMR in patients with LBP are lower than those in patients with Internal disease, but percent body, WHR and obesity degree with LBP are higher than those in patients with Internal disease. 3. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with increasing WHR. 4. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with decreasing BMR. Conclusions: Patients with LBP are obeser than patients with Internal disease. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with increasing WHR in statistics. But LBP prevalence is shown to rise with decreasing BMR in statistics.

      • KCI등재

        스코틀랜드` 교회의 독립 -11-12세기 요크 대주교구와의 갈등을 중심으로-

        이상동 ( Sang Dong Lee ) 영국사학회 2016 영국연구 Vol.35 No.-

        본 논문은 스코틀랜드 교회의 독립에 대해 고찰하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 스코틀랜드 교회와 잉글랜드 교회, 특히 요크 대주교구와의 갈등 관계 그리고 스코틀랜드 교회 문제에 대한 교황과 세속권력의 개입을 살펴본다. 또한 글래스고 주교구가 ‘교황의 딸’로 지정되고 교황으로부터 Super anxietatibus과 Cum universi 칙령을 받아내는 과정을 검토한다. 이를 통해 스코틀랜드 교회가 요크 대주교구의 우위권으로부터 벗어나 독립적인 지위를 확보하는 과정을 검토하고 그 의미에 대해 논하고자 한다. This article aims to explore the ecclesiastical freedom of the Kingdom of Scotland from the 11th to 12th centuries. For that purpose, this article examines the conflicts between the Scottish and English churches, particularly in reference to the Archbishop of York and the involvement of the pope and secular monarchs of Scotland and England in the affairs of the Scottish church. This article also explores a papal bull which declared the See of Glasgow a ‘special daughter’ of Rome, and the issuing process of Super anxietatibus and Cum universi. In the end, this article examines how the Scottish church secured freedom from the archbishops of York, and discusses the significance of gaining the ecclesiastical freedom.

      • KCI등재

        로버트 스튜어트(Robert Stewart)에 대한 기록 `들` -존 오브 포둔(John of Fordun)의 관점을 중심으로-

        이상동 ( Lee Sang-dong ) 한국서양사학회 2016 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.131

        본 글은 스코틀랜드인들이 자신들의 역사를 기록하는 기록문화가 싹트기 시작한 14세기 말 15세기 초 당대의 기록들에 주목한다. 특히 스코틀랜드 왕위를 물려받은 로버트 스튜어트에 대한 기록을 비교·분석한다. 당시의 기록물들이 로버트 스튜어트를 어떻게 서로 다른 시각으로 기술하고 있는지를 살피고 그 이유에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 다시 말해 기록자의 역사관/세계관에 따라 어떠한 `사실들`이 선택되고 배제되는지, 그리하여 `과거의 사실들`이 어떻게 `역사적 사실`로서의 지위를 획득하여 기록으로 남겨질 수 있었는지 로버트 스튜어트에 대한 기술을 통해 살펴보겠다. This paper focuses on Scottish historical documents recorded during the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century when literary activity of Scotland emerged. This paper, in particular, intends to analyze descriptions of Robert Stewart, called Robert II, as a Scottish king, and identity how and why authors had different points of views about Stewart. In other words, analyzing the case of Robert Stewart, this paper aims to explore the process of how `facts of the past` become `historical facts` because of historians` picking and choosing and their interpretations.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 스코틀랜드 왕가의 “신성한” 혈통 만들기 -알렉산더 2세와 성 마가렛 숭배-

        이상동 ( Sang Dong Lee ) 영국사학회 2014 영국연구 Vol.32 No.-

        본고는 알렉산더 2세의 치세 후반기에 왕실 성인 숭배 의식 공간으로서의 던펌린의 의미가 재인식되는 배경에 주목하고자 한다. 이를 통해 왕실 성인 숭배 의식을 부각시키고 왕실 성인 숭배 의식 공간을 신성화함으로써 알렉산더 2세가 획득하고자 했던 것, 그리고 그 동기에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 성 마가렛 숭배 의식과 던펌린에 대한 알렉산더 2세의 태도는 1240년대, 특히 1245년 성 마가렛의 시성을 위한 검증 청원이 상징적으로 보여주듯 변화가 있었다. 그 이유를 몇 가지 측면에서 설명할 수 있다. 왕권 강화와 정통성 확립의 필요성을 자각하게 된 정치적 차원, 성 마가렛의 신성한 도움으로 왕위를 계승할 후계자를 출산하고자 했던 개인적 욕망, 알렉산더와 던펌린 수도원장 로버트와의 친밀한 관계가 바로 그것들이다. 하지만 가장 큰 자극제는 잉글랜드 왕 헨리 3세가 웨스트민스터 사원의 재건을 함으로써 참회왕 에드워드 숭배 의식을 번성시키고, 동시에 자신의 왕권을 강화하고자했던 시도였다. 알렉산더 2세가 왕실 성인 숭배 의식을 강조하고 왕실 성인 숭배 의식 공간을 번성시킴으로써 얻고자 한 것은 차별화였다. 성인의 혈통을 타고 난 신성 혈통임을 강조함으로써 영적인 우월성과 도덕적 정통성을 동시에 확보하고자 했던 것이다. 이는 곧 왕권을 강화시키는 수단이기도 했고 대립관계에 있던 외국에 활용할 정치적 선전수단으로 활용되기도 했다. The purpose of this article is to explore why Dunfermline Abbey was reconsidered as the centre of the royal cult in the latter years of Alexander II`s reign, what he wished to obtain by emphasizing the royal cult, and what led him to do so. The 1240s, in particular, the year 1245 when Alexander II requested to begin the canonisation process for Queen Margaret, were the turning point in Alexander II`s attitude toward the cult of St. Margaret. This change had several motivations behind it, such as Alexander`s intention to strengthen royal authority and legitimacy, his desire to father a son (the future heir to the Scottish throne) through the intercession of St. Margaret, and his good relationship with the Abbot of Dunfermline. Above all, however, the strongest motivation was Henry III`s scheme to reconstruct Westminster Abbey as a royal mausoleum and a centre of English dynastic cult, with which Henry could promote the cult of Edward the Confessor and increase his own political authority. By highlighting the dynastic cult and Dunfermline Abbey as the centre of that cult, Alexander II ultimately intended to differentiate himself and the Scottish royal family from others. In other words, he wished to be seen as superior to others in spiritual terms and obtain moral legitimacy, which would strengthen royal authority and could be exploited as propaganda against external enemies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서유럽 봉건제(feudalism)의 기원과 등자 논쟁에 대한 논고

        이상동 ( Sang-dong Lee ) 수선사학회 2018 史林 Vol.0 No.64

        This paper aims to describe the origins of feudalism and its relationship with the stirrup controversy. Concerning the origins of feudalism, Lynn White suggested that the introduction of stirrup led to the significant changes in the methods of warfare and military organization system during Charles Martel's reign in the early 8th century. In other words, the use of stirrup contributed to increases in the power of cavalry soldiers on the battlefield, which eventually lead to the system of feudalism. White's suggestion (known as “White's thesis”) aroused controversy over whether the introduction of stirrup made it possible for feudalism to begin in western European society, which has been called the stirrup controversy. Discussion on this controversy would give us a better understanding of the origins of feudalism.

      • KCI우수등재

        만들어진 컬트: 성 토마스 베켓(St. Thomas Becket) 숭배 의식과 ‘베켓 성수(Becket’s water)’

        이상동(Lee, Sang-Dong) 역사학회 2016 역사학보 Vol.0 No.232

        This article aims to identify how the cult of St. Thomas Becket was successful, and in particular, the relationship with ‘Becket’s water’ - Thomas Becket"s blood diluted with holy water. As a medium of Becket’s holiness, Becket’s water was credited to perform the largest number of miracles attributed to the saint. Thus, the monks of Canterbury Cathedral venerated the water with the aid of the collection of Becket’s miracles, the liturgical celebration and the stained glasses, which indicates that Becket’s water was regarded as one of the important relics in the cult of St Thomas Becket by the monks. It was Canterbury’s ampullae that Becket’s water distributed throughout western Christendom. The spread of Becket’s water containing the ampullae throughout western Europe could contributed to the development of Becket’s cult.

      • KCI등재

        「컨벤션연구」 논문 주제어 경향에 대한 언어네트워크분석

        이상동 ( Sang Dong Lee ),여호근 ( Ho Keun Yeo ),이대성 ( Dae Sung Lee ) (사)한국마이스관광학회(구 한국컨벤션학회) 2015 MICE관광연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 사회네트워크 분석(social network analysis)을 응용한 내용분석의 한방법으로 전통적인 내용분석보다 계량화, 도식화된 결과를 안겨주는 것으로 언어네트워크분석(SNA: semantic network analysis)은 언어 텍스트(text)에서 선정한 기워드를 이용하여 언어네트워크를 구성하는 과정과 언어 네트워크의 특성을 분석하고 해석하는 과정으로 진행하게 된다. 전통적인 내용분석의 한계점으로 연구자의 주관성 문제가 지적되면서 최근에 이를 보완할 수 있는 언어네트워크분석(SNA)이 다양한 분야에서 활용되고 있다. 이에 본 연구도 언어네트워크분석 방법을 이용하여 한국컨벤션학회(Korea Convention Sciences Society)의 ‘컨벤션연구(JCS: Journal of Convention Sciences)’ 학술지 중에서 2006년부터 2013년까지 총181편의 논문을 대상으로 주제어에 대한 연구경향을 분석하였다. 특히 ‘컨벤션연구(JCS)’에는 2007년부터 ‘컨벤션’과 ‘전시’, ‘컨벤션 개최지’ 등의 주제어가 연결중심성이 강한 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 ‘컨벤션연구’ 학술지는 주제어의 연구경향을 고려해볼 때, 컨벤션 분야의 학술지로서의 정체성을 지니고 있는 것으로 평가되고 있다. This study provides quantified and schematized result rather than traditional contents analysis as a method of contents analysis applying the social network analysis, and the semantic network analysis (SNA) is carried out in the process to organize semantic network and the process to analyze and interpret the characteristics of semantic network using key words selected from language text. Since the subjectivity problem of researcher has been pointed out as the limitation of traditional contents analysis, the semantic network analysis (SNA) which could supplement such limitation is being used in various fields recently. Therefore, the research trend on key words was analyzed in this study using the semantic network analysis (SNA) method targeting 181 academic journals published on the ‘Journal of Convention Sciences (JCS)’ of Korea Convention Sciences Society from 2006 to 2013. It was confirmed that key words including ``convention``, ``exhibition`` and ``convention venue`` were likely to strongly relate to ‘Journal of Convention Sciences (JCS)’ since 2007. Therefore, in consideration of research trend on key words, ‘Journal of Convention Sciences’ is evaluated to have identity as the academic journal in the convention field.

      • 김일손(金馹孫) 시세계(詩世界)의 몇 국면

        이상동 ( Sang Dong Lee ) 시학과 언어학회 2011 시학과 언어학 Vol.21 No.-

        Kim Ill-Sohn(1464~1498) was the central figure of Muosahwa(戊午士禍), one of Neo-Confucians in Yeungnam area which was the New Scholar-Officials from Kyungsangdo whose leader was Kim Jong-Jik in the second half of the 15th century. Even though there were not many literary works of him because he lived for a short time and his collections of works were burned after his death, it is certain that he was the central figure at that time. Some discussions on him and his literary works were in progress in various aspects. As a result, he was evaluated as one of Neo-Confucian literati, a reformer, a man who tried to realize a Neo-Confucian system and ideal politics. In the literary aspect, his prose was better well-known than his poetry. Until now, studies on his literary works were carried out focused on his prose. However, some critics such as Kwon Eung-In(1517~?) and Seong Seop (1718~1788) mentioned that his poetry did not fall behind his prose at all. And then it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive study on his poetry. This study is to inquire into some feature of his poet교 focused on the 23 poems with 18 titles, excluding Gaengjinsasipparyeong(?進四十八詠) written under the special condition. Under the premise that a writer`s literary works are closely related with writer`s life, his life is divided into three periods, that is, a studying period, a period of holding an office, a period of resignation. And then, this study is to examine out qualitative phases of his poems and his poetic features with the change of those periods. In his studying period, his poems were to set a legitimate cause of nation right by rectifying the faults in history. And also they revealed an immorality of the Meritorious Elite(勳舊勢力) publicly with sorrowful indignation. In a period of his holding an office, his poems were to cultivate his own characteristics and to get out of fate tied like a bottle gourd by way of companionship with his friends. In that period, he kept his composure and had self-confidence. In a period of resignation, his poems revealed an agony for the future of nation and sentiment of not achieving his goal in his lifetime. In particular, he held on to a position of Dobonmunmal(道本文末), and emphasized the realization of Do(道) as Confucian practical ethic such as Chung (忠), Hyo(孝), Oui(義). And it is possible to say that the grand and large-minded spirit, which can be called as the other aspects of his view on literature, are inborn dispositions, and they are formed by congenial companionship with King Sungjong who had superior appreciative of his ability and friends in his youth. These features gives us all the more reason for mentioning that his poetry did not fall behind his prose at all.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : MICE에서의 체험, 긍정적 감정, 관계품질 및 행동의도에 관한 연구

        이상동 ( Sang Dong Lee ),김도훈 ( Do Hoon Kim ) 대한관광경영학회 2013 觀光硏究 Vol.27 No.6

        본 연구에서는 전시컨벤션에 방문하는 관람객을 대상으로 MICE에 대한 체험이 긍정적 감정과 관계품질이 행동의도간의 관계를 파악하고자 하였다. 분석방법은 SPSS 20.0과 AMOS 20.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 확인적요인분석, 분산추출지수와 개념신뢰도 분석하여 각 연구개념간의 연구가설을 설정한 뒤 영향관계를 파악하기 위하여 구조방정식모형을 통한 연구개념간 인과관계를 검증하고자 했다. 검증결과, 첫째, MICE 체험은 긍정적 감정에 유의한 영향을 관계를 형성하고 있었으며 둘째, MICE 체험은 관계품질에 유의한 영향을 관계를 형성하고 있었다. 셋째, MICE에 대한 긍정적 감정은 관계품질에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있으며 넷째, MICE에 대한 긍정적 감정은 행동의도에 유의한 영향과 MICE에 대한 관계품질은 행동의도에 유의한 영향 관계를 형성하였다. It is the aim of this study to investigate the relationship among behavioral intentions, relationship quality, emotion of visitors to MICE. Statistical analysis were adopted using the SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 to test frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis. Hypothesis were set up and tested with the structural equation model to prove causal relations among variables. Findings from this study showed that experience in MICE did have a positive relationship on emotion and secondly, MICE experience showed a statistically significant effect on relationship quality. Third, a positive emotion on MICE did have a positive effect on relationship quality and fourth, a positive emotion on MICE has a positive effect on behavioral intention and relationship quality toward MICE had a positive effect on behavioral intention.

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