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      • 建國大學校 農業史博物館 設置에 關한 硏究

        金基駿,崔圭洪,金裕鉉,柳泰永 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1989 農資源開發論集 Vol.14 No.-

        To conserve the collected agricultural legacy as the historical materials, and for the study on the collections materials, method of collection, their display and conservation methods by defining the characteristices of agricultural history museum, and to establish the agricultural history museum at Kon-Kuk University, the present situation & characteristics of the national, public and private foundation museums including the university museums, and the forganigation & display of the major museums having agricultural relics were investigated. The results obtained are as follow: 1. By the establishment of agricultural museum,the agricultural legacies could be conserved, and the agricultural history of Korea could be systemized, and also the physicecracy could be illuminated. 2. It is suggested that the third proposal regulating the name of museum as agricultural history museum among the four suggested proposals for giving the aiming characteristices of planning museum at Kon-Kuk University. 3. It is predicted that the exhibition space should be wide since normally the agricultural relics have big size, and the space for the display and management should be strictly divided. Form the analysed results, it is considered that the total floor space and the space for of display should be above 710 Pyong, 364 Pyong, respectively, and the display space is about 55% of the total floor space. 4. The organization of exhibition space should be considered by the collected materials and the display space, however it is desirable to select or third proposal among the suggested. 5. It is suggested that the boundary of possessed and displaed legacics classified by nine parts on condition that it can be satistied the organization of exhibition space.

      • 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol과 그 ester 合成 및 應用에 관한 硏究

        金明運 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1975 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        植物生長調性物質로 알려진 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol의 合成, 確認定量法 및 微生物生長에 미치는 影響을 실험한 이 연구에서 o-methoxyphenol에 대한 nitro 化는 濃窒酸이나 混酸을 사용한 合成보고가 있으나 醋酸을 사용한 방법으로는 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol뿐만 아니라 中間生成物인 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenylacetate를 合成할 수 있었고 benzoic acid와의 ester化도 可能하였다. 確認定量法으로서는 -NH₂基를 diazo化하는 방법으로 NO₂基를 還元하고 이것을 常法으로 diazo化 하므로써 相對誤差±0.97% 範圍에서 定量할 수 있었다. 동시에 methoxy基는 pregl의 微量分析法을 이용하여 相對誤差 ±0.59% 範圍에서 定量이 可能하였다. 吸光度光法에 있어서는 이 化合物의 酸解離定數를 구할 수 있었고 pH의 影響, 緩衝夜의 吸光度에 대한 影響및 吸收極大波長을 測定하여10∼50ppm 濃度에서 Beer의法則이 적용됨을 알 수 있었다. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol의 微生物生長에 미치는 影響은 Staphylococcus aureus에 대하여 低濃度에서 促進性을 보였고 0.6r 전후에서 가장 效果的이었다. 그리고 Hansenula anomala의 醱酵性도 促進하였고 4,000培부터 6,000培에서 가장 높았다. 本硏究는 産學財團의 支援으로 이루워진 것을 眞心으로 感謝하는 바이다. The synthesis of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was investigated and its identification was made by its chemical properties, macro analysis and its growth regulative ability on several microorganisms. The results were as follows: 1. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was prepared by the acetylation of o-methoxyphenol with acetic acid and the nitration of 2-methoxy-5-nitro-phenylacetate. 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenyl was prepared by the esterification with benzonic acid. 2. The identification and determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was made by the diazo method and determination of the methoxy radical. 3. The ionization constant(Ka) of acid for this substance at 262mμ,344mμand 412mμwas 7.94×?? (Ka= 7.94×?? ) 4. The wave lengths for maximum absorption of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol in chloroform were 297μand 335mμ. 5. The wave lengths for maximum absorption of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol in an aqueous solution were 321mμ,412mμ, and 383mμ. The changes in the absorption curve for the pH values are shown in Fig. 4.The isos bestic points were discovered at 280mμ and 383mμ. 6. The mixture,in which 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was contained, was thoroughly soluble in chlroform below pH 6 but transferred completely into a water phase above pH 12.The transmittance percentage of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol increased with the third extractions. 7. The wavelengths of the buffer solutions were not affected above 250mμ.The determination of 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was possible without the influence of time on absorption as shown in figure 11 and Figure 12 at level raging 10ppm to 50ppm. 8. The growth of Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited to some extent by 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol at concentrations of 6×10²r. It did not inhibit Staphylococcus aureus in more diluted concentrations. At a concentration of about 0.6r 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol showed growth promotive properties of Staphylococcus aureus. 9. The growth promotive ability of a solution containing, o-nitrophenol, p-nitrophenol, 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol was greater than the 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol solution. 10. The fermentation ability of Hansenula anomala was promoted by 2-methoxy-5-nitrophenol and increased at dilution levels ranging 1×4000 to 7×1000.

      • 참깨 播種期 遲延에 따른 開化樣相 및 收量形質의 變異

        金光鎬,李相福,金褘培 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        참깨 晩播時의 파종기 이동에 따른 開花特性과 開花期 變異에 따른 삭 및 種實發育特性을 조사하여 晩播限界期를 추정하고자 3품종을 供試하여 6월 12일부터 7월 10일까지 5회에 걸쳐 파종한 실험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 開花始까지의 日數는 공시품종 모두 6월 12일부터 7월 3일 파종구까지는 37∼39일로 비슷하나 7월 10일 파종구는 앞 파종구보다 3∼4일 단축되었으며, 개화기간은 3품종 모두 파종기지연에 따라 감소하였다. 2) 開花期間중의 累積開花數變異樣相은 6월 26일 이전의 3파종구와 7월 3일 이후의 2파종구간에 큰 차이가 났는데 극만파를 하면 개화속도가 빠르고 개화종료기까지도 많은 꽃이 피었다. 3) 開花期에 따른 着삭樣相을 보면 6월 12일 파종구는 개화기간의 중반 이전에 핀 꽃이 형성한 꼬투리가 대부분이었고, 6월 26일 파종구에서는 개화기간 중반을 전후하여 약 2주일 동안 핀 꽃, 그리고 7월 10일 파종구는 개화기간 중반을 전후하여 약 10여일 동안 핀 꽃들이 형성한 고투리가 대부분이었다. 4) 공시품종 및 파종기별로 開花始에서 일정한 기간이 지난 후 늦게 핀 꽃일수록 삭當種實重, 千粒重 및 種實重/삭重 比率이 각각 감소하였는데 그 정도는 豊年깨에서, 그리고 7월 10일 파종구에서 가장 심하게 나타났다. 5) 공시품종 모두 6월 12일 파종구에서는 8월 10일경까지, 그리고 6월 26일 파종구에서는 8월 13일경까지 핀 꽃이 형성한 삭의 종실무게가 꼬투리 껍질보다 더 무거웠으나 7월 10일 파종구에서는 풍년깨를 제외하고는 開花初期부터 종실무게가 꼬투리껍질보다 가벼워 극만파구에서는 초기에 핀 꽃부터 등숙이 제대로 안되고 있음을 보여 주었다. 6) 單白깨는 파종기가 늦어지면 株當種實重과 삭重이 함께 감소하나 豊年깨와 廣産깨는 6월 26일 파종구까지는 種實重과 삭重이 비슷하게 변했고 7월 10일 파종구에서만 삭重에 비하여 種實重의 감소비율이 훨씬 커 이 두 품종이 단백깨보다 극만파시의 종실형성 및 발육장애가 더 심하였음을 보여주었다. This study was conducted to investigate the variation of flowering and seed development patterns at five different sowing dates in late season using three sesame varieties. 1. The days to first flowering were similar among June 12, June 19, June 26 and July 3 sowing plots ranging 37 to 39 days in three varieties used, but it was shortened in July 10 sowing plot by 3∼4 days. Flowering duration was shortened with later the sowing dates in all varieties used. 2. The cumulative flowing patterns were similar among June 12, June 19 and June 26 sowing plots, but July 3 and July 10 sowing plots differed from the earlier sowing plots. More flowers were bloomed in a day during flowering duration in July 3 and July 10 sowing plots. 3. Most capsules were developed from flowers bloomed before mid of flowering duration in June 12 sowing plot, bloomed for two weeks before and after mid flowering date in June 26 sowing plot, and bloomed for 10 days before and after mid flowering date in July 10 sowing plot. 4. Capsule weight, grain weight per capsule, 1000-grain weight and grain/capsule weight ratio were decreased in capsules developed from flowers bloomed later than the given date in every sowing plot. The decreasing pattern was most typical in Pungyeonggae and in July 10 sowing plot. 5. Capsules developed from flowers bloomed before August 10 and August 13 in June 12 and June 26 sowing plots, respectively, showed higher value in seed weight compared with empty capsule weight in 3 varieties used, but showed lower value in seed weight compared with empty capsule weight in all capsules in July 10 sowing plot except Pungyeonggae. 6. Seed and capsule weights showed similar decreasing pattern with later the sowing dates in Danbackggae, but in Pungyeonggae and Kwangsanggae seed weight was much more decreased than capsule weight in July 10 sowing plot. This result indicates seed formation and development were inhibited more severly in Pungyeonggae and Kwangsanggae under extremely late sowing condition.

      • 針葉水 二個樹種의 核型分析에 關한 硏究

        金守仁 建國大學校 附設 農業資原開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        韓國産 소나무科의 젓나무와 주목科의 비자나무 染色體 核의 구조를 밝히기 위해서 核型分析을 실시하였다. 種子를 發芽시킨 根端을 試科로 하여 前處理, 固定, 解離, feulgen 染色, squash, preparate 製作, 顯微鏡 檢鏡, 寫眞撮影, 各種 特性 測定 및 觀察調査 等의 科程을 거쳐서 綜合分析하여 核型式 核型圖를 作成하였다. 젓나무는 染色體 基本數가 2n=24, 7쌍이 m型, 4쌍이 sm型, 1쌍이 st型이고 세 번째 染色體 短胞에, 네 번째 염색체 長胞에 각각 二次挾作이 있다. 染色體의 相對的 길이는 13.61-8.2㎛(平均 11.96㎛) 이다. ?? 비자나무는 染色體 基本數가 2n=22, 10쌍이 m型, 1쌍이 sm型인데 特異하게도 마지막 11번째의 短胞에 附屬體가 달려있다. 1번 染色體의 短胞와 3번 염색체의 長胞에 各各 뚜렷한 二次挾作이 있다. 染色體의 相對的 길이는 10.50-16.59㎛(平均 14.19㎛)이다. ?? The karyotype analysis was done on the dividing cells of the Root-Tip of two species, of which they are native in Korea. The cytological difference and the characteristics of chromosome in the two species are discussed as follows. The basic chromosome number of Abies hololphuylla is 2n=24, of which the 7 chromosomes are the M-type showing similar L/S ratio, the other 4 chromosomes were the submetacentric SM-type and the subtelocentric ST-type. There are two secondary constriction at short-arm of third chromosome and long-arm of fourth chromosome. ?? The basic chromosome number of Torreya nucifera is 2n=22, of which the ten chromosome were M-type and other short chromosome is SM-type. Secondary constriction is on short-arm of first chromosome and long-arm of third chromosome specially there is satellite at last short chromosome. ?? The Idiogram of two species was obtained from the length of short and long arm, the ration of S/L length, and the position of the secondary constriction.

      • 農作物 病害防除를 爲한 拮抗植物의 探索

        白壽鳳,都銀洙 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        30科 51種의 藥用植物을 공시하여 P. capsici, R. solani, F. oxysporum, B. cinerea, B. dothidea 및 C. dematium에 대해 抗菌力을 검정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) P. capsici는 마늘(Allium sativum), 지모(Anemarrhena asphodeloides), 대황(Rheum undulatum), 황백(Phellodendron amurense), 고본(Angelica tenuissina) 및 시호(Bupleurum falcatum) 등의 抽出物에 의해 菌絲生長이 저지되었다. 2)지모(Anemarrhena asphodeloides) 및 황백(Phellodendron amurense)의 抽出物이 F. oxysporum의 菌絲生長을 저지하였다. 3) C. dematium은 지모(Anemarrhena asphodeloides)와 고본(Anegelica tenuissina) 등의 抽出物에 의해 菌絲生長이 저지되었다. 4) 황백(Phellodendron amurense), 지모(Anemarrhena asphodeloides) 및 마늘(Allium sativum)은 각각 B. cinerea, B. dothidea 및 R. solani의 菌絲生長을 저지하는 효과가 있다. The extracts of medecinal plants of 51 species in 30 families were tested for antifungal activity against P. capsici, R. solani, F. oxysporum, B. cinerea, B. dothidea and C. dematium. The results were as follows : 1. The extracts of Allium sativum, Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Rheum undelatum, Phellodendron amurense, Angelica tenuissina and Bupleurum falcatum were strongly inhibitory against mycelial growth of P. capsici. 2. The extracts of Anemarrhena asphodeloides and Phellodendron amurense were strongly inhibitory against mycelial growth of F. oxysporum. 3. Mycelial growth of C. dematium was inhibited by the extracts of Anemarrhena asphodeloides and Angelica tenuissina. 4. The extracts of Phellodendron amurense, Anemarrhena asphodeloides and Allium sativum were inhibitory against mycelial growth of B. cinerea, B. dothidea, and R. solani, respectively.

      • 先行 硏究結果의 統合을 위한 META 分析의 統計的 方法

        吳聖三 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        In many areas of research, conflicting results are often more common than are consistencies. Single experiments or studies in the social and behavioral sciences provide definitive answers to research questions. Rather, if science in the social and behavioral domains is to progress, it must be through the discovery of underlying trends and principles developed from the accumulation and refinement of a large body of studies. Thus, literature reviews of empirical research play an important role in summarizing and clarifying the state of science at a given point in time. This paper described the meta-analytic techniques for integrating previous research results with illustrating some empirical data. Meta-analysis is the application of statistical procedures to collections of empirical findings from individual studies for the purpose of integrating, synthesizing, and making sense of them. This method can be appropriately applied in numerous areas within all the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Generally meta-analysis process, analogous to those of primary research are : (1) identifying relevant concepts and operationally defining the variables (problem formation) : (2) locating studies (data collection) ; (3) Coding the characteristics and outcomes of the procedures to describe the over all and subsample effect (data analysis and interpretation) ; and (5) reporting the review (presentation of results). Primary focus of this paper was given to statistical techniques of meta-analysis and recommanding some other features of integrating methods.

      • 밭灌漑의 計劃用水量 시뮬레이션

        金善柱,金始源 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        본 연구는 地下給水式 라이시미터를 이용하여 실측된 기준작물(잔디)의 蒸發散量과 補正 Penman式, USDA SCS 補正 Blaney & Criddle式 및 FAO에서 제시한 4가지 蒸發散量 推定方法에 의하여 계산된 기준작물의 蒸發散量을 비교검토하여 기준작물의 必要水量決定에 적합한 계산식을 제시하였으며, 밭灌漑計劃 對象地區의 계회기준년 기상자료로부터 산출된 기준작물의 蒸發散量과 라이시미터를 이용하여 실측된 작물의 생육기별 작물계수로부터 灌漑計劃 對象地區의 1회 灌漑水量, 純用水量, 粗用水量, 計劃最大用水量, 單位用水量 등을 시뮬레이션함으로써 밭灌漑計劃 및 用水源計劃의 수립에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 현재 국내의 農業用水開發 必要水量算定基準에서 蒸發散量 算定公式으로 채용하고 있는 Blaney-Crridle式은 補正 Penman式에 비해 蒸發散量이 크게 계산되었으며, 일조시간 및 평균 기온의 값이 커지는 6, 7, 8월에 특히 그 차이가 컸다. 2) 蒸發散量 推定方式중 補正 Penman式과 FAO 日射量法, FAO 蒸發計蒸發量法의 3가지 방법으로 추정된 蒸發散量이 라이시미터로 실측된 기준작물(잔디)의 蒸發散量에 접근하였으므로, 앞으로 蒸發散量을 추정하여 用水量 결정을 함에 있어 이들 세 방법 중 하나를 이용하는 것이 좋을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 補正 Penman式으로 계산된 供試作物別 作物係數(Kc)의 평균치는 양배추 0.94, 結球상치 1.07, 가을배추 1.35, 오이 1.09, 토마토 1.02, 샐러리 1.01이었다. 4) 灌漑計劃 對象地區(忠州)에서 補正 Penman式으로 시뮬레이션된 作物別 總發發散量은 양배추 223.9mm, 結球상치 215.7mm, 가을배추 205.9mm, 夏作오이 359.0mm, 토마토 300.9mm, 샐러리 332.1mm, 夏作오이 202.7mm였다. 5) 補正 Penman式으로 추정된 1회 純灌漑水量은 오이가 4.21MM로 가장 적게 계산되었으며, 다른 작물들은 10MM 내외를 보여주었다. 6) 灌漑計劃 對象地區의 總灌漑面積 102ha에 필요한 계획기준년의 純用水量은 4월 초·중순에 300m³/day 내외로 가장 적었으며, 최대 純用水量은 補正 Penman식의 경우 6월 하순에3916.7m³/day, FAO 日射量法과 FAO 蒸發計蒸發量法은 6월 중순에 각각 4473.8m³/day, 4709.1m³/day로 시뮬레이션되었다. The evapotranspiration of upland crops in the planning standard year was simulated by the cropping system of project area in Chungju. From the simulated evapotranspiration, the irrigation depth, net duty of water, gross duty of water, planning maximum duty of water and unit duty of water were simulated. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. The evapotranspiration calculated by the USDA SCS Blaney & Criddle formula was larger than that calculated by the corrected Penmen equation, and its difference from June to August was especially larger than the other period. 2. The evaportranspiration estimated by the corrected Penmen equation, FAO radiation method and FAO pan evaporation method were closed to the actual evapotranspiration of grass measured by the lysimeter. 3. The average crop coefficient (Kc) of cabbage calculated by the corrected Penman equation was 0.94 and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, tomato and salary was 1.07, 1.35. 10.9, 1.02 and 1.01 respectively. 4. Total evapotranspiration of cabbage of project area (Chunju) simulated by the corrected Penman eqationwas 223.9mm and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, summer cucumber, tomato, salary and autumn cucumber was 215.7mm, 205.9mm, 359.0mm, 300.9mm, 332.1mm and 202.7mm, respectively. 5. Net irrigation depth per one time of cucumber was 4.21mm-4.94mm that was the smallest, and that of the other crops were around 10mm. 6. Net duty of water of the project area (102ha) during the early and middle of April was about 300mThe evapotranspiration of upland crops in the planning standard year was simulated by the cropping system of project area in Chungju. From the simulated evapotranspiration, the irrigation depth, net duty of water, gross duty of water, planning maximum duty of water and unit duty of water were simulated. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. The evapotranspiration calculated by the USDA SCS Blaney & Criddle formular was larger than that calculated by the corrected Penmen equation, and its difference from June to August was especially larger than the other period. 2. The evaportranspiration estimated by the corrected Penmen equation, FAO radiation method and FAO pan evaporation method were closed to the actual evapotranspiration of grass measured by the lysimeter. 3. The average crop coefficient (Kc) of cabbage calculated by the corrected Penman equation was 0.94 and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, tomato and salary was 1.07, 1.35. 10.9, 1.02 and 1.01 respectively. 4. Total evapotranspiration of cabbage of project area (Chunju) simulated by the corrected Penman eqationwas 223.9mm and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, summer cucumber, tomato, salary and autumn cucumber was 215.7mm, 205.9mm, 359.0mm, 300.9mm, 332.1mm and 202.7mm, respectively. 5. Net irrigation depth per one time of cucumber was 4.21mm-4.94mm that was the smallest, and that of the other crops were around 10mm. 6. Net duty of water of the project area (102ha) during the early and middle of April was about 300m³/day. The maximum net duty of water simulated by corrected Penman equation was 3916.7m³/day in last 10days of June, and that simulated by FAO radiation & FAO pan evaporation method was 4473.8m³/day & 4709.1m³/day, respectively, in middle of June.

      • 2000年代를 向한 農村開發戰略의 模索

        김수욱,박동희 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        In the process of urbanzation/industrialization in the past two decades, the rural area has been remained "Island of Development" in our society. Sang-huh, the founder of Kon-Kuk university, suggested "The theory of five stages of Korean rural development" and "Three revolution for Korean rural reformation" for the rapid development of new independent nation. Actually, his thoughts has been the base of the Saemaul movement emerged in 1970's. In terms of modernized views, Sang-Huh thoughts can be summarized as follows : ① modernization of farmer spirits, ② activation of rural economy. ③ urbanization of rural environment. For the rural development based on Sang-Huh thoughts, more specific strategies can be suggested as follows : ① Increase of non-farm income opportunities through the expasion of agro-industrial complexes. ② Upbring of commercial farming and cooperative farming through the reformation of agricultural structure. ③ Fostering of rural leader. ④ Agricultural mechanization to cope with the decreasing rural man-power. ⑤ Agricultural innovation through the introduction of high technology. ⑥ Planning of rural human settlement program.

      • Paclobutrazol 土壤處理가 포도 巨峰品種 뿌리의 形態的 變化와 發根에 미치는 影響

        김종천,오세영 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        본 실험은 식물생장억제제인 Paclobutrazol을 포도 巨峰品種에 토양처리함으로써 흡수부인 뿌리의 형태적인 변화와 발근에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시한바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 根徑과 根皮의 두께는 처리당년, 처리익년 모두 무처리구에 비하여 처리 농도가 높을수록 현저하게 증가되었다. 그러나 根徑과 根皮의 두께 比率은 무처리구와 차이가 없었다. 2) 처리된 포도나무의 1年生기를 1마디와 2마디 길이로 잘라서 잡木한 경우 2마디 길이로 하는 것이 發芽率이 현저히 높았다. 3) 發根率, 發根數, 根長, 根重은 Paclobutrazol 처리 농도가 높을수록 증가하였으며, 처리후 3-4년간 약효가 지속되었다. This study was carried out to find the effect of a plant growth controller. Paclobutrazol, on both the morphological change of roots and rooting of one variety of grape Kyoho. The Paclobutrazol was treated in the soil. The followings are results by the application of the Paclobutrazol to the Kyoho. 1. Application of the Paclobutrazol versus without the application of it resulted in significant differences in the growth of both diameter and bark thickness of roots of the Kyoho grape for two years although the ratio of diameter and thickness of roots remained the same ; and higher concentration of the Paclobutrazol led stronger growth of them. 2. Two node cutting of newly growth branches of the Kyoho grape showed greater rooting ratio than one node cutting of them. 3. As concentration ratio of the Paclobutrazol increased. (i) the rooting ratio, (ii) the number of roots, (iii) the length of roots, and (iv) the weight of the roots of the Kyoho grape increased. The effect of the Paclobutrazol was maintained for following three to four years after the application.

      • 대학사회교육에서 원격교육의 활용에 대한 연구

        민선영,박성열 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1998 農資源開發論集 Vol.20 No.-

        ABSTRACT In the university extension, various educational demands and the demand of open door and flexible education system will increase. These demands can accept by distance education. The use of distance education in university extension will provide opportunity of education to the people by surmount time, special and economical limit. For developing of adult education that becomes involved University Extension, people and university must have cognizance of adult education, The purpose of the study was to analyze the application of distance education in university extension. The main results by this study are as follows. 1. In university extension, for the application of distance education, assembly operation will need. Namely, education course must magnified to the subject to child and youth, And through the distinction of a course of study, gradual development must propelled for the educational demand. 2. The introduction and operation of distance education equipment must propel step by step. With the develop of educational activity by video, TV, two-way video and PC communication, the source of revenue for distance education system and the development of software will need. 3. In the composition of a course of study, Distance education system must operated flexibly for the complement of exist educations fault and for the maximum use of distance education's advantage. 4. The qualitative level of education is concerned by critical appraisement system of student and through the construction of application system of student, the maximum effect of study will need. In the university extension, various educational demands and the demand of open door and flexible education system will increase. These demands can accept by distance education. The use of distance education in university extension will provide opportunity of education to the people by surmount time, special and economical limit. For developing of adult education that becomes involved University Extension, people and university must have cognizance of adult education. The purpose of the study was to analyze the application of distance education in university extension. The main results by this study are as follows. 1. In university extension, for the application of distance education, assembly operation will need. Namely, education course must magnified to the subject to child and youth. And through the distinction of a course of study, gradual development must propelled for the educational demand. 2. The introduction and operation of distance education equipment must propel step by step. With the develop of educational activity by video, TV, two-way video and PC communication, the source of revenue for distance education system and the development of software will need. 3. In the composition of a course of study, Distance education system must operated flexibly for the complement of exist educations fault and for the maximum use of distance education's advantage. 4. The qualitative level of education is concerned by critical appraisement system of student and through the construction of application system of student, the maximum effect of study will need.

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