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      • KCI등재

        고려 동북 9성의 범위와 ‘公嶮鎭 立碑’ 문제

        윤경진(Yoon, Kyeong-Jin) 역사실학회 2016 역사와실학 Vol.61 No.-

        이 논문은 고려 예종대 동북 9성의 개척과 관련하여 개척 범위를 파악하고 각 城들의 구체적인 위치를 비정하는 한편, 公嶮鎭에 비를 세워 경계로 삼았다는 사적에대해 비판 검토한 것이다. 현재 동북 9성의 개척 범위에 대해서는 함흥평야에 국한된다는 설에 대해 두만강 북쪽까지 이르렀다는 설이 제기되고 있다. 반면 길주 이남에 분포한다는 실학자들의 주장은 크게 주목받지 못했다. 그러나 『고려사』 지리지에서 동북 9성과 연결된 咸州와 吉州, 端州 연혁의 자료적 근거와 「英州廳壁上記」의 “方 300리” 기록, 그리고 당시 작성된 墓誌銘과 주요 전투 기록 등을 종합해 보면, 동북 9성은 吉州 이남 지역에 분포한 것으로 보는 것이 타당하다. 또한 윤관이 개척 후 공험진에 비석을 세워 경계로 삼았다는 기록은 「영주청벽상기」에서 개척 지역이 본래 고구려 땅임을 입증하기 위해 인용한 ‘高句麗 古碑’를 근거로 생성된 것이다. 이 고비는 개척 지역에 있던 진흥왕의 摩雲嶺碑를 이용해서 제시한 것이었다. 공험진은 바로 마운령 지역에 위치하고 있었다. 고려말 이 지역을 다시 개척하면서 이 비는 “공험진에 있던 고구려 고비”에서 “공험진에 세운 고려 비”로 바뀌면서 동북 9성의 경계를 나타내는 것으로 간주되었던 것이다. Examined in this article is the overall range that was covered by the installation of “ine Nthe fortresses in the Northeast region of the Korean peninsula,(동북 9성)” during the reign of king Yejong of Goryeo, as well as the exact locations of those fortresses. The record that says ‘A stone monument was erected at Gong’heom-jin(公嶮鎭) so that it could serve as a marker for the borderline’ is also critically reanalyzed. The Joseon dynasty Shilhak scholar’s past argument that the Northeast Nine Fortresses were actually installed in regions below Gilju(吉州) area was not that well received by modern scholars for decades. But analysis of various historical resources lead us to conclude that the Northeast Nine Fortresses were indeed positioned below Gilju. Also, the record of a stone monument having been erected at Gong’heom-jin(公嶮鎭) to serve as a border marker seems to have been created based upon the contents of an ancient Goguryeo stone tablet which had been earlier cited -inside a record titled Words on the Yeongju Office wall(“Yeongju-cheong Byeoksang-gi, 英州廳壁上記”) - to argue that the newly covered area (by Yun Gwan’s Nine fortresses) had originally been part of the Goguryeo territory. This ancient tablet, however, was actually the Ma’un-ryeong-bi tablet(stone monument at the Ma’un-ryeong mountain range, 摩雲嶺碑) erected by king Jin’heung-wang of Shilla, which happened to be inside the newly covered region. When this region was newly claimed by the Goryeo government at the end of the dynasty, this tablet was believed (or at least newly called) as the “Goryeo tablet erected at Gong’heom-jin,” and was considered as marking the borderline of the Northeast Nine Fortresses.

      • 모션 인식 기반 스마트 미러

        김경진,백경동,신진우,박동규 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2021 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        The Internet of Things, the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is growing by applying various technologies to various fields. Among them, smart home systems that apply IoT technology to home environments are actively being researched, and the home hub market, which is a communication medium for smart homes, is also developing at the same time. However, the security damage from cyber attacks, which are vulnerabilities in IoT technology, is also increasing in proportion to these developments. In this paper, mirror is implemented as an IoT service hub. It can be used in any space where a mirror is installed, and gesture recognition allows control of existing infrared-based devices as well as certain compatible devices. In addition, the system to solve security problems was implemented by applying AES algorithms between all data communications.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 일제말기 인촌 김성수 친일 논란에 대한 재검토

        김진경 ( Jin Kyeong Kim ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2014 역사학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        민간단체와 정부기구가 김성수의 일제말기 행적에 대해 친일반민족행위였다고 결정한 상태다. 그러나 동시대인의 증언을 고려하지 않고 문헌 중심으로 행적을 규명했다는 한계가 있다. 해방직후 김성수는 친일파로 인식되지 않았다. 김성수가 의혹을 받게 된 것은 1945년 10월 김성수 명의의 학병지원 독려 기고문이 수록된 『반역자와 애국자(Traitors and Patriots)』라는 영문 팸플릿이 배포된 이후다. 이 선전선동 유인물을 배포한 것은 박헌영 등이 김성수를 ‘친일파’로 낙인하여 건국과정에서 배제시키려 했기 때문이다. 김성수 대신 연설문을 도맡아 썼던 측근 유진오는 그 글을 보고 당황한 김성수에게 그 글은 『매일신보』 기자가 쓴 것이라고 밝힌다. 미국학자 브루스 커밍스는 자료검증을 하지 않아 김성수와 관련해 결정적인 잘못을 저질렀다. 일부 학자들은 김성수가 하지 않은 행위까지 증거로 조작했다. 자료검증을 하지 않은 채 김성수의 친일을 ‘증거’하려는 시도는 오류투성이의 저작물을 양산했다. 김성수 친일의 자료는 총독부 기관지의 기사와 친일단체 임원 명단이 전부다. 총독부 기관지의 기사는 일제의 강압적인 분위기에서 왜곡되고 날조돼 ‘증거’로 삼을 수 없다. 친일단체에도 전문학교 교장이자 조선인 유력자로서 이름이 도용됐다. 결국 김성수의 일제 말 행적이 이전과 다르게 비춰지게 된 것은 1937년 중일전쟁으로 전시상황이 돼 김성수에게 가해진 일제의 압력이 커졌기 때문이었다. 특히 1943년 10월 학생들의 학병지원과 관련된 새 제도가 시행됨에 따라 교장직을 맡고 있는 김성수가 기사에 이전보다 더 등장하게 된 것이다. 그 과정에서 총독부의 입맛대로 기사 왜곡과 날조가 이루어졌다. 김성수의 친일을 주장하는 저작물들은 동시대인의 증언을 한마디도 담지 않았다. 친일의혹을 해명하는 증언에 일부 문제가 있다고 기사들이 왜곡되거나 날조되지 않았다고 하는 것도 비논리적이다. 김성수에게 책임을 묻자면 자신의 이름도용이나 기사날조를 묵인했다는 것이다. 김성수 본인이 제대로 인지하지 못한 ‘행적’이 친일행위로 인식되고 있는 상황이기도하다. 일부 주장과 같이 김성수가 동아일보가 폐간된 뒤 보성전문을 살리기 위해 일제에 협력했다는 것은 근거가 없다. 동아일보 기자 출신 박학보는 김성수가 민족과 나라를 위해서라면 재산이나 지위에 연연하지 않을 것으로 평가했다. 유진오는 김성수가 폐교의 위협을 무릅쓰고 일제 부역자아들의 입학 청탁을 거절했듯이 보성전문은 김성수에게 신념을 위해 포기할 수 있는 ‘사업’이었다고 보았다. 김성수의 신념은 친일과 반일을 뛰어넘는 차원의 것이었다. Both non-governmental and governmental organizations branded Sungsoo Kim``s colonial past as having been a part of pro-Japan collaborative activities during the wartime mobilization of 1937-45. However, such presumptions were made based only on documents, while not regarding any of the statements made by his contemporaries. He had a good nationalist reputation right after Korea’s liberation. He became suspected of being pro-Japanese after a pamphlet entitled 『The Traitors and the Patriots』 was distributed in October, 1945. The pamphlet contained a speech by Sungsoo Kim, containing a message of encouragement to Korean students to join the Japanese army in 1943. It was an article published in the colonial press, the Maeil Sinbo. Political radicals, represented by Heon-yeong Park used the pamphlet to exclude Sungsoo Kim from the course of nation building by branding him as a pro-Japan collaborator. The actual speech writer Jin-oh Yoo explained to the confused and shocked Sungsoo Kim that the article had been written by a reporter from Maeil Sinbo. Bruce Cummings, a distinguished American scholar, made a great mistake by not having verified the documents published about Kim``s collaboration. Some Korean scholars even made false evidences of his collaboration acts. All attempts and documents made to falsely accuse Kim of having been pro-Japan made complete books full of errors. The only evidence of his collaborative acts is articles in the colonial press and a list of executive names of pro-Japanese organizations. Because the articles in the colonial press were distorted during the oppressive wartime periods, it cannot be used as ‘evidence’ for acts of his collaboration. His name was falsely used in executive lists of pro-Japanese organizations. Ultimately, reasons for why Kim’s activities of past-colonial period seem different from that of before, is because of increased pressures from the colonial government after the Sino-Japanese War in July, 1937. Especially, as the new special volunteer recruitment system was set in motion in October, 1943, articles of Sungsoo Kim, president of Posung College, appeared more often in the colonial press. Articles in the colonial press were distorted and twisted as the colonial government had wanted. The writings claiming of his collaboration did not contain a single statement from contemporaries. It is illogical to say the articles weren’t distorted because the statements asserting his innocence have some errors. If Sungsoo Kim were to be held responsible, his fault would only be that he neglected to correct the act of people falsely using his name or acquiescing about false articles about his collaboration. It is also a problem that his whereabouts, which he himself was unaware of, is perceived as having done pro-Japan collaborative activities. Some assertions that Kim collaborated with the Japanese to maintain Posung College, after the discontinuance of the Dong-A Ilbo, has no grounds. Hak-bo Park, a former Dong-A Ilbo reporter, evaluated Sungsoo Kim as a man who would gladly give up his fortune and social status for his country. Jin-oh Yoo saw Posung College as a business to Kim, a business Kim could give up for his beliefs. On one occasion, Kim had risked losing his college by having refused the admission of a collaborator``s request for his son``s. Sungsoo Kim’s belief in righteousness was beyond that of pro-Japanese and anti-Japanese sentiments.

      • KCI등재후보

        체간안정화 훈련이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 호흡기능에 미치는 효과

        이경진(Kyeong-Jin Lee),정주현(Ju-Hyeoun Jeong),조명래(Myeong-Rae Jo),김세윤(Se-Yoon Kim),김난수(Nan-Soo Kim) 대한심장호흡물리치료학회 2019 대한심장호흡물리치료학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of trunk stability training on improving trunk control, respiratory function, and respiratory muscle activation in stroke patients. Methods : The subjects were assigned to two groups: the intervention group (n=15) and the control group (n=15). Both groups participated in a conventional stroke rehabilitation program, but the intervention group also received trunk stability training for 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, for 6 weeks. The main trunk stability exercise consisted of the dead bug exercise. Trunk control was assessed using a trunk impairment scale, and respiratory function (pulmonary function and respiratory muscle function) was assessed using spirometry. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation, independent t-test, and paired t-test. Results : Trunk control was significantly positively correlated with pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength. Both groups showed a significant increase in trunk control and respiratory function. Conclusion : This study demonstrated that a conventional stroke rehabilitation program and trunk stability training have positive effects on respiratory function and respiratory muscle activation in stroke patients.

      • KCI등재

        고려 대몽항쟁기 南道지역의 海島 入保와 界首官

        윤경진(Yoon, Kyeong jin) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2013 군사 Vol.- No.89

        Examined in this article are the resettlements on several Islands in the South sea, which were necessitated by the invading Mongol forces. The local governing and military operations during the Goryeo dynasty were traditionally overseen by the local commanders(界首官), and so were the "resident resettlements. "Some units of the primary army were positioned on the islands so that they could preserve their operational capabilities, When it was necessary, they landed on the main land and fought the Mongol forces. Some of the forces occupied mountain fortresses in order to defend crucial inland bases. Nam-gyeong(南京) and the Gwangju-mok(廣州牧) units of the Yang"gwang-do(楊廣道) province moved to the Gang"hwa-do is land, and the Chungju-mok(忠州牧) unit entered the Daebu-do(大府島) island which was under the jurisdiction of A-ju(牙州). In case of Chungju-mok(淸州牧), the units in several areas entered adjacent islands, and some of them entered Chungju Sanseong fortress (忠州山城) and Gongsan-seong(公山城) fortresses as well. In the Jeolla-do(全羅道) province, the Jeonju-mok(全州牧) unit entered both Jo-do(槽島,Ji-do[智島])and Ab"hae-do(押海島) islands and engaged in maritime defense, while the Naju-mok(羅州牧) unit entered Jin-do(珍島) is land to form a defense base. Areas in the Jeolla-do province also entered Ib"am Sanseong fortress(笠巖山城) and Geumseong Sanseong fortress(錦城山城). In Gyeongsang-do(慶尙道) province the Jinju-mok(晉州牧) unit entered the Nam"hae-do(南海島) island, but was not able to enter Dong-gyeong(東京) because of the officials there would not let them into the island.

      • KCI등재

        新羅 中代 太宗(武烈王) 諡號의 追上과 재해석

        윤경진(Yoon, Kyeong Jin) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.53

        Examined in this article, is the meaning behind the posthumous title presented to King Taejong(太宗) Muyeol-wang(武烈王), and why it was presented to him. Also examined is the fact that such presentation of a posthumous title was to commemorate his alleged service to the unification of the Three Han entities(‘一統三韓’). The title of “Taejong” usually referred to the Successor of the Founder king(“Taejo(太祖)”), so the title itself was an insurance to the person-in-question’s authority and legitimacy. This ‘Taejong’ title was added to KingMu’yeol-wang’s original posthumous title during the reign of king Shinmun-wang, and was designed to indicate the legitimacy of the Mu’yeol-wang line compared to the Jin’pyeongwang line. Later, the Mu’yeol-wang line was severed and the Nae’mul-wang line continued to inherit the throne. The house of Kim Yu-shin(金庾信) felt threatened by the situation, and published a biography of Kim Yu-shin emphasizing his services to the country in order to ensure the house’s authority. In this biography, Kim Yu-shin is described as the central person who contributed (more strongly than others) to the Unification of the Three Han units, and Mu’yeol-wang is described to have received the title of “Taejong” because of his service at the side of Kim Yu-shin. 『Samguk Sagi(三國史記)』 recorded all this, but in consideration of the diplomatic condition of the time, revised the contents to some extent. On the other hand, 『Samguk Yusa(三國遺事)』 recorded the original material without revision.

      • 음성 인식 헬스케어 시스템

        신진우,조우승,조성빈,김재훈,정지은,사예지,백경동,박동규 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2021 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        As modern people's interest in health grows, wearable healthcare-related technologies that can collect biometric information and receive health-related services regardless of time and place are developing. This paper proposes the healthcare system based on voice recognition function. Unlike conventional wearable healthcare systems, the proposed system provides real-time telemedicine and diagnosis and the direct connection with doctors is possible through it. And almost all functions of the application in it are operated with voice commands to lower user access barriers. Because it deals with personal information including medical information, encryption algorithms have been applied between all data movements. Finally, the healthcare system proposed in this paper is expected to increase convenience in health care and reduce the medical gap.

      • KCI등재

        하악 우악부 골절의 구내접근법에 대한 임상적 평가

        진국범,박경옥,이동근,장동호,민승기,방만혁 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1994 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.16 No.1

        Recently, we have used internal fixation with titanium miniplate which introduced by Champy in 1976 in facial bone fractures. In cases of mandibular fractures, particulary mandibular angle fractures, we usually underwent the open reduction extraorally. But extraoral approaches may leave scars and put the facial nerve at greater risk. So, we had undergone the intraoral approaches in 31 patients of mandibular angle fractures (male : 29, female : 2)> These patients visited in Wonkwang university hospital from October 1991 to June 1993. We got easy operation time as average 20 minutes than extraoral approach. And reduced the postoperative nerve injury(14.2%), but postoperative infection is 6.1% nearly as same as extraoral approach. TMJ problems after intraoral open reduction was similar to extraoral approaches.

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