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      • Slide Session : OS-IFD-07 ; Infectious Disease : In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus

        ( Myung Jin Lee ),( Kye Hyung Kim ),( Jong Youn Yi ),( Su Jin Choi ),( Chung Jong Kim ),( Nak Hyun Kim ),( Kyoung Ho Song ),( Pyoeng Gyun Choi ),( Ji Hwan Bang ),( Wan Beom Park ),( Eu Suk Kim ),( San 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Ribavirin Against Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Myung Jin LEE1, Kye-Hyung KIM1, Jongyoun YI2, SuJin CHOI1, Chung-Jong KIM1, Nak- Hyun KIM1, Kyoung-Ho SONG1, Pyoeng Gyun CHOI1, Ji-Hwan BANG1, Wan Beom PARK1, Eu Suk KIM1, Sang-Won PARK1, Hong Bin KIM1, Nam Joong KIM1, Myoung- Don OH1 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea1, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Korea2 Background: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a novel Bunyavirus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). No effective antiviral therapy is proven yet, but clinical use of ribavirin (RBV) has been tried. We investigated the antiviral effect of RBV against SFTSV in vitro. Methods: To test for cytotoxicity of RBV, Vero cells were treated with different concentrations of RBV (3.90 to 500 μg/mL, two-fold dilution) and analyzed by cell viability MTS assay 48h post-infection. To determine antiviral activity of RBV against SFTSV, Vero cells were infected with SFTSV strain Gangwon/Korea/2012 at 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose) per well in a 96-well plate, and RBV was added at the concentrations showing no or minimal cytotoxicity. Viral RNAs were extracted from the culture supernatants and quantifi ed using one-step real-time reverse transcription- PCR to amplify the partial large segment of SFTSV. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA with Tukey`s post hoc test. Results: Cytotoxicity due to RBV was not observed at RBV concentration =31.3 μg/ mL. Viral RNAs at 24h post-RBV treatment were reduced with increasing RBV concentrations (1-32 μg/mL), compared with those of mock-treated cells (P <0.01, Figure). Half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of RBV was 3.69 μg/mL at 24h post-RBV treatment. Conclusions: Our study shows that RBV has antiviral effect against SFTSV in a dose-dependent manner. Further studies are required to evaluate the effi cacy of RBV in SFTS.

      • KCI등재

        Group Size And Measure Of Group-Level Properties

        Kim,Kyoung-Su,Kim In-Sook,Jun,Gyung-Ju,Yang,Dong-Min 한국인적자원관리학회 2009 인적자원관리연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Bliese와 Halverson(1998)은 집단수준의 효과를 분석하는데 있어서 기존에 사용되어 온 eta-squared 보다는 eta-squared 값이 사용되어야만 한다는 것을 주장하였다 그러나 이들이 제시한 수정된 eta-squared 접근은 다음과 같은 한계점을 가지게 되는 바 첫째, 이 접근법은 개인수준의 데이터를 집단 수준의 데이터로 만드는데 있어서의 정당성을 제공하는 기준을 구체적으로 제시하고 있지 못하다는 것을 들 수 있고, 둘째, 이 접근법은 또한 집단 내 효과를 용인하고 분석하는 기준을 제공하고 있지 못하다는 점을 들 수 있다 본 논문에서는 이러한 한계점을 극복할 수 있는 몇 가지의 대안을 제시하고 있으며, 이와 더불어 개인수준의 데이터를 집단 수준으로 만드는 것에 대한 정당성을 위한 또 하나의 추가적인 절차를 제시하였다 Bliese and Halverson(1998) argue that corrected eta-squared, rather than eta-squared, should be used for analyzing group-level effects However, their proposed corrected eta-squared approach has the following limitations (1) it fails to specify a criterion for justifying the aggregation of individual-level data to the group level and (2) it fails to specify a criterion for analyzing and allowing for within-group effects In this paper, we suggest several alternatives that overcome these limitations We suggest an additional procedure for justifying the aggregation of individual-level data to the group level

      • KCI등재후보

        광주지역 소아에서 유행한 호흡기바이러스 유행양상 분석

        서진종,김민지,김선희,기혜영,정재근,김은선,박종태,김경심,이수야,김명권,정윤석 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.4

        Background : This investigation was to perform the epidemiological surveillance and genetic analysis on respiratory viral agents from children with acute respiratory infections in Gwangju. Materials and Methods : For this study, 3,695 specimens obtained from patients with acute respiratory infections were collected by collaboration with pediatric hospitals in Gwangju between 2005 and 2007. Specimens were screened for 8 respiratory viruses including influenza viruses (IFV), human rhinoviruses (HRV), human coronaviruses (HCoV), adenoviruses (ADV), parainfluenza viruses (PIV), human enteroviruses (HEV), respiratory synthitial viruses (RSV) and human bocaviruses (HBoV). Respiratory viruses were detected using multiplex (RT) PCR with viral specific primers. Results : Out of 3,695 specimens, the ratio of virus detection was 24.9% (919). Overall, HRV (35.5%) and IFV (34.9%) were the most common viruses found, followed by HBoV (14.8%), HCoV (10.6%), RSV (3.7%), ADV (3.4%), PIV (3.2%) and HEV (3.0%). In addition, multiple infections were detected in 80 patients (8.7%). When the prevalence was analyzed according to season, HBoV, IFV and HCoV showed two epidemic points in late spring and early winter. ADV, HRV, RSV PIV and HEV, however, were all found to have only one epidemic point, with RSV being most common during winter and the others being most prominent during spring. Conclusions : Through this epidemiological surveillance, the respiratory viruses prevalent in children in Gwanaju area were investigated. We strongly recommend the development of nationwide policy for the management of prevalent respiratory virus that includes long term collection of data and samples, vaccine development and prevention education of the misuse of antibiotics.

      • Benzoyl peroxide의 환경에서의 초기 위해성 평가

        김미경,배희경,김수현,송상환,구현주,박광식,이문순,전성환,나진균 한국환경독성학회 2004 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Benzoyl peroxide is a High Production Volume Chemical, which is produced about 1,375 tons/year in Korea as of 2001 survey. The substance is mainly used as initiators in polymerization, catalysts in hte plastics industry, bleaching agents for flour nad medication for acne vulgaris. In this study, quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships(QSAR) are used for getting adequate information on the physical-chemical properties of this chemical. And hydrolysis in water, acute toxicity to aquatic and terrestrial organisms for benzoyl peroxide were studied. The physical-chemical properties of benzoyl peroxide were estimated as followed; vapor pressure=0.00929 pa, Log K_(ow)=3.43, Henry's Law constant=3.54×10^(-6) atm-m³/mole at 25℃, the half-life of photodegradation=3days and bioconcentration factor(BCF)=92. Hydrolysis half-life of benzoyl peroxide in water was 5.2hr at pH 7 at 25℃ and according to the structure of this substance hydrolysis product was expected to benzoic acid. Benzoyl peroxide has toxic effects on the aquatic organisms. 72 hr-ErC_(50)(growth rate) for algae was 0.44mg/L, 48hr-EC_(50) for daphnia was 0.07mg/L and the 96hr-LC_(50) of acute toxicity to fish was 0.24mg/L. Acute toxicity to terrestrial organisms(earth worm) of benzoyl peroxide was low(14 day-LC_(50)=>1,000mg/kg). Although benzoyl peroxide is high toxic to aquatic organisms, the substance is not bioaccumulated because of the rapid removal by hydrolysis (half life=5.2hr at pH 7 at 25℃) and biodegradation(8.% by BOD after 21days). The toxicity observed is assumed to be due to benzoyl peroxide rather than benzoic acid, which shows much lower toxicity to aquatic organisms. One can assume that effects occur before hydrolysis takes place. From the acute toxicity value of algae, daphnia and fish, an assessment factor of 100 was used to determine the predicted no effect concentration(PNEC). The PNEC was calculated to be 0.7㎍/L based on the 48hr-EC_(50) daphnia(0.07mg/L). The substance shows high acute toxicity to aquatic organisms and some information indicates wide-dispersive use of this substance. So this substance is a candidate for further work, even if it hydrolysis rapidly and has a low bioaccumulation potential. This could lead to local concern for the aquatic environment and therefore environmental exposure assessment is recommended.

      • KCI등재

        학교 직업교육이 장애인의 취업 및 임금에 미치는 영향

        김동일,김수정,김경선 한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원 2012 장애와 고용 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 학교에서 제공하는 직업교육 프로그램이 실제 장애인의 졸업 후 취업과 임 금에 영향을 미치는지 여부를 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 장애인고용패널 2008년도 데이터 를 사용하여 분석을 수행하였다. 장애인의 특성을 인구학적 변인, 노동환경 변인, 인적자 원변인으로 나누어 학교 직업교육여부에 따른 취업효과와 임금효과를 로지스틱 회귀분석 과 다중회귀분석을 통해 수행하였으며, 그 결과 학교 직업교육의 취업효과와 임금효과는 나타나지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 통제변수의 경우 남성이며 기혼이고 청각장애일수록, 장애가 경증일수록, 건강상태가 좋으며, 중소도시와 농어촌에 거주할 경우 취업률이 높아 지는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 장애정도에 따라 직업교육의 효과가 다르게 나타날 수 있으 므로 직업교육 및 장애유형과 장애정도의 상호작용항을 삽입한 결과 직업교육과 장애등 급과의 상호작용항이 취업여부에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 임금효과를 알 아보기 위한 다중회귀분석에서도 학교 직업교육 이수 여부에 따른 임금효과는 유의미하 지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 통제변수의 경우 인구학적 특성으로는 성별, 결혼여부, 장애등 급, 건강상태가, 노동환경 특성으로는 사업체 근로자수와 정규직 여부가, 인적자본 특성 으로는 경력과 자격증보유여부가 임금에 유의미한 영향력이 있는 변인으로 나타났다. This study examined the effect of the vocational Education on the probability of obtaining job and the amount of salary for individual with disabilities. The data analyzed was extracted from Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled and released by Korean Employment Agency for the Disabled. Logistic regression and multiple linear regressions were used to analyze the effectiveness of vocational education. The results of this study are as follows; First of all, the vocational education experience has no statistical significant impact on both the probability of obtaining job and the amount of salary. For control variables, males, individuals who has hearing impairment rather than physical disability and visual impairment, individuals with mild disability compare to those who have severe disability, individuals with good health, individuals who lived in small city compare to those in big cities has more probability of obtaining job. Control variables such as gender, marital status, disability level, work conditions, working experience, and license or certification were the variables which had casual effect on the amount of salary.

      • KCI등재

        3D Dental-CT를 이용한 상악 매복 과잉치의 진단 : 증례보고

        김재곤,김수경,양연미,백병주,김성희 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        과잉치는 법랑기(enamel organ)가 치배형성을 지속하거나 과도한 세포증식을 함으로써 발생한다. 과잉치는 상악 전방부에서 종종 발견되며, 유치열기와 혼합치열기에서 다양한 문제를 야기한다. 과잉치는 형태에 따라서 보충치(supplemental tooth)와 흔적치(rudimental tooth)로 나눌 수 있다. 보충치는 정상 절치와 크기 및 형태가 유사하나, 흔적치는 비정삭적인 형태와 작은 크기를 갖고 있다. 보충치는 영구 측절치 부위에서 호발하며 정상 전치와 유사한 형태와 크기를 갖고 있으므로, 발치시 주의를 기울여야 한다. 본 3증례는 상악 전방부에 정상 전치 형태의 과잉치를 갖는 증례들이다. 모든 증례에서, 치근단, 교합, 파노라마 방사선 사진 등의 기존 방사선 사진 촬영 외에 3Dimensional Dental-Computed Tomography(3D Dental-CT)를 촬영하여 진단하였다. 기존 일반 방사선 사진들(conventional radiographs)과 3D Dental-CT를 비교시, 일반 방사선 사진들은 2차원적인 영상만을 제공하여 상의 해석에 있어서 술자의 주관이 개입되는 한계가 있다. 반면 3D Dental-CT는 과잉치의 정확한 위치와 형태에 대한 객관적인 정보를 제공하며, 좀 더 보존적인 수술을 시행하고, 수술 시간과 스트레스를 줄이는데 유용하다. 그러므로 일반 방사선 사진 촬영 후 과잉치의 위치가 불분명하고 인접 영구치의 손상이 의심되는 경우 3D Dental-CT를 이용한 진단이 고려된다. Supernumerary teeth are teeth which result from the continued budding of the enamel organ of the preceding tooth or from excessive proliferation of cells. They are most often found in the maxillary anterior region. And they can be responsible for a variey of irregularities in the primary and transitional dentition. There are two morphological types of supernumerary teeth: supplemental and rudimentary. Supplemental teeth have normal shape and size. In contrast, rudimental teeth have abnormal shape and smaller size. Supplemental supernumerary teeth are most common in permanent lateral incisor area. Its extration must be decided more carefully with differential diagnosis between normal teeth, because it has nomal shape and size. We reports 3 cases of the normal incisor shaped teeth in the maxillary anterior region. In all cases, we used the 3D Dental-CT as well as the conventionl plain film such as periapical, occlusal, and panoramic ridiograph. Consequently, 3D Dental-CT was valualble to figure out the exact position and morphology of supernumerary teeth, to do more conservative surgery, and to reduce surgery stress and time.

      • 뇌성마비 아동의 운동 기능 발달을 위한 재활 치료

        김수경 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        This study is to review the rehabilitation treatment For motor Function development of children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy(CP) is characterized by nonprogressive abnormality in the developing brain that create a cascade of neurologic, motor, and postural deficits in the developing child. Although a pattern of motor and postural deficits is a defining Feature of CP, many secondary disorders typically coexist with this diagnosis. Cognitive, sensory, and psychosocial deficits often Compound motor impairments and subsequent functioning. Main principle of treatment for motor function development is sensorimotor approach Traditional sensorimotor approach are Bobath's NDT(Neurodevelopmental treatment), Vojta approach and Rood approach. The goal of rehabilitation program with CP is functional capacity enhance and improvement of life quality.

      • KCI등재

        Antiadhesive effect and safety of oxidized regenerated cellulose after thyroidectomy

        Kyoung Sik Park,Kyu Eun Lee,Do Hoon Ku,Su-Jin Kim,Won Seo Park2,Hoon Yub Kim3,,Mi Ra Kwon1,Yeo-Kyu Youn1 대한외과학회 2013 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.84 No.6

        Purpose: To evaluate the antiadhesive effects and safety of an oxidized regenerated cellulose (Interceed) after thyroidectomy. Methods: Seventy-six thyroidectomized patients were prospectively randomized into two groups with regard to the use of Interceed. We evaluated each group for their adhesive symptoms using four subjective and four objective items at the 2nd week, 3rd and 6th month after thyroidectomy. All patients were examined for vocal cord motility by indirect laryngoscope at each period. Results: Total adhesion scores at each postoperative follow-up period decreased with time, but were not significantly different in each group. The median score for swallowing discomfort for liquid was significantly lower in the Interceed group than in the control group 2 weeks after surgery. In addition, the severity of skin adhesion to the trachea was reduced in the Interceed group compared with the control group 6 months after surgery. During the study, there were no adverse effects or significant differences in postoperative complications between the groups. Conclusion: Interceed appeared to be safe and effective in improving neck discomfort at early postoperative periods and preventing skin adhesion to the trachea 6 months after thyroidectomy.

      • 금속 촉매를 이용한 poly-Si의 결정화에 관한 연구

        金善浩,李秀京,金泰延,康娜榮,金亨駿 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Nickel induced crystallization of amorphous silicon (a-Si) has been studied by selective deposition of Ni on a-Si thin films. The kinetics of crystallization for MIC was found to be greatly enhanced than that of SPC. Ni-induced crystallization is a promising technique for low-temperature fabrication of poly-Si thin-film transistors needed for large area applications. Lateral growth of polycrystalline silicon mediated by the formation of nickel silicide, has been successfully employed for the fabrication of high-performance TFTs. A-Si thin films on which Ni films were deposited with various thickness were crystallized as a function of annealing temperatures. Throughout the thesis work, wise choice of both the thickness of Ni and the annealing temperature was found to produce poly-Si films with high quality, thus potentially resulting in the production of TFTs with high performance.

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