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        한국인 알코올 의존 환자에서 알코올 대사 효소 유전자형 빈도의 남녀 차이

        김성곤,김철민,이덕기,황인복,이현숙,김성연,전은숙,송영상,박제민,최병무,김명정 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.2

        Objectives : There are a number of preceding epidemiological studies reporting gender differences in the genetic etiology of alcohol dependence. The author investigated gender difference in the frequencies of ADH2 and ALDH2 genoypes between the patients with alcohol dependence and normal control. Methods : The subjects were 141 alcohol dependent patients (104 males, 37 females) and 138 normal control (79 males, 59 females). The frequencies of 1/1 and 1/2+2/2 (2+ afterward) genotypes for ADH2 and ALDH2 were investigated in male and female between alcohol dependence and normal control group. DNA was extracted from WBC in peripheral venous blood and PCR-RFLP method was used out for genotyping. Results : First, the frequency of ADH2 1/1 genotype was significantly higher in alcohol dependent patients than normal control in both genders. Second, while there was no gender difference in the frequency of ADH2 1/1 genotype in normal controls, in the patient group however, the frequency was significantly higher in females than males. Third, in male subjects with alcohol dependence, the frequency of ALDH2 1/1 genotype was significantly higher than in male normal control subjects. On the other hand, in female subjects with alcohol dependence, the frequency of ALDH2 2+ genotype was significantly higher than in female normal control subjects. Conclusion : These results suggest that while the risk of alcohol dependence is predominantly affected by ALDH2 1/1 geno-type in male, the female ADH2 1/1 genotype is mainly associated with the risk of alcohol dependence. This means that there are gender differences in the genetic etiology of alcohol dependence.

      • KCI등재

        24주간 추적하는 임상 연구에서 한국인 남자 알코올 의존 환자의 비재발률

        강철중,김성곤,남궁기,조동환,이병욱,최인근,최용성,박성봉,제영묘,김현경,김성연 大韓神經精神醫學會 2006 신경정신의학 Vol.45 No.1

        Objetives : In order to provide useful data tbr the further clinical studies with Korean alcohol-dependent patients, enrollment and non-relapse rates were investigated while alcohol-dependent patients wcre followed up for 24 weeks. Methods : The subjects of this study were alcohol-dependent male patients who, for the first time, visited a hospital among 3 groups of hospitals, University Hospital, General Hospital or Mental Hospital, or those who needed to be followed up after discharge from those hospitals. After assigning 12 subjects to each hospital, we investigated enrollment and non-relapse rates while cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy were provided. Results : 1) Forty-eight patients were enrolled and the rate of enrollment was 36.4%. The enrollment rate in the University Hospital group was 52.1%, in the General Hospital group 50.0%. and in the Mental Hospital group 10.4%. 2) In 48 patients, non-relapse rate was 27.1% at 12 week and 18.8% at 24 weeks after starting follow-up. It was 24.4% and 20.0% at 12 and 24 weeks, repectively, in the University Hospital group while the General Hospital group showed 33.3% and 16.7%, respectively, and the Mental Hospital Group showed 20.0% at both 12 and 24 weeks. Conclusion : These results provide important data for further clinical studies of Korean alcohol-dependent patients.

      • KCI등재

        헤어리베치 신품종 조생종 콜드그린과 중만생종 청파의 생육특성 및 수량성

        신정남(Chung Nam Shin),고기환(Ki Hwan Ko),김종탁(Jong Tak Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee),서성(Sung Seo),성병렬(Byung Ryul Seong),최기준(Gi Jun Choi),김종덕(Jong Duk Kim),오명곤(Myung Gon Oh) 한국초지조사료학회 2007 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        본 시험의 목적은 대구 경북에 자생하는 헤어리베치로 다수성 조생품종과 중만생품종을 개발하기 위하여 수행하였다. 경북 성주와 경남 사천에서 1998년부터 2006년까지 자료수집 및 순화, 생육이 왕성한 조생 및 중만생계통선발, 상호교잡의 단순순환선발법으로 조생종인 콜드그린과 중만생종인 청파를 육성하였다. 육성종자는 2004년부터 2006년까지 경북성주와 경남사천에서 생육특성과 수량을 평가하였다. 줄기의 털은 콜드그린과 청파는 있었으나, 헤이메이커프러스와 라티고는 없었다. 잎의 모양은 콜드그린은 엽폭이 넓은 장타원형이고, 청파, 헤이메이커프러스, 라티고는 좁은 장타원형이었다. 꽃색은 콜드그린은 자주색이고 청파는 보라색이었다. 내한성은 성주에서 콜드그린, 청파, 라티고가 헤이메이커프러스 보다 높았으며 사천에서는 차이가 적었다. 개화기는 콜드그린과 헤이메이커프러스가 조생종으로 유사했고 중만생종인 청파는 라티고 보다 다소 빨랐다. 성주에서 건물수량은 콜드그린이 다른 품종 보다 높았으며 청파와 헤이메이커프러스는 라티고 보다 높았다(P<0.05). 2005년 사천에서는 콜드그린과 헤이메이커프러스는 다른 품종보다 높았으며, 청파는 라티고 보다 높았다(P<0.05). 베치의 조단백질 함량은 높고 ADF의 함량은 낮았다. The objective of this research was to develop a high yielding, early and medium-late flowering new hairy vetch(Vicia villosa Roth) varieties derived from an accession in Korea. Most vigorous early and medium-late flowering hairy vetch lines were selected and crossed by open pollination and their seeds were bulked and plants were reselected at Seongju in the Keongbuk and at Sacheon in the Keongnam. A performance trial was conducted to evaluate agronomic characteristics, forage quality and dry matter(DM) yield of new hairy vetch early-maturing 'Cold green' and medium-late maturing variety 'Cheong pa' at Seongju and Sacheon. 'Cold green' and 'Cheong pa' are hair but 'Haymaker plus' and 'Latigo' are nearly hairless. 'Cold green' has purple flowers while 'Cheong pa' has violet. The cold tolerance of 'Cold green,' 'Cheong pa' and 'Latigo' was higher than 'Haymaker plus' at Seong-ju, Keongbuk province, in inland region but there were a little differences at Sacheon, Keongnam province in southern coast region. Fifty percent-flowering dates of 'Cold green' and 'Haymaker plus' had earlier than others and 'Cheong pa' was earlier than 'Latigo'. The DM yield of 'Cold green' was higher than that of others, but 'Cheong pa' and 'Haymaker plus' had higher than 'Latigo' at Seong-ju(P<0.05). In Sacheon, The DM yield of 'Cold green' and 'Haymaker plus' was higher than others and 'Cheong pa' had higher than 'Latigo'.

      • 장애 아동의 체육수업 개선 방안 탐색

        김성곤 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        This study investigate the method of reforming the physical education classes for children with mental retardation. Four children with mental retardation and three parents were interviewed to investigate the method of reforming the physical education classes for children with disabilities. The data collection methods employed qualitative interviewing for the elementary school & middle school students with mental retardation and their parents. The data were analyzed by case record analysis and the trustworthiness of data was proved by member check, peer debriefing, and triangulation. Major finding can be summarized as the follow: 1) All students with mental retardation experienced the feelings of humiliation, frustration, embarrassment, and isolation in school education. 2) They were subjected to criticism and harassment by their peers. 3) All students and their parents preferred physical education to all the other subjects, because physical activity is the most important factor to the healthy-life. Therefore, all physical education teachers, special physical educators should be focused on health-related fitness and their abilities with mental retardation. 4) Intensive on-site in-service training should be made in order to increase cooperative attitudes among teachers and peers towards children with disability. 5) This study reiterates that collaboration through intensive on-site in-service and consultation assistance can be most effective in improving the quality of educational service to support inclusion for children with special need in physical education.

      • KCI등재

        PET/CT를 이용하여 진단한 구강암의 증례

        김영희,양병은,조영민,김성곤 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2006 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.36 No.2

        PET/CT is a new imaging technology that combines high-quality Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT). This imaging provides simultaneous anatomical and metabolic information. Therefore PET/CT is useful diagnostic modality for early detection of malignant tumor, accurate staging, decision on therapeutic plan, monitoring response to therapy and rapid detection of recurrence. We report oral and maxillofacial cancers diagnosed by using PET/CT and the usefulness of PET/CT in the evaluation of postoperative recurrence.

      • 교육 지도자들이 지각하는 스포츠 가치 지향

        김승곤,이세형,양명환 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1997 체육과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this survey research was to examine the value orientations as perceived by physical education teachers & coaches, community sport leaders and other academic teachers. Specifically. the research problems were twofold, First, to investigate whether differences on selected sport values were significantly related to gender, age, and educational leaders. Second, to investigate what social values emphasized by physical education teachers & coaches, community sport leaders and other academic teachers during educational training. Subjects were 229 educational leaders(l52 male and 77 female leaders) selected from the 4 high schools, a community sport club and '97 community sport leaders training course in Cheju National University. Data for the study were collected by menas of 10 items questionnaire and focus group interview. A 5-point Likert scale, strongly disagree(1)~strongly agree(5). was used to measure the value orientation of sport. Frequency analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows. First. Male leaders rated significantly higher patriotism score than did female leaders. while female leaders showed significantly higher cultivation of leadership score than did male leaders. Second, Sport related leaders perceived significantly higher level of social development. good citizenship, respect for authority. self-discipline, leadership. prevention of social deviation. composite value scores than did the other academic teachers. Third, twenties leaders showed significantly higher social development, respect for authority, leadership scores than did thirties leaders and above forties leaders. Also. twenties leaders rated significantly higher competition in good faith and cooperation, self-discipline scores than did above forties leaders. Fourth, sport related leaders emphasized attitudes of do one's best, honesty and sincerity. perseverance. spirit of fair play, self-regulation and responsibility, consideration for others. the rules of etiquette, mental health, positivity, and physical health. Academic teachers stressed attitudes of honesty and sincerity, self-regulation and responsibility, do one's best, consideration for others, positivity.

      • KCI등재

        컨테이너 터미널 적정 능력에 대한 비교 분석

        김창곤,장성용 한국해운물류학회 2005 해운물류연구 Vol.44 No.-

        컨테이너 터미널 능력은 선석능력과 야드능력으로 구성되어 있다. 선석과 야드는 상호 의존적인 관계에서 작업이 이루어지기 때문에, 선석능력과 야드능력이 균형을 이루어 터미널 능력을 향상하도록 해야 한다. 선박에 대한 서비스 수준이 높아질수록 선석점유율은 낮아지고 선석능력도 낮게 평가된다. 또한 야드에서 컨테이너 장치기간이 길어지면 서비스 수준은 높아지고, 야드능력은 낮게 평가된다. 따라서 터미널 능력은 고객에 대한 적정 서비스 수준을 유지하면서 처리가능한 물동량을 기준으로 평가되어야 하며, 이때 선석능력과 야드능력이 균형을 이루어야 한다. The capacity of a container terminal is composed of berth and yard capacity, which depend on each other. The capacity of a container terminal can be increased when berth and yard capacity are increased at the same rate. In addition, the higher the level of service provided by a container terminal, the lower the berth occupancy rate. As a result, the terminal capacity might be estimated low compared to the actual capacity. Besides, the longer dwell time of containers at yard, the higher the level of service to each container. To keep service level to the customers, container terminals should keep standard capacity to match customers request.

      • 스포츠와 攻擊性 : 定義的·理論的 考察 Definitional and Theoretical Considerations

        김승곤 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        Human agression is a problem in society as well as in sport. Agression is any form of behavior directed to the goal of harming or injuring another being. The key element in this defintion is the notion of intent to harm. We have identified two basic kinds of aggression. In hostile aggression, the primary goal is the injury of another humaning. In instrument aggression, the reinforcement is an external reward such as winnig. Assertive behavior involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve one's purpose. Aggression may be measured in terms of the personality trait of aggressiveness or through situation-specific state measures of aggression. Trait measures of aggression are genearlly ascertained through projective techniques and pencil-and-paper tests. State measures of aggression include laboratory test such as the shock box and field test such as behavior observation and archival studies. There are three major theories that attempt to explain why athletes are aggressive. These theoretical positions are extremely important because they make some very basic assumptions aboot the origin of aggressive behavior and the prospects for changing it. Accoding to instinct theory, aggression was unavoidable since it was innate, but as with any drive it could be regulated through dischage or fulfillment. Frustration-aggression theory proposes that aggression occurs as a result of frustration. Social learning theory regards aggression as a learned response. Findings from examination of aggression-performance relationships have yielded more conflicting results. The problems associated with investigation aggression-performance relationship can be classified as conceptual, methodological, or interpretive. Based upon the research problems outlined, the following suggestions are made for future research. First, Future studies not only should be based upon a theoretical framework but also should test the theory or some aspect of it Second, Studies should distinguish between aggressive and assertive behavior as well as beteween instrumental and reactive aggression. Third, Researchers should attempt to determine how the level and type of sport, as well as the gender, mediate aggression-performance relationships. Fourth, Conclusions about causality should not be drawn from correlation data.

      • 엘리트 스포츠에 대한 제주도민의 의식 조사 연구

        김승곤,정찬식 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1998 체육과학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present the desirable ways of elite sport through the research of the consciousness of elite sport in Cheju-do To achieve the above.539 Cheju people were asked 56 questions about elite sport through questionnaires. And in this paper. T- test. ANOVA and x2(chi-squares) test methods through the use SAS were used to statistical significance. The concrete problem drawn from such an analysis are summarized as follows: 1. It is certain that most of the Cheju people trend to have a negative reply in the role of elite sport about promotions of sports itself or social relation. Most Cheju islanders think that elite sports seldom influence the social union, and the sound atmosphere of our nation. Therefore, to solve this problem, elite sport must be connected with the School sports and sport for all. 2. Cheju islanders consciousness about influence of sports activity is changing toward affirmative attitude after eighty-decade years. This result seems to be desirable to develop elite sport. 3. In a question of a sports administrative organization for athletes. most of cheju islanders trend to have a negative attitude about the chief of government or businessmen centered sports administrative activities. only physical directors sympathize with the leading role of an athletic organization. And both of them have no interest in relation to between the system of an local sport council and financial support from an local self-governing. 4. From the viewpoint of caring for student athletes. they dont think about many schools make an effort to cut down on a loss of student athletes schoolwork. and they also take preferential treatments and a scholarship for entering upon schooling as a matter of course. Especially they have a high opinion of school costs and offering lodging and boarding in the benefits of student athletes schoolwork. 5. Cheju islanders have not answer affirmative answer toward the local representative athletes or teams, but they agree to the necessity of the exchange between the elites from the different area and camp training. And they also know that the system of prize for elite athletes should be improved. 6. It is shown that an event or all-round games contribute to the activation of local athletics. and rearing for elite athletes. either. In relation to the managing a tournament, they note that the point to be considered are general indifference, an excessive competition. government-centered management, an excessive expenses in finance. the time fixed for an athletic meeting, managing an event. manpower mobilization, and a very extensive scale. 7. As regards the influence of community development through inducing or joining a nation athletic meet, they emphasize the progress of the athletes ability. After all. our cheju islanders think that the cooperation of mass communication must be needed to develop elite sports. And they question the problem of connection between the scientific program for elite sport and sports for all. Lastly they call for the conversion of understanding elite sport, the local dispersion of central sports event, and the reorganization of the sport government setups for elite.

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