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      • KCI등재

        Enhancement of the SESN2-SHP cascade by melatonin ameliorates hepatic gluconeogenesis by inhibiting the CRBN-BTG2-CREBH signaling pathway

        An Seungwon,Nedumaran Balachandar,Koh Hong,Joo Dong Jin,Lee Hyungjo,Park Chul-Seung,Harris Robert A.,Shin Keong Sub,Djalilian Ali R.,Kim Yong Deuk 생화학분자생물학회 2023 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.55 No.-

        Melatonin is involved in the regulation of various biological functions. Here, we explored a novel molecular mechanism by which the melatonin-induced sestrin2 (SESN2)-small heterodimer partner (SHP) signaling pathway protects against fasting- and diabetes-mediated hepatic glucose metabolism. Various key gene expression analyses were performed and multiple metabolic changes were assessed in liver specimens and primary hepatocytes of mice and human participants. The expression of the hepatic cereblon (CRBN) and b-cell translocation gene 2 (BTG2) genes was significantly increased in fasting mice, diabetic mice, and patients with diabetes. Overexpression of Crbn and Btg2 increased hepatic gluconeogenesis by enhancing cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-responsive element-binding protein H (CREBH), whereas this phenomenon was prominently ablated in Crbn null mice and Btg2-silenced mice. Interestingly, melatonin-induced SESN2 and SHP markedly reduced hepatic glucose metabolism in diabetic mice and primary hepatocytes, and this protective effect of melatonin was strikingly reversed by silencing Sesn2 and Shp. Finally, the melatonin-induced SESN2-SHP signaling pathway inhibited CRBN- and BTG2-mediated hepatic gluconeogenic gene transcription via the competition of BTG2 and the interaction of CREBH. Mitigation of the CRBN-BTG2-CREBH axis by the melatonin-SESN2-SHP signaling network may provide a novel therapeutic strategy to treat metabolic dysfunction due to diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        <기생충>에 나타난 계급 내 반감과 계급 간 동일시

        남승원 ( Nam¸ Seung-won ) 부산대학교 영화연구소 2021 아시아영화연구 Vol.14 No.2

        2019년 개봉된 봉준호 감독의 영화 <기생충>은 반지하에 사는 김기택 가족과 저택에 사는 박동익 가족, 그리고 그 저택의 지하에 기생하는 오근세, 이렇게 세 가족이 얽히면서 벌어지는 사건들을 통해 계급 간 갈등과 단절을 다뤄낸 영화이다. 자본주의 현대사회를 세련되고 통찰력 있게 비판한 영화로써 높이 평가되어 2019년 칸영화제 황금종려상과 2020년 아카데미 시상식에서 4개 부문을 수상하여 한국 영화사의 큰 획을 그은 작품이다. 이 논문은 <기생충>에 관한 연구들에서 이미 많이 언급된 계급 ‘간’의 갈등보다 계급 ‘내’ 갈등에 더 초점을 맞추어 분석한다. 이 영화에서 이민자나 외국인 노동자와 같은 인종에 대한 내용은 전혀 다뤄지지 않음에도 불구하고, 냄새는 계급의 준생물학적 지표로써 작용하며 계급적 차이를 인종적 차이에 가깝게 재현한다. 영화는 김기택과 오근세로 대표되는 신자유주의 사회의 하단부에 위치한 프레카리아트들이 서로 공생하지 못하고 서로 싸우다 결국 모두 파멸하는 과정을 그린다. 그 과정 속에서 그들과 전혀 다른 계급적 위치에 있는 박동익도 희생되는데, 이 논문은 김기택이 박동익을 살해하는 가장 큰 동기를 박동익에 대한 계급 간 적대감이 아니라 오근세와 동일시되기를 거부하는 김기택의 계급 내 반감에서 찾는다. 또한 김기택과 박동익이 서로에게서 자신의 모습을 발견하고, 그것에서 희열/불쾌감을 느끼는 문제 또한 탐구한다. 김기택이 끝내 수행하지 못하는, 수석(水石)으로 상징되는 가장으로써의 책임을 전가 받은 그의 아들 기우가 돌의 무게를 이기지 못하는 모습을 통해 현재 뿐 아니라 다음 세대의 프레카리아트들의 고통까지도 적나라하게 보여주는 작품이라고 할 수 있다. Parasite (2019) is a South Korean black comedy thriller film directed by Bong Joon-ho that has received international acclaim. This article explores the use of smell as a quasi-biological marker of class in the film that portrays the impossibility of a symbiosis between the precariats who occupy the same lower rungs of the neoliberal capitalist society. The article also finds the main trigger for Kim Ki-taek’s murder of Park Dong-ik in the intra-class antipathy Ki-taek feels toward his fellow precariat, Oh Geun-sae, rather than in his inter-class resentment toward Dong-ik, a neoliberal elite. The article then examines the inter-class identification between the characters of Ki-taek and Dong-ik to conclude that they both see an image of themselves in the other, but to a very different effect. Lastly, the article analyzes the displacement of patriarchal responsibility from Ki-taek to his son who falters under its pressure. The hopeless tone on which the film ends implies the bleak future that lies ahead for the next generation of precariats. Overall, the film exposes sharply how our attitude toward the other differs according to our perception of his/her socio-economic status as compared to our own―we emulate the rich, belittle the poor, and battle against our equals.

      • 조용한 문화시설을 이용하는 투렛 증후군 환자를 위한 음성 틱 음량감소 마스크 개발

        허승원(Seungwon Hur),윤민호(Minho Yoon),이주영(Juyoung Lee),김규리(Gyuri Kim),신승원(Seungwon Shin),임덕신(Dokshin Lim) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 논문집. Transactions of the KSME. C, 산업기술과 혁신 Vol.9 No.2

        투렛 증후군 환자는 음성 틱을 자신의 의지와 상관없이 내기에 문화시설 이용이 힘들다. 본 연구에서는 그들만을 위한 생활보조 기구가 없는 상황에서 문화생활이라도 편하게 즐기도록 음성 틱 음량감소 마스크를 제작했다. 다공성 폴리에스터와 공기층을 이용한 방음구조를 설계, 문화시설 이용객 간의 평균 거리를 고려해서 타인이 음성 틱의 소리를 듣지 못하는 음압 수준으로 약해짐을 목표로 했다. 추가적으로 틱 증상의 전조 감각을 활용한 사운드 마스킹 기능을 적용했다. 음성 틱 음량감소 마스크로 투렛 증후군 환자의 문화적 소외감 해소, 사회성 향상, 삶의 질 향상을 기대한다. 음성 틱을 향한 부정적인 시선과 반응을 차단하고 원만한 문화생활을 가능하게 함으로써, 환자들이 본인의 장애를 스스로 극복할 기회를 제공하고자 한다. Patients with Tourette"s syndrome have difficulty using cultural facilities because they make vocal-tic regardless of their will. So we have created the supporting device named "vocal-tic volume reduction mask" to help them enjoy cultural life. We designed sound absorption structure using porous polyester and air layer. The goal was to attenuate the SPL at which others couldn"t hear the bursting sound. Additionally, we applied sound masking function that utilizes a premonitory urge of tics. With the mask, we expect to relieve the cultural alienation, to improve their sociability. Thus, patients could get the opportunity to overcome their disabilities.

      • 콘크리트 포장 유지보수를 위한 단면보수 공법의 제설제 사용량에 따른 수명분석

        최승원(Choi, Seungwon),장태진(Jang, TaeJin),정해국(Jung, Haekook),김승원(Kim, Seungwon),박철우(Park, Cheolwoo) 한국콘크리트학회 2021 한국콘크리트학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.33 No.2

        이 논문은 콘크리트 포장 유지보수 체계 개선의 일환으로 단면보수 공법의 수명을 제설제 사용량에 따른 영향도를 분석하였다. 단면보수 공법이 적용된 후 재보수까지의 기간을 단면보수 공법의 수명으로 가정하였고, 구간별 제설제 사용량으로 구분하여 단면보수 공법의 평균 수명을 분석하였다. 분석결과 제설제 사용량이 증가할수록 단면보수 공법의 수명이 점진적으로 감소하는 경향을 나타내는 것을 확인하였다. This paper analyzed the effect of the surface repair methods on the cement concrete pavement with respect to the amount of de-icing agent used. The period from the application to renovation of the surface repair method was assumed to be the life of the surface repair method, As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the life of the surface repair method gradually decreased as the amount of de-icing agent used increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        Animal Models of Cancer in the Head and Neck Region

        Seungwon Kim 대한이비인후과학회 2009 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol.2 No.2

        Animal models that resemble the cancers of the head and neck region are of paramount importance in studying the carcinogenesis of these diseases. Although several methods for modeling cancer in the head and neck are available, none are fully satisfactory. Subcutaneous xenograft models of cancer in nude mice are often used in preclinical studies. However, these models are problematic in several aspects as they lack the specific interactions that exist between the tumor cells and their native environment. Establishment of tumors at the orthotopic sites restore these distinct patterns of interactions between the tumor and the host organs that are lost or altered when the tumors are established in ectopic sites. With regard to the transgenic model of cancer in the head and neck region, it should be kept in mind that the transgene used to drive the malignant transformation may not be representative of the carcinogenic process found in human tumors. Low penetrance of tumor formation also translates into high cost and time commitment in performing studies with transgenic models. In this review, we will discuss some of the commonly used methods for modeling cancer in the head and neck region including squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck as well as thyroid carcinoma. Animal models that resemble the cancers of the head and neck region are of paramount importance in studying the carcinogenesis of these diseases. Although several methods for modeling cancer in the head and neck are available, none are fully satisfactory. Subcutaneous xenograft models of cancer in nude mice are often used in preclinical studies. However, these models are problematic in several aspects as they lack the specific interactions that exist between the tumor cells and their native environment. Establishment of tumors at the orthotopic sites restore these distinct patterns of interactions between the tumor and the host organs that are lost or altered when the tumors are established in ectopic sites. With regard to the transgenic model of cancer in the head and neck region, it should be kept in mind that the transgene used to drive the malignant transformation may not be representative of the carcinogenic process found in human tumors. Low penetrance of tumor formation also translates into high cost and time commitment in performing studies with transgenic models. In this review, we will discuss some of the commonly used methods for modeling cancer in the head and neck region including squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck as well as thyroid carcinoma.

      • KCI등재

        Using Freeze Frame and Visual Notifications in an Annotation Drawing Interface for Remote Collaboration

        ( Seungwon Kim ),( Mark Billinghurst ),( Chilwoo Lee ),( Gun Lee ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2018 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.12 No.12

        This paper describes two user studies in remote collaboration between two users with a video conferencing system where a remote user can draw annotations on the live video of the local user’s workspace. In these two studies, the local user had the control of the view when sharing the first-person view, but our interfaces provided instant control of the shared view to the remote users. The first study investigates methods for assisting drawing annotations. The auto-freeze method, a novel solution for drawing annotations, is compared to a prior solution (manual freeze method) and a baseline (non-freeze) condition. Results show that both local and remote users preferred the auto-freeze method, which is easy to use and allows users to quickly draw annotations. The manual-freeze method supported precise drawing, but was less preferred because of the need for manual input. The second study explores visual notification for better local user awareness. We propose two designs: the red-box and both-freeze notifications, and compare these to the baseline, no notification condition. Users preferred the less obtrusive red-box notification that improved awareness of when annotations were made by remote users, and had a significantly lower level of interruption compared to the both-freeze condition.

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