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      • KCI등재

        Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in the Korean Population

        이희석,황적준,박희경,이혜린,송은섭 大韓法醫學會 1996 대한법의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        한국인 100명을 대상으로 인체게놈에서 다형성이 가장 높다고 알려진 미토콘드리아 DNA(mtDNA)의 과변이 제1 및 제2부위를 중합효소반응으로 증폭한 후 염기서열을 결정하였고, 이들로부터 97개의 mtDNA형을 확인하였다. 이들 중 세 mtDNA형은 각각2명에서 관찰되었으며, 나머지 94개의 mtDNA형은 한 개체씩에서 관찰되었다. 이 염기서열들을 Anderson등(1981)이 보고한 참고서열과 비교하여 109개의 염기부위에서 변이를 관찰하였다. 이들 중 101 염기부위 (93.2%)는 이행, 9 염기부위(6.8%)는 전환형 치환이었다. 한국인 100명에서 관찰되는 각 mtDNA형의 빈도로부터 계산된 유전자 다양성 (gene diversity)은 0.99이고, 각 염기서열의 상호비교(pairwise comparison)로 구해진 평균 염기 다양성(nucleotide diversity)은 1.05이다. 한국인에게서 관찰되는 미토콘드리아 과변이 제1과 제2부위 연기서열의 분석으로 얻을 수 있는 개체의 식별력은 0.99이므로 이는 동일한 모계관계에 있지 않은 두 개체를 식별함에 매우 유용한 것으로 생각되었다.

      • 근육의 기능과 근육피로

        신혜숙,김동하 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1996 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.20

        This article is a review study whose topic is the muscular fatigue. The purpose of present article is to provide some knowledges and ideas in the research field of muscular function more specifically muscular fatigue. The summarized contents are as follows: Muscular fatigue is often defined as a failure of expected or intended muscular force or as a declined neuromuscular function. The muscular fatigue is divided as the central fatigue and the peripheral one according to the site of failure. The peripheral fatigue is also subdivided as the high frequency fatigue and the low frequency one. During the sustained or repeated contractions of muscles, the contractile property of muscle is altered. The increased contraction and relaxation time and the decreased muscular contractile force are its characteristics. The slowing of tetanic relaxation time seems to be due to by-products, these are; lactic acid and ?? ion. Metabolic alternation is also a common picture that the blood or muscle lactate increases and ATP and Pcr decrease during the muscle contractions. Neuromuscular activity is altered by changes in the work load and frequency. EMG decreases in proportion to decreased contractile force in maximal voluntary contraction, and increased in submaximal voluntary contractions. In fatigue response, the fatigability is higher in the condition of the optimal muscle length than in that of the shortened length. It is also true that the high intensity strength training group showed higher fatigability. Fatigue response during sustained stretch-shortening cycle exercise is the lengthened contact time, the decreased not force impulse, and an increased EMG activity in arm and leg muscles. However, the time normalized EMG activity do not change during submaximal fatigue exercise. The fatigue response of strength-shortening cycle exercise is higher in the eccentric phase than in the concentric one.

      • KCI등재

        미토콘드리아 DNA 염기서열 분석법에 의한 가족관계의 규명

        남용석,이희석,김희선,이혜린,황적준 大韓法醫學會 1995 대한법의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The human mitochondrial DNA has two characteristics that make it possible to identify individuals and establish family relationships. First, it is haploid, being exhibited only maternal inheritance. Second, it is highly variable on the hypervariable control region of mitochondrial DNA. Taking advantage of two characteristics of mitochondrial DNA, individual relationships in dispute were identified by combining PCR amplification with direct mitochondrial DNA sequencing. Two persons who alleged the same maternal lineage were identical on the mitochondrial DNA sequences from 15,960 to 16,569 and from 1 to 533. Other two persons were identical on the mitochondrial DNA sequences from 16221 to 16390 each other. However, seven bases are different on the sequences from 16221 to 16390 between two groups,. Even though four persons are kinship, these results suggest that they should come from two different maternal lineage.

      • 加熱한 牛肉의 部位別 아미노酸 組成과 그 蛋白質의 品質評價

        權貞淑,李惠成 慶北大學校 産業開發硏究所 1984 硏究報告 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was conducted to analyze the amino acid composition and available lysine and to evaluate the protein quality of several parts of the cooked beef. The parts of beef used were foreshank, ox-tail and ox-stomach. Raw samples were prepared by Korean meat soup cooking method and freeze drying and amino acid composition and available lysine were measured. Protein quality was evaluated from chemical score, biological value and available lysine content of each sample. The main findings of this study will be summarized as follows: Overall distribution of amino acids in different parts of beef were almost the same. Generally, samples contained large amount of Glycine, Glutamic acid,Aspartic acid and small amount of Tryptophane, Methionine and Histidine. It was shown that foreshank part contained the highest amount of total essential amino acids and ox-tail part had the least. Especially it was interesting to note that ox-tail part had high amount of Glycine, the major component amino acids of incomplete protein, collagen. It also has been found that some amino acid such as Tryptophane were fairly reduced by boiling in foreshank part. On the other hand, Arginine, Proline, Glycine, Alanine were increased. Chemical score and biological value of boiled ox-tail part were remarkbly low compared with other parts. Availability of lysine was high in the order of ox-tail>raw foreshank>ox-stomach. Total lysine and available lysine contents were reduced by boiling.

      • KCI등재

        Master Gardener 프로그램 특성에 관한 연구 : Virginia Cooperative Extension을 중심으로 with Special Reference to the Virginia Cooperative Extension

        곽혜란,한승원,이종석,김신기 한국화훼연구회 2001 화훼연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The Master Gardener(MG) program is one of representative outreach program of cooperative extension at land grant Universities in U.S.A. The purpose of MG programs are primarily focused on educating community and people who want to join gardening project. MGs are valuable resources as volunteer-educators teaching environmental horticulture, increasing life quality through horticulture, community landscaping, school gardening, nutrition problems and horticultural therapy for the common-wealth or benefit of their community. MG educational programs and volunteer internships are needed to get and maintain MG title and they follow the policies and philosophies of cooperative extension. MG programs present lots of benefits by enlarge boundaries of horticulture and offer the practical educational services. To extend and activate further the value of horticulture, the MG programs should be introduced in Korea soon. MGs are regarded as new managers or primary leaders for educating horticulture, landscaping for community because of their knowledge and eagerness to help the people's advancement.

      • KCI등재

        소피스트 수사학에 나타나는 인식론 및 언어관

        김혜숙 한국독일어문학회 2003 독일어문학 Vol.23 No.-

        In der sophistischen Rhetorik beschaftigt man sich damit, “was einem Publikum wahrscheinlich scheint”, “welche Erfahrungen, Gefuhle, Vorstellungen, Denkweisen fur eine kommunikative Situation bestimmend werden konnen” und “mit welchen topoi ein Gesprachspartner oder eine Zuhorerschaft sowohl affektiv-emotional erreicht und bewegt als auch rational-intellektuell angesprochen werden kann”. Dement-sprechend werden die Eikos- und Kairostheorie als Grundprinzipien fur eine kommunikative Situation angesehen, Ethos und Pathos als affektive Uberzeugungsmittel angegeben. Insbesondere werden effektive sprachliche Darstellungen, ein systematischer Aufbau der Rede und Argumentationsmethoden mit Hilfe wahrscheinlicher Argumente verlangt. Die Fragen, die man in der sophistischen Rhetorik stellt, und die theoretischen Antworten darauf erfolgen auf Grund der relativistischen und pluralistischen Erkenntnis- und Sprachtheorie. Im Homo-mensura Satz von Protagoras zeigt sich der Gesichtspunkt, dass jeder aus der eigenen Perspektive uber die Wahrheit urteilt. Gemaß der Behauptung, die Gorgias in Uber das Nichtseiende aufstellt, wird unser Bewusstsein durch die Sprache bestimmt, die die Dinge in der Außenwelt nicht reprasentiert. Das heißt, Erkenntnis- und Sprachtheorie von Protagoras und Gorgias erkennen den subjektiv beschrankten Erkenntnishorizont an, unter dem sich die einzelnen Menschen befinden, und vertreten den Standpunkt, dass die Funktion der Sprache nicht in der Wiedergabe realer Dinge, sondern in der Formulierung von Ansichten besteht. Beide behaupten namlich keine Absolutheit, sondern die geschichtliche, erfahrungsmaßige Zufalligkeit der Wahrheit. Gerade hinsichtlich der Tatsache, dass die Wahrheit einen geschichtlichen und erfahrungsmaßigen Charakter hat, wird die Verstandigung uber die verschiedenen Ansichten unter den Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft notwendig. In jedem menschlichen Kollektiv gibt es zahlreiche Konflikte. Um diese gesellschaftlichen Konflikte aufzulosen, muss man nach Protagoras die Richtigkeit der einzelnen Ansichten langfristig auf die Probe stellen und dadurch die Mitglieder zur Ubereinstimmung bringen. Dabei soll die Uberzeugungskraft der Sprache verwendet werden. Im Prozess der Vereinbarung durch Uberzeugung konnen Eikos- und Kairostheorie als praktische Prinzipien fungieren. Diese Theorien konnen an der Stelle, an der die kulturellen Konflikte entstehen, und in Situationen, in denen sich jeder tatige Einzelne sowie Kollektive standig fur etwas entscheiden, als effektive Prinzipien wirken.

      • 현대 패션에 나타난 동양적 특성에 관한 연구

        채혜숙,채금석 한국패션뷰티학회 2008 한국패션뷰티학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        A midst the tendency in an attempt to rehabilitate the coexistence of values in Oriental and Western cultures, along with centripetal attention through reincarnation of the Oriental culture, the modern fashion trend is also inclusive of such Oriental flavors even in the opposite Western fashion icons with an outlook for futuristic alternative. In this regard the study is to investigate the Oriental Characteristics shown in the contemporary fashion in a more profound and right manner by evaluating its spirituality and formativeness through analytical survey on preliminary literatures, whose key words are as follows; Fist, heterogeneity inclusive of the Oriental comprehensiveness through non-periodic chaos; second, imperfection in pursue of prefection through non-perfection; third, asymmetry caused by polarized historicity together with agility in the Oriental costumes; fourth, simplicity bridging into religious naught, and; fifth, spatial comfortablity shrouded by loose design. As a result, the study demonstrates that Oriental sensitivity implicative at the modern fashion, prior to its formativeness, shed out a clue of the Oriental profound spirits in its fashion style.

      • Bacillus subtilis 接種이 土壤微生物相에 미치는 影響(Ⅰ) : 볏짚 및 크로버 添加區에서의 微生物相의 變動 Changes in Microflora by Application of Straw and Clover

        孔惠淑,柳恩珠,梁昌述 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1993 農資源開發論集 Vol.18 No.-

        토양으로부터 분리한 B. subtilis를 有機物이 施用된 토양에 還元 接種하여 有機物 種類에 따른 B. subtilis의 토양중에서 適應·定着性 및 B.subtilis가 다른 土壤微生物相에 미치는 영향을 經時的으로 조사하였다. 또한 有機物이 시용된 토양중에서 B,subtilis와 植物 病原菌인 F. oxysporum을 동시에 接種하여 상호간의 拮抗的 關係를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) B. subtilis菌數는 對照區에서보다 B. subtilis 接種區에서 增加를 보였고 단지 볏짚 및 크로버만을 사용한 區에서보다 볏짚 및 크로버 施用區에 B. subtilis를 접종한 區가 약 2배 정도 B. subtilis菌數의 증가를 보였다. 특히 B.subtilis를 有機物 施用區에 접종했을 때 볏짚 시용구가 크로버 시용구에서보다 B. subtilis菌數가 약 3배 정도 현저하게 증가하였다. 2) 細菌과 絲狀菌數는 대조구보다 B.subtilis 接種區에서 각각 23% 및 20%씩 감소하였으므로 또한 크로버 시용구에서보다 크로버+B. subtilis 접종구에서도 각각 33% 및 16%씩 감소하였고, 볏짚 시용구에서는 볏짚+B. subtilis 접종구에서 각각 29% 및 32%씩 감소경향을 나타내었다. 3) 胞子形成菌數는 대조구보다 B. subtilis 접종구에서 약 10배 정도 증가하였으며 단지 有機物만을 시용한 區보다도 크로버+B. subtilis 접종구와 +B. subtilis 접종구에서 각각 2배, 4배 정도의 증가경향을 보였다. 또한 gram(-)細菌도 胞子形成菌數와 비슷한 경향을 나타내었고, B. subtilis接種이 그람 음성 세균수의 변동에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 4) F. oxysporum의 菌數는 크로버 시용구에서보다 크로버+F. oxysporum 접종구에서 25배 정도 증가하였으나 크로버+B. subtilis 접종구에서는 크로버+F. oxysporum 접종구보다 약 5배 정도의 감소경향을 나타내었다. 또한 F. oxysporum菌數는 볏짚+F. oxysporum區에서 볏짚 單獨施用區보다 3배 정도 증가하였으나 볏짚+B. subtilis+F. oxysporum접종구는 볏짚+F. oxysporum접종구보다 F. oxysporum의 數가 약 17배 정도 감소경향을 나타내었다. 더욱이 F. oxysporum菌數는 크로버+B. subtilis+F. oxysporum접종구보다 볏짚+B. subtilis+F. oxysporum접종구에서 약 40배 정도의 감소경향을 나타내었다. 5) 크로버 시용구의 토양 pH는 약 ph 9에 이르러 토양 ph가 alkali화되었으며 볏짚시용구의 토양 ph는 큰 변화 없이 약산성을 유지하였다. This study has been conducted to investigate the adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to the soil and the antagonistic interaction between B. subtilis and pathogen Fusarium oxysporum as well as the periodic change of soil microflora when B. subtilis was inoculated to the soil treated with organic matters. Some results obtained from this study are as follows : 1) The number of B. subtilis was more increased about 6 times in the plot inoculated with B.subtilis than in control plot. It was relatively double in the organic matter+ B. subtilis plot than in the only organic matter plot. B. subtilis was particuraly increased about 3 times in the straw +B. subtilis plot, compared with the clover +B. subtilis plot. 2) The number of total bacteria and fungi was decreased by 23% and 20% in the plot inoculated with B.subtilis respectively than in control plot. It was not only decreased by 33% and 16% in the clover+B. subtilis plot respectively than in the only clover plot but it was also decreased by 29% and 32% in the straw+B. subtilis plot respectively than in the only straw plot. 3) The number of spore-forming bacteria was increased about 10 times in the plot inoculated with B.subtilis than in the control plot. It was also increased 2 times and 4 times in the clover+B.subtilis plot and in the straw+B. subtilis plot respectively than in each organic matter plot. The number of gram-negative bacteria and the spore-forming bacteria were slightly increased in all the plot inoculated with B. subtilis. 4) The number of F. oxysporum was increased about 25 times in the clover+ F. oxysporum plot than in the only clover plot. But it was decreased about 5 times in the clover+B.subtilis+ F. oxysporum plot than in the clover +F. oxysporum plot. Furthermore, F. oxysporum was remarkably decreased about 40times in the straw+B. subtilis+ F. oxysporum plot than in the clover+b. subtilis+ F. oxysporum plot. It occured that B. subtilis had inhibited the growth of pathogen F. oxysporum when B. subtilis was inoculation to the soil treated with straw. 5) Soil pH was changed to pH 9 in the plot treated with clover to become the alkalification of experimental soil. Meanwhile it was not changed in the plot treated with straw.

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