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      • KCI등재

        음식관광 세분화를 통한 지역관광 활성화 방안 -약선 음식을 중심으로-

        성연,김근혜 한국호텔관광학회 2013 호텔관광연구 Vol.15 No.3

        This study focused on the dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food tourism the local economy is to provide the basic plan. Drawn from previous research through the a variable plan, as well as the local economy and at the same time as the metrics presented dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food tourism for activation through regional tourism strategy presented. Data processing of statistical packages SPSS Window 19.0 use. Statistical processing technical analysis, frequency analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis and logistic regression analysis was conducted and verification. First, as a result of a study about experiences of a food tourist dishes prepared with medicinal herbs, around dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food menu development, about the image of the male dishes prepared with medicinal herbs of the highest food as men crowded around a lot of hunters will dishes prepared with medicinal herbs it is necessary to note the food tourism. Secondly, It has been show that people experienced in food tourism are also interested in tourism for the dishes prepared with medicinal herbs. Third, the dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food are likely to contribute to the globalization of Korean food tourism is granular as each appeared positively crowded star. Fourth, to review the operation of the dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food Hall. Fifth, The biggest problem of the tourism food hygiene is very high in dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food hygienic problem beforehand about the tourist dishes prepared with medicinal herbs food tourism is Korea's food and tourism resources should strive to be. The leading research into the academic implications drawn and measurement of variables through statistical indicators that measure through the academic validation. Expected results as food in order to enable the tourist areas of the region produce reflect the interest of men into the region with food ingredients, if men and women can all enjoy approximately dishes prepared with medicinal herbs is expected to be open for food. We expect that tourism for the dishes prepared with medicinal herbs will enjoy a steady increase by tourists because of the high interest in health based on the same origin theory between food and medicine.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 건강기능식품 및 한약 복용 실태에 대한 연구

        김미기,정지호,안재선,임정훈,안민섭,박진수,이해자,박은정,Kim, Mi-Ki,Jung, Ji-Ho,Ahn, Jae-Sun,Yim, Jung-Hoon,An, Min-Seop,Park, Jin-Su,Lee, Hai-Ja,Park, Eun-Jung 대한한방소아과학회 2009 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to get the basic information from patients how much they understood about their medication and also to know whether patients are making reasonable drug choice between Health Functional Foods and Herbal medicine. Methods 500 questionnaires were handed out to the parents of students in two elementary schools located in OO, Junlabukdo province. 421 questionnaires were completed to be evaluated. Results Among 421 subjects, 53.0% were female, and 47.0% were male. The percentages of the subjects consuming Health Functional Foods and herbal medicine were67.7% and 67.8%, respectively. Among those people who consumed Health Functional Food, 44.1% were using nutritional supplements, red ginseng or ginseng products (26.9%), chlorella products (11.5%), and plum extract products (7.7%). As for the reason to consume Health Functional Foods were varied, but 'in order to be healthy, although currently displaying no illness.'(43.0%) were the most responses among the given choices. On the other hand, the reason for consuming herbal medicine was 'In order to grow taller'(26.1%), 'In order to cure weak physical state frequently displaying common illnesses',(25.9%), and 'In order to cure diseases.'(23.3%). For the questions about effectiveness after consumption,the 69.9% subjects said that it seemed to be effected, and that % was slightly higher than that of subjects with consuming Health Functional Foods(64.4%). For question concerning preferences between Health Functional Foods and herbal medicine, 57.5% chose herbal medicine, and this percentage was higher than that of Health Functional Foods(42.5%).As for the reasons of additional consumption of the Health Functional Foods, subject answered as 'Easy to consume.'(41,6%), which was the most common among the subjects consuming Health Functional Foods. On other hand, the subjects of herbal medicine answered as that herbal medicine is 'more effective'(45.7%), and 'more trustworthy in preventing side-effects.'(40.3%). After consumption of the herbal medication, only 3.9% of the subjects consuming either Health Functional Foods or herbal medicine had side-effects. The most common side-effects were 'dermal reaction' which is normally caused by Health Functional Foods and 'indigestion' problems caused by herbal consumption. Conclusions According to the 421 subjects those involved in study, the percentages of consuming Health Functional Foods(67.7%) and herbal medicine(67.8%) were similar. The most commonly consumed products were a type of Health Functional Foods which were the nutrition-supplying products. Ginseng or red ginseng products were the next commonly used products. Health Functional Foods were commonly consumed for preventing illness and maintaining health rather than any other purpose. In contrary, herbal medicines were more commonly consumed for purposes such as for growth or treating certain type of disease. As a result of consumption, more than half of both subject replied as 'satisfied'. As for the side effects, dermal reaction was the most common problem for those with consuming Health Functional Foods, while indigestion was the most common side effect from the subjects with consuming herbal medicine.

      • KCI등재

        조리 교육생의 식생활라이프스타일에 따른 약선음식 이용 특성 및 약선음식 교육 참여의사

        송연미(Yeon-Mi Song),조미나(Mi-Na Jo) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.9

        본 연구는 직업전문학교에서 조리교육을 전문적으로 받고 있는 조리 교육생을 대상으로 식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 약선음식 이용 특성 및 약선음식 교육 참여의사를 알아보고자 하였다. 조리 교육생의 식생활라이프스타일 유형별로 편의추구형, 안전추구형, 건강안전추구형, 건강추구형, 미각추구형의 5개 집단으로 나누어 인구통계학적 특성, 약선음식 이용 특성, 약선음식 교육 참여의사, 약선음식에 대한 인식을 살펴본 결과, 각 유형에 따라 차이를 나타내었다. 편의추구형은 남자, 학생이 많고 조리경력이 2년 미만으로 짧고 서울, 경기 거주자가 비슷한 수준이었으며, 구이류, 국·찌개류에 대한 선호는 높았지만 죽에 대한 선호는 매우 낮게 나타났고, 약선음식에 대한 부정적인 인식이 강하게 나타났다. 안전추구형은 여자가 많고 관리사무직, 전업주부 비율이 높았으며 조리경력이 짧은 사람부터 긴 사람까지 다양하고 서울보다 경기도 거주 비율이 높았으며, 죽에 대한 선호 비율이 높고 다른 메뉴들에 대해서도 선호도가 두루 높았으며, 약선음식에 대한 부정적인 인식이 강하게 나타났다. 건강안전추구형은 남녀 비율이 유사하고 전문기술직이나 판매서비스직이 많고 조리경력이 2년 이상~5년 미만, 5년 이상이 많고 경기도 거주 비율이 높았으며, 국・찌개류와 나물류에 대한 선호도가 높게 나타났지만 죽류, 밥류, 구이류에 대한 선호는 매우 낮게 나타났고, 약선음식의 건강 특성에 대해 높게 평가하고 부정적 인식은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 건강추구형은 여자가 많고 전업주부, 학생이 많았고 조리경력이 5년 이상으로 길거나 2년 미만으로 짧고 서울 거주 비율이 높았으며, 죽에 대한 선호도가 매우 높고 나물류, 밥류, 찜류에 대한 선호도가 높게 나타났지만 구이류, 국・찌개류에 대한 선호가 낮게 나타났으며, 약선음식의 건강 특성, 부정적 인식 모두 낮게 평가하였다. 미각추구형은 남자가 많고 판매서비스직이 많았으며, 조리경력이 2년에서 5년 사이가 많았고 서울, 경기 거주자가 비슷한 수준이었으며, 밥류, 구이류, 찜류에 대한 선호가 높게 나타났지만 죽류, 국·찌개류, 나물류에 대한 선호도가 낮게 나타났고, 약선음식에 대한 부정적 인식은 낮게 나타났다. 조리 교육생의 약선음식 교육기관에 대한 선호도는 식생활라이프스타일에 관계없이 문화센터를 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 약선음식 교육기간은 3개월 미만의 짧은 교육기간을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 약선음식 교육에서 가장 중요하다고 생각하는 것은 실생활에서의 활용도로 나타났고 식재료, 수업내용, 음식의 맛, 강사의 지식 순으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과 조리 교육생의 식생활라이프스타일에 따라 약선음식 이용 특성 및 약선음식 교육 참여의사에 차이를 나타냈으므로, 약선음식 교육프로그램 개발 시 교육생의 특성에 반영할 필요가 있다. 또한, 문화센터 등에서 한국 약선음식 교육과정을 단기 과정으로 개설할 경우 교육받고자 하는 메뉴 등에 대한 구체적인 커리큘럼 개발이 필요하며 선호하는 식재료 등에 대한 연구가 이루어져야 하겠다. The purpose of this study was to examine the current state of consumption of medicinal food and the intent to participate in medicinal food education by food-related lifestyle. A total of 264 samples were conveniently selected from students enrolled in culinary education at the Seoul Institute of Technology and Education from September 5, 2014 to September 20, 2014. The results were as follows. Factor analysis showed five factors in food-related lifestyle named as adventure-seeking factor, taste-seeking factor, health-seeking factor, convenience-seeking factor, and safety seeking factor. There were three factors in awareness of medicinal food named as health characteristic, negative perception, and intent to purchase. The cluster analysis showed five dimensions for food-related lifestyle named as convenience-seeking group, safety-seeking group, health & safety-seeking group, health-seeking group, and taste-seeking group. Among the demographic characteristics, there was a significant difference in age, cooking career, and households by food-related lifestyle group. Among intent to participate in education regarding medicinal food, there was a significant difference in medicinal food educational institution preferences by food-related lifestyle group. Among medicinal food awareness, there was a significant difference in negative perception by food-related lifestyle group.

      • KCI등재

        아토피 피부염과 음식물 알레르기에 대한 동서의학적 고찰

        노현민,박승구,허은선,조은희,박민철,Noh, Hyeon-Min,Park, Sung-Gu,Heo, Eun-Sun,Jo, Eun-Hee,Park, Min-Cheol 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2017 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to compare atopic dermatitis and food allergy of Korean Medicine with those of western medicine. Methods : We examined the relationship between atopic dermatitis and food allergy mainly in digestive system abnormalities through literature review. Results : Food allergy is classified into categories such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and cough caused by retention of undigested food(食積) and pimples(癮疹) in Korean medicine. The side effects caused by specific immune reactions occur repeatedly due to exposure to specific food allergen or retention of undigested food. Atopic dermatitis and food allergy are often coexisting and deeply related. Digestive system abnormalities can result not only in indigestion but also in immune function abnormalities. Food allergies are known to cause atopic dermatitis and the influx of food antigens exacerbates atopic dermatitis. This corresponds to atopic dermatitis due to abnormal digestive system(脾胃) accompanied by fever(熱), wind(風), and weakness(虛) with focusing on dampness(濕). A typical example of the relationship between atopic dermatitis and food allergy in Korean medicine is Tae-yeul (胎熱). Tae-yeul refers to atopic dermatitis caused by a sensitization to reaction to the dietary antigens of the mother through the placenta during the fetal life with a unusual genetic disposition. Conclusions : We compared korean medicine with western medicine for atopic dermatitis and food allergy. Atopic dermatitis caused by abnormal immune function due to ingestion of food antigen corresponds to dermatitis due to retention of undigested food(食積), digestive system(脾胃臟) problems in korean medicine.

      • KCI등재

        경주지역 주민들의 약선요리 이용형태에 관한 연구

        황영정(Young Jeong Hwang),김경모(Kyoung Myo Kim) 한국조리학회 2013 한국조리학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine medicinal food consumption patterns focusing on the consumers living in Gyeongju area, and it attempts to provide database about developing medicinal food products as tourist attractions grounded on the results. For this study, the data was analyzed using SPSS WIN 20.0 for an empirical analysis. Moreover, the survey questions were sent out to 300 people, and total 256 copies of questionnaire were returned for the sample data. For the result that It will have a significant impact on the selecting attributes of medicinal food according to gender, there was a meaningful difference between gender on the average cost. For the result that It will have a significant impact on the selecting attributes of medicinal food according to marital status, there was a significant difference between married and single for comparing tastes. For the result that It will have a significant impact on the selecting attributes of medicinal food according to age, there was a meaningful difference on the degree of awareness, comparing tastes, and comparing health. For the result that It will have a significant impact on the selecting attributes of medicinal food according to occupation and education, there was a meaningful difference on the degree of awareness. Based on the results of this study, medicinal restaurants should offer various menu items and services to prepare methods to remind consumers of their professionalism in order to enhance competitive power of medicinal food.

      • KCI등재

        영양사의 대체의학에 대한 인식도 조사 - 식품치료중심으로 -

        김송희,김애정 동아시아식생활학회 2017 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        This discusses the results of a questionnaire survey a total of 326 dietitians' currently working to explore ways to utilize alternative medicine in their nutrition management work by their overall perception, experience and attitude alternative medicine. Dietitians' are the most suitable occupational group as specialists in food therapy, an area of alternative medicine with an emphasis on preventive medicine. According to the survey results, 59.5% of dietitians' were aware of alternative medicine, and 60.5% recognized it as an area of medicine focused on prevention and not accepted as part of orthodox medicine. In terms of the perception alternative medicine, 95.4% of respondents said that food therapy is important. Regarding the role of food therapy, it was answered that it is effective in parallel with the treatment modern medicine. The tendency to use scientifically proven therapies such as functional foods, diet therapy, and vitamin therapy was clearly shown. The reason for using food therapy in the future is ‘effective as an adjunct therapy for maintenance and treatment of health’, and the reason why not it ‘lack of scientific evidence’. Similar trends were observed in each group. utilize food therapy in alternative medicine, preliminary work of scientific standardization(4.21 points), professional manpower training through systematic education(4.17 points), accurate publicity and education on alternative medicine(4.15 points) . results can be used to derive and value of food therapy in alternative medicine.

      • KCI등재

        약선 요리의 구매동기, 선택속성, 구매태도의 구조적 관계 연구

        최성웅(Sung Woong Choi),김태순(Tae Soon Kim) 한국조리학회 2011 한국조리학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        curing and maintaining customers of medicinal food restaurants and proposes efficient management directions for medicinal food in the food service industry. The higher the level of medicinal food that can satisfy consumer demand for health such as prevention of adult diseases, fat content, organic food, etc, the more the purchasing motives of medicinal food including repurchase intention and recommendation are shown. The result of the hypothesis testing shows that the purchasing motives in the influencing factors such as prevention of adult diseases, fat content, organic food, food balance have significant influence on satisfaction in the mediating factors. Based on these analysis results, this study offers useful information about medicinal food and management of a restaurant specializing in medicinal food.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사찰음식의 문화유산 가치와 전승 과제

        배영동 비교민속학회 2019 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.69

        Unlike general Korean foods, Korean Buddhist temple foods containing Buddhist ideas are cultural heritage items which have developed along with Buddhist rituals. It goes without saying that Korean Buddhist temple foods have considerable elements in common with general Korean foods. However, they are separated by the characteristic that they avoid meat, fish and five pungent herbs based on Buddhist principles. Balwu-Gongyang is a communal Buddhist meal service, which is a typical cultural phenomenon that well represents Korean Buddhist temple foods. Many aspects in the cultural heritage of Balwu-Gongyang are as follows: Buddhist discipline based on Buddhist principles, wisdom of ecological adaptation, inheritance of a type of simple daily Korean food, foods as medicines preventing and healing diseases, realization of Korean ‘communal values’ and ‘the value of sharing’, and eco-friendly saving and complete consumption. Next, the extension of the food range of Balwu-Gongyang leads to the cultural heritage value in seasonal foods of Korean Buddhist temples. This cultural heritage contains fixed forms of general people’s ritual foods and Korean Buddhist seasonal foods considerably. This is a heritage of food culture that reflects changes in Korean foods, and also a communal cultural heritage of general people and Korean Buddhist temples. Nevertheless, as Korean Buddhist temple foods have not been identified completely, there are various things to do in order to pass down these temple foods properly. Traditionality of Korean Buddhist temple foods needs to be recovered. Each temple should develop its own unique temple foods. Seasonal temple foods that are forgotten need to be restored or represented. It is necessary to prepare a system of passing down traditional Buddhist temple foods. Buddhist temple foods in Korea should be systemized and recorded periodically after academic surveys of these foods are conducted. Distinctions between traditional temple foods and contemporary ones are necessary. How to merchandize temple foods for the public needs to be established as well. 한국의 사찰음식은 일반적인 한식과 달리 불교사상을 담고 있는 음식으로서 불교의례와 더불어 발달한 문화유산이다. 물론 사찰음식은 일반적인 한식의 요소도 상당히 갖고 있지만, 불교사상에 기초하여 육류․생선․오신채(五辛菜)를 쓰지 않는 음식이라는 특징을 보인다. 발우공양은 사찰의 식사법으로 사찰음식을 이해할 수 있는 대표적인 문화현상이다. 발우공양의 문화유산 가치를 찾아보면, 불교사상에 기초한 불교 수행론의 문화유산, 생태적 적응의 지혜를 간직한 문화유산, 간소한 일상적 한식의 유형을 전승하는 문화유산, 병을 예방하고 치유하는 음식으로서 의료문화유산, 한국인들의 ‘공동체적 가치’와 ‘나눔의 가치’를 실현하는 문화유산, 절약과 완전소비를 추구하는 생태주의 문화유산이다. 다음으로 사찰 세시음식의 문화유산 가치는, 발우공양 음식의 범주가 확장된 것이며, 민간 의례음식의 고형과 불교세시음식의 고형을 상당히 많이 간직하고 있는 문화유산, 한국 음식의 변화상을 반영한 음식문화유산으로서, 민간과 사찰의 공동체적 문화유산이다. 그런데도 사찰음식은 정체성이 모호한 부분이 있으므로 바람직한 전승을 위한 과제가 적지 않다. 사찰음식의 전통성 회복, 사찰마다 특색있는 음식 살리기, 잊힌 사찰 세시음식의 복원 또는 재현, 전통적 사찰음식의 전수체계 마련, 전국 사찰음식에 대한 학술조사 후 체계화와 주기적인 기록화, 전통적인 사찰음식과 현대적인 사찰음식의 구분, 사찰음식의 대중 상품화 방안 모색 등이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재후보

        약용식물자원을 중심으로 한 건강기능식품 국내 특허 동향분석

        송준호,양선규,최고야,문병철 한약정보연구회 2020 한약정보연구회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this investigation is to analyze for the Korean patent application trends of health functional foods based on the medicinal plant resources. An electronic search for health functional foods was conducted in WIPSON DB (https://www.wipson.com). Korean patents that were registered between January 1, 2008, and October 14, 2019, were selected in the present study. The principal applicants and organizations, target diseases and their technologies, the number of a valid patent, Korean, scientific, and medicinal names of medicinal plants and their classified patents were provided. A total of 1,404 patents were included in this study. The health functional food patents using medicinal plants applied to the disease content includes metabolic (477 cases, 34.0%), immune (143 cases, 10.2%), cutaneous (122 cases, 8.7%), neurodegenerative (97 cases, 6.9%), and musculoskeletal diseases (81 cases, 5.8%). The most patent applications in this study belonged to the Korea Food Research Institute (124 cases). The frequently intended medicinal plant families for the patent of health functional foods belonged to Asteraceae (33 species), followed by Fabaceae (15 species), Apiaceae (13 species), Rosaceae (12 species), Lamiaceae (10 species), Araliaceae (10 species). Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. (Ginseng Radix) was the most used for various diseases (12/18 classified patents). The patent information is useful for inventing new patent of health functional foods using medicinal plant resources. Moreover, these data should be connected in various research fields such as economic botany, herbal medicine, alternative, and complementary medicine.

      • KCI등재

        식약공용 한약재의 관리 방안에 관한 연구

        권기태 ( Kee Tae Kweon ) 대한본초학회 2012 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        Objectives:This article reviews a solution preventing the illegal distribution of herbal medicine in common use for food and medicine and risks on public health by conducting safety management of food and medicine. Also, this article would like to contribute to improvement of public health treating diseases in compliance with accurate diagnosis and prescription of Oriental Medicine Doctor("OMD")`s. Methods:An approach in this research can be categorized into two : first, to examine the current administrative situation and problems of herbal medicine in common use for food and medicine based on policy documents of Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korea Food and Drug Adminstration("KFDA") and academic articles of the herbal medicine;second, to find reasonable administrative solutions to solve the problems. Solutions:A solution is to strengthen the management level of herbal medicine in common use for food and medicine by selecting 117 items as target items requiring concentrated management. In case herbal medicine is imported for food, KFDA strengthens the quality management level of herbal medicine by making use of inspection frequency at random, collecting and verifying herbal medicine on the market. However, KFDA decides to maintain current different quality specification system of food and medicine reflecting a civil complaint that quality specification of food and medicine should separately managed according to the purpose of use. Herbal medicine as medicine that is functioned as treating diseases and alleviating symptoms, unlike herbal medicine for food, can cure all kinds of diseases by recovering inner balance of human body, making use of other properties of herbal medicine. Medicine has its own properties. If a doctor uses properties of medicine appropriately, he cures diseases. If a doctor uses herbal medicine inappropriately, he may damage human body, Thus, whether side effects of medicine depend on a doctor who uses herbal medicine, Conclusions:All herbal medicine will be supplied into the market after strict safety control of manufacturers of herbal medicine according to the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, beginning in April, 2012. Thus, people can take safer and more reliable herbal medicine through strengthening safety management of herbal medicine and improving quality and transparency in the distribution system. Herbal medicine should appropriately be prescribed by licensed OMD because herbal medicine is used to treat diseases and alleviate symptoms, unlike herbal medicine for food.

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