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      • KCI등재

        그림책을 활용한 통합적 활동경험이 유아의 언어능력 및 조망수용능력에 미치는 영향

        강선정,이소은 한국아동권리학회 2012 아동과 권리 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of integrated activities using picture books on young children's language and perspective taking abilities. The subjects were forty 5-year-old children from 2 public child care center located in N-Gu, Seoul. Twenty children of experimental group experienced integrated activities using picture books for 7 weeks whereas children of control group read the same books without related activities. For analyzing data, Mean, SD, t-test, and ANCOVA were used. Major results of this study are as follows. First, children of experimental group showed more improvement on their language abilities, including decoding skill, comprehension skill and vocabulary, than their counterpart. Second, children of experimental group showed more improvement on their perspective taking abilities, affective and cognitive perspective taking respectively, than their counterpart. Third, no significant sexual difference was found related to language and perspective taking abilities. However interaction effect was found in cognitive perspective taking ability according to sex, and boys of experimental group tended to show higher improvement than girls. 본 연구에서는 그림책을 활용한 통합적 활동경험이 유아의 언어능력과 조망수용능력에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보았다. 연구대상은 서울 N구에 위치한 두 곳의 어린이집 만 5세 유아 총 40명이며, 한국판 K-ABC의 습득도 검사 중 문자해독 하위검사, K-WPPSI의 어휘검사, AST(Affective Situation Test) 및 인지조망능력척도(Kurdek & Rodgon, 1975)가 연구도구로 사용되었다. 실험은 예비조사과정을 포함하여 2011년 1월 넷째 주부터 4월 첫째 주까지 이루어졌으며, 사전검사를 실시한 후 실험처치단계에서 실험집단에 대해서는 그림책을 활용한 통합적 활동을 실시하였고 통제집단에 대해서는 일과 중 그림책 읽기만을 실시한 후 활동경험의 효과를 검증하기 위한 사후검사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 평균, 표준편차, 독립표본 t검증, 공변량분석(ANCOVA)으로 분석하였으며, 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 그림책을 활용한 통합적 활동을 경험한 실험집단의 언어능력이 유의하게 향상된 것으로 나타나, 통합적 활동에 참여한 유아의 문자해독능력, 문장이해력, 어휘력 점수가 통제집단보다 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 그림책을 활용한 통합적 활동을 경험한 실험집단 유아의 조망수용능력이 유의하게 향상된 것으로 나타나, 실험집단 유아의 인지조망수용능력과 감정조망수용능력이 통제집단 유아보다 높았다. 셋째, 언어능력과 조망수용능력에서 유아의 성에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않았으나, 인지조망수용능력에서는 성에 따른 상호작용효과가 나타나 남아의 인지조망 향상 정도가 여아보다 큰 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        묵담대종사 금란가사의 특성 고찰

        강선정 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2022 南道文化硏究 Vol.- No.47

        The Yonghwasa Temple located in Damyang-gun, Jeonnam was founded by the Great Master Mukdam-seongwoo (黙潭聲祐. 1896~1981), and its Mukdam Artifact Hall currently maintains lots of artifacts such as scriptures, crafts, Buddhist paintings, Buddhist reliquary, Kasaya, and formal robes. This treatise sought to closely review two pieces of Mukdam’s Golden Kasaya made in 1959 and 1964, respectively, considered to be the last transition of red Kasaya which was established as the characteristic of Korea’s traditional Buddhist monk’s Kasaya (hereinafter called Kasaya). He served as supreme patriarch of the Jogye Order and the Taego Order, inherited religious precepts of Haedongyulmaek and practised religious commandments, being versed in meditation, teaching and religious precepts. So the study could presume he made two pieces of the Golden Kasaya according to Buddhist’s teachings. Looking at the fact that his Buddhist name Seongwoo was recorded after completing the production of the Kasaya along with its verification in the beginning, the study argues that he was involved throughout its production. Mukdam’s Kasaya was clearly distinct from the contemporary Kasaya; red Kasaya established in the latter part of Joseon had Ilwolgwangcheop attached at the top of the left on the Kasaya horizontally, while Mukdam’s Kasaya had rectangular cloth (貼) in the center of the Kasaya. In the composition of embroidered rectangular cloth, the drawing of ten virtues to be practised (十波羅密) and the Dharmadhatu drawing were allocated as the main patterns. In the latter part of Joseon, Sacheonwangcheop also put the letter of 天 (heaven) at the top of the Kasaya and the letter of 王 (king) in its bottom horizontally, respectively. And the heavenly king (四天王) was also usually embroidered with different colors on the base cloth but his Golden Kasaya had the shape of heavenly king embroidered directly. Kasaya were usually named in the order of the number of seams, pattern and textile, while Mukdam’s Golden Kasaya put more emphasis on rectangular cloth - its main feature – over the pattern. And as a result, its name was rededicated as the 25johwaeomilseungbeopgyedodan Kasaya and 25johwaeomilseungbeopgyedosa Kasaya. The most important part in these two pieces of the Kasaya was the Dharmadhatu drawing situated in the middle of the Kasaya. Centered on this drawing, every symbol was allocated in layers. The former vestment described Dharmadhatu drawing → the drawing of ten virtues to be practised → two dragons, beads, Sanskrit, the letter of 卍 → Bodhisattva, Buddha, Bodhisattva protectors → 20 dragons, beads, 卍. The latter described the Dharmadhatu drawing → the drawing of ten virtues to be practised → two dragons, 卍, flowers → prayer of Sinmyojanggudaedarani, Buddha, Bodhisattva protectors → 24 dragons, ten virtues to be practised, beads, 卍. They had the formation of protecting Dharmadhatu drawing from outer part and the study argues Mukdam intended to express his thought of Hwaeom in his Kasaya. 전남 담양군에 위치한 용화사는 묵담 성우(黙潭聲祐, 1896~1981)대종사에 의해 창건되었으며, 현재 묵담유물관에는 경전, 공예, 불화, 불전 장엄구, 가사, 장삼 등 많은유물이 보존관리 되고 있다. 본 논고에서는 오랜 세월을 거치면서 한국적인 가사의 특징으로 정립된 홍가사의 마지막 변천이라고 할 수 있는 묵담대종사의 1959년과 1964년에 조성된 금란가사 2점에 대해 면밀히 검토하고자 한다. 묵담대종사는 조계종과 태고종종정을 지냈으며, 해동율맥을 전수받아 율사로서의 계율 실천과 함께 선·교·율에 능통했음으로 금란가사 2점을 여법하게 조성하였으리라 미루어 짐작할 수 있다. 가사 피봉식(皮封式)에 증명과 조성된 가사를 받는 퇴수(退受)에 성우(聲祐)라는 법명이 기록된 것으로 보면 이 스님이 가사 조성 전반에 걸쳐 관여한 것을 알 수 있다. 묵담대종사의 금란가사는 동시대 가사와 확연히 구분되는 특징을 보이는데, 조선후기에 정립된 홍가사는 일월광첩이 가사의 좌측 상단에 상하로 부착되는 특징이 있지만, 묵담대종사의 가사는 주복을 중심으로 사각형의 첩(貼)이 부착되어 있다. 첩의 수(繡) 구성도 십바라밀정진도와 법계도가 주 문양으로 배치되어 있다. 또한 사천왕첩도 이 시기에는 가사 상단에 천(天) 자를 좌우, 하단에는 왕(王) 자를 좌우로 배치했으며, 같은색의 바탕천에 다른 색으로 천왕을 수놓는 것이 일반적이었지만, 묵담대종사의 금란가사는 사천왕 형상을 직접 수 놓아 표현했다. 가사의 명칭은 일반적으로 조수, 문양, 직물 순서로 정하지만 묵담대종사의 금란가사는 직물의 문양보다는 가장 큰 특징인 첩(貼)을 부각시켜 가사의 명칭을 25조화엄일승법계도단가사(二十五條華嚴一乘法界圖緞袈裟)와 25조화엄일승법계도사가사(二十五條華 嚴一乘法界圖紗袈裟)로 표기하였다. 2점의 가사에서 가장 중요한 부분은 가사 중앙에위치한 법계도이다. 이를 중심으로 모든 상징이 겹겹이 배치되어 있다. 25조화엄일승법계도단가사에는 법계도→십바라밀도→쌍룡·화염보주·범어·만자→ 불보살·부처와 신중 명호→20마리의 용·화염보주·만자가 표시되었고, 25조화엄일승법계도사가사는 법계도→십바라밀도→쌍룡·만자·옴·남·꽃→신묘장구대다라니·부처와 신중 명호→십바라밀·화염보주·만자 순서로 구성되어 법계도를 외호하는 형상으로 묵담대종사의 화엄사상을 가사에 담고자 한 것으로 보인다.

      • 돈황석굴에 표현된 가사의 양식적 특성

        강선정(Sun-Jung Kang) 아시아민족조형학회 2012 아시아민족조형학보 Vol.11 No.-

        Mogao Caves are important cultural heritage in China. Moagao Caves are located in the center of northern Buddhistic culture. Investigating the surplice expressed in mural paintings in Mogao Caves can show the changes of the surplice. The changes of the surplice will be studied especially with noticing how the surplice changed from India, the birthplace of Buddhism, when it became Chinese Buddhism. There is not much real surplice handed down to nowadays, the value of mural paintings in Mogao Caves is very practical. In this paper, examine the surplice described in Mogao Caves. Second, classifying stylistic feature of surplice into Buddha and Buddhist. Finally, integrating the investigations to find a relationship between Indian Buddhist’s robe and Chinese Buddhist’s robe.

      • KCI등재

        송광사 영산전 석가모니불 복장직물에 관한 연구

        강선정(Kang Sun-Jung),박윤미(Park Yoon-Mee) 한복문화학회 2016 韓服文化 Vol.19 No.4

        Songkwang temple, located in Suncheon city, Jeonnam, is one of the old temples. In the process of plating a Buddha statue with gold, at Yeongsan shrine of Songkwang temple, November, 17, 2015, it opened the storing Buddihist articles in the Buddha statue, and it discovered a letter of vow, records, and fabrics, etc. In a letter of vow, it is written as storing in the Sakya Buddha Statue in January, 1662, and it entailed the list of benefactor. However, it is presumed that they were stored in the Sakya Buddha Statue in the same time, because it is identical the date of a letter of vow and list of benefactor of relic in storing in the Sakya Buddha Statue, Avalokiteśvara of Gwaneumjeon Hall, appointed as cultural treasure No. 1660 in August 25, 2010. For Avalokiteśvara statue of Yeongsan shrine, including a letter of vow, it is stored in the Sakya Buddha Statue the yellow wrapper(Hwangchopokja) and complex gauze with supplementary gold thread. A letter of vow is the woven fabric with plain weave, and yellow wrapper is the patterned fabric of lotus pattern. The complex gauze with supplementary gold thread is the rare designed textile with flat strips of gold thread on the ground weave of dark brown 4-end complex gauze. Particularly, it is the pattern, not investigated up to now, mixed pattern with lotus, fish, and yin-yang. As a result of analysis of flat strips of gold thread used in complex gauze with supplementary gold thread, gold(Au) is the main component, and it was identified Ag, Cu, Fe, and C, etc. as sub-detected element. Because it is clear the period of the Textiles Storing in the Sakya Buddha Statue at Yeongsan shrine and maintains the state of storing time in the Sakya Buddha Statue, including color, it has very important historical worth in the study of fabric history.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국불교복식의 전개

        강선정 ( Kang Sun-jung ) 한국불교사연구소 2016 한국불교사연구 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 불교전래에 따른 한국불교복식의 전개 과정을 가사를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 중국을 거쳐 한국에 불교가 전래되면서 승려복의 제일물인 가사는 3단계로 변화가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 1단계는 삼국시대는 중국과의 교류가 활발히 이루어진 시기로 중국의 포교승과 삼국의 유학승들을 통해서 불교문화가 전래되면서 승려복식 또한 다양하게 전래되었는데 중국의 법의가 한국으로 많이 전래되어 한국과 중국에서 공통된가사의 형태였을 것으로 추측되며, 그 형태가 고려시대와 조선전기로 이어지게 된 것으로 보인다. 2단계 조선 중기 이후는 불교의 흐름이 선종계보로만 이어지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 특히 선종에서는 제자에게 법을 인가할 때 가사를 전하였기 때문에 존귀한 색상인 홍색으로 정해졌을 것으로 본다. 이때가 가장 한국적인 가사의 특징이 나타나는 시기로 홍가사에 일월광첩이 부착된다. 3단계는 조계종단과 태고종단의 분화가 가져온 가사의 변화이다. 전통 홍가사를 그대로 전승하여 발전시키고 있는 태고종단은 일반적인 변화과정에 속하며, 조계종단은 부처 당시의 근본가사에 의미를 두어 검박한 형태를 지향하면서 조선중기 이후 가사의 일반적인 유형에서 벗어난 새로운 가사의 형태로 변화한다. 이상과 같이 본 연구에서 살펴본 한국불교 가사의 형태는 불교의 전개 과정과 깊은연관을 가진다. 가사의 3단계 변화과정에서 볼 수 있듯이 종교복식의 일반적인 역사성을 보여주면서도 시대변화에 따른 다양한 변화도 함께 보여주고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. This study examined the developing process of Korea`s Buddhist costume since the country`s introduction of Buddhism, focused on Buddhist priest´s robes. The first stage - the Three Kingdoms when interchange with China was active - witnessed diverse developments of Buddhist priest`s costume while Buddhist`s culture was introduced through China`s missionary monks and Korea`s monks studying in China. Which seems to have been passed down to the Goryeo Dynasty and the former part of the Joseon Dynasty. In the second stage of post-middle of the Joseon Dynasty, tradition of Buddhism was handed down only to Zen sect of Buddhism. Particularly during this period, Korea`s Buddhist priest´s robes - had symbolic lwolguangcheop (日月光貼) attached to red Buddhist priest´s robes. The third stage underwent changes of Buddhist priest´s robes owing to Buddhists` division into the Jogye sect and Taego sect. While the latter sect that had succeeded and developed the traditional red Buddhist priest´s robes experienced normal changing process, the former sect, putting emphasis on basic Buddhist priest´s robes at the time of the early days of Buddhism and so being oriented to humble form, changed to a new form shaking away from the normal patterns of Buddhist priest´s robes prevailed since the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. As per the findings of this study, the form of Buddhist priest´s robes in Korea`s Buddhism was closely related with the developing process of Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        조선중기 이후 가사(袈裟)의 유형과 변천

        강선정(Sun Jung Kang),조우현(Woo Hyun Cho) 한국복식학회 2014 服飾 Vol.64 No.2

        This is a theoretical and empirical study on Kasaya, the Buddhist monk`s robe, which is one of the traditional Korean costumes that has kept it original form, as well as it being the most symbolic ritual costume in Buddhism. The purpose of the study is to see the different types of Kasaya, and the transitions it has gone through since Mid Joseon Dynasty. The analysis was performed after categorizing Kasaya in the following manner: layers, the way to wear, symbolism in construction, sewing, etc. Having a variety of Ilwolguangcheop(日月光貼) is a feature of Korean Red Kasaya. In the beginning, Its shape was very similar to shape of Hyungbae(胸背), and this was a royal gift and had the same meaning as an official uniform for a Buddhist monk. So designs of the Cheop(貼) could have been transformed from those of Hyungbae with a Buddhist twist. The conclusion of the study is as follows: Double layered Kasaya shows its transition from double layer to single layer. The fastening ornaments have been simplified in all materials from Yeongja(纓子). The latch type and three-paired Yeongja type transformed into hook type and one-paired Yeongja type. Color is the most common feature above all, and it is mainly in red. The form of Korean Kasaya has a significant relation with development of Buddhism. The integration of the Zen sect would have influenced the integration of Kasaya, which shows diversity throughout the period.

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