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      • KCI등재

        범죄 여행:

        김정림(Jeong Lim Kim),James Vardalis,임형진(Hyung jin Lim) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2017 영미연구 Vol.40 No.-

        범죄여행에 관한 문헌들은 범죄자들이 자신들의 거처와 가까운 곳에서 범행을 한다고 가리키고 있다. 나아가서 빈집털이의 이동성에 관한 문헌들 역시 이러한 경향을 다시 확인해 주고 있다. 종전의 문헌들은 범죄이동성에 반영되는 인구동태학적 특성의 차이를 규명하려 했지만, 근래의 문헌들은 그러한 특성의 차이 규명에 실질적 노력을 보이지 않는다. 본 연구는 범죄여행에 내재하는 인구동태학적 특성의 차이를 재조명함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 남부 미국의 대도시에서 체포되어 형을 선고받은 331명의 빈집털이범들을 대상으로 수집한 데이터를 분석함으로써, 그 범죄자들이 자신들의 거처와 가까운 곳에서 범행을 하는지 여부와 아울러, 나이, 성별, 그리고 인종과 빈집털이를 위한 이동거리와의 상관관계를 파악하고자 한다. 분석된 데이터는 범죄자들이 자신들의 거처와 가까운 곳에서 범행을 하고, 범죄를 위한 이동거리의 차이는 인종과 성별에서 가장 크게 나타남을 보여준다. 이와 관련된 범죄정책과 전략도 논의하였다. The ‘journey to crime’ literature indicates that offenders commit crimes close to their homes. It is further confirmed by the mobility literature on the crime of burglary. The literature in the past identified demographic characteristic differences among crime mobility, while the modern literature has not devoted a substantial effort towards it. This article aims to revisit the idea of crime mobility and any inherent demographic differences in the journey to crime. Employing a sample of 331 arrested and charged burglary offenders from a large city in the southern United States, this study tests whether burglaries are most often committed close to an offender’s place of residence, as well as if there are identifiable age, gender, or race patterns in crime mobility for burglary. Our findings suggest that offenders remain close to their homes. Most significant, there are racial and gender differences in the distance traveled, in which regard crime policies and strategies are also discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        취타계열 음악 연구

        김정림(Kim Jeong Lim) 한국국악교육학회 2008 국악교육 Vol.26 No.-

        Chuita(吹打) is a form of Korean traditional music, which was used in various ceremonies involving a high office and the kings. These were distinguished from the late Chosun(朝鮮)-Dynasty marching band music, such as Dae-chuita(大吹打), and the wind instrumental Chuita, organized around Taepyungso(太平簫) arrangements. Todays, Chuita music is classified into three different kinds of performance. Even though, Each Chuita music have a distinct style, they all follow the suite format, and the melody is similar. This thesis concentrates on tracing relationship of those three kinds of Chuita suites by comparing and analyzing them. Although it is uncertain under what background Chuita music originated and when it began, it may be deduced that Chuita comprised in the form of Chuita Kyejoo in 1930's based upon the fact that all five pieces of Chuita Kyejoo was found to be recorded on the score of the Aakbu(court music of the Chosun-Dynasty). However, literatures and musical recordings of those five pieces are not handed down. It can be said that though Gilgunak and Giltaryong were played after Chuita because the track of Chuita was short, all 5 pieces of Chuita Kyejoo are not used as performance music together. After this, it is confirmed that Chuita kyejoo Hanbatang was played for the first time by the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Art in 1976 and the record of Chuita Pungryoo Hanbatang by the folk music society in 1978 was remained as the first data. Therefore, it may be concluded that it is after 1970's that Chuita music having the form of suite music became staged music of the present time. The analysis of the Chuita Kyejoo, Chuita Pungryoo, and Ritual Chuita Pungryoo excluding Giltaryong and Byulwoojo-Taryong of Chuita Kyejoo which show different melodic structure from the others are below. First, it is confirmed that all three kinds of Chuita are composed with seven chapters and 21 different rhythms, and the general structures of ChuiKye and GutPung are the same with each other but it of ChuiPung is different from those two suite. The rhythm structure of ChuiKye and the ChuiPung used the 12 beats per rhythm, but GutPung used the Hutton-Taryung normally used in shamanic music, so shamanic tradition was shown there. The melodic structures are the same for the three different suites. The suites all consisted five notes of Im?-Nam?-Hwang黃-Tae太-Go姑. The common rhythms in three kinds of Chuita were nine patterns out of 68, and Chuita is not a repeating music. It is confirmed that all three had same melodic structure, while having difference in details in music. Second, the three suites had different Gilgun-ak structure, but for its rhythmic structure, only GutPung has different rhythmic structure from the others. The melody were all similar, but about nine measures out of 24 were distinct in each. All the major notes were Im?-Nam?-Hwang黃-Tae太-Go姑 for all three suites. The 8 out of 62 rhythms were recurring, and all three suites had repeating structure. So the melodic structure and the chords were the same, while the rhythms were different. Third, for Gun-ak and Byulgok-Taryong(別曲打令), ChuiPung and GutPung had same general structure while ChuiKye had it different. They were all in 4-beat 1-rhythm structure used in Taryong(打令). The melodic structure was shared, and 9 measures out of 45 were distinct. All the major notes were Im?-Nam?-Hwang黃-Tae太-Go姑 for all three suites. The same rhythms were 3 patterns out of possible 61 and while ChuiKye was not of repeating style, ChuiPung and GutPung were. So the melodic structure and the chords were the same, while the rhythms were different. Forth, for Giltaryong ChuiPung and GutPung had same general structure.They were all in 4-beat 1-rhythm structure, but GutPung did not use Taryong rhythm but used the 'slow Dang-ak(唐樂)' used in 'SaenamGut'. The melodic structure was shared, and only one measure out of 16

      • KCI등재

        Organizational Stressor Associated with Six Aspects of Police Officer Stress in South Korea

        Jeong Lim Kim(김정림),Hyung Jin Lim(임형진) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2016 경찰학연구 Vol.16 No.1

        공공생활, 자유, 그리고 재산에 막강한 영향을 가진 필수불가결한 사회 제도로써 경찰업무는 효율적이고 효과적이고, 적정하고, 합법적이어야 한다. 조직 행위를 연구할 때 지난 50여년 동안 관리에 있어 행동주의 학파는 개인의 스트레스가 개인의 업무성과에 큰 영향을 미친다는 것을 발견해 왔다. 본 연구는 관료수준 평가 및 업무진단조사(JSD)에 의해 평가된 경찰관들의 조직적 업무 환경에 대한 인식과 간략한 증상 목록 (BSI)에 의해 측정된 경찰관들의 곤란증상들과의 상관관계를 검사하였다. 본 연구는 512명의 남녀 경찰관을 상대로 진행된 한국경찰 설문조사 내용에 다층다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 인구학적 특성과 경찰-지역사회 관계를 통제할 때, 관료제 수준에 대한 개인의 인식은 경찰업무특성보다 경찰관들의 곤란증상에 대한 개인의 인식에 더 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 연구결과가 의미하는 시사점과 본 연구의 한계가 논의된다. Policing is an inevitable social institution and has a grave impact on public life, liberty, and property. Therefore, it should be efficient, effective, appropriate, and legitimate. While studying organizational behavior, during the last five decades, behavioral school of management has found that personal stress has a great impact on individual job performance. The current study investigated correlations between police officers’ perceptions of organizational job environment assessed by the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) along with the Bureaucracy Level Assessment and perceptions of distress symptoms measured by Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Survey data from the Korean National Police Agency including 512 male and female police officers were used in the hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The findings suggested that, while controlling demographic characteristics and police-community relationships, individual perceptions of bureaucracy level have a more significant impact than police job characteristics on individual perceptions of distress symptoms. Implications and limitations are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Organizational Correlates of Police Officers’ Attitudes toward Use of Excessive Force

        김정림(Jeong Lim Kim),이훈(Lee, Hoon),william wells,James J. Vardalis 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2015 경찰학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        지난 반세기 동안 경찰 물리력 행사는 학계, 정책결정자를 막론하고 중요한 사회문제의 하나로 자리매김하여 왔다. 경찰 물리력 사용과 관련 연구는 경찰관 개인의 특성중심에서 사회 생태학적 요소의 영향으로 차츰 그 초점이 옮겨가다 최근 들어 경찰 조직의 영향에까지 확장되었다. 이러한 조직적 영향에는 물리력 사용과 관련된 경찰관서의 정책, 교육 및 훈련 정도, 과다 물리력 사용과 관련된 문책과 징계 정도, 감독자의성향, 경찰조직의 하위문화 등이 주로 거론되고 있으나 아쉽게도 이러한 조직적 요소들에 대한 실증적 연구는 아직까지 활발히 이루어지지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는경찰관서의 중간관리자들이 필요 이상의 물리력을 행사하는 부하직원을 징계하는 정도와 경찰관서 내부의 비위경찰관을 보호하려는 하위문화의 일부에 해당하는 소위 “경찰침묵 코드”의 강도가 실제 일선 경찰관들이 갖는 과다 물리력 행사에 대한 의식과의상관관계를 분석하였다. 미국 30개 경찰서 소속 경찰관 약 3,000여명의 설문조사를 바탕으로 위계적 선형모형을 활용한 본 연구 결과 감독자의 과다 물리력 사용 경찰관에대한 징계 수준이 낮을수록 그리고 경찰관서 내의 “침묵 코드”의 강도가 높을수록 일선 경찰관들의 과다 물리력 행사를 용인하는 수준도 높아진다는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러한 연구 결과에 따른 정책적 대안과 후속 연구와 관련된 제안을 제시하였다. Police use of force continues to occupy the interests of researchers and policymakers. Over the past decades, the focus of research on police use of excessive force has changed from emphasizing individual perspectives to emphasizing socioecological and organizational perspectives. Given that organizational factors affect police use of excessive force, researchers have looked toward formal and informal aspects of organizations to gain a better understanding of what influences use of force. In the current study, supervisory willingness to discipline as well as the “Code of Silence” were hypothesized to affect officers’ attitudes toward police use of excessive force. Using Klockars’ survey data collected from 3,232 officers in 30 police agencies, the current study tested two hypotheses by estimating the impact of supervisory willingness to discipline and the “Code of Silence.” Using hierarchical linear modeling, the current study discovers the “Code of Silence” has greater influence on officers’ attitudes toward use of excessive force than supervisory willingness to discipline. Policy implications and limitations are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        다수준 분석을 이용한 요실금수술과 자궁폴립제거술의 의료서비스 변이

        김상미 ( Sang Me Kim ),안보령 ( Bo Ryung Ahn ),김정림 ( Jeong Lim Kim ),이해종 ( Hae Jong Lee ) 한국보건행정학회 2020 보건행정학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Background: This study investigates the influence factors of medical service variations using medical charge and the length of stay (LOS) for urinary incontinence surgery and uterine polypectomy. Methods: The National Health Insurance claims data and Medical Resource Report by the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service in 2016 were used. Frequency analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and Bonferroni post-hoc tests were executed for each surgery. A multilevel analysis was executed to assess the factors to the medical charge and LOS for each surgery in patient, doctor, and hospital level. Results: Fifty-two point eight percent of urinary incontinence surgery and 87.1% of uterine polypectomy were distributed in general and tertiary hospitals. Among three levels, the patient level variation was 61.5% or 77.2% in medical charge and 93.9% or 96.3% in LOS, respectively. The doctor level variation was 29.6% or 22.6% in medical charge and 0.6% or 0.0% in LOS, respectively. The institution level variation was 8.9% or 0.2% in medical charge and 5.5% or 3.7% in LOS, respectively. Number of other disease and organizational type were main factors that affected the charge and LOS for urinary incontinence surgery and uterine polypectomy. Conclusion: Medical service variations of the urinary incontinence surgery and uterine polypectomy were the largest for the patient level, followed by doctor level for the medical charge, and the institution level for the LOS.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Flavor Components in the Bellflower Roots (Platycodon glaucum Nakai)

        정태영(Tae Jung Chung),김정림(Jeong Lim Kim),早瀨文孝(Fumitaka Hayase),加藤博通(Hiromichi Kato) 한국식품영양과학회 1987 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        도라지 뿌리의 향기성분을 규명하고자 도라지 뿌리의 향기성분을 상압 수증기 증류법으로 포집하여 중성, 염기성, 약산성 및 산성부분으로 분획하였다. Diazomethane 법으로 methyl ester화한 산성부분을 위시한 4부분은 모세관 column을 장치한 GC 및 GC-MS로 분석하였으며 함황화합물은 FPD 검출기로써 검출하였다. 도라지 뿌리로부터 aliphatic hydrocarbon류 6종, aromatic hydrocarbon류 10종, terpene hydrocarbon류 2종, alcohol류 12종, terpene alcohol류 8종, aldehyde류 17종, terpene aldehyde를 3종, ketone류 5종, ester류 5종, furan류 3종, thiazole류 2종, lactone류 2종, sulfide류 2종, phenol류 9종, 산류 12종 및 기타 5종을 위시하여 총 103종의 향기성분이 동정되었다. Carboxylic acid를 제외한 향기성분은 대부분 중성부분에서 동정되었고, 관능검사의 결과에서도 중성부분이 도라지 뿌리의 향기를 재현하는데 필요불가결한 것으로 나타났다. 관능검사의 결과, 중성부분에서 동정된 1-hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, cis-3-hexenol, trans-2-hexenol, 1-octenen-3-ol등은 도라지 뿌리의 풋냄새의 주성분인 것으로 생각된다. Flavor components were trapped by stimultaneous steam distillation-extraction method for investigating it in the bellflower roots and fractionated into four groups such as a neutral, a basic, a phenolic and an acidic fraction. An acidic fraction methylated with diazomethane solution and three others were analyzed by GC and GC-MS equipping a fused silica capillary column, and S-containing compounds in these were detected with a flame photometric detector (FPD). The total of one hundred and three compounds from the bellflower roots were identified: they were 6 aliphatic hydrocarbons, 10 aromatic hydrocarbons, 2 terpene hydrocarbons, 12 alcohols, 8 terpene alcohols, 17 aldehydes, 3 terpene aldehydes, 5 ketones, 5 esters, 3 furans, 2 thiazoles, 2 lactones, 2 sulfides, 9 phenols, 12 carboxylic acids and 5 others. The greater part of the others except carboxylic acids were identified from a neutral fraction of which was assumed to be indispensable for the reproduction of bellflower root odor in a sensory evaluation. As a result of a sensory evaluation. l-hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, cis-3-hexenol, trans-2-hexenol. l-octen-3-o1 and so forth identified in a neutral fraction were considered to be the key compounds of grass-like odor in the bellflower roots.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 국민건강보험제도의 보험료 부담 형평성에 관한 연구

        최재우 ( Choi Jae-woo ),정재욱 ( Jeong Jae-wook ),김재현 ( Kim Jae-hyun ),김정림 ( Kim Jeong-lim ),박은철 ( Park Eun-cheol ) 한국보건사회연구원 2015 保健社會硏究 Vol.35 No.3

        우리나라의 건강보험 재정은 통합적으로 관리·운영되고 있으나 보험료 부과체계는 이원화된 시스템으로 직장가입자와 지역가입자간 부과요소가 상이하며 이로 인해 발생 하는 불형평성에 대한 문제는 제도의 개선에 큰 걸림돌이 되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 현재 우리나라의 직역 간 상이한 보험료 부과체계를 단일화하기 위해서 보험료를 어떻게 부과하는 것이 더 형평적인지 알아보기 위해 가입자의 부담능력을 근로소득, 종합소득, 총 지출로 나누어 카크와니 지수를 통해 분석하였다. 자료는 통계청에서 매년 실시하는 가계조사자료 중 2013년 자료를 활용하였으며 분석대상은 전체 10,046가구로 직장가 입자 5,624가구, 지역가입자 4,422가구였다. 연구결과, 근로소득의 경우 소득에 비례하여 저소득층이 더 많은 보험료를 부담하고 있기 때문에 보험료 부담이 역진적임을 알 수 있다. 종합소득의 카크와니 지수는 0.002로서 현재 부과된 보험료가 부담능력인 종합 소득에 거의 비례하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 총 소비의 경우 카크와니 누진지 수는 -0.018로 종합소득보다는 다소 역진적인 것으로 분석되었다. 보험료 부담의 수직적 형평성은 종합소득을 기준으로 했을 때 비례적인 반면에, 근로소득과 총지출을 기준으로 형평성을 파악한 결과는 정도의 차이가 있지만 역진적인 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 보험료 부과항목을 종합소득으로 단일화함으로써 직장가입자와 지역가입자의 직역 간 보험료 부과 형평성을 확보하는 동시에 건강보험재정의 건전성을 확보하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. The Korean Health insurance system constructed nationwide single insurance system including city and fishing and agrarian villages for relative short term and financial management and operation is integrated. However, premiums charged system is the dual system which has different factors between self-employed and employees and method of calculation is different. Inequity of premium caused by this dual charged system is obstacle of system improvement. Thus, this study analyzed ability to pay by measuring earned income, aggregate income, total expenses for unifying different charged system between insured in Korea. Furthermore, we analyzes the equity in actual payment and contribution ability using the Kakwani index. We used Family Budget Survey data and extracted records from 10,046 households. Major result of the study is that earned income or total income was degressive, and aggregate income was progressive. Therefore, we concludes by suggesting a unified contribution rate system that have to be based on households` aggregate income.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지역사회 노인의 신체기능 평가도구 개발

        이경종,한근식,윤수진,이연경,김찬호,김정림,이윤환,Lee, Kyung-Jong,Han, Geun-Shik,Yoon, Soo-Jin,Lee, Yeon-Kyung,Kim, Chan-Ho,Kim, Jeong-Lim,Lee, Yun-Hwan 대한예방의학회 2002 예방의학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Objectives : To develop a physical functioning instrument for older adults living in the community. Methods : A representative sample of 979 people aged 65 years or over were interviewed in-person. Of these, 199 people also completed a detailed in-hospital examination. The scale items were selected based on the frequency of endorsement, along with the item-total and inter-item correlations. The associations of the scale with their physical performance and clinical examination were analyzed to evaluate the criterion-related validity. Construct validity was assessed using factor analysis, and internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha and item-total correlations. Test-retest reliability was measured by agreement between the household survey and the repeat survey at the in-hospital examination. Results : Initially, 23 items on the level of difficulty, ranging from no difficulty to an inability to complete a task, with the specific mobility and self-care tasks were included. Those with a high frequency of endorsement and a low inter-item or item-total correlations were excluded, resulting in a 10-item Physical Functioning (PT) scale. Equal weights were given to each item and a summated score was calculated. Significant associations were found between the PF scores and the physical performance, surrey and clinical data. The scale revealed a 2-factor (mobility and self-care) structure. Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 and the item-total correlations were in the 0.63 to 0.78 range. Pearson's correlations for the test-retest ranged between 0.56 and 0.61. Conclusions : The newly developed Physical Functioning (PF) scale showed good psychometric properties in older people. Further work, however, is needed to improve its sensitivity to discriminate higher levels of functioning, in addition to assessing its predictive value in detecting changes in health.

      • KCI등재

        사회성증진프로그램이 소아 청소년 정신과 입원 환자들의 또래관계와 소외감에 미치는 효과

        김정림,임숙빈,박성희,황보영,신윤실,장난주,서미혜,강정화 대한간호학회정신간호학회 1998 정신간호학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of Sociability Promotion Program on the peer relation and loneliness of child-psychiatric inpatients. The subjects of this study were 9 inpatients at child-psychiatry unit in S university hospital, 2 schoolers and 7 adolescents. The interventional activity consisted of playful seession structured to have intensive social interactions, such as introduction, relaxation, cooperation, assertive skills, physical contact, and evaluation. Data were collected before and after the program by using self-report questionnaire for peer relation and loneliness and direct observation and audio-taping method for activity evaluation. The data were analyzed with Wilcoxon signed Rank Test and Content Analysis. The results obtained were as follows : There was a significant difference between the score on peer relation(p<.05) and loneliness(p<.10) of the subjects through the program. After the program, the peer relation of the subjects became more positive than before and the score of the loneliness decreased. Although it showed positive change, the mean score was still a problematic level. And they were different individualiy, the half of the subjects changed positively, whereas the other half did not. Especially the subjects who had serious problems in peer relation changed much more. However, there were two cases with negative progress, due to changes in medication and his competitive characters. Even the subjects who had no changes statistically became more relaxed and more responsive. Also they became more assertive, more expressive, and appropriately defensive. Before the program, they could not complete sentences, pay attention and give positive feedback to others. But in the group process their voices have turned out louder and their interrupting behaviors have been less frequent. The subjects evaluated that they acquainted with their peer, joyful experience, chances to express themselves, became assertive, sociable and cooperative with others through this program. But they evaluated it was rather difficult to deal with uncomfortable physical environment, speedy procedure, unfamiliar contents of activity, physical contacts, etc. It needs some modifications on this program are required to be applied for the inpatients. In conclusion, Sociability Promotion Program was effective to promote peer relation, social behaviors, and decreasing loneliness. Thus with some modifications on this program can be recommended as a nursing intervention for inpatients with social problems.

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