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      • KCI등재

        서울시 여의도 아파트단지내 국민학교 아동의 식생태조사

        李允娜,牟壽美,柳德仁 대한보건협회 1993 대한보건연구 Vol.19 No.1

        An ecological study of food and nutrition was undertaken among 276 children, 6 to 12 years old, in the Yunjung elementary school, which offers school lunch program, and is situated in Youido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, School, known the location of one of the socioeconomically high groups, to investigate food habits, dietary behavior, and family dietary environment, in July of 1990. The survey showed that 8.5% of subjects skipped a breakfast with complains of a lack of appetite in the morning. Among the obese children 13.5% skipped breakfast, whereas only 7% of normal children skipped breakfast. The percentage of children having meals with family on weekdays was 36.1% for breakfast; 58.9% for evening meal. The mean frequency of eating out the home was 2.6 times per month. Boiled rice was predominant dietary staple, and the principal sources of protein taken by subjects were eggs for breakfast, and meats for evening meal. However, the survey discovered a local dietary characteristic: only 49% of children ate boiled rice, and 21.3% ate bread, and 21.3% had others for breakfast. The average number of side dishes per meal was 1.7 excluding kimchi and soup, and the number was increased in the case of having a boiled rice-centered meal compared with that of having a bread-centered meal. For snacks, milk and milk products, and fruits were most popular among the children, and the majority of the children had 3 to 4 kinds of foods for snack. The children liked fastfoods, ice cream, and biscuits; in contrast, lowest preference was for vegetables, mushrooms and beans. The results suggest an urgent need of active and practical nutritional education throughout school, home, and community for better nutritional care of these school children.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Recent update of therapeutic application of peroral cholangioscopy

        이윤나 소화기인터벤션의학회 2021 Gastrointestinal Intervention Vol.10 No.3

        Despite advancements in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), direct endoscopic visualization of the biliary tree by cholangioscopy is required to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease. Although several types of peroral cholangioscopy (POC) systems are available, single-operator cholangioscopy (SOC) has been widely used for interventions in the biliary system. The first SOC was SpyGlass direct visualization system (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) expanded to a digital version of the SOC (SpyGlass DS; Boston Scientific). More recently, single-operator direct POC using an ultra-slim upper endoscope has been proposed. The remarkable developments in POC and available specialized accessories continue to improve therapeutic procedure of the biliary diseases. POC allows the visualization of bile duct stone and guide wire placement across difficult strictures and selective cannulation of the intrahepatic and cystic ducts. It is also demonstrating its utility in investigational applications such as intraductal ablation therapy for bile duct tumors, removal of foreign body in the bile duct and evaluation of hemobilia.

      • KCI등재

        정신과적 관점에서의 섬유근통

        이윤나,이상신,김현석,김호찬,Lee, Yunna,Lee, Sang-Shin,Kim, Hyunseuk,Kim, Hochan 한국정신신체의학회 2020 정신신체의학 Vol.28 No.2

        섬유근통은 피로, 수면장애, 기분변화, 인지장애 및 만성 전신통증을 핵심 증상으로 하는 질환이다. 섬유근통은 유전적 취약성, 통증 처리과정 및 스트레스 반응 체계의 변화 등을 포함하는 생물학적 요인과 불안, 우울, 분노, 스트레스 등의 심리적 요인, 그리고 감염, 발열 질환, 외상 등의 환경적 요인이 함께 작용하여 발생하는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 핵심 병인으로 감각 자극이 인식되는 과정에서 증폭되어 통증이 증진되는 중추성 감작의 역할이 강조되고 있다. 가이드라인들은 개별 환자의 필요에 따라 선택된 다원적 접근을 권고하며, 임상의는 충분한 교육을 통해 지적 이해의 틀을 제공하고 자기 관리의 중요성을 강조해야 한다. 섬유근통에서 정신건강 문제의 유병률은 일반인구집단의 7~9배로 유의하게 높으며, 특정 정신병리 및 수면장애와의 관련성도 제기되고 있다. 정신과적 상태는 섬유근통과 양방향성 상호작용을 하며 경과에 영향을 주고, 취약성을 공유하며 서로의 위험 요인으로 작용할 수 있으므로, 동반질환을 면밀히 평가하여 보다 통합적인 관리가 필요할 것이다. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by the core symptom of chronic widespread pain, along with fatigue, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and cognitive difficulties. The etiology of fibromyalgia involves a combination of biological factors, such as genetic vulnerability, alterations in pain processing and stress response system ; psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, anger, and perceived stress ; environmental factors, such as infections, febrile diseases, and trauma. Central sensitization, which is amplified in the process of sensory stimulation, has been emphasized as a key etiological factor, as supported by enhanced wind-up, delayed aftersensation, decreased nociceptive flexion reflex threshold and functional imaging studies. Several guidelines recommend that a multimodal approach be used to treat fibromyalgia, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, tailored to each individual, and that clinicians should provide an intellectual framework through sufficient education and emphasis on the importance of self-management. The prevalence of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and other psychiatric problems is 7-9 times higher in patients with fibromyalgia than in the general population ; moreover, the association between fibromyalgia and certain psychopathologies or sleep problems has also been suggested. Since psychiatric problems, with shared vulnerabilities and risk factors, interact with fibromyalgia bidirectionally and also affect the disease course, an integrated management approach is needed to determine the risk of comorbidities.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 거주형태에 따른 영양섭취실태 및 식습관에 관한 연구

        이윤나 대한지역사회영양학회 1996 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        This study was carried out with 1030 students of Seoul National University to investigate the relationship between residences and food habits of college students. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Food habit scores of the students living in dormitories and in boarding homes with cooking facilities were significantly lower than those of other students, especially with regards to the balance of five basic food groups and skipping breakfast. 2) Energy intake of students living in the boarding homes with meals were low. Students in the boarding home also showed low intake of calcium and iron, whether meals were provided or they had cooking facilities. 3) Cafeteria meals on campus showed better nutritional values than meals at home, or restaurants around the campus. But students were not satisfied with campus cafeterias, because the food items were monotonous, they had long waiting service lines, preferred foods were limited, dishes were not clean, and stated of hygiene did not seem satisfactory. Nutrition education for college students is needed, and menus of campus cafeterias should be developed to meet the various needs of students. (Korean J Community Nutrition 1(2) : 189~200, 1996)

      • 일본 헌법의 평등원리와 젠더에 관한 고찰

        이윤나 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2015 한남법학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        모든 인간은 평등하게 대우받아야 한다는 최고규범인 헌법의 규정에도 불구하고, 현실에서는 사회적으로 여러 가지 원인에 의한 차별과 억압이 존재하고 있음을 부정할 수 없다. 그 중에서도 가장 중대한 차별 중의 하나라고 생각되는 것이 여성차별에 관한 것이다. 여성이라는 이유만으로 받아야하는 차별을 철폐하고 권리를 획득하기 위해 역사상 많은 여성들이 자신들의 권리를 위해 싸워왔음에도 불구하고, 현재에도 사회적으로 여성의 성차별 문제는 사라지지 않고 있으며, 이러한 성차별을 극복하기 위하여 평등원리에 대한 근본적이 이론구성과 주요판례를 통한 현상의 이해와 남겨진 과제에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위해 우선, 일본 헌법의 평등원리에 관하여 제14조의 해석과 평등원칙의 전개를 살펴보았다. 일본 헌법학계에서 종래 헌법 제14조는 형식적 평등을 보장하고 실질적 평등에 대해서는 사회권 규정에서 보장되는 것으로 해석되었지만, 최근에는 사회권 규정뿐만 아니라 제14조에서도 실질적 평등이 보장되는 것으로 해석되고 있다. 최근에는 평등과 차별의 의의 및 정의도 변화되면서 형식적 평등을 초월한 실질적 평등과 사실상의 평등을 확보하기 위한 `적극적 평등실현조치(Affirmative action)`가 여러 국가에서 도입되고 있는데, 간접차별과 관련하여 적극적 평등실현조치가 여성이라는 집단에 대한 우대조치라는 오해에 대한 재검토가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 일본 헌법의 평등원칙과 관련된 문제가 고용 및 사회보장에 있어서의 젠더의 평등보장을 계기로 이론적인 전개를 보이고 있는 가운데, 사인 간에 대한 헌법의 인권규정의 적용을 두고 이른바 사인 간의 효력이 문제시 되어, 住友電工事件判決에서 `헌법 제14조의 취지에는 반하나 민법 제90조의 공서양속원칙에는 반하지 않는다`는 판례이론이 제시되면서 헌법과 사회법과의 관계 해명과 종래의 통설인 간접적용설의 재검토가 이론적인 과제로 남게 되었다. 이 글에서 다루지 못한 성차별에 대한 일본의 현행 법제상 문제점 들 중, 황실전범의 남계남자주의, 형법 제177조의 강간죄, 국립여자대학에 대한 문제, 가족 내에서의 양성평등에 관한 문제, 노동법상의 모성보호와 여성보호에 대한 문제 등도 일본의 젠더평등에 대한 논의를 설명할 때 중요한 부분을 차지한다고 생각되므로 이러한 논의에 대한 검토도 필요하다고 사료된다. 最高規範である憲法すべての人を平等に扱われていると規定しているにもかかわらず、現實では、社會的に樣?な原因による差別と抑壓があることは認めざるを得ない。その中でも最も重大な差別の一つであると考えられているのが、女性差別である。女性であることを理由に受ける差別を撤廢し、權利を獲得するため、歷史上多くの女性が女性の權利のために鬪ってきたのにもかかわらず、現在でも社會的に女性の性差別に對する問題は消えておらず、このような性差別を克服するために平等原理に對する根本的理論構成と主要判例を通じた現狀の理解、また殘された課題について考察する。 そこで、まず日本國憲法の平等原理について、第14條の解釋と平等原則の展開を檢討した。日本の憲法學界では、從來は、憲法第14條は形式的平等を保障し、實質的平等については社會權規定で保障されると解釋されたが、最近では、社會權規定のみならず第14條でも實質的平等が保障されるという解釋に移ってきたように解釋される。 さらに最近は、平等や差別の意義·定義にも變化がみられ、形式的平等を超えた實質的平等と事實上の平等を確保するための'積極的差別是正措置(Affirmative action)'が多くの國で導入されているが、間接差別と關連して積極的差別是正措置は、女性という集團に對する優遇措置であるというような誤解に對する再檢討すべきであろうと思われる。 日本國憲法の平等原則にかかわる問題が、雇用·社會保障のジェンダ一平等保障を契機に、理論的な展開をみせているうち、私人間における憲法の人權規定の適用をめぐって、いわゆる私人間效力が問題となり、住友電工事件判決で'憲法第14條の趣旨には反するが、民法第90條の公序良俗原則には反しない'という判例理論が提示されたこともあって、憲法と社會法との關係の解明、從來の通說な間接適用說の再檢討が理論的課題と殘されている。 本稿では觸っていない性差別をめぐる日本の現行法制上の問題点のうち、皇室典範の男系男子主義、刑法第177條の强姦罪、國立女子大學における問題、家族內での兩性平等に關する問題、勞動法上の母性保護と女性の保護に對する問題なども日本のジェンダ一平等における議論を說明する際、重要な部分を占めると考えられるので、これらの議論においての檢討も必要があると思われる。

      • KCI등재

        여중생의 비만과 관련된 식이요인에 관한 연구

        이윤나,임경숙,이수경,모수미,최혜미 대한지역사회영양학회 1996 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.1 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to search the obese related dietary factors of young adolescent girls for developing nutrition education program. In the cross-sectional study of 371 young adolescent girls, 25$\%$ were moderately obese, 13.2$\%$ obese, and a total of 39.1 were over moderately obese. The characteristics of obese girls were as follows. First, obese girls consumed more energy than is needed for physical activity. Their average daily energy intakes were not significantly higher and the daily energy expenditures were significantly lower than those of normal girls. Second, obese girls showed higher intakes of protein and fat, and ate more animal foods than normal girls. Fourth, obese girls skipped meals more often, especially breakfast. They ate less rice. For both normal and obese girls, their common dietary problems were low intake of calcium and iron, and high intake of snack foods. The result of this study shows that nutrition education programs for obese adolescent girls should be designed for eating habits, food balance and moderation. future research is to develop the effective nutrition education program for the obese adolescent girls.

      • KCI등재

        Recent update of therapeutic application of peroral cholangioscopy

        이윤나 소화기인터벤션의학회 2021 International journal of gastrointestinal interven Vol.10 No.3

        Despite advancements in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), direct endoscopic visualization of the biliary tree by cholangioscopy is required to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease. Although several types of peroral cholangioscopy (POC) systems are available, single-operator cholangioscopy (SOC) has been widely used for interventions in the biliary system. The first SOC was SpyGlass direct visualization system (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) expanded to a digital version of the SOC (SpyGlass DS; Boston Scientific). More recently, single-operator direct POC using an ultra-slim upper endoscope has been proposed. The remarkable developments in POC and available specialized accessories continue to improve therapeutic procedure of the biliary diseases. POC allows the visualization of bile duct stone and guide wire placement across difficult strictures and selective cannulation of the intrahepatic and cystic ducts. It is also demonstrating its utility in investigational applications such as intraductal ablation therapy for bile duct tumors, removal of foreign body in the bile duct and evaluation of hemobilia.

      • KCI등재

        영양교육이 비만 여중생의 체지방과 혈청지질에 미치는 영향

        이윤나,최혜미 대한지역사회영양학회 1999 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a nutrition education program on 42 obese young adolescent girls. Nutrition education was performed for six months including both group and individual programs, and was focused on improving their eating habits and food composition. The topics discussed once a week included : eating habits, lifestyle management, 5 basic food groups, snack and fast-food, how to eliminate empty calories, fat and hyperlipidemia, food diary, benefits and methods of exercise, vitamin and minerals, evaluation of fad diets, yo-yo effects and so on. The effects of the nutrition education program were evaluated for nutrition education and exercise regimen group (NE+E), nutrition education only group(NE), and control group(C). NE+E group had additional exercise programs 3times each week, while NE group was educated about exercise only by a nutrition education program. In both NE+E and NE groups, there was a significant decrease in bodyfat compared to C group, but NE+E group had a greater change than NE group(5.5% vs 3.1%). In addition, serum triglycerides decreased about 40mg/dl and total cholesterol 20mg/dl in both NE+E and NE groups. But HDL-C level was increased only in NE+E group. The greater changes in body fat and blood lipid levels occurred between the pre- and mid terms fo the education regimen. They kept their changed measurement throughout the 6 months follow-up studies. The results of this study show that this nutrition education program is helpful for obese adolescent girls in decreasing body fat and serum lipid levels. Also, the combination of an exercise regimen with the nutrition education proved to be more effective.

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